Next-level TRS: Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich is actually Michael ‘Enoch’ ENOCKSON Peinovich-Sippel. ![]() I’m staying on this story until every last detail is known. Enter the next levelThis article is Part 2 of an ongoing series about the TRS scandal. See also: Part 1. Kind of like some kind of political equivalent of a K-R&B song about how a man just keeps lying so much that there is always another layer of lies beneath his first layer of lies, Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich of The Right Stuff has been lying on a whole different level beneath the presently-existing lies. However, rather than contemplating the fun concept of trolling with musical metaphors, I want you to instead follow me on a journey into the other barrel beneath the barrel that TRS had already sunk to the bottom of. Welcome to Part 2 of the ongoing drama. The present situationSo far, Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich and his supporters have been frantically trying to channel all the discussions about his standing in the western ethno-nationalist scene toward his Jewish wife, Ames Friedman, as though the problem is confined only to her and as though the perniciousness and hypocrisies of these revelations can be mitigated by simply removing her from the situation through divorce. They have been resolutely ignoring the manifest high likelihood of Peinovich himself being Jewish, at least through his father’s side. In a recent Rebel Yell podcast, Peinovich subtly referred to himself as a person of ‘mixed Jewish ancestry’. At 01:19:06 of that podcast, he said: But while people were grappling with that revelation, there is another secret lurking behind that. As it turns out, Peinovich is additionally Jewish through his mother’s side. Seriously. This is actual reality. This is really happening. Read that sentence again, and consider the implications of it. Peinovich is around and about 75% Jewish at least. What we now knowUtilising the information that the first doxxing was able to dredge up, we were able to use that information to pivot across various branches of his family, including his siblings, but the most important link is that of his birth-mother. Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s father is Michael P. Peinovich. Peinovich senior is married to Billie Gleissner, but we have not taken the time to deeply examine Gleissner, because Gleissner is not Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s birth-mother. Rather, Gleissner is his step-mother. Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s father and his step-mother Billie Gleissner married each other in 1983. So who then, is Peinovich’s birth-mother? We discovered that Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s birth-mother is Paula Sippel. Prior to 1983 she was known as Paula Enockson Peinovich-Sippel, her surname through her mother’s side is Enockson. That is the maternal name, which is likely the source of the nickname ‘Enoch’ which Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich is using literally in plain view. Sometimes it’s the thing which is in plain view which paradoxically garners the least attention. Two plus two is fourWe know that Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich’s father gets the name Peinovich from a Russified and Americanised variant of the Croatian name Pejnovic, and that the name is associated with Jewish demographies in Croatia. We also know that Peinovich’s father married twice, and that in both cases he married women with Jewish surnames: Paula Enockson Peinovich-Sippel, and Billie Gleissner. Additionally, we know that Peinovich’s mother carries the name Enockson through her own mother’s side of their family. And then, to top it all off, Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich ‘accidentally’ married a Jewish woman himself, Ames Friedman, the woman who is now at the centre of this recent Alt-Right scandal along with Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich. Even the most sceptical people, in their heart of hearts, in their intuition, they know that there must be something there. There’s something. But they won’t admit it to themselves. Is it because of a cult of personality? “How dare you speak the truth!?”The most popular narrative among the sobbing defenders of Peinovich is that the people who are most viciously attacking TRS in the wake of this scandal, are people who have something to gain from bringing down TRS. Okay, sure. Let’s be real here. TRS, the ‘inner party’, and the Alt-Right leadership core all got caught covering up a massive den of hypocrisy and money-grubbing deception at TRS, and they piled lies on top of lies within lies. Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich had absolutely laughably ineffective OpSec, and as such it was possible to get his personal information and to discover everything about the fraud he was perpetrating. It was also possible to pivot across his family tree because his whole family maintained an ostentatious social media presence which could be easily dredged in the aftermath of the doxxing. If you get caught doing something that you’re not supposed to be doing, and there is a good strategic reason for me to amplify the exposure of that scandal, then I will amplify it. The ‘purity spiral’ memeThe TRS crowd desperately wants to call all of this ‘purity spiralling’ and thereby they hope to place a lid on the ongoing scandal. I don’t call it ‘purity spiralling’. I call it ‘actually tackling the problem of Jewish subversion’. Does this sound extreme? Some people are saying that the stance taken by the anti-TRS people such as myself, is ‘more extreme than Adolf Hitler’. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even someone such as George H.W. Bush would have purged someone like Michael ‘Enoch’ Enockson Peinovich-Sippel just as fast, if Bush had been able to have his way. Don’t believe me? Here are the Zionists complaining about George H.W. Bush:
Also, objectively speaking, George H.W. Bush was better on trade issues than Donald Trump ever will be, and you will also find that unlike Donald Trump, George H.W. Bush was closer to a coherent global ethno-nationalist position, as seen in Bush’s stance on the Jewish Question, and in Bush’s stance on the defence of Eastern Europe and Central Asia from Russian colonial aggression. Really makes you think, doesn’t it? Maybe someone should clone Bush senior and bring him back to power? I’m just raising it as an interesting point so that people can consider the present situation in context. Shekel farmersBut hey, no, people like Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopolous, Paul Gottfried, Lauren Cherie Southern and Michael ‘Enoch’ Enockson Peinovich-Sippel bandied around some fashy-looking memes on Twitter and told people to give up on searching for their own candidates or building their own parties, and instead rallied people to throw in their lot with Donald Trump under various stylistic guises – ranging from one extreme which is ‘Gorilla Mindset book’, to the other extreme which is ‘favicon.ico is an open oven which is really edgy’ – and as a result the Alt-Right in the United States became incapable of identifying the very same Jews that they professed to be on guard against. The Alt-Right did however become very proficient at: (a.) supporting stupid protectionist trade policies to spite Asian manufacturers and prop up American oligarchical cronies, (b.) crafting insults that were calibrated to really annoy Hispanics, and (c.) supporting the slashing of (c, i.) their own health care provisions and (c, ii.) their own social security benefits, (d.) re-enabling the potential for a pointless future American war against Iran, and (e.) just as an extra bonus present for Israel they even managed to elevate Jared Kushner to the position of being literally the most powerful Jew to have ever inhaled oxygen in the universe. For an encore, performed live from the front deck of the Lusitania, the Alt-Right will probably next declare an undying support for Michael ‘Enoch’ Enockson Peinovich-Sippel, with some stupid excuse like “no punching to the right”, whatever that even means. Watch and see, that will happen! Related Articles:
Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 12:54 | # This is my website. My picture and gif collection. 3
Posted by uh on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 16:56 | #
Whatever the words, they’d be in red, bold, and capitals. 4
Posted by Hugh Jampton on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 17:23 | # The Enocksons are Lutherans. Paula’s parents were Farrell Enockson and Katherine Gorman 5
Posted by Hugh Jampton on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 17:28 | # Katherine Gorman’s mother, Gena, was born in Minnesota in 1892 of Norwegian born parents. 6
Posted by uh on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 17:40 | # Well, Kumiko is reaching - as usual for this site. Mike was likely referring to Slavic ancestry. I don’t hear any reference to “mixed Jewish ancestry”, although that was, of course, the context. If he meant Jewish ancestry, fine, but it isn’t a direct quote and should not be presented as such. That is conflation. More importantly, all the names in question are far from categorically Jewish, as we all know, at bottom. Enockson, Sippel, Peinovich are names likely none of us ever encountered before this, even studying Jews as we have for over a decade. There’s nothing about any of those names that even suggests Jewishness beyond Enockson’s and Peinovich’s ending, while Sippel could be German or Scottish. By the bye, I would guess it stems from the good old Germanic *sib in either case. But -son and -ovich (also “son”) are so common in European nomenclature as to make mention of it silly. Every time there’s some question of a perceived enemy’s ancestry, however, either ending, or any German-sounding name, is forthwith “proof” of being a Jew. That isn’t sleuthing, it’s paranoia. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised, and equally wouldn’t care, if he did turn out to be partially Jewish, and the burden was still on him to reveal such things to the audience of a podcast called “The Daily Shoah”. For now, though, it seems it’s still only his wife who is partially Jewish. 7
Posted by Hugh Jampton on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 17:40 | # Farrell Enockson’s father, Hans , was born in Norway in 1886, his mother Regina Gartner born in Iowa in 1889 og German parents 8
Posted by uh on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 17:47 | # Incidentally, I found this:
The lovely Gospić was home of both Nikola Tesla and Ante Starčević himself. 9
Posted by Hugh Jampton on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 17:59 | # Katherine Gorman’s father, Archie, born SD in 1892 to parents born in Indiana, married Gena Peterson in 1917 11
Posted by Hugh Jampton on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 18:52 | # Michael P Peinovich b1944, son of Michael Peinovich b 1919 Arizona and Mary Garberg. Michael snr. son of Isaac b1885 Austria/Yugoslavia and Martha Stokich also born Yugoslavia. 12
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 19:38 | # “Mike Enoch” looks like a fat, hook-nosed swarthoid but we are given to believe he is “Norwegian”. Go and peddle your wares elsewhere, you fucking kike. 13
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 20:34 | # Kumiko is taking the lead on this issue. From my perspective, it has clearly been the case that Peinovich is giving horrendous misdirection to White interests and acting in a way smacking of Jewish strategy. I will have more to say about that shortly - but suffice it to say, from my perspective, I don’t need to place emphasis on the matter of whether he is Jewish or not. He may as well be. The circumstantial evidence of his complicity is mounting, his being complicit with Jewish interests in the orchestration of Whites is already massive. But before I move onto my first correction of a statement from Uh, I need to firstly address the fact that Uh has persistently argued that Jews should be included in White nationalism - he has persistently argued here that “The Truth Will Live” (Ruth) should be able to participate in White Nationalism and in definition of its friend/enemy distinctions. He also got banned from Counter-Currents for making a protracted argument as to why Jews should be included in White nationalism. Recently Uh has been allowed to comment at Counter-Currents again while Greg Johnson defends Peinovich and his platform (at the same time, Colin Liddell and Captainchaos have been banished from Counter-Currents for minor to more keen skepticism of Peinovich respectively). That is to say, Uh’s opinion is hardly impartial but suddenly, nevertheless, has dubious support as such.
