Majorityrights News > Category: Christianity

Sinn Féin, The Irish Patriotism Famine & The O’Really? Factor

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 23 February 2016 19:52.

WGP, ‘The Irish Elections 2016: A White Genocide Perspective,’ 21 Feb 2016:

by Patrick O’Brian

The election process is currently underway in Ireland and the so called “nationalist” political party Sinn Féin is out campaigning and drumming up votes.

The insane anti-White duplicity of this party can best be demonstrated by looking at their support for the Palestinians. On the one hand they show 100% support for this group and their right to a homeland.

Sinn Féin rally

But on the other hand they have no problem selling out the indigenous White Irish peoples homeland as long as it gets them some votes (the secondary consideration) and keeps them inline with the anti-White narrative (the primary consideration). Never mix the two up. Too many times we hear people saying “it’s all about the votes”. Nope, it’s a small part about the votes and a LARGE part about turning White countries non-White in the name of “diversity”.

As they say, a picture speaks 1000 words and here is Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams out posing for votes.

Let’s not forget that prominent members of this group were actively involved in the violent struggle against the British. But yet today they are the ones out advocating a “diverse” Ireland made up of “new Irish”.


Anti-White madness like this only starts to make sense once you factor in the White geNOcide

Anti-White madness like this only starts to make sense once you factor in the White geNOcide

Not the factor in conclusion of that syllogism that some might believe we should hear.

Israeli “Opened Slovakia’s Door for Iraqi refugees”

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 11:42.

New Observer, “Israeli ‘Opened Slovakia’s Door for Iraqi refugees,” 25 Jan 2016:

An Israeli political consultant pushed nonwhite Iraqi “Christian” refugees on a dozen European nations before “using his contacts” to get Slovakia to accept them—but refused to consider trying to get them asylum in Israel.

Aron Shaviv and Benjamin Netanyahu

Aron Shaviv, who orchestrated Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent election campaign in Israel, runs a company called Shaviv Strategy and Campaigns, which claims to be a “global political-strategy consultancy specializing in winning election campaigns on behalf of the center-right” and delivers “winning Presidential, Parliamentary, Municipal, and referendum campaigns to political leaders from across Europe and globally.”

According to an article in the Israeli-based Times of Israel titled “How an Israeli opened Slovakia’s doors for Iraqi Christian refugees” (January 25, 2016), Shaviv was the person who arranged for the Iraqi Christians, driven out of their northern Iraqi hometown of Qaraqosh by ISIS, to be resettled in Slovakia.

The Times of Israel reported that when Shaviv was approached by activists trying to find the Iraqis asylum somewhere, he started “combing through and contacting his network of political connections. The team tried at least a dozen countries before getting a hearing in Slovakia.”

“My policy was the path of least resistance—the first country that showed any kind of positive leanings was Slovakia,” Shaviv told the Times of Israel.

He said that it was important in Slovakia, still a very traditional Catholic country, to get both the Vatican and its local religious authorities involved.

  “We thought that the right approach was to get the Slovak church to take ownership and say these are our people,” said Shaviv.

  And after many trips to the Vatican, it came on board in saving its Iraqi Catholics.

  “The determining messaging that got them to really identify and take ownership was that this is the last Christian community on earth that speaks the language of Jesus,” Shaviv said.

Shaviv said that several factors contributed to the Slovakian government’s willingness to accept the refugees. For one, although it was the first European Union country to state it was not willing to accept Muslims during the massive waves of migrants and refugees reaching European shores in 2015, like all EU countries, it must fulfill a refugee quota.

Iraqi Christians demonstrate in Germany.

Of course, it would never enter Shaviv’s head to offer these Iraqis refuge in his own country, because Israel legally forbids immigration by non-Jews, tests potential immigrants by DNA to make sure they are Jewish, and outlaws marriages between Jews and non-Jews.

Shaviv is not the only prominent Jewish activist busy bringing in nonwhite Christian refugees into Europe, and diverting them away from Israel. The recently deceased British Jewish Lord George Weidenfeld set up the “Weidenfeld Safe Havens Fund” in July 2015 specifically to bring them to Europe.

        Invoking Abrahamic Jurisdiction

Yazidi girl made into sex slave by ISIL and forced to pray to god of Abraham prior to being raped

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 03 January 2016 01:02.


