Majorityrights News > Category: Feminism

“I fuck France. I burn France”: black rapper violates and kills France, symbolized as White woman

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 20 May 2019 03:46.

“I fuck France. I burn France”: rapper violates and kills France, symbolised as a White woman.

Diversity Macht Frei, 19 May 2019:

Last year, “French” rapper Nick Conrad published a song called “Hang the Whites“. In the accompanying video,  he killed a white man and uttered the words “I go to the nurseries. I kill white babies.”

Conrad, his aristocratic status having been confirmed, is now back at it again.

His new video is called “Doux pays” [Sweet country].

In it, he characterises France as a white woman whom he sexually violates and then kills.

Here is the full video, with the lyrics shown in English subtitles.


I fuck France, fuck France
Until the agony
I burn France, I burned the F-

[Verse 1]
My cock in France’s mouth
enjoy it like a pig
Viscous liquid, chew it like gum
This hexagon, I fuck his grandmother
Air France, we eat too badly on board
When I want to defend my interests
With accord
Big bitch still says I’m wrong
Hardcore melee
She likes it when we kill each other
When is there blood at the airport
The teacher called me Khaled Kelkal
No doubt she had her reasons
Marianne falsified my story
I put a bomb under her pantheon
Coward tell me:
“Be careful, you’re way too true in your songs”
The truth is worse than the illegal
At the end its death or prison…

Yeah yeah yeah yeah ...
I’m fucking France, I’m burning France
Sweet country of my childhood ...

[Verse 2]
When you enter the lord’s house,
who kneels down?
We say that you have to kneel down too
Except that royal is my DNA
Criminal is my genius
My pen destroys, France is screaming
I dissect my lyrics in front of the inspector
They did not understand a thing
The suffering of my soul wasn’t born today
But what does that stupid man, Charles Trenet, say?
This country has never been sweet.
The Negro takes hits in the skull all his life
But never dies, despite himself
Collects infinite evil stock inside himself
And then returns all the energy
They say their prayers but they die at the end
Because only the black man is blessed, yes
Blessed yes yes yes ...

I’m fucking France, I’m burning France
Sweet country of my childhood ...

[Verse 3]
Apparently I would hit the headlines
Nick, all over the press
Subject, verb, complement, well placed
And I’m little more than one of those guys from the projects
The heart marked with indelible traces
Monkey with a very loud volume resentment
Now that the Negro is at the microphone
They say that I am suffering a violent civil war
But I have my hand on the steering wheel
Watching all these fake pansy rappers
They do not go quietly while wishing me death
Cheap junk art feels coming defeat
Do not put lions where dogs are (never)
My cock in the mouth of Olivier Cachin
Get fucked, fuck all
And without making any effort,
I’ll pulverize all these whores and hooligans

When I blast their world, they all say:
“Oh, Mayday, Mayday”
I fuck France, fuck France
Until the agony
I burned France, I burned France
Instoppable is the fire
I’m fucking France, I’m fucking France
Until she reaches agony
I burn France, I burn France
The fire is unstoppable.

On The Non-Tautologies of Jewing

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 02 May 2019 10:23.

From Age of Treason Blogspot:

The Tautology of Jewing

23 APRIL 2019 AT 11:46 PM
Why is commenting disabled on the new post?

24 APRIL 2019 AT 1:56 AM
Unintentional. Fixed now.


And from Majorityrights:

Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 01 May 2019 23:06 | # 3

Daniel Sperglord and Mangina-in-black enjoy pounding each other’s gay asses!


Captainchaos, while you are trying to deride mancinblack as effeminate for supporting me and MR, why don’t you instead question the wisdom of those who expect Whites to drop all concerns for every other antagonism to our system and attack the ‘pathogen’  ....markedly, it is not going to help us to separate and achieve autonomy from the pathogen if we do not also address our naive susceptibility to the pathogen or deliberate, traitorous introduction of it to our system that happens typically through vulnerabilities and entry by liberal/right wing thin or even pseudo warranted objectivism; also typically a reaction to the contradictory language games that YKW are playing in order to keep our people associated with the right, its rational blindness, mystification, confusion, short shrift of social accountability (viz. even to our people) and with it, disruption of our social systemic homeostasis? - obviously one of the chief aims of the pathogen is to break through systemic defense. Thus, it is obviously valid and important to look at our system and its vulnerabilities.

In short, it is going to be hard to take-on an enemy full throttle while you’ve got people confused, thinking you’re doing wrong, or naively “clearly” thinking that you are wrong because they are abiding by right wing/liberal (their lefts are our liberalism, rupturing our unionization when pitted against our bounds) language games, or outright stabbing us in the back because right wing pseudo objectivity serves to “excuse” why it is that they take the liberties or pay-offs afforded, and “why” we are getting destroyed in their abiding language games as “just a fact of nature” that they have no part in aiding and abetting.

