Discourse analysis: (((narrative control))) by David Cole Stein through Robert Stark’s kosher forum

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 06:00.

    Discourse analysis of David Cole Stein’s (((narrative control))) as promoted through Robert Stark’s kosher forum.

    Socially constructing the non-social construction of right-wing, “politically incorrect objectivity.”

    Cole-Stein is going to talk about how the porn-industry is “the last refuge of political incorrectness”, how “unlike the ‘Leftist’ controlled media, it simply and objectively caters to the desires of its ‘fan-base.”

    Robert Stark: This-is-Robert-Stark. I am joined here with-uh, David Cole. Uh David, great having you back on the show.

    David Cole-Stein: It’s a pleasure to be back, Robert! It really is. I enjoyed our first go-round and I’m looking forward to doing it again.

    Robert Stark: And I’m also joined here with my ‘Alt-of-Center’ co-host, ah, Mathew Pegus.

    Stark seems to provide/be provided with a different kosher co-host every few shows or so.

    Mathew Pegus: Great to be here Robert. Thank you for having me.

    David Cole-Stein: Speaking of ‘Alt’, I want to apologize to you, Robert; because I know, a couple months ago in one of my Taki-Mag pieces, I kind-of mischaracterized you in my description of you ...and you were very polite about it, you were very nice about it; but I don’t like when I do that, because, number one, I don’t like to make errors in print, but also I don’t like it when people mischaracterize me or affix labels to me that I don’t want or don’t deserve. So I want to just apologize to get things started here, one on one here: I’m very sorry - I think I called you “Alt-Righty.” ...and uh..

    Robert Stark: Or like “Extreme Alt-Right” or “Hard-Core Alt-Right.” ...(chuckles)

    David Cole-Stein: Uh, Ok. Yeah, rub it in! Go ahead! That, that, here - here’s a man trying to like, grovel; and you take that salt and you rub-it right in! Yes, I made a grievous error, a grievous error! and I apologize for it.

    Robert Stark (chuckles): So uh, lets start with your recent article, “Lessons From My Porn-Girl” ..and just as kind of an overall theme, is how pornography is the one area in our culture where one is allowed to be ah, politically incorrect. So by-basically to start things off, by ‘porn-girl’ you’re referencing this woman that you used to know…

    David Cole-Stein: Well, a woman who lived with me. A woman whose porn-name is Kirsten Lee; ah, her real name is Kera. That - I’m not outing anybody, she has, she has outed herself. So this is not me, ah doing anything (coughs) like outing or doxxing. Kera lived with me for almost two years and was pretty much my partner in crime. She was twenty one when I uh, met her and uh…and I, basically, my role in her life was to try to help her out of the porn-biz. It’s a business that has never interested me but it was fascinating during that first year that she and I were together before she got out of it because by the second year she was fully out. You know the, the amazing thing about a porn girl is that once you give them free rent and utilities and food, ah they no longer feel the need to seek money; ah and well, they can just get right out of porn at that point - it’s really a miraculous formula; uh, they, they, once they don’t have any needs or bills to pay or anything like that, well getting out of porn seems pretty simple at that point.

    The White Left will emphasize this point of social safety net to help prevent mud-sharkery in the first place.

    Robert Stark: So, you-you touch on the theme of how pornography is the one, the one uh, aspect of media where politically incorrect content is uh, not only tolerated but promoted; and garners massive amounts of hit-counts in profits. What was the specific case with her and her ah, politically incorrect attitudes about sexual relations in porn.

    Cole-Burner Stain

    David Cole-Stein
    David Cole-Stein: Well I, um, I was amazed, really quite amazed by the people I mixed with during that first year while she was still knee deep, neck deep in the business. Uh, on racial matters, the kind of stuff that is the most taboo for the rest of us to talk about, on racial matters porn is just insanely honest. I’m not affixing a good or bad label to it, or healthy or unhealthy - just saying its incredibly honest: White girl comes in and White girl says, “I’m not going to blow an N-word”, and uh, and the producers of porn companies are like, ‘great, you don’t do the N-word porn’. Um, Kera, my porn-girl, made most of her money doing interracial stuff, because since she was so young and very thin and kind of pristine for lack of a better word; uh, it was kind of rare to have a White girl like that do interracial because ah, normally it was the older women who put on a few pounds who’d do the interracial; uh, but for a blond girl, blue eyes, twenty one years old and looking like she’s just come right-off the fiords, it was, she made a great-deal of money at that.

    Note that Cole-Stein is marking a transition, there was a time when this didn’t happen, or not much among working class women and certainly not much in the public space. It is not a time in memorial truth of societal behavior; and it’s not as if it is a sheer discovered fan base - but he’s normalizing and institutionalizing it as a given fact apart from negotiative components of societal incentive - particularly, money and a Jewish anti-White agenda.

    His argument - “a fan base”, as in, “this is what people agentively want” - is up against the involuntary high contrast tropism and need to gauge genetic distance and competition, not a mere expression of a ‘fan base’ catered-to. As a high contrast tropism, it is simply harder to ignore highly contrasting sounds and sights such as interracial; and the genetic call to grapple with the incitement to competition and deal with its vast, destructive genetic distance. It doesn’t necessarily mean this is what people want. Furthermore, there are elective, i.e., not merely catered-to, non-interracial taboos that are very popular also which can serve as an antidote to the destructive effects of this “catered-to” tropism.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): But yet in her private life, she would never do interracial. That was the thing that fascinated me most was how she was able to compartmentalize the racial thing. When she’s at work and she gets $8,000 to go down on a black dude, well that’s just work, she just does it. And then when we’re out in club and some black guy tries to hit on her and maybe comment on her porn, and she’ll let loose just a stream of expletives, ah ‘you friggin’ N-word’, ‘you N-word this and N-word that’ (Stark giggles) uh, there’s, huh, in her mind, its just, hey, I’m at work, I’m at work and my work right now is blowin’ a black guy; and then when we’re out at a club later that night - hey, this is my private time, I don’t want to talk to a black guy…so..

    It’s at work, ‘it’s ok then’. As with Hannah Arendt, he is shifting an ethnic basis for discrimination to the abstract, individual basis of “public and private.” He is trying to create a distancing effect, ‘this is play’ - to create a distancing effect from the actual participation of the actresses.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): But the whole industry was just sort of honest that way. Ah, most of the women, would - including black girls too and the Latino girls - they were just very honest, ‘cuz you can talk about race in porn in a way that you can’t in real life. It’s, I make the point in my article - where else in American society right now can pay-scale be determined by your race? I mean, if any other business, if Amazon were to say, ‘we’re going to be paying uh, White programmers more than uh, Asian ones’, well of course it would be a huge thing and I’m not advocating that at all. But in porn, White girls who are willing to do black guys make more; uh, White girls who only want to do other White girls make the least. Because that’s, that’s, hell, any White girl will kiss another White girl these days, that’s ...in my day that was barely titillating and I think everyone kind of does that now.

    So.. and then the Mexican dudes, there were some Arab dudes - and they get paid different based on race ..eh that doesn’t happen anywhere else. I mean, its kind of astounding when I was looking at it. I spent years writing about racial politics and racial law and discrimination laws. And I’m like, wow, this, this is the wild-west, this is a part of the entertainment industry - and a profitable one - that has yet to be touched by that Leftist hand of politically correct social justice bullshit.

    Robert Stark: And not only race, even just looking at the whole climate with the whole ah “#me-too” thing and just ah feminism in general, ah there’s in general, it’s like gender issues there’s all this ah, hyper-sensitivity; and then you can look at pornography and ah there’s stuff that I guess you could say is extremely degrading and a whole theme of men humiliating women and the theme of eroticized rage; and a lot of feminists will say that like men watch porn as a way to kind of express their anger toward women.

