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Are there Conspiracies?

Posted by Guest Blogger on Tuesday, 02 September 2008 20:59.

Two book reviews by Dr K R Bolton FCIS

An online survey on the beliefs of 5700 New Zealanders showed that 22% believe it “likely” that “a secret elite cabal controls world affairs”, with 21% responding that they don’t know, and 57% stating “unlikely”. (Sunday Star Times, C2, 31 Aug. 08).

Given the ridicule attached to “conspiracy theories” the percentage is encouraging, indicating that a significant proportion of New Zealanders are aware of political realities, or at least discern intuitively that something is amiss.

While such beliefs are lumped in by the Sunday Star Times with superstitions and whether Elvis faked his own death (to which very few responded positively) etc. the ongoing success of alternative news -stand magazines such as New Dawn from Australia, and in particular Jon Eisen’s Uncensored (NZ) show that many New Zealanders are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with what had been described as the ‘village idiot theory of history’ - that stuff just happens at random - as portrayed by the mass media.

The following are two book reviews on conspiracy theories, adapted from an article originally appearing in the first issue of Restoration Magazine.

Cyclicity of Conspiracy Theory

The popularity of conspiracy theories follows cyclic trends after periods of crises. The French Revolution gave rise to the modern theory of conspiracies in general, ascribing the subversion and breakdown of the traditional order to the influences of Masonic coteries, including the Illuminati, from whence other conspiracy theories have followed, often encompassing communism, Zionism, international finance, and such groups as the Bilderbergers, Council, on Foreign Relations, Lodge 322 and Trilateralists.

The 1905 Russian Revolution popularised the hitherto obscure Protocols of Zion, again with a Masonic theme, but with a Jewish façade, although doctrine of the Protocols has nothing of the nature of Zionism per se about it.

Since such theories were generally of a ‘right-wing nature,’ and often linked to ‘anti-Semitism’, World War II drove them into disrepute.

The Cold War revived conspiracy theories, and 9/11 has given impetus to a revival of interest in covert cabals such a Masonry not seen since the Russia Revolution. Impetus has been added with the revival of alternative religions and the questioning of mainstream religion, including the popularity of books such as those about the alleged Prior de Sion by Baigent, et al. They have also revived an interest in the role of the Illuminati.


Madeleine, Haut de la Garenne, Dutroux, Franklin ...

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 10 August 2008 09:29.

The story in yesterday morning’s Telegraph was unambiguous and damning:-

Old boy network is obstructing police investigation

An “old boy network” of officials is deliberately obstructing police investigating decades of alleged abuse at care homes in Jersey, according to the police officer who spearheaded the inquiry.

Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper angrily hit out at the figures who he says have engaged in a “day by day attack” on the inquiry team and the alleged victims of abuse at Haut de la Garenne and other island institutions.

In his most outspoken criticism of the Jersey authorities, Mr Harper told the Telegraph: “I can quite clearly say that the investigation is being held up. There are people on the island who just don’t want us going down the route of this inquiry.”

... More suspects would have been charged by now, said Mr Harper, if it hadn’t been for delays in the island’s legal system.

“We are walking through treacle at the moment,” he said. “One file has been with the Attorney General’s office since April 29 and it’s still showing no signs of moving at the moment. It’s been very frustrating.

“I don’t think they are involved in child abuse, it’s more like an old-boy network.

“The ordinary people of Jersey are overwhelmingly in favour of the inquiry, but how many expressions of support and sympathy for the victims have we heard from the politicians? None. They don’t do sympathy for the victims.”

This situation of the investigator obstructed at every turn by shadowy Establishment forces crops up with alarming regularity in large-scale child abuse cases.  In Jersey the obstruction takes the form largely of an official code of silence.  Since Jersey is a family holiday destination, one could charitably conclude that these are the machinations of a pack of Larry Vaughn types (Vaughn being the “don’t-rock-the-boat” Mayor of Amity artfully played by Murray Hamilton in both Jaws and Jaws 2: “I’m only trying to say that Amity is a summer town. We need summer dollars. Now, if the people can’t swim here, they’ll be glad to swim at the beaches of Cape Cod, the Hamptons, Long Island ...”)

Jersey, however, is a highly successful if no longer entirely off-shore banking centre.  Its wealthy residents are perfectly content to avoid prying eyes - indeed, that’s the whole point of being there.  There is, then, a darker materialism at work on the island than a mere interest in ice cream sales and beach balls, and this interest is surely what Harper means by “an old boy network”.  The implication for any revelations damaging to the zeitgeist of confidentiality, never mind allegations of child abuse, are plain.  There will all too probably be an outbreak of “official incompetence”.  As the News of the World reported on 13th July:-

An inside source told The News of the World: “There’s a strong suspicion that the files are being held on to until Lenny Harper goes and a new team is in place.

