Tillerson, Putin, Sakhalin, Fukushima: Why would Japan Hate Trump’s outreach to Russian Federation?

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 09 February 2017 17:37.

Trump appointed Putin cronie Tillerson, Secretery of State, to join in capture there, Sakhalin, of what would, should be Japan’s natural and crucial resource

If Japan were in control of Sakhalin, an island to its north, and a logical extension of its homeland, its ethno-state, and if Japan and its closely related Asian relatives were in control of their native lands of Kamchatka and Eastern Siberia, not only would Japan and its Asian relatives be in rightful control of lands that are a natural part of their ethno-states; instead of these territories being of the vast imperial aggrandizement of The Russian Federation; but instead of The Russian Federation extending its practice of aggrandizement and parasitism of the resources of aggrandized territories, Japan would have the natural gas resource that goes with its rightful north island, which could largely solve immediate critical problems of its energy requirements - resources so urgently needed, alleviating options heretofore so limited by the territorial impingement, that it was forced to take extra risks with nuclear power precisely as it was deprived of traditional fossil fuel sources; but persevered in its characteristic self reliance to place the Fukushima nuclear reactor within its constrained and populated national territory despite that obviously being far from optimal. Disaster betrayed that pattern of self reliance while the imperialist parasitism of Putin’s Russian Federation has been ramped-up with outrageous chutzpah, in alliance with Trump and Netanyahu - against Asian ethno-nationalism and its emerging alliances with European ethno-states.

Fortune, ‘This Island Holds the Secret to Rex Tillerson and Vladimir Putin’s Relationship’, 14 Dec 2016:

If Vladimir Putin has a man crush on anyone in business, it’s probably Rex Tillerson, the ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson Trump just nominated to head the State Department.

Aljazeera, ‘New US state chief a perfect fit for Russia’, 14 Dec 2016:

Friendship between Putin and Rex Tillerson dates back to 1990s when the Texas oilman established a US energy presence.

Fortune, ‘This Island Holds the Secret to Rex Tillerson and Vladimir Putin’s Relationship’, 14 Dec 2016:

As to the reason why, all you need to do is look at Sakhalin, a windswept, earthquake-prone island off Russia’s Pacific coast where temperatures can fluctuate 110 degrees throughout the year. It’s this forbidding territory that Exxon (xom, -0.28%), under Tillerson, has turned into one of Russia’s most lucrative oil provinces, affording Russia a crucial entry into the fast-growing oil markets of Asia, generating nearly $5 billion in tax dollars and other revenue for the government to date, and generally being, by Moscow’s lights, a good corporate citizen.

Indeed, if Japan and its relatives native to the habitat of eastern Siberia were in control of territories reasonable for ethno-statism, as opposed to these territories being under the control of the Russian Federation’s imperial aggrandizement, Japan and its close Asian relatives would have access to vital natural gas resources desperately needed, and could have/might still place any supplementary nuclear reactor projects in regions remote from human populations, essential habitat and tectonic fault lines.

From what I gather, The Russian Federation’s economy is based on this unjust territorial aggrandizement, resource parasitism and its raw materials sales. This is in marked contrast to the strategy of the world’s third largest economy—Japan—which builds its GNP through labor, manufacturing and technological innovation.

But it is not only Japan and natives of East Asia that the Jewy parasitism of The Russian Federation’s aggrandizement impacts—it impacts all neighbors of its vast imperial overstep, an overstep of anything remotely like a Russian ethno-state. The Russian Federation and its forerunners have done so historically, it is doing so now, in a new Jewy alliance with Trump and Tillerson, and it will continue to do so, so long as the elephant in the room is not recognized: The Russian Federation is not an ethno-state!

It is an imperialist enterprise aligned against our necessary Asian ethno-nationalist allies. We need ethno-nationalist alliance with our Chinese, South Korean and Japanese counterparts against Islam and against Israel. The Trumpist alternative is the opposite, it is an objectivist, civic “nationalist” alliance of a Jewed-up USA, a Jewed-up Russia, Israel and whatever Muslim compradors they can enlist to suppress ethno-national rebellion against their imperial supremacism. Their ostensible solution to the problem of “radical Islam” is nothing more than the old “solution” phase, a “solution” for the reaction to a problem that they created.

The Intercept, ‘Rex Tillerson’s Exxon Mobil Frequently Sought State Department Assistance, New Documents Show’, 17 Jan 2017:

A February 2009 cable published by Wikileaks shows Exxon Mobil asking then-U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle to intervene on its behalf and speak to the Russian government about its then-stalled offshore drilling project in a major oil and gas field to the east of Russia called Sakhalin.

“Exxon Mobil [officials] told the Ambassador on January 31 that GOR [Government of Russia] refusal to approve project budgets has halted development of new Sakhalin 1 fields,” reads the cable. Kremlin officials, perhaps motivated by anti-American sentiment, were blocking approval of a budget needed to move forward with the project until a Russian entity took control of 51 percent of the deal.

Exxon Mobil officials hoped that the incoming Obama administration could persuade the Russians to change course on the project. The president of Exxon Mobil’s Russian operation and its Sakhalin project manager “told the Ambassador they believed a warming of U.S.-Russian relations could help reverse the refusal to approve the Sakhalin 1 budget,” and “asked the Ambassador for USG support in pressing the GOR to act on the matter.”

In May 2009, the Sakhalin 1 consortium agreed to sell 20 percent of the gas extracted from the field to Russia’s state-owned company Gazprom, and production continued.

Other cables released by Wikileaks suggest Exxon Mobil pushed for better U.S.-Russia relations to advance its business interests.

One 2007 cable noted that Russian-based executives of Exxon Mobil and other U.S. firms met with Under Secretary of State Reuben Jeffery III in Moscow and argued that “the best way to engage Russia and enhance global energy security is to focus on positive dialogue geared towards helping Russia improve its oil and gas investment climate.” Russia, the oil firms noted, “is about to embark on a new era of oil and gas development in areas (East Siberia and Arctic regions) that cannot be exploited without Western technologies and expertise.”

