What if we’re not ‘the bad guys’?

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 10 February 2017 07:45.

Not actually 'the baddies'.'

It’s really great

Question. What’s the difference between:

  • being a pirate running a multi-ethnic drug-ferrying operation to generate money which is kept off-the-books for the financing of covert operations,
  • being a mercenary who is paid to attack slave-ships and liberate slaves,
  • being a radically forward-deployed coastguard which defends the borders of Britain at the edge of someone else’s shores on extended lines of supply, and
  • being a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire?

Trick question. They are all potentially the same thing, and that’s what makes Britain great.

The only people in parliament who seem to have any understanding of this history however, are the people in Theresa May’s wonderful cabinet.

Weaponised history

The difference in opinion between Amber Rudd and Justin Welby is very instructive:

ITV News, ‘Home Secretary faces backlash in parliament for capping lone child refugees’, 09 Feb 2017:

The Home Secretary faced a backlash in parliament after it was announced that the number of lone child refugees coming to the UK will be capped.

Amber Rudd insisted that the move to cap the scheme to just 350 children, far fewer than the 3,000 originally expected, closed to avoid encouraging people-traffickers.

Ministers quietly announced on Wednesday that 200 children had been brought in under the so-called Dubs Amendment and it will close after another 150 are settled in Britain.


Responding to the Commons, Rudd said: “I am clear that when working with my French counterparts, they do not want us to indefinitely continue to accept children under the Dubs Amendment because they specify, and I agree with them, that it acts as a draw. It acts as a pull.

“It encourages the people-traffickers.”

She also suggested that local authority funding had come into the equation when deciding how many child refugees would be settled under the programme.


The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby said he was “saddened and shocked” to learn of the Government’s decision to stop the scheme.

“Our country has a great history of welcoming those in need, particularly the most vulnerable, such as unaccompanied children,” he said.

“Refugees, like all people, are treasured human beings made in the image of God who deserve safety, freedom and the opportunity to flourish.”

He added: “We must resist and turn back the worrying trends we are seeing around the world, towards seeing the movement of desperate people as more of a threat to identity and security than an opportunity to do our duty.

“We cannot withdraw from our long and proud history of helping the most vulnerable.”

The Home Secretary is correct, and the Archbishop of Canterbury is incorrect, as per usual, because Christianity is stupid and will make you become stupid.

The apparently long, proud history of British people ‘helping the most vulnerable’ in a scenario like the one that is presently unfolding in Syria, has only one historical precedent actually, and it is the historical precedent of the West Africa Squadron.

Philanthropic activities

The West Africa Squadron sprung out of the changing economic structural necessities in 1808 after Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. The Squadron’s mission was to suppress the Atlantic Slave Trade by attacking slave ships off the coast of West Africa.

Letters of Marque were also issued to allow private security contractors, also known as ‘pirates’, to act on behalf of the British government under ‘false flags’ to attack Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arab, and American slave ships within the same mission scope. A particularly iconic practice was to approach a contact while flying the British red ensign, and then run it down the flagpole at the last minute and elevate the black Skull and Bones flag in its place before attacking the contact. Under the Skull and Bones, it was possible to exist in a parallel legal reality where you could do anything to anyone without a care in the world. This also happens to be the essence of what Ernst Junger would later refer to as the ‘dual state’.

The programme was later expanded by the 1840s to encompass North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Ocean, as Pax Britannica began to become entrenched across the major sea-lanes into the western hemisphere.

Notice how none of that involved inviting every single African into Britain. On the contrary, by taking the fight to the slave traders – both legally and extra-legally – it enabled the British to accomplish:

  • a great work of humanitarianism,
  • the pursuit of various geostrategic and geoeconomic objectives against Britain’s rivals,
  • disincentivising the activities of the slave traders, and
  • the ability to simply hijack virtually any ship and steal it, with popular support.

As Cecil John Rhodes once said, “Pure philanthropy is very well in its way, but philanthropy plus five percent is a good deal better.

And really, it is, isn’t it?

Anyone who doubts can simply contrast the premiership of Theresa May against the premiership of Angela Merkel. Which is faring better? Exactly. I rest my case.

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Posted by DanielS on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 05:17 | #

TRS, “Beyond The Wall Episode 6: Interview with Lawrence Murray”, 2 Jan 2017:

    TRS says: Hello Goys!

At TRS, Lawrence Murray (pseudonym) talks to two Mexicans. Murray, a writer for TRS, has given several clues (in this interview as well) to lead one to suspect that he might be Jewish himself - at least tasked with trying to soften attitudes toward Jews and Zionism, leave them certain outs, if not being Judeophilic. He was also the one responsible for their Castizo article, apparently meant to soften the blow of mixing Whites, Indios and blacks. Whatever the case, with the Mexicans he covers topics that those who actually are dealing in good faith need to consider: “The bad Jews” (as opposed to the “good”, Zionist ones, as these Alt-Righters propose the distinction), those Jews who are against Trump and the Alternative Right false opposition. Another matter discussed is world demographic population trends - relevant to this thread is a mention of Chinese population in Vancouver and New Zealand. Also discussed are Indio, Mestizo and “Sambo” (Castizo) populations for their better and worse, their presence in South, Central and North America.

(43:00) Mexican interlocutor: What we were talking about, the imperial spirit of the British Empire that had, like Larry was saying, that had a government based in London but was trying to be a world government, really fit into the merchant style of the international Jews at the time that they didn’t even have land, and it kind of fit into a synergy because at the same time whenever the British empire wanted to conduct new businesses, or get new contacts, or a new route in the merchant enterprise, the could always count on the Jews to have a cousin or a friend, or simply walk into a synagogue and say hey, we come from very far away, we have this plan, who do you know? can you make this work? can you make this happen? and there were kinda Jews everywhere, so it does make sense for the British to synergize because on the one hand, they like the merchant cast, international Jews, and at the same time, the British like the amount of contacts and the kind of a-priori expansion that the Jews had around the world. So, I think that kind worked both ways.

Lawrence Murray: Yeah, the British, oddly enough, if you look at the time of the first world war, actually had a sense that the Jews were powerful. Like, they actually had that ethnic awareness. Part of the reason that the Balfour Declaration is made, you know, the promising of an establishment of an Israeli homeland in Palestine, part of the reason why the Prime Minister and the Cabinet go along with this is because they believe by offering this as sort of a gift to the Jews, the international Jewish community will side with Britain and help them out. So, they were actually aware of Jewish power, but by then the empire was on its way out anyway..so it’s kind of interesting, they don’t really grasp it until it gets near the end, how powerful the faction they’re dealing with; and by the time that the British empire ends, Israel manages to literally bomb its way out of it, which is a fitting end..a bookend to the collapse of the British empire.

The Israelis launch a terror campaign against the British government (laughs), which had given them Israel, in order to become independent, yeah, you know, so that’s how it ends.

So, beginning in the 30’s an 40’s The British started to back-peddle on Zionist policy, where they were going to let Jews migrate to Palestine, because, as it turns out, that made the Arabs angry. And the British, of course, having to maintain the empire, couldn’t have the Jews and the Arabs fighting each other within the empire because that’s bad for the government because it leads to anarchy; so they started trying to say no, the Jews can’t migrate to Palestine anymore, because that’s causing tensions and the Jews of course did not like that idea.

(46:07) Mexican: What’s the name of the hotel that they bombed?

Lawrence Murrary (pretending to be unsure): I think it’s the Hotel David. ..yeah, I believe that’s the one.

(46:25) Mexican: There’s another aspect that led the British to be so susceptible to Jewish influence, basically the crazy Protestant sects.” [note Jewish angle of directing blame to Whites]

(46:50)...you know had this crazy belief about the Jews going back to Israel to fulfill some prophesy…

(47:23) Lawrence Murray: That’s why I’d recommend reading not just Kevin MacDonald but also Paul Gottfried, who is Jewish, but I believe grew up in Connecticut and New York; and, you know, he’s a paleoconservative writer, so he’s not a nationalist but he did analyze in the book, “Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt” how there’s a chain of connection between you know that northern, New England, Puritan Protestant culture that eventually gives rise to the title of the book, Multiculturalism and the Culture of Guilt, because guilt is such a Protestant thing .. you have guilt and you have salvation and you’re sort of born damned…and some of it spills-over to Catholicism as well, but it wasn’t the Catholics who brought to America the idea that you have to atone for slavery and discrimination ...Catholics did not found the United States.

(48:31) Mexican: If we come through the current year, as they say…as Larry was saying, there are Jews that are writing about these kinds of things…there are so many nationalists in Israel, and you know, the British people realizing that the, the British empire idea and the world finance idea simply is not working ... now how should we approach the issue? Because, on the one side, we have what we’ve been talking here, that they they did this and they did that, that they’ve been doing it, they’re probably going to keep doing it, they’re going to keep doing it, and its in their blood and all that and on the other hand we see an opportunity to kind of just wheel in all the people, the British people, and even talk to the Jewish people about our understanding this concept of identity and of different nations and of commerce between sovereign nations, not between nations that are ruled under one capitalist global finance system. Should we just ah, should we call it even? and let bygones be bygones? and let the Jews have their own state in the Middle East and let the British you know, obviously keep their land and peacefully dismantle the global financial system without holding any grudges?

(50:10) Mexican: I mean seriously, because there’s so much momentum in the Alternative Right and all these things .. I use that term as an umbrella for all the awareness that is coming in the world, even among Jews and non-Whites, so if the momentum keeps growing and we actually get somewhere, do we want some kind of conflict with anybody or do we just want to learn form our mistakes and create a new system, that if we use it differently in each nation, as each identity wants can actually work to keep world peace and to let Europeans prosper [not that he’s talking about Europeans prospering while they are being genocided] and to let other countries, you know mind their own business [rather, let the compradors mind it for them] you know, if they get back on their feet or they do’t well, that’s their problem. You kind of get the idea of what I’m saying, right Larry?

(51:05) Lawrence Murray: Yeah, I think the fault-line is going to be ‘pro-White countries versus anti-White countries.’ I don’t know how that’s going to unfold entirely, but I think in terms of foreign policy, people that are willing to work with us and permit us, speaking from a white American perspective, people who are willing to let us have our own state, and not try to destroy it, I think that’s a good starting point to be friends. People who do not want us to have that, we’re obviously not going to get along with. So, we don’t know what that’s going to look-like yet. I’ve spoken to people who argue that Israel may wind up being an ally of Europe and a White America, simply because the same people who hate Israel, hate the United States, I’ve heard argued ...I don’t know that that is entirely true but there are people who are both anti-Zionist and anti-White, so you know, we don’t know what these things are going to look like, what we do know is that from my perspective, at least, I want a White homeland; and people who support a White homeland will be my allies and people who don’t, won’t be.

        It’s the old, “this is what they say” .. “I didn’t say it”.

        He also strongly recommends reading (((Paul Gottfried))) to supplement your reading of MacDonald.

(52:25 ) Mexican: and how do you envisage the United States, it would get a pro-White tone [tone?], like you were saying and the people, especially the anti-White White people, which I think are the most aggressive ones against Whites…

(52:41) Lawrence Murray: Well, [here comes false opposition] they’re the second most aggressive. We all know who the most aggressive are. I know this might be a challenge, because English might be a second language but you should crack open the New York Times and see who the authors are of all the op-eds condemning Donald Trump and his White male voters.

