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Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 02 November 2016 22:58.
TNO, “White British: Minority within 50 Years” 2 Nov 2016:
Mass nonwhite immigration, explosive immigrant birth rates, and declining white reproduction will have ethnically cleansed white people in Britain into minority status within the next 50 years, new statistics have confirmed.
A new report has revealed that white populations in towns and cities are dwindling at record levels and in many cases have halved over the past ten years alone.
A street scene in London, near the iconic “Gherkin” building in the background.
The report, issued by a UK government adviser on “community cohesion,” Prof. Ted Cantle, and Eric Kaufmann, Prof. of Politics at Birkbeck College, said that many towns and cities, such as Birmingham, Leicester, Slough, Luton, Bradford, and London, have seen areas develop where the white British population is “increasingly dwindling” as minorities increase.
Professor Cantle cited the Yorkshire town of Blackburn as one of the most segregated towns in Britain, whose Whalley Range area is now 95 percent Asian.
According to the report, the white population of England has dropped to 79 percent of the total, down from 86 percent just ten years ago.
The city of Slough has seen its white population drop from 58.3 percent to 34.5 percent;
Birmingham from 65.6 percent to 53.1 percent;
Bradford from 76.0 percent to 63.9 percent;
Leicester from 60.5 percent to 45.1 percent;
Luton from 64.9 percent to 44.6 percent;
Blackburn With Darwen from 76.0 percent to 66.5 percent;
Coventry from 78.3 percent to 66.6 percent;
Brent from 29.4 percent to 18.0 percent;
Tower Hamlets from 43.1 percent to 31.2 percent;
Newham from 33.6 percent to 16.7 percent;
Hounslow from 55.7 percent to 37.9 percent; and
Redbridge from 57.2 percent to 34.5 percent—all in once decade, from 2001 to 2011.
All these figures are, the report fails to point out, already more than five years old, so the situation in 2016 is likely to be as much of a gap again, compared to 2011.
Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 12 October 2016 00:17.
Council of European Canadians, “Deadliest Birthrates Affecting All of Humanity, Part IV. Recipient of Third World Population Overload: Western Civilization”, 9 Oct 3016:
The driving force behind mass immigration into Western countries is the bloating populations of the Third World seeking fresh lands to inhabit.
No one escapes this human juggernaut. Those added 3 billion people onto this planet within the next 34 years will invade first world countries. Let’s take a look at what that means for the West.
How did the first three parts of this series affect you? Did you understand the enormity of what humanity faces in the next 30 years? How about the rest of the plant and animal life on this planet? What about your children? What about the oceans? What about quality of life?
Are you astounded that the mainstream media suppresses this demographic issue at all costs? Why? Answer: they lack intellectual comprehension that they will not escape its grip on them or their children. Catholics via the Pope, Islam, Hindus, Christians and virtually all religions stand in denial of this demographic juggernaut bearing down on humanity.
Yes, the media reports every consequence of overpopulation as to worldwide hunger, water shortages, species extinctions, wars for resources and catastrophic climate destabilization. But no one, not one world leader addresses or attempts to speak up on what we face.
If I could fulfill my own quest, I would see to it that every human being watch this short video by my friend Roy Beck. In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of Numbers USA, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.
As you can see, no one will escape the ramifications of the next added 3,000,000,000 (billion) people to this globe. No one will escape the implications of adding 138,000,000 (million) more people to America within 34 years. You may expect those consequences to invade your state, your community and your family.
Remember this: third world citizens will not stop their birth rates significantly enough to stop overloading their countries. Therefore, they will contribute to the 3.0 billion added, hungry and desperate refugees looking for a country to land.
In 2016, the United Nations estimates that 60,000,000 (million) refugees lack water, food, energy and homes, and look toward first world countries to immigrate. Their numbers will grow to 150,000,000 to as high as 200,000,000 (million) refugees by 2050 — a scant 34 years from now.
What Western Countries Face with the Refugee Armada
Canada houses 36,000,000 (million) people in 2016. Because of mass immigration, they expect 41.1 million by 2050. To give you an idea of Canada’s dilemma, let’s look at the numbers. We know Canada as a “big” little country. That means it’s “big” but lacks ample arable land to grow crops. While its citizens chose 2.0 birth rates since 1970, its leaders forced massive immigration onto Canada. It faces food shortages, environmental breakdown, accelerating carbon footprint damage, species extinctions and lowered quality of life.
