Majorityrights News > Category: Islam & Islamification

Invasive Species “Metaphor”: Hybrid African/European Honeybee Forms Parasitic, Invasive Killer Bee

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 31 March 2019 07:00.


Letter from Zurich Airport

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 29 March 2019 10:06.

“I have been banned from Europe and will be deported tomorrow.” - Jared Taylor

Number 18, my room for the night.

American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, Zurich March 29, 2019:

Dear Friends in Stockholm, Turku, and around the world,

I am sorry to have to tell you that I cannot attend the Scandza Forum in Stockholm or the Awakening Conference in Turku, Finland, where I had been invited to give talks. Today, when I landed in Zurich for a connecting flight to Stockholm, Swiss border authorities told me I have been banned from Europe until 2021. I will spend the night at the airport, and tomorrow I will be deported.

The officer at passport control in Zurich airport had already stamped my passport and waved me through to my Stockholm flight when she called after me to come back. She stared at her computer screen and told me I had to wait. She didn’t say why. In a few minutes, a policeman arrived and told me there was an order from Poland that barred me from all 26 countries in the Schengen Zone.

He said the Poles did not give a reason for the ban, and he asked me what I had done. I said I give talks on immigration, and someone in Poland must not like them. “That makes me a political criminal,” I said.

The officer took me to an interrogation room and asked me about my travel plans. He went off to another room for a while and came back with a form for me to sign, saying that I understood I had been denied entry and was being sent back to the United States. After some more waiting, he fingerprinted me and took my photograph.

He then turned me over to a man in civilian clothes, who took me to a spare, dormitory-like accommodation where I will spend the night. It’s not a jail. People pay the equivalent of $40 to spend the night here if they miss a flight. I am free to walk around the terminal, I can make phone calls and use the internet, and I have a meal voucher that is supposed to last me for the next 12 hours. The officer kept my passport, though, and won’t give it back to me until I board the flight home.

Why did Poland ban me? Last September, I gave a few talks to nationalist groups in Warsaw. The talks went well, so when I was invited to Lithuania and Estonia in February to speak at conferences, I went back to Poland and spoke in Lublin and Warsaw. Attendance was by invitation only, but the Polish police learned about the meetings. They told the organizer that if I broke any Polish hate speech laws, he would be held responsible. They said I was “spreading a totalitarian ideology.”

In both cities, we switched venues for the talks rather than risk having the police show up. The talks were a success, and in Warsaw I also gave two television interviews. I left Poland by plane and assumed the matter was closed; clearly, it wasn’t. My Polish friends say they will try to find out the reason for the ban and try to appeal it.

But what are the Poles thinking? I’m not like Lenin and Trotsky meeting in Paris, plotting to uproot the entire West. I want to keep Poland as it is, the proud and eternal homeland of the Polish people. What I hope for Poland is what a huge majority of Polish people want, and is not much different from the policies of the regime. I am not a danger to Poland; I am its friend, its devoted admirer.

Three years ago, I got a letter from Theresa May, when she was still home secretary. She told me that my views are repugnant and that she had decided to keep me out of her country. Britain is the land of my ancestors, my language, my favorite authors—and now I was an exile. It was a bitter blow.

Just a few minutes ago, I used my meal voucher at the “Montreux Jazz Lounge” in Terminal E. I watched people eating and talking and laughing, and I envied them. They can come and go as they please. Terminal E is a modern, soulless place, but it is still Europe. It is part of that culture, heritage, and people that I love with a desperate, yearning love—to which I have devoted my life—and from which I am banned.

You and I, working together with our European brothers and sisters, we will save Europe. We will save it from every threat from every corner of the world. But our first and hardest task is to save it from itself.

Jared Taylor

“The New Germans”: AfD Forms “Immigrant Supporters’ Group

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 20 March 2019 06:11.

“The New Germans”: AfD Forms “Immigrant Supporters’ Group

New Observer, 19 Mar 2019:

The Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany, AfD) party in Germany has formed a “Die Neudeutschen” (The New Germans) group comprised of immigrants and homosexuals which they say will “combat their xenophobic image.”

The message of the new group, according to a report in the Deutsche Welle, is that “all are welcome as long as they agree to an end to illegal mass immigration.”

“Die Neudeutschen” group was formed over the weekend by AfD politicians who all have immigrant roots, and was presented at a press conference in Berlin this week, the report said.

Anton Friesen, an AfD lawmaker from Thuringia, said that the formation of the group was “overdue.”