    And Luke Ford has talked about that in his play, “Eroticized Rage,” and about his porn habits as a way to see the kind of women who he felt snubbed-by being utterly humiliated. So, feminists make that argument and there’s definitely truth to that; but pornography, it does, that’s an industry that tolerates stuff, so stuff that would be viewed as either extremely racist or misogynist in any other form of media is tolerated in porn which is, which is interesting because… its ...do you think, what do you think it is? Do you think is just that, ah, there’s something different about sexuality? Or do you think that because pornography, because pornography is viewed as kind of shady its beyond the bounds of what’s respectable?

    David Cole-Stein: I think a lot of it comes down to the fact of another point that I make in my article which is that porn is arguably the last arm of the entertainment industry that caters to its fan-base with no hesitation.

    What the fuck is a “fan base”? - That’s a retail (((term))) to latch onto

    David Cole-Stein (continues): Now, as I found out through Kera, one very important ah, demographic in that fan-base are, as you just mentioned, the dudes who want to see women humiliated or hurt. Uh, I found that, one, ‘cuz I have friends who are very much into porn, I’m not; and when I say I’m not into porn, I said that in my article, people are like, oh well, that’s what all guys say, it’s like saying you don’t masturbate; well no, it, some guys really are not into porn; I’m just not really into porn. Um, but, uh, one of the things that I found very interesting is that the friends that I have who are into the humiliation and the rough-stuff when they’re watching porn, they would respond with tremendous hostility, tremendous negativity when I would tell them that it’s staged, because I saw that it was staged - one example is my porn-girl, Kera, was in a film with James Deen, D-E-E-N - whose been accused of rape in real life - but James Deen’s thing in porn is the abuse, the humiliation, the physical violence.

    They are trying to build emotional detachment, then sympathy and protective instinct for mudsharks.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): Now, she did a film, (if) anyone wants to see it, its like Kirstin Lee / James Deen, you know, you find the links. But um, in the film, it really does look like she’s getting the shit kicked out of her. I mean, she was a mediocre actress for real stuff, its like you give her Shakespeare, Eugene O’Neil, something like that, she’s going to struggle with it. But she was a really, really good porn actress. And if you watch the film she did with James Deen, you really do think that she’s being abused and humiliated; but they were both completely in control during the entire shoot; and in fact, they were joking and laughing between takes. But when I would say this to some of my porn-fan friends, and I would say to them, you know, they were just making it up. It was like it would break their illusion, it was like, ‘no, no, no, she’s really getting hurt, I can see it in her eyes!’ Ah, dude, I was there, no she’s not getting hurt, these are two professionals in their field, who are fully, fully in control, like a dance number or like a kung-foo scene, like a fight scene in a movie - they’re not really fighting, its their job, they’re both getting paid over ten, well she was paid about ten grand, he was probably paid more because he’s a star, but she was paid ten grand. She’s being paid ten grand to look, to make it look realistic. But no, she was not hurt, she was not humiliated, she was not actually choked. He was a pro, she was a pro…so, these guys who like the humiliation aspect of it and the violence aspect of it, they respond almost like you’re questioning their faith, like maybe Jesus isn’t the savior, ‘no, no, no, not true!’ ...maybe Joseph Smith….

    Robert Stark: Yeah but! even though it’s staged, I’m sure like doing some of those scenes, with like having three guys in like all of your orifices or taking the ejaculate of like a hundred different guys, I’m sure that’s extremely degrading to the actresses, or the performers.

    David Cole-Stein: You know, it depends upon the woman. Now, to be fair and as a caveat, my porn-girl only did the high paying stuff; she worked for the companies that still make a good profit and one of the reasons they make a good profit is that they have the money to keep the pirated stuff off-line, you have to go to their sites..

    His friends have what it takes to block traffic and flow from one site or another.

    David Cole Stein (continues): in order to see what they do. They have high production value, they have prettier women, and generally, I don’t want to say, better plots. But, um, one of the films my porn girl did, for a company called Teens in the Woods, where she plays a woman, her and her lesbian lover go out and are caught in the woods, they make love in the woods and then her lesbian lover wanders off, and Kera is left looking for her, she comes to a cabin, where this creepy guy is there and she’s like, have you seen my friend? And he says, I’ll tell you where your friend is, if you’ll do this to me or you’ll do that to me, and that one gets raw! I mean, there’s whippings and there’s screaming and there’s torture porn!

    He’s trying to promote this ‘‘just play’ for punishment catharsis.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): But again, absolutely nothing for real. Now, having said that, yeah there’s the amateur stuff, there’s definitely the amateur stuff, where women who are not getting paid well and who are disposable in the eyes of the industry, in that part of the industry do get humiliated. But Kera laid down the law with all the companies. There were two things she wouldn’t do - no anal and no feces. So, nothing to do with the butt and don’t get poop or pee anywhere near her. And everyone’s fine with that. If she had said ‘I do anal’, well then they would have had her do anal. But these girls at her level, they actually do have the ability to regulate what they do, and they only do what they’re comfortable with. But some of them are very good actresses, you can’t be fooled by how sleazy the industry is, and how bad they may be as actresses outside of the industry. In that industry, they can sell it. And Kera sure as hell can sell it. If you see the film she did with James Deen and one with the Cabin in the, Teens in the Woods one, it really does look raw and if I had seen it from a different perspective not having seen it being made and knowing about it being made, yeah, I probably would have believed it was real.

    He’s trying to demarcate the difference between public and private, with YKW regulating the public.

    Robert Stark: And you make a fascinating point about censorship; so there’s been this massive purge on social media and, of ah, Stephan Molyneaux and Alex Jones and just lots of dissident figures and basically on a tube site in pornography you’re not going to be censored unless you do something that’s explicitly illegal so THERE’S BASICALLY FREEDOM OF SPEECH (said in a very confident and relaxed way). So, if you do a, you make a porn video using the N word, you’re not going to have your video taken down from a tube site.

    Everything’s ok, you have free speech in your YKW controlled private porn masturbation realm.

    David Cole-Stein: And that is literally a sub-genre - You can go to PORN HUB which, at any given week will be anywhere from number five to number ten in the most visited website in the world, uh, you can to to Porn Hub and look up “N-Word” porn” and there are dozens and dozens of videos of black dudes, or black women either doing things or having things done to them while the N-word is spoken. It is something that people actually seek-out and do.

    Some sagacious character once said that for Jews, “free speech means freedom of pornography.” So in evidence.

    More absolutely lame placation. Porn being funneled into your hotel room in which a guy uses the N-word, followed by a subsequent clip of interracial to condition your helplessness.

    David Cole-Stein: Same thing with Muslims. You can find porn that involves the hijab or the burka and where they talk about Muhammad; that kind of stuff would get you killed. That kind of stuff would get you assassinated..

    Now they’re going to coddle your perspective toward their preferred enemies distinctions.

    Robert Stark: Well, I would think that they would be in danger of being of, of that from radical Muslims.

    David Cole-Stein: Uhm, it’s funny that that has never has come up yet, because yeah, you would think, especially because radical Muslims would always prefer having sex with goats to women anyway; and you would think, therefore, that they don’t really care for the porn business, because alcohol and porn in theory are supposed to be forbidden to them. I think that maybe it has not come up because its something that’s not yet on their radar. Pamela Geller talks about doing a ‘draw Muhammad’ contest’ and two assassins show up. And yet, every day, there is this stuff in the porn world, and maybe the porn groups have just not caught wind of it yet, I mean the Muslim groups have just not caught wind of it yet. Or maybe they feel it’s beneath them to even ...you have to remember that a lot of these loons, they don’t even touch women. You’re not even supposed to shake hands with them, they’re not supposed to lay eyes on them. So, maybe this is something that they’re own superstitions are keeping them from paying attention-to.