‘They forced us to pray before raping us’ (Who are ‘THEY’?)—Nadia Murad said she was kidnapped and raped. The 21-year-old Iraqi woman was sold as a sex slave and faced daily horrors.

The young woman spoke at Cairo University telling listeners that religious zealots entered her village and promptly murdered children, the elderly, and young men.

The young women and girls were kept alive to serve as sex slaves.

The question to ask: Which religious group committed this atrocities.

Were they:


Hint: The religion is 1,400 years old and is the world’s largest and deadliest hate group.

Hint: Hillary Clinton wants to import hundreds of thousands of members of this hate group.

A brave victim of Islamic State who was captured in her home and sold as a sex slave has told of the daily horrors she was subjected to.

Nadia Murad, 21, is from the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar, which is heavily populated by the Yazidi community.

Considered infidels by ISIS militants, many from the Yazidi community are stolen from their homes and told into a sex trade.

Miss Murad is one among thousands of women and children ISIS have taken and forced to become sex salves.

Speaking at Cairo University in Egypt, she told students: “When Daesh entered my village, they killed children, the old and young men.

Read more : New Year’s Eve terror fears as 2,000 armed officers have leave cancelled to protect London

“The next day, they killed the old women and led the young girls, including me, to Mosul.

“In Mosul, I saw thousands of Yazidi women where they were distributed to their slave masters.

Hint: it was justified in the name of Abraham’s god.

Independent, ‘Isis ‘forced us to pray - then raped us’: Yazidi survivor Nadia Murad describes life as a sex slave in northern Iraq’ 1 Jan 2016:

Nadia Murad meets with the Greek President in Athens on 30 December, 2015 Reuters

A woman who was taken as a sex slave by the Isis militant group has described how she and other young women were forced to pray before they were raped.

Nadia Murad, 21, was among more than 5,000 Yazidi women taken captive when Isis swept through the group’s territories in northern Iraq. 

She has been speaking out about her horrific experiences at the hands of Isis fighters, who bought and sold her and women like her as “sabia” – slaves.

Addressing students at Cairo University this week, she reportedly revealed that Isis militants “used to force captives to pray and then rape us”.

“We were not worth the value of animals. They raped girls in groups. They did what a mind could not imagine,” she said.

During her visit to Egypt, Ms Murad met with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. She tweeted that she was “asking the Islamic world to stand firmly and clearly against Isis”. “They commit rape and genocide crimes in the name of Islam,” she said.

Iraq crisis: Yazidi nightmare on Mount Sinjar

And last week, she testified before the UN in New York, all to raise awareness of the plight of the Iraqi and Syrian peoples and urge more action to protect refugees from the conflict with Isis.

She described how last summer she was a student living in the village of Kocho in northern Iraq when Isis fighters rounded up all Yazidis, killing 312 men in an hour and taking the younger women into slavery.

After being taken to Mosul, Ms Murad and the others were held for three days before being “distributed” among fighters.

Some women killed themselves, but Ms Murad said she never considered doing so. She told Time magazine: “I did not want to kill myself — but I wanted them to kill me.”

She was taken as a slave by a man with a wife and daughter, who Ms Murad never met, and kept in a single room.

After one failed escape attempt, she told the UN, she was beaten up and gang raped by six militants as a form of punishment. “They continued to commit crimes to my body until I became unconscious,” she said.

Ms Murad escaped successfully in November 2014, after three months of abuse and torture, and made her way via a refugee camp to seek asylum in Stuttgart.

Gallery of 15 photos: Yazidi nightmare on Mount Sinjar


Those who they wish to destroy they first make Christian.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wednesday, 28 October 2015 06:22.

As the latest in a long line of churches doing things that ethno-nationalists do not like, the Polish Episocopate has now decided to make sure that you really know that they are against anti-semitism:

Radio Poland, ‘Polish Episcopate condemns anti-semitism as ‘a sin’‘, 20 Oct 2015: (emphasis added)

The Polish Episcopate has published an extensive condemnation of anti-semitism on the 50th anniversary of a landmark Vatican declaration on relations with non-Christian religions.

In a special pastoral letter entitled ‘The shared spiritual heritage of Christians and Jews’, the Episcopate stressed that “anti-semitism and anti-Judaism are sins against the love of thy neighbour.”

The letter notes that the Church organises an annual ‘Day of Judaism’, affirming however that “Christian-Jewish dialogue must never be treated as ‘the religious hobby’ of a small group of enthusiasts, but it should increasingly become part of the mainstream of pastoral work.”