The general picture of Peinovich is gotten indeed. It wreaks Jewy and right-wing sell out, both of its motivation directly for Jews and of the role Jews would like Whites to adopt - what’s good for the Jews in terms of how the goyim are to be orchestrated. Now, let me address a few contentions raised by Uh: As for the name Peinovich - it is unusual for Slavic people to phoneticize the endings of their names - a name like Pejnović. It is much more common for Jewish people to do that. Perhaps it could be an Ellis Island spelling given to a Croatian goyim, but it would more typically be a Jewish spelling of the name. As for Gospić, Jews have been known to make their way through there as well. There is more to say in regard to his father’s name and relations, and we’ll come back to that. But I’d like to move on quickly to this fallacious claim by Uh:
Not true. It is absolutely a direct quote and is NOT a conflation. It may not be a notarized confession and absolute proof of itself, it could be argued that it is some sort of mis-statement, but other “mis-statements” and circumstantial evidence lend mounting weight to the likelihood that, at best, Peinovich is orchestrating misdirection for Jewish interests - and that is the most important issue, by far - while it is quite possible that he is at least partly Jewish himself. Let me provide an exact transcript with its fuller context - that anyone can listen to and verify - starting just a few seconds before the part quoted in the post: 118:25 - Mencken’s Ghost: “Yeah, uh, I don’t wanna address any of those issues with your relationship, because I, it’s not really any more of our business. At this point I think you’ve laid it bare. I don’t think that’s any of our business.” 118:34 - Musonius Rufus: “Yeah, I think you’ve done a good job of laying it bare, uh.” 118:36 - Mencken’s Ghost: “And its not any more of our business. 118:39 - The uh, one of the issues that was brought up is that we’ve had people who have been removed from the forums because they were Jewish or partial Jewish ancestry, who had renounced their ancestry, in the past; and that’s something that’s been brought-up on the show before; and, that’s an obvious conflict. I mean is that something that can be addressed?” 118:59 - Mike Peinovich: “uhm, you know I didn’t, I actually had never heard that before. Uhm, I think that in, in these cases, in cases like this its really like, you gotta, you gotta just you know, I mean, there’s an absolute purist stance which is like, they’re simply not allowed, in which case I have to go.” 14
Posted by uh on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 21:47 | # Thank you for the transcript. Not needed, as my hearing is one of the few aspects of my health not in decline, but it actually opens up a new possibility: that he simply meant that if the so-called movement rejects partial Jews, then as a man married to a partial Jew, he’d have to recuse himself out of loyalty to his spouse. His statement does not necessarily imply that he himself is partially Jewish. I am using “necessarily” here in the strictest logical sense, that would obtain, for example, in a legal document, i.e. that his words do not constitute explicit identification as partially Jewish, and that the context is open to other interpretations - which a thinking man would not reject merely to satisfy their confirmation bias. You admit this above, and conclude that “he may as well be” Jewish. Sorry - nor is that proof, but smugness on top of somewhat wild speculation. Rehearsing my stance on individual Jews would be helpful if you weren’t preaching to the choir. My stance in this case is in fact that Mike should have disclosed his marriage and tried to weave it into the greater parody that is TDS, whose toadies would surely have rationalized it away anyhow. Far worse than not disclosing it, moreover, he dissimulated when Salon confronted him about being Mike Enoch, and copped out as being libertarian. Nothing more damning than that, in my opinion. Not that you deserve it, but let me offer as evidence of bona fides the following anecdote. I had some money to spare for once, and currently residing in an arch-liberal city, decided to provoke the natives by purchasing a shirt related to Fash The Nation. I placed the order and forgot about it, remembering only a month later. I hadn’t received it nor heard from the seller, so naturally I sent an e-mail. The name on the response was about as categorically Jewish as one could expect short of ending in -stein, -witz, or - berg. The seller attempted to equivocate about the order even existing, and as I usually do, I raised the stakes, forcing him to back down and issue a refund. So ... that was very odd, and there’s clearly some shit in the closet with many of these guys. My point is that I’m not trying to exonerate Mike from possible Jewish ancestry because I have a hard-on for Jews (my flirtation with TTWL excepted!) or because I care about his fate (I view the whole crowd as rather creepy). There’s just a paucity of evidence that you can’t twist into concrete proof, no matter how much you’d like it to be so. One last note: it’s pretty clear that Mike felt embarrassed not only by his attachment, but also his ancestry and appearance, hence the Pepe face covering his own in photos from NPI conferences. He probably knows he looks like a shlub, in a way that monomaniacal types wouldn’t hesitate to call “Jewish”, and just didn’t want any shit about it - much as the stuckment mainstay, Hunter Wallace, felt before he cleaned up his act. Point here is that the man feels ashamed of his own appearance and lacks the lightheartedness of Matt Parrott in coming to terms with it. Trying to bury him even further is a bit like kicking a man already on the ground. In other words, pat yourselves on the back for being so vicious. 15
Posted by Tommy on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 22:23 | # In this video, Mike Delaney cites 3 instances taken from Enoch’s podcasts in which Enoch reveals that he’s Jewish. No non-Jewish person would ever speak of himself and his background in this way: 16
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 23:59 | # I’ll address some of this now, and the rest later. This one is the most unintentionally hilarious attempt:
Ever since the TRS doxxing started, certain sections of the Alt-Right have basically been huddling up like this: Too bad for them that the council is not even competent. Hugh Jampton‘s attempt to transform Peinovich’s ancestors into non-Jews is pretty funny, as—assuming that he is getting those names correct—he only managed to deepen the problem. Can anyone explain why the name Garberg appears to be allocated to an awful lot of Jewish people, and why it appears in the Jewish directory of Buenos Aires? What ‘picture’ are people supposed to be ‘getting’ here, when all you are doing is further enhancing the Jewishness of this story? What are the odds that all of this ornamentation surrounds one person and that person still manages to be somehow ‘not Jewish’? Come on. I’ll also address a portion of UH‘s response:
Oh, seriously? Empathetic excuse-making narrative-creation like this is why Europe gets fucked-over hard by the Jews so often to begin with. You have absolutely zero proof that any of that was Michael’s inner thought process. Literally zero. Why on earth would you think that such a convoluted story would be more likely than the facts that are staring you in the face? Pathological altruism? The Americans have literally got a crypto-Jew prancing around as the leader of TRS, and now the response is to empathise with him, and to develop stories to exonerate him?
We have to keep kicking him while he is on the ground. If we don’t keep kicking him, you and rest of the “movement’s” pathological altruists will show up, pick him up off the floor, cart him to the nearest metaphorical reputation hospital, rehabilitate him, and set him nicely on his feet again despite everything. 17
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 02:51 | #
Your pllpul is failing you, Uh. The discussion had transitioned from the questions about his wife into the issue of whether or not to allow the participation of Jews or partial Jews -
Peinovich responded knowing that the issue had now transitioned and he turned to address it specifically.
Is it possible that he turned to address a new issue explicitly answering “cases like this” - meaning he’d heard both Mencken’s Ghost and Musonius Rufus clear and keen wish to transition from the issue of his family to have him address a new issue, of whether or not Jews or mixed Jews should be excluded - and then slipped back into the previous topic of his relationship to his wife? Possible, but in the context, it is apparent that he was quite consciously addressing the new issue - “you know, I didn’t, I actually had never heard that before, Uhm, I think that in, in cases like this its really like which case I have to go.” 18
Posted by TRUTH on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 03:22 | # I didn’t follow TRS, don’t have time for stuff like that, but now I will make time to find out what they were selling and have a closer look at all asscociated with them,and who is still making excuses for them, everything you needed to know was known on day one. It is not just his 1/4 Jewish wife, it gets better. Mike Delaney video on this is good. Apparently they are steering their followers and mocking them. 9/11 was mocked and there are screens shots of twitter to prove this. Delaney is also trying to be nice to certain people, he is right about what he is saying, I have seen it myself and been a part of it, SF actually banned dozens of paid supporters in fall of 2010 over 9/11, wholesale bans, I was one of them, when they banned the strong 9/11 posters they banned the posters that knew the Jews and Neocons the best. They even banned lifetime accounts and highly respected people like The Old Man. There is a huge thread on VNN on this, mods quit and spilled some info too. 19
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 03:31 | # “TRUTH”, don’t steer this into 9-11 conspiracy theory land. This would steer us where the Jews want us, into right-wing nut job land and we will have none of it. I am leaving your comment up as an example of where Jewish strategy would have us go.
