Regarding Trump’s Statement on “Fake News”, Political Cesspool Advocates Jailing Critics of State

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 18 February 2017 10:36.

Upon Trump declaring critics, “fake news” as “enemies of the people”, Political Cesspool advocates jailing along Sedition Act

Upon Trump declaring ‘fake news’ media ‘the enemy of the American people’

Independent, “Donald Trump says ‘fake news’ media is ‘enemy of the ‘American people”, 17 Feb 2017:

Donald Trump has branded his critics in the US press “not my enemy” but the “enemy of the American people”, in a tweet that came a day after he launched a sustained attack on the media during a White House press conference.

The Political Cesspool advocates “locking them-up” - i.e., Trump should jail creators of “fake-news” in accordance with his oath to defend The U.S. Constitution against “enemies both alien and domestic.” Note: The US Constitution has no explicit means to defend racial biological systems, but facilitates means to destroy them.

        Pursuant of The Alien and Sedition Act and his sworn oath upon Inauguration:

The Political Cesspool Podcast, 2/18/2017

  Hour 3

James [Edwards] and co-host Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller offer legal remedies available to the Trump administration for combating the media and other radicals who violate the boundaries of the Constitution and the First Amendment.


The Political Cesspool is a key tent of the (((Alt Right))) tentosphere, representing the bible-thumping, patriotard American South; this tent is CENTRAL to the paleocon basis of The Alternative Right: If you want to gauge who can always be deemed acceptable for the audience of the Regnery Circus (The Alt Right), think in terms of who might appear as a presenter or guest on the The Political Cesspool.

Ibid: The Political Cesspool Podcast, 2/18/2017

James Edwards (0:52): What we’re going to focus on in this hour in depth, just me and Eddie, just yours truly and “the bombardier”, we are going to talk about the fact that Trump declared the ‘fake news media’ [to be the] ‘enemy of the American people.’ Here’s a direct quote, he said: “The media is the enemy of the American people.” If they are an enemy of the American people, they are also an enemy of the state. What do you do with enemies of the State? This third hour, yours truly and the bombardier are going to be offering legal remedies available to the Trump administration for combating the media and other insurrectionists, other radicals who violate the boundaries of The Constitution and the First Amendment. In the third hour of last week’s show which I thought was incredible!, Eddie made mention of The Alien and Sedition Acts that were put forth by John Adams way back in 1798. I’ve been thinking about that ever since Eddie brought it up. Eddie said, “Trump needs to lock-up the press.” I said if you lock-up the press you’re going to get impeached. He said then you lock up the Congress also.

Eddie Miller (1:59): Absolutely, absolutely!

James Edwards (2:00): Alright, so! We’re going to start there. Now that may sound reactionary to y’all..

Eddie Miller (2:09): I hope so.

James Edwards (2:09): ..and certainly it is reactionary, it is reactionary compared to what you would expect from any administration going back many many years, but it is not unprecedented in American history; and again, what we’re offering here are legal and Constitutional remedies ..what, the problem with America is, we’ve become too desensitized and too numb to the treason that its abounds, that abounds in America.

Eddie Miller (2:39): It is treason.

James Edwards (2:40): we’ve become too numb to it. We have a government that advocates for felonious law-breaking, illegal aliens and terrorists to come into this country without any vetting, without any strictures what-so-ever; we have a Congress and a media that advocates for murdering its own citizens in the womb! How numb must you be?!

James Edwards (3:00): Alright, now, Eddie, you served this country twice as a member of its armed forces. You were a combat medic in Vietnam. You took a, an oath similar to what the president takes when he is sworn-in.

Eddie Miller (3:13): Its almost identical.

James Edwards (3:14): Give us that oath and lets go from there…

Eddie Miller (3:31): Anybody who’s ever been in the military did it, you took an oath basically to defend THE CONSTITUTION, THE CONSTITUTION of The United States, not the mom and apple pie, not the Country, we took an oath to defend The Constitution of The United States against ALL, ALL enemies both foreign and domestic.

James Edwards (3:53): Domestic! See, this is the key!

Eddie Miller (3:54): SO HELP ME GOD! We took that oath… the President of the Unites States ....took basically the same oath. He swore, he swore on the bible to fulfill the office of the The President of the United States and ‘to defend The Constitution of The United States against ALL enemies both foreign and domestic.’

James Edwards (4:21): Domestic is the key because you can be an American citizen and still be in violation of The Constitution, be an enemy of The State, and if you are in fact that..

James Edwards (12:33): Trump himself has declared, the sitting President of The United States has declared the “fake news media” quote unquote the enemy of the American People; if they are the enemy of the State then you have to lock them up; and there is a precedent for that…I even put forth two tweets this week, time for he President to re-visit the Alien and Sedition Acts .. a series of four bills passed-by and signed into law by President John Adams in 1798 that made it harder for an enemy to become a citizen, that was the Naturalization Act; allowed to the President to imprison and deport non-citizens who were deemed dangerous, or who were from hostile nations, that was The Alien Act, and they criminalized the making of false statements that were critical of the Federal Government that was The Sedition Act: so those four acts in harmony were The Alien and Sedition Acts.

