An exploration of the link between languages and genes. A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PDF), has illustrated the relationship between between geography, linguistics, and genetic data. By comparing geographic data for phonemes and alleles, they have come to the conclusion that in most parts of the world, languages and genes exist in the same locations and often appear to have travelled along the same migration routes. Their abstract reads:
The overall result seems to be that language and ethnicity do share common geographic boundaries, if the effects of recent colonial history are ignored. Comments:2
Posted by Natives & Displacement on Sun, 24 Jan 2016 12:58 | # So happens that they are talking about Amerindian nativeness and displacement in The Americas at TOO as well:
A call for sympathy
“had been in the Americas since time immemorial” Again, it was 12-13,000 years, not time immemorial in evolutionary terms; and there are arguments that they had genocided Europeans who had come to America even earlier. 3
Posted by "Native American" orgins in Siberia on Sun, 24 Jan 2016 14:49 | #
Posted by One migration Siberia to America on Sun, 24 Jan 2016 15:05 | #
Posted by The Autochthony Argument on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 12:10 | # Dr. Greg Johnson has unearthed the term “autochthony” for what Kumiko and I have been discussing here. And as I discussed with her, I was not really suggesting that either of us seriously held the position that those who came to a land first and mutated in their distinction there have an absolute and incontestible warrant to that land on those grounds - Johnson is posing that matter as something of a straw-man, as if it is presented as an argument for absolute warrant. Still, it is a warrant, one among several, which Johnson discussed quite handily in this essay. For her part, Kumiko has told me that she does not maintain autochthony as absolute warrant - I knew that but am provoking argument for the sake of discussing these important matters - she recognizes autochthony as a factor among a complexity of factors which she will discuss with us. Here is an essential excerpt from Johnson’s essay, which resolves, as we would, to construct autonomous ethno-nations and amicable relations thereof:
Posted by Skolkovo on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 18:26 | #
Kumiko, It’d be very instructive to hear you talk about the example of Skolkovo, whether in comment or a post. Also about the ways in which The Russian Federation economy can be looked-upon as more contingent upon parasitic expansion, exploitation, extraction and trade in resources than based in responsible development of manufacturing and production. 7
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 26 Jan 2016 11:14 | # When I initially created that post, I wasn’t even considering that there would be an argument about it, given that my aim was merely to show that linguistics were strengthening the case for the existence of discrete population groups. In the case of Europe, it becomes pretty much indisputable that Europeans exist and are native to Europe. But no one else seems to have read the map in this way, instead everyone’s eyes seem to have become fixed on Siberia and the Americas. Pretty much all responses to this post seem to contain a basic element of hypocrisy, in the sense that everyone usually speaks of ‘universal ethno-nationalism’, as though there is some kind of measure of justice to be found in ‘autochthony’, but then as soon as a map is presented which happens to show the United States and Siberia in colours that are not blue, lots of hemming and hawwing starts up from pretty much everyone. I didn’t even say anything about those places, it was simply automatic. I’ve maintained for a long time that moralistic arguments carry almost no weight at all, and that the best arguments come from economic power and military power arguments unfiltered. Everyone else seems to in reality think the same, although they don’t like to say it. When I put up this article initially, I was not intending to explore this argument, but that is the response that has pretty much been given, so I think it’s appropriate that I can now start saying these things. Usually when I talk about the use of force, people say ‘no, we are ethno-nationalists so that is not allowed’, and so on. But in the end, if it serves someone’s interests they will advocate the use of force, and they will support using material assets gained from past imperial conquests. Well, I support the same, but in different ways. I just hope that after this, no one in the movement will be coming to me telling me that they dislike my ‘amoral’ approach to geopolitics, or that they think I’m ‘too much of a warmonger’. I’m no more and no less of an unrepentant warmonger than any of the rest of them are. The logic behind Greg Johnson’s article can be used to support just about any foreign policy action anyone could care to think of, it’s just that up until now, no one had actually decided to write it down. Particularly that line, “at least if one creates something great, the suffering and strife need not be in vain”. In the future when people get mad with me for supporting conflicts that they don’t like (eg, anything involving getting oil and natural gas to power factories), I’ll just quote that kind of thing back at people. 8