“Since the AfD was founded, many German citizens with immigrant backgrounds have voted for us,” Friesen told DW.

“Now there is finally an association that gives these people names and faces,” he added. Friesen, who helped initiate the new AfD association, was born in Kazakhstan and moved to Germany with his parents when he was nine years old.

His fellow group spokesman is Alexander Tassis, the son of a Greek migrant worker who is an AfD state lawmaker in Bremen. He is also heads the “Alternative Homosexuals”—an AfD-aligned group for homo, lesbian, bisexual and “transgender” party members. One of the two leaders of the AfD in the German parliament (Bundestag) is Alice Weidel, who is an openly-declared lesbian.

Currently, the “New Germans” group has 20 members who are German citizens with Polish, Iranian and Colombian roots, as well as ethnic Russian-Germans and Romanian-Germans, Friesen said.

With European Parliament elections coming up in May, as well as several key state parliament elections in eastern German states in the fall, “The New Germans” hopes to win over potential voters by holding events on German-Polish relations and what Friesen describes as “the new, imported anti-Semitism.”

With the new group, Friesen hopes to “correct” what he views as an incorrect public image of the party. “The AfD isn’t xenophobic,” he said. Rather, the party is focused on people who are already in Germany.

This includes “patriotically-minded migrants” who advocate for “the protection of our western culture and our values,” Friesen adds. Members must agree to the group’s manifesto, which advocates for “harsh action against all forms of anti-Semitism” and the “comprehensive de-Islamization of Germany.”

It also urges for an “end to illegal mass migration, which undermines the opportunities in life for socially worse off Germans.”

In October 2018, a small number of Jews formed “Jews in the AfD” group to boost Jewish support for the party.

All of these efforts will, of course, have no effect whatsoever, as the controlled media is not interested in protests by the AfD as to how homo- or immigrant-friendly they claim to be. The controlled media and its establishment controllers want nothing less than total subsevince to the race-denying Third World invasion, and the total destruction of all white nations through the swamping and replacement of white people by nonwhites.

Hence, anything less than this will be met with never-ending hostility, smears and lies by the controlled media—a lesson which the AfD will eventually learn the hard way.

Gunman who opened fire on Christchurch mosque addresses attack in manifesto

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 15 March 2019 06:53.

Suspected gunman has been identified as an Australian man Brenton Tarrant, 28. Source:Supplied

Forty people have been killed after a gunman opened fire at two mosques in the New Zealand city.

The gunman who livestreamed himself opening fire on a Christchurch mosque has posted a manifesto online explaining why he committed the attack. MARCH 15, 20195:37PM

A gunman who livestreamed himself opening fire on a Christchurch mosque, turned the camera on himself before carrying out his deadly attack.

The gunman who livestreamed himself opening fire at the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch also posted a manifesto online addressing his reasons for the attack.

Police have taken three people into custody after the gunman shot at worshippers as they gathered for Friday prayers. At least 40 people are dead with another 25 people listed as critical.

Armed police were deployed around the Al Noor mosque where shooting broke out at 1.40pm (NZ time) on Friday, with the city’s schools and hospital locked down. Reports later emerged of shots at another mosque in Linwood Avenue.

The man, who identified himself on Twitter as ‘Brenton Tarrant’ from Australia, livestreamed his deadly attack and turned the camera on himself before carrying out the attack.


The gunman who livestreamed himself opening fire on a Christchurch mosque, turned the camera on himself before carrying out his deadly attack. Source:Supplied

In a vile 73-page manifesto posted online, he described himself as “just a regular White man”.

The 28-year-old noted he was born “to a working class, low-income family … who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people”.

The gunman — whose background NSW counter-terrorism police are now investigating after reports he is from Grafton — said he carried out the attack to “directly reduce immigration rates to European lands”.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed an individual taken into custody is an Australian-born citizen. He called him “an extremist, right-wing, violent terrorist”.

The header photo on Tarrant’s Twitter account shows a victim of the 2016 Bastille Day terror attack in Nice.

The famous photo by Reuters photographer Eric Gaillard came to symbolise the Bastille Day massacre when 84 people were killed by a truck plowing into holidaying crowds, Reuters says.

He described his reasons for the disgusting attack as to “show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our homelands are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives, they will NEVER conquer our lands and they will never replace our people”.

Tarrant revealed he had been planning an attack for up to two years, noting he decided on Christchurch three months ago.