James Edwards (18:20): Back to The Alien and Sedition Act ...what can Trump do that is legally and constitutionally sound ..look, complaining about the press, mocking the press, its important, it needs to be done, but action has to be taken, we have four, maybe eight years to set things right because when Trump’s out of office there will never be another Donald Trump, there will never be another Donald Trump, there will always be establishment insiders, Trump was a once in a civilization type candidate, so what can he do? He’s got to get serious though! and he’s going to have to get drastic and I think what we’re talking is a drastic measure but it is constitutionally and legally sound.

Eddie Miller (19:05): We’ve pounded George Soros to death but he’s just one of the very few insurrectionists, he needs to recognize the problem, and the problem is that people are calling, people in high places, including the media are openly calling for overthrowing law and order, they’re saying, I’ve seen their banners, I’ve heard them say, “become ungovernable” ...I’ll repeat that, they’re calling for people to “become ungovernable.”  ...

James Edwards (19:50): And its important to show that there is precedent in the office of the presidency to take actions like we were subscribing tonight, er prescribing.

Eddie Miller (20:05): The law of the land has been since 1789 has been the Constitution of The United States
...(20:23) these people are breaking the law, they’re trying to destroy the constitution, they’re not trying to hide it. ... he needs to come out and call these people, like James said, they, including the media have become an enemy of the state.

James Edwards (20:47): We have four, maybe eight years to set it straight and if he doesn’t get radical and I mean radical within the bounds of the Constitution its all for naught and he’ll be a blip on the radar and its going to be over after he’s done.

Eddie Miller (20:59): And you know what, he’s going to have to have these people arrested and put on trial for treason. Because they’re trying to overthrow The United States. I’ll repeat that, they’re calling for people to become ungovernable ....he’s got to come in and lock these people up.

Eddie Miller (31:00): I’m going to read this straight out of The Constitution, here is the oath that the president takes: “I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of the president of The United States and will to the best of my ability protect and defend The Constitution and nowadays they added, ‘so help me god.”

James Edwards (31:35): And if these people are in fact, enemies of the American people..

Eddie Miller (31:37): He has to do it!

James Edwards (31:37): If they’re enemies of the American people, they’re enemies of the state is an extension of the citizenry… (31: 54) What I’m asking for and I don’t want to mince words, is Donald Trump should lock-up as John Adams did with the Alien and Sedition Act…

Eddie Miller (32:05): Any enemy of the state! any enemy of The Constitution of The United States.

James Edwards (32:08): And that includes members of the press and if member of Congress want to Impeach him over that, you lock-them-up too.


Coming back to the press conference that set this controversy in motion, Trump responded to a Jewish journalist’s concerns:                      

“Number one, I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life, number two, the least racist person.”


[Trump] told April Ryan, an African American radio reporter, that he would be happy to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus, adding: “Are they friends of yours?” Independent, Ibid.

Translation, he will meet with Jewish and black caucuses to hear their concerns about their EGI.

        Trump met with the Mossad Chief even before taking his oath as President:

        Yosi Cohen

The Hill, “Mossad chief met with Trump team” report, 18 Dec 2016:

President-elect Donald Trump’s team met with the head of Israel’s intelligence service, according to a report in Ynetnews.

Yossi Cohen, the head of Mossad, secretly traveled to the United States for the meeting to discuss security issues ranging from the Iran nuclear agreement to the civil war in Syria, the news outlet reported.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly organized the visit and Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, was also part of the meetings.

The report said Cohen and Trump’s team also talked about a conference to be held by Egypt.

Last week, Trump announced his choice of bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman to serve as the U.S. ambassador to Israel.

Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, has also said moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a high priority for the incoming administration.



Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 19 Feb 2017 14:30 | #

Very well done article, DanielS.

It’s also yet more proof that 1776 was a mistake and the American revolution ought to have been crushed either then or at latest in 1812, in case anyone was still sitting on the fence about that element of world history. There should always come a point where a realisation comes that America is the enemy and that we cannot control it. A battle was waged for the heart and soul of America over the past forty years, and unfortunately the Jews won decisively in America and have now consolidated their position in that country. Perhaps it was never going to be any other way.

Enoch Powell’s sentiments from 1943 could now be revisited:

Like the Roman—The Life of Enoch Powell (Phoenix, 1999), p. 75, Letter to his parents on 16 February 1943 (emphasis added):

The thought struck me for the first time today that our duty to our country may not terminate with the peace – apart, I mean, from the duty of begetting children to bear arms for the King in the next generation. To be more explicit, I see growing on the horizon the greater peril than Germany or Japan ever were; and if the present hostilities do not actually merge into a war with our terrible enemy, America, it will remain for those of us who have the necessary knowledge and insight to do what we can where we can to help Britain be victorious again in her next crisis.

