Chinese slur ‘White Left’ as Cultural Marxist shows Jewish power, influence, aversion to White Left I’ve known for some time now that since about 2011 or 2012 that the Chinese have unfortunately adopted the “White Left” as a slur term for White (or what they perceive as White) cultural Marxists and corollary liberals. However, I’m not really worried about the Chinese smear “White Left” for a couple important reasons. White Left (ethno) Nationalism is internally consistent in its position. And in its rule structure, it is not only totally different from cultural Marxism and liberalism, it is in fact closer to the opposite in its disposition to White (European descent) boundaries and borders, regarding rather a serious concern to curate our history, to maintain our inheritance and lineage. This internal consistency of White Left definition is immediately verifiable as such and can be referred to at any time - the application of the term has been consistent in its call for an effective genetic unionization of our peoples - recognizing in and out groups - genetic group(s) called “our” people as opposed to genetic friends and enemies - this provides for accountability to human ecology, historical social capital; and crucially, among the important reasons to retain the moniker “left”, accountability against potential elite betrayal (as they are in key positions to do most damage from limited positions); along with safe guarding not only the interests of rank and file, it ensures criteria (“union rules”) that provide for their accountability as well, against any propensity which they, as rank and file, may have toward over-liberalization of national/group bounds, viz. significant transgressions of bounds and borders. White Left (ethno) Nationalism is Nationalist - therefore it is not liberal, it speaks of ecological delimitations of peoples, not universal liberalism as the Chinese smear term would describe, or similarly, as our smear term “Red Left”, i.e., Jewish left, would be descriptive of - a “universal leftism” - i.e., a universal liberalism which the Chinese call White Left and what I call “Red” or “Jewish Left”, is prescribed by Jewish interests and their internationalist right wing cohorts, prescribed for others and instigated of them to participate in activism toward a withering away of the state in favor of an arbitrarily composed and controllable international proletariat. Whereas our Class, the White Class, corresponds to the whole delimited ethno Nation, rich, poor, private property and business owners, whomever, innocent until proven guilty - as a rule, accounts requested should be kept to a minimum. But because we are accountable as nationalists, of our rank and file while maintaining a vigilance on elite betrayal and liberal internationalism, we are therefore able to cooperate with our left nationalist friends, such as the Chinese and other left nationalists, against right wing / liberal imperialism as it would be imposed by Jewish interests along with their right wing/liberal White cohorts and their Muslim and black shock troop enforcers. Finally, the Chinese term, White Left, that has been in vogue in China since about 2011 to label White/Jewish Cultural Marxists/liberals, is a word spoken in Chinese; while we speak English and take full advantage of our capacity to define White Left Nationalism as we see fit, and have done that, consistently. It is entirely different from liberalism and cultural Marxism. Rather it is true security in what is most important and true liberation for our people, our sovereignty as such. If anything, the Chinese use of the term “White Left” as a smear only confirms Jewish hegemony over prevailing and pervasive discourse - with cultural Marxism reaching its apex during the final days of television’s pre-eminence (a horrible situation where this TV box issued propaganda and you could not talk back, interact and correct what it was saying) in the early 1990’s after the fall of The Soviet Union and before the advent of the internet. The dialectic between Jewish left and Jewish right began a slow, controlled evolution away from the Marxist culture of critique following the fall of communism; and went into full swing in the other direction of Jewish controlled dialectic, with the sub-prime crisis of 2008, as Jewish consolidation of power niches made criticism of “the right” no longer to their advantage, now that they were on top of seven power niches - critique of the right began to “intersect” against their interests - i.e., a continued critique of the right and popularization of a friendly disposition toward a left perspective would highlight their unjust power and influence; as such would call for unionized alliances against them. Hence, they have marshaled the hegemony of discourse more and more against “the left”, with the spearhead “Alternative Right.” At this point, they have so successfully hoodwinked the masses it seems the YKW have everybody constantly ranting against “the left” convenient, what a Cohencidence! Of course they rattle on with a bunch of cliches - typically accusing us of trying to apply artificial concepts to nature, of being anti-nature, being on an impossible quest for “equality”; and they constantly interpose straw men as opposed to what we are really saying - saying cultural Marxism and liberalism are “the left” - when, in fact, these “movements” are the opposite of left activism, the opposite for White unionization, anyway - i.e., anything but a “White Left.” But they carry on with these cliches