Tillerson’s ties to Russia — which center around the joint venture he signed in 2011 as the CEO of Exxon Mobil with Russian state-owned company Rosneft to drill for oil on the Arctic shelf — have been a source of controversy. After the signing, Tillerson was presented with an “Order of Friendship” award from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

TNO, ‘Fukushima: New Record Levels of Radioactive Contamination’, 5 Feb 2017:

The radiation level in the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant has reached a maximum of 530 sieverts per hour—enough to kill anybody within a few minutes—and is the highest since the triple core meltdown after the March 2011 tsunami.

The readings, described as “unimaginable,” are now so high that they will even destroy unmanned robots after just two hours of operation.

According to a statement from the Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. (Tepco), the radiation reading was taken near the entrance to the reactor core. This means that at least some of the melted fuel has escaped its surrounding pressure vessel.

530 sieverts is strong enough to kill a person with only the briefest exposure. Previously, the highest reading taken was 73 sieverts per hour at the reactor.

An official of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences said medical professionals have never considered dealing with this level of radiation in their work.

According to the institute, 4 sieverts of radiation exposure would kill 1 in 2 people. Experts say 1,000 millisieverts, or 1 sievert, could lead to infertility, loss of hair, and cataracts, while exposure to doses above 100 millisieverts increases the risk of cancer.

Tepco also announced that, based on its analysis of images taken by a remote-controlled camera, there is a two meter hole in the metal grating under the pressure vessel in the reactor’s primary containment vessel. It also thinks part of the grating is warped.

The hole could have been caused when the fuel escaped the pressure vessel after the mega-quake and massive tsunami triggered a station blackout that crippled the plant’s ability to cool the reactors.

Tepco also announced that, based on its analysis of images taken by a remote-controlled camera, there is a two meter hole in the metal grating under the pressure vessel in the reactor’s primary containment vessel. It also thinks part of the grating is warped.

The hole could have been caused when the fuel escaped the pressure vessel after the mega-quake and massive tsunami triggered a station blackout that crippled the plant’s ability to cool the reactors.

The reading means that it is becoming increasingly difficult to carry out repairs and to decommission the plant. The company said it planned to deploy a remote-controlled robot to check conditions inside the containment vessel, but it will have to plan the operation carefully because the robot will only have two hours of operational life before the radiation kills it.

Photos released by Tepco clearly showed the two meter hole on the infrastructure, along with black deposits which are presumed to be melted fuel.



Posted by DanielS on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 12:09 | #

This paradigm of right-wing, objectivist imperialist regimes in cahoots with Jewry is very much behind the new found “solution” to the immigration problems they’ve created as well, both of Muslims into Europe and Asia and South and Central Americans into The U.S.


Posted by mancinblack on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 13:08 | #

“Abe renews pledge to solve territorial row with Russia”

PM Shinzo Abe hopes to use economic cooperation with Russia to solve the Northern Territories issue.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 16:25 | #

Those ‘outreaches’ are done on purpose in the full knowledge that Russia will never do what is asked of them anyway. It’s PR so that when the day comes that the Russians start to lose control of Siberia and Kamchatka, some of the economic base and the public relations inertia will already be tilted in Japan’s direction.


Posted by mancinblack on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 18:04 | #

Agreed, Kumiko. Thanks for the link too.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 05:06 | #

The gook argument for taking Siberia from Russia is thus: “You’ve got it, and we want it.  So give it up!”

The Russian counter argument is this: “Fuck you slanty-eyed subhumans.  If you try to take it, we will nuke you.  Any questions?”


Guess which argument wins?


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 06:14 | #

I think rather, the argument is that a Jewy, mongrelized Russian imperial “Federation” and Soviet Union took these lands from native inhabitants and you are purporting that they should threaten these people, whom we require as allies against White imperialist traitors as they are complicit with Jewish hegemony, African and Islamic shock troops and compradors in their regard.

Russia is not alone with nukes; let its boner-nosed mixed Jews try to send nukes into Asia.

Nor should Whites seek to defend The JU.S.A. in its Jewy imperialising campaigns.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 06:37 | #

Ultimately might makes right.  Whatever the White race can take it should take.  And whoever doesn’t like that can feel free to go suck a nigger’s dick.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 09:35 | #

That’s too arbitrary and is a presumption that is asking for interminable conflict. Ethno-nationalism and ethno-states provide a criteria for alliance and coordination. And again, we need formidable allies, not more formidable enemies, which the Asians can be in either case - clearly we should opt for the former. They would be most formidable allies, which can ally perfectly against our greatest common enemies. However, there would have to be a quid pro quo respect for ethno-statism: which brings us again to The Russian Federation - it isn’t one and it is in conflict with all of Asia.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 10:32 | #

I’ll go with a humorous response where I’ll say serious things in a light tone.

The ‘White race’ is thankfully not united on the issue of Russia, Captainchaos. We can now rely on the British and the Polish foremost, and then after, the Dutch and the Danes, and most of the rest of Western Europe, most of Central Europe, most of Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and most of the Caucasus excluding Serbia, to always everytime and forever prefer just about anything over Russia. And I’m sure you know why that is.

I know that the Russians think that their nuclear ‘Samson option’, is acting as a deterrent against Asian economic expansion in Siberia. They could not be more wrong, because Asians are as always the highest of high stakes gamblers in the world and we are going to call that bluff in due time. All of the economic and living-space issues from the previous war are still not settled yet.