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 26 Jan 2016 13:55 | # Kumiko, I think that you are being a bit sensitive. More, autocthony and the genetic-linguistic links are a warrant to land, just not the only warrant and not completely unassailable. Nevertheless, they are stronger arguments than you seem to grant in this comment of yours; you seem almost to be going to another extreme, to sheer industrial/technological might-makes right. My concern about the Euro space indicated in blue is not that it confirms the existence of European peoples (gee, thanks), but that it is a niggardly portion of the Earth’s turf and the implication of Asians is overly generous by that metric. Of course this metric matters too, but yes, you are right that in the grand scheme of things, ability to use land and resources is probably more meaningful. Nevertheless, I have respect for people who will leave nature alone - even if its because they cannot do anything with it. Even if they are nomads, I don’t believe their claim is negligible. Even more-so if the more technologically advanced people don’t really need to take it from them and disrupt their way of life. Nevertheless, if the argument on behalf of Russia as opposed to Asia is technological advance… I’d love to hear what you have to say about the Skolkolv example, and the like difficulties in developing an industrial economic base; along with common criticisms of Russia’s appropriation and use of land. More, though I did not post that part of his article, it seems that Johnson was taking a bit of jab at us - me, for the argument (and maybe having posed one too many pictures of sympathetic looking, Amerindian looking native Asians) that Asia was contestable turf, particularly a place like Birobizhan - and you for the fact that your more personal EGI are impacted over in those parts. While we can agree, as ethnonationalists, that Jews should be largely confined to an ethnostate, that we do not want to spread Jews around, say to Birobidzhan also, it seems a deliberate slap in the face for him to have arbitrarily suggest that gypsies should be sent there:
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 26 Jan 2016 23:52 | # Okay, I see four basic points here which I want to address, so I’ll address them briefly one after the other: 1. Europe is not exactly a small or meagre area of the planet in my view. It’s a particularly choice area because it contains a wide agricultural belt across western and central Europe and in eastern Europe. It has no risk of water scarcity, and with the exception of the southwestern Iberian peninsula it doesn’t sit across any major subduction zones and so the risk of earthquakes and tsunamis is pretty low, and overall the area that is visible is habitable with a fairly low overhead. It’s not exactly a bad place to be based, I think. 2. Regarding respect for those who leave the land alone, of course, yes, in many cases it’s better for people not to develop some areas, because overdevelopment can actually end up being unsustainable. It’s also the case that in might makes right, while technological sophistication is an exponent of destructive force, a more unsophisticated group can use someone else’s weapons to inflict defeat on an invader, as was seen in Vietnam and Afghanistan. 3. Skolkovo was simply an amazing example of Russia’s inability to do anything productive without the overhead going into the stratosphere due to looting and a lack of actual innovation:
Everyone from all over the world was invited, nothing of any partcularly note happened, but Vekselberg and many others managed to somehow loot a lot of money out of the pot which no one could actually account for, and no innovation happened. But why did no innovation happen? Well:
4. Johnson seems to think that Siberia is the waste-dump of Europe or something, which only further demonstrates that Russia can’t be trusted with the land, as I argued in a recent news post. 10
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 27 Jan 2016 00:40 | #
Choice land or not, it is not nearly enough, and especially not when it is being invaded. But that is too large a topic to detail just yet. However, I’d like to add some weight to the argument that Russia doesn’t necessarily have claim to lands due to advanced stewardship - you’ve located a significant counter-argument in a pattern of Russia’s mismanagement of land, resources and in failed development.
Pollution Krasnokamensk is an example of their wonderful land and industrial stewardship. It is a Russian Federation city in a once native Asian area along the Chinese border that is now suffering devastating pollution:
“Natures mistake”, The Aral Sea is another classic example. The once vast sea that imposed itself on the globe of my childhood was drained-off into irrigation channels for a “great” Soviet cotton farming project. It destroyed the local way of life and sustenance, leaving a toxic desert instead in its wake - among its catastrophic effects, windswept toxic sand causing lung disease among the native peoples. 11
Posted by Russia's sea & land stewardship on Wed, 27 Jan 2016 10:05 | #
While China, India, other places in Asia and Western nations do not necessarily get highest accreditation, Russia’s stewardship hardly ranks incontestable sea and land-use warrant. But give credit where credit is due: Russia invented fracking. 12
Posted by Kant's house: neoclassical Putinism on Thu, 28 Jan 2016 03:08 | # Neoclassical Putinism: 13
Posted by Kant is a moron on Thu, 28 Jan 2016 09:36 | # More worthy stewardship - of legacy Kant is a moron
Posted by Russia/Russian on Thu, 28 Jan 2016 21:20 | #
Precisely, that is why I (DanielS) have tried to be careful to use the word Russia where critical. Carry on ..