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 04:00 | #
You address me with the “burden of proof” of his Jewish ancestry, while ignoring what I’ve said here:
Posted by uh on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:52 | # Daniel, Fair enough. You prefer the angle that his behavior is “Jewish”, therefore it doesn’t even matter whether he’s partially Jewish or not, and leave that accusation to Kumiko. It’s actually enough for me that you admit what I’m saying is “possible” - if not, you know, probable - because as much as we disagree and disdain each other, you can be counted on for levelheadedness, if not magnanimity in responding to friendly overtures such as this one. Kumiko, Obviously I don’t care about these matters as much you do, so I’m already pretending that Mike being partially Jewish or not is relevant.
You’re right - I am inferring that he was embarrassed: precisely as you are inferring that he is partially Jewish. I merely pointed out that your inference is flawed; specifically, that the excerpt can very easily, and I think obviously, be interpreted another way. After all, he was speaking off-the-cuff in an interview, not measuring his words so that the Jew-hunting club wouldn’t find him out. Is it possible that he tripped himself up in suggesting that he was involved in a compromising relationship? Of course the answer - logically - is yes, and voila, we have reasonable doubt. Moreover, wouldn’t you suppose - Jews being as crafty and nefarious as I have no doubt you believe them to be - that if he were partially Jewish, he would be rather more careful about it, as opposed to being only casually guarded about the identity of his wife? Is it possible that if he were partially Jewish, he wouldn’t let the “goys” at Rebel Yell, whose podcast owes its existence to his website, post such an incriminating slip of the tongue? Of course the answer, logically, again, is yes, and again we have reasonable doubt poked into your - in my opinion - hysterical accusation.
You’re pretty unhinged. However, “metaphorical reputation hospital” is one of the most far-our phrases in the English language I’ve ever read, so respect for that. Anyway, that’s all I got. I don’t think he’s a Jew, and all this is far from evidence. It is a) an interpretation of unscripted conversation, b) the usual deliberate taking of any Germanic or Slavic name to be “Jewish” when it serves your narrative, and c) a lot of frantic posturing. 22
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 08:33 | # I think that DanielS is assuming a mal-intent from you that doesn’t necessarily exist, TRUTH, so my response is a little different:
If you turn up anything interesting then make sure to tell us about it.
Regarding his wife, the TRS people keep saying that she is “one-quarter Jewish”, but they have never provided anything to demonstrate this. She is likely much more than that, but they are trying to downplay it. Counter-Currents later claimed that Peinovich’s wife is “half Jewish”, so who knows how long it will take before they revise their story again to say “fully Jewish”?
I guess I’ll have to give my view on this. I’ll try to keep it short. The 9/11 thing Regarding 9/11, I don’t necessarily see the relevance of that to this. Also, the conspiracy theories are false. Nevertheless I will point out again that the story began like this:
The rest is broadly known to all. Al-Qaeda moved on the planning the ‘Bojinka plot’, which looked like this:
That was all too complex for them to carry out though, so they opted to scale it down later. See here:
And then some time passed, and the people who were to become the 11 September 2001 hijackers migrated into the United States, repeatedly gamed the weakly enforced American visa system, and began preparing for the attacks that were going to take place. And then on 11 September 2001, the event happened, and that event basically looked like this:
Why am I quoting from Wikipedia? Because everything contained in that quotation is true. That’s basically what happened on the day of the event. Shaping the response Where things get interesting is in the aftermath of the attack, which is where the tussle for influence over the way in which the response to the attack would be formulated, was to take place. The War in Afghanistan was an expected response, and does not need to be covered here. The War in Iraq was the wildcard. In 2003, we know that Israel did attempt to shape the response of the United States to the attacks, in a way that would complement its interests in the region. Saudi Arabia also had an interest in shaping the response, so as to cover over their apparent role in facilitating the operation of the Islamist clearing-houses that gave rise to the attacks. There are of course other countries who also wanted to ‘stay close to America’ for the purpose of influencing its behaviour, but I don’t want to unnecessarily widen the scope here, in what is only intended to be a short post, so I’ll leave them aside for now. In terms of the mechanics of how Israel’s influence was actuated, it would be completely wrong to say that they staged the operation. That is simply a conspiracy theory stemming from overly-simplistic thinking. The world has to be seen through the mental framework of an interlocking set of relationship matrices, association matrices, activities matrices, and time event charts (examples of what those tend to look like are embedded as links). A failure to include everything may lead to people arriving at silly conclusions. The reality is that just because Israel was able to shape the response at key intervals that led to the Iraq War becoming possible, does not mean that everything that happened prior to that moment was somehow ‘faked’. A key moment In fact, if you look at the PBS piece titled “A Secret History of ISIS”, they actually reveal the precise moment at which Israel injected itself into the decision-making process in the lead up to the Iraq War in 2003, and thus shaped the outcome to their advantage. From 11min 40sec onward in that video, the transcript:
If anyone should want to know what happened at that crucial point, and how, the place to look would be at the office of the Chief of the Staff to the Vice President of the United States, who at the time was Scooter Libby. If you understand that Scooter Libby was to Dick Cheney as Dick Cheney was to George W. Bush, then suddenly you become capable of seeing how it could be possible for the changes that Bakos is referring to, to have been made in the Vice-President’s office by Scooter Libby and his network of very Zionist associates. In summary There is no need for any kind of 9/11 conspiracy theory to explain what happened in Iraq. The explanation has been right in front of everyone’s face from day one. The office of the Chief of the Staff to the Vice President of the United States was compromised by Israel, and as such, all decision-making processes that flowed through there were subject to having Israeli policy preferences injected into them. It is not the only node that was compromised, but it is the most pivotal and significant one in this situation. I hope that clears up all possible questions and that everyone can draw a line under that issue and call it a closed case now. 23
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 09:26 | # And now I have to pull UH‘s post apart, because it just contains too many inaccuracies!
And from where are you drawing that inference? From basically nowhere. Listen to his speaking patterns on the shows that he’s been on since he has been back. Listen to the way he narrates the story, even from his own perspective. That explanation is simply not there, it’s probably the least likely conclusion that anyone could reasonably arrive at.
I’m not inferring anything, I’m building a case, and it’s a pretty strong one.
And I’m pointing out to you, that this is not how it works. It is likely that he knows that he has to balance the strategy of just ploughing through the doxxing, with the fact that each time he appears in an interview in the unprofessional and unscripted way that he does, that he will basically have to avoid Freudian slips and that there can be no ‘take backs’, because his interlocutors comprise some people who he is also having to try to deceive, and so when he makes an error, he cannot say, “Okay, can we excise that from the audio because the goyim will deduce things from it otherwise?” Because that would only deepen the problem by escalating it into the inner circle of TRS which may still contain some people who are not fully committed to him (from what I have become aware of, two of their inner circle members are not fully committed—and no I cannot tell you what the source of that knowledge is). This means that when he makes a ‘mistake’ on air, he has to let it go into the final cut, and then he has to basically rely on people like yourself to inject yourselves into the process in comments sections after the stories propagate, in which people like yourself will hunt for alternative narratives to explain the ‘mistakes’. However, these ambiguities start to evaporate as more errors are committed and as other streams of evidence-collection become available, such as social media accounts of his family members, the information gained through doxxing his surname and pivoting around his family tree, and the force of all these different vectors of evidence starts to push toward a single resultant: Mike Enoch is Jewish. That’s pretty much the reality, and you can either accept it or not accept it, but it’s the reality.
The mean IQ in the state of Israel is only 89, so no. When you say Jews are ‘crafty and nefarious’, that’s not very precise language at all. In what areas do you mean? Perhaps when it comes to nepotism and their strategic interests they are adept at organising people. This does not make them super-intelligent and it does not make every single Jewish person into some kind of invincible god. They are actually people, and people make mistakes. You are seeing Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich making mistakes.
As I said earlier—regarding the possibly two persons who are not 100% loyal to him—the possibility that some of the inner circle at TRS who are not 100% loyal to him would become more suspicious of him if he started requesting convenient edits all over the place (as this is not the first time he’s had a slip of the tongue), may be a factor in why he would decide not to demand that they cut these slips out at the editing process, so that they will go out and then he can spin it as “I didn’t even think it was controversial to say that, there is an innocent interpretation to this, obviously!” That would be the best way for him to balance the tasks of not alerting his inner circle to the fact that he is making mistakes, and also managing the response to those mistakes externally. It’s not working of course, because he’s losing on the external front pretty badly, but I would say that this is his logic. And it makes sense in a way because for him right now, the most crucial task for him is that he should maintain the loyalty of his own inner circle. When Enoch makes a ‘slip’ or a ‘mistake’, he will prioritise maintaining this narrative: Any reaction from outside is a ‘misinterpretation’. And he will keep doing that, rather than revealing to his insiders that it was actually a serious thing which needed to be redacted from the audio. These things are not clear-cut and simplistic, human beings are complex, and people who are actively engaged in deception while also not being very good at it, apply post-mistake gaming to their mistakes, in the hopes that they can be covered over through ambiguous interpretations.
More like I’m completely calm, because I know you’ll eventually be admitting that I am right.
I’m definitely not doing that. Generally speaking, I always actually go and look the names up and correlate them to a geographical location and a story. Unlike many people associated with ‘the movement’, I do not see all German and Slavic surnames as ‘Jewish’, because I do not have any cultural anchor through which to know what is a ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal’-sounding European surname in the first place. Remember, I am Asian. Your European style names all sound ‘foreign’ to me, it’s just a matter of figuring out which kind of ‘foreign’ it is, and surprise surprise, Michael ‘Enoch’ Enockson Peinovich-Sippel happens to be pretty Jewish in various ways, despite the fact that to the eye it would appear that those are a cascade of Northwestern, Central and Eastern European names. There is no name that can inherently ‘sound Jewish’, because no one knows what a Jewish name ‘sounds like’. Either it is actually Jewish in reality, or it isn’t. Have you got any more strawmen for me to set fire to today? 24
Posted by uh on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 16:11 | #
Is this the same “Kumiko Oumae” who, above, launched into Mike’s genealogy with the stated intent of holding up several names as being Jewish? I hope not. Because then you’re not only nuts, but arguing in totally bad faith. So, as it isn’t my aim to get mixed up in anyone’s personality disorder, I’ll leave it here. GW - you keep some strange company, man. 25
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 22:53 | #
Yes. And that was in no way based on how they ‘sound’.