The most powerful weapon that the Russians have at their disposal is not a nuclear strategic bluff, but rather, the most powerful weapons that the Russians have are:

1. Siberian winters, which are a natural phenomenon that people can anticipate,
2. Russia’s post-WWII legacy which consists of repeatedly trying to brainwash everyone with the narrative about how the Russians ‘saved the world’ from ‘evil’ Western Europeans and ‘evil’ East Asians who had dared to aspire to be supreme in their own lands,
3. Some garbled nonsense about how the Mongolians and the Tatars are ‘bad’ and only the Eternal Rus with his trusty sidekick the Eternal Jew can ‘save’ Western Europeans from a threat that literally never presented itself to them,
4. Some garbled nonsense about how the British Indian Empire was ‘mixed’ and ‘collaborated with every kind of non-White wahh wahh’ whereas the Russian Empire was ‘pure huWhite’, and therefore somehow this means that everyone should somehow have preferred to have paid taxes to lazy Russians in the Eternal Adidas tracksuit (essentially the whole state of Russia demanding welfare payments from the entire planet) for every item on every boat or locomotive or automobile or buggy that passed through Asia between the years 1530 and 1914, even though Russia took part in producing exactly zero percent of that wealth.

Notice how those typical Russian ‘weapons’ are all Second World War Israeli-inspired guilt-trips about stuff we don’t care about, Great Game whining about how the British Indian Empire didn’t believe in unconditional alliances with Russia, general appeals to supposed ‘huWhiteness’ and appeals to anti-Asian sentiments?

Yeah, death to Russia.

Seriously, lightheartedness aside, death to Russia, and death to America if America chooses to stand with them like last time. I’ve long been an admirer of Tomomi Inada, I think she got it right when she said:

Tomomi Inada, Japanese Minister of Defence:
Yasukuni Shrine is not the place for the oath of peace. Rather, it is the place to make an oath to fight desperately against the enemies of Japan, following in the path of the honoured spirits of the dead soldiers.

I don’t do this often, but here are two tracks for that memory:

1. NS Europe
2. Greater East Asia

And that war and the example it set, was not a one-off. It has happened before with many different faces and many different guises. It was also the same tide of history which was seen in the seemingly suicidal Charge of the Light Brigade led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854. They didn’t actually die in vain. They at least left us with a story that reminds us of what kind of agenda we ought to be pursuing, so as to not let their lives have gone to waste.

We have all inherited an ancient fight, the core of the following conflicts are basically because of the same array of reasons:

- Siberian, Kamchatkan, Aleutian, Inuit, etc natives, versus the Russian Tsardom
- Sibir Khanate versus the Russian Tsardom
- The Mongol Empire versus the Russian Tsardom
- The Golden Horde versus the Russian Tsardom
- The Ilkhanate versus the Russian Tsardom
- Circassia versus the Russian Tsardom
- Persia (Iran) versus the Russian Tsardom
- The Yuan Dynasty versus the Russian Tsardom
- The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth versus the Russian Empire
- The Astrakhan Khanate versus the Russian Empire
- The Crimean Khanate versus the Russian Empire
- The Ashikaga Shogunate versus the Russian Empire
- The First French Empire versus the Russian Empire
- The Tokugawa Shogunate versus the Russian Empire
- The British Indian Empire and Central Asian tribal allies versus the Russian Empire
- The British Indian Empire and the Empire of Japan versus the Russian Empire
- The Empire of Japan versus Russian Diplomacy in the Korean Peninsula
- The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic versus the Soviet Union
- Axis versus the Soviet Union
- Axis versus the United States of America and its Allies
- The United Nations and the Republic of Korea versus the Soviet Union
- NATO (Operation Gladio) versus the Soviet Union
- The People’s Republic of China versus the Soviet Union (in the Third World)
- Greater Albania versus Serbia and the Russian Federation
- NATO versus the Russian Federation

And who knows what will develop next?


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 12:18 | #

Oh, and also, I should not forget to mention this, just as a matter of curiosity:

Alexander Dugin asserts that he would not allow his ‘friends and allies’ to ‘manipulate Russia against Israel’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5TsBZURUG4

I don’t think I even need to add commentary after that one. If you choose to actually stand with Russia, that’s what you’re standing with.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 19:03 | #

” We need ethno-nationalist alliance with our Chinese, South Korean and Japanese counterparts against Islam and against Israel. The Trumpist alternative is the opposite, it is an objectivist, civic “nationalist” alliance of a Jewed-up USA, a Jewed-up Russia, Israel and whatever Muslim compradors they can enlist to suppress ethno-national rebellion against their imperial supremacism.”

China is not an ethno-state. China is an empire that has already digested many smaller nations and is currently in the process of digesting others, like Tibet.

The American relationship with China is very dysfunctional. Trade with China has been quite harmful to the U.S. economy, devastating our manufacturing sector and flooding our country with cheap crap, driving our companies to move away or go out of business. Meanwhile, China is sending many immigrants to the U.S and other white countries. They have to go back. Finally, China is a dirty, nasty place, with low environmental standards and a culture that encourages the production of counterfeit and unsafe goods. I want to contain them and limit interaction with them until they improve their attitudes and stop frying food in gutter oil, producing tainted baby formula for export, etc.

Russia on the other hand is a white country that doesn’t send a lot of immigrants here or represent nearly the same economic threat. They also represent far less of a demographic threat and share our interest in containing China.

As for Japan, I’m not hostile to Japan, but given their demographics and current cultural attitudes they just aren’t that important, and will probably be happy to join any alliance that aims to contain China.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 20:55 | #

Given that the US is demographically past the point of no return already, my position is that I actually do not care what happens to the US.

Regarding China’s dysfunctional relationship with the US, that is by design and I hope that it becomes more dysfunctional over time. Americans get very upset when I say these things, but I draw a definite line between the United States and Europe, as they do not have the same interests. People often misunderstand this. My opposition the direction taken by the United States, and my opposition to Russia, is not ‘anti-White’. It just means that those are the two White countries that I happen to not care about.

As a reverse comparison, Pakistan is an Asian country. How can I then oppose Pakistan while being obviously in favour of development in Asia? The fact that I don’t care about Pakistan’s survival is obviously connected to Pakistan’s economic behaviour and geostrategic stances, not their racial categorisation.

Similarly, my opposition to the current path taken by the United States, and my opposition to Russia at all times, stems from the fact that these countries are a fetter against global development now, and because neither of those countries respects the rights of other peoples to live in their own way. In other words, there are literally no redeeming factors whatsoever.