The Polish clerics also acknowledged that the Holocaust, which was planned by “Nazi Germany and largely carried out on the territory of occupied Poland,” nevertheless “sometimes met with indifference among certain Christians.”

According to the Episcopate, “if Christians and Jews had practised religious brotherhood in the past, more Jews would have found help and support from Christians.”

In that respect, the Espiscopate particularly praises the ‘Righteous among Nations’ who “risked their lives and those of their loved ones, heroically rescuing Jews” during the war. Under the Nazi occupation, giving shelter to Jews by Poles was punishable by death.

“In many places in our country there are no Jews, only traces of their religion and culture, often in neglected cemeteries,” the letter notes.

“The Love of thy neighbour, and the spiritual bond with our older brothers in the faith obliges us to care for the places that bear witness to the centuries-long presence of Jews in Poland and the memory of their contribution to the culture of our multinational and multireligious country.”

The document pays tribute to the conciliatory efforts of previous members of the Roman Catholic Church, including Polish pontiff Pope John Paul II, who was the first pope to visit a synagogue, and a committed leader of dialogue with Jews.

The so-called ‘Nostra aetate’ (In our time) declaration made during the Second Vatican Council 50 years ago under Pope Paul VI is regarded as a breakthrough regarding relations with non-Christian religions.


During the communist era, academic debate concerning the Holocaust was largely frozen in Poland.

An anti-Zionist campaign led by the government in 1968 compelled several thousand Polish Jews who had survived the war to emigrate. After that, Jewish issues were taboo in many aspects of officially endorsed Polish culture.

It was not until the 1980s that a reassessment of Polish-Jewish relations began in earnest, a trend that gathered pace following the collapse of communism in 1989.

Previously little discussed stains on Poland’s wartime treatment of Jews have been highlighted in recent years, owing to books such as Jan Gross’s Neighbours (2001), which focused on what had been a largely forgotten massacre of Jews by ethnic Poles in the town of Jedwabne, north eastern Poland.

Such issues remain highly emotive and divisive in Poland. (nh/rk)

Under any sane ethno-nationalist framework, the burden should not be on ethno-nationalists to explain why Jews ‘should be regarded as a separate people who ought to live outside of Europe’, the burden instead should be on everyone else to explain and to attempt to justify why Jews ‘should be allowed’ to persistently be part of Europe while not being European.

For every other non-European population group whose people are inside Europe in any number, that is how the burden of proof works when having that discussion. You have to prove how you are useful to Europe, at the very least. But mysteriously, when it comes to the issue of Jews, that burden of proof is reversed. Why?

  • Is it because Jews can ‘pass as white’?
  • Or is it because of extensive application of guilt narratives in the post war environment?
  • Or is it because Christianity is part of the Judaic jurisdiction?

Oh, actually, it’s probably all of the above.

Adrean Arlott wrote an article back in May 2013 in which he touched on this issue in a broad sense within the United States:

Compulsory Diversity News, ‘Save us Jebus!’, 18 May 2013:

Please Jesus. Protect me from your followers.

I have been debating Christianity’s lack of virtues today. I ask you this: Does Christianity do more to help or hurt White people? If we consider anti-racist to be code word for anti-White, then I vote it hurts White people.

Orthodox Church: (Source)
...we reject phyletism, that is racial discrimination and nationalistic contention, enmities and discord in the Church of Christ as being contrary to the teaching of the Gospel and the sacred canons of our holy Fathers, who support the holy Church and adorn the whole of the Christian life, leading to divine Godliness.

Catholic Church: (Source)
We begin with three facts. First, racism exists here; it is part of the American landscape. Second, racism is completely contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Third, all baptized Catholics have a moral obligation to work toward the elimination of racism.

Episcopal Church: (Source)
Racism is totally inconsistent with the Gospel, therefore, must be confronted and eradicated. Basing its message on the baptismal covenant, the Bishops invited all baptized Christians to enter into a new covenant to fight racism and, “proclaim the vision of God’s new creation in which the dignity of every human being is honored.”

Baptist Church: (Source)
“We are all saddened when any sin, including the sin of racism, rears its head,” said Southern Baptist Convention spokesman Sing Oldham. “Part of our gospel is that we are being redeemed. We are flawed, failed creatures and redemption is a process.”