(53:08) Mexican: The New York Times is owned by a Mexican, well not owned.. he’s just a majority share holder

(53:16) Lawrence Murray: And isn’t he an Arab if I’m not mistaken?

(53:20) Mexican: He’s a Lebanese. He’s not exactly an Arab, he’s a Christian from Lebanon. He will be more like a Semite, a Catholic Semite.


Posted by Sheldon Adelson on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 15:26 | #

Jewish Press, “Sheldon & Miriam Adelson to Dine with Pres. & First Lady Trump at White House”, 10 Feb 2017:

Jewish billionaires Sheldon and Dr. Miriam Adelson

The Adelsons are having dinner at the White House with America’s First Couple and a source says Israel is on the agenda.

Jacob Kornbluh @jacobkornbluh

Adelson source tells @jonathanvswan that Adelson will lobby against the two-state solution in dinner with Trump …

Jacob Kornbluh @jacobkornbluh

“They’ll also discuss Trump’s promise to move the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.”
7:50 PM - 9 Feb 2017

Las Vegas mega casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Dr. Miriam Adelson are set to dine Thursday night (Feb. 9) at the White House with President Donald Trump and his First Lady, Melania Trump.

A source quoted by Axios “close to Sheldon Adelson” said the Jewish philanthropist, a major supporter of Israel, plans to raise the issue of why the so-called “two-state solution” is no solution.

Also allegedly on the plate will be President Trump’s campaign promise to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – a move that Adelson reported supports, and a move that has been quietly been explored since the day Trump was elected. There are rumors that a site for a new embassy may have already been selected, and possibly even purchased in an area of Jerusalem that was in Israeli hands during the time the Jordanians occupied part of the capital.

Sheldon Adelson, who is the eighth richest American, owns the Israeli daily newspaper Israel Hayom, as well as the Las Vegas Review-Journal. He is married Miriam, an Israeli-born medical doctor originally from Haifa; the couple has four children together. Dr. Adelson founded a substance abuse center and research clinic at Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv, and to this day continues her personal involvement in research on treatment.

The couple has bankrolled the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Charitable Trust, which funds three separate foundations and two nonprofit organizations. The couple donates millions of dollars to Birthright Israel Foundation, and the nonprofit SpaceIL, aimed at landing the first Israeli spacecraft on the moon.

It should be an interesting night.

        Comment by DanielS


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 16:20 | #

A bracing trip through a contrary logic.  Entertaining.  I must say, I had never imagined Amber Rudd (who, to my eyes, suffers from the well-known political condition of ideological disease, with feminist complications) as a Mary Read or Bonny.  But, actually, I can see now that she is the type!


Posted by Just Sayin' on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 23:53 | #

Obviously there is a faction of Jews backing Trump, as well as a faction opposing him.

The question is, to what extent does Trump represent:

A) Jews digging their claws in deeper, consolidating their power, scaling up their ambitions, arranging things to serve their interests even more directly

and to what extent does he represent

B) Jews getting nervous, going into a defensive mode, scaling back their ambitions, making concessions to the goyim in order to prevent white resentment (and leftist third worldism) from threatening certain core interests

It likely represents a combination of a) and b) (at minimum they realize they can no longer rule so blatantly as neo-cons and need to at least pay more lip service), but we can’t actually know the answer to this question until we see how events play out over the next few years.

If he starts a war against Iran (or worse, a world war against Islam), then we’ll know that the Jews found a new angle to consolidate their power even further. We’ll know that they’re really that Machiavellian. And we’ll know that we’re quite screwed.

If, on the other hand, he follows through on some of his promises regarding immigration and other areas where he has promised to be less anti-white, then we’ll know that Jews are getting nervous and feeling like they have to grant some concessions to hold on to their base of power. At which point, why not try and wring more concessions out of them?

(Yes, it would be better if whites were sovereign in their own lands, but they’re not and won’t be any time soon. For now white identity politics is, at least, good practice.)


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 00:16 | #

GW, how much land do you think Russia should give away to gooks?


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 00:31 | #

Just Sayin’: Obviously there is a faction of Jews backing Trump, as well as a faction opposing him.

The question is, to what extent does Trump represent:

A) Jews digging their claws in deeper, consolidating their power, scaling up their ambitions, arranging things to serve their interests even more directly

and to what extent does he represent

B) Jews getting nervous, going into a defensive mode, scaling back their ambitions, making concessions to the goyim in order to prevent white resentment (and leftist third worldism) from threatening certain core interests

It likely represents a combination of a) and b) (at minimum they realize they can no longer rule so blatantly as neo-cons and need to at least pay more lip service), but we can’t actually know the answer to this question until we see how events play out over the next few years.

DanielS: We don’t have to wait for anything. We know right now that is the case - that it is a combination of the two.

Just Sayin’: If he starts a war against Iran (or worse, a world war against Islam), then we’ll know that the Jews found a new angle to consolidate their power even further. We’ll know that they’re really that Machiavellian. And we’ll know that we’re quite screwed.

If, on the other hand, he follows through on some of his promises regarding immigration and other areas where he has promised to be less anti-white, then we’ll know that Jews are getting nervous and feeling like they have to grant some concessions to hold on to their base of power. At which point, why not try and wring more concessions out of them?

(Yes, it would be better if whites were sovereign in their own lands, but they’re not and won’t be any time soon. For now white identity politics is, at least, good practice.)

DanielS: “White identity politics” is the game that Jews are trying to get ahead of and control now - they are playing it between:

a) their crypsis, passing as White;

b) those who don’t care or even want to see them effectively on the same team; and failing those options,

c) those who believe that they (Jews) are a people who can be aligned with in good faith as Zionists (and/or a sufficiently autonomous and separatist nation in diaspora), in the scheme of particular nationalism for everybody as opposed to globalization. 

The first problem is that the Jewish religion is globalism at their behest - Zionism, it only sees as its medium for global rule. We already know that the Jews don’t argue in nationalist good faith, they wage war by deception. Christianity and Islam serve their ends. “White identity politics” are enmeshed with that and more in the broad publics of the world - the Jews know this, and do their best to orchestrate these ambiguities.

It is clear that Jews are trying to get ahead of White ethnocentric response, “identity”, trying to influence its friend enemy distinctions as much as possible - they can better orchestrate White response with more time. But for Whites, a wait-and-see response to what Trumpstein will do is unnecessary and is, at best, dubiously advised by your part. Whites don’t need to wait one moment to look at how Jewish interests lie, they only need to recognize the level of chutzpah with which they (the Jews) put their agenda across; and, by contrast, begin to grasp White sovereignty, as we are a verifiably distinct people from Jews and Jews are clearly verifiable as a distinct people in contrast, whom we need to separate from: separatism is the first step, separatism is the ultimate aim, separatism is always possible.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 07:34 | #

GW, would you be prepared to give away the American Upper Midwest to muds if it meant the necessity of giving your own daughter away to niggers?

I expect a fucking response!


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 09:56 | #

CC, I will write a whole piece in reply to you, when I have got around to finishing up the piece I’m on now.

Meanwhile, can I ask you - again - not to use trailer trash-talk on this site, please.  Quite apart from the childishness of it there is a legal consideration.  We three are in Europe, under European law; and you, with your total lack of consideration, are forcing us to break it by posting such idiocy.  Instead of removing it from the thread I am using it to force an improvement from you (and others).  Do not test my patience with it further.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:20 | #

separatism is the first step, separatism is the ultimate aim, separatism is always possible

Separatism is the goal, but you can’t just unilaterally separate from FEDGOV. Even if (especially if) you aren’t interested in FEDGOV, FEDGOV is interested in you.

And if FEDGOV is left in the hands of Obama / Bush types because you’re ignoring it, it will make your prospects worse, and it will make the whole world worse.

The long term prospects for whites on the North American continent still look really, really bad. But if Trump fulfills a portion of his promises the immediate near term prospects look a little better, simply because FEDGOV will be doing fewer actively anti-white things. And in theory, if he lives up to his campaign promises, FEDGOV will be doing fewer actively anti-world things as well. Admittedly, that seems like more of a long shot, given the Iran situation, but it is what was promised.

Whites have little choice but to become the kind of people who are comfortable grabbing and using political power to benefit their group. In the past they often said “political power is not for me, it’s immoral because of X, I’ll sit this one out.” But if they do that now, FEDGOV will be weaponized against them.

Admittedly there are a lot of long term risks to this strategy, but that’s true of any strategy. FEDGOV is likely to use force against attempts at white separatism, so it may be more prudent to try something a little smarter. For example, set up a situation where California tries to secede from U.S., rather than a situation where whites try to secede from FEDGOV and get massacred.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 22:21 | #

Posted by Just Sayin’ on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 16:20 | #

DanielS: separatism is the first step, separatism is the ultimate aim, separatism is always possible

Separatism is the goal, but you can’t just unilaterally separate from FEDGOV. Even if (especially if) you aren’t interested in FEDGOV, FEDGOV is interested in you.

Separatism is not just a goal, it is the ultimate aim. Perhaps the FEDGOV is interested in me; I can believe that particularly coming from YOU, but is NOT the case that motions of separatism cannot begin immediately, and shall, including from your Alt-Right, Regnery circus.

And if FEDGOV is left in the hands of Obama / Bush types because you’re ignoring it, it will make your prospects worse, and it will make the whole world worse.

Maybe it would have been too sudden a destruction. But the normal WN argument to look on the positive side of that kind of outcome would have been that it would forefront alienation and lend itself to bringing the system down sooner, which would allow more Whites to escape ultimate mixing away or dying off for sundry reasons of alienation. By contrast, Trump is resuscitating the political system with all its destruction, and worse, getting a lot of Whites to believe in it again - which will lead to many of them being mixed away and being co-opted into the Jewish agenda. With that, the foreign policy will have long term negative consequences on Whites too (maybe not so long term consequences).

Unlike Hillary, Trump will placate Whites more and bake them more fully into the race mixing cake; while he keeps the civic beast working and Whites participating, more hopeful in their prospects, he is still not really racist enough against blacks to cause divisions; and obviously not anti Semitic. He will cause some frictions with Mexicans and Asians; and so what - an emphasis as his masters would have it, whereas normal Whites would rather have Mexican and Asian allies and deal with them rather than blacks and Jews when drawing friend enemy distinctions. This will keep the American beast working on Jewish friend/enemy lines to the whole world’s detriment.

The long term prospects for whites on the North American continent still look really, really bad.

I suppose it does look bad, but there are ways and means to carry-on.

But if Trump fulfills a portion of his promises the immediate near term prospects look a little better, simply because FEDGOV will be doing fewer actively anti-white things.

Well, as I’ve said, if that buys Whites some time, they need to get themselves together and they’d better realize that the Jews behind him and in his cabinet are already making a huge mess that is going to have repercussions.

