Mississippi: Whites Ordered to “Integrate”
TNO, “Mississippi: Whites Ordered to “Integrate”, 18 May 2016:
Two Cleveland, Mississippi, schools which are only 40 percent white have been ordered to forcibly mix with neighboring 99 percent black schools—because the US Department of Justice still thinks they are too white.
US District Judge Debra Brown ruled last week that Cleveland must merge its two high schools and two middle schools to provide the “constitutionally guaranteed right of an integrated education.”

Brown ordered the district to merge East Side High, where all but one student is black, with Cleveland High, where 48 percent of students are white and 45 percent are black.
Similarly, the district must merge D.M. Smith Middle, where all but two students are black, with Margaret Green Junior High, where 41 percent of students are white and 54 percent are black.
Across the entire 3,700-student district, only about 29 percent of students are white and 67 percent are black. The state counts the remainder as Asian or Hispanic.
“The court concludes that the continued operation of East Side High and D.M. Smith as single-race schools is a vestige of discrimination and that, therefore, a plan which allows such continued operation must be rejected,” the judge wrote.
Judge Brown added that the “delay in desegregation has deprived generations of students of the constitutionally guaranteed right of an integrated education.”
Full story at TNO
Background stories at Majorityrights:
Nicholas Katzenbach: Soft Spoken Evil
Hannah Arendt: Far From Innocent