    I’m not talking about all Muslims. My understanding is that the Muslim world is a huge, huge consumer of porn. I’m just talking about those loons that have these, that hold fast to these superstitions. Maybe this is a world that they feel is so corrupting that they don’t even want to blow it up.

    Mathew Pegus: Yeah, it’s almost like they’d have to admit that they’d seen it in the first place.

    David Cole-Stein: Yeah.

    Mathew Pegus: ..for them to make a big deal out of it.

    David Cole-Stain: Yeah. I’m just offering a theory because I don’t really know; but it is interesting because as of now it is yet to go on their radar.

    Plus there’s a good deal of anonymity in porn. My porn-girl is outed-now because she decided-to. She got a role in the movie “Aqua-Man” that’s coming out in December - The Marvel, I mean the D.C. Warner Brothers film. And she just figured I mind as well just ah, say who I am and maybe get some publicity for the fact that there’s going to be a hard-core porn girl in Aqua-Man.

    But when we had the fire-wall erected, between her name, real name and her porn name, we enforced it and so did the porn companies. It would have been very difficult for someone two years ago to watch a Kirstin Lee movie; and try to find out who this woman really is.

    “We” had a fire wall erected and “we” enforced it. He knows how its done and is a part of the powers that can censor and control information flow.

    David Cole-Stein (continues): Uh, and so the smarter porn girls, and the better porn companies, they keep that fire wall pretty strong. I mean, the women get outed normally, when they want to out themselves.

    Mathew Pegus: As porn becomes increasingly socially acceptable, which I think to say, its fair to say that it is - even though there’s definitely still a stigma, I see more and more people on line being more open about watching porn; and more and more people, even being open about working within porn. Do you think that some of these dynamics that you’re talking about, where it’s kind of a bastion of free speech and a lot of kind of seedy and politically incorrect content, do you think that could uh, come under threat?

    Cole-Stein sees “The Left” as the problem.

    David Cole-Stein: Yeah, I think The Left is even worse than the lunatic Muslims. I think The Left truly cannot abide any arm of the entertainment industry, especially not one as profitable as porn. They can’t abide this going on. They’ve already started laying the groundwork - there’s a lawsuit that I mentioned in my article that, where a black male porn actor is suing a porn director for telling the White girl in the scene to say the N-word to him. So, they’re suing and all the liberal groups are behind this - ‘we gotta get the racism out of porn, get the racism out of porn’ - this will be an interesting fight because it will be a fight between the typical Leftist fanatics against an industry that doesn’t necessarily give a shit. The porn industry is not going to bend like every other part of the entertainment industry has bent.

    Robert Stark: Yeah, that goes back, I mean I was thinking because most of their, uh, their uh customers and audience are men, that goes back ‘cuz their correct, they’re catering directly to their niche audience. With Hollywood, they’re trying to cater to the general masses. That’s the key difference.

    So Stark buys into the right wing social construction of non social construction, the “found object” of the male audience to be catered-to.

    David Cole-Stain (encouraging the “objectivity”): Yeah, Yeah, and there’s an honesty, there’s an honesty to porn, whether it’s good or bad, but they know what their fan-base wants and then really in a way it comes down to the fact that The Left just in general society is trying to engineer things that can’t be re-engineered. It’s trying to say, ‘you should like trannies’, trannies are great! And every man should find a tranny attractive.. and not worry about the fact that this person was a man and then started dressing as a woman ..I mean, you’re monkeying with the core DNA there. If a guy’s not attracted to men, then he’s not going to be attracted to men just because that man don’s a dress, and calls himself some new gender.

    There’s “The Left” again, trying to do things to us!

    What about what a guy might need to balance off what is most horrible?

    Perhaps not trannies, but incest fantasy, for one example - which is among the most popular porn interests - can be a powerful counter taboo to interracial tropism. In viewing other filthy non-interracial taboo porn, you can always write off a diversion by the truth of the fact that you didn’t do it and you don’t necessarily recommend it. It helps also to get past the reifying Jesus sin, “if you even thought of a sin”..by recognizing that these diversions are like movie film reels, they are not a permanent representation of your psyche, rather they are a process of balancing and coming to terms, which in the privacy of your mind are particularly innocent. That is were you are supposed to grapple with and resolve any tropism of social taboo.

    (((Herbert Marcuse)))

    Cole-Stein continues with his no-account BS: Um, porn is all about, just catering to the reality, of what turns a guy on. And that could be anything. He could be turned on by women, he could be turned on by other men, he could be turned on by a man in drag, he could be turned on by getting peed-on (see, Uncle Adolf was not so bad). But whatever it is, it’s part of you. And it’s really hard to engineer yourself out of it…  ...if that could be done, we wouldn’t have child molesters. If engineering yourself out of a fetish was that easy, well then every dude who starts to like kids can just go to a seminar and get his switch turned off and bam, they don’t like kids any more but we all know child molesters are repeat offenders, they’re repeat offenders because they can’t turn that stuff off. Porn recognized that whatever your fetish is, whatever your preference is, your not going to be turning it off and your going to want to pay for it. And the more, the more that maybe you can’t see it in the legitimate entertainment world… I mean, ah, an example -

    An example, there was a cousin, a mentally retarded cousin of a friend of mine.

    A retarded person, good example to demonstrate our powers of free will and agency.

    Cole-Stein (Continues):  ...whose, thing was, watching women beat-up men. That’s the porn that he would like. He was kind of retarded to the extent that maybe he had the mentality of a ten year old. But he got off on watching women beat up men. So, his relatives who he was living with, who were his care-takers, they made sure he had no access to porn. They cut-off on his internet, on everything else, he couldn’t see porn. But he would still look for mainstream examples - uh, you know, from action films. We see this all the time with the fad of female action heroes.

    Robert Stark: Have you seen the scene in the film The Crush?—where Alicia Silverstone walks into the empty, the busy business conference in her riding uniform and slaps Nick Elliot?

    Cole-Stein: Yeah, yeah, long time ago, but yeah, I saw the film. And if your thing is watching women abuse men, ah, then you can find that in mainstream entertainment, but if you couldn’t - like if that was all of a sudden, if we went back to the standards of the 1940s, I..

    Robert Stark: But did you know ah, she actually had to use a body double for that film for the nude scene?

    Relevance Robert? The Crush had tenuous relevance to begin with, Stein tried to bring the talk back on coherent track and you went off with your own blond Jew fetish.

    Cole-Stein: I may have heard that. I forget what her age was back then. But I may have known that back then, but what was she, how old was she when she did The Crush?

    Robert Stark: She was pretty young, maybe like fifteen, so…

    Cole Stein: Yeah, yeah, then of course that would make sense. I know that uh, like the actresses in Fast Times at Ridgemont High used body-doubles, and uh.. by the way that’s another interesting thing about the porn-biz - they take those laws really seriously. They take the, again, the respectable companies, I can’t speak for the amateur ones, but respectable companies, stuff about age and stuff about health requirements, um, during every month my porn-girl would have to be re-certified. We would drive out to the valley and she would get a check up, a full on check up. Any STD’s or anything related and uh, one time, one particular month, she came back positive for chlamydia, and she could not do porn for a month until she was certified clear of chlamydia. Uh, but they take that stuff really seriously - you gotta show your certification on the set; and kind of the same with minors. They check your age and they make sure that the kind of things like Tracey Lords that happened in the 80s and 90s, they make sure that doesn’t happen again.

    Robert Stark: So, there is the, they’re very careful about checking the age ...there is a genre where they look for young but that’s legal as long as they’re of age.