I’ve been looking at this problem since the early 90s, and started to bring it to a double entry with the YKW as the chief problems to our social systemic homeostasis in 2009 ..and have been cultivating it since.

Now, regarding “pathological altruism” (the Taylor, MacDonald thing, circa, what? 2011? I never paid much attention to it) I only suggested that it may have been their naive attempt, even a misdirected attempt to look at our part, as it would likely be (misdirected), still caught up in right wing objectivism by its very means of “description and diagnosis”, but to suggest that I was part of misdirection and not taking the YKW seriously enough because I also believe it is necessary to address vulnerabilities and other antagonism (which will usually lead to their being organized to imposition upon us by YKW, true), and the fact that I recognize serious errors in Hitler’s philosophy and regime (misdirected and misdirecting headlong into disaster for Europeans, as his right wing premises would), are things that I, and Majorityrights, deserve credit for in service of European peoples, not harassment and denunciation.

And isn’t it a perfect example, wouldn’t Trump’s vanity just have him lap-up objectivist flattery and have the YKW walk right into his system, knocking his daughter up, directing his campaign to undo the Iran Deal, get him elected, and move right into Oval Office meetings to set his administration’s agenda?

U. South Carolina senior found dead after getting into car she thought was Uber

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 24 April 2019 13:26.

Published on Youtube, Apr 1, 2019, #CNN #News

Samantha Josephson, a 21-year-old University of South Carolina senior, was found dead in a field about 14 hours after getting into a vehicle she mistakenly thought was her Uber, police in Columbia, South Carolina said.

CNN’s Dianne Gallagher has the latest developments. #CNN #News

Pozland After Dark: Who Rules Numerica?

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 04 April 2019 19:50.

Dennis Dale talks with DanielS & Ecce Lux beyond the “Black Pill”.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 31 March 2019 09:43.

Beyond the Black Pill with Dennis Dale, Eccel Lux and DanielS

Press here for Audio/Visual Stream.

A few matters mentioned….



SB.Nation, 14 July 2014:

“Mel Hall loved sex. Sex is what drove him,” said McMillan. According to a high school teammate, Hall impregnated two girls by the time he was a high school senior. The best guess of Texas authorities for the number of children he eventually sired is eight.




The first time Hall had sex with Jennifer, her father was asleep on the sofa several feet away. After it was over, the 15-year-old cried. Decades later, she testified that Hall told her it was OK because he would marry her once she turned 18.

The photo of Mel Hall and Jennifer at her high school prom, which appeared in the 1991 Yankees team yearbook.

She is now 40. Through all the years, as she steered her life from a subject of gawking into a remarkably conventional version of suburban motherhood, she kept it all: The photos, the love letters, the apology letters, the jewelry receipts. She needed proof. It was such a bizarre story that nobody would believe her otherwise. Sometimes it’s still hard for her to believe herself. Everything happened so fast, and she had so little control over how it unfolded.

After the Friday night game in which Hall had amazed the Diaz family by tapping his bat three times on the plate, he called the house and spoke to Jennifer’s mother. He told her that despite his fame and wealth, he felt overwhelmed and alone in New York, in need of a family. Jennifer’s mother always had a soft spot for strays — she “loved the unlovables,” as Jennifer put it in a recent interview — and Hall had a manipulator’s ability to tell people what they wanted to hear. The two hit it off and talked for hours. By the end of the conversation, Hall was calling her “Mother.”

He invited the family to Yankee Stadium the next day for the Saturday night game. He gave them box seats, Yankees jackets, and the signed baseball that Jennifer had asked for in her fateful letter weeks ago. Nobody thought too much about what Hall’s angle was, because thinking too much would have ruined the rapidly evolving fantasy. But Jennifer’s father, likely sensing that Hall might be interested in his daughter, cautioned Hall upon meeting him at the stadium that his daughter was only 15.

“Keep drinking your milk, kid,” Hall quipped. Everyone laughed, the potential uneasiness of the situation diffused by humor.

The following day, a Sunday, Hall found time to speak at length again to Jennifer’s mother, and the two arranged that he would come over to the house in Fairfield, Conn., later that evening. Fairfield is a well-to-do New York City suburb, but Jennifer says her family was at the bottom rung of the town’s economic hierarchy: Her mother ran a daycare business out of the house, and her father was a contractor. When Hall pulled up to the Diaz home in a limo, the family was so impressed that they took pictures of his arrival.