In terms of immigration and anti-“PC” Trump is only an ostensible “solution” to the Jewish and right wing created problems; but by re-legitimizing the system and getting Whites involved in it as that ostensible solution, he will create more race mixing domestically; while aiding enemies abroad and hindering necessary allies. He may be a short term gain for Whites, but he is conceived for the long term interests of Jews and right wing sell outs. One can only hope it will come back to them.

And in theory, if he lives up to his campaign promises, FEDGOV will be doing fewer actively anti-world things as well. Admittedly, that seems like more of a long shot, given the Iran situation, but it is what was promised.

His foreign policy is well off the mark in several regards already; it is only a matter of how bad it will be.

Whites have little choice but to become the kind of people who are comfortable grabbing and using political power to benefit their group.

That’s the kosher TRS line that they’ve sold on people with the Alt Right. As I said, getting them to believe in the Republican party and breath life back into the beast that’s killing them and people who should be allies.

In the past they often said “political power is not for me, it’s immoral because of X, I’ll sit this one out.” But if they do that now, FEDGOV will be weaponized against them.

I suspect that is more of threat than a description. But just because some people make deals with YKW doesn’t mean that everybody has to. It’s not the only way.

Admittedly there are a lot of long term risks to this strategy, but that’s true of any strategy. FEDGOV is likely to use force against attempts at white separatism,

Let them try.

so it may be more prudent to try something a little smarter.

Oh? Like making deals with Jews? We have ways smarter than that.

For example, set up a situation where California tries to secede from U.S., rather than a situation where whites try to secede from FEDGOV and get massacred.

Whites are not going to get massacred by the government - not domestically anyway. They will get miscegenated, raped and otherwise murdered by the system that Trump has served to keep in place.

Why do you want California to secede? So that Hymiewood hills can rule the roost over a bunch of Mestizos?

Whatever your motive, I believe that the United States should have been more like many little nations from the start. But as for its being a “smart angle”, I don’t believe that California will soon secede.


Posted by Scots on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 10:20 | #


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 12:44 | #

I actually don’t see the problem with what JustSayin’ is suggesting here on the face of it. We know already that the United States will continue to project power into the world in a way that we don’t want it to. We know that they can keep doing it with ease, so long as they hold control of Alta-California and maintain their present relationship with Mexico through NAFTA, then why should we not just indulge the Trump supporters on that issue?

On that one, they are aiming to shoot themselves in their own leg, they just don’t realise it, and we should do what we can to make sure that they shoot themselves in the leg.

Super-fast history time

The Trump supporters don’t seem to understand how geostrategy works. The United States was able to become a Pacific empire, because:

1. The United States was able to prevent the British Empire from obstructing American westward expansion after the year 1812,
2. The United States was able to annihilate the Native American governmental structures and land ownership in the western territories and put the Native Americans into reservations,
3. The United States was able to win the war against Mexico and confiscate 40% of Mexico’s territory and then sign the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo, which undermined the land ownership rights of people who had been living there,
4. The United States was able to retain Alta-California and Hawaii, from which it could engage in operations in the Pacific,
5. The United States was able to supplant the Spanish Empire in the Greater Caribbean, and was able to force the Monroe Doctrine onto the world so as to lock the back door at the Atlantic side of the equation,
6. The United States was able to attack and annex the Philippines, thus giving the United States a foothold in the Pacific,
7. The United States was able to achieve its objective in the Pacific in the First World War, which was to drive a wedge between the British Empire and the Japanese Empire after 1918.
8. The United States was able to economically subordinate the British Empire to itself after 1922, and thus shape and corral the players in the decision-making process of British foreign policy.

After that point, the United States was going to become a global power no matter what anyone did or said about it, and when the next set of challengers (Axis) stepped up to fight them in the Second World War, the United States was once again able to survive. It’s unfortunate for everyone.

It’s like cancer

For America, westward expansion was not a hobby or a mere concept. Westward expansion also did not have limits. America was expanding infinitely westward, to extend its influence as far as the rest of humanity could be found, which is naturally what all great powers desire to do – if we let them.

One way to unravel all of this, would be to remove Mexico from the sphere of economic cooperation with the United States, and have Mexico instead building patterns of trade and investment with countries with Japan, China, South Korea, and Britain. Fortunately, that is already happening, as Theresa May supports Britain doing a free trade deal with ‘the Pacific Alliance’, which consists of a number of countries in Central and South America, plus Mexico. At the same time,  Japan, China and South Korea also are also working out FTAs with the same Latin American countries, and this is obviously being pursued because the United States has begin to remove itself from the equation.

It is with a wry smile that I hope that Donald Trump will abolish NAFTA as soon as possible. That could only help to further drive Mexico out of the orbit of the United States over the next decade or so. If he wants to be an idiot to satisfy his idiotic voting base, then that is great.

Another way to help erode the power-projection capability of the United States would be to do what we can, where we can, to incite and inflame tensions between ‘patriotic’ White Americans and ‘immigrant’ Hispanics, so that the Hispanics will want to secede. Of course, if majority-Hispanic polities in the United States wanted to secede with a territorially contiguous slice of land, what might such an idea look like? Well, it would look like Alta-California secession, that’s what it would look like.

Contemplate now that we don’t have to inflame tensions anyway. The followers of Donald Trump are doing it themselves anyway. I don’t think it is productive to try to stop an opponent from making mistakes. Balkanisation needs to happen, and the Trump supporters are ironically doing half the work already, they just don’t know it yet.

You burned our house, now we burn yours

The Jews think that they are very smart right now, with their little ‘White-Jewish social alliance’ in Alta-California, and their little foray into ICE deportation squads and civic nationalism. They also think that they are very smart with their restrictions on H1-B visas and with Cohn’s new tax plan which will involve forcing East Asian producers to pay tax to the United States (also known by some as ZOG) so that ZOG can keep funding itself, in the form of ‘incentives and tariffs’.

They seem to think that we are all going to sit there and just pay that. They could not be more wrong.

With every action the Americans take, they are in fact laying the foundations for the next social upheaval. The geographic focus with regards to the United States, should be to do everything possible to help the United States to lose its trade relationship with Mexico in the near term, and in the long term help the United States to lose actual control over Alta-California.

In anticipation of the whining

Every time I talk about these issues, there is a huge cry that goes up, almost as if as one, the Trump supporters—their hands rending at their own clothes and at the sky like anguished talons—begin screaming, “Oyyy Veyyy, you’re an anti-White gook!”

Since I know that there is always going to be someone out there who is going to start whining at me because they don’t want to hear an Asian woman talking about how the United States should not be ‘made great again’, I should remind such people that I am not saying anything that Lord Rodney wouldn’t have said if he were alive today.

He is really a great role model.

Wikipedia, George Brydges Rodney, 1st Baron Rodney:

George Brydges Rodney, 1st Baron Rodney, KB (bap. 13 February 1718 — 24 May 1792) was a British naval officer. He is best known for his commands in the American War of Independence, particularly his victory over the French at the Battle of the Saintes in 1782. It is often claimed that he was the commander to have pioneered the tactic of “breaking the line”.

Rodney came from a distinguished but poor background, and went to sea at the age of fourteen. His first major action was the Second Battle of Cape Finisterre in 1747. He made a large amount of prize money during the 1740s, allowing him to purchase a large country estate and a seat in the House of Commons of Great Britain. During the Seven Years’ War, Rodney was involved in a number of amphibious operations such as the raids on Rochefort and Le Havre and the Siege of Louisbourg. He became well known for his role in the capture of Martinique in 1762. Following the Peace of Paris, Rodney’s financial situation stagnated. He spent large sums of money pursuing his political ambitions. By 1774 he had run up large debts and was forced to flee Britain to avoid his creditors. He was in a French jail when war was declared in 1778. Thanks to a benefactor, Rodney was able to secure his release and return to Britain where he was appointed to a new command.

Rodney successfully relieved Gibraltar during the Great Siege and defeated a Spanish fleet during the 1780 Battle of Cape St. Vincent, known as the “Moonlight Battle” because it took place at night. He then was posted to the Jamaica Station, where he became involved in the controversial 1781 capture of Sint Eustatius.


Following the outbreak of the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War between Britain and the Dutch Republic Rodney, acting under orders from London, captured the valuable Dutch island of St Eustatius on 3 February 1781. The island was home to a Jewish community who were mainly merchants with significant international trading and maritime commercial ties. The Jews were estimated to have been at least 10% of the permanent population of St. Eustatius.[26]

Rodney immediately arrested and imprisoned 101 Jews in the warehouses of the lower city. He treated them harshly, summarily deporting 31 heads of families without mercy or word to their dependents. Rodney looted Jewish personal possessions and stripped his captives, tearing out the linings of their clothes; this alone yielded him 8,000 pounds.[27] When Rodney realized that the Jews might be hiding additional treasure, he dug up the Jewish cemetery. Rodney said, “They (the Jews of St. Eustatius,) cannot too soon be taken care of – they are notorious in the cause of America and France.”[28]

Wikipedia, Capture of Sint Eustatius:

St. Eustatius, a Dutch-controlled island in the West Indies, was an entrepot that operated as a major trading centre despite its relatively small size. During the American War of Independence it assumed increased importance, because a British blockade made it difficult to transport supplies directly across the Atlantic Ocean to US ports. St. Eustatius became a crucial source of supplies, and its harbour was filled with American trading ships. Its importance increased further following France’s entry into the war in 1778 as it was used to help supply the French West Indian islands. It is estimated that one half of all the American Revolutionary military supplies were trans-shipped through St. Eustatius. Merchant networks, particularly Dutch, many whom were St. Eustatius residents, were key to the military supplies and goods being shipped to the revolutionary forces. US-European communications were directed through St. Eustatius. In 1776, St. Eustatius, hence the Dutch, were the first to recognize the American Revolutionary government when the US brig, Andrew Doria, fired thirteen guns announcing their arrival. The Andrew Doria was saluted with an eleven gun response from Fort Orange.[1] The Andrew Doria arrived to purchase military supplies on St. Eustatius and to present to the Dutch governor a copy of the US Declaration of Independence. An earlier copy of the Declaration had been captured by a British naval ship. The British were confused by the papers wrapped around the declaration, which they thought were a secret cypher. The papers were written in Yiddish for a merchant in Holland.[2]

St. Eustatius’s role in supplying Britain’s enemies provoked anger amongst British leaders. Rodney alleged that goods brought out on British convoys had then been sold, through St. Eustatius, to the rebels.[3] Following the outbreak of war between the Dutch Republic and Britain in December 1780, orders were sent from London to seize the island. The British were assisted by the fact that the news of the war’s outbreak had not yet reached St. Eustatius.[4]

Lord Rodney did nothing wrong. He had correctly discerned at the time that the Jews of the Antilles were financially behind the American revolution.

And we see once again that the United States just can’t help itself.

Like a dog returning to its own vomit, the United States is once against reverting to type (ironically, it was propelled there by the Alt-Right!), which is why Donald Trump and his cadre of Jews – one of whom is married to his own daughter – are now the de-facto economic dictators of the United States.