    Cole-Stein: Well, in fact, this circles right back to my own porn-girl Kera. She had very pre-pubescent looking breasts. Uh, I mean, pretty much, body-wise, she looked like a twelve-year-old. Ah, even though she was 21. Uhm, one of the reasons she made so much money was because she looked like a teen. Now, she was a hundred percent legal. A hundred percent an adult; but ah, naked? and because she looked young in the face as well, uh, she could certainly have passed for a sixteen-year-old, or a seventeen-year-old, easily. So, a lot of the stuff she did, she made an especially large amount of money because they do, they do, in fact, look-for the over eighteens, who look under eighteen. They’re not going to use an under eighteen, because they know, you know, this is a business about making money - and you’re not going to make money if The L.A.P.D. crashes-in and you get prosecuted. But they do look for the eighteen and overs who can play younger.

    Robert Stark: Yeah, that probably exists in gay porn too.

    Cole-Stein: Oh, I can imagine, certainly. Uh, in fact, the guy who got my porn-girl into porn, was a gentleman in Austin, who, was what they call gay for pay. He was a young dude who, himself, was not gay - at leas, you know, he wouldn’t admit it - but he, he would make a lot of money being a young boy, even though he was an adult, he was over 18. He used to make money doing gay porn, um, and uh, of course from my perspective, you say your not gay, but gosh, the stuff you’re doing! But that’s just my own prejudice as a guy who would never do that stuff. But yeah, you’re right, the gay porn also used the very young looking boys.

    Robert Stark: I know there’s like a lot of racial fetishism in porn, like the race play, the Asian porn, Asian fetish is huge, and there’s like a general perception that there’s a lot of Jewish influence in the porn industry. But surprisingly there’s very little uh, porn of that genre. But if you were to go on a tube site and type-in, say, ah “Jewish” + “Blonde”, like basically nothing would come up.Cole-Stein (laughs): Oh, that’s probably something that I should have looked into for my piece, because I don’t know. What I will say is…

    Robert Stark: Mathew, have you tried that?

    Mathew Pegus: Um, I’m not sure that I’d admitted if I had but I have not actually.

    Porn impresario (((Al Goldstein))), got-off on defiling the “shiksa”.

    Cole-Stein: One thing I will say because obviously I hear a lot from people, that “porn’s a Jewish racket.” Um, in the case of my porn-girl, her agent, who is one of the more legendary porn agents in the business, was an Irish-American. And, a lot of the directors I ran into out here were Hispanic.

    Of course he’s going to try to shift blame, best toward “Hispanics” who don’t give a fig about the historical complaints of Jews, nor for their black henchmen.

    Cole-Stein: Ah, porn definitely was something that Jews, back when porn was especially forbidden, porn was something that Jews were very heavily behind as producers because that’s what we do - we produce movies, any kind of movie, you’ll find a Jew producing it. But out here at least if I could only speak for L.A., I can’t speak for other markets, although my porn-girl started in Orlando and I think it’s the same in Florida, in L.A. and Florida there’s a very strong Hispanic element. Cuban money and Cubans in Florida. And, Mexicans are the kind of Hispanics out here, uh, so I kind of look at it like communism - where the originators were heavily Jewish. but now you have these Puerto Ricans, like that moron in New York, uh, who are carrying the torch for communism and are not Jewish at all. These things might be started by a certain group, but then they take on a life of their own because of they’re, because they’re attractive - either because they’re profitable, or in the case of communism, because they’re attractive for a lot of very, very negative ways. But still, the group that starts it is not always the group that ends up being the only people being involved.

    Mathew Pegus: A lot of anti-Semites would point to Jewish involvement in porn (laughs a bit) as proof of their degeneracy. My impression is that um, a lot of people whom, for whatever reason might find themselves on the outside of society, and at a certain point that may have been Jews, do wind up getting involved in pornography at a higher rate.

    Ocasio-Cortez. Hispanics a potential to ally to Whites against Jews and their allies?
    Cole-Stein: Yeah, and also, I mean, if porn’s only customer base was Jewish it would not make money. There’s just not enough of us in the world. The customer based is almost just outrageously not-Jewish - black and White, Arab, and Hispanic and Asian. So, a Jewish pornographer would probably always give the excuse that well, we’re just giving the world what it wants and there’s truth to that. But whatever, you get all the Al Goldsteins, all the smut peddlers in the 50s and 60s and 70s and um, they weren’t all Jewish but a lot of them were, but the business has just changed now and most of the men I met who were in a producer capacity, or actor capacity, tended to be, very kind of ‘White Hispanic.’ It’s kind-of Americanized dudes with last names like Ramirez, Gonzales, and Rodriquez, they seem to be most prevalent on the production end of the business right now.

    Here we go with the objective facts of the market thing again. As if their group and media, since biblical times, has not had enough destructive power and influence to shape and smash the rest of the social world despite their smaller numbers. Now back to diverting blame to their chosen enemies.

    Robert Stark: Should we move on to the James Gun article? Or do you have anything else you’d like to add about this article?

    Cole-Stein: No, I mean, it was something I’d been figuring I’d get off my chest at some point because, uh, it’s hard for me to experience anything without me then wanting to write about it. As long as my porn-girl did not want it to be out, as long as there was a fire-wall, I was never going to write about it. But once she let me know that she was fine with, uh, with being revealed,well at that point, you can’t ask a guy like me to not write about something - it’s cruel, it’s inhuman.

    Robert Stark: Yeah, for sure. So, with James Gunn this is kind of old news but I still think it’s worth talking about. It goes with the theme of censorship, and whether, I mean there are people who are just totally outraged by what he said, or whether to be consistent. Or whether some people who view him as a political enemy have schadenfreude. Because, on one hand, I mean, I pretty much agree with most of what you said, because lets face it, all three of us would probably be fired if we were working for him at Disney, just because we have views that are not politically correct (Cole-Stein: Right); but at the same time, I mean I would like to see a culture where people should be free to express themselves. And not just the First Amendment under law, even under social media, without any limits as long as they’re not explicitly breaking the law. Pretty much, within free speech people should be able to express themselves no matter how offensive it is. So there’s that angle, but then the key question is, should we take that position, or if he’s someone who would say, uh, punish us for our views should we take a more kind of a, a little bit of a Machiavellian stance, or would you rather just take the high road and say everyone should just say whatever they want?

    Cole-Stein: Uh, well.. one of the things that I tried to point-out in my piece, was that uh, when someone has a theory, about what may help their side or hurt the other side, well you test that theory out. It was believed by several people, including Kurt Schlichter in Townhall, and I knew Kurt, Kurt was a friend of mine, he’s blocked me on social media everywhere, but I still like Kurt…

    Robert Stark: Was this through “The Friends of Abe Club” ?

    Cole-Stein: Yeah, Friends of Abe and my own group, The Republican Party Animals, which was just another arm of Friends of Abe and Kurt Schlichter would come to, uh, I met Kurt because there’s a very popular right-of-center blogger named, who goes by the name of uh, ‘Iowa Hawk’, and um, or Dave Berg, that’s not his real name either. He like, has his blog-name, then he has his phony human name, neither of them are his real name. But Dave Berg would come to my events and he would bring Kurt Schlichter with him. And I like Kurt a lot but Kurt, in Townhall, when the James Gunn thing first exploded, Kurt was like, ‘yes, we take one of them for every one of us that they take and soon enough they’ll be worn down and we’ll take a scalp for a scalp and they’ll finally give up.’ And that didn’t happen. We did, and I say say ‘we’, people like Kurt Schlichter, people like Cernovich, Posobiac - they completely destroyed James Gunn. He got fired from one of the most profitable franchises in movie history, and ah, against the wishes of his cast, against the wishes of fans, but Disney fired him. And they got their scalp. But, all they did was ramp-up the attacks against the right, within the weeks following James Gunn’s firing, well, Gavin McGunness gets banned, uh, Proud Boys get banned from Twitter, uh, Candace Owens gets banned, uh, Stephan Molyneux, they go after him.