Europe houses 742.5 million people in 2016. It encompasses 3.9 million square miles. Not much bigger than the United States at 3.1 million square miles. The United Kingdom houses 62 million people in a landmass less than the size of Oregon. Oregon features 4.0 million people. Germany at 82 million holds less land than the state of New Mexico. That state holds 1.8 million. The tiny country of France holds 66 million. While Europe faces tremendous overcrowding today, it faces mass immigration overrunning every border of all of its countries from Middle Eastern and African population overload.
Australia holds 24 million in 2016, but expects to reach 38 to 48 million by mid century via mass immigration. It lacks water and arable land, but powerful developer interests force immigration onto that desert continent as if tomorrow never arrives.
In contrast, the USA holds 325 million in a landmass at 3.1 million square miles, but as you saw from the immigration invasion, America expects 438 million by 2050 and 625 million at the end of this century.
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”
As you can imagine, immigration solves nothing. It stalls the inevitable for every Western country: ultimate collapse from overloading carrying capacity of every receiving country.
Can enough activists be created out of a series like this to create a movement to stop mass immigration into Western countries? Goal: we need a national discussion-debate on the future of our civilization. It’s not going to happen by itself. That discussion-debate begins with you.
I work with top names in this arena who bring even greater knowledge and science:
Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 11 October 2016 07:17.
BuzzfeedNews, “Revealed: Nearly Half The Adults In Britain And Europe Hold Extremist Views” 7 Oct 2016:
Exclusive: A groundbreaking new study of 12 European countries has revealed how far anti-immigrant, nationalist, and authoritarian attitudes have spread from the political fringes.
Almost half of the adults in 12 European countries now hold anti-immigrant, nationalist views, according to major new research that reveals the spread of fringe political views into the mainstream.
BuzzFeed has been given exclusive access to new data from YouGov, which polled more than 12,000 people across the continent to measure the extent of what it termed “authoritarian populist” opinions – a combination of anti-immigration sentiments, strong foreign policy views, and opposition to human rights laws, EU institutions, and European integration policies.
The YouGov findings are the first to capture the political attitudes that are both fuelling, and being fuelled by, upheaval across Europe and beyond – from the continent’s refugee crisis and the Brexit vote in Britain, to the burkini ban in France, to the rise of Donald Trump and the radical “alternative right” in the US.
In Britain, the poll found authoritarian populist attitudes were shared by 48% of adults, despite less than 20% of the population identifying itself as right-wing. Three months on from the EU referendum, prime minister Theresa May has responded this week by appealing directly to disaffected working-class voters with a promise to crackdown on immigration and reassert British sovereignty.
In France, a clear majority of people surveyed – 63% – held authoritarian populist views, while in Italy the figure was 47%. In Germany, it was 18%, which appears low by comparison but, given the country’s history and the extreme nature of its far-right groups, is regarded by analysts as surprisingly high.
The highest levels of authoritarian populist views were recorded in Romania and Poland, where they were held by 82% and 78% of adults respectively. In Lithuania, by contrast, the poll did not did not detect any evidence of the authoritarian populist phenomenon at all.
Hover over the map to view the proportion of authoritarian populists in each country.
*In Romania authoritarian populist attitudes were pro-EU unlike in the other countries surveyed. Chris Applegate/BuzzFeed
Well then, these views are not “extreme” in any terms but those of the (((legacy media))).
Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 09 October 2016 07:16.
DM, “We don’t want them”: Mayor leads hundreds of French villagers as they take to the streets to protest against the arrival of migrants from the Calais Jungle”, 8 Oct. 2016:
French villagers are protesting the arrival of migrants who are being dispersed around the country as the government shuts down the slum-like camp in Calais that has become a flashpoint in Europe’s migrant crisis.
Competing rallies were being held Saturday in Pierrefeu in southeast France.
It comes after Calais officials say they will be starting the process of bulldozing the sprawling camp within nine days.
Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 05 October 2016 03:13.
Macleans, “China is buying Canada: Inside the new real estate frenzy”
How China’s affection for Canada’s real estate is reshaping the nation’s housing market well beyond Vancouver
Paul Shen can tick off the reasons Mainland Chinese people buy property in Canada as surely as any fast-talking B.C. realtor. Some long to escape the fouled earth and soupy air of their country’s teeming cities, he explains, while others are following relatives to enclaves so well-populated by other Chinese expats they hardly feel like foreigners.