He said New Zealand was not the “original choice for attack”, but described it as “target rich of an environment as anywhere else in the West”.

“An attack in New Zealand would bring to attention the truth of the assault on our civilisation, that no where (sic) in the world was safe, the invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world and that tehre was no where (sic) left to go that was safe and free from mass immigration.”

Ebba Akerlund

Claiming to represent “millions of European and other ethno-nationalist peoples”, he said “we must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children”.

The gunman described the attack as an act of “revenge on the invaders for the hundreds of thousands of death caused by foreign invaders in European lands throughout history … for the enslavement of millions of Europeans taken from their lands by the Islamic slavers … (and) for the thousands of European lives lost to terror attacks throughout European lands.”

He also said it was to take revenge for Ebba Akerlund, the 11-year-old child who was killed in a 2017 terror attack in Stockholm.

All Audio Visual Files of Theoria and Praxis of European/White Ethnonationalism 1 - 4b Complete.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 14 March 2019 07:32.

Bitchute File Part 1 Audio

                              Part 2a Audio                  Part 2b Audio

                      Part 2c Audio                                Part 2d Audio

      Part 3a Audio          Part 3b Audio        Part 4a Audio  Part 4b Audio

Netanyahu: Border Wall Saved Israel as a “Jewish State”

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 11 March 2019 13:49.

Netanyahu: Border Wall Saved Israel as a “Jewish State”

New Observer, 8 Mar 2019:

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu touted the success of Israel’s security barrier on its border with Egypt Thursday, calling the fence a “phenomenal” success, arguing its construction “saved” the Jewish nature of the state of Israel by preventing non-Jewish immigration into that country.

According to a report on the Israeli Arutz Sheva news service, Netanyahu toured the Israel-Egypt border Thursday, and met with southern front army commanders, who provided updates regarding Israel’s security situation in the area.

Netanyahu called Israel’s security fence on the border with Egypt a “phenomenal” success in stopping illegal immigration into Israel from eastern Africa.

“I was just updated now by officers in the field, here along the Sinai frontier. This fence saved the State of Israel as a Jewish, democratic state.

“This fence has been a phenomenal success. It completely stopped the hundreds of thousands of African infiltrators, as well as the entry of terrorists into Israel from the Sinai. Zero. That is a huge success, and I would say, one even of international dimensions–no other state has had this kind of success.”

“Of course this saved the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”

Israel built the barrier on the border with Sinai from 2010 to 2013, following a massive wave of illegal immigration from east Africa into Israel, via Sinai.

Following modifications to the fence in 2014, illegal immigration plummeted, falling from an average of roughly 10,000 a year to just over a dozen in 2016, with zero illegal entries in 2017.

Henrik & Lana Roast The House’s New Anti-White “Hate” Resolution.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 08 March 2019 12:26.

...and more this week from Herik and Lana. Nice Job -this week, not giving an across the board endorsement.

Marine Le Pen to be prosecuted for anti-ISIS tweets

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 06 March 2019 05:39.

Voice of Europe, “Marine Le Pen to be prosecuted for anti-ISIS tweets”, 4 Mar 2019:

Prosecutors have called for French right-wing leader Marine Le Pen to be tried for tweeting pictures of atrocities committed by the Islamic State group, judicial sources said.

Le Pen shared the gruesome images in December 2015, a few weeks after ISIS jihadists killed 130 people in attacks in Paris – and after a French journalist drew a comparison between the jihadist group and her party. Her move sparked widespread condemnation in France.

One of the pictures showed the body of James Foley, an American journalist beheaded by the Sunni extremists. Another showed a man in an orange jumpsuit being run over by a tank and the third showed a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.

‘Daesh is this!’ Le Pen wrote in a caption, using an Arabic acronym for ISIS.

She is facing a possible three year jail term and a fine of 75,000 euro’s if an investigating magistrate decides a trial should take place for ‘circulating violent pictures liable to bee seen by children’.

Prosecutors demanded that another member of her National Rally party, Gilbert Collard, also be tried on similar charges.

Le Pen, who lost to Emmanuel Macron in the 2017 presidential elections, was stripped of her parliamentary immunity over the pictures and thereafter charged with circulating violent messages.

Last year, she expressed outrage after the investigative magistrate called for her to undergo psychiatric tests in connection with her tweeting.

She has denounced the case against her as a violation of her freedom of expression.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:40. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:34. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

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