This is my contention of how Russia/Russians should be treated in White nationalism: their Federation and rule looked upon with the same extreme criticism that White Nationalists (at their best) have learned to apply to Western governments and empire building…. I.e., while we ought to observe patterns among the sheeple, it is the elite, as White Leftists, that we need to hold most accountable to leading our people astray and into unnecessary injustice and conflict with others. He goes on…
And that despite the understandable rancor that adjacent nationals can sometimes retain toward Russians as a whole - which has grounds as well, as there were conflicts resulting in vast deaths of neighboring peoples, obfuscation of peoplehood and appropriation of land resulting from non-Jewish Russian aspects - that indeed, one must identify the influence of Jews in Russian and Russia’s policy and practice, if one wants to be fair to ethnonationalist warrant in distinguishing it from what are perhaps expressions of Jewish instigation…
And this Russian-people-based ethno-natioalism in a more natural and manageable delimited territory, is “the carrot” that we can uphold as positive incentive to cooperate with the European-Asian alliance…
The plot thickens
But despite complex relations, the White Nationalist instinct to treat Russians as fellow Whites is correct..
Posted by Ontology: Russian/not Russian required here on Thu, 28 Jan 2016 22:24 | # Continuing and coming to this part in the same Ostrogniew article, some ontological work, the kind of which GW has undertaken, would be necessary at this point to discern and tease apart what is rightfully described as Russian and what is not. With my basic understanding of the situation, I see some cities in there, such as Polotsk, which identified vehemently with others (non Russians) - in the case of Polotsk: Lithuanian Catholics - who were violently quelled by Russian imperialism - and in this instance, Peter the Great personally went into the Polotsk cathedral to kill leading Catholic priests who defied the Russian Orthodox church and Russian imperialism ..
Posted by beginnings of virulent Russian imperialism on Thu, 28 Jan 2016 23:05 | # And so we move into the sources of Russia’s imperialist aggrandizement to the utter destruction of racial biodiversity and ethno-nationalism proper:
And People wonder how, say, true Belarusian nationalists could hate Russia and wish to distinguish themselves from it? And that is a mere sample among vast grievance. Is Dugin a spin-doctor for The Eurasian Project? It would seem so. 17
Posted by Orthodoxy imposed Jew jurisdiction on Russia on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 00:11 | # Orthodox church imposed Jewish jurisdiction/ universalism on Russia Aha, indeed, The Abrahamic - Jewish jurisdiction established and imposed its race-mixing agenda upon Russia and the Russians through the Russian Orthodox Church:
Posted by Baptism into conflict of EGI on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 00:23 | # Baptism now enough to become “a Russian”, Asian groups begin to be mixed-in and conflicts of allegiance emerge:
Posted by European roots of Ukraine independence on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 11:51 | # Showing that Ukrainian nationalism and its movement for independence has legitimately and deeply sovereign European roots (where Victoria Nuland does not interfere); and its opposition has non-European roots..
Posted by European territorial grievance claims east on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 12:05 | # Strong evidence that territorial injustice is not a one way street: genocide and brutal territorial aggrandizement was not only the way of European peoples toward Asians - it has also been the case that European peoples could have rightfully dwelt some distance east (probably beyond the Urals) and suffered brutality, been killed and forced from their habitat by Asians…
Posted by Mongrel roots of Russian Federation on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 12:17 | # Mongrel roots of Russian Federation and its imperialist expansion, imposition against ethno-nationalism
Posted by Orthodoxy's key role in mongrel imperialism on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 12:38 | # Orthodox Church’s crucial role in mongrel imperialism
Posted by Moscowian Mongrel dominion over Rus on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 12:55 | # From Moscow, Mongrels establish dominion over Rus In opposition to the more European Rus, Mongrels establish dominion through a centralized control point, more Asiatic in blood - Moscow ..