Bye! See you later! 26
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 23 Jan 2017 23:07 | # This is coming from Uh, the man who has come clean on WN forums for the past year or so that he is here to argue that Jews should be included in White advocacy. Before Uh had been forced into the open in his Jewish advocacy, he was abusively trolling White advocates for years, apparently for his latent motive of their being “too purist.” He came here with Hugh Jampton, a tag team troll from New York City with a whole cloth argument to defend Enoch… and saying Kumiko comes across as “deranged.” Uh says:
Uh is not a little disordered in his application of the DSM, is he? While his Jewish trolling advocacy has only been openly manifest for maybe a year, it has been expressed for years in trolling those who want to maintain White National boundaries. Captainchaos remarked on Uh’s trolling here:
Now, this is what CC has said as of two days ago:
and one day ago:
Here Uh chimed into the argument… not a little “motivated” is he? on behalf of mixed Jews is he, and perhaps a little “nuts” in expecting Captainchaos to go along with this?:
Doubting the essence of the holocaust, Operation Reinhard, now that’s a true test of sanity. If Uh is so determined to defend mixed Jews that he would try to presume that even Captainchaos can be persuaded to accept them, then he is not just a little motivated on their behalf, he is not completely in touch with reality. Yet, he proposes to assess the reality testing of others. Captainchaos had said emphatically against the position that Uh is defending:
...and Uh says:
Who is nuts? Who is more irrationally motivated on behalf of his bias than understanding of what he, himself is doing, where he is and who he is talking to? to make an argument like that with WN and people like Captainchaos? Who is dishonest? That we cannot “choose” who is White or not…in this day and age when we have DNA testing (for one strong example)?
Posted by uh on Tue, 24 Jan 2017 00:13 | # You’re both monomaniacal dweebs, of course, carefully curating a version of reality that suits your obsession as you go along; and the more you blather on about others, the more apparent it is to anyone unwittingly slumming it here. Very sad! 28
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 24 Jan 2017 00:32 | # Yes, I do think there is one reality and one truth. If you disagree, then you are wrong. 29
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 24 Jan 2017 02:38 | # Uh more or less admitted at Chateau Heartiste that he likes to troll by sowing the seeds of demoralization because he is cynically embittered about his own poor life prospects. His own case is hopeless, you see, so why shouldn’t everyone else share in his misery? Uh said something to the effect of “that’s all I’ve got left.” He is an amusing and occasionally insightful character, but he’ll take you on a mind-fucking, emotional roller coaster if you let him. He is much like the personality disorder riddled women he rails against in that way. 30
Posted by D'ward on Tue, 24 Jan 2017 20:25 | # If ‘Mike Enoch’ wanted to demonstrate his racial standing, then in the US organizations like 23&Me; and extremely cheap <$100 a sample of which given to a neutral party would clear up the background. 31
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 24 Jan 2017 23:09 | # There is another test that needs to be performed. One which will confirm or disconfirm the rumor that Greg Johnson is HIV positive due to his frequenting gay bathhouses in San Fagcisco. 32
Posted by Compulsory Diversity News on Wed, 25 Jan 2017 02:58 | #
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 25 Jan 2017 06:45 | #
Exactly. The fact that the scandal is ongoing and Mike Enoch has chosen not to do this, shows again that there’s something he has to hide. He knows what’s going to show up in there, and he doesn’t want to reveal it. 34
Posted by daniel carval on Mon, 30 Jan 2017 05:09 | # Mike Enoch was the one who ran to the front of the stage at the NPI conference and did a “Heil Hitler” for The Atlantic’s cameras, which was then featured in the Jewish media, edited purposefully to make the entire event seem as close to a “Nazi rally” as possible. While Mike Enoch had his identity protected by NPI, The Atlantic, and the Jewish media – other people involved – the ones that did NOT pose in front of the cameras and “Heil Hitler” – were not so lucky, and many have lost their jobs and been slandered by the media for simply attending a conference – a conference that, up until that point, never engaged in anything close to “Nazi LARPing.” 35
Posted by Bill Brasky on Wed, 01 Feb 2017 04:25 | # Did this author actually post a Wikipedia article as evidence that the official 9/11 story is true? Did she believe the jew box when it told her about Atta’s intact passport? Another shill covering for the Israelis, I see. Some obvious truth about Kike Enoch + “Ignore those dancing Israelis, goy!” 36
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 01 Feb 2017 06:37 | # Bill Brasky got his comment marked as spam initially, but I’ve brought it back out so that I can respond to it. This is just an example of the kind of nonsense that people say to me sometimes:
Yes, that is exactly what I did. I posted a quote from the events of the day of 11 Sept 2001, and then I said that I agree with the content thereof. I don’t need to even talk about the events of the day itself, because I agree with the story.
Yes. Passports and other light paper items frequently do in fact survive air incidents. It’s not beyond possibility that a person’s passport could be blown across the street somewhat intact while a plane is crashing into a building.
Are you serious? Did you actually read the comment that you are responding to? Let me quote myself for you again now:
It’s slightly amazing that you think I’m ‘covering for the Israelis’ by blasting them at every opportunity. The very comment that you are criticising me for making, is the one in which I am in fact illustrating how Israel got into the inside track of the American decision-making process!
Some obvious truth? If it was so ‘obvious’, then why do all stories in the WN-sphere that have this narrative basically use the template and informational layout of my article, and why are they are posted on a date after Part One of my article was posted? I can tell you the reason. It’s because, I was the first person and this was the first site to carry the story in this way and drawing that conclusion. The ‘obvious’ truth was not ‘obvious’ until I made it ‘obvious’ for you. The Alt-Right sucked their own thumbs and kissed Mike Enoch’s ass for five full years, until finally someone decided to doxx him because he picked a fight with 8chan. At the very least, I was lurking there when it happened, naturally. Even after he was doxxed, for a full 36 hours the whole of the Alt-Right internet sphere was stupidly geared up to write stupid posts in defence of Mike Enoch even as he was being doxxed. It was only after I decided to post an easy-to-understand timeline of events and propagate the narrative that Mike Enoch is an actual Jew, that the tide began to change, as surreptitiously injecting the narrative of my articles with a reputable URL into the social media domain meant that an incestuous cycle of people using and re-using the story-telling style that I used, or linking directly back to Majorityrights, helped to propel the anti-TRS narrative (one of many vectors!) beyond 8chan and 4chan and into the mainstream of the WN-sphere. And yet here you are acting like I’m covering this story in this way because I ‘have to’. No, I originated the narrative of ‘starting the story by talking about the Paypal button hidden field from the 2014 archive’. I consciously and deliberately chose to amplify elements of the anti-TRS memeplex. If you don’t like it, respond back here and challenge me and we’ll actually make time to put you on the podcast as a dissenting view. Seriously. I will invite you onto the podcast, so step up if you dare. You can attack me directly in any way you like, and we’ll find out who is a ‘shill’. I am just open to almost all challengers from now on. On a related note, I once asked someone “Is it possible to compare Kendo to Memetic Warfare?” The response? “Yes. In the case of the latter, your reach is not constrained as much by time or space, and the wounds you inflict don’t heal.” It’s a good answer, and TRS is learning that first hand, in these very days and hours. 37
Posted by Bill Brasky on Wed, 01 Feb 2017 13:51 | # Did you see the giant fireball created by the plane impacts? You honestly think a paper passport could survive that, and be found in the feet of dust and rubble immediately for the cameras? Are you actually an Asian woman? I knew TRS, Enoch at least, was a fraud ever since I heard his take on 9/11. Other clues: (((Trump))) worship, believing every bullshit hoax (Sandy Hook, etc.), over the top Hollywood Nazi violent “jokes”, etc. As for 9/11, I have a really hard time believing any honest and intelligent person hasn’t come across the mountain of evidence, but here’s a chunk: Trump is personal friends with the whole cast of characters. You will have to deal with MLK references, etc., because thanks to “Its dah muslims durr” retardation on the right, this obvious truth has largely been leftist territory. By the way, the idea that Zog simply took advantage of the attacks is extremely weak sauce, for WN propaganda purposes, versus the truth - that is, they FUCKING DID IT. 38
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 03 Feb 2017 08:40 | #
Yes. The passport you are referring to, by the way, was not actually Mohammad Atta’s passport, but rather, it is Satam Al-Suqami’s passport. Flight 11’s debris was mostly contained within the North Tower and was completely destroyed when it collapsed, but some parts of Flight 11 traversed the building and emerged from the other side. For example, components of the landing gear were found five blocks to the south of the WTC complex, and life jackets and pieces of seats and other debris were found on top of the Bankers Trust Building.
So you chose to make a sweeping criticism of me because I disagree with you about this, even though you had not even read anything that I’ve written in the past?
Yes. Obviously.
I’ve heard that one plenty of times from two groups of people: You might want to reconsider your approach when you are basically running interference for Al-Qaeda while you are simultaneously sounding like you have the same values as Al-Qaeda.
