Football Team analogy by contrast to false comparisons, non-equality and supremacism. The late W. Barnett Pearce, a communications scholar, was commemorated by colleagues and students in his passing with their reflections on his work as it influenced and inspired. One student spoke of a eureka moment provided by a football team analogy that Barnett recommended as a way to look upon how people function together in a coordinated way as opposed to narcissistic, false comparisons that might prop-up dangerous hubris and instigate conflict for non-recognition, if not disrespect for the value, purpose and abilities, in fact, of necessary niche evolutionary differences. By contrast to better and worse, equal or not-equal, or rendering false comparisons by trying to apply a singular comparative criteria among the people of a group or between groups on the whole, Barnett used the football team analogy to recommend to his student a qualitative way of looking upon group, systemic functioning. Note, we’re talking about American football in this analogy: You don’t say one of the offensive linemen positions, say a Left Guard or Right Tackle or a Center, is “not equal” to a Wide Receiver or Fullback. You don’t say that they are not as good, that the Wide Receiver or Half Back is better, the Quarterback is greater than his linemen (Tackles, Guards, Center, Tight End). Well, I guess you can say that, in that the Quarterback position might be harder to fill, but it is fundamentally a stupid comparison, particularly if it fails to recognize his dependence on the Offensive Line for his pass protection and to open up holes for an alternative running game. Each position has a different set of procedures that is necessary to carry out if the Team is to function effectively, coordinated as a group systemic effort. And toward that end, each position has to be respected as necessary and performing an essential function to the system which is not to be dismissed if the group system is to function effectively. The positions tend to require qualitatively different abilities, physiology and mentality, true, but they are all necessary if the team is to be a successful system. Anyway, the analogy provides another resource, along the lines of the concept of commensurability and incommensurability of qualitative niche abilities in and between paradigms (groups), to help people coordinate our White Ethnonationalist efforts. opposed to equality/non equality, false comparisons, hubris of across-the-board supremacism which may leave us vulnerable for lack of an effective “Offensive Line” or lack of respect for their function as such. Lets suppose for a moment that at times and in ways, England functions as a Quarterback and Italy functions as an Offensive Lineman ...while I would not always want to recommend the analogy of a particular nation to a particular position, you get the idea. Why are Italians so feisty? Perhaps because they are evolved in interface with Africa and the Middle East, doing grunt work of Offensive Line assertion - faced off against those evolved up against other groups and who fight as a group quite naturally thus, using Manichean, human group trickery that requires a ready recognition of the relative interests of other groups and skepticism of purported good will of other group interests (thus, maintaining prejudice, in a word, and a vigilance on war by deception) .. while the northerners, evolved more to attend to Augustinian (natural) challenges, with an objectivist penchant therefore to be prejudice against prejudice, seeing it as impractical and to be looked down upon, might be doing themselves and our common systemic (race) interests a disservice in looking down upon the Pass Protection (group prejudice) which otherwise allows them to comfortably, if not naively/ disingenuously nerd away; conceiving themselves above such prejudice as they escape into a technocratism, which can ultimately make them into techno slaves to make life convenient for Africans and mixed couples as they attempt to over rationalize African patterns, protected as they are (for a time) in their nerd niches. This way of thinking can avoid false comparison, throwing other ethnonationals under the bus, and by contrast, lends to the recognition of them as necessary, to be respected for their particular abilities and niche Procedures the maintenance of our systemic homeostasis, to coordinated effort in the defense of our human ecologies. Once Team Europe is functioning as a coordinated system, then we might develop the courtesy of coordinating with the same idea extended to other peoples, that their niche Procedures are fulfilling different requirements, not necessarily at odds with ours. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 09:16 | # Surely the football team analogy would have more truth if moved to the field of intellectual and civilisational development: the social spectrum as a filter for those with intellectual and artistic merit, such that they may have the time and freedom to attend to the technological advance of the whole team, while the mass of men, “doomed” to the practical, attend to resource exploitation and acquisition - a task itself advanced by the work of the cognitively able cohort? The fatal breakdown in the teamwork occurs when the cognitive cohort acquires, and becomes attached to, class privileges, which then become a cause in themselves and, eventually, a cause of cognitive elitism, generational classism, class conflict, exploitation and parasitism. A substantial mismatch then arises in the Weltanschauung of each class, in so much as the (now) upper class functions via objectivity and a refined value system ... all of it totally self-aggrandising and justifying ... while the lower class functions by instinct and the sense of injury; and so the stage is set. Add the self-estrangements of the Christian struggle for personal salvation, of the urban life, of modernity, and of liberalism’s struggle for the subject without confines; and, frankly, we have the modern European world. 3
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 10:53 | # Fair enough. I used the simplistic and awkward analogy for the sake of clarity in popular understanding. American football was being used by an American interlocutor in a very recent conversation as an example of the “superiority” of some groups over others, “equality being farcical thus” and it brought to mind this analogy. Specifically, he was saying how (American) football and The New England Patriots in particular, provide an easy means to show the normies how Whites are better athletes than blacks and how Germans make the best quarterbacks. I don’t know why he would think that it provides easy examples as such. The N.F.L. is overwhelmingly black - something like 80%, to where I long ago stopped being interested. I believe Tom (the interlocutor of whom I speak)‘s argument is that the Patriots, the most successful team in recent years, have had a higher percentage of Whites than other teams. While their star Quarterback, Tom Brady, Tight End Gronkowski and Running Back Burkhead are White, much of the rest of the team is still quite black and Wide receiver (((Julian Edelman))) who starred for them in the Super Bowl, is one of them, Jewish. I don’t know where he gets the idea that the best Quarterbacks are German. I am sure there are some good ones. I think of Ken Stabler off hand. Probably a German name. But Tom Brady is Irish. Joe Montana is Italian. Dan Marino is Italian. Tom took great umbrage when I mentioned that another all time great quarterback, John Unites, was of Lithuanian descent, like I wasn’t supposed to say anything. Brett Favre - is apparently Swiss French. Elway seems to be from Nottingham. Manning is a Kentish name of Norse origin. A few decent black Qarterbacks were mentioned: Doug Williams actually took the place of the unsuccessful Jay Schroeder, and led the Red Skins to a Super Bowl Victory. Warren Moon was said to be pretty good ...Tom said it was because he has some White admixture (great argument to bring to the masses). Because Tom provoked me with this ridiculous example of White superiority* and an “easy way to debunk the phoniness of equality for normies”, I was prompted to recall this analogy of the incommensurability of the positions and their procedures, which might work to provide a better way of thinking about these matters for the normies. * Most positions in the N.F.L. nowadays will typically have a black player. Which is why I don’t watch it. I can’t relate to the players. Related at Majorityrights: New England Patriotards vs Los Angeles Crips Our football coaches weren’t Marxists imposing black integration Seduction of NFL Films, Appeal of L.A. Rams 60’s, 70’s, dodging legacy of sports-fan cuckoldry 4
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 05 Jan 2020 00:20 | # Other metaphors that I’ve used to get Europeans away from habits of mutual antagonism for the idea that one nationality is better and others worse - to be denigrated, attacked, thrown under the bus: Different European peoples functioning as different parts or organs of the body.. or Different European peoples being like different compartments on a ship - only so many compartments can go down before the whole thing comes down; and it is most likely that even one compartment coming down is tantamount to a massive hole in the hull. Post a comment:
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Posted by James La Fond on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 05:24 | #
James La Fond on the broken offensive line of Baltimore.