and ridiculous distortions that cultural Marxism has promulgated, oblivious to the fact that we are not guilty of the theoretical errors, gross distortions of hermeneutics and social contructionism, the flagrant violation of scientific fact that they point to as examples of “our perfidy” in advance of their newly (((consecrated))) heroic bastion of truth and anti-PC, the “Right” and “Alt-Right.” And so I say to my Left Nationalist Chinese comrades, with a wink at that term, comrade, what you are calling “White Left” is not a White left at all, but cucked Whites and cucking Jews who are imposing liberalism and cultural Marxism upon the west, opening its bounds and boundaries with the aim now of aligning its right wing reaction against Muslim “extremists”, “Hispanics” and Asians. The Left as liberalism is an oxymoron that the regular right and Alt Right slavishly partakes of, as their Jewish flank does and would have them do. A White Left (ethno) Nationalism observes the principle of unionization, its recognition and maintenance of in and out groups, which is the opposite of liberalism and its arbitrary doing away with any such provision for accountability to unionized bounds and borders. To repeat in sum, the Chinese slur ‘White Left’ as a designator of Cultural Marxism and its liberal activism shows Jewish discourse hegemony and influence, its diversion from true White Left Nationalism. It is a testimony to Jewish hegemony in discourse heretofore and how much they don’t want a true White left. It is a reflection really, of how much the YKW and their right wing cohorts, sell outs, loyalists to their elitist ilk, whatever, don’t want us to have a concept of a proper White Left, unionization of our peoples to provide for social accountability and vigilance on elite betrayal as such, in a way that right wing, objectivist and otherworldly criteria do not provide - they propose disingenuous and naive avoidance of social accountability. It just goes to show how comprehensive that the Jews have been in denying a White left, in cucking the very notion, that they have the vast nation of China calling White liberals and cultural Marxists, “the White Left” Maybe Black Pigeon Speaks isn’t Jewish, but I’d want to see a DNA test to prove that, both for reasons of what he says and for how he looks - seems quite Jewish on both counts. And yes, he fits well, even if ad hoc, with the Jewish marketing campaign of Jewish hegemonic interests against “the left” - particularly in this propaganda piece to promote the Chinese slur of liberalism and cultural Marixism as “White Left.” Along with the deception of hegemonic Jewish discourse, one by which they are doing all they can to align White advocacy with their Jewish interests against “the left”, one must also take into account the fact that if Jewish crypsis can fool White people into not making a distinction between Whites and Jews, think how much more their crypsis would fool Chinese!
Kumiko Oumae: Also, the yellow stuff symbolises the ethnic groups. daniel sienkiewicz: Anyway, for now, its most important for me to be internally consistent, which I am. Kumiko Oumae: Eg, the big yellow star flanked by four little stars on the China flag, is Han Chinese plus ethnic minorities daniel sienkiewicz: So they are claiming “left nationalism” for red and yellow? daniel sienkiewicz: and not left internationalism in the Jewish sense? daniel sienkiewicz: as in eradication or withering away of the state on behalf of the international workers union? It just goes to show how comprehensive that the Jews have been in controlling the discourse so as to deny a White left, because they know how serviceable that a proper definition of the term would be - they’ve tried to cuck the very term and have the vast nation of China calling White liberals and Cultural Marxists, “the White left.” However, adding the term “Nationalist”, and more specifically “ethnonationalist” to the term White Left, helps greatly to counter its being misunderstood as liberal or cultural Marxist. That helps, along with our internal consistence and its reliable heuristic utility indeed. It is a reflection really, of how much the YKW and their right wing cohorts, sell outs to their nation/ loyalists to their elitist ilk, whatever, don’t want us to have a concept of a proper White left, unionization of our peoples to ensure accountability and vigilance on elite betrayal; how irresponsible they are to the nations which birthed them and to the means by which nationhood would provide for the human and pervasive ecology necessary for world maintenance. Some background on the Jewish hatred of the White working class: Kevin MacDonald: on Jewish hatred of the White working class. In Europe, the Jews saw the White working class turn to Hitler and “national socialism” as opposed to Marxist communism as they felt the White workers should do. In America, the White workers were contented in making sufficient money, if not as “millionaires who’d not yet arrived.” Hence the Frankfurt School’s Cultural Marxism. With the “activist” supreme courts advancing school desegregation, ‘civil rights’, reverse housing discrimination, affirmative action, government work, welfare abuse and a pervasive rule structure of PC, i.e, cultural Marxism, it is more than legitimate to look at “institutional racism” - i.e., anti-social classification and unionization - as being against Whites, especially rank and file, the White class not in position nor inclined to sell out full class (i.e., racial/national) interests. Comments:2