That particular day had been rough for Jennifer: She had gone to the beach with her friends and told them about what had transpired with Hall, but, not without a little envy, her friends had made fun of her. When Hall arrived, he said he had come because he heard she was upset. He said he would protect her, and that destiny had brought them into each other’s lives. And, only a day after meeting her in person, he told her that he loved her.

Jennifer poses with the Chevy Cavalier that Mel Hall gave her.

For the rest of the week he came over every night after the game, fantasizing to Jennifer way past midnight about their future together. Before she knew it, before anyone had asked her how she felt about it, he had moved into her family’s home. Yes, Mel Hall, a major league baseball player, was coming home after every game and sleeping on the living room floor of a suburban family whose 15-year-old daughter he had just met and with whom he now claimed to be in love.

That same week, he bought Jennifer a red Chevy Cavalier convertible — despite the fact that she was too young to have a driver’s license. Gifts came pouring in to her family as well. Tickets to every Yankees game for the whole clan — Jennifer’s attendance was mandatory — and transportation via limo. A Corvette convertible for her father. One morning, bulldozers showed up at their home to start digging an in-ground pool. If Hall wanted to buy his way through life, as his bodyguard McMillan suggested, he was certainly buying his way into the Diaz’s hearts.


Mel Hall was teammates with Luis Polonia on the Yankees in 1989 when Polonia was charged for bringing a 15 year old (blond) girl into a Milwaukee hotel room with him for sex. Polonia claimed he “did nothing wrong.” When the Milwaukee Brewers sent a message, having their pitcher give Polonia some “chin music” (throwing at him), Hall charged the pitcher for a bench clearing brawl. Though I was a long time Yankees fan, I stopped being a Yankees fan or a baseball fan altogether at that point. What made it most sickening was the way baseball soft peddled these issues - the Yankees even took Polonia back after he had been traded away. Hall’s prom date(!) picture with Diaz was featured in the Yankees Yearbook. Perhaps more dismaying still was the reaction (or lack thereof) from Whites in general. Even my older brother said (with a laugh), “if he hits well, he can have a harem of them.”

I can’t repeat what I said to my older brother in response.

Polonia settles sex lawsuit

UPI, 15 Mar 1993:

MILWAUKEE—California Angels outfielder Luis Polonia has settled a lawsuit with a Milwaukee young woman who sued him after the two had sex at a hotel room when she was 15, the woman’s lawyer said Monday.

Polonia, who was with the New York Yankees during the 1989 incident, took the girl to the Pfister Hotel in 1989 after a game with the Milwaukee Brewers.

He claimed she consented to sexual intercourse and that she told him she was 19 and had had sex before with several baseball players. The woman’s lawyer, James Murphy, said she was a virgin, ‘particularly naive and vulnerable and was led to believe that Polonia’s attentions were virtuous and honorable.’

Murphy said the lawsuit was settled over the weekend. He declined to name the amount of the settlement, but said it was ‘very substantial and would cause Polonia to think twice about using his celebrity status to prey upon underage females who tend to look up to and admire professional athletes.’

Murphy said the settlement would pay for psychological therapy for his client and provide for her future education.

Polonia was criminally charged in the incident and pleaded no contest to sexual intercourse with a child. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail, fined $1,500 and ordered to pay $10,000 to the Sexual Assault Treatment Center at Sinai Samaritan Medical Center. Polonia agreed in January to a $2.4 million, one-year contract with the Angels.

More fun with Mel Hall…

June 24, 2007

Mel Hall Arrested

From the AP -

Former Yankees outfielder Mel Hall has been charged with sexually assaulting two girls in 1998 and 1999 when he was coaching them on a select basketball team.

The 46-year-old Hall was released from jail Friday on $35,000 bail. He was arrested the previous day on charges of sexual assault of a child under 17 and aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14, police said yesterday. The second charge carries a possible life sentence because of the age of the alleged victim.

When Hall was arrested, there was also an unrelated outstanding warrant on a theft charge, police said.

DanielS talks with Dennis Dale and Ecce Lux

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 29 March 2019 01:21.

All Audio Visual Files of Theoria and Praxis of European/White Ethnonationalism 1 - 4b Complete.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 14 March 2019 07:32.

Bitchute File Part 1 Audio

                              Part 2a Audio                  Part 2b Audio

                      Part 2c Audio                                Part 2d Audio

      Part 3a Audio          Part 3b Audio        Part 4a Audio  Part 4b Audio

Why Halsey “English” (((he’s Jewish))) is a walking piece of dog shit disguised as a fat, ugly slob.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 16 February 2019 17:40.