    He’s re-establishing Jewish parameters for acceptable discourse - placing White ethnonationalist Left totally out of bounds.

    Does (((Al Franken))) represent The White Left?
    So, I don’t think the scalp for a scalp thing will work because James Gunn may have been profitable to Disney, but he was not some intellectual giant of The Left. Al Franken, is a better example of scalp for a scalp working because um, that hurt ‘The Left’, when ‘The Left’ was pounding-away against Roy Moore, in that election, “Roy Moore, he does things to women, he’s disrespectful to women, he’s a groper, he chases the skirts of young women”, and then Al Franken, all the stuff comes out about him last year; well, that hurt ‘The Left.’ When Al Franken was forced to resign, ‘The Left’ was not happy about that.

    ...now there’s this character called “The Left” and he has these feelings…

    Cole-Stein (continues): They’re still not happy about that. Al Franken was being talked-about as a potential Presidential candidate, or a Vice Presidential candidate. ...and then he resigns. No one was happy about that. The Left had to do that. Because bringing-down Roy Moore was more important. But now that the dust has settled and Roy Moore is history, they don’t like the fact that they don’t have Al Franken any more. So, I think if you’re going to talk about ‘scalp for a scalp’, politicians and sexual misconduct - scalp for scalp works there and it works for a couple of reasons: number one, politicians have a different standard to be held-to than comedians or movie directors. A comedian or a movie director did not sign-up to represent ‘decency’, a politician supposedly needs to represent certain principles, whether they do or not, they’re supposed-to. So, for a politician who accuses someone else of improper conduct, and then, like Keith Ellison, in Michigan these days, right now that’s something going-on, so Keith Ellison other politicians of sexual misconduct and then he gets accused of it, well, I’m all in favor of a scalp for a scalp there because a) politicians have assumed the responsibility to behave well and b) that does hurt The Left when we take down a Franken, maybe we take-down someone like Keith Ellison. The Left does get hurt. The Left wasn’t hurt because a guy who does a talking racoon gets fired. It doesn’t matter to them. The Left’s plans did not hinge on James Gunn doing part 3 of the talking racoon movie. Nothing that The Left wanted hinged on that. So yeah, we took down James Gunn. Big Whoop. Big deal, I feel bad for him. I was against it because my fetish is not sexual, my fetish is, I love bad movies, I love bad humor. I love just, raw, stupid jokes - politically incorrect jokes.

    Robert Stark: Yeah! You make a good point that basically, when it comes to comedy, nothing should be off limits. So, no joke is too based, too disgusting, just let it all out and… I mean even I remember a while back, and this was before Lewis CK had his #ME2 incident, Lewis CK made some joke of the same subject matter - and all these people were just outraged - I think it was (on) SNL but…

    Cole-Stein: Yeah, his monologue. The SNL monologue he did…

    Robert Stark: Yeah, but I don’t think he did, really, said anything wrong. I think he was like challenging people’s, he was basically challenging the audience and using dark satire to do so.

    Cole-Stein: He was doing what a good comedian should do and Lewis CK was a good comedian. I’m not saying he was a good man, or a good human being. He was very good at what he did. And what he was doing in that monologue was something that a lot of people were thinking.. but nobody wanted to say. And yeah, he was simply challenging the audience’s perceptions and the audience’s, the dark parts of their own mind that they didn’t want to go into; and that’s what a good comedian does. And its a shame that Lewis CK was such a prick in real life - that’s probably not even the best word to use, considering what he would do in front of women - but it’s a shame. He was very good, he was a very skilled comedian; and I never would have been in favor of anything of his being censored or silenced in any way because of his routines. I’m that way with every comedian, and every film-maker. I just don’t believe that this segment of the arts should be regulated in any way, either by government, and we don’t have it regulated by government - we’re not like The U.K., we’re not like Australia, we don’t have it regulated by goverment. But The Left has tried to create a kind of superstructure in the private sector.

    Cole-Stein is trying to make the individual’s “public and private” life the key dividing line, not nationality   ...and again, he wants to blame “the left” when it is liberalism as it applies to our ethnonational bounds which would be imposed in totalitarianism by right wingers, Jewish and otherwise, and he’s trying to replace the human ecology of ethnonationalism with the runaway panmixia for the superficial, individualistic abstraction of ‘public and private.’

    Cole-Stein (continues): where people can be shot down for telling jokes. I mean this only happened two days ago, so it’s probably old news by now, but about two days ago - it’s five in the morning - I’m drunk, like I always am at five in the morning. I have not been sober at five in the morning for fifteen years; and all of a sudden I see on Twitter that Norm MacDonald, one of my favorite stand-ups, to me, one of the great comic genius’s working today - Norm MacDonald is trolling the hell out of Lena Dunham. And he’s merciless. MacDonald is going to every single Tweet that Lena Dunham had made and she’s a very prolific Tweeter, so there’s tonnes of material, tonnes of stuff. And he’s going to every Tweet she’s done in the last few weeks, and he’s trolling it. He’s mocking it. And I’m watching this unfold in real time. And I’m saying to my friends, my gosh! Look at this! There were a few people still up at five a.m., probably not drunks like me, a couple people with jobs that they would have to get to by six. But I was saying you gotta see this - Norm MacDonald he’s just reaming Lena Dunham, Tweet after Tweet after Tweet. And it was a joy to behold. And then I pass-out. I go sleep as I always do. I wake-up in a daze at 1p.m. or 2p.m. and I go back on my computer and uh, it’s gone! He erased all of it because he was afraid that she would be offended. And I thought, my god, what kind of world are we living in? His trolling was quite funny. He wasn’t doing stuff like, ‘your a fat bitch’, anyone can do that. There’s no skill there. There’s no skill in trolling Lena Dunham by saying you’re a fat ugly bitch. But he was trolling her very skillfully. And yet, even this guy, this very brave comedian - he’s actually brave because he does a lot of politically incorrect stuff - but even he felt the pressure to erase all of those Tweets; and um, erased a whole lot of comedy, a whole lot of really funny stuff; which I thought was a terrible shame.

    Mathew Pegus: It kind of seems like, um, comedy, used to be a little bit more, um, like what porn is now - where there was a sense that you could say racialist things or sexist things or generally politically incorrect things and it would be written-off, within reason, you know, in the name of comedy - but that’s definitely changes over the past five or ten years.

    Robert Stark: Yeah, even some of those jokes on Californication., about the casting-couch, wouldn’t fly in the #Me2 climate.

    Mathew Pegus: Yeah, I was always really struck with Californication - I finished watching that entire series a few months back; and that ended in 2014, which wasn’t really that long ago but already um, it’s just completely unimaginable that a show even half as politically incorrect as that would ever be on Show Time now.

    Sam Kinison remarking on documentary footage of starving Ethiopians: “You people are living in the desert! Get out of the desert! And how about you cameramen? I bet you have a few sandwiches packed-away!

    Cole-Stein: A hundred percent correct. Yeah, and if you go back to some of the stand-ups from the years when I was a teenager - you go back to someone like Sam Kinison. The best routines were stuff that I don’t believe could air these days - he would be on national TV making fun of starving Ethiopians.

    Actually, he probably could still make these jokes today. But you have to understand that in re-constructing kosher bounds of discourse, Cole-Stein has to pretend that he’s pushing the bounds.