Posted by internal Mongrel conflicts not Rus victory on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 13:11 | # Internal Mongrel conflicts dreamed and mythologized as native Rus rebellions and triumphs over the Mongrels..
Posted by Europa resists Othodox mongrelization on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 13:21 | # Rus, Poles, Lithuanians, Belarusians resist Othodox mongrelization: Orthodox Church sees opportunity for consolidating integration with despotic mongrelism; Rus and Poland/Lithuania (largely what we today know as Belarusians) resist the mongrelization..
Posted by Mongrel pre-emption of western liberation on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 14:24 | # Mongrel/Orthodox intervention - pre-emptive quelling of the liberation of Rus and the west..
Posted by Mongrelizing Orthodoxy expands empire on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 15:23 | # Mongrelizing Orthodox church consolidates Moscovy and bulwark against Europe, then turns its sights eastward…
Its mongrelizing sights were then set eastward…
All of the above commentary on the Counter Currents / Ostrogniew article by DanielS 28
Posted by Russians/Asians & DNA today on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 23:37 | # In Part 2, Ostrogniew continues to detail events of a Mongol and Tartar - generally what he calls “Asiatic” - persecution of Russians, the takeover of Russian lands and the expansion eastward into Asia, largely with the guise of the Orthodox church. I (DanielS) am prepared to believe his argument in significant parts and detail, though it is apparent that he may be over attributing “Asianness” both as a genetic fact and to some extent as a source of blame. At very best he is not doing much in the way of distinguishing kinds of Asians, e.g. Mongols from others; nor the fact that Tartars, e.g., were famous for having fought on the side of the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom. Those are just ready to hand counter arguments without having taken on a probing critque. Nevertheless, looking at Russia/Russians through Shiropayev is apparently a perspective convenient to the Catholic Church. While a useful premise to investigation, it resembles arguments of those who want to see every bad person as a Jew - only in the case of Shiropayev, every bad person is “an Asian” and/or acting under the aegis of the Orthodox Church. There is little reason to doubt that the inhabitants of Moscovy in times gone-by were not “clean” Europeans, i.e., that some were Asian and many were mixed, but it is also probable that Ostrogniew is understating, through the perspective of Shiropayev, the extent to which the Muscovy were of European extraction. Most people would look at today’s Russians and make an educated guess that they are “White” (European), with perhaps some Asian admixture, more or less here and there, among their people. Obviously, Shiropayev did not have DNA analysis at the time. Today’s population will not represent an exact corollary descent from populations of the time, but it would seem likely that it is proximate. And after all, if there was the kind of Asian hegemony that he describes, it should express itself in the DNA of the present Russian population. But it does not: Russians are 51% Northern European, 25% Mediterranean, 18% Southwest Asian (don’t get excited - all Europeans have about that much Southwest Asian, including Germans and English), and (only) 4% Northeast Asian. Speaking of which, Northeast Asians are among the “Asians” that Ostrogniew doesn’t distinguish in his description of nefarious Asian doings. Of course WN will be quick to note that Ostrogniew doesn’t have much to say about Jews either - at least not yet. Perhaps that part of the history is yet to come.. Lets wait on that and set out the DNA of a few more Asian groups before re-engaging Ostrogniew’s narrative, which I believe to be very useful nevertheless. Mongolian: 67% Northeast Asian, 12% Southwest Asian, 4% Native American, 9% Southeast Asian, 6% Northern European So, between Russians and Mongolians, not a great deal of admixture has come down to the present. Russians have 4% Northeast Asian and Mongolians have only 6% Northern European. Lets look at a few other populations: Japanese: 75% Northeast Asian, 25% Southeast Asian Altaian (Siberian): 53% Northeast Asian, 2% Mediterranean, 22% Southwest Asian, 4% Native American, 17% Northern European… Hmm, so there is a considerable amount of European in the Siberians - 17% - but who was screwing whom? Further inquiry needed. A final group we might look at.. Finnish: 7% Northeast Asian, 17% Mediterranean, 17% Southwest Asian, 57% Northern European The Finns have some Northeast Asian, but not a lot either. With the credulity of current DNA data, we might come back better equipped to evaluate, shape and craft Ostrogniew’s account through Shiropayev’s perspective, a specificatory structure on Russians/Asians..