So I actually don’t want to really hear any complaints from any Americans about how I’m “anti-American” and “anti-Semitic”, or that I “won’t let ancient history go”, or whatever. If any of them reach the end of this comment and are thinking about writing that kind of response to me, I’m just pre-emptively advising them to go and fuck themselves before they even start writing a response.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 13:24 | #

Kumiko, I just want to you to be aware that you are going along with a guy whose been vouching for Mike Enoch from the get go - Mike Enoch, a guy that you’ve now devoted a good amount of effort to exposing as being in service of the enemy, not just to you as an ally to Whites, but to you as you as an Asian, with Asian interests specifically. This is cause for some reflection as to what he might be trying to do in such a suggestion, aspects which may not be “accidentally” in your interests only - I suspect that his reason for raising Californian separatism is that a) he knows it has no chance to happen within the next 20 years, so it’s a red herring to divert true resistance and b) it is going to raise the ire of innocent Whites who live in California and have nothing intrinsically against Mexicans and Asians; people who could be friends and allies. This guy is a Jew agent. He’s stupid but not altogether stupid:

Just Sayin’ 2016-03-23 22:33:

Nope, support for him is spontaneous and grass roots. And remains strong. The audience started supporting him before the supposed shills. Spencer likes him now, but was kind of late to the party.

Check out the recently released Radix podcast where Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch discuss the AIPAC speech for a pretty accurate understanding of why this speech doesn’t matter.

It’s pretty simple. Trump represents the first stirrings of American nationalism. Civic nationalism, not white nationalism, but we’ve never before been allowed even that. And the actual Jew shills are still pretty desperate to prevent us from getting it.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 13:29 | #

I support any tendencies that lead toward the balkanisation of the United States, no matter what. If the American opposition chooses not to stand in the way of those tendencies, then more fool them.

There is no cause for reflection. The time for trying to be nice to America is basically over, and I don’t really see the merits of continuing to patiently wait on the rise of a coherent movement in the United States.

I don’t presume to speak for Majorityrights when I say that, it’s just my opinion alone. You don’t have to agree with me on it, and we don’t have to agree on everything. Last time this topic came up, you didn’t agree with me then either.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 13:58 | #

All I’m saying is that this guy is an advocate of Mike Enoch, Richard Spencer, Trump and all this Alt Right stuff that you don’t like, and it should cause you to reflect a little on how their view is effecting Whites who are not like them and not opposed to you.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 14:14 | #

Just Sayin’s comment is barely even about California. He threw a little chum out there, like Ichan or some other corporate raider, saying how we could be “smart” running this site .. advocating Californian secession for me is a waste of time, a divesion for me and he knows it… it is not likely to produce any results soon. People who want to advocate it can go right ahead.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 14:36 | #

If Mike Enoch came out and said tomorrow morning, “I wish California would secede from the United States,” I would basically not say anything, because why would I want to interrupt my enemy when he is making a mistake? I haven’t seen him do this yet, but if he did do it, I’d remain silent and let him just keep saying it unimpeded.

The Political Cesspool with James Edwards also has been saying that they wish California would just leave so that they can live in Trump-land without Californians voting against it for decades. Why should I spend time signalling against that course of action to their faces? I shouldn’t. Once again I would remain silent and let him just keep saying it unimpeded.

As I write this, altright.com is celebrating the deportation squads that are presently going door to door and grabbing people. I hope that when they eventually reach California with this, that the entire situation will turn into a total conflagration and that it will become very apparent that the two population groups simply cannot live together.

The American Alt-Right wanted this. Why even stop it? It’s the first step to balkanisation. Perhaps they don’t know that it is—but it is.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 15:24 | #

For the record, I disavow Enoch and TRS higher ups. Their fan base was apparently much more serious than they were and many have also disavowed them.

Just figured I’d post under the same name to give you an opportunity to gloat.

Maybe it would have been too sudden a destruction. But the normal WN argument to look on the positive side of that kind of outcome would have been that it would forefront alienation and lend itself to bringing the system down sooner, which would allow more Whites to escape ultimate mixing away or dying off for sundry reasons of alienation. By contrast, Trump is resuscitating the political system with all its destruction, and worse, getting a lot of Whites to believe in it again - which will lead to many of them being mixed away and being co-opted into the Jewish agenda.

Well, it’s the old dilema of accelerationism vs non-accelerationism. Not one we’re likely to resolve here.

It’s possible Hillary + massive demographic replacement causes white seperatism, it’s possible things go for more of a South Africa route.

Personally, I think that American whites are soft, and don’t have much in the way of a fighting spirit, and that they need to get a taste for fighting (metaphorically) and weilding power, before they’re thrown into the deep end. I don’t necessarily think they respond to Hillary with seperatism, more like apathy.

Trump looks to be nicely increasing polarization, and Trump supporters will have a good opportunity to get used to doing things over the objections of the left and over cries of “that’s racist”

He will cause some frictions with Mexicans and Asians; and so what - an emphasis as his masters would have it, whereas normal Whites would rather have Mexican and Asian allies and deal with them rather than blacks and Jews when drawing friend enemy distinctions. This will keep the American beast working on Jewish friend/enemy lines to the whole world’s detriment.

Mestizos and Asian in America are not allies, quite the opposite. They’re politically hostile and they’re a more serious threat to our racial integrity than blacks. Blacks have self segregating tendencies and our cultural defenses are more evolved to handle them, by pushing partial blacks into the black group. American blacks are already here, while Mestizos and Asians are coming in from abroad in large numbers.

Jews are, of course, the most dangerous group. But it must be noted that the faction of Jews supporting Trump is a small minority, and his candidacy has provoked the larger faction into irrational and self defeating behavior, and has allowed us to raise awareness of the JQ.

And for now, Jews are dug in deep. So long as the boomers literally worship them, the possibilities on this issue are limited. The good news is, millennials don’t worship them.

Why do you want California to secede? So that Hymiewood hills can rule the roost over a bunch of Mestizos?

To improve the racial demographics of the rest of the U.S. and get rid of pro-immigration leftists. Also, it gives us a good place to deport anchor babies.



Posted by Just Sayin' on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 15:49 | #

One way to unravel all of this, would be to remove Mexico from the sphere of economic cooperation with the United States, and have Mexico instead building patterns of trade and investment with countries with Japan, China, South Korea, and Britain.

Another way to help erode the power-projection capability of the United States would be to do what we can, where we can, to incite and inflame tensions between ‘patriotic’ White Americans and ‘immigrant’ Hispanics, so that the Hispanics will want to secede. Of course, if majority-Hispanic polities in the United States wanted to secede with a territorially contiguous slice of land, what might such an idea look like? Well, it would look like Alta-California secession, that’s what it would look like.

Well, seems like this is one area where pro-American and anti-American WNs can agree.

Mexico has sent tens of millions of non-white immigrants into the United States, demographically transforming much of the country. This is a grave threat to the racial integrity of the United States. And Mexican immigrants just make the areas they inhabit worse and vote for more immigration and wealth re-distribution. It’s another cancer.

We desperately need to create division between White Americans and Mestizos, even if it causes economic difficulties or a reduction in the ability of the United States to project power. As long as the costs don’t render it unsustainable, polarization of this sort is quite beneficial from a WN perspective.

And even better, leftist ideology is causing other non-whites to side with the Mestizos, increasing polarization between, for example, whites and Asian Americans. Which is, of course, a positive, and much needed, given the integrationist tendencies of some Asian Americans.

Ideally we’d all neatly sort into ethno-states and so on. But the next best thing is a messy balkanization where heavily non-white areas of the U.S. split off, leaving a significantly whiter core.

And again, because of integrationist tendencies Mestizo / Asian California is far more of a threat than (self) segregation minded Alabama.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 16:01 | #

Mestizos and Asian in America are not allies, quite the opposite. They’re politically hostile and they’re a more serious threat to our racial integrity than blacks. Blacks have self segregating tendencies and our cultural defenses are more evolved to handle them, by pushing partial blacks into the black group. American blacks are already here, while Mestizos and Asians are coming in from abroad in large numbers.

We fundamentally disagree. I, and anybody that I am gong to get along with, would rather work things out with Asians and Mexicans than with blacks (and needless to say not with Jews either, of course). Including in the context of dividing up North America.

Jews are, of course, the most dangerous group. But it must be noted that the faction of Jews supporting Trump is a small minority, and his candidacy has provoked the larger faction into irrational and self defeating behavior, and has allowed us to raise awareness of the JQ.

Jews are Trump and Trump is doing Jewish bidding, period. The ones that don’t like him are the more liberal ones that the core Jews are willing to shed, just as White Nationalists are willing to shed their liberals (and send them to California). In some cases they’ll wink at them as their opposition, just a family member that is a little rogue.

  Why do you want California to secede? So that Hymiewood hills can rule the roost over a bunch of Mestizos?

To improve the racial demographics of the rest of the U.S. and get rid of pro-immigration leftists. Also, it gives us a good place to deport anchor babies

I’ve believed in state secession since I can remember. Part of the thing that causes me some hesitancy with regard to California is the question of who wants to secede and why, because it is a state that has many really precious aspects - I mean, its not Nevada and I would not want to throw it to the dogs or use it for nuclear testing. So, a sheer dumping ground for undesirables, no - but then, who resides and who they take in will be in accordance with their state charter.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 18:00 | #

My view is that in the case of Hillary Clinton, she would have been able to keep everyone going along as though everything is going to be okay and that integration in possible and so on. For a while the prospect of her winning the election really had everyone going, “Maybe she is going to take the wind out of everyone’s sails and actually continue to reproduce the American power in those areas?”

Some people, myself included, had started to think that maybe the idea of getting California to secede any time soon was going to be extremely difficult, because:

1. By acting very skilfully and inoffensively, the Clinton approach would be to just keep the good times going, not incite any racial tensions themselves, and if Asians and Hispanics started anything then they could legitimately act bewildered and say, “Hey, we didn’t do anything to you, we let you come in and do whatever, so now you have to respect the peace.” And I think a lot of people, especially the overseas career Asians, the ATKs, the Hispanics with citizenship, the DREAMers, and so on, would’ve said, “Okay, no reason to rock the boat here.”
2. White people tended to be disunited on the issue, since while I think White Americans find the Asian-Hispanic California combo to be annoying, they didn’t uniformly find it offensive, it was always split down the middle and the portion of them who had found it offensive never really had a way to transform those feelings into political power. So, again, if someone like myself would sound the warning of say, “You need to be ready to abandon that position if the time comes”, not many people would ‘get it’ because they couldn’t imagine that a Trump-like figure would emerge in the form of basically Donald Trump.

When it comes to Trump as a person, it may also have emerged as a kind of ‘black swan’ event for some people, because they were not aware that Trump was in favour of a “White-Black-Jewish nation”, and that he and his associates really hated Asians and Hispanics all along. I had in fact been personally warning people for a long time that White America is extremely volatile, and that there is historical precedent (eg, literally the entirety of American history) that shows that whenever America is ‘awake’ politically on a nativist level, the form of that awakening is anti-Asian and anti-Hispanic.

Now we are seeing it really manifest, and so I was—of course—correct.

One of the rhetorical ironies of all of this is that particularly for Asians, you basically cannot win with White America no matter what you do. If you are a Third World producer looking for a way into the American market, Americans will be hating on you while you are selling them the products that they asked you to manufacture. If you migrate into North America and try to become like them, then they also still hate you because now you have the gall to try to get along with them and to become like them.