Westboro Baptist Church (Source)
...the Scripture doesn’t support racism. God never says “thou shalt not be black.” However, He does say, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22).

Mormon Church: (Source)
“The church’s position is clear,” LDS Church spokesman Michael Purdy said. “We believe all people are God’s children and are equal in His eyes and in the church. We do not tolerate racism in any form. For a time in the church there was a restriction on the priesthood for male members of African descent,” Purdy said. “It is not known precisely why, how or when this restriction began in the church but what is clear is that it ended decades ago.”

Lutheran Church: (Source)
Racism is one of the most destructive sins in today’s world. It refuses to honor God’s mighty acts in creation, redemption, and sanctification. Racism simply does not trust the gospel. It builds on human pride and prejudice, abusing power for selfish advantage. Racism dishonors God, neighbor, and self. It rejects the meaning in God’s becoming incarnate in Jesus Christ, because in rejecting another person one rejects Jesus Christ.

Presbyterian Church: (Source)
The Dismantling Racism and Privilege Ministry Team assists the presbytery in its commitment to dismantle racism and privilege. Its purpose is to increase awareness and work toward the eradication of intentional and unintentional racism and privilege at critical decision points in the life of the presbytery, and to assist sessions and congregations in dismantling racism and privilege among our church constituency.

Methodist Church: (Source)
At the beginning of the 21st century, the United Methodist Church is focusing on racism and promoting diversity with more vigor than ever. It is actively promoting more inclusiveness and diversity in its institutions and leadership. One of its 14 churchwide agencies, the Commission on Religion and Race, focuses on those issues, and caucuses such as Black Methodists for Church Renewal and Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans also keep them in front of the church. Through programs such as Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century, the National Plan for Hispanic Ministries, the Council on Korean-American Ministries and the Native American Comprehensive Plan, the denomination is building up racial-ethnic congregations.

Pretty interesting, Adrean Arlott had done a good service to his readers when he pointed that out to them.

The fact that Arlott has drawn attention to this in the past, should provide even more of a context to how well-known and well-understood it is to ethno-nationalists, that Christian churches are not capable of being allies of ethno-nationalists and never will be. Even the most cynical political calculations could not bring anyone to the conclusion that organised Christianity could be utilised in the defence of anyone’s ethnic genetic interests (EGI).

It’s so bad in fact, that the Christian churches promote not only white genocide—not even metaphorically but literally—but also for the rest of the planet they offer nothing other than genocide either.

For example, plenty of church bodies espouse the position of mass mestizaje for Central Americans, thus advocating the continuation of the genocide against the native peoples of the Americas.

Here’s one example of that:

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ‘Ethnic Specific and Multicultural Ministries - Latino’: (emphasis added)
We are a community that confesses its origin and identity in the creative, redemptive and sanctifying work of God. The great diversity that characterizes us is a process of continual biological and cultural “mestizaje,” and our unity is in Jesus Christ, who gathers us around word and water, wine and bread.

Truly mindblowing.

So really, in what world would anyone think that ethnic advocacy from ‘a Christian perspective’ could ever be possible? In what retarded world is ‘cultural Christianity’—which is to say, the idea of a political alliance between Christianity and ethno-nationalism—even a thing that could be worth considering for more than five seconds? It’s just completely ridiculous.

The real and actually-existing physical manifestation of Christianity is one which is intrinsically opposed to the existence of pretty much everyone’s ethnic groups. It’s not that Christianity somehow acquired an ethnicity-destroying agenda after the year 1968. It was already doing that from the start, it’s just that the ‘anti-racist’ cultural phenomenon that manifested in the west after 1968 offered Christianity the ability to express its full ‘anti-racist’ potential while uninhibited by secular interference.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.

Where there is a Catholic “soul”, with its universalized will, there is a way.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 03 October 2015 16:27.

Even where not required by EU quotas, Ireland’s Catholic bishops are calling for Irish parishes to accept and settle refugees who “will be arriving for months and years to come.”


Catholic bishops urge parishes to prepare to aid migrants:

Prelates seek reform of direct provision for asylum seekers to avoid two-tier system

The Catholic bishops have called on parishes throughout the island to mobilise resources to help with the resettlement of migrants who come to Ireland.

They have also called for urgent reform in direct provision for asylum seekers to avoid the emergence of an unjust two-tier system.