The fact that Americans and Russians are ‘White’ means nothing to me. I couldn’t give a damn, that is not a magical ‘get off scot free’ card. I can’t count the number of times that people have tried to defend Russia with the line, “Russia is a White country”. That’s literally meaningless as a statement by itself.

Regarding Japan and its demographics, Japan is simply returning to the same population level that it had in the year 1860. This does not render Japan unimportant, for four crucial reasons:

1. Japan is not engaging in population replacement,
2. Japan is finding economic growth through investing in ASEAN countries, and thus is the single most important country in the region other than South Korea in that regard,
3. The patterns of cross-investment between Japan and China, and the lead that Japan has over China in terms of naval capability, mean that the geographic challenge presented by China to Japan is one that Japan can handle with relative ease. The place where all of China’s strategic gains have actually been accruing is in Central Asia against Russia, a fact that is extremely worrying for Russia but has been an endless source of amusement and schadenfreude among the more savvy observers in Japan and South Korea.
4. Japan was overpopulated way beyond its carrying capacity, and so having an inverted age pyramid where boomers are finally dying and not being replaced, is a good thing.

I should also add that in terms of ‘current cultural attitudes’, those are the same attitudes that have always persisted. Japan is an array of volcanic islands sitting atop the ring of fire next to a subduction zone. Everything is transient, and life is cheap, although I suppose right now it is slightly less cheap than it used to be in feudal times due to the fact that there is a greater amount of investment per child and the statistical probability of being hacked and sawed to death in combat before age 30 has dramatically decreased.

I always do find it ironic though, that Americans think that Japanese (and to a great extent, also Korean) cultural attitudes are ‘bad’, even though Japan and Korea succeeded despise being bombed to pieces in the 20th century, whereas the United States won at literally everything and still somehow ended up experiencing population replacement.

And you think it is Japanese who have the wrong attitude? Oh please.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 20:57 | #

Daniel’s argument that it is necessary to cede massive amounts of territory and resources to gooks in order to coax the latter into a Jew-fighting alliance is tragically myopic at best and pitifully moronic at worst.  By his argument, since Russia has Jews entangled in its ruling elite, this fire-sale giveaway should commence in order to bring that elite down.  But there is no White society on earth that does not suffer an entanglement with Jews.  So then, by his standards, all White societies globally should give at least half of what is theirs to gooks to get them to fight Jews.  The question of why Whites cannot simply fight Jews on their own without diminishing the spoils of victory by ceding land and resources to gooks goes conspicuously unasked by him. Why?  Because to ask the question is to answer it.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:09 | #

Russians are not going to “fight Jews on their own” and the proof of that is seen in the fact that they’ve openly announced 1001 times that they have no intention of ever doing that. The followers of Dugin literally are never going to ever do that. In fact, Russia will continue to hold parades every year to commemorate the Second World War, it will keep doing that in the most pro-Jewish, Jew-centred way possible, and it will continue to base its very national identity on being “those who most consistently opposed anti-semitism”.

And then you will non-ironically come into threads like this, and try to defend Putin’s filthy disgusting face, in front of me, as though this is not the most ridiculous thing that American White nationalists ever did.

I’m not often frank about these things, but American White nationalism is a fucking disgrace to be quite honest, and if Adolf Hitler were alive today, he’d kill you. That is the most ironic thing about all of this, the fact that for years the Americans have been prancing around subtly and non-subtly invoking memes about how ‘the outcome of the Second World War was all wrong’, and yet now they are happily embracing pro-Jewish Russian nationalists who are completely unrepentant about the role Russia played in that war. The fact that the Americans have become pro-Russian is a sign that American White nationalism is basically fucked on a fundamental level.

99% of the time, Americans actually are presenting the reheated garbage stances of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Madison Grant, combining them together and calling it ‘radical’. In a way, that’s what the absurd pantomime election of Donald Trump is all about. Bringing back Dwight Eisenhower and Madison Grant inside of a single human body.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:40 | #

Given that the US is demographically past the point of no return already, my position is that I actually do not care what happens to the US.

It’s good to get that out in the open. I can see how you’d feel that way, but much of Europe is quickly approaching that point as well, in Sailer’s new column in Taki mag he estimates that 38.9% of newborns in 2015 France had “both parents come from the Global South”, not too far behind the U.S., which only reached majority non-white births in 2015.

It’s quite possible to write from a perspective that says “it’s too late to save much of the West”, but taking that premise to its logical conclusion may lead to rather odd conclusions, where you start wishing harm to more and more of the West, as it gradually gets more and more enriched, until you’re eventually praying that the whole thing gets nuked. Which is a rather counter-intuitive position, given the site’s mission statement.

I don’t expect you to care that Russia or the U.S. are countries with significant white populations, but those white populations are generally something that White Nationalists wish to preserve or “save” in some way.

As for Japan, I agree that their current cultural attitude is healthier than the attitude of the West and if current trends continue they may survive while we certainly won’t. But Japan’s current attitudes are still not ideal, or particularly healthy or strong, nor are they something they “chose” on their own, they are at least in part a response to losing WW2.

All I said was that their demographics and cultural attitudes will limit their importance on the world stage. It’s not a very big country to begin with and when you throw in low fertility, very few young people and restrictions on militarism, it’s not looking like a future great power to me, at least until everyone else has declined significantly due to population replacement.

P.S. Glad you admit that China is conducting economic warfare against the US



Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 22:10 | #

Writing from the perspective I’ve described would only lead to me abandoning the United States (which I was never really supporting anyway, so not much to abandon there), and perhaps being forced to abandon France and Germany if they don’t figure out what they are doing fast enough.

