Why are the car-makers happy with the technocratic future? Why do corporations whose business model is constructed on mass production and mass consumption think they can continue to survive in an age of reduced and reducing population and “sustainability”? Who will buy Fiats and Fords when no one owns a vehicle?
And so the deceitful drip-feed of the bad news about the future continues. Car-owning is just one area of dispossession slated for the little people. According to the infamous (now deleted) WEF article everything ... even the clothes on our back ... will be rented from a corporation. Consumption will crash. Manufacturing will die. So why do no major manufacturers or industry bodies resist? Well, the car manufacturers, certainly, seem to expect continued high-volume sales of their products to the rental markets of the smart city pod-scape and the blob-on-a-bed of the metaverse. As some deluded management geek wrote at Forbes:
But there isn’t any customer loyalty to the manufacturer in pay-per-use. The pleasure of ownership leads to an entirely different qualitative expectation from that of mere utility, where competitive pressures and the absence of customer loyalty will inevitably lead to low-quality, throw-away products with minimal profit potential. So why are the car producers - or, indeed, any of the quality-oriented life-style mass-producers - eagerly going along with a fake “sustainable” market system that they can’t survive? They’re not mad environmentalists. Their chief executives are not paid to crash the company. One wonders if the real reason is peer pressure at the Davos forum and the other nests of globalism, and cowardice and fear about standing out from the lemming-herd does the rest. Comments:2
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 13:31 | # Obviously, peer pressure amongst whites WRT working towards abolishing their own race is prevailing against those who want to preserve it. It’s also obvious to those who care to look around that peer pressure has been successfully used to brow-beat whites into acquiescing to will of ppl like Noel Ingnatiev.
https://fathersmanifesto.net/paulcraigroberts.htm That was written 20 years ago. Of course, anti-whiteness—whose endgame is white genocide—has been in full force long before PCR wrote that article. Unfortunately, the White Nationalist / White Preservationist movement is in chronic disarray.
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 18:26 | # I think what we are witnessing is a merger between government and corporate power, namely corporatism aka fascism. Can the linking between auto companies’ production and government policy be called corporate cronyism? 5
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 19:37 | # I don’t like the association of fascism with globalism, not because I have any investment whatsoever in fascism but because disrespecting its proper meaning is what those who hate us do when they accuse us of being fascists ourselves. The merging of government and corporate power is Giovanni Gentile’s vision of cohering all the interests in society, instead of conflicting them, as occurs in the socialist model. Any nationalism must cohere societal interests. But it isn’t the central feature of fascism, which is actually the rebirth of the people’s greatness - not in the MAGA sense, which was fake, but in the Nietzschean sense of a life of glory as the permanent state of overlordship which, alone, makes life itself worth living. This is the nationalism which is still the philosophical default in Europe, and the nationalism I personally want to see replaced. 6
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 12:01 | # Yes, I agree the term fascism is oft misused and turned against us by our enemies. At any rate, I’ve come to the understanding that the gang of Devos elites are planning to implement “woke” corporatism on a global scale. First will be North America and the EU, then the rest of the world will eventually fall in place—or so they presume. Their main obstacle, of course, will be the Eurasian alliance; namely Russia, China, Iran and many other countries that will join in. In effect the entire world will be divided into two opposing superpowers. Both sides armed to the hilt will nukes attached to indefensible hypersonic missiles; that along with a myriad of other WMD systems—including cyber warfare technologies—capable of destroying the entire modern world in a matter of hours. Oh, what fun they have planned for us! 7
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 12:03 | # In an ongoing investigative series, City Journal contributing editor Christopher F. Rufo reports on the growing presence of critical race theory in American business. He has also chronicled CRT in education. “White People, You Are the Problem” Walmart vs. Whiteness True Privilege Don’t Be Evil Critical Race Capitalism Bank of Amerika Intersectional AmEx The Woke Defense Contractor The Woke-Industrial Complex The Wokest Place on Earth Click here to access the links: 8
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 01:12 | # City Journal is usually an interesting read . Is it still owned by the Jewish Hedge Fund Billionaire , Bruce Kovner ? 9