Okay, despite the fact that you do not argue with women, I’ll break this absurd Paul Craig Roberts video down to its component parts and give my responses anyway, by timestamp. That way, people can watch the video and read my scathing remarks alongside it. 0. 0:00: Some stupid Martin Luther King quote. I can see they are already off to a bad start. 1. 00:59: The image of the comparison building used, is not the same kind of construction as that used in the construction of the WTC towers. The way in which they collapse would look different, as anyone who looks at the plans of the WTC buildings would instantly understand. 2. 1:04: Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was waterboarded 183 times and his children were threatened. As someone who happens to know a bit about enhanced interrogation, I think that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad should have counted himself lucky that his genitals weren’t literally electrocuted with car jumper cables hooked up to a plug-in transformer, because goodness knows he certainly deserved it. Heard of the song ‘Gangnam Style’? When they were done with him, that’d probably be the only dance he’d ever be able to do. 3. 1:43: This part is not an argument, but rather, is some bleating about “How could KSM manage to outwit everyone and get the attack done?” That question has been answered from just about every angle imaginable at this point, it is a question which every security service on planet earth has considered and implemented some kind of response to since 11 September 2001. You may have noticed some of these responses, ranging from more inter-services information sharing, to the banning of certain items on passenger aircraft, to the creation of a massive surveillance system which is dumping data into massive repositories such as MARINA, which can then be queried and filtered by applications like X-KEYSCORE. You may also have noticed the fact that CCTV is everywhere, and that vetting in the banking sector and in the processing of Visas and other travel-related information, has been tightened. 4. 1:54: NORAD’s response was unfortunately incorrect on the day, because when it swung into motion it had just been in the middle of training exercise, and so across the screens were artificially generated contacts, as well as the contacts representing all the actual planes in flight over the United States, and then amongst them were a few planes that were hijacked, but they had difficulty finding them. Furthermore, when interceptors were scrambled, they followed the old Cold War pattern of flying toward the sea, which was the wrong direction because the threat was actually originating from inland. 5. 2:11: They show an image of Flight 77’s profile overlaid over the Pentagon, with the wings, tail, and engine in red. Obviously the body of the plane sliced into the building, the wings, tail and so on were sheared off, and then the facade partially collapsed during the ensuing explosion. Flight 77’s body was shredded and destroyed in the duration of time that it took to traverse the distance that it went into the building. 6. 2:23: A BBC story from 23 Sep 2001 is shown on screen in which they find a person with the name of the one of the hijackers alive. This is simply silly, as it is entirely possible that two different people can have the same name. For example, “Walid Al-Shehri” might as well be “John Williams”, for all the lack of distinctiveness that name has in the Arab world. Obviously it is not infeasible that someone else has that name, it’s common as dirt, or common as sand, if you will. It is obviously not the same person though. 7. 2:48: Thermite material ‘studies’? Consider what would be needed for this absurd conspiracy theory to make sense. Let’s look at the case of the area above the impact zone of Flight 175 of the South Tower, which was basically Fuji Bank, where the footage of molten steel flowing from 79th to 82nd floor is often looked at by conspiracy theorists. Tons of molten metal were flowing from there. A mole of Fe weighs 54 g. For every mole of Fe produced by thermite, one mole of Al and 0.5 mole of Fe2O3 is needed. 2Al + Fe2O3 = Al2O3 + 2Fe One mole of Al weighs 27 g. 0.5 mole of Fe2O3 weighs 80 g. Therefore, (27 + 80) g = 107 g of Al and Fe2O3 is needed to produce 54 g of Fe. That means the mass of the reactants to that of Fe produced is a ratio of 107/54 = 2. The mass of thermite reactants (Al, Fe2O3) is twice that of the molten iron produced. Comparing the weight of molten aluminium droplets compared with iron: Iron is 7.9 g/cc. Aluminium is 2.64 g/cc. Fe is denser than Al by a factor of 3. For the same volume of droplets, Fe would have three times the mass as Al. To produce the iron from thermite requires a reactant mass that is a factor of 2 more than the iron produced. Also, Fe is 3 times as dense as Al. So, it would take 2*3 = 6 times as much mass to produce the same volume of molten iron droplets from thermite compared with molten aluminium droplets. Let’s say that as little as 20 tons of molten aluminium flowed out of that window, which is only 25% of that which would be found in the fuselage of Flight 175 alone, much less the metal in the actual impact zone itself. In such a scenario, this would mean that Paul Craig Roberts is claiming that at least 120 motherfucking tons of thermite reactants were somehow stored inside of the Fuji Bank floors of the South Tower. A PERSON WOULD HAVE TO BE MENTALLY RETARDED TO BELIEVE THAT. Now consider that on top of that, somehow the conspiracy theorists are also arguing that tons of thermite in canisters survived a 1100 degrees Celsius explosion without the primary charge going off, and then somehow magically it went off later, magically cutting the columns neatly? Besides that, thermite cannot even be used to cut in a straight line, because it combusts chaotically. The entire theory is RETARDED. 8. 03:22: The video advertises that Paul Craig Roberts was ‘Assistant Secretary to the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan’. Is that supposed to enhance his credibility? He exists to channel your dissent in the most absurd directions imaginable. He’s really good at it, it seems. 9. 04:11: The ‘whataboutism’ begins. Roberts alleges that since the US Government has killed Americans before, that somehow magically means that he can just make any claims he wants about anything now. 10. 5:40: Operation Northwoods is dredged back up again. Yes, that was a real plan. However, 11 September 2001 is not Operation Northwoods. 11. 5:57: The moment of John F. Kennedy’s assassination is shown on screen. Perhaps this has an immense psychological effect on ‘patriotic’ American viewers. I on the other hand am presently playing the smallest of small violins. 12. 6:00: Emotional manipulation attempts continue. The Alfred P. Murrah Building Bombing is invoked for no apparent reason. Will they ever get back to 11 September 2001? 13. 7:49: “What has become of truth? It’s simply disappeared!” Yes, I can’t find anything resembling truth in this video. 14. 9:30: Oh, hey, is that Alan Sabrosky? Oh, wow, it literally is. He claims that since the USS Liberty attack was done by Israel to try to entice the United States into a war against Egypt (which is true), therefore somehow magically the 11 September 2001 attacks were “done by Mossad” (non-sequitur, to say the least). It is almost like Sabrosky exists to send people on wild goose chases so that they can discredit themselves. More recently he is Russia’s favourite loudmouthed dissident because he’ll say just about anything so long as it happens to be in vogue in the counter-culture at the time. Standing with him on anything guarantees that you’ll get discredited later on. If anything, Mossad would probably like you to claim that the 11 September 2001 attacks were done by them. That way, you would be immediately called “a nutcase” and relegated to the sidelines.
In other words, you are upset with me because I choose to say that Israel injected its policy preferences into the response to the attacks, through its influence over the office of the Chief of Staff of the Vice President of the United States, because that simple, clean and entirely provable explanation is just too unexciting for your tastes. You want the adrenaline rush that comes from jumping up and down like Alex Jones on steroids screaming “inside job”, because you think that is better for ‘WN propaganda purposes’. That would only be ‘better’ if you happened to enjoy being wrong about facts in the most absurd way possible. Also, I’m not sure when anyone nominated you to be the departmental head of Information Operations at the non-existent ‘WN’ headquarters. 39
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 03 Feb 2017 09:19 | # Phenomenal take-down, Kumiko. However, I don’t think the guy, “Bill Brasky”, is a WN, but rather a troll trying to discredit WN by associating it with ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Posted by Bill Brasky on Sun, 05 Feb 2017 22:01 | # Yes Daniel (do hebew names even require the ((()))?), go with someone (A WN??) claiming to be a gook female who has lots of experience with “advanced interrogation techniques”. That really doesn’t raise any eybrows… This was an advanced bit of word salad/squid ink. Norad “just happened to be disposed of”, etc. What a bunch of bullshit. Im not even going to get into it, lady. Anyone who uses the CIA coined and poisoned disinfo term “conspiracy theorist” as a pejorative is either in on it or a retard. It looks like a combo of conventional explosives and thermite, anyway (hence the explosions recorded, reported by many first responders, etc.). Do you even know about the Project for a New American Century, etc.? They practically spelled out the plan before and after, but thanks to disinfo agents like you (and Alex Jones, that reference alone shows your depth of knowledge) they will get away with it and the next one. Did you actually accuse me of being Al Queda? Do you understand that’s a creation of ZOG, along with ISIS? You are either an agent or a lightweight with a lot of time on her dainty little hands. 41
Posted by Bill Brasky on Sun, 05 Feb 2017 22:07 | # Also, funny how you don’t address the infamous “dancing isaeli” Mossad agents arrested by NYPD and sent back to your, I mean their homeland free of any charges? 42
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Mon, 06 Feb 2017 12:05 | # Some observers may be wondering why I’m even allowing Bill Brasky to continue this plainly ridiculous conversation. I allow it because I’ve always stated that it’s important to see what kind of messaging and signalling our ideological opponents try to engage in, and because my first post here was to describe Majorityrights as “freedom of speech’s front porch”, a view I intend to maintain. With that said, I’ll now address the whole of Brasky’s post, just as before:
Right out of the gate you manage to get something blatantly wrong. DanielS is an ethno-nationalist who has been active on the scene in the United States and in Poland for more than 25 years. Additionally, I’ve seen Daniel’s National Geographic Society Genographic Project (Geno 2.0) results with my own eyes. It shows that Daniel’s ancestry is 100% European, he is 36% Northern European and 43% Southern European. This is entirely logical, given that his mother’s side is Polish and his father’s side is Italian. People from Catholic families are given Christian names, and those names tend to come from the Christian holy book. You may be already aware of that, though. His mtDNA Group is U5b1e1, which is indigenous to Northern Europe.