Regarding Russia, I have never been in favour of Russia in the first place, so it’s not a case of ‘abandoning’ Russia, since I have always been openly hostile toward Russia. And I had never met anyone in ‘the movement’ in the west who was in favour of Russia until the year 2014. This pro-Russian stuff as far as I have seen, only arose after Russian Active Measures started canvassing in earnest after 2008, and only gained momentum around 2014 when the mass migration of Arab ‘refugees’ into Europe had just begun, and Russia began to piggyback their narratives on top of it. The pro-Russia stuff was therefore a recent phenomenon from my perception, one that would have been difficult to have anticipated, given that the history involved would seem to point in the opposite direction.

If this places me out of step with what is normally expected, it would just mean that this is something that White Nationalists apparently disagree with me on. It may be the case that my positions could some day no longer intersect with White Nationalism in any way whatsoever, and if they end up largely holding positions that are wholly useless to me (eg, if it becomes wholly Russified) then I would just have to walk away from it at that point.

So, as always, I am in favour of getting feedback because feedback is the only way to really know.


Posted by Trex on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 22:33 | #




Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 22:45 | #

That Wikipedia article itself goes through a whole cavalcade of lies, before delivering this hilarious ending:

Wikipedia (emphasis added):
There is little evidence to suggest that the Japanese had ever contemplated a Jewish state or a Jewish autonomous region.[29] In 1979 Rabbi Marvin Tokayer and Mary Swartz authored a book called The Fugu Plan. In this partly fictionalized account, Tokayer & Swartz gave the name the ‘Fugu Plan’ to the 1930s memorandums. They claim that the plan, which was viewed by its proponents as risky but potentially rewarding for Japan, was named after the Japanese word for puffer-fish, a delicacy which can be fatally poisonous if incorrectly prepared.[2] (The memorandums were not actually called The Fugu Plan in Japanese.) Tokayer and Swartz base their claims on statements made by Captain Koreshige Inuzuka and allege that such a plan was first discussed in 1934 and then solidified in 1938, supported by notables such as Inuzuka, Ishiguro Shiro and Norihiro Yasue;[30] however, the signing of the Tripartite Pact in 1941 and other events prevented its full implementation.

Ben-Ami Shillony, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, confirmed the statements upon which Tokayer and Swartz based their claim were taken out of context, and that the translation with which they worked was flawed. Shillony’s view is further supported by Kiyoko Inuzuka (wife of Koreshige Inuzuka).[31] In ‘The Jews and the Japanese: The Successful Outsiders’, he questioned whether the Japanese ever contemplated establishing a Jewish state or a Jewish autonomous region.[32][33][34]

They wait until the end of the article to quickly point out that everything you read prior to that moment was a lie. The so-called ‘Fugu Plan’ was only real in Rabbi Marvin Tokayer’s mind.

In actual reality, Jews were placed under surveillance in all areas that Japan controlled, and those Jews that chose to flee to Europe in response were later apprehended by the National Socialists in Europe.

That also happens to be how Geert Wilders’ Dutch-Jewish colonialist mother got chased out of Indonesia in the first place, in case anyone doesn’t know that story. But more on that some other time.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 04:11 | #

Captainchaos, you shouldn’t drink before you comment.

You say here:

Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:57 | #13

Daniel’s argument that it is necessary to cede massive amounts of territory and resources to gooks in order to coax the latter into a Jew-fighting alliance is tragically myopic at best and pitifully moronic at worst.  By his argument, since Russia has Jews entangled in its ruling elite, this fire-sale giveaway should commence in order to bring that elite down.  But there is no White society on earth that does not suffer an entanglement with Jews.  So then, by his standards, all White societies globally should give at least half of what is theirs to gooks to get them to fight Jews.  The question of why Whites cannot simply fight Jews on their own without diminishing the spoils of victory by ceding land and resources to gooks goes conspicuously unasked by him. Why?  Because to ask the question is to answer it.

DanielS: I must parse this mess one part at time.

Captainchaos: Daniel’s argument that it is necessary to cede massive amounts of territory and resources to gooks in order to coax the latter into a Jew-fighting alliance is tragically myopic at best and pitifully moronic at worst.

DanielS: I am ceding nothing with regard to Russia. What I am saying is that it’s eastern border is its imperialistic problem. If it were to lose the part east of Lake Baikal, parts that it took only in recent history, it would still be enormous. I would not care if it were to be smaller than that, even, but I am trying to be realistic, given that cities of a million occur not far west of Lake Baikal.

Our maintenance of good relations and trade with Japan, Korea and China while not taking the side of Russia’s Jewy imperialistic appropriations to its east could be good incentive for them to cooperate with White ethnostates/ethno-nationalism, yes. It would make good sense for them.

Captainchaos:..in order to coax [Japan, China and Korea] into a Jew-fighting alliance is tragically myopic at best and pitifully moronic at worst

DanielS: I certainly don’t have to coax Japan and Korea into a Jew fighting alliance, China either, they will fight in their interests: it is in their interests to fight in alliance with those who oppose their enemies: Imperialists who would impose upon their interests.

The Jewish and White alliance that the Alternative Right proposes by contrast, and that you fall into by default, by your defense of The US and The Russian Federation, is what has brought the White race to disaster and is what has brought them into conflict with Asians - who hate Abrahamism and its child, Islam, hate its incursions as much and with as much of an effective counter as anybody - knowing, as they do, that it is the inspiration of western imperialism and incursions into Asia.

It is the inspiration even for its liberal imperialistic spawn of enlightenment secularism.

MacArthur’s father slaughtered Philippine natives, for what? Your friend Eisenhower installed Islamic comprador regimes in Asia, where Asian ethno-nationalists, “gooks” as you say, fought for their nations. He set in motion a war with Ho Chi Mihn, though Ho Chi Mihn tried to have Vietnam cooperate with The US on ethno-nationalist grounds.

With regard to White western interests, the sort of alliance that it has fallen into for its traditions, customs and habits provide a long list of perfidy, as it leads to their destruction and becoming more and more Jewed where they do survive.