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 09:38 | # There is eminently good reason to begin with a social outlook - as opposed to the right wing reaction against sociology, perhaps on theory of some magical “Calvinist”, as opposed to social sourcing, e.g. -
Social constructionism sensitizes us to social interaction, accountability, agency and the conceptualization of the group; along with critical attention to those who might betray our group interests, membership and social capital. Which is exactly the heuristic sensitization that we need and exactly what Jewish interests don’t want us to have. Furthermore, with attention to the group unit of analysis, one is placing not only emphasis on that unit of analysis which Jewish interests are targeting for elimination (anti racism is anti group classification for Whites), but is maintaining the more speculative, delicate, difficult to maintain and precious historical, systemic bounds - aligning rather like one of Kant’s first principles - these are harder to maintain and harder to rebuild once violated. Therefore, most important to maintain, while empirical verification and testing can always be invoked. Thus, better to err in the direction of “principles”, i.e., with sensitization to the social group and its systemic bounds. In viewing Tim Snyder’s discussions, I am proud to find confirmed my assessment of Hitler’s remiss, his runaway war mongering consisting in a kind of natural fallacy and disregard of praxis - its reconciliation and integration with theory all better philosophers sought in counter to the enlightenment’s prejudice against prejudice. For Hitler, “nation” and “peoplehood’ was supposed to be a purely “natural” struggle for survival. Any social or negotiated concern was “Jewish.” In fact, to be against the social unit of analysis and its integration is not only dangerous, it is particularly stupid. It’s a bit like like saying “a telescope is bad” and “only a microscope is good.” Particularly stupid when what we need is “the telescope” in order to monitor our broader patterns, the destruction done and potentially yet to come. It is further stupidity to deny the telescope when the telescope user welcomes contributions from the microscope user. We all know that the YKW have abused sociology, that is all the more reason to take hold of the group unit of analysis, not to deny it - god, how stupid to not see that! 3
Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 09:56 | # I became aware of the term “baizuo” earlier this year after reading this article.. The author makes some interesting observations, for example most anti-baizou netizens live in the West and support Trump. 4
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 10:17 | # ..and again, a reason to maintain the term “left” is that it is closely related in ordinary language not only with group perspective, social unionization and accountability, but with a reasonable accountability to the normalcy of human imperfection, struggle, agency and compassion therefore. By contrast, the right wing is justifiably associated with an alarmingly oblivious lack of accountability and lack of reasonable compassion for its objectivism. Given that European intelligence likely corresponds with a level of sublimation requisite of imperfection, high social trust and social accountability as opposed to the hyper assertiveness of black symmetry, it is particularly important that we take hold of this position - as “White left nationalists” - as it is natural to ourselves, and sufficiently relativising of our interests, which we need as antidote to Jewish exploitation of our penchant for right wing objectivism; along with that, a susceptibility to react into head long, impervious, unaccountable right wing overcompensation, (as Hitler did) to the point of stupidity - a brutal stigma which the YKW are all too happy to altercast, hence their insistence on our identifying with the right, far right and alternative right. ...and to falsely equate the left and its accountability and compassion as if it is, or should be, primarily concerned with obsequious liberalism, jealousy of excellence, concerned for those without the group, as opposed to primarily focused within group and coordination broadly with other, friendly groups. 5
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 19:33 | # Chinese think spergs white knighting for jap pussy are retards. But will not turn down offer of Siberia regardless. Thanks, suckers! Lulz 6
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 23:25 | # I guess there’s a difference between “white knighting” and remaining aloof from fights over Siberia - particularly beyond Lake Baikal, it gets hard to defend as an ethno-state; even worse when it comes to Sakhalin island. I don’t think my geopolitical position is based wholly on pussy, CC - in fact, like most White Americans, having been abused enough by American women, I’ve had a tendency to give Russia too much benefit of the doubt for that reason; and am probably ahead of a good percentage of WN in correcting for naivete about the Russian Federation. Seriously now, and more to the point, I had not given Siberia a great deal of attention - it was sort of beyond the scope of something I could do anything about, even if there weren’t other matters that needed tending. If ethno-nationals want allies then what they are seeking in alliance has to be reasonable. Having said that, happy New Year CC, wishing you the best White pussy imaginable my friend!