Obviously, I can’t be a White Nationalist, because I’m Asian and therefore the adjective ‘White’, does not apply to me.
Trying to dehumanise me with the word ‘gook’ is so 1970—1980s. You do realise that the psychological effectiveness of that word was diminished significantly after the Vietnam War, right? Also, do you really think that DanielS is going to respond to you like, “Oh, right, Miss Oumae is an evil gook who cannot be trusted, why did I not think of that before?! You are now my new best friend, Bill!” Do you really think that’s going to be his response to you? Seriously?
I did not say the word ‘experience’, you chose to insert that word yourself. The actual language I used was “happens to know a bit about enhanced interrogation”. Anyway, yeah. East and South Asian state actors literally invented half the human resource exploitation techniques that are presently in use in the Global War on Terror, and the other half was knowledge transmission from the British Empire’s Northern Ireland troubles. So, it would be pretty normal to know about that, yes. Hence why I said it. Also, why do you care if Islamic fundamentalists get waterboarded or placed in stress positions while they are being asked questions about their plans? Why do you care about the welfare and psychological well-being of radically-conservative religiously-fervent Arab ‘’‘'refugees’‘’‘? Have you forgotten which side you are supposed to be on?
No, it wasn’t. I don’t do ‘word salad’, because I don’t have enough rhetorical flourish with which to make that kind of salad. I simply responded to each of your questions, and then I dismantled the video that you posted by responding to each piece of it with timestamps, and then you got upset.
Nowhere in my response do the words you’ve placed in quotations exist. NORAD failed to prevent the attacks for the reasons that I described in my previous comment to you, which you are simply not addressing. Instead you are trying to change the frame by seeing if you can induce me to engage your distorted rewordings of what I wrote. Not going to engage that! Address what I actually said!
Oh look, I’ve been rehumanised! When you began your comment, you used racially-derogatory language, calling me a ‘gook female’ when you were addressing DanielS, but now I’ve been elevated to ‘lady’ when you address me directly. That divergence is one of those things that is harder to notice in speech, but it stands out clearly when it’s written down. I can believe that you really are an American WN now, since that is the kind of cognitive cowardice that they have historically had.
You are seriously right now claiming that I, Kumiko Oumae, somehow participated in doing 9/11, because I used the term “conspiracy theory” to describe the conspiracy theories that you are propagating. There are three problems with this other than the fact that you are being completely fucking delusional: So, there’s that. Even leaving aside the absurdity of the claim on its face, there is practically no way that I could have been ‘in on 9/11’. It has to be craziest part of your comment.
No it doesn’t. I explained in my previous comment how that is basically impossible. The entire floor plan of Fuji Bank inside the WTC would have had to have been nothing but boxes and canisters of thermite reactants and explosive charges, in order for your conspiracy theory to actually be possible. Given that Fuji Bank really existed and actual business was being conducted there, and given that Fuji Bank’s office there wasn’t packed with explosives, your theory is nonsensical.
What the first responders and the recordings heard and captured, were the ‘booming’ sounds of floors collapsing onto each other in progressive collapse.
Are you even reading the posts that I write before you waste my time with these questions? The very post which I wrote and which you are now criticising, contained a link to a 2002 Guardian article which refers to that very plan directly. So now I’m having to quote myself! Here:
If you click the link, and scroll, you will see that the Guardian article which I linked to blatantly contains the following paragraphs:
Of course, ‘Clean Break’ could not have been sold to the Americans under the blatantly Israeli packaging. To induce the Americans to take actions that would fulfil the objectives of Israeli commanders, the State of Israel had to explore every avenue of communications operations, and one of those avenues was to use their contacts in the United States to shape the contents of ‘Project for a New American Century’ so that it would complement the objectives of ‘Clean Break’. To actuate it, required them to leverage their assets inside the political structure of the United States. They had many ways to do that, one of the most significant ones being the fact that they had Scooter Libby in the Office of the Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States. Thus, Israel was able to get on the inside track of the decision-making process that was taking place in the United States and was able to shape the parts of the response to the 11 September 2001 attacks that they found to be of high priority to themselves. For some reason you keep disagreeing with me whenever I point this out. This is the third time I’m revisiting this point now.
No, I am not ‘disinfo’ and I’m not to blame for anything, because I’m not part of that structure. To blame Asians would be the most stupid possible thing you could do. We are not the ones who have been enabling the Israelis. You’ve been the ones who are doing that. The reason that the State of Israel gets away with shaping the American decision-making process so often, is because Americans are retarded. Frankly.
No. I said that you share the same apparent social values as them. My writing is pretty straightforward, it means what it says.
No, because that is not actually the case. At least not in the way that I suspect that you mean it. You have to be more specific in your language. ‘Create’ in what sense? In the case of the United States, the United States cultivated in the 1960s—1980s a series of Islamic networks with aim of building American foreign policy in the region as the United Kingdom was relaxing its engagement in the Middle East and South Asia after the Second World War. These networks served varied purposes, some were overtly pushed toward the Soviet Union, and others were cultivated for the purpose of undermining indigenous progressive movements in those regions so as to preserve economic structures and business contacts which American national power was enmeshed with. Out of the lattice of those networks arose what is now known as ‘Al-Qaeda’, which was making a bid for power in its own right. The United States does not have operational control over Al-Qaeda, and in fact, the attacks of 11 September 2001 showed not only that there was no operational control, but that the Islamists had (obviously) not evaporated after the collapse of the Soviet Union in Central Asia in 1991. The core elements of Salafist-Jihadism pre-existed the modern 20th Century conflicts. It cannot be understood solely through the lens of the 80s War in Afghanistan, and it cannot be understood solely as some kind of culture war. I could write at length about this subject, but in the interest of keeping this comment short, I won’t go further than that.
Funny how I didn’t address a thing that you didn’t actually ask me about. But I guess you are asking me about them now in a passive-aggressive way, so I’ll address it. They really did exist, by the way. These are their names: 1. Sivan Kurzberg Those are the dancing Israelis that you are referring to. There’s a high certainty (note my use of language here again, I don’t over-extend my claims) that two of them were working for Mossad and that the others were the occupational furniture arranged around what is believed to be a monitoring campaign that the Israelis were engaged in. All of them were arrested, and their case was transferred to the FBI under the Foreign Counterintelligence Section. The FBI investigated the company Urban Moving, based in Weehawken, New Jersey, as they believed that the whole company may have been a front for some kind of Mossad operation. They also turned out to have been working in the US illegally because all of them had overstayed their visas. However, CIA officials then intervened to prevent them from being deported, because if they were deported to Israel then they would probably just vanish without any of the questions being answered. It was later confirmed that Paul Kurzberg had previously worked for Israeli intelligence in another country, and that increases the likelihood that what the FBI had come across was indeed an Israeli intelligence front company. The FBI sifted through all the documents at the Urban Moving company and held the five Israelis for 71 days in detention, and subjected them to polygraph tests and all the rest of what accompanies being detained and interrogated. Ultimately, the FBI determined that these people did not have foreknowledge of the 11 September 2001 attacks. What remained unanswered was why they were smiling and dancing. It could be said that the reason that they were in such a good mood, was that from their perception an attack against the United States had just afforded them the ability to influence the response to those attacks, and in the crisis they were already seeing an opportunity for themselves. After that point, the US government and the Israeli government agreed to a deal to give them their operatives back, and so American officials bundled all five of them onto a plane and deported them to Israel.
