Top Hungarian Economist - Zsolt Bayer - speaks openly about a war on White European people.
Dear Global Power, we know precisely well that you exist, naturally; and that your fundamental goal for everything is the annihilation of all that is still humane, all that has dignity. And you believe that, for now, the European White man still possesses too much of this…and you want to annihilate European White man.

“For me, and for this entire Administration, our commitment to Israel’s security and Israel’s future is ROCK SOLID, UNWAVERING, ENDURING, and FOREVER!” - Hillary Clinton

No, not a commitment to the 14 Words, but evergreen news of dedication to Israel

On the other hand, they came, they saw and a leader of a regime that helped keep migration and its destruction out of Europe died.
While in Europe. IBID: The reason you are starting with the most organized and richest part - the German speaking Europe.. because you also want to prove that—and the Swedes, too, the Scandinavian countries -
- you want to prove that you can do whatever you want.

BB seems rather confident
IBID: So, according to your desires, you can also blow up, break apart, destroy Europe’s most organized, richest countries.
...and in this I completely agree with you all…
This global scum, this global filth, that global mass of trash, they are not even sentient beings, but animals [they lose their human status as moral agents], as you said.
Global mass of trash. Global filth that has, however, been pumped over here with aid of gigantic resources…
And they are doing everything they can to keep this pumping going unimpeded.
Only idiots, only absolute idiots are incapable of comprehending
That for the relatively quick pumping of millions of people across thousands of kilometers….
[Zsolt Bayer] IBID: ...a minimum of ten billion dollars of financial backing is needed.
A minimum of a few thousand of strictly secret agents are required to direct, to control—like they have done.
But of course the respected media naturally, in those cases when a light was occasionally shown on this…
Although the conspiracy was fundamentally perfect, then they hurried to hid it as well.
And naturally would need constant and total collaboration with global crime webs.
Because without those tens of thousands of smugglers and such this couldn’t have been organized.
At the very end, would need the cheap, underhanded, filthy, unrestrained, cynical collaboration of Europe’s ruling elite.
Also of the British Prime Minister who visited us today, he participated just as Sarkozy back then..
President Sarkozy, in 2008, obligating the native French to interbreed with non-Whites
..and Monsieur Hollande and naturally the German Chancellor woman…
They proceeded just the same in the destruction of Syria, Libya…they created it.
..and then proudly announced as well, that they were doing this in the name of Europe, of Western culture, of democracy.
They destroyed those fundamental conditions that at least filtered all of this.
The true culprit of this horror that just happened (in Cologne), something whispers to me that this is just perfect foreplay..
Just a faint prelude to something…
Truly, they have already dragged Europe into a conflict roughly just as brutal as what WWI and WWII were like.
Europe, have a brain!
You were dragged into the projects known as WWI and WWII by the same unspeakable global world power.
And now you are idly watching, misled, letting it drag you into another identical one - a Third World War.
So kids, lets not kid around. The problem is not solely with this global filth. That’s the end of the process.
Now, we can mess around with this end of the process, but if we do not understand the process itself…
and if we cannot choke the process there within the global power structure…
..furthermore, unfortunately, by force we already work with—because we fundamentally work within the EU…
Although to Victor Orban’s credit, or should I say, his honor, that to all of these things, and back then the bombing of Libya…
He was the ONLY European politician who at least voiced his worries and reservations about what the strategic consequences would be. There were very, very few besides him in the European political sphere who voiced this. So, if you will..
It is us Hungarians who ought to be the last people who ought to deal with the destructive consequences of all of this.
[Dr. László Bogár]: This is why they hate us most of all.
[Zsolt Bayer] And naturally that is why they attack us constantly. Yes, so…
Returning to and summarizing the point:
I completely agree that we must get angry and that we must stand up against this (Cologne attacks).
But this is the end of a process. Sadly, it’s very hard to say and it’s moreover the end of a process.
In which Europe is already in a perfectly beaten situation.
You said it, that this can only lead to civil war
This is what it wants!
This global power doesn’t want anything more than this. This is what it wants!
This global power doesn’t want anything more than a never ending, brutal 30 Years War.
Just like that 30 Years war was also the work of that global power.
This is exactly what it wants.
For a permanent civil war stretching for decades to develop in Europe.
[Dr. Bogár] Largely in agreement, I still claim that, the gears at work, that we just discussed, we don’t likely have the power to stop them now. Especially not alone, us Hungarians. And yet, like you said, we should at least do as much on the level of the phenomenon. And sooner or later every European nation must do what we did. The borders must be specifically closed.

[Zsolt Bayer] And this filth must be cleaned out of here. Yes, this is what it’s about…
[Dr. Bogár] This is on the level of the phenomenon. We don’t need to fight a civil war. Just with a single decisive motion, clean out this global trash pile.
[Zsolt Bayer]...that this particular unnameable global power poured over here. This is what needs to be said.

And this is what must be done. Thank god, we have already done this. We are waiting for the others.

Posted by DanielS on Sun, 10 Jan 2016 12:35 | #
If Zsolt Bayer’s hypothesis is correct, i.e., that part of the plan for the genocide of White Europeans is to instigate and create civil war between them, then people like Anglin - whether in the name of ‘pushing the Overton window’ (could it be lineal, even if he wanted?), or whatever - are the biggest idiots of all in trying to resurrect the very emblems of European internecine hatred and war.