Captainchaos: By his argument, since Russia has Jews entangled in its ruling elite, this fire-sale giveaway should commence in order to bring that elite down

DanielS: Again, that is not my argument. I am giving away nothing. In fact, that is an essential part of the deal with other ethno-nationalists. Thus, looking after my inerests in the bargain, I am not willing to betray its terms and fight against China and Japan in order to defend The Russian Federation in lands that it appropriated in imperialistic overstep in very recent history.

At least you admit that Russia’s ruling elite is entangled with Jews. Like the American ruling structure, it needs to be brought down in the interest of White ethno-statism, not just the non-White ethno-statism that they suppress. This kind of anti-racist, imperialist lording has led to a circumstance of race mixing that ethno-nationalists on any side do not want.

But there is also a degree of mixedness in the Russian population which can be resolved if it can live with and show its genuine native Russianness predominant by living in a Russian ethno-state. Genuine Russian ethno-nationalists would recognize the obvious fact that the Russian Federation is not an ethno-state, and would commend eastern regions becoming autonomous to the native populations.

Captainchaos: But there is no White society on earth that does not suffer an entanglement with Jews.  So then, by his standards, all White societies globally should give at least half of what is theirs to gooks to get them to fight Jews.

DanielS: While it is true that there is no White society that is not entangled with Jews, I don’t believe any European ethno-state, which is what the European nations are in essence, (beneath and besides Jewish and Jewish instigated liberal interference), should give away any territory. Nothing. And I will not abandon any European country in its ethno-statism along with its opposition to foreign imposition, notably Jewish, Muslim and black. Thus, the “standards” that you impute to me are not my standards. Because I am arguing for an alliance of ethno-statism against Jewish, Muslim and black incursions. I am not saying that the reason to allow Russia to recede into an ethno-state is because it is mixed with Jews, or not only because of that reason, I am saying that it is not an ethno-state, and as such, Jewy and right wing in its imperialism though it is, of any stock, it impinges upon our ethno-state alliances, against our common enemies.

In fact, The Russian Federation, just like the United States, is allied with our common enemies. Which will bring me to a last complication with regard to White ethno-nationalism.

Captainchaos: The question of why Whites cannot simply fight Jews on their own without diminishing the spoils of victory by ceding land and resources to gooks goes conspicuously unasked by him. Why?  Because to ask the question is to answer it.

DanielS: Again, I am ceding nothing with regard to The Russian Federation. I am alerting our Asian ethno-nationalist allies that we will not help The Russian Federation to defend lands stolen by The Russian Federation, The Soviet Union and its imperial predecessors. We fight on ethno-nationalist grounds, not on imperialist grounds.

This brings me to the problem of White Nationalism USA. In fact, I have been a hold-out in terms of what has now been a long standing, ready concession on the part of White Nationalists in America, that parts of it should be given away - as is the case of the North West Movement that you so fervently advocate - and what a hypocrite you are!

You people have been talking about giving the whole South West to Mestizos, the whole South East to blacks and the whole North East to Jews and liberals.

The fact that you would give anything to blacks shows what sorry wimps that you are. Are you a part of Greg Johnson’s harem?

But anyway, I’ve always recoiled at the idea of giving blacks any part of the USA - why should they have anything? You think that they are going to fight against the Jews and the government that keeps them on life support with an endless funnel of money from others. Even to the extent they might fight in that way, perhaps as some unintended consequence of their rioting, really, it means having to live beside them. And HuWhites look like Jews to them too (especially when they act like Jews). I’ve thought blacks should get nothing of the US and I still think that.

Nevertheless, Jewish and right-wing problem-making being what they are - after first flinging this black scourge upon Whites (and native Americans), by means of their slave trade, they now bring other non White populations upon White Americans in service of cheap labor and race-mixing-away the competition. They have done so to such an extent, with such logical force from their power niches, that the logics of meaning and action that extend from there mean that balkanization of the US becomes the only way to defend on racial grounds.

That means returning to the WN position which views the US Government as antagonistic to ethno-nationalism, a position it held until right wing fools got co-opted into a Jewish alliance by means of the Alternative Right - they will say that oh, blacks are not so bad, some of them are really smart and we can work with them, its those Mexicans, Muslims and Asians, that’s the real problem! And Jews, we can work with them, they know what they’re doing - good work! Look, they gave us our Alternative Right, they gave us our TRS, put our man Trumpstein in the White house - he’s siding with the good Jews, and with the Russian Federation…all those White people there, (((and))).

Still, I am not so down on White Americans as Kumiko is. I believe that she has not heard enough from true White American ethno-nationalists, who are not so naive/disingenuous, who can see the logic of our ethno-national alliance. Your referring to Asians as “gooks” and defending their enemies, when their enemies are in the wrong, does not help to change her perception.

Coming back to the predicament of White ethno-nationalism in North America, given that balkanization is, unfortunately, the necessary solution to the Jewish and right wing made problem: Balkanization is necessary as opposed to their Jewish plan of Castizo, viz. black, Amerindio and White mixing - which TRS proposes as a “solution”. By contrast, White American ethno-nationalists should favor ethno-nationalist alliance with Asians and Indios. Blacks should have no place but in Africa and Jews should have no power and influence in North America.

Whites should have their enclaves and sacrosanct territories and indios and Asians should have enclaves and sacrosanct territories, in an ethno-nationalist compact to maintain one another’s ethno-genetic interests: It can commence and proceed by means of the DNA Nations.

The DNA nation allows for bigger and smaller White enclaves to coordinate in the Americas, including North West USA.

As for the European ethnostates, they should be in complete control of their territories, maintaining them for over 90% of their native own population - the rest, being European and some Asian enclaves, if the ethnostate is willing, should be held to account along with the natives, to not impinge upon the quality and quantity of genetic interests and in fact, should help to effect deportation of interlopers.

14 Words.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 06:20 | #

“you shouldn’t drink before you comment.”


Daniel, why do you store your balls in Kumiko’s purse?


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 06:23 | #

Captainchaos: Lulz

Daniel, why do you store your balls in Kumiko’s purse?