Whatever that even means. The first response I wrote to you consumed in total 20 minutes of my time. This time I used up 15 minutes. I’m not sure what your definition of ‘a lot of time’ is, but you would have to come up with some better and more substantive criticisms if you want to make me really put in time arguing with you. So far, all you’ve done is accuse me of not knowing about things that I transparently and obviously know about, you’ve engaged in posturing and feigned outrage, and you’ve accused me of various random things. All because I won’t agree with your conspiracy theory. None of that can work on me. I’ll leave it to the other onlookers to decide whether I responded to your questions in a satisfactory way. 43
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 06 Feb 2017 16:21 | # Pretty darned satisfactorily, I would say. But what’s all this about you being a gook who cannot be trusted? Daniel told me you were a mail order bride from Birobidzhan who said she’d show him how to get an Israeli passport. 44
Posted by "We got a lot of killers [too]" on Mon, 06 Feb 2017 17:49 | #
Comment by DanielS P.S., For the record regarding GW’s joke in the comment above, #42, I, Daniel, said nothing of the kind, not even jokingly! 46
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 06 Feb 2017 23:04 | # Well, it’s not for my sake, really ... if my girlfriend thinks something like that might be remotely true, she goes crazy 47
Posted by Bill Brasky on Mon, 06 Feb 2017 23:22 | # I’m surprised you aren’t just deleting my comments, and I can’t help myself, so here I am again. So you admit the Israeli Mossad agents were arrested after celebrating the attacks, and you somehow spin this around in your head to not even indicate that they had foreknowledge. They had a camera set up, and later admitted on Israeli television they were “there to document the attacks”. You literally claimed that it’s plausible a paper passport of a hijacker was recovered from the giant fireball created upon impact. That is blatantly insane. There is no sense in arguing with anyone who would believe such a preposterous and transparent lie. The way the buildings fell - at freefall speed, approximately 10m/sec^2 - indicates the massive steel structure inside the building (full of living people, it wasn’t a giant furnace) was destroyed in a controlled demolition. You could have dropped a ball from the impact site at the beginning of the collapse, and it would fall at the same rate as the rest of the building that was designed to withstand bigger jet aircraft impacts. No such collapse has ever happened before to a steel framed skyscraper as a result of fire before or since. It happened thrice that day, once to a building that wasn’t directly hit (Building 7 did have some structural damage, contrary to a popular bit of disinfo. The way it collapsed uniformly and spontaneously is the important point.) There is no other way to explain what we see with our own eyes - let alone the molten steel, and building 7 which collapsed in another apparent controlled demolition hours later. Of course the entire subject has been saturated with tons of disinformation, on purpose. “holograms, space rays” etc. Anyone who doesn’t know the basics by now is hopeless. I’m done here, I don’t need yet another reminder of how stupid our people are and how infiltrated the pro white spaces are. Too depressing. 48
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 10:00 | #
Why would that be surprising? I’m fully aware that you chose to start this at Majorityrights precisely because you knew that you’d be arguing against me, and because you know that I wouldn’t delete your comments and that I would instead engage you on every point. It’s obvious. I’m practically the only person who always lets this happen, every time. If you had tried this on Greg Johnson at Counter-Currents, or Andrew Anglin at Daily Stormer, or Hunter Wallace at Occidental Dissent, or whoever, they would’ve removed all your comments instantly because they have harsher moderation policies. Also, I assume that they don’t have the facts on hand to just respond off-the-cuff, whereas I do. So the decision-making process is different for me than it is for them. I take a different approach because I think that sunlight and openness is the way to handle disagreements. In the case of the 11 September attacks, I don’t think that every person who brings a ridiculous conspiracy theory is doing it for the specific purpose of derailing threads. Sometimes a person who does that is simply sincerely wrong, and perhaps silent observers are also sincerely wrong in the same way. So it is better for me to take the time to engage the arguments in that case. There is something to be said for the idea that if a conscious agent of Mike Enoch had wanted to derail this thread, they would have done no differently than you have done. But even then, I would still have engaged the substance of such a person’s arguments anyway. It’s not beyond possibility that Enoch’s people would try to send people to write attack-comments here against me that would distract from the fact that Enoch is a massive infiltrator who is working to advance Israeli-American interests. However, I think that you are not deliberately creating distractions. You’re just wrong about facts—facts which I’m having to openly correct in the sunlight.
I just described those events in my previous comment. Your use of the word ‘admit’ is a weird one, given that it implies I’m standing between goalposts, or that I’m making some kind of concession. The Mossad is a state actor for an adversarial power, I do not have to be coaxed into putting them under the bus. From my perception, their place of residency is under the bus by default. They are already under the bus. Look at the site you are having this conversation at. You asked me to talk about the Mossad presence on the scene. I did so. It’s like: BRASKY: Will you ever talk about how the Jews are Jewing?! The only way that exchange could be more ridiculous is if you were to have me cosplaying as an Asian British Commonwealth officer in 1948-style Mandate of Palestine or Transjordan BDU while you asked those questions. ‘Admit’. It’s not ‘an admission’, it’s simply a description of reality. The really pertinent question is not “Is Israel Jewing?” The correct answer to that question is always “Yes”, so it doesn’t even bear asking. The really pertinent question is, “In what specific way is Israel Jewing in this situation?” The specifics matter, because the answer will affect your decision-making and policy preferences.
No, I simply don’t reach beyond what the available information actually indicates. There is nothing which indicates that they knew that the 11 September attacks were going to happen before they happened, nor is there any indication that they knew the way in which it would happen.
Context time. I’ll ask two questions and then answer them. When did they set up the camera? What specifically is the ‘there’ which they were talking about on television? From eyewitness accounts, we know that the Mossad people set up the camera after the attacks had already begun to take place. They went back to their moving van, and tried to video what was happening. Then they seem to have realised that they didn’t have a good vantage point, so they went up onto a roof and continued recording from there. The ‘there’ which they were referring to on Israeli television, is ‘the roof’. They are saying that they went onto the roof to document the attacks, they were not saying that they were in New York that day in the expectation that they’d be filming an attack. Their behaviour at the time, and their explanation of it, does not seem to indicate that they knew about it before it happened. Or, to put it in a humorous way, what was happening there was not pre-planned Jewing. Rather, it was spontaneous Jewing. It’s a very important difference. A difference which leads to—for example—you and I arriving at entirely different conclusions about what the Global War on Terror has actually been about, and what actual reality looks like. To say the least. It also leads to me supporting measures to actually defend people from a threat that you don’t seem to think exists. And then you getting mad about it.
I claimed it was plausible that a passport can be thrown with the other debris into a place where it could have been found, yes. I didn’t say that it was inside a giant fireball, though. Clearly it wasn’t, since it was part of the debris that was thrown clear of the building.
The WTC buildings did not fall at freefall speed. Where does this myth come from?
Wrong criterion. What is interesting about WTC1 and WTC2 is that they were in fact a break from the tradition of skyscraper construction that had preceded it. It used lightweight construction material and modular construction methods. The WTC towers were not a standard ‘steel framed skyscraper’ in the way that you have categorised them.
Al-Qaeda is pretty dangerous!
WTC7’s collapse was neither uniform nor spontaneous. WTC7 was damaged by falling wreckage from WTC1. The wreckage struck the building on the western side of its south face and this ignited fires on floors 7 to 9 and 11 to 13. Normally, this would cause the sprinkler system to switch on, but this failed because the collapse of WTC1 and WTC2 had already severed the water lines which connected to that area of Lower Manhattan. This meant that the fires continued to rage out of control inside WTC7. After 7 hours of these uncontrolled fires, a steel girder on the 13th floor failed and floor 13 collapsed, causing a series of collapses down to floor 5. Column 79, which now was no longer supported by a girder, buckled, which caused in turn a cascading succession of structural failures moving east to west. All 23 columns, as well as the exterior columns then failed. And that’s how WTC7 was destroyed.
And you can’t see how you may in fact just be another part of that phenomenon?
That’s a truly ironic way for you to end your comment, given that you are making this comment in part two of my three-part (so far) series on how Mike Enoch infiltrated the White Nationalist movement in the United States. You entered this thread, ignored the topic which was Mike Enoch the literal infiltrator, and set about instead attacking me, an Asian woman who has been exposing that infiltration. But hey, the fact that I refuse to accept your 9/11 conspiracy theories, is apparently more enraging to you than the fact that Mike Enoch infiltrated your movement for five years without being detected. Consider the absurdity of that. Apparently in your view the problem is not Mike Enoch. Rather, in your view the problem is me.
I should be the one who is depressed, not you. 49
Posted by Bill Brasky on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 13:54 | # This is why I don’t argue with women, even intelligent ones - the appeals to authority, to THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE of the herd, as if that has some kind of metaphysical power over reality. You seem to have a typical, completely unfounded faith in the official stories from institutions and organizations that are “in charge”. They are all bought and paid for by the money the jews print out of thin air, and beyond that, are compartmentalized and operate on a need to know basis. The arrested mossad agents were part of a giant network of spying, of unprecedented scale, uncovered before and during the attacks. Watch “Missing Links” and see if you can hold on to your comforting illusions about 9/11. The dual citizens and Israeli companies behind every single aspect of the operation, from security at ALL the airports, a shipping company that moved out of a tower, forfeiting a 50k security deposit weeks before the attacks, Israeli firms that sold off the steel murder evidence to china while it was still hot, the list goes on and on. That last one should clue in any honest person - swift destruction of murder evidence for profit. The buildings had unprecedented amounts of steel reinforcement: The assertion that I am somehow pro-muslim is just tard-level, something I would expect from the likes of Bill O’reilly or a Trumpcuck. Of course Muslims are the enemy as well, but they are just the low-iq golems of the main enemy. From what I understand of history, that has literally always been the case. They would never dare to come in our borders if we weren’t subverted by the enemy. I brought this up because I saw you try to hand wave the profoundly important topic away above. As I said earlier, I found it obvious, due to the 9/11 issue and many others, that Mike Enoch is a lying fraud. Accusing me of covering for him by bringing up factual information about the most important event in modern history (countering your disinfo), is bizarre. 50
Posted by Bill Brasky on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 05:07 | # Nothing says winning an argument like silencing the opposition. I’ve found others are on to your bullshit as well, shill. 51
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 09:03 | # Anyone who opposes me is free to come here and argue with me. You haven’t been silenced at all, and I continue to welcome any and all challengers. Regarding your talking points, you are just shifting from one desperate thing to another. It’s like playing Super Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels, every time I destroy you in one weakly defended castle, you just abandon it instantly like it never existed, and you flee to the next ramshackle condemned structure of a castle and dare me to play through the next set of stages to reach it with no apparent change in morale. Look at this thread. I have to break into Asian-British dialect here, it’s so incredible. You have made it happen now. Because seriously. All your arguments are in complete wreckage on the floor, and you still have the gall to be actually running bantz? I mean, come on, famalan. You are literally the WN 9/11 conspiracy-theorist Bowser at this point. 52
Posted by Bill Brasky on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 14:27 | # You haven’t dealt with a single one of my points, then pretend to have won the argument, waving the flag of victory for rhetorical purposes. I’m sure if Kissinger had been clueless enough to accept Bush’s invitation to take part in the 9/11 “commission”, you’d be quoting his expert opinions as well. You clearly aren’t dumb, so that makes you a liar. And I really don’t think it’s just to yourself. 53
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 16:19 | #
I’ve been dealing with literally every single point that you’ve been raising.