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 02:03 | # Everything you said in the comments section , GW , accords with Singapore’s attitude to its populace . Cars , though, must only be for those who can afford that small island’s high taxes . I had a company Audi and a Malay driver when I was based there and, before road pricing and exorbitant road tax , I’d exit the car during a commute at 8.15am or so and walk the rest of the way to my office because lower income groups could then afford cars and clogged the roads to the centre. The point that the Singapore Govt understood was not that I was important but rather the position I then held was important. Recently some disaffected Marxist Indian - descended Singaporeans decided to emulate the “White Privilege” argument , restated , of course , as Chinese privilege. Government law suits and a few arrests followed. The Chinese are 76% of the population and Whites are still 85% of England’s population but Boris is no latter day Lee Kuan Yew whose racial views still largely obtain. 10
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 03:59 | # “later” - between ‘Govt’ and ‘understood’. There is no reason for anyone to take an interest in Singapore’s affairs other than to compare and contrast what was taught there by confident British Imperial administrators with , say , what obtains in modern London. 11
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 12:06 | # Only been to Singapore once, in 2001, and then only for a week. The humidity was the main problem. But there was also an ersatz quality to the place, so over-developed is it, that became quite oppressive by the end of our week. The culture of relentless materialism did likewise. We were glad to get on our way to Sydney (which was a great place, btw). 12
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 12:24 | # @8 From its inception, the publisher/owner of the City Journal has been the Manhattan for Policy Research I’d like to know how you got the “idea” that “the Jewish Hedge Fund Billionaire , Bruce Kovner” owned or still owns it. 14
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 07:21 | # Kovner was the main backer of the Manhattan Institute which published CJ although only one of many neocon Jews who sat on its board. Re Singapore , it is the best example to employ against Marxist claims that the British left their former colonies in African - style disarray at Independence ( which came later , of course). 15
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 13:17 | # Bruce Kovner supported the Manhattan Institute’s mission, but he was-is a far cry from being its owner. In any event, neocon Jews are present in virtually every prominent right-wing institution—be it lobbying firms, think-tanks, charitable orgs ... you name it, they’re there. Furthermore, and it should come as no surprise, the so-called “white nationalist movement” is crawling with Jews. Ironically, Jews benefit greatly from white nationalism. Example: Look at the reaction to the Charlottesville, VA tiki torch march. It incentivized countless numbers of both “dumb goyim” and paranoid Jews to donate money to Jewish organizations such as the ADL. I bet they raked in a ton of money from that one incident! Point being crass antisemitism amongst “white nationalism” is the greatest gift to organized Jewry. Jewish power—especially in the form of moral authority—would greatly diminish absent the anti-Jewish hysteria displayed by many WNs. Vile anti-White Jews and crass antisemitic WNs feed off each other. And given that dynamic, the Jews are by far getting the lion’s share of the bounty. Apparently most WNs are too dense to have figured that out yet. So, is it any wonder why WN has been losing popularity over the last 30 years rather than gaining it? Anti-whites are flourishing whilst we are going bankrupt. How can that be?!? I say it’s high time we reexamine our assumptions. 16
Posted by Son Of A Nietzsche Man on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 20:35 | # “I don’t like the association of fascism with globalism” The phrase ‘the corporate state’ has confused a lot of people on that score. May I ask an off-topic question to anyone here? In Scotland you have the city of Glasgow, which in 2011 was still 80% Scottish and another 8% white British/other white. Edinburgh is similar. They even have a popular Nationalist party (yes I know, but it is still something). Looking at the demographic catastrophe of England, will there not come a time when a sane nationalist Englishman has to cut his losses and say ‘to hell with this’ and move to Scotland and support Scottish nationalism on the basis that there is more chance of this turning into something useful than anything that is likely to happen, or can happen in England? A newly independent Scotland would become one of the whitest nations on earth. It may not stay that way, but at least there’s everything to play for there. 17
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 02:33 | # Surely, Glasgow is more like 90% Scottish . Of course , the Irish Catholic diaspora in that ‘Dear Green Place’ , constituted a sizeable minority . They were imported, mainly, when Empire Britain included Ireland in its entirety and Scottishness was not stressed. The sea change in Irish - descended political allegiance in Scotland from Labour to the SNP was indicative of a new day in which the resident Hibernians became Caledonians. Anyway , perhaps in racial terms , this does not matter , at least according to an Oxford University study : https://www.scotsman.com/arts-and-culture/were-nearly-all-celts-under-skin-2480644 18
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 02:40 | # Yeah , Thorn , anti - Semitism is a sin , as the Bad Book says. 19