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 00:57 | # CC, Ethnic nationalism is not an imperialism. Actually, up to the point when some enemy emerges with ideas about taking one’s own land for its empire, ethnic nationalism sits perfectly well with the core principle of humanitarianism (which I quoted in a post the other day). That principle is formulated best in Matthew 7:12 which, in the KJV reads: whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them. Certainly, nations who do not wish for the dysgenesis of perpetual warfare can operate on that basis. 8
Posted by Lisping Richard Spencer goes for a big lie on Fri, 05 Jan 2018 12:51 | #
DanielS: You’ve got that entirely backwards Richard, it was the right which, at times, might’ve used collectivist means, war, etc., but it was still this free floating ideology that floated liberal-ward into dissolution of unionized interests. The neo cons (neo Trotskyites) didn’t just float over Iraq, they were operating in the Jewish collective interests of operation clean break, same as your boy Trump is, when now floating over Iran. So, the deal is that the proprietor of this hangout is apparently Jewish and some complicit French right winger concluded in this manner: Warski (((?))): “It was a popular hangout and we made good money on it. Number one hangout attended world wide while it aired.” Spencer said that he would agree to give Florida to blacks - Spencer: “sure, why not? Let’s do it.” Warski (((?))) and Jean said that Roosh V. is White They said that one quarter blacks are White (and that Spencer would agree to this, as well). Frenchy concludes by adding that in his ethnostate he would not discriminate on the basis of race. Spencer makes the correct argument that groups do have ‘rights’ in a sense that they are able to impose rules on the individual. He is wrong, however, in saying that Lockeatine rights are “irrelevant”... They are highly relevant because they define what it means to be an American - i.e., a civic nationalist, having civic individual rights detached from group interests other than American law. That is, at least for Whites. Whites are not allowed to invoke and assert their collective interests over the civil rights of others. Blacks and some other groups designated as victim groups by cultural Marxism can invoke and assert their group interest in America to an extent. 9
Posted by Kate on Fri, 05 Jan 2018 14:57 | #
(((Warski))) and Jean said that Roosh V. is White Jean is a mixed (native american ) canadian (probably jew, like most altright) 10
Posted by Frenchy on Sat, 06 Jan 2018 04:36 | # Frenchy is from Quebec, Canada, and he says that he:
He uses the word “extremists” a lot ..a rhetorical angle that one would hear from Bill Clinton’s Jewish spokesperson, Mandy Grunwald, back in the 90s. Jean-Francois also puts across a lot of the biological determinism, particularly ‘our fate is sealed’ kinds of arguments that you will hear from Jewish proponents of right wing perspectives - Illana Mercer, for example. More, Jean-Francois displays kosher highlights with a rather counter-Jihadist point of view and talk of “western civilization.” ...which (((Lauren Southern))) does along with Black Pigeon Speaks. 11
Posted by Mandy Grunwald on Sat, 06 Jan 2018 05:46 | # 12
Posted by Clinton's "War Room" on Sat, 06 Jan 2018 06:25 | # While Grunwald (upper right) was excoriating “extremists” at a time in the 90s when correction for decades of liberal reverse discrimination was vastly overdue and instead, when PC was going into overdrive thanks to her kind of “moderation”... Carville (lower right) constantly lambasted as “sex crazed” the investigation into the Bill Clinton - Monica Lewinsky affair. Note the woman in the upper left. She seems to be looking at Mandy Grunwald with horror. 13
Posted by Nowicki gets it totally wrong on Mon, 08 Jan 2018 09:56 | # Andy Nowicki gets an important matter absolutely wrong, as usual: He looks at the same segment of discussion that I had in Spencer’s talk with Sargon, Warski et al (and if I - DanielS - were paranoid, I would suspect that he’s up to his usual tricks among his cadre tasked with diverting from and obfuscating the MR platform). He says that Spencer was claiming that the state had “legitimacy” beyond critique in “the right” to enforce certain rules. That is simply a fact about which Spencer is basically correct. The state is granted structural parameters of enforcement regarding obligations, prohibitions and