Eventually the realisation comes that because of geography, White American nativists will always find Asians and Hispanics to be the most dangerous people. They don’t see this all as being part of this historically recent arc of global development which has taken place over the past 400 years or so. Instead, they seem to be seeing it in snapshots of only 4 years.

A more humorous way of looking at it would be to see it as battle of the reality TV. Trump is one kind of reality TV, and his chief opponents are another kind of reality TV:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR9Xu878pkE
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZs2i3Bpxx4

Immense transformations are taking place. All the vestiges of feudalism, Luddism, and pauperism, are being swept away, relentlessly by modernity, and that too is progress. People may not like it, but all of this is what peak adaptation to modernity looks like.

PS: Of course, even now there are some people who still think this is supposed to be about crime rates or IQ or academic achievement, or whatever. And that somehow as a ‘model minority’ all of this couldn’t possibly happen. I’m like, “No, it’s about race and geoeconomics, the Trump supporters don’t care if you are super-nice.” Maybe I came off as being too uptight and too distrustful. But no one thinks so now, almost 100% of my friends now admit that I was right. And not just a little bit right, but totally and completely right. That was the risk environment. It may even well be the case that the so-called ‘White working class’ in the United States will never become functionally anti-Semitic, but always will end up hating Asians and Hispanics instead.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 19:16 | #

We fundamentally disagree. I, and anybody that I am gong to get along with, would rather work things out with Asians and Mexicans than with blacks (and needless to say not with Jews either, of course). Including the context of dividing up North America.

Work things out how? Give away territory, most likely.

Recall that America used to be 90% white, most of the remainder black, then Mestizo and Asian invaders took advantage of white moral weakness and Jewish subversion to come in and occupy space. Invaders are owed nothing.

However, if low energy whites can’t be bothered to defend territory and it fills up with the wrong kind of people, as California has, then it may become prudent to abandon it, rather than get dragged down by it. Mestizo and Asian invaders can have the areas that they ruined.

Unlike Mestizo and Asian invaders, blacks have been here for a while, and didn’t exactly come of their own volition. People who like to make moral arguments attach some significance to that fact, I do not. But I am confident that a black and white United States presents a far more sustainable situation for whites than a United States occupied by every ethnicity under the sun.

Blacks and whites are so different that they are naturally inclined to a certain degree of separatism, and we have established cultural practices for mitigating the harm of mixed offspring and blacks are not particularly numerous, nor particularly high fertility, nor particularly intelligent or capable of “getting one over on us”.

If we magically returned to a black / white United States, it would be pretty likely that whites would continue to exist indefinitely, without becoming part African. In the real world where every ethnicity under the sun has come into the United States, the situation is far more perilous, as the boundaries between groups are far less well defined, and mixing tends to encourage further mixing.

Jews are Trump and Trump is doing Jewish bidding, period. The ones that don’t like him are the more liberal ones that the core Jews are willing to shed, just as White Nationalists are willing to shed their liberals (and send them to California). In some cases they’ll wink at them as their opposition, just a family member that is a little rogue.

70% of Jews voted for Hillary Clinton, 20% voted for Trump, and some significant percentage of those Trump voters are the Orthodox Jews, who are repugnant but less dangerous since they stand out as “other”. If Jews want to shed these people, I’m happy to let them.

And these statistics make me think that Trump is more of a stop-gap, fall back plan, a concession, rather than the intended next step of their “master plan”*. If it had been possible they would have been far better off continuing in liberal globalist consensus mode, rather than going with the “nationalism vs globalism” angle, which has dramatically increased discussion of the JQ and made a lot of Jews very uncomfortable.

Sure, they still control both sides of the issue, as they do with every issue. But the statistics indicate that the side they’re less comfortable with won.

* don’t take that literally, I’m aware that there is no master plan, it’s a figure of speech


Posted by Just Sayin' on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 19:38 | #

One of the rhetorical ironies of all of this is that particularly for Asians, you basically cannot win with White America no matter what you do. If you are a Third World producer looking for a way into the American market, Americans will be hating on you while you are selling them the products that they asked you to manufacture. If you migrate into North America and try to become like them, then they also still hate you because now you have the gall to try to get along with them and to become like them.

Don’t play the victim, this is supposed to be a separatist site.

Trump’s appeal wasn’t about Asia or about Asians, Trump was about an anti-white American elite creating economic policies designed to crush white Americans. China was just one of major vehicles they used, but they would have used whatever country was available. That dynamic can’t continue forever, so don’t complain when it ends.

And my White Nationalist anti-Asian American attitudes are sadly not representative of the attitudes of the general population, which is probably still no where near as racist against Asians as it should be. Modern Americans are (sadly) the kind of people who would probably take a very long time to object to Asian immigration, as long as it was profitable.

Trump still isn’t about Asian or Asian Americans. But many Asian Americans assimilated to leftist anti-white California / coastal culture, so this may be a good opportunity to create a split between White Americans and Asian Americans. Which is good.

Eventually the realisation comes that because of geography, White American nativists will always find Asians and Hispanics to be the most dangerous people.

Well, it’s just true.

In one sense Africa represents the greatest danger going forward, simply by spreading around extremely low quality people. But that’s sort of like an invasive fire ant problem. Latin America is similar, with the added complication of a capable elite looking to dump their problems on other people’s shores.

But as far as who is capable of rivaling whites going forward, it’s obviously Asians, and right now Asians are taking advantage of the opportunity presented by white moral weakness and by Jewish subversion.

Whites have an interest in a) taking back power over their society from Jews but also in b) not allowing Asians to take advantage of their weakness.

Cooperation with fellow nationalists against the Jews? Absolutely. But invaders aren’t fellow nationalists and when the guy getting invaded cooperates with the invader… that’s not cooperation but something else entirely.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 02:34 | #

DanielS: Just Sayin’, I can see clearly that you are coming from your same Judeophilic right wing, (((alternative right wing etc))) position as ever. I said: “We fundamentally disagree. I, and anybody that I am gong to get along with, would rather work things out with Asians and Mexicans than with blacks (and needless to say not with Jews either, of course). Including the context of dividing up North America.

Just Sayin’ says, on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 19:16 | #

Work things out how? Give away territory, most likely.

DanielS: It is the Jewdiphied Trump movement that inspires the sort of rejuvenated American patriotism that would wish to keep America largely together with blacks and Jews against Mexicans and Asians ...surprisingly, even the (((Alternative Right))) has been rounded up into this perspective. And when they do get around to the question of balkanization, they (including yourself) talk about “working things out” (GIVING AWAY) vast swathes of America to blacks and otherwise negotiating the North east to Jews other non-Whites and liberals and giving the Southwest to another, more liberal camp of Jews, other liberals and non-Whites.

By contrast, White ethno-natonalism doesn’t give things away, it negotiates with other ethno-nationalists - because, as ethno-nationalists, we recognize one another’s capacity as stewards of the land and of reasoned co-existence - whereas we fight with enemies, for territory and for our existence, knowing that they cannot be reasoned with.

Just Sayin’: Recall that America used to be 90% white, most of the remainder black, then Mestizo and Asian invaders took advantage of white moral weakness and Jewish subversion to come in and occupy space. Invaders are owed nothing.

DanielS: It is such a Jewish argument that you just made. You really showed (((your hand))) there.

Blacks are owed nothing. Our Asian allies are owed a great deal. They view Indios and La Raza as their kin and allies too, against the Jewish alliance; in the case of the alliance with Asians, they have been hurt badly by right wing Whites and by right wing White alliance with Jews - which is now an alliance again. We as the good Whites, the true ethno-nationalists owe it to them to prove that we are not like that and that we merit their friendship as allies against our mutual enemies. We can divide up the Americas with them.

Just Sayin’ : However, if low energy whites can’t be bothered to defend territory and it fills up with the wrong kind of people, as California has, then it may become prudent to abandon it, rather than get dragged down by it. Mestizo and Asian invaders can have the areas that they ruined.

DanielS: You, your Jewish and black friends, who ruined it, can get the hell out of there, that’s right.

Just Sayin’ : Unlike Mestizo and Asian invaders, blacks have been here for a while, and didn’t exactly come of their own volition.

DanielS: Blacks came by means of right wing and Jewish slave trade and imposition upon unwilling White ethno-nationalists and Mexican ethno-nationalists to the great detriment of ethno-nationalists. Obviously, the Mexicans see themselves taking back territory that was theirs (where they didn’t want blacks to be, but had them imposed by right-wingers anyway); and Asians are not invaders, they are legal immigrants according to your Jewish system. 

Just Sayin’: People who like to make moral arguments attach some significance to that fact, I do not. But I am confident that a black and white United States presents a far more sustainable situation for whites than a United States occupied by every ethnicity under the sun

DanielS: Asians and Mexicans should trash your disgusting, Jewy, Mulatto supremacist superstructure once and for all. And White ethno-nationalists will help them to do just that.

Just Sayin’: Blacks and whites are so different that they are naturally inclined to a certain degree of separatism,

DanielS: You are either stupid and or simply a disingenuous Jew, knowing full well that miscegenation will occur in those circumstances, promoting your Castizo class to function below your mixed Jew/White elite.  As I predicted/said!:

Just Sayin’ : and we have established cultural practices for mitigating the harm of mixed offspring and blacks are not particularly numerous, nor particularly high fertility, nor particularly intelligent or capable of “getting one over on us”.

DanielS: What a Jewsih thing you are.

Just Sayin’: If we magically returned to a black / white United States, it would be pretty likely that whites would continue to exist indefinitely, without becoming part African.

DanielS: That’s only if you treat Jews and “high caste” Castizos, suitable for breeding with Jews, as White.

Just Sayin’: In the real world where every ethnicity under the sun has come into the United States, the situation is far more perilous, as the boundaries between groups are far less well defined, and mixing tends to encourage further mixing.

DanielS: You should know, its the problem that you and yours have orchestrated; and now you have the nerve to try to sell your Trumpist solution.

No deal.

Jews are Trump and Trump is doing Jewish bidding, period. The ones that don’t like him are the more liberal ones that the core Jews are willing to shed, just as White Nationalists are willing to shed their liberals (and send them to California). In some cases they’ll wink at them as their opposition, just a family member that is a little rogue.

Just Sayin’: 70% of Jews voted for Hillary Clinton, 20% voted for Trump, and some significant percentage of those Trump voters are the Orthodox Jews, who are repugnant but less dangerous since they stand out as “other”. If Jews want to shed these people, I’m happy to let them.

DanielS: The percentages of voters doesn’t matter, the Jews would have been in significant control of either candidate, but they are in control of Trump.

You show the Jewish hand, in trying to have us focus superficially on numbers and to ignore the quid pro quo of the alt right making a deal with the orthodox, Zionist Jews, and pretending that they are not systemically functioning with the liberal Jews.

Just Sayin’: And these statistics make me think that Trump is more of a stop-gap, fall back plan, a concession, rather than the intended next step of their “master plan”*.

DanielS: He is their casuistry, casuistry as always.

Just Sayin’: If it had been possible they would have been far better off continuing in liberal globalist consensus mode, rather than going with the “nationalism vs globalism” angle, which has dramatically increased discussion of the JQ and made a lot of Jews very uncomfortable.