    Cole-Stein: That’s actually still, one of the best routines I’ve ever seen a stand-up do - was him making fun of the Ethiopian famine. Well, you can’t do that now, and Kinison would make jokes about the opposite sex that you cannot do now. Andrew Dice-Clay would make jokes about the opposite sex. Andrew Dice-Clay was never as skilled as Kinison but um, still, he had his moments. And you have all of these comedians from the 80s who came of age; and you have the ones who became successful in the 90s, doing politically incorrect stuff then renounced it. Best examples, which I mention in my article - Jimmy Kimmel. We would have no Jimmy Kimmel without The Man show: and The Man show was all about girls with boobs jumping on trampolines, girls with boobs doing booby stuff. Jimmy Kimmel was all about ogling boobs - ooh! Look at the boobs! Look at the boobs! Look at the boobs! and now he’s remade himself into Mr. Johnny Carson and he’s crying on TV about his son not being able to get health care; and he’s renounced what made him famous.

    Sarah Silverman: honestly afraid of losing control of the media.
    And his ex-girlfriend, Sarah Silverman - same thing. Sarah Silverman became famous in the 90s by telling racial jokes. I mean, one of my favorites that she did, on Conan O’Brien, on national TV, on NBC, uh, she was doing a bit - one of the best things that she used to do, you didn’t know she was doing a bit, you would think she was talking about her real life. So, she says, yeah, I’m dating a guy now - he’s half black and I’m really concerned he’s gonna break up with me. Oh wait, that sounded really negative, I meant to say he’s half White.

    What is supposed to be funny or boundary pushing there?

    Cole-Stein (continues): and that was on Conan! And she can’t, not only will she not do that material now, but she has renounced it. She specifically said, that she would no longer do the material she did when she was younger. So,you have a generation of these comedians who became wealthy and became famous, doing stuff that they now are trying to prevent other comedians from doing. It’s kind of like, burning someone else’s bridge. You’ve crossed the bridge and now you’re going to torch that bridge so nobody else can follow you.

    Mathew Pegus: Yeah, the hypocrisy of it is astounding. I mean, I work in a creative field and there really is this sense that I have that certain bridges have been burnt. It’s really a very toxic atmosphere for any kind of up and coming artist. Because everyone is so petrified of what they can and can’t say. And all these people who as you point-out, got famous and probably wouldn’t have gotten famous otherwise, for certain edgy jokes and things that they used to do, are kind of uh, gate-keeping this politically correct culture now. I mean um, its a very, its a very bad uh, its a very bad atmosphere for new and up and coming artists, I think, in multiple different fields.

    But at the same time, I think it could be said that Hollywood and some of these institutions are getting so alienated, or getting so far away from what the average American consumer actually wants, that there may come a time where, and maybe that time is already upon us to some extent, where the profit margins really start to drop. I just don’t know how much longer it can continue.

    Robert Stark: Yeah, and that will create like a vacuum for, like, new alternative media. As long as the people who are trying to do something new and innovative, who have those innovative ideas, whether it’s art or comedy, have the venue, I think there is this uh, demand for that.

    Cole-Stein: Well look at how fragmented the business has become. When I was a kid, when I was a teenager, everything made a certain amount of sense. You had your three networks (((ABC, NBC and CBS))). Fox was not around yet. And then you had your movie studios: (((Warner Brothers, Universal))).....and uh, movies get released in theaters. And we see how they do on their opening weekend. We judge whether they’re a hit or a bomb. TV series debut in September and within a month we know if they are a hit or a miss. Those days are so gone because the business is now fragmented. You have people watching Netflix, Hooloo, Amazon Prime, Youtube Red, or whatever they’re calling their pay service now. People are much more able now to go to things that cater to them. The big releases now are almost entirely super-hero films. As long as the public has an appetite for that stuff. I understand that stuff even less than I understand porn, but people love it, people love it… if they want to see guys fighting CGI monsters, great, beautiful. Enjoy it. But that’s the only real thing where talk about tent poll movies and opening weekend, ‘Super Man Dawn of Justice did not do as well as it should have done’.

    But generally, more and more, it’s all about niche marketing. It is all about, you go to Netflix and Amazon Prime and you watch the stuff that you want to watch; and there’s no longer any um, metric of the opening weekend. These pay, these online services, these streaming services, like they cancel, like a few days ago they cancelled Michelle Wolf’s supposed comedy show, which I was happy to see because I just think she’s terrible. Not because of her politics. She’s a bad comedian. She isn’t funny. But, she’ll get another show somewhere. Right now is the age of the niche market. I don’t think people on the right, or even just right leaning have taken advantage of that like we should. Everyone is on line looking for content. And yes, so we’re getting banned from Youtube, and we’re getting banned from here and we’re getting banned from there; but starting a service that is a little bit more to the right but not polemical. I’ll tell you a very quick anecdote. This was something we were always talking about this at Friends of Abe, we were always saying ‘lets start our own network, a conservative network’ - for entertainment, not for news, but for entertainment. And we’ll do entertainment stuff from a conservative perspective. It never worked. They tried it. They tried it with something called ‘The Right Network’, that Kelsey Grammer put like two million bucks into. And it didn’t work because it was polemical. It was not about entertainment. Glenn Beck tried it also with Glenn Beck TV. But right now just a streaming service that wasn’t even always necessarily on the Right, but just free, willing to put things on, that were right and left. You know, I’ve always said I don’t want dominance for my views, I just want them out there, I want an equal shake. I would never want a network that’s only Right wing.

    Robert Stark: Yeah, that’s the problem with GAB, that it basically becomes an echo-chamber.

    Cole-Stein: Yeah, yeah, entirely. So, I don’t think that people who lean to the Right are making enough effort to take advantage of how the business has changed and how this whole niche market, the boutique on line networks, there’s stuff that could be done here. No one’s really doing it. I’d love to see that billionaire Texas family, whoever’s behind Ben Shapiro’s ‘Daily Wire’, well you know, they could take their dairy money or the money they spend on eggs and milk per month and put it into something like that.

    Robert Stark: The problem with conservative entertainment, is a lot of them are very conservative about what they will show. So, we were talking about the moralists and their hysteria about James Gunn’s joke and just imagine something far less offensive than that would not be allowed on a conservative ah, network so, in a sense I’m kind of more interested in reviving a more populist culture than doing all these conservative projects. Mathew, you know what I’m talking about basically.

    Mathew Pegus: Yeah, definitely, um Robert and I have actually recently launched something called Stark Truth TV which hasn’t released anything yet, but we have a forthcoming documentary on Luke Ford.

    Cole-Stein: That’s right, Robert was mentioning that to me and I think that’s a great idea. And I think it’s very necessary because that thing I was mentioning with Friends of Abe, The Right Network, fell apart because it turns-out that Kelsey Grammer only wanted to do biblical stuff. And so, he didn’t want to do anything where we had a lot of kind of neocon Jews in the group, who were not into the biblical stuff, they were more into slamming Muslims and things like that and Grammer only wanted to do Christian stuff.

    So, I think that what you’re talking about is very much what is necessary, and something Adam Parfrey was always trying to do with Ferrel House; which is, give a voice to some of the things and culture that just would not normally have a voice.

    Robert Stark: Did Adam Parfrey publish your books?

    Cole-Stein: Yeah, Adam Parfrey was my publisher and also my friend for like thirty years. He’s a man who had a vision. Unfortunately it is not shared by the people who took over Ferrel House. I don’t think in another year that we’re ever going to see anything interesting come out of Ferrel House again. Because, it was all him. It was all him as a person. He never, he didn’t really develop a business where he surrounded himself with people who shared the same vision, maybe because his vision was so unique. There are not a lot of Adam Parfrey’s. There are very few people who are as open to just exploring stuff that is offensive, possibly even offensive to them. Adam Parfrey, some of the stuff he put out was Left wing, some of it Right wing, some of it was indecipherable, some of it was couldn’t be categorized as Left or Right. But it died with him. I think with his death, with his very untimely death, in May, I think we’ve seen the end of Ferrel House as a concern.