“No one will be surprised if the truth about what happened in the care home never surfaces and once more the evidence gets swept under the carpet.”

Lenny Harper has now gone from the enquiry.


Crimes that our grandchildren will see

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 02 July 2008 12:11.

MR commenter Alex has posted (and is still posting!) some very interesting material on one of our recent threads, and I think it merits a full post.

In it he links two aspects of the NWO project: the deracination of European Man and the creation of a new United States of North America.  In its entirety the project - literally the creation of a Global Age of the Power Elites - is dependent on nation-killng, of course, and that is deeply dependent on the destruction of racial diversity.  For racial diversity is the whole of nationhood in the West, and without it there can be no ethnic (or, indeed, moral or ideological) counterwieght to the project.

The source material that Alex uses here is intriguing.  It is a progressive manifesto from almost 140 years ago.  One phrase from it I found particularly revealing.  Describing the Future Deracinated Man it says he will possess “very different intellectual and moral characteristics from those which we possess today”.

We know our fight is for the life of our people itself.  We don’t always appreciate in what little regard that life is held by our true adversaries.

Here is the post constructed from Alex’s comments.  My thanks to him for bringing this to our attention.

Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See

One of the few things I’d agree with FDR about is that things don’t just happen ‘by chance’ regarding political matters.  Below is an excerpt from a book published in 1870 in the US by ‘progressives’, yes, the very same sort who about 60 years later would be thinking Stalin and his ‘five year plans’ was the greatest thing since sliced bread.  The first section of the book describes the first ‘one hundred years progress’ of the United States (between 1770 and 1870) examining increasing production figures and values in those years in great detail for a wide variety of products.

Towards the latter portion of the book the writer attempts to describe things as they would be one hundred years in the future, in 1970.  That section of the book is entitled
Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See; or, One Hundred Years Progress in the Future’, and it’s the part of the book from which the extract below is taken.

The future man is described on pg 515.  Perhaps they should have called this “the future economic man.”  Due to the American peoples wishes regarding immigration being respected at certain times, this has not come about in 1970.  It’s not for lack of trying on these peoples’ parts though.  One can’t help but notice the language used on this page (I’ve provided a link to it beneath this excerpt) is the same as would be used were a rancher attempting to breed a new strain of livestock.  It does seem what is described in this excerpt is what they (financial and business elites, and multi-cultists) are trying to do throughout the West in 2008.

‘The Coming Man’

Business Advertisement Promoting Multi-culturalism

“But the future man of the American Republic will be a thoroughly composite being. It is not simply the union of the Mongolian and Caucasian types to which we are to look forward, but an agglomoration of almost all races and nationalities to make up the coming man. The old English of New England, Virginia, and the Carolinas, already blended with Huguenot, Norman French, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, French, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian blood, will receive from the Canadian French on the one side and the Hispano - Americans on the other, an accession of French, Spanish, and Portuguese blood not wholly free from an admixture in all degrees with the Northern Indian, the aztec, and the negro races, and these, with the blending in our own Southern and Southwestern States with the African stock, and the combination in the not distant future of Chinese, Japanese, Hindoo, Malay, and Polynesian, will give to the average American of a hundred years hence, a darker complexion and very different intellectual and moral characteristics from those which we possess today…”

Now I’ll post a few additional excerpts from Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See as they fit in with the subject.


Bilderberg 2008

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 12 June 2008 23:07.

Flemming Rose of cartoon fame ... George Pratt Shultz, 88 this year ... Dimitris Papalexopoulos, CEO of a Greek cement company ... Paul Wolfowitz, the first president World Bank to be (effectively) dismissed in its 62-year history ... There were some strange birds in Chantilly, Virginia when the Bilderberg 2008 came to town between 5th and 8th June.  Amongst all the usual political, banking, legal and multinational suspects, there were about a dozen CEOs of companies I have never heard of.

Why was Harold Goddijn of the Dutch car satnav specialist TomTom invited to participate?  RFID?

And as well as the Greek cement guy, Bertrand Collomb, Honorary Chairman of plasterboard manufacturer Lafarge, was also in attendance.  So what’s the fascination with cement and plasterboard?

It’s certain, of course, that we will never really know.

Here, anyway, is the full list of attendees as published by Prison Planet:-


Elite Wiki

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 12 August 2007 23:34.