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 12:54 | # “However, according to the study, the Picts, like the Scots, originally came from Spain.” Al “The Spick” Ross. lol
Posted by Manc on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 15:50 | # @15 You have a point there, Thorn, Jews do love a finger pointing exercise, as Sarah Silverman, who I gather isn’t at the height of her popularity in America at the moment - although I can’t for the life of me understand why - illustrates here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9yCdstxwO8 I have to say that I agree with her comments about flags, as I usually know which country I’m in. @16, Perhaps - but have you ever tried driving in Edinburgh ? not far off Rome and Mumbai and the closest you can get to the experience on UK roads. 21
Posted by Son Of A Nietzsche Man on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 22:14 | # Al Ross—“Surely, Glasgow is more like 90% Scottish” These are the stats I pulled up. But if you are correct, then from my English perspective, that is even more remarkable and enviable. You would have to be in pretty small towns in England now to find places that are 90% English. “The sea change in Irish - descended political allegiance in Scotland from Labour to the SNP was indicative of a new day in which the resident Hibernians became Caledonians” And this is what I’m talking about. From a white-European perspective, history has not ended in Scotland. There are still British people who see themselves as part of a wider ethnic group, and who think, feel and vote on that basis. The English in big cities are invisible beyond the level of the individual, and often completely deracinated. “@16, Perhaps - but have you ever tried driving in Edinburgh ? not far off Rome and Mumbai and the closest you can get to the experience on UK roads.” I have driven through Edinburgh once, but I didn’t notice anything unusual about it. But I had driven through night from the midlands and was trying my hardest just to stay awake. Maybe I missed something. In any case I have recently moved to London, and the bad driving and endless angry beeping of horns has more than once struck me as very third-world, and one of those unpleasant things that we are all going to have to get used to in the immigrant descended cities of the future. It is the recent move to London which has prompted these musings about Scotland. Although I knew that this place was full of immigrants, there’s ‘knowing’ and there’s ‘knowing’ and it has still been something of a depressing shock, that this is simply not a British, or even European city. And then with that comes a sense of sense of wonderment that the Scots have major cities which are not just white but almost entirely Scottish. It almost doesn’t seem possible; and it doesn’t seem possible that once London was once an English city in the same mould. It’s like when you look at an old painting of fields and trees and realise that the place depicted is now part of some concrete jungle and you can’t quite comprehend that something can change that much. 22
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 23:23 | # “Sarah Silverman, who I gather isn’t at the height of her popularity in America at the moment - although I can’t for the life of me understand why” Her appeal has a narrow audience. Trump supporters despise her (That’s half of America). Blacks and Hispanics don’t think she’s funny. Her appeal is limited to radical white feminists, cocky Jews, and the LGBTQ crowd. IOWs her fan base is a tiny loud vocal minority. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:38 | # SOANM, I suppose the question is whether you are alone or whether you are one of millions. My experience is that you are one of millions, but there is much defeatism: https://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/in_a_black_cab https://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/in_a_black_cab_episode_two ... and with good reason: https://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/a_journey_home_to_a_foreign_land And yet we must fight. 24
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 13:47 | # GW, Back around the year you experience that taxi ride in London (2015), my wife and I were sitting in my accountant’s office getting our income taxes form filled out. (My accountant at that time, Paul, was of English ancestry.) The discussion turned to travel. My wife said she always wanted to experience Rome and Paris. I said I always wanted to visit St Petersburg, Russia and London. Paul immediately responded back: YOU DON’T WANT TO GO TO LONDON!! I asked in stunned amazement: WHY?!? Paul: Because most of it is like Detroit. Thorn: What do you mean by that? Paul: It’s filled with blacks and Muslims. It’s dangerous for white tourists to be roaming around there. Thorn: You’ve got to be shitin’ me!! Paul: No, unfortunately I’m telling you the truth. I was bleepin’ floored. I was under the impression there was a tiny minority of non-whites living in London but to learn nearly half the city was non-white blew my mind. Being born, bred, and fed in Detroit, Mi. I was very attuned to the rapid demographic change happening in the USA. But I always took solace in the belief that whatever happens to the white population in USA, the UK and Europe was there as bastion for the white race. WRONG! As it’s turning out, the UK and Western Europe may become majority non-white close to the same time-period as the USA.