DanielS: It’s all part of a cycle: when they cannot parasite their host anymore then they have to rally their core and elite to Zionist ingathering, while allowing their liberals to be potentially sacrificed as they wreak havoc among the goyem. That is to say, they may have been better off if the situation were to remain as it were, but as a parasitic organism, they are not completely without anticipation of consequences of what they’ve done and how far its gone. Thus, their strategy is to get away from the neo-con, (((Kristol))) agenda, and get into the (((Meyer))), (((paleo-natioalist agenda (the Alt Right))) which means allowing their liberals to mix with elite Whites - conveniently of a domestic real estate elite - to preside over Castizo nationalism, they hope.

Just Sayin’: Sure, they still control both sides of the issue, as they do with every issue. But the statistics indicate that the side they’re less comfortable with won.

DanielS: As I said.

Just Sayin’: * don’t take that literally, I’m aware that there is no master plan, it’s a figure of speech.

DanielS: Oh, but there is a plan; it is not fully rational, most of them do it automatically and it backfires against them from time to time, impacting those more liberal ones especially, as it is bound to in the cycle of horizontal transmission. The ones that don’t/can’t flee back to their in-gather, the more liberal ones, will intermarry, joining with elite huWhites and direct them against other goyem (which includes other Whites), or die off.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 03:48 | #

By contrast, White ethno-natonalism doesn’t give things away, it negotiates with other ethno-nationalists - because, as ethno-nationalists, we recognize one another’s capacity as stewards of the land and of reasoned co-existence - whereas we fight with enemies, for territory and for our existence, knowing that they cannot be reasoned with.

So how much of the U.S. would you feel comfortable “negotiating away”?

And once the negotiation was over, what would you do if a bunch of Asian immigrants waltzed into your new (smaller) country and said “We’re setting up an ethnostate here, please make some territorial concessions”?

At what point do you say “this is our land, you can’t have it”?

Our Asian allies are owed a great deal.

What have our Asian “allies” ever done for us? Vote for Hillary? Why do we owe them anything? I want them to go back.

They view Indios and La Raza as their kin and allies too, against the Jewish alliance; in the case of the alliance with Asians, they have been hurt badly by right wing Whites and by right wing White alliance with Jews - which is now an alliance again.

Indios and La Raza (mestizos) may be the kin and allies of Asians, but they are certainly not the allies of American whites. When La Raza sends its people, they’re not sending their best… They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some of them, I assume, are good people.

Also, you seem confused, arguing in favor of La Raza in one paragraph and against “Castizos” in the other. They’re the same thing, Castizos being a specific kind of Mestizo. See below.

Asians are not invaders, they are legal immigrants according to your Jewish system.

Just like the refugees in Europe, they’re coming in legally, taking advantage of white moral weakness and Jewish subversion to prey on a weakened white populace. They’re not doing us a favor and we don’t owe them anything

You are either stupid; and or simply a disingenuous Jew, knowing full well that miscegenation will occur in those circumstances, you are promoting your Castizo class to function below your mixed Jew/White elite.

You don’t know what a Castizo is apparently. Wikipedia says “In Latin America Castizo is used to describe the individuals with an admixture of 75% European and 25% Native American.” Castizos = La Raza, mestizos, the ones you were praising as “allies” of the Asians above.

Mixed blacks are called Mulattoes, which, in the U.S. according to our customs are treated as black and pushed into the black population. This rule is, of course, weaker than it used to be due to the racial anarchy in the U.S., but it still represents a form of pre-existing cultural defense. And blacks do have a tendency to want to self segregate from whites to an extent (while of course milking us for resources). Whites also tend to self segregate from blacks, more so than other groups. While this dynamic is corrosive and dysfunctional, it’s somewhat more sustainable than the current situation (every group on the planet looting the U.S.).

On the other hand, the general population currently has little in the way of cultural defenses against mixed partial Asians or mestizos assimilating into the white gene pool, making them a dire threat to our racial integrity. If current trends continue white Americans won’t be a thing much longer. And it won’t be blacks that finish us off, but Asians and “Castizos”.

Frankly, your tendency to pick groups of non-white immigrants seemingly at random and declare them to be “our allies” is very odd. None of them are doing us any favors at present (except the ones who are staying at home), each are taking advantage of us in their different ways.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 04:50 | #

A more humorous way of looking at it would be to see it as battle of the reality TV. Trump is one kind of reality TV, and his chief opponents are another kind of reality TV:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR9Xu878pkE
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZs2i3Bpxx4

Though a little obnoxious, not really funny and obviously not tugging at my or anyone else’s sympathy; what bothers me is the juxtaposing of this in contrast to a lack of understanding of what Whites can be up against in America and the rest of the west.

In America in particular, there are undoubtedly other Whites, like myself, who suffered for the lack of ethno-nationlist identity and leverage - where it has not simply been prohibited as un-American or prohibited by liberal Whites to explicitly identify as/with some kind of White group, it has been prohibited by Jewish power and influence to organize as some sort of White ethno-nationalist group; cultivating a moral order that would sustain the ethno-national group system is a part of what is obstructed as well (but we don’t need to elaborate that right now).

It is not possible for the conscientious White ethnonationalist to ignore the destruction to EGI that results from not having that ethno-nationalist support, that identity. But if you did have it, if you could take it for granted, you could go ahead and pay attention to details that allow you to perhaps become wealthy as these Asians have, upon concerns taking their identity for granted.

If you are an objectivist White and/or some kind of sellout White, i.e., not caring much about ethno-nationalism, but rather wanting a place with Jews atop this mess, you can also become wealthy, act as an objectivist, like things are playing out as they should, take it for granted, not pay attention, not devote brain cycles to fundamental problems of destruction to EGI, and you can go ahead and instead pay attention to making money as these Asians have.

But these Whites are screwing Whites who feel the brunt of the destruction to ethno-nationalism and who are resistant to becoming a part the Jewish system. They are aiding and abetting the psychological and literal attack on them by Jews through a myriad of Jewish power niches, setting forth rule structures that point directly to their destruction, to the intervention of their co-evolutionary patterns to give vast, vital parts of it away in pre-emption to racial antagonists. Not just genetically, but economically, in terms of the privilege that the Jews and complicit Whites give to blacks in terms of governmental support - there is a really unjustly privileged American class. Kersey recently provided an example in which blacks were (in 1972, when I was 10!*) given a 20% quota in NASA - 100% over representation - where they would be statistically zero upon merit. That’s besides the easy, well paying, well benefitted, well retired government jobs that blacks are vastly over represented in; the welfare that they are vastly over represented in; government contracts set aside for their private businesses, the fact that nobody can legally discriminate against them; in addition to these affirmative action hiring set asides. And much of their capacity to have that, again, has to do with the fact that they do have an identity, one that is allowed for, organized and supported in the extreme by Jewish power and influence (against White ethno nationalists).

* Add to the list of long standing discrimination against White ethno-nationalism: The 54 Brown School Integration Decision, The 64 Civil Right Act, LBJ’s “great society”, the 65 immigration / naturalization act, 68 Rumford ‘fair housing’ etc. all happened while many of us were just children; and had no internet to fight back against the Jewish controlled media and other Jewish controlled niches.

And it is not my fault that I didn’t just have a group identity to join with, as these rich Asians in L.A. have. I have been working on its reconstruction; up against powerful resistance from Jews, right wingers and the liberals (often females) that they pander to. Other Whites who have been in my situation in America might understand.

If identifying with this sort of White American enough, for example, to be against a situation where their natural mates are given away-to, and/or raped and murdered by blacks - and I recognize that they don’t necessarily have this coming - means that I will be accused of petty-moralizing or whatever Marxist wall paper that might be applied to obfuscate their true situation - then so be it: I can defend them despite that irresponsible disregard. I am solidly grounded, knowing that I would not wallpaper over my ethnonationalist allies like that.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:47 | #

DanielS: By contrast, White ethno-natonalism doesn’t give things away, it negotiates with other ethno-nationalists - because, as ethno-nationalists, we recognize one another’s capacity as stewards of the land and of reasoned co-existence - whereas we fight with enemies, for territory and for our existence, knowing that they cannot be reasoned with.

Just Sayin’: So how much of the U.S. would you feel comfortable “negotiating away”?

DanielS: There would be parts more sacrosanct for them (Indios), parts sacrosanct for Asians, parts sacrosanct for Whites; and there would be parts which are discreet, but in which the groups live along side eachother without the same level of border control, so to speak. I don’t know how the proportions would work out, but I suppose 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3 - The White 1/3 would contain the sacrosanct White territories; the Asian 1/3 would contain the sacrosanct Asian territories and the Indo 1/ 3 would contain the sacrosanct Indio territories.

Just Sayin’: And once the negotiation was over, what would you do if a bunch of Asian immigrants waltzed into your new (smaller) country and said “We’re setting up an ethnostate here, please make some territorial concessions”?

DanielS: Well then you have to fight but the ethno-nationalist agreement would call upon Asian and Indio ethno nationalists to fight against that imposition as well.

Just Sayin’: At what point do you say “this is our land, you can’t have it”?

DanielS: That would already have been established.

DaielS: Our Asian allies are owed a great deal.

Just Sayin’: What have our Asian “allies” ever done for us? Vote for Hillary? Why do we owe them anything? I want them to go back.

DanielS: Well, sorry pal, they’ve done a great deal, if nothing else than by having creating a people who are capable to fight against Jews and Muslims, capable allies that have fought against them and will continue to do so: that is what they’ve done and right wingers like yourself have been on the wrong side of that.

DanielS: They view Indios and La Raza as their kin and allies too, against the Jewish alliance; in the case of the alliance with Asians, they have been hurt badly by right wing Whites and by right wing White alliance with Jews - which is now an alliance again.

Just Sayin’: Indios and La Raza (mestizos) may be the kin and allies of Asians, but they are certainly not the allies of American whites.

DanielS: Not with right wingers they’re not.

Just Sayin’: When La Raza sends its people, they’re not sending their best… They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some of them, I assume, are good people.

DanielS: How quaint to quote Trump; but while its true that they’re not necessarily sending they’re best, they are of a people whom we will deal with; and their lumpens will be dealt with.

Just Sayin’: Also, you seem confused, arguing in favor of La Raza in one paragraph and against “Castizos” in the other. They’re the same thing, Castizos being a specific kind of Mestizo. See below.

I’m not confused: Castizo is a mixture of black, White and Amerindian, that is how Lawrence Murray means it and that is how I mean it.

DanielS: Asians are not invaders, they are legal immigrants according to your Jewish system.

Just Sayin’: Just like the refugees in Europe, they’re coming in legally, taking advantage of white moral weakness and Jewish subversion to prey on a weakened white populace. They’re not doing us a favor and we don’t owe them anything.

First of all The US is not comparable to Europe, because America is not strongly our native claim. As ethnonationalist allies against Jews and their lackeys we owe Asians and Amerindians a lot.

DanielS: You are either stupid; and or simply a disingenuous Jew, knowing full well that miscegenation will occur in those circumstances, you are promoting your Castizo class to function below your mixed Jew/White elite.