Sober-up, take your time and read my comment #19, CC.

Just Sayin’, comment #11

China is not an ethno-state. China is an empire that has already digested many smaller nations and is currently in the process of digesting others, like Tibet.

Though I’ve heard Chinese ague that Tibetans are Chinese, from all I know and have known, China is out of line when it comes to Tibet. Other than that, and typical conflicts that you have to watch for with a big power, so long as the Chinese see themselves as a more or less homogeneous genetic nation (and they do), though a big one, we should be willing to coordinate with them as an ethnostate.

You, Just Sayin’, continue -

Just Sayin’: The American relationship with China is very dysfunctional. Trade with China has been quite harmful to the U.S. economy, devastating our manufacturing sector and flooding our country with cheap crap, driving our companies to move away or go out of business.

The US is a civic state, governed primarily by an alliance of Jewish interests and objectivist Whites (i.e., people who don’t care about race, unless the Jews tell them to). Therefore, keeping its economy working is far from a great concern of mine, or any true ethno nationalist; and, by contrast, it would be very much a concern, in the interests of Jews and right wingers to keep that race mixing beast going.

You go on to say -

Just Sayin’: Meanwhile, China is sending many immigrants to the U.S and other white countries. They have to go back.

This is a problem, their population especially. They are not a perfectly innocent nation without self interests. Their part in the ethno-nationalism of the DNA Nations would entail that if they are granted a place in the agreement of North America, to oust Jews such as yourself, Just Sayin’, that they not overwhelm and overpopulate, that they are responsible for their part in respecting others mutual genetic survival.

You conclude:

Just Sayin’: Finally, China is a dirty, nasty place, with low environmental standards and a culture that encourages the production of counterfeit and unsafe goods. I want to contain them and limit interaction with them until they improve their attitudes and stop frying food in gutter oil, producing tainted baby formula for export, etc.

There is some stupid, Jewy and right wing subjectivity showing through there. However, China does have a pollution problem, this step in the process of industrializing nations that all have gone through needs to be phased-out as quickly as possible. We are working on proposals for them.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 08:26 | #

Daniel, let us be clear that the actions of the Chinese state in Tibet are genocidal:



Posted by DanielS on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 14:19 | #

My understanding is that the Chinese have been brutally out of line with regard to Tibet - and that native Tibetans are not Chinese: as ethno-nationalists, we need to support Tibetan autonomy.

Kumiko will make an argument that you do not often hear in the West, to the effect that China was responding to an intransigence of Tibetan regimes - regimes which were responsible for long standing brutality of their own.

However, even if it was a provisional intervention on the part of China and somehow for the long-term good of Tibet that these regimes were deposed, as ethno-nationalists, we need to advocate the ultimate sovereignty of Tibet and certainly to recognize any and all atrocities committed against its innocents.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 20:23 | #

At this point, I want to place a BBC article which outlines an official Chinese view on Tibet, not to move past the issue, but to mark it clearly as an issue not being avoided, that we’ll come back to as a matter to deal with, so that I can raise some other points undiverted.

The first matter that I’d raise is that China’s brutal, no putting-up with piddling, negotiation of liberal arguments, does not only have a bad side, it has a useful side for our purposes. I have in mind, of course, examples of its utter intolerance of Islam and its lack of sentimentality with regard to Jewish interests/Israel.

Along with exploring features of that, of course we need to follow-upon and not be diverted from the issue set forth in the post, that of Russian appropriation of Siberian territory and any genocides committed against native Siberians; noting any Jewish hand in that.

From there, I would probably counter-pose, as I have before, the fact that historical killing has gone the other way as well - Asians killing Whites. For example, the Mongols penetrated Europe so far as to have genocided the Polish inhabitants of what is now Wroclaw; after which time, the Germans moved-in, re-named it Breslau and were there until the borders were shifted again by Stalin - Poles losing L’viv to Ukraine but re-gaining Wroclaw in its place.

The Russians undoubtedly have horror stories from their side, of their being attacked and killed in what is their rightful native territory, however, it does not appear that they could make that kind of defensive argument of protecting their homeland, kith and kin when observing its vast sprawl today, particularly looking at its far east.

Here’s the article that I start with as temporary place holder, this one presenting the Chinese side of the argument for its control of Tibet.

BBC, “The Tibet issue: China’s view”, 27 Jan 2012:

What is China’s stance on Tibet? Here, we outline Beijing’s position, based on various official Chinese sources.
Is Tibet part of China?

“For more than 700 years, the central government of China has continuously exercised sovereignty over Tibet, and Tibet has never been an independent state. No government of any country in the world has ever recognised Tibet as an independent state.”

(People’s Daily, April 2008)

What was Tibet like before the Communists established control in 1951?

“Even in the first half of the 20th Century, Tibet remained a society of feudal serfdom under a theocracy, one even darker and more backward than medieval Europe. The ecclesiastical and secular serf owners controlled the personal freedom of the serfs and slaves who made up more than 95% of the population of Tibet. By resorting to… extremely savage punishments, including gouging out eyes, cutting off ears, tongues, hands and feet, pulling out tendons, throwing people into rivers or off cliffs, they practiced cruel economic exploitation.”

(Xinhua News Agency, March 2008)

What has happened since then?

“Since its peaceful liberation in 1951, Tibet has undergone profound social changes, including democratic reform, reform and opening up, and has achieved remarkable social and economic progress.”

(China’s Foreign Ministry handbook, July 2007)

Who was behind a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1959, after which the Dalai Lama fled to India?

“In face of the ever-growing demand of the people for democratic reform, some people in the upper ruling strata of Tibet, in order to preserve feudal serfdom and supported by imperialist forces, staged an armed rebellion all along the line on 10 March 1959 in an attempt to separate Tibet from China.”

(Xinhua News Agency, March 2008)

Who was responsible for the recent unrest in Tibet?