The richest, of course, regard homes in the West as stable vessels for disposable cash, but Shen lays no claim to such affluence. Last spring, the 39-year-old left behind his middle-management advertising job in Shanghai to seek the dream of home ownership he and his wife couldn’t afford in their home city. “We just followed our hearts to begin a totally different life,” he tells Maclean’s, adding: “We can make the house dream come true in Canada.”
The starting point was one-half of a modest duplex near downtown Victoria, close to the university where his wife is seeking a master’s degree, and priced about right for their limited means. Selling points ranged from the quiet of the street—perfect for their six-year-old son—to the stunning Vancouver Island vistas all around. High on his list, though, was Victoria’s comfortable distance from the bustling Chinese communities of B.C.’s Lower Mainland. As Shen—betraying his limited knowledge of pre-settlement Canadian history—puts it: “We wanted a place that would allow us to live with the natives.”
It’s hard not to smile at his idealism. Substitute any one of two dozen nationalities, after all, and you have a chapter in Canada’s cherished narrative of migration, settlement and shared prosperity.
But as a Chinese newcomer with a buy-at-all-costs resolve, Shen also personifies a phenomenon dividing those “natives” he’d like to call his neighbours. In the past five years, the flow of money from mainland China into Canadian real estate has reached what many consider dangerous levels, contributing to a gold-rush atmosphere in the nation’s leading cities, while stirring anger among young, middle-class Canadians who feel shut out of their hometown markets.
Its impact on Vancouver’s gravity-defying boom is the best known—and most hotly debated—example, as eye-popping price gains leave behind such quaint indicators as average household income, or regional economic activity. “We’re bringing in people who just want to park their money here,” says Justin Fung, a software engineer and second-generation Chinese-Canadian who counts himself among those frustrated by Vancouver’s surreal housing market. “They’re driving up housing prices and simply treat this city as a resort.” Full story at Macleans
B.C.’s natural resources are being gobbled up by foreign entities at a record pace. Increasingly, those entities are controlled by governments, such as China’s, that may have motives beyond mere profits. (Return to B.C.‘s Top 100 of 2011.)
It’s that potential for conflict of interest that has a few people worried. Jock Finlayson, executive vice-president of the Business Council of B.C., appreciates the “investment renaissance” that B.C. is now experiencing, but recommends a cautious approach.
“Canada needs to look at this,” he says. “I don’t know what the right answer is, but I do agree that the private-sector rules don’t apply to state-owned organizations, and it’s not just the Chinese. It requires an explicit look. Do we hold them to a higher test? They are going to have to do it sooner rather than later.”
John Bruk, who 27 years ago co-founded and headed the Asia Pacific Foundation, pulls no punches on this topic. He sees a need for some concerted action before too many horses have fled the barn. Bruk has prepared a comprehensive analysis of the track record of the foundation; he believes the government-funded organization needs to be re-energized in part because of China’s growing economic influence, and believes it needs to do much more to help Canada address an unsustainable trade deficit with China. (Disclosure: I provided editing services for Bruk on this paper.)
“Is trading our ownership and control of core assets for more consumer goods, resulting in unsustainable trade deficits, good for Canada?” Bruk asks in his report. “Are we jeopardizing prosperity for our children and grandchildren while putting at risk our economic independence? In my view, this is exactly what is happening.”
Posted by DanielS on Friday, 30 September 2016 05:22.
While black violence does cut across geographic and economic contexts, “White violence” (((is given “affirmative action”))) - it is exaggerated by counting “Hispanic” and Middle Eastern violence among “White violence”; while “Hispanics” and Middle Easterners are counted as “non-White” when the victims of violent crime!
TNO, “Black Murder Violence Swamps US”, 29 September 2016:
There were 15,696 murders in America in 2015, and nonwhites made up the vast majority of offenders, according to the latest FBI statistics.
According to the FBI, 70 percent of all murder offenders in the U.S. are nonwhite—but they include all Hispanics as “whites,” which means that the actual white offender rate is tiny.
The figures also make it clear that nonwhite—and specifically black—violence and murders are swamping the U.S., with a dramatic 10.8 percent increase in the number of homicides from 2014 to 2015.
The murder rate—which has now reached a staggering 43 homicides per day—is driven primarily by black and Hispanic gunmen.
According to the FBI, 30.2 percent of murder offenders arrested in 2015 were classified as “white”—but the FBI infamously follows the Federal Government guidelines of race, which includes all Hispanics as “whites.”