legitimacy. That doesn’t mean it is all legitimate and beyond question, that it is all enforceable or that enforcement cannot get out of hand. Again, where Spencer is totally wrong is in his suggestion that Locke (viz. Lockeatine rights for individuals) are irrelevant to that fact. While we’re Nowicki picking: Andy gets this important matter totally wrong too And he would get that matter wrong, because he is one. He says the shill is one who makes everything about the Jews. Well, we don’t do that at MR anyway, but still, that’s not how to spot a shill: How to spot a shill, like Andy, is by their determination to drive attention away from Jews, and direct it onto “the left” or “PC” and Cultural Marxism” alone, as Andy does, saying that there are good Jews on the right… 14
Posted by NPI director Evan McLaren interviewed on Mon, 08 Jan 2018 11:18 | # 15
Posted by Right wing observations on the controlled right on Tue, 16 Jan 2018 07:58 | #
The problem with these guys, McCarraon and Kushel, like Renegade and Nick Spero which they took as inspiration, is that they are not grounded (in social praxis and hermeneutic correction), and so they wind up veering off into nutty conspiracy theories (e.g., Sandy Hook); and ultimately, back into right wing theory in order to try to anchor themselves. However, they are seeing a similar thing as we are, and now and then have some pieces of the puzzle to contribute to critique of the right, whether Alternative Right or the variants before that re-branding. I like the way that McCarron confidently sees a coherent line of Jewish control of the right, notably with Roy Cohn as an ally of Senator McCarthy and his investigations of communist infiltration of politics and Hollywood to Roy Cohn’s Cohencidentally going on to become the mentor of President Donald Trump. Trump recently decried his lack of the now deceased attack dog lawyer upon special investigator Robert Mueller’s Russian probe: “Where’s my Roy Cohn?”. Greg McCarron talking to Tim Kelly of “Our Interesting Times” (7:10):
Posted by (((Ilana Mercer))) on Tue, 16 Jan 2018 08:51 | #
Posted by mancinblack on Thu, 04 Oct 2018 12:08 | # Malaysian PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad doubles down on his criticism of Israel and Jews during a BBC Hard Talk interview… 19
Posted by Greggy presents for Black Pigeon Speaks on Mon, 08 Oct 2018 10:49 | # ...meanwhile, Greg Johnson is being interviewed and giving most fawning appreciation to the man that he formerly referred-to as “douche-bag” - Ramszpaul. Ramszpaul asks Greggy about the apparent contradiction between how “The Left” welcomes immigration - wouldn’t that be against working class interests? Greggy explains to us that “The Left’ has long ago given up on the White working class. They see the White working class as the same kind of people who voted for Adolf Hitler.” Perhaps Greggy doesn’t want to focus on the fact that these are the same types who fought Hitler in far greater numbers, as that would not highlight his niche market…of big, strong, hunky, middle class Aryan man whom he can simply devour. Apropos to Ramzpaul’s final suggestion, he presents his right wing rear for entryism, he would be most happy to talk with Ramzpaul and (((Black Pigeon Speaks))) together, because he just loves Black Pigeon Speaks. 20
Posted by An empathetic Chinaman on Wed, 14 Nov 2018 12:03 | # The Chinese problem for Whites as described by an empathetic Chines man Post a comment:
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Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 08:23 | #
One difference that I’m seeing in this definition of White Left, as defined in our interests, as distinguished from classical liberalism, is that classical liberalism seemed to emphasize benevolent and rather blindly administered accountability from administrators of the state and institutions; whereas, in this concept of White Left Nationalism, there would be more emphasis on accountability working both ways - rank and file would be accountable to the ethno nation state, i.e., to the union of its people as well. And elite administration would be accountable to not be quite so altruistically benevolent and blind in its administration of help beyond ethno-national loyalty and interests.
Where it would help non-nationals, it would generally be there - in their nations - and it would be a matter of the silver rule (as opposed to the golden ruse, er, rule); i.e., it would be to our benefit as well.