“We now possess sufficient evidence to prove that the Lhasa incident is part of the ‘Tibetan people’s uprising movement’ organised by the Dalai clique. Its purpose is to create crisis in China by staging co-ordinated sabotage activities in Tibet. ‘Tibet Independence’ separatist forces led by the Dalai Lama takes the 2008 Beijing Olympics as their last straw to realise ‘Tibetan independence’.”

(China’s Ministry of Public Security press release, April 2008)

“The Dalai Lama keeps talking about a peaceful way. However, solid facts prove that his much-vaunted ‘middle way’ policy and ‘peaceful demonstrations’ are blatant lies fabricated by the Dalai himself and the Dalai clique.”

(China’s Ministry of Public Security press release, April 2008)

What does the Chinese government think about reports by the Western media about the recent events in Tibet?

“It is unfortunate that a few Western media outlets, including some from the United States, are ignorant of the obvious truths and are basing their reports on distorted facts and unfounded claims.”

(Zhang Yun, Chinese consul general for Los Angeles, Xinhua, April 2008)


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 14:21 | #

What is even the utility of discussing Tibet anyway? I don’t see how this has anything to do with Russia, other than the fact that if China were not there, Russia would have been there instead. This is something that goes right back to the Great Game between the British Empire and the Russian Empire.

When the game was played forward to 1911, it was the preference of everyone except the Qing Dynasty, that Tibet should take the opportunity to separate itself from China. As the game was played forward to 1948, China wanted to re-annex Tibet so as to prevent the Republic of India from leveraging its influence there, since the eastern borders of Tibet are right next to some of the most strategically important population zones in China.

The Republic of India after its independence was basically the structure of the British Indian Empire preserved in a de jure independent state. As such, it structurally moved and acted like Britain would have acted if it had still been there, in that it endeavoured to get Tibet into Indian orbit.

Britain’s own position was one of relative ambivalence for three reasons:

1. Britain’s primary concern was that Russia should not be allowed to establish its diplomacy inside Tibet. Whether it was going to be China that would fill the space, or whether it was India that was going to serve to fill the space, didn’t really matter to Britain.
2. The United Nations was a brand new organisation at that point, and British diplomats knew very well that the reputation of the United Nations hinged on its ability to be seen as authoritative. The Chinese actions in Tibet were so decisive that the British decided not to fight hard at the UN against it, because China was going to ignore any result that opposed the annexation, and Britain understood that this would be very damaging to the early reputation of the UN if that were to happen.
3. Britain no longer had the capacity to intervene on its own there anyway.


Posted by (((Alternative Right)))'s Love Child on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 13:49 | #


Posted by Tillerson: my wife made me do this on Thu, 23 Mar 2017 08:41 | #

        Secretary of State Rex Tillerson looking ill at ease on trip to Asia

Politico, “Tillerson: ‘I didn’t want this job. I didn’t seek this job.”, 22 March 2017:

“My wife told me I’m supposed to do this.” .... Tillerson’s wife said “I told you God’s not through with you”

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson “didn’t want this job,” according to a profile published Wednesday in the Independent Journal Review, and only accepted it on the urging of his wife.

The remarks, which Tillerson delivered during a multi-part interview that took place over the course of his recent trip to Asia, were a starker version of introductory ones he made upon his arrival at the State Department following his confirmation.

“I didn’t want this job. I didn’t seek this job,” Tillerson told IJR’s Erin McPike, the lone reporter to accompany the secretary of state on his trip to Asia, who noted that the secretary does not appear to harbor regrets about accepting the job. “My wife told me I’m supposed to do this.”

Tillerson said he was “stunned” when President Donald Trump asked him to be secretary of state but that his wife was not. The secretary had planned to retire from his previous job as CEO of Exxon Mobil this month, but when offered the job as America’s top diplomat, Tillerson’s wife said “I told you God’s not through with you.”


Posted by Wild Kamchatka on Sat, 25 Mar 2017 17:22 | #

National Geographic: Wild Kamchatka


Posted by Kamchatka Peninsula on Sun, 26 Mar 2017 18:18 | #


Posted by Kuril island provocation Russia/Japan on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 09:16 | #

Russia crisis: Japan furious with Putin’s visit to disputed island

VLADIMIR PUTIN’S decision to send Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to an island claimed by both Japan and Russia was met with fury by Tokyo.

Express, 2 August 2019

The Russian Prime Minister paid a visit to one of the four Russian-held islands which lie off Japan’s most northern region. Known as Iturup in Russian and Etorofu in Japanese, the island was occupied by the Soviet Union after World War 2. It has been a source of dispute between Moscow and Tokyo for the last three-quarters of a century – and Mr Medvedev’s visit threatens to put relations between Russia and Japan under strain.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs pulled no punches with a strongly worded statement aimed at the Kremlin.

Officials said that Mr Medvedev’s visit was incompatible with the Japanese people’s view on the Russian-held islands.

The statement added: “We strongly urge the Russian side to take constructive measures to further advance Japan-Russia relations, including the issue of the conclusion of the peace treaty.”

Iturup is one of four islands involved in the so-called Kuril Islands dispute, also known as the Northern Territories altercation.

The Yalta agreement – a post World War 2 deal signed by the US, Britain and the Soviet Union – stated that “the Kuril Islands shall be handed over to the Soviet Union” after the conclusion of the war.

It was supported by the Cairo Declaration of 1943, which stated that Japan must be expelled from all territories which have been taken by violence.

Japan originally took control of the island in 1875 after Russia reportedly agreed to give up all the rights for the Kuril Islands.

The Russo-Japanese war 30 years later yielded more territory to Tokyo and became the backdrop of simmering tensions between the two nations.

Diplomatic progress has stalled in the past 20 years over the dispute.

In 2005, to Moscow’s dismay, the European Parliament recommended Russia return the islands to Japan.

2011 saw the installation of weapons on the island to, according to Mr Medvedev, “ensure the security of the islands as an integral part of Russia”.

Mr Medvedev’s latest visit came just two weeks after Moscow outright refused to discuss the potential handover of two of the contested islands to Japan.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)