    Robert Stark: Yeah, it’s very sad, and, it’s important to kind of define people who’ll kind of take up that theme, of just not being selective. Because what was remarkable about Adam Parfrey and Ferrel House, is, it was a kind of free for all. So, any topic that was taboo could be mentioned, so you might have themes on the far right that were offensive. Then he’d also publish someone like Peter Soto, and just all kinds of topics, because, I mean, what kind of originally attracted me to the Alt-Right, is kind of an escape from political correctness. But then when I got involved with that scene, they have their own kind of boundaries of what you can and can’t say as well. So it’s very rare to find a group that it’s basically you can be totally free to express yourself.

    Cole-Stein: Yeah, Parfrey looked at books the same way I look at jokes. It’s either funny, or it isn’t (half White?); and Parfrey looked at books as if they are either well written and entertaining or they are not. But he didn’t look at it from the point of view of, ‘I want to cram an agenda down anyone’s throat.’ If the book was written by somebody who was far Left or far Right, or Center, whatever, if it’s a good book, well written and engaging, Parfrey would publish it. He never became wealthy. He was always able to break even. That was always the greatest thing that he would brag about, was that for twenty years, he was able to keep that company going and keep it from going under. But he never became a millionaire at it and that’s another reason why nobody’s going to pick up and continue that legacy. Because you’re not going to get terribly wealthy at it.

    Robert Stark: Are you familiar with Soto’s work and his issues of censorship?

    Cole-Stein: Roughly. I mean, I don’t know him but I’m certainly familiar with the issues. And ah, Parfrey several times has published stuff that got him in trouble - legally I mean. I don’t know if a lot of people know this, but he was actually sued by one of the Water-Gate people, for the book, um, oh, what was it called? It was called White House Madam. I didn’t read it. It wasn’t one I read but it was one that came out I think in 2013. But Parfrey was often getting sued and his books were often getting pulled. Ah, Jim Goad, another long time friend of mine, Jim Goad got in a tremendous amount of trouble back in the 90s when he and his wife were writing and publishing ‘Answer Me.’ And I think there were only five editions of Answer Me, ever published: there was the rape issue, the race issue, the murder issue, the suicide issue, I think there’s one I’m forgetting. This is still, in my opinion, some of the finest stuff that’s ever been written. Jim Goad and his wife Debbie, his late wife Debbie, tremendous writers and me starting out in holocaust revisionism around that same time, very early 90s, I was enthralled by this and Parfrey introduced me to Jim Goad in ‘91. And I loved the fact that there’s no boundaries with him.

    Like Cole-Stein and his tribesmen have no boundaries. But of course he loves it when others don’t.

    Cole-Stein (continues): ..about what he would joke about and what he would write about. And Parfrey wound up publishing some of Goad’s work. Um, Goad and I were sort of, and this is just, I’m not saying this to be bitter, it doesn’t matter one way or the other, but Goad and I were shut-out of the Parfrey memorial because, I don’t thin that’s the direction that Ferrel House is ever going to go in again.

    Mathew Pegus: On that, particularly, I did have um, one thought to go back to the James Gunn issue. I think it’s worth pointing-out that um, we’re kind of dancing around here, there are kind of two different - there are many but - there are two factions within the Right. Some folks really are free speech absolutists, people like Adam Parfrey and people such as yourself, David, I think probably you, as well, Robert and I would identify with this as well. Where we are free speech absolutists, that would be open to all manner of different perspectives. Kind of delving into what Adam Parfrey would have called, forbidden knowledge. But then there’s also a lot of people who are on the Right and the Alt-Right who are actually not for free speech at all. I’m not going to name names, but I think they’d be very open about this.

    Robert Stark: Yeah, I’m sure there’s a lot of people on the Alt-Right who’d actually go as far, I think someone, I forget who it was, but a major conservative icon, said that James Gunn should be in prison for his comments, even went that far.

    Cole-Stein: Yeah, Yeah.

    Mathew Pegus: There’s been a general fracturing of the Alt-Right. We’ve heard a lot about this if you follow it. And I think a lot of divisions are coming out and I think one of them, might be people who have kind of a, Puritin might be too strong a word, but that kind of vision for White identity politics or whatever you want to call it and then others, and I’d count myself among them, who have a much more general interest in forbidden perspectives and um, harder truths.

    Yeah, right, as if they won’t have platform rules (as MR does) which tell you to have some free speech somewhere else. Pegus is drawing a false either or between free speech and a platform for White advocacy, that recognizes Jews as other.

    Cole-Stein: Very true.

    Robert Stark: And a lot of them literally believe that James Gunn is part of this secretive ah, Pizza-Gate pedophile cabal.

    Cole-Stein: Yeah, because what you get on the, some strains of Alt-Right, you get people who are on the one hand very conspiratorial and like to see conspiracies everywhere. But also there’s a very strong and very unfortunate authoritarian strain in the Alt-Right. You have people who want to pretty much abolish democracy, women shouldn’t vote, and um, we create a White Ethno-State and ship people out in train-cars. I mean, this is all just fanciful talk. It’s never going to happen. And I always think, there’s nothing more funny and pathetic at the same time, than seeing guys with absolutely no power, no influence at all, living in, whether living in their mom’s basement, which is kind of a cliche, or whether they’re just living with their girlfriend in seedy apartment - but they’re on line (falsetto) ‘and here’s how I shall re-shape the world’, and ‘here’s how I shall remake government’, and you get that with the Alt-Right, you get that with libertarians, you get that with all strains of that. And it’s very sad because it’s not going to happen. But this authoritarian strain, that exists in the Alt-Right…where they do want to ban things and banning things is, it’s very appealing to a lot of people and its appealing to people on the Left, the people on the Left who want to ban things happen to be the ones right now who are represented by the mainstream media; so the people on The Left who want to ban things, they have more of a voice; but there are equally people on the Right, who would like to ban things - it doesn’t really matter Left or Right. There are always going to be a certain amount of people who are going to want to ban things.

    This is coming from a guy who defends Israel tooth and nail. Who acts like he never heard of a platform and you can go to another site if you don’t like it. Who may not have heard of the DNA Nation or feel its might - yet.

    Robert Stark: Uh, we are at the end of the show. I would like to thank David Cole and Mathew Pegus for being on it’s been a really great show.

    Cole-Stein: I’ve enjoyed it very, very much Robert, thank you any time. I am always a humble and willing guest of yours.

    Mathew Pegus: Great talking to you guys.

    One of the bottom lines in regard to this freedom of miscegenation is that particularly when granting marriage licenses and birth certificates, social benefits and so on - well, miscegenators* are not to be granted these things from White society. They lose their citizenship. They have to live with the consequences of their new chosen people and certainly should not be permitted to impose the consequences of their behavior and children on Whites. How to deal with simple miscegenation that does not entail marriage, children and social benefits is a more complicated and challenging problem in theory.

    * Personally, I would consider some managed quantity of leniency for some non-black relationships.



    Posted by (((Supply))) on Wed, 29 Aug 2018 07:17 | #

    Robert Stark: “I have the (((Supply)), now I’m looking for the audience.”

    The epoch term “Starkian” is proposed..

    ...for Stark Truth TV’s offshoot of “Apocalypse Culture” as it explores areas of “forbidden knowledge.”

    Luke Ford, former porn blogger and shabbos goy convert to Judaism is sought-out for guidance in (((Supply))


    Posted by How Boomers taught to hate (themselves) on Thu, 30 Aug 2018 06:02 | #

    That he adopts the Jewish marketing term, “Blackpilled,” as his handle provides the first clue that either naively or disingenuously, Blackpilled is directing people into controlled opposition - in this case, the original controlled opposition: Christianity.