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 00:29 | # Our perennial problem is cutting through to the mass of self-absorbed kinfolk, who seem both to know what’s happening but not to know that they have to stop supporting the mainstream parties. I really hoped that the Brexit vote, and the way the British Establishment sought to derail it, might be start of some serious resistance. But nothing doing. There may be mileage in other actions, and I have heard that some people are looking at that route. There are a couple which spring to mind. You will recall from this post from April this year, and your own contribution to the thread, that the constitutional legality of mass immigration into England, Scotland, Wales and NI can be called into question. Of course, nobody does so, but then no one on whom I have tried the argument has produced a functioning reply: I also believe that there is some mileage in public discussion, at least, of the genocide question. The father of the 1948 Genocide Convention was Raphael Lemkin, a Jewish lawyer who managed to look past the undoubted tragedy of the camps in the east and see other ways of stamping out the life of a whole people. He wrote:
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 03:19 | # Two aspects of your “spick” post, Thorn. First, there is no “k” ,as any educated person might discern from the stupid American truncation of the root word ’ Hispanic”. Anyway , the word refers to language rather than race. Second , the ‘lol’ is equivalent to laughing at your own jokes , an unacceptable act of self - aggrandisement which always fails.. A civilised person learns this at mother’s knee ( and other low joints). 29
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 08:28 | # Thorn , tired and lost in Pattaya , looking for a Church , stumbles upon a massage parlour . ” Shower and rub down , OK “? ” Would you like super sex ?” ” I’d prefer the soup , please.” 30
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 10:35 | #
Al, my pedantic putz pal, did you read the article you posted @ 17? If you did—and assuming you have the capacity to comprehend it—you’d know I used the word “spick” in the racial sense., not in any linguistic sense. Context is important. From your article: ”...a research team at Oxford University has found the majority of Britons are Celts descended from Spanish tribes who began arriving about 7,000 years ago. [...] In Scotland, the majority of people are not actually Scots, but Picts. [...] according to the study, the Picts, like the Scots, originally came from Spain.” ¿Comprende? (That said, I have much repeact for my Spanish brothers and sisters. Beautiful country; beautiful ppl; wonderful culture.) Secondly, I was not laughing at my own “joke” per se. Just poking fun at you; letting you know I get a good hearty laugh from your very peculiar personality. Buenos días, mi amigo! PS, As a disclaimer I do not necessarily agree with the research cited in the article.
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 11:45 | # @26 Apt description of genocide by Raphael Lemkin. What I find so confounding is the main perpetrators of white genocide are other whites. I’m not discounting the role Jews play in this. But our own ruling-class (in both private and public sectors) are the main perpetrators. The white ruling-class is responsible for massive immigration (physical genocide) and forcing the indoctrination of anti-white ideologies such as CRT (psychological/cultural genocide). White-on-white genocide has to be the most perverse event in human history. Convincing the masses of whites to resist their own genocide should be an easy sell ... but for a handful of reasons it isn’t. You understand better than I that the “anti-racism” brainwashing runs very deep into the conscious of whites. It’s seemingly unshakeable. Thus far peer-pressure and fear of being labeled racist; fear of being socially ostracized has been suffiecient deterrent to fend off any widespread grassroots backlash. In the meantime, more whites are gravitating to BLM than WN. But then again, the entire educational-MSM-Big Tech-Hollywood-Corporate advertising complex is brainwashing whites to feel ashamed of their own race whilst revering the other. Such a pathetic state of affairs! 32
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 04:21 | # Before the presence of mainland European Celts there were British people : Post a comment:
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Posted by Thorn on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 11:26 | #
“One wonders if the real reason is peer pressure”
IMHO, that’s exactly what it is!
Same goes for the anti-White “woke” ideology. If one wants to be in good standing with his or her upper middle-class peers you’d better adhere to the “woke” ideology lest you become an outcast. What’s even more frustrating is most in the middle-class takes their cues from them—mainly via the mass media—and follow suit. Moreover, they’re all being effortlessly guided by a relatively small cadre of expert mind-manipulators.
Peer pressure is amazingly powerful, and the ruling-class is using it to their full advantage.