Just Sayin’: You don’t know what a Castizo is apparently. Wikipedia says “In Latin America Castizo is used to describe the individuals with an admixture of 75% European and 25% Native American.” Castizos = La Raza, mestizos, the ones you were praising as “allies” of the Asians above.

DanielS: That’s what wikipedia says

(((Wikipedia))), which blocked my article on “Mulatto Supremacism”

To repeat:

I’m not confused: Castizo is a mixture of black, White and Amerindian, that is how Lawrence Murray means it and that is how I mean it.

Just Sayin’: Mixed blacks are called Mulattoes, which, in the U.S. according to our customs are treated as black and pushed into the black population. This rule is, of course, weaker than it used to be due to the racial anarchy in the U.S., but it still represents a form of pre-existing cultural defense. And blacks do have a tendency to want to self segregate from whites to an extent (while of course milking us for resources). Whites also tend to self segregate from blacks, more so than other groups. While this dynamic is corrosive and dysfunctional, it’s somewhat more sustainable than the current situation (every group on the planet looting the U.S.).

DanielS: Its more like The JUSA is looting every group on the planet; and your argument to continue it in order to supposedly stave off race mixing - through the Trump-White right wing, Jewish - black alliance -  is Jewish bullshit that only a right winger could fall for.

Just Sayin’: On the other hand, the general population currently has little in the way of cultural defenses against mixed partial Asians or mestizos assimilating into the white gene pool, making them a dire threat to our racial integrity. If current trends continue white Americans won’t be a thing much longer. And it won’t be blacks that finish us off, but Asians and “Castizos”.

Just Sayin’: Frankly, your tendency to pick groups of non-white immigrants seemingly at random and declare them to be “our allies” is very odd. None of them are doing us any favors at present (except the ones who are staying at home), each are taking advantage of us in their different ways.

DanielS: Nothing arbitrary or odd about it.

Castizos are mixed black, and they are the one’s that your Jewish system seeks to mix us away with. Asians, on the other hand, if they see that Whites are not allied with a right wing, Jewish system that seeks to treat them as enemies, can be worked with to understand and ensure the maintenance of one anohter’s EGI.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 12:16 | #

Just Sayin’,

Castizos may or may not have negroid admixture, but it is of no matter.  The issue is the mixing, not the negroidalism.  The mixing of the races is the dissolution of race, and we know who strives after that End Time.

We live only as ourselves, and do not live as another.  Life itself licences us to do what we must to remain who we are.  If land must be ceded to that end ... if there is no other way to conserve and preserve our natural identity, then so be it.  Life is before land, before everything - even homeland, for peoples will go into exile, if they can, rather than be extinguished in a losing fight for their own territory.  We have not lost our territory in Europe.  The question is whether that is true in North America.

It is good to ally with other peoples who have the same clear understanding as exists here at this blog, in European nationalism, and in most of WN.  Ultimately, this is a war for racial and ethnic existence, a war for the Natural Man, and a war against criminals, parasites and psychopaths.  Whose side are you really on?


Posted by Just Sayin' on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 15:22 | #

Yes, GW, I oppose the mass scale mixing of whites with any other race, not just negroes.

Which is why I don’t believe any of the other races are “our allies”, at least when they’re living in the West.

Describing American Asians as our allies is questionable, but maybe DanielS has some outdated vision where they’re living separately in China towns and stuff. But of course, they’re in an integrationist mode nowadays, and rapidly mixing with whites. But maybe his error is understandable, if dangerously wrong. Oversees Asians are sane, America is just very bad for them.

On the other hand, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I hear DanielS speaking in favorable terms of “La Raza”.

Published in 1925, La Raza Cósmica (The Cosmic Race) is an essay written by late Mexican philosopher, secretary of education, and 1929 presidential candidate, José Vasconcelos to express the ideology of a future “fifth race” in the Americas; an agglomeration of all the races in the world with no respect to colour or number to erect a new civilisation: Universópolis.

As he explains in his literary work, armies of people would then go forth around the world professing their knowledge. Vasconcelos continues to say that the people of the Iberian regions of the Americas (that is to say, the parts of the continent colonised by Portugal and Spain) have the territorial, racial, and spiritual factors necessary to initiate the “universal era of humanity”.

La Raza is the total opposite of what we’re supposed to stand for as ethno-nationalists and La Raza people in the West actively look to colonize us through miscegenation.

It’s simply inexplicable for him to speak in favorable terms of these people, who represent exactly what will happen to our civilization if ethno-nationalists fail.

I won’t even accuse you guys of being shills, because shills would come up with a more plausible and appealing narrative.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 16:43 | #

I don’t know, if the United States would just hurry up and die, then perhaps the rest of the world could get around to actually solving the Jewish Question. Why does America continue to hold on when it’s basically a Jewish colony in all but name? Let’s be frank, if the people in your camp would just kill yourselves, it would be a net gain overall.

The Jews would no longer be able to use you as a host if you would just die.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 17:27 | #

I don’t know, if the United States would just hurry up and die, then perhaps the rest of the world could get around to actually solving the Jewish Question. Why does America continue to hold on when it’s basically a Jewish colony in all but name? Let’s be frank, if the people in your camp would just kill yourselves, it would be a net gain overall.

It would be nice if America would simply sink into the ocean, but sadly that’s not going to happen. Got to deal with the real world, not wish fulfillment fantasies.

While we may be moving away from a strictly unipolar world, ‘Murrica is still going to be existing and projecting power and (((cultural influence))) around the world for the foreseeable future.

It seems to me that a Brazillian, La Raza America is going to be an overwhelmingly negative influence on the world (see… our current cultural products which already look like Brazil demographically), while Trump / Breibart’s zio-nationalist vision is at least slightly less bad. While Trump’s kosher nationalism is insufficient to save whites in the multi-racial United States, it actually does offer some relief to places like Japan and Eastern Europe that are still homogenous.

Like, there is no reason to believe he’ll be demanding Japan or Hungary take refugees, while Obama / Hillary do demand this and must demand this.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 17:39 | #

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
Don’t play the victim, this is supposed to be a separatist site.

I’m not ‘playing victim’, I’m simply describing what I percieve as a racial war.

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
Trump’s appeal wasn’t about Asia or about Asians, Trump was about an anti-white American elite creating economic policies designed to crush white Americans.

Or, another way of putting it would be that Trump’s appeal was because the White American so-called working class which is mostly German and Irish didn’t like the fact that the WASP elites who designed the policy of containment against the Soviet Union back during the Cold War, had shaped one of the elements of that containment in the form of an economic policy of investment in the Asian periphery and chiefly by permitting the rise of the Asian Tigers.

The success of that strategy came at the ‘cost’ of the outsourcing of vast amounts of productive capacity as those economies came online and integrated into global supply chains.

German and Irish Americans in the Midwest and the south of the United States found themselves unable to keep up with the competition from Asia after 1991, and then mechanisation of production also removed even more of the manual labour jobs from existence.

They then declared the WASP elite to be ‘anti-white’, and proceeded to non-ironically elect Donald Trump and a whole cadre of Jews to ‘fix’ the ‘problem’ by targeting Asia and Latin America.

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
China was just one of major vehicles they used,

Wrong. The vehicle of the Jews was in fact the United States itself, and it still is now, more than ever.

China was just developing itself like any developing country tends to do. China is actually run by Chinese people in collaboration with basically just Chinese people.

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
And my White Nationalist anti-Asian American attitudes are sadly not representative of the attitudes of the general population, which is probably still no where near as racist against Asians as it should be.

The outcome of the election tells me that actually, the electoral college represented your view on Asians pretty accurately, and delivered an electoral result to match.

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
Trump still isn’t about Asian or Asian Americans.

Well, except for the fact that he literally is about that.

The man spent half the campaign alternating between, “They [the Asians] are ripping us!” and “The wall [against Mexico] just got ten feet higher!” And so on.

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
But many Asian Americans assimilated to leftist anti-white California / coastal culture, so this may be a good opportunity to create a split between White Americans and Asian Americans. Which is good.

This is the thing we agree on. The split can’t come soon enough. It’s rare that someone is willing to talk this frankly about it, since usually I’m having to use all kinds of coded language when really what I want is balkanisation as soon as possible.

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
Well, it’s just true.

I hope it is true. If it isn’t true by now it wouldn’t be for lack of trying. Realistically there would be no way for us to even have a seat at the table on these issues if we hadn’t proven over time that we are a serious array of civilisations.

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
But as far as who is capable of rivaling whites going forward, it’s obviously Asians, and right now Asians are taking advantage of the opportunity presented by white moral weakness and by Jewish subversion.

I view it the other way. Right now, America is actually still the most powerful hegemon that has ever existed in human history. The United States is not subject to Jewish subversion, the United States is presently operated by a White-and-Jewish alliance. That’s what it actually is.

There was a small window of time in 1988 in which it looked like there was a real chance to shift its ruling class away from having that kind of composition, but the way that the election went, the choices of candidates on offer since then, and the one that won in the end, all serve as examples of how its basically not going to change at all. In retrospect it all becomes very visibly obvious.

Just Sayin’ on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 wrote:
Whites have an interest in a) taking back power over their society from Jews

Wake me up when that happens. It’d be faster to just end America, since the non-White elements that can destabilise America are more coherent and well-placed than the so-called White Nationalist ‘movement’ in the United States ever will be.

I’m not even joking. Today for example, you can go to Daily Stormer’s website and see the absurdity of Andrew Anglin and company mourning the resignation of the overt hyper-Zionist Michael Flynn. The same Michael Flynn who had placed Iran ‘on notice’ just two weeks prior, and who will likely be replaced by someone who shares the exact same positions as him on all the most relevant topics.

Objectively speaking, what interest has White America—taken in aggregate—shown in ‘taking back their society from Jews’, either accidentally or deliberately?

Exactly. They haven’t.

Objectively speaking, La Raza has for example posed more of a threat to Jewish power in—for example—the Southwest of the United States over the past twenty years, than White America has posed to Jewish power anywhere in the United States ever.

I challenge anyone to show me how I am wrong about that. It may sound crazy, but it’s actually true.

Quote time:

Los Angeles Times, ‘Two Powers Passing in the Night’, 25 Mar 2001:


Jews reign over many of the most dynamic parts of the city’s economy, from Hollywood to real estate, from cyberspace to the garment business. They are well-represented at both the elite and grass-roots levels of L.A. business. Jews, whether from Eastern Europe or the Middle East, boast among the highest entrepreneurship rates of any group in the city’s ethnic mosaic, according to Cal State Northridge demographer James Allen; nearly half the Los Angeles Business Journal’s list of richest Angelenos are Jews.

Latinos represent the city’s grass-roots future, from its aspiring working class to a rapidly growing middle class. They are the city’s emerging majority; their ownership of small businesses has exploded, increasing nearly fivefold since the 1980s. They constitute the majority of new home buyers in many Southland communities. Few can deny that, ultimately, Latinos—their music, their cultural values and po-litical sensibilities—will reshape the essence of Los Angeles in the new century.