Halsey “English”

Because he wants to do his level best to get the goyim to believe that he is on their side (he is part of the “solution”, i.e., a White and Jewish right wing alliance against “the problem”,  “The Left”, by which he refers to the international Leftism, i.e., liberalism imposed on Whites, that his (((tribe))) was instrumental in having created and imposed in crass, vast distortion in the first place. Now that his tribe is confronted with the intersection of leftism confronting Jewish hegemony, he will do everything in his power to distract from, assist in burying and thwarting a White Ethnonational Left, a platform which is wise to and secured against his tribe’s game.

Witness this chat, which he participated-in alongside my discussion of the question, “Are Jews good for Western Civilization?” with Luke Ford.

Halsey tries to act as if not the first word of what I say makes any sense, is worth any consideration (let alone having significant insight), it is all just worthless - only summary dismissal is deserved from the get-go. True to his slovenly pig self, he is so heavy handed and mono thematic in the comments that he makes his agenda as such entirely too obvious.

Rodney Martin - Rodney says his family is from Silesia. The Mongoloid invasions of the 1200s shows in his face.

Rodney Martin (who goes by the handle “Movement Critic”) is absolutely disgusting. He tries to say that I am Polish and Jewish (I am 3% trace Jewish from my Italian side). He is a Nazophile who confabs with Jews in typical right wing perfidy. He takes a near identical line against me as (((Halsey))).

This post will look at the chat from the Hangout,  “Are Jews good for Western Civilization?”, 6 Jan 2019, and it is appalling.

But first I’d like to remark that upon review of the audio, one interesting point that I didn’t notice at the time was that Luke was asking how it was that Jews, as such a small percentage of the population, could marginalize people?

Luke Ford (Orthodox Jewish convert): who tries to suggest that Jews can’t have such important influence because they are such a small population; and with that, straw mans my argument about “marginals” by asking how such a small population can create marginals, when I did not say that they were creating marginals, I suggested that they were opening the bounds and borders that would otherwise protect marginals first - they are opening the borders and bounds to liberalization and therefore running roughshod over accountability to and from marginals (which is everybody within a group, from time to time).

Luke Ford - “The social justice warriors are winning” against my Jewish hegemony and White, right wing sell-out coalition

Worse, when I described the theory of horizontal transmission and its prescription (which is separatism, not genocide), Luke Ford then tried to say that I was saying that Jews are parasites. And a few people in the chat tried to make that smear stick.

Furthermore, what Luke Ford is doing by pushing this right wing agenda and coddling Nazi sympathizers is evil - the trajectory of conflict that he’s instigating is evil.

But the whole transcript (which I posted with the audio) is interesting - probably better than waiting through my uhms and ahs - though I must say in my defense, I deliver significant content after a short wait as surely as I hesitate in those ums and aahs. I finally looked at Luke Ford’s chat room and these people are totally full of shit. I mean really stupid, even in their lame attempts to obstruct my voice and message.

Poor (((misguided))) Holly. Part of her personality is fixated at 14 - years of age, that is.

Perhaps the most disappointing antagonist in the chat was Holly R. - a lawyer but a Christ-tard and shockingly stupid. It’s a shame because her comments about the OJ trial and the demands of PC (at Dennis Dale’s Hangout) were well considered, but her remarks on this chat were, well, there is no other word but stupid.

Halsey, it’s to be expected. Like the rest of them, his comments were so lame that I can’t even take them seriously.

The chat’s mind was so clearly made up beforehand that it made it too obvious. There was no way to be hurt by it. There was no pretense of objectivity, just sheer malicious intent from the get go.

Church of Entropy was surprisingly lame in her comments.

There were only a few grudging acknowledgments. Those people really suck. Honesty has a very limited role in their platform.

Below and in further comments I am going to present excerpts from the chat. Here’s a look at all of the most malicious characters. You can get a sense of their political/ideological perspective.

Halsey Right Now

Halsey, we know, is a Jewish guy who is figuring heavily in promoting “The Left’ as the enemy and the Leftist Jews are the bad ones, while we right-wingers need to stick together to fight the real enemy, ‘The Left.”

Of course I am promoting a White Left ethnonationalism which is entirely different and at odds with international leftism or the liberalism that he wants people to take for granted as “the left”. It closes off the Jewish games and entryism, also shuts out their misrepresentations as it affords us capacity to define it for ourselves (not liberal, not taking away private property, not seeking equality, though justice, yes, and not against wealth], and finally, it brings to account those right wingers who would sell us out to them] I call him and people like him out on the games they are playing and suckering people into [ “The Left” is the enemy and the right is the solution is a variant of problem - reaction - solution ] and so he and his kind are doing all they can to bury and misrepresent my platform.