Wow, really? I was thinking literally the same thing about you. Except you are the one walking around with the name BRASKY, so explain that.
I don’t like Henry Kissinger (Kissinger is extremely anti-Asian in case you somehow weren’t aware) and I don’t think he’d be qualified to write for NIST about buildings collapsing anyway, so the answer on that one is “no”.
You what? That bait is now mediocre and stale. Bill Brasky, when are you going to admit that you were sent here to basically troll so as to see if you could get some good information for whatever study the behavioural sciences division of whatever American agency you work for (DHS?), is looking to glean today? I’m just asking. You know that I’m never going to give you anything new or interesting that I haven’t already talked about at Majorityrights already, right? Why even bother with all this? I’m sorry to break the fourth wall so soon (I was intending to string you on for at least another week), but your game is just too obvious. Did you think I was going to get mad at some stage and start trying to prove to you, when you are a semi-anonymous troll, that I’m “really not a shill okay and here are some wonderful anecdotes from my life to prove it to you, oh troll, please analyse them?” Get real. You Americans are absolutely garbage at this and you need to tell your boss to go right back to the drawing board and start over with some new model that is totally different from whatever stupid idiotic model that he (and it will be a man, only a man could fuck up so grandly) is using. 54
Posted by LeadEagle on Sun, 13 Aug 2017 10:09 | # I am just curious if anyone ever considered that Peinovich could be a plant. I mean, could he be a fraud? Its interesting to me that he rose to his leadership role, from what I can see, around the time that Trump won the election. I did a little searching and found evidence that Peinovich may be liberal. There’s that his wife is Jewish, and alsoi some very damning photos of Peinovich with his half black step brother. Theres also the most damning one of him attending a gay themed show with his wife with his hair done in a commonly gay style, with makeup on, and chewing on a painted thumbnail…i dont see many repblican men doing stuff like that. My first impression of his more recent photos was that he actually 4looks gay to me. Im conservative but not ultra far right, but i am very concerned that leftists are infiltrating the Republican party in an attempt to destroy us. We all know that they are fully capable of that. Especially after what happened today. 55
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 13 Aug 2017 10:35 | # Peinovich almost certainly is a plant: but not from “the” left, as in a White left (although his mother is red left, i.e., Jewish internationalist, non-national left). Peinovich is a plant for a coalition of Jewish and right wing interests - that is the underpinning of the alternative right - Jewish marshaling of right wing reactionaries against socially organized nationalists - including Whites. 56
Posted by Atzmon drops the other Jewish shoe on Mon, 29 Jan 2018 04:57 | # Like us, Atzmon recognizes The Alt Right as controlled opposition. And interestingly, his interlocutor unhesitatingly refers to Mike Enoch as a Zionist Jew (Atzmon doesn’t object). As usual, he leaks some useful information that you can pluck from the talk. However, Gilad Atzmon continues with his strategy of denouncing not only Israel, but all ethno nationalism and identitarianism. That is, he is attempting to advance and inflict the other half of the Jewish pendulum - liberalism.
Posted by Enoch and Isaac Cohen schmoozing on Mon, 12 Feb 2018 03:26 | #
....and isn’t Enoch Peinovich cozy… Note that he confirms Kumiko’s thesis that “the Alt-Right” has its roots in (((Frank Meyer)))‘s paleoconservatism:
This link should have the full show: 58
Posted by Dinaroid on Wed, 14 Feb 2018 17:28 | # Idk if he is a plant or not but you should stop spreading lies about his last name. Its like saying Mirko Filipović or Stipe Miočić are jews. There is nothing strange about that surname. Mike Enoch Peinović is a Serb as he claimed. 59
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 14 Feb 2018 17:51 | # No, DON’T YOU LIE. Spelling his name the way he himself spells it - Peinovich - is not a lie.
Posted by Dinaroid on Thu, 15 Feb 2018 13:42 | # DanielS 1. Mike Enoch claimed he had Serbian ancestry before the dox At this point its a stretch to call this guy a Jew, only thing weird about him are his eyes! He is more likely an alien then a Jew. 61
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 15 Feb 2018 14:12 | #
He claimed that.
Nobody said that he wasn’t, or couldn’t be, part Serbian.
It is far FAR more common for Jews to phoneticize their names like that. But I never considered that to be proof of his being Jewish, only one of several things that rhyme, rather (((echo))) about him.
We were not talking about PEINOVIĆ or PEJNOVIĆ, we were talking about Peinovich.
Who said anything about Balkan or claimed to give a shit about it? Nobody here gives a shit about 6.8% Balkan. That’s a straw man (Although Peinovich calls Albanians “shit tier” and thinks that they should have been genocided.).
And what percentage Jewish is he? Ashkenazi Jews are often 50% European or more.
He may have claimed that as a cover story for his “exotic” (Jewish?) appearance.
Who was taking him to task or cares about his having a “drop” of Serbian? Are you suggesting that we should not think of 6.8% Serbian as “very Jewish’, as if we think that? if we were vigilant about a “drop” of Serbian? You call ‘Yanks’ dumb?
His alien pupils are not the only weird thing about him, not even the only weird thing about his appearance. He is all too familiar and comfortable with Jewish ways. His recent talk with ((Halsey))) was more like a Jewish child being cowed by his mother. He suffered Halsey the way you must a family member - despite Halsey being insufferable, Peinovich felt no recourse but to wish that he would come around. Why even dignify (((Halsey))) with a platform unless you are a facilitator of the Jewish framework? The answer is, because Peinovich/Enoch is that: (as with Lauren Southern) a facilitator of the Jewish controlled framework, charged with getting out in front of controlled opposition. 62
Posted by Dinaroid on Thu, 15 Feb 2018 19:25 | #
I am not convinced about that and you saying that is hardly proof. You have any stats or examples? I only called that statement bullshit! Thats all.
This is why i called you dumb lol Why don’t you press him to post the full raw data? Instead of making up theories!
I don’t think he is exotic looking, he has a so called typical old European “Cro-Magnon"phenotype to me. This guy below is dinaric, probably originally a Serb from montenegro. What would be the motive? I will grant you guys one thing…
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 15 Feb 2018 23:04 | # Posted by Dinaroid on Thu, 15 Feb 2018 20:25 | #
Examples of Jewish people using an “ich” ending instead of the Slavic “cz” or IĆ, are abundant.
She would be better to answer for herself. But what I would say is that it is not bullshit because the ich ending is an Americanization. There is no bullshit to that. I would add, again, that that phoneticization of the ending is typical of Jews (as I said, typical of Jews, obviously not proof of itself). The part of his being part Russian Jew is plausible, as almost all Jews in Eastern Europe were in the pale of the settlement; and she traced it back to her satisfaction that the claim is warrantably assertable. For me, it was always enough to be critical and suspicious of Enoch, to write him off, in fact, as a right wing functionary - wittingly or not, in service of Jews. Whether he is genetically Jewish is not most important. Nevertheless, there are many things that echo with him - the loyalty that this guy still has for Trump, etc. etc. (((echo, echo, echo))).... (((“these damn leftists!”)))... and so they would be the problem to the Jews now that they are ensconced in the seven power niches.
Really? What is dumb about that dummy?
Are those his results?
It is Kumiko’s thesis that he is a Russian Jew. My “theory”, rather way of looking at him has been, and remains, that he is a right winger. That is enough, I didn’t need to theorize about his being genetically Jewish, but don’t want to interfere with Kumiko’s hypothesis in order to flush him out. If he really is not genetically Jewish it would not be a problem for me. I posit two key adversarial groups to ethnonational sovereignty - Jews (which includes Jewish international “leftism”) and right wingers. It is not necessary for him to be a Jew for him to be fundamentally destructive and misleading to White interests, his right wing chicanery is enough.
Ok. Whatever.
Ok, Enoch Peinovich could be just a (to me) weird looking European, who marred a Jew, who relies on an unusually high verbal I.Q. to schmooze along, with considerable insight and empathy into a Jewish perspective and to promulgate a Jewish provided meme-ology and motives.
The motive would be to get out in front of the opposition (as it is in reaction stage) and control it. Lauren Southern would be doing a similar thing.
People are going to be “red pilled” about the Jews anyway, so they need to try to control the reaction, and put a good face on it - see how much good work Lauren Southern is doing in South Africa? It was those “Lithuanians” who brought Marxism to the African National Congress.
With Jews intermarrying more with Whites (preferably smarter and richer ones, while browning the others away), so that there are the purer Jews, and the rest of Whites are partial Jews, lording their chosenism from their chosen enclaves over the browned-out hoards.
For you it might be important to prove that he is a Jew or not. For me it is not. Again, the important point for me is his right wing position.
If you want to talk about the holocaust and the Masons you are probably not sufficiently emancipated from right wing reaction yourself. 64
Posted by Hidayat rizvi on Sat, 14 Apr 2018 11:38 | # I worked for a Jewish boss for 4 years. Taked and looked at him eye to eye every day at work. Mike Enoch sounds exactly like him. Mike Enoch looks exactly like him. Take that for what it’s worth. 65
Posted by Hidayat rizvi on Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:40 | #
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Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 22 Jan 2017 11:21 | #
I wonder what wise words the late, great Fred Scrooby would have uttered about Mr Peinovich (or, indeed, about the AltRight in general, which he would surely have found curious).