Unlike Jews and Gentiles, or African Americans, Jews and Latinos share little history or mythology. For the most part, their contacts have been opportunistic. Jews have employed Latinos in garment factories, as maids and gardeners and serviced them as customers in a host of enterprises from Whittier Boulevard to Santee Alley and Pico-Union.

The rise of a significant Latino middle class has broadened the groups’ peer-level contacts; intermarriage is more frequent. But these two communities still live largely in separate worlds. Jewish-Latino relations are characterized not so much by an ethnic “schism” as by something between indifference and incomprehension.

“Most Latinos in the general community don’t know anything much about Jews,” says Jose de Jesus Legaspi, a Mexico-born developer who works mostly in heavily immigrant neighborhoods. “There’s not much of an effort to learn about each other.”

This lack of contact is reflected in politics. Despite often forced attempts to develop a “dialogue” between the two groups’ political and economic elites, there is little to suggest a crossing over of one group to another. Prospects of creating anything like the black-Jewish alliance of the Tom Bradley years seem dim.

One reason lies in the Jewish community and its changing political orientation. Given their economic hegemony, this should be a time for Jews to assume unprecedented political power, but, if anything, notes veteran political analyst Arnold Steinberg, Jewish influence is waning, and the community’s political voice is increasingly divided.

Some of this is the result of demography and migration. Outmigration to the urban periphery—particularly to Westlake, Agoura and Calabassas—has diminished the number of Jewish voters. Once as high as 20% of the city’s electorate (1993), Jews may account for as little as 14% this year, estimates Steinberg.

It’s not just a matter of numbers, however. Jews have lost their historical ideological orientation. For much of the 20th century, the L.A. Jewish community struggled for and ultimately helped engineer, financially and intellectually, the liberal Democratic takeover of what had long been a basically conservative Protestant town. Today, there is no strong Jewish political leadership, like the old Waxman-Berman machine, to spearhead a Latino-Jew alliance.


For these and other reasons, L.A.‘s Jews and Latinos, whose share of the electorate has doubled to roughly 20% in the past decade, are unlikely to be drawn into alliance by a shared liberal politics. Mayoral candidate Antonio Villaraigosa, the favorite of old-line Jewish liberals like Rep. Henry A. Waxman and former Councilman Marvin Braude, has amassed a powerful liberal coalition of unionists, environmentalists and feminists. Twenty years ago, the former Assembly speaker would have been a hands-down favorite to win many Jewish votes and to be the presumptive leader of Latino politics. But if current polls are remotely on target, that is definitively not the case this year. Among most Jews, at least, Villaraigosa is no Bradley. According to a recent Times poll, Jewish support is divided between conservative Jewish candidates Joel Wachs and Steve Soboroff.

Nor, for that matter, do Wachs and Soboroff enjoy much crossover appeal among Latino voters. In the Times poll, each netted only 2% support.

Further impeding a Latino-Jew alliance is the fact that Latinos are not uniformly “progressive” or as ethnically loyal as African Americans. In the Times poll, Villaraigosa’s support among Latinos was on par with that for front-runner James K. Hahn. Xavier Becerra, the other major Latino candidate in the race, attracted far more Latino support than Villaraigosa but barely any among whites and blacks. (Recall that Riordan won 43% of the Latino vote in 1993 and 60% in 1997.)

People who are arriving in California aren’t looking around and seeing some caricature of ‘White Supremacy’ running the place. Instead, they are seeing a literal White-Jewish Alliance is running everything, and the class contradiction and ethnic contradiction almost exactly lines up.

Maybe I will be hated for pointing this out, but if I say that Hispanics should be supported against Trump’s White-Black-Jewish Alliance, and the response from the Alt-Right is to tell me that I’m a vicious Asian who is ‘anti-White’, then that reveals more about the actual position of White Nationalism in America today than anything else possibly could.

It says more about them, than me. It says that they are pro-White American settler-colonist before they are anti-Semitic, and that they will sacrifice the latter position when it is convenient to protect the former, which is the anatomy of the White-Jewish ‘quid pro quo’.

Who can tell me that I am wrong at this point?

Just Sayin’ on Tue, 14 Feb 2017:
It would be nice if America would simply sink into the ocean, but sadly that’s not going to happen. Got to deal with the real world, not wish fulfillment fantasies.

It’s going into the ocean, or to somewhere that isn’t California, and La Raza will be a component of what will hopefully make it happen. Balkanisation needs to be done as soon as possible.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 19:23 | #

I had a longer post, but it got eaten in the comments system, so I’ll keep it brief.

WNs don’t view the white / Jewish relationship as an alliance, but as Jewish parasitism. Jews have been causing great harm to their white host, and have gotten very blatant about it in recent years.

Trump did not take over from the WASP elite. Jews eventually replaced and/or mentally subjugated the WASP elite, and ruled through non-Jewish proxies in the familiar Bush/ Obama two-step. Trump’s faction of outsider Jews is fighting this uniparty establishment of insider Jews. Gentiles are involved on both sides, but Jewish ideas drive their thought processes.

Trump also pledged to re-negotiate deals with Europe, not just Asia. From an ethno-nationalist POV, re-negotiating deals to make them more beneficial to your nation is not inherently wrong, it’s just business. On the other hand, the establishment policy of spreading (((our liberal egalitarian values))) to every nation on earth is a cultural attack on those nations. Trump has signaled a move away from this.

While I see your point about Asians and Mestizos fighting with Jews for power in post apocalyptic majority non-white California, I don’t see this as an alliance, but something more akin to buzzards fighting over the corpse of White America. All three groups are pro fitting at our expense (California was once white).

Nationalists are nationalists for a particular nation, and sometimes the interests of Nations conflict. You may see it as desirable to nuke white Americans so that the Jewish parasite dies along with the White host. But for White American Nationalists, job one is securing the existence of our people and a future for white children. Which means working to preserve whites, stick up for their interests and attain white sovereignty, even if that prospect appears distant.

In the vast majority of cases this will mean conflict with Jewish interests, and counter-semitism is a core tendency of white nationalism. But the 14 words is job one and that means we’re not going to commit suicide and give up all that we own, even if it might make things easier for other nations, even if it might mean the Jewish parasite dies along with us (this is far from certain).

So, we may have a legitimate conflict of interest between White Nationalists who want white Americans to live and non-White Nationalists who want white Americans to die.

On the other hand, California looks like hell on Earth from a nationalist perspective, so we may be benefiting ourselves by getting rid of it, and you might be taking on a cancer that will ultimately be harmful to you. On the other hand, your allies in La Raza should have quite a good time in California, given their cancerous ideology of universal miscegenation.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 15 Feb 2017 06:59 | #

DanielS: As far as Asians and Whites mixing in America, their ethno-nationalists would not want this either and their representatives will be able to understand the principle of ethno-nationalist alliance for the purpose of helping one another to sustain our qualities and quantities of EGI.

Furthermore, they not only understand the Jew, its propensity to instigate mixing and other destruction to our peoples, but have some capacity to deal with them along with us. In addition, they also have the capacity to help negotiate alliance against them.

Just Sayin’: On the other hand, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I hear DanielS speaking in favorable terms of “La Raza”.

DanielS: La Raza obviously does NOT favor integration with blacks, Jews nor Whites for that matter. Their mandate is suited for ethno-nationalist alliance.

Just Sayin’: Trump’s faction of outsider Jews is fighting this uniparty establishment of insider Jews.

DanielS: Sure, your Jewish friends, the “good Jews”, are fighting against the bad Jews for you. LOL.

At least you now admit the nonsense that you are trying to put across.

You want to make a deal with Jews (and have, in a big way now) while we are supposed to treat as enemies, and not make alliances with, people who are against Jews…and against Islam and against blacks.


Posted by Just Sayin' on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 20:55 | #

DanielS: La Raza obviously does NOT favor integration with blacks, Jews nor Whites for that matter. Their mandate is suited for ethno-nationalist alliance.

Spanish speaking blacks are part of La Raza

The phrase, “La raza cósmica”, in English “the cosmic race”, embodies the notion that traditional, exclusive concepts of so-called “race” and nationality can be transcended in the name of humanity’s common destiny. It originally referred to a movement by Mexican intellectuals during the 1920s who pointed out that so-called “Latin” Americans have the blood of all the world’s so-called “races”: European, Asian-descended native Americans and Africans, thereby transcending the peoples of the “old world”.

A lot of them are part African


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 17 Feb 2017 02:35 | #

Posted by Just Sayin’ on Thu, 16 Feb 2017 20:55 | #

  DanielS: La Raza obviously does NOT favor integration with blacks, Jews nor Whites for that matter. Their mandate is suited for ethno-nationalist alliance.

Just Sayin’: Spanish speaking blacks are part of La Raza

DanielS: Their radical mandate in its origin and trajectory is anti-black and pro-Indio. That trajectory remains and that is why blacks are ethnically cleansed from their neighborhoods.

Just Sayin’:

The phrase, “La raza cósmica”, in English “the cosmic race”, embodies the notion that traditional, exclusive concepts of so-called “race” and nationality can be transcended in the name of humanity’s common destiny. It originally referred to a movement by Mexican intellectuals during the 1920s who pointed out that so-called “Latin” Americans have the blood of all the world’s so-called “races”: European, Asian-descended native Americans and Africans, thereby transcending the peoples of the “old world”.

A lot of them are part African

DanielS: The original, radical component, of which we speak and support is an idea of an Indio race - part AmerIndian, part White, with an emphasis on protecting its Amerindian element against further mixing. It has its basis in reaction to the right wing betrayal of the treaty of Hidalgo in which the Mexican Raza stipulated that they could live alongside White settlers provided that they did not bring blacks with them. It was coupled with outrage that some native American ethnie, such as some in the Caribbean, were being wiped-out by the imposition of black slaves upon them.

This spirit animates them to this day and is why blacks have had to flee from their neighborhoods. Any normal person is rooting for the Mexicans against the blacks; nor do they want further mixing with Whites, but then, the right wing is not normal in its instincts and that’s why you side with blacks and Jews instead. The reason that there has been some blacks among them is because right wingers imposed blacks upon them against their will originally, and still Mexicans are only about 4% black:

MEXICAN-AMERICAN: 28% Mediterranean, 8% Southwest Asian, 36% Native American, 2% Southeast Asian, 20% Northern European, 4% Subsaharan African

While Amerindios have statistically zero% black:


4% Northeast Asian, 4% Mediterranean, 3% Southwest Asian, 83% Native American, 5% Northern European

..and they do not want to mix with Whites either, whereas you want to side with Jews and blacks who are mostly black (usually around 80% black 20% White from your miscegenation), on the disingenuous premise that they are not going to mix with Whites, and humbly mind their own, like your docile Negroes of old. ... docile to an extent, provided, of course, you placate them with the resources of those you betray for your agreement; while these resources and choice land that you would give them will lead to them being more prolific still. Let Whites casually try to assert themselves against these Negroes and not give them all they want and more, then see how docile, what reasonable partners the blacks remain.

Moreover, la Raza is anti-Jewish and that is a large part of why your black and Jewish allies have elected a campaign to divert prejudice against them instead… and perhaps to divert attention from what a massive F-up your Jewish tool Trump is - “The least prejudiced (against blacks) and the least anti-Semitic person in the world” - So true.

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