    At best, the maker “Blackpilled” of this short documentary doesn’t go deep enough in his critique of (((Hymiewood conditioning))). Either naively or disingenuously, he maintains the deception that Christianity necessarily serves White interests and not Jewish interests.

    The documentary maker doesn’t realize that Christianity was the Jewish media of times prior; and that it was leveraged as an avenue of false rebellion - right into the hands of submission to Abrahamism, i.e., Noahide law, i.e. Jewry, i.e. self hate for White people.

    But like many right wingers, “blackpilled” chronicles some significant facts.

    As always, Jewry latches on to good ideas - such as unionization - then weaponizes and deploys these ideas not for Whites, but against them.

    Christianity would stigmatized selfishness, but not direct one to merely be NOT selfish but to be virtually selfless; nor to channel one’s care for one’s people first and others where one has it to spare, but one is supposed to be so selfless as to be caring and sharing universally; and not even to have temporal concern for this lived life. That could have some benign effects for Whites only while they were among homogeneous White populations.


    Posted by (((Zeidner)))) on Wed, 05 Sep 2018 09:47 | #

    (((Joshua Zeidner))) tries to assert that Ashkenazi Jews are really a European people.

    It isn’t true. Their MtDNA is European, but not their Y-side.

    (((His))) lips are moving.

    What Zeidner is trying to do throughout this bit with Robert Stark, is to mollify the position of Jewish diaspora; and in cyrpsis to glom onto and affix positioning among Whites.


    Posted by Cole-Stein on Thu, 07 Mar 2019 22:38 | #

    Dave and Ann Explain the Savage Hippie Podcast’s Demise


    Posted by May the Schvartzes be with you on Thu, 04 Jun 2020 12:39 | #

    Rise Up Already, You Schvartzes - David Cole Stein

    “It’s hardly glamorous,” Fisher told the San Francisco Chronicle of her time at the luxurious ranch. “We sit around in sweats for four days working out, taking hikes, teaching the kids to play softball, boating in the river.”

    Boating in the river, just like the ghetto folk do.

    It’s not elitist because they’re in sweats.

    This disconnect is hard-wired into a large percentage of American Jews, and it’s scary the extent to which we wallow in it unaware. Even with all our vaunted “introspection,” our therapists, our neuroses, and our supposedly examined lives, we can be some of the densest dumbasses in the world. Fisher is completely oblivious to the disdain expressed by her Twitter followers. Her “race war” threads are crawling not with black revolutionaries exclaiming, “Come join us, good ally!” or “Yes, we rise together,” but with ordinary black folks hollering, “Shut the fuck up, white lady” and “We don’t need you, pampered-ass bitch.”

    Again, a disconnect. Jews like Fisher don’t see themselves as white. They see themselves as oppressed “people of color,” and therefore a natural fit as “leader” of their fellow POCs. The problem is, actual people of color see them as not just white, but worse than white. They’re seen as whites who are smarter, richer, and more devious than “regular” whites. They’re the whites who exploit whites, which, to the average black guy, makes them more dangerous, and their motives more worthy of suspicion.

    Nonwhites—blacks especially—are uniquely paranoid about the presence of a conspiratorial hidden hand “keeping them down.” Whites fit that bill just fine, but Jews fit it better. Plus, blacks aren’t blind. In the cities where they have local control—those ghastly urban gardens of rot and fungus—the condescending whites they come across in the leftist intelligentsia tend to have surnames that end in -stein, -berg, and -schitz.

    Herein lies the crux of the problem. Blacks, already somewhat paranoid in their thinking, are constantly being pressed to fight the “real power” that oppresses them. Anencephalic miracle baby Don Lemon said as much on CNN a few days ago, telling Chris Cuomo (for whom anencephaly would be a cognitive step up) that it’s not up to black people to stop racism. Only the “people who hold the power in this society” can “do the heavy lifting” for people of color. Lemon and Cuomo identified those “people who hold the power” as “white people.” In other words, even in black-run cities, true betterment can only come when the whites who hold the “real” behind-the-scenes power allow it…only when they do the “heavy lifting” (which blacks apparently can’t do for themselves).

    Hence the fate of blacks turns not on their own abilities or will, but rather on the whims of a bunch of hidden “white” puppetmasters who apparently don’t want to make the effort—the “lifting”—that will “fix” the black community.

    Lemon and Cuomo, being congenital idiots, think they can spread that kind of responsibility-absolving horseshit, and the only ones who’ll pay are “whites.” Evil, redneck, cracker hillbilly whites. Lemon and Cuomo’s Jewish bosses at CNN think that too.

    Frances Fisher believes that when black people “rise up” and start their “race war,” the only ones who will pay are “whites.” Evil, redneck, cracker hillbilly whites.

    So much delusion. Once you get the “darkies” musing about hidden, shadowy “true holders of power,” about “aristocratic archetypes” who secretly control the system, the “noble savages” aren’t going to be content pinning their woes on hillbillies. To put it another way, any angry, bitter black or brown “revolutionary” dumb enough to fall for the line that people of color are incapable of mastering their own fate will also be dumb enough to think that the Protocols of Zion are the straight-up truth. Jews make way better hidden-hand manipulator caricatures than rednecks. And, in truth, Jews do wield way more power, power disproportionate to their numbers, in American society. That’s not conspiracy theory, it’s just fact.

    So here yet again we see the disconnect. Jews at CNN like Jeff Zucker, Michael Bass, and Andrew Morse think they can encourage the nonwhite masses to go searching for “the people who hold the power,” and somehow that scheme won’t boomerang on their own community. Frances Fisher thinks she can ignite a race war without being one of the first casualties of the bloodthirsty revolutionaries she incites.

    The hubris is off the charts. Sic the schvartzes on the “aristocratic archetypes” who “hold the power,” and assume that the dumb duskies won’t follow the ladder up to the highest rung. It’s not just hubris, but self-delusion. The Jews see themselves as “allies” of the coloreds, so naturally the coloreds must see it that way too…no matter how many times again and again blacks make it clear that they actually see Jews as outsiders, interlopers, and exploiters.

    Right now, leaders in riot-torn cities like Minneapolis are peddling the line that the unrest is actually the work of “white supremacists” who are exploiting the black community’s rage and manipulating it into acts of violent rebellion. Nice one. I hope none of the black rioters stop for a moment to consider the ethnicity of 99% of the “whites” they’ve encountered in their lives (in the media, academia, politics, and community activism) who’ve encouraged them to “boyn” the system down. Who’s been “manipulating” them? Crackers or koshers?

    Should the “race war” come, it’ll be a lot worse for the bubbalahs than the bubbas. The bubbas have guns and know how to use them. Jews have to rely on the very “pigs” that Fisher wants dead.

    Last weekend, we were treated to the sight of a crowd of angry blacks and browns violently laying siege to CNN’s Atlanta HQ. A day later here in L.A., a “multicultural” band of vandals rampaged through the predominantly Jewish Fairfax district. In both cases, the mob knew better than to go after the white hicks and shitkickers; they went after “the ones who hold the power”…just as CNN told them to.

    So to the race-baiting Jews I say, you wanted a race war? You’re getting a race war. You said, “Go get the people who hold the real power,” and the oppressed masses are obliging.

    Not that the George Floyd protests are going to lead to an actual race war. But keep poking that bear, and one day you might just get the conflagration you seek.

    You will not be seen as an ally, and you will not be spared.

    So wise up already, before it’s too late…you schmucks.


    Posted by mancinblack on Thu, 04 Jun 2020 13:07 | #

    lol African American attempts to enlist Jewish help using what Jews would normally regard as anti-Semitic canards..

    I’m asking the Jewish community to use your political and economic power to help us dismantle institutionalized racism and end white supremacy, particularly in law enforcement, the courts and all of society in general.



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    Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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    Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

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    Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

    Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

    Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

    Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