The Federal Government only has the following categories of offenders: “white,” “black,” “American Indian or Alaska Native,” and “Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. All Hispanics are added to the “white” category, along with all North Africans, Arabs, Middle Easterners, and Jews.
As a result, the “30 percent white” murder offender figures are grossly exaggerated.
For example, a 2014 report revealed that the murder rate for Hispanics is twice the murder rate for whites, and homicide is the second-leading cause of death for Hispanics ages 15 to 24.
by Frosty Wooldridge, frostywooldridge.com
“Demography is destiny” - Auguste Comte
As immigration, both legal and illegal, continues flooding into the United States of America — it also pours into Canada, Australia and Europe. Note that all Western countries stabilized their populations since 1970 by averaging 2.0 children or less per female.
Unfortunately, as first world countries created stable and sustainable societies since 1970, their leaders chose unending immigration from overloaded third world countries. For the United States, the late Senator Teddy Kennedy created the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that added 100 million people to America by October of 2006. If continued, that same act expects to add another 100 million people within 34 years. Where do those immigrants originate? Answer: the third world that adds 80 million, net gain, annually.
Unknown to most countries and people living on this planet, an accelerating birthrate in Africa threatens all Western nations in the 21st century. At 1.1 billion in 2016, Africa screams toward 2.1 billion by 2050 and 4 billion by the end of this century.
As an example, the average Burundian woman births 6.3 children, double the international fertility rate. Burundians expect to jump from 10 million to 20 million in a few decades. Egypt, currently 85 million, expects to reach 105 million by 2030. Ethiopia, at 98 million, expects to double to 210 million by 2060.
Ironically, Egypt imports most of its food to feed its current population in 2016. As the human race adds 1 billion more people, net gain, every 12 years, Africa expects to quadruple its population within 85 years. Africans grow so fast; they cannot water, feed, house, educate or sustain the expected 4 billion people about to land on that continent.
What does it mean? It means that every living creature featuring feathers, hooves, claws, fins or fur that lives in Africa will become food for the human mob. It means relentless extinction of rhinos, lions, gazelles, wildebeest, giraffes and elephants — and, well, just about any creature that breathes.
Nonetheless, the Pope condemns birth control in Africa. Islam promotes as many children as possible as it expands across the globe by birthrate and/or violent jihad. World leaders see the carnage, poverty, disease and futility of Africa in 2016, but fail to call for a world conference to discuss what’s coming and what can be done to change course.
Therefore, those burgeoning populations flood into first world countries with no end to the line.
Question: what will humans do once the planet faces another added three billion people by 2050 — a scant 34 years from now? They will need to be watered, fed, housed, warmed and sustained in a finite world with finite resources? If you think the flood of 1,000,000 (million) refugees knocking on Europe’s door today spells disaster for the civilized West, what do you think any Western country faces in the next 84 years when Africa hits four billion desperate people?
Right now, America annually imports 1.2 million legal refugees from around the world. According to The Center for Immigration Studies with research by Dr. Steven Camarota, the illegal alien flow jumped back to 500,000 illegal alien border crossers in 2014-2015. In other words, the line never ends as Mexico remains on course to add another 20 to 30 million people by mid century.
Somali refugees in Minnesota: One of every five refugees resettled in Minnesota by the federal government tested positive for latent tuberculosis in 2014, according to the state’s Department of Health
One look at Minneapolis, Minnesota shows 105,000 African Somalian legal refugees now overwhelming welfare services across that city. And that is not all. Now, Somalia at 11.1 million in 2016, expects to reach 13.1 million within six years by 2020:
The country is rapidly expanding with almost 3% annual population growth and a high fertility rate of 6.26 children per woman, which is the 4th highest in the world.
The pressure by Somalis to enter the United States will only grow in the next few years. Question to ask yourself and your kids: what is the point of endless immigration from Somalia in 2016 when that country, along with the rest of Africa, refuses to solve its own birth rates? What’s the point of adding more of their people to our country so we become like their country?
How do you think your kids will survive the onslaught? What are you doing to raise a national-international discussion on human overpopulation? What kind of a civilization do you expect to bequeath your children? Answer: if we continue on this path, we will become a new third world country where everyone suffers and no one may lead anything like “quality of life” or a decent standard of living. Not to mention a degrading environment!
None of us will escape the growing consequences of Africa’s population bomb. Here is a video on how non-profit groups in the US are planning to bring thousands of Muslim refugees from the Africa, as well as the Middle East, almost completely funded by the US Government through grants and contracts: