The day when American White Nationalism stopped making any sense at all. Well, that day wasn’t actually today. Besides, American White Nationalism stopped making sense even on its own terms quite a while ago, around about the time when a sizable portion of them began to seriously endorse a certain New York real-estate developer named Donald Trump during the GOP Primary campaign. Nevertheless, I’ll start with a quote from The Right Stuff:
Unsurprisingly, TRS is extremely enthusiastic about the result that has been brought about. But they are not the only ones. Also, this person is enthusiastic:
And so is this one:
That is the outcome which they’ve delivered. But that’s not all there is to it. Let’s go to David Duke’s recent radio broadcasts on the inauguration of Trump, since they act as a barometer for ‘the movement’ in America as a whole. It has been observed that he tends to echo the general median of where White Nationalism in America is standing on any given issue. On 20 January 2017: So right out of the gate, Duke basically admits that ‘there are Jews around him’. That’s an understatement if I ever saw it. Mobilised them behind what? Elevating Jared Kushner to the position of being the most powerful Jewish person to ever exist in the world? It’s actually saddening to see this level of hype being attached to Donald Trump. How on earth can the election of Donald Trump be considered ‘a more important event’ than the Battle of Tours or the breaking of the Siege at the Gates of Vienna? These quotations are going to be haunting people later on. On 16 January 2017: David Duke’s analysis of the TRS scandal is of course completely divorced from facts, but that’s not even the most important part of this. Notice how the core principle which American White Nationalists claimed to adhere to, the position of taking a strong line on the ‘Jewish Question’, is completely abandoned by the wayside. On 18 January 2017: To actually answer this ridiculous question, the answer is: No. No, they are not doing ‘good work’. Can anyone actually tell me what ‘work’ the TRS people have done that has actually been of any use? Is there anything at all measurable? Related Articles:
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