Posted by "Faustian Spirit" or imperial genocide? on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 10:27 | # Kumiko, I understand that you are concerned with Ostrogniew’s narrative as it can provide a way for culpable Russians to weasel out of accountability; that you are keen on holding the White component of Russians accountable, as White, so as not to allow it off the hook where it has been blameworthy for not abiding in ethno-nationalist coordination.. Near the beginning of this next section comes the hole that you are looking for - i.e., where Russians, as Whites, may have been “blameworthy” expansionsists from an Asian perspective… As the Cossacks were exemplary “remnants of the original Nordic-Slavic spirit of Rus” with their “veneration of the military, longing for freedom and adventure, the clannish character of this specific warrior aristocracy, the tradition of combining authority of the leaders…their ‘Faustian spirit’ was cynically used by the Tsars to expand the Empire’s borders eastward”... That is obviously a positive spin, another version of “one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.”
Posted by decidedly non-European influences there on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 11:29 | #
Posted by Peter the Great on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 12:49 | # Peter the Great re-orients Russia Westward and toward its Northern European roots and The Enlightenment..
Posted by virulnce baked in the Russian cake on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 15:01 | # Peter represented a turn toward Europe, though the virulent Mongrel and Orthodox influence remained baked in - the cake became stabilized as Russian on balance.
Posted by Russian Othodox race mixing empire on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 15:47 | # The Russian Othodox Church’s race mixing empire
Posted by Orthodox mongrelizing imperialism on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 16:32 | # Orthodox mongrelizing imperialism
Posted by mongrel expansion on backs of Europe on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 17:53 | # The more western people were the builders and the serfs. The more Asian, mongrelized and Jewish were in ruling and middle classes as the empire expanded.
Posted by Frankenstein fights his monster on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 18:06 | # Shiropayev sees that Orthodox vs Bolshevik conflict as an in-fight between mongrels and Jews as to which group would head the Eurasian race-mixing project.
I do believe the Jewish side would be far more responsible than the Asiatic, as they are responsible for creating Christianity and thus, Orthodoxy as well as Bolshevism. Therefore, thei fighting with mongrels is akin to Frankenstein fighting with his monster. 37
Posted by key of Intermarium yet to account on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 18:21 | # Some correct description and aspirations along with some surprising heroes, means and symbols…
The price paid by them and the millions of Russians sandwiched between Judeo-Mongrelism and German esoterica, to “integrate it”, speaks for itself. Though part 2 has begun to speak of Jews and their adversarial role to ethnonationalism, their instigating role in pan mixia, it does not yet take into account the keystone role of the Intermarium, and its more imaginative and promising place in an alliance of ethnonationalisms with regionalism, especially Asian and European. 38
Posted by E.Michael Jones: blacks/Jews on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 20:31 | # E. Michael Jones: The Black / Jewish Alliance ...a pro-Russian argument from E. Michael Jones, but good to know what’s out there. 39
Posted by Jewish Bolshevism - Red Terror of Whites on Wed, 03 Feb 2016 23:42 | # Beginning part 3, Ostrogniew acknowledges the predominant role of Jews in Bolshevism and its “red terror”, but maintains that what it replaced wasn’t something particularly Russian, but a mixed race empire commandeered by Orthodox Christianity. However, Jewish Bolshevism took into overdrive the process of destroying remaining Europeans .
Posted by Bolshevik permutation of "The Project" on Fri, 05 Feb 2016 14:00 | # The Jewish head arises in the from of Bolshevik instigated conflict and slaughter of Europeans. It is a furthering of “The Project” (Mongrelizing empire at the behest and direction of Jews) that had been facilitated by The Orthodox Church before the Bolshevik revolution.
Posted by Hitler, "the liberator of Russia" on Fri, 05 Feb 2016 16:26 | # I find this part of Shirpayov’s perspective tedious and the comment below sufficing for what I might have said..
Posted by Conclusion of mongrel/orthodox empire on Fri, 05 Feb 2016 22:16 | # Shiropayev and Ostrogniew do well to provide helpful critical/analytical tools to look at The Russian Federation - viz., as an expression of a mongrelized and mongrelizing Empire, key driving and nefarious component being The Orthodox Church and Jews. However, in his overcompensating wish to find Russians to be pure and innocent, he seeks to make them something like pure and innocent Germans.
This next sentence sounds the dead ringer.