In a statement on Thursday afternoon, the bishops encouraged “all members of our parish communities to explore how they might offer their services, talents, time and commitment to supporting the resettlement of refugees through practical parish actions such as friendship and welcome schemes, English language classes, trauma counselling and medical services, as well as legal advice services”.

Demanding solidarity

They noted how “local communities across the island of Ireland have reacted to the worsening refugee crisis by mobilising to demand greater solidarity from European political leaders. The swift and enthusiastic response to Pope Francis’s appeal to parishes shows a ready willingness to help and a recognition that our parishes need to be places of welcome to all.

“Bishops are working with clergy and other diocesan personnel, as well as faith-based organisations, to assess our capacity to contribute to the national and international response.”

They said that “given the magnitude of the current crisis, refugees will be arriving for months and years to come, and it will be some years before they can safely return to their country of origin. Co-operation and clear sharing of responsibility across relevant Government departments, to address different types of need, is a necessary foundation for strategic planning.”



National Review gets punched on both sides of its face again.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sunday, 27 September 2015 12:53.

Vietnamese Socialists
Why not? Seriously, why not? It’s all the same to the conservatives at the National Review, right? That’s what they themselves are saying! So let’s do this.

After being heckled on Twitter for being an apparent ‘cuckservative’ or something to that effect, National Review contributor David French decided to take to the safe space that is whatever CMS the National Review uses, to write out a long and rambling article where he claims that the ‘far-right’ and the ‘far-left’ are the same thing because they both disagree with him on the racialised-classised nature of reality itself, and they both disagree with him on the exact same issue for the exact same reason.

It has not crossed David French’s mind yet that the reason that both the ‘far-right’ and the ‘far-left’ disagree with the National Review, is because the National Review is denying biological realities while clinging desperately to a portrait of Jesus of Nazareth.

It’s almost like no one at the National Review has even the slightest sense of self-awareness.

Not even a little bit.

See here:

The National Review / David French, ’‘Cuckservative’ Has Got to Go’, 18 Sep 2015 (emphasis added):


Conservatives should reject those on both extremes of the spectrum. We defend a culture, not a race. The foundation of that culture is a faith that makes no distinction among races but rather declares, unequivocally, “All are one, in Christ Jesus.” Shunning the slur disempowers the trolls and forces the radical Left to confront the race hatred that fuels its own rage.

The last time conservatives tried that one, they got punched in the head from both sides. That’s what happens when their argument is trash.

But since ‘far-right’ and ‘far-left’ are all the same to David French now, I might as well quote Leon Trotsky being correct about a thing which is obvious, since it doesn’t really matter which side of the spectrum I choose to source this argument from:

Leon Trotsky, ‘Their Morals and Ours’, 01 Jun 1938 (emphasis added):

And who are all these democratic moralists? Ideologists of intermediary layers who have fallen, or are in fear of falling between the two fires. The chief traits of the prophets of this type are alienism to great historical movements, a hardened conservative mentality, smug narrowness, and a most primitive political cowardice. More than anything moralists wish that history should leave them in peace with their petty books, little magazines, subscribers, common sense, and moral copy books. But history does not leave them in peace. It cuffs them now from the left, now from the right. ‘Clearly’ – revolution and reaction, Czarism and Bolshevism, communism and fascism, Stalinism and Trotskyism – are all ‘twins’. Whoever doubts this may feel the symmetrical skull bumps upon both the right and left sides of these very moralists.


Moralists of the Anglo-Saxon type, in so far as they do not confine themselves to rationalist utilitarianism, the ethics of bourgeois bookkeeping, appear conscious or unconscious students of Viscount Shaftesbury, who at the beginning of the 18th century deduced moral judgments from a special “moral sense” supposedly once and for all given to man. Supra-class morality inevitably leads to the acknowledgment of a special substance, of a ’’moral sense’’, ’’conscience’’, some kind of absolute which is nothing more than the philosophic-cowardly pseudonym for god. Independent of “ends”, that is, of society, morality, whether we deduce it from eternal truths or from the “nature of man”, proves in the end to be a form of “natural theology”. Heaven remains the only fortified position for military operations against dialectic materialism.


Classical philosophic idealism in so far as it aimed in its time to secularize morality, that is, to free it from religious sanction, represented a tremendous step forward (Hegel). But having torn from heaven, moral philosophy had to find earthly roots. To discover these roots was one of the tasks of materialism. After Shaftesbury came Darwin, after Hegel—Marx. To appeal now to “eternal moral truths” signifies attempting to turn the wheels backward.