It would be interesting to hear the opinions of our commentariat of the Global Elite Wiki that is being constructed here.  By definition, the complex and arcane web spun by the power elite is something the little people, the nobodies can know very little about.  But this appears at first glance to be a solid, sober and extremely comprehensive attempt to rectify that.  Have a nose around.  See what you think.

DC and NY

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 30 May 2007 00:05.

So the outsider, the Iraq man Wolfowitz just didn’t have the class or inspire the confidence to lead the World Bank on the nine-year trek towards the sunlit, global poverty-free uplands of 2015.  A really rather minor problem with his somewhat unlikely girlfriend, Shaha Riza - just a matter of arranging jobs, steepling pay rises, and “outstanding” ratings in performance reviews, nothing really - has proved fatal.  All a bit of a shock for someone doing probably only what he thought everyone always did.  This time next month the Wolf will be stoically packing away his unused WB-imprinted toilet rolls in his WB-embossed briefcase, and walking out into the DC night a banking giant no more.

Despite pleas from several member-nations for the choice of successor to be thrown open to non-Americans, President Bush announced his man for the job today.  It’s career diplomat turned Goldman Sachs banker, Robert Zoellick.  An administration official said that his dual experience “makes him uniquely prepared to take on this challenge.”

Prepared certainly.

After the Wolfowitz resignation, the man charged with “finding” a successor was US treasury secretary Henry Paulson.  Now Paulson is, some may be surprised to hear, a Christian Scientist.  But the important point is that he is actually Goldman Sachs to the core, having joined the bank in 1974 and succeeded to the post of CEO in the early 2000s.  He has a net worth estimated at $700 million.  Like each of his three previous Goldman Sachs CEOs, Joe Corzine, Stephen Friedman and Robert Rubin, he found the pull of a government appointment too strong and took up the post of Treasury Secretary in June of last year (it was thought at the time that one Robert Zoellick might beat him to it).  Strangely, a former colleague at Goldman Sachs, Bob Steel, has just been nominated as Undersecretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance.

This cosy relationship between money and power has been going on since the days of FDR, when Goldman Sachs then head Sydney Weinberg made the switch.  He argued for other senior executives to follow him in a second career as a public servant, and the trend was quickly established.  It is recognised in the recruiting strategy at the bank, which consciously seeks managers with government experience.

Robert Zoellick - no Christian Scientist, by the way - is such an individual.  It must have been a tough job for Paulson to root out a man with such rare gifts at ... Goldman Sachs.  Among these is a past association with Team Bush, namely that in the run up to the 2000 Presidential Election, Zoellick served on a foreign policy advisory group known as the Vulcans, led by Condoleezza Rice.  Other group members included Richard Armitage, Richard Perle and ... Paul Wolfowitz.  Small world.

But then Zoellick goes back with Wolfowitz, Armitage and Perle well into the nineties.  All three were signatories to a letter to President Clinton drafted on 26th January 1998 by the PNAC calling for “removing Saddam’s regime from power.”  Small, small world.  Just as it is designed to be.

The problem of the power elite

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 29 December 2006 19:14.

It is the chief myth of our age that the legitimacy of government is derived by Lockean consent.  Consent is the founding principle of democracy and everyone knows how sacred, beautious and alround super-desirable democracy is.

Well, we do, don’t we?  That’s what we are told, anyway.  But it doesn’t matter.  It really doesn’t matter what we think because all the noise about consent is a screamingly obvious sham.  The interests of the ruling elite simply do not lie in its own submission to popular consent.  They lie in securing and ever-strengthening its hold on power, infuence and wealth.  The elite will, therefore, seek by any and all means the submission of the people to that end.  It will manufacture consent long before it will relinquish what it loves.  And where consent cannot be manufactured it will resort to more coercive means, only the most benign of which is to spin popular opinion into its opposite (“We are more tolerant oblique open to change oblique eat more chicken tikka marsala than ever”) and blithely go about its business.

In this essay I will explore the roots of the modern managerial power elite, that loose association of political, cultural and corporate players who, though constantly changing, are nonetheless changeless and number globally perhaps no more than a few tens of thousands.  It is an alliance of interests and natures and origins.  In its generality it is not a conspiracy, although at the highest, most Bilderbergian levels all the characteristics of conspiracy - exclusivity, secrecy, conversation and decision - do indeed apply.  Even there, though, I wonder whether most of the 130 or so little big men who get to be ushered past “Security” really are the stuff of global dictatorship.  We do well to remember that the elite is not wholly of one mind and arose, indeed evolved over a lengthy period from a multiplicity of directions and through several agencies.  In all important respects that evolution was more organic than conspiratorial and more accidental than organic.


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Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

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