Kumiko, what do you have to say about the “hard work upon Russian backs” that is supporting Asia? 43
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 10 Feb 2016 02:47 | #
It’s the usual Russian nonsense, of course. I said from the beginning that the narrative would end up there, that’s basically what they always do. 44
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 11 Feb 2016 04:55 | #
I encourage you to make the rational case. Mere assertions against the prevailing narratives of WN are not likely to win people over. However, WN should not be incorrigible as it adheres to principles of ethnonationalism, the necessity of proper resource and human ecological management and control - i.e. concerns beyond ethno-states, notably the Silk Road and Regional cooperation. I look forward to the articles you have coming to disabuse WN of some of its more poorly understood and conceived positions. 45
Posted by Altai also Denisovan Cave location on Thu, 11 Feb 2016 05:09 | # Interestingly, the Altai region is also the aboriginal place of The Denisovans; it is the location of the Denisovan Caves. 46
Posted by YKW may not flock to Russia, but r already there on Sat, 13 Feb 2016 15:29 | # Jews might not “flock to Russia” upon Putin’s offer, but they are already firmly affixed. European Jews will not take up Vladimir Putin’s recent offer to take “refuge” in Russia, even though the Russian Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister are Jews, Mikhail Skoblionok, a leading member of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has said. [...] “The Jews all over the world know and have assessed this situation. This is why I don’t think that there will be a mad rush of Jews from the whole world to Russia.” However, he then said that that there was no danger to Jews in Russia. Under the heading “Country headed by Jews,” Skoblionok said that “in Russia, the attitude of both ordinary citizens and the government to the Jews is good. “In addition, there are large numbers of Jews in the Russian government. [Prime Minister Dmitry] Medvedev has Jewish roots. [Deputy Prime Minister Arkady] Dvorkovich is Jewish. What attitude will they have to themselves?” he rhetorically asked. 47
Posted by Mal'ta-Buret: a source of Europeans & Amerindians on Mon, 15 Feb 2016 20:17 | #
Posted by How the Scythians vanished on Wed, 13 Apr 2016 04:48 | #
Posted by Ice age European super language on Sun, 08 May 2016 02:15 | #
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Posted by DanielS on Sun, 24 Jan 2016 11:33 | #
I would take it by the map that you are suggesting that these linguistic-genetic-territorial corollaries should also provide some political warrant in claim to a territory.
In the grand scheme of things that would appear unfair in truth and honesty to Europeans - to be left only a small corner of the Eurasian continent. While I can agree that extension over the whole of north Asia can be looked upon as excessive, I believe that in existential/ political terms as history has unfolded, that the European territorial claim should extend farther east than that. How much farther I am willing to discuss. However, to begin, at least the language-geography correspondence does already include the Urals for Europeans.
Furthermore, not only does recent genetic evidence show that both European and Asian peoples evolved from a primeval genetic group in central Asia; but there is strong reason to suspect that Asians - infamously, the Mongols - could have genocided the more European kinds who may have lived farther into central Asia at one time. After all, if the Mongols went so far as to genocide Europeans well into Europe [e.g., the Mongols completely wiped-out the Polish population in Wroclaw in the 1200s; that was when the Germans moved in and it became “Breslau” until Stalin shifted the borders Westward (having Poles swap L’vov for Wroclaw and moving them there)], then why would we presume that the Mongols could not have committed genocide fairly recently against European peoples, perhaps European or semi-European people long evolved in a habitat in what is now called central Asia?
The Asian claim to all of the Americas is largely contestable too. Asian peoples had the convenience of having no other people or barriers between them and the Bering Straits to migrate into the Americas. Following an absolute argument from this map, that migration would give them absolute claim to all of the Americas. Not only was it a migration, but a migration that happened not all that long ago in evolutionary terms - 12-13 thousand years ago.
How “native” that makes them is disputable at any rate. The fountainhead place of their evolution seems rather to have been in the area of a mountain range Southwest of Lake Baikal.
Moreover, there is evidence that some European peoples made their way to the Americas well before these Asian peoples, but they died, were killed-off and/or were assimilated into the Asians (“Amerindians”).
Thus, justice requires hermeneutics in the case of central Asian and the Americas (elsewhere too). Genocide and the wrongful, facile taking of territorial claim can work both ways, not just in the way of Europeans killing Asians and taking their lands.