That’s completely applicable as a description of what the National Review is doing.

Of course, Leon Trotsky is not the only person who has said this. Much like how Leon Trotsky is not the only person who has announced that fire is hot.

Since conservatives, or ‘cuckservatives’ if you like, refuse to learn the basic building blocks of reality and apply them, I anticipate that we will all meet David French once again somewhere out there, and David French will once again find himself being punched on both sides of his face, from both the left and the right.

Urgent necessity to jettison anti-racism, to classify people, “other” them where mortal pattern

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 20 September 2015 20:21.

To draw the lines of friends and enemies properly this time and then to find the martial spirit which knows no compassion for an enemy that will not comply with the requirements of our existence and well being.

To lose compassion, to lose anti-racism, which is anti - viz. against - social classification (and group discrimination accordingly), to find the will to “other” even their fairly benign individuals, classifying them as being of the mortal group pattern and finding the will to smash them, as need be, on our behalf, anything to drive them away from any imposition upon us - but most of all, losing compassion for those who would bring them upon us.

On African population explosion,
Steve Sailer, September 19, 2015

African Population Explosion: The Graph That Explains the 2015 Migrant Crisis:


The demographers of the United Nation’s Population Division have quietly released their World Population Prospects: 2015 Revision report.

Above is a graph I put together from their new data that explains much about the “Migrant Crisis” of 2015.

As you can see, way back in 1950, the population of the Middle East was only 18% as great as the population of Europe, while Sub-Saharan Africa was only 33% as large. Even in 2000, the Middle East had only 49% of the population of Europe, while Africa had almost caught up to Europe with 88% of its population.

But from 2000 to 2015, the Middle East added 124 million people, making it now 65% as populous as Europe.

In this century alone, Sub-Saharan Africa has added 320 million people, making it 130% as populated as Europe.

Some of this information about the past is new. For example, the U.N.’s estimate of the population of the continent of Africa back in 2010 has grown by 13 million people, or over 1% between the 2012 Revision and the 2015 Revision. When it comes to population, the past just isn’t what it used to be.

But what about the future?

As a general pattern, the U.N. has found, the completeness of the counts tends to be worse in the fastest growing countries. Thus, the harder the U.N. has looked at Africa in this decade, the more people and more new babies it keeps uncovering.

It turns out that while the total fertility rate in Africa is falling, it’s falling quite a bit more slowly than the U.N. had expected as recently as back in the previous decade. Sub-Saharan Africa simply isn’t behaving like the rest of the world.

The upward adjustment in Africa’s population projections in the 2012 Revision of World Population Prospects came as a shock. But the 2015 Revision forecasts Africa’s population in 2100, about one lifetime from now, to be another 5% higher than the U.N. projected just back in 2012.

Here’s my graph of the 2015 numbers:



The U.N. now projects that, despite lower fertility in some Muslim countries such as Iran, the population of the Middle East will surpass that of Europe in 2045 and reach 937 million by 2100.

As for Sub-Saharan Africa, the U.N. foresees the population growing to 3,935,000,000 (3.9 billion and change) by 2100. (The total population of Africa and the Middle East will be 4,872,000,000.)

That’s probably not going to happen due to some combination of (A) intelligent self-restraint, (B) mass migration, and (C) Malthusian Nightmares (war, famine, disease, etc. etc.) keeping the population of Sub-Saharan Africa in 2100 from being more than six times as great as Europe, which would be an 18-fold increase in 150 years.

Keep in mind that there’s not a one to one relationship between population growth and emigration. In general, people try to assess whether the future at home looks brighter than the present. But people in Africa and the Middle East can see their countries’ futures will be more crowded and constrained.

Personally, I hope the reason that this graph doesn’t prove accurate is largely (A) intelligent self-restraint. But at present, white people don’t seem to be making much of an effort to facilitate and encourage reasonable family planning in Africa. Because that would be, you know, racist.

Which is the worst thing in the world, much worse than the U.N.’s population forecast.



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Of Note


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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 13:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:44. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:53. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch wins Tory leadership election' on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 04:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Tue, 26 Nov 2024 02:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 02:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 02:03. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sun, 24 Nov 2024 19:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 23 Nov 2024 01:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 12:46. (View)

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