Like the Roman—The Life of Enoch Powell (Phoenix, 1999), p. 75, Letter to his parents on 09 March 1943 (emphasis added):

You have never expressed any decided political opinions, and indeed I do not know if or how far you assent to the proposition that almost unlimited sacrifices of individual life and happiness are worthwhile to preserve the unique structure of power of which the keystone (the only conceivable and indispensable keystone) is the English Crown. I for my part find it the nearest thing in the world to an absolute (as opposed to a relative) value: it is like the outer circle that bound my universe, so that I cannot conceive anything beyond it.

I consider that it is not a coincidence that as soon as Donald Trump was elected, the entire Alt-Right and Russian Active Measure sphere of communications began crafting negative signals about the premiership of Theresa May that mirrored and complimented each other. They understand this is an iron law of a geographical nature.

Everything is once again as it used to be.

Britain’s principal enemies will be: Israel, the United States, and the Russian Federation. Added to that list of enemies may be Germany given that Germany is making a choice between Schulz and Merkel—which is a non-choice—and perhaps France if the negotiations with Peugeot don’t work out.

As good students of geography, history and economics, most British patriots understand that the world is not governed by ‘democracy’ or ‘principles’, it’s governed by energy and access to mineral resources, and by the enforcement of legal frameworks that drive innovation, and by the maintenance of the dominance of specific ethnic groups over particular geographic spaces (also known as ‘having a homeland’).

The British Empire never ended in the sense that most people understand it. Rather, it simply underwent a dramatic economic transformation and receded out of public institutional view. Out of all of the imperial powers in the world today, the British one remains above all the most progressive with the most global developmental mileage remaining. Allies of ‘the empire’ never die because ‘the empire’ itself never dies. As such, ‘the empire’ expects its allies—one way or another—to fight for ‘it’ eternally, either consciously or unconsciously. That is neither inherently bad nor good. It simply is.

If the Americans disagree, then I guess they can go and fuck themselves. Let the meme-wars commence.

Or at least, that’s one way of looking at it. The reason I’m very interested in stimulating thought like this, is because I’d like to see a narrative that is not being led by American modes of thought. One of the biggest problems since 1991 has been the intellectual leadership of Americans among the Atlantic ethnic nationalists. Seeing everything through the framework of ‘what is good for America’s transcendental values enshrined in the constitution’ is how people keep getting into ridiculous problems. Fuck middle America, frankly, and fuck their stupid irrelevant values. I can’t eat values, nor can I run an internal combustion engine by burning values. And I definitely can’t defend my ethnic genetic interests with them either.

The rest of the world will not be simply cucked by the Americans and their Israeli and Russian friends.

We need to fight them everywhere from now on. We should fight them in every global institution to defend the contours of trade in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, we should fight them everywhere to defend the existence of the JCPOA Iran Deal, and we should fight them everywhere to defend the development of trade routes in Central Asia via the OBOR. The economic ease of actually implementing Brexit will be dependent on maintaining those factors!

And we should also support Theresa May in her efforts to ban the American Alt-Right figures from entering Britain. Yes, I’m serious. They should indeed be banned from entering Britain. If they want to complain that Brexit Britain is somehow ‘anti-white’, then that absurd American complaint should be met with the laughter and derision it deserves.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 19 Feb 2017 17:10 | #

Also, I’ll add, that if the American Alt-Rightists like James Edwards want to invoke the issue of oaths, then they should abandon immediately the absurdist concept of a functioning ‘Anglosphere’ that includes the United States in any way.

This is the oath that is sworn in the American armed forces:

I, <NAME>, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

This is oath sworn in British armed forces:

I, <NAME>, do solemnly, and truly declare and affirm, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and of the generals and officers set over me.

The differences there are not frivolous, but in fact underline a complete and total difference in fundamental world view.

The Americans are swearing to defend a deracinated—racially and economically disinterested—set of transcendental values on a piece of paper written in the 1770s by a collection of liberals who had a disagreement with the British East India Company on the management of tea imports and exports.

The British are swearing to be the Leibstandarte of actual flesh and blood persons whose path can be traced back to the Kings of Wessex, and who represent actual flesh and blood people and their economic interests stemming from the arising of sedentary agriculture about 14 thousand years ago.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Feb 2017 07:50 | #

Kumiko, did you ever read Tom Sunic’s underrated little book, Homo americanus?  Read alongside Salter it generates a paradigm shift from the personal, futurative and biological to the national, historical and organic which, I think, leads in the direction you are gesturing towards here.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

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