“Movement Critic” is Rodney Martin - calls me “Jewish” because I have 3% trace Jewish ancestry.

“Movement Critic” is the Nazophile Rodney Martin. Rodney used to be on friendly terms with Carolyn Yeager until right wing schisiming did its thing. On a subsequent stream he said that he has no sympathy for the Poles that were killed in the Polish Warsaw uprising.

He calls me “Polish and Jewish” in this stream. I am half Polish and half Italian, with trace 3% Jewish from my Italian side (according to DNA tests).

Holly R. is the aforementioned lawyer and a Jesus freak, making a very strong case for the phenomenon of compartmentalized intelligence.

Not only utterly stupid in her assessment, not only malicious (some Christian), but doing it an a puerile way. I’ve listened back and can’t for the life of me hear how I am supposed to pronounce “modernity” in a ‘gay sounding’ way.

Not sure who James James is yet, maybe Babylonian Hebrew.

Brian Brennan is a confused and misguided White guy.

Brundlefly -Jewish wife, kid and a Christard; that sums it up.

Brundlefly is a Christard with a Jewish wife and son. In a subsequent stream’s chat, he told me to “gass myself.” Some Christian.

Norvin Hobbs: A ginger, thus Halsey attributes no soul.

Norvin Hobbs: pro White Anglo American needs to get out of the right wing.

In the subsequent comments I will present the most virulent excerpts from the chat - there was almost no support except from Norvin Hobbs who said he wanted to talk to me and pushed back on Holly’s insistent Christianity.

Ecce Lux has his heart in the right place, but he’s being misguided into the company of these Jews, and taking the bait of their right wing misdirection.

Alex Delarge, well who cares?

Church of Sky-Lilly, er Entropy

Church of Entropy is a kind of Jewish groupie - takes her physics degree and tries to promote a fanciful version of reincarnation; when it’s clear to anyone that DNA reconstructs at least to some extent over generations. Further, for the degree of intelligence required of that field, she’s surprisingly stupid in her remarks.

1) When I talk about Clerk Maxwells Demons, the Augustinian and Manichean Devils, these are clearly metaphors for two different kinds of classic challenges that people are up against.

a) Augusitinian devils: natural challenges which don’t change their rule structure if you solve them.

b) Manichean devils: man made challenges, which can include deception and trickery - including changing the rules if you solve them.

Stupidly, Church of Entropy acts like I am talking about literal devils rather than clear metaphors.

David Hival​ (Doovid), never evolved to believe in evolution.

David Hival​ (Doovid): Doovid, is a classic liberal Jew. And he doesn’t believe in evolution, lol. Why should anyone take him seriously?

“Movement Critic” is Rodney Martin; more like Jewish minion

27:14 Movement Critic (Rodney Martin - this overcompensating, Mongoloid looking Nazophile’s sentiments are clear from the get go). Typical right winger, look (((who))) he is hanging out with and ingratiating himself with.

Rodney Martin, ‘Movement Critic’ says:

​This is why the Poles lost, they tried to talk both the Germans & Soviets to death and both just got fed up & shot them.

Halsey Jewish

Halsey News Network (((Halsey)))

​How autistic is this guy?


Halsey News Network
​Germany, the heart of Somalia

“Movement Critic” is Rodney Martin, looking very much like a victim of Downs Syndrom

Movement Critic (Rodney Martin….and doesn’t he look like he has Downs Syndrome)
​@Halsey News Network please translate

Halsey News Network
​This guy is a broken Deep Blur

Halsey News Network
​Translate what this guy is saying?

Halsey News Network
​He is saying herpa derp derp

Movement Critic (Rodney Martin)
​@Halsey News Network yes

Halsey News Network
​Like I have any clue

Halsey News Network
​He sounds like he is is broken

James James (I am not sure who James James is)
​This is why Daniel hasn’t received a phone call since 1980.

Halsey News Network
​Like a dictionary program that lost some bits

Alex Delarge (who cares who Alex Delarge is. His mind was made up before the start, like the rest of them)
​LOL James

Movement Critic (Rodney Martin, his Downs Syndrome is acting up….and doesn’t he look like he has Downs Syndrome)
​@Halsey News Network I think I need a blunt to understand him????

Halsey News Network
​This guy smoked thirty blunts before he came on

Halsey News Network
​Ever I am not cranky

Halsey News Network
​Is this guy trolling?

Brian Brennan
​funny that 90 people are listening to this

Norvin Hobbs: A ginger, thus Halsey attributes no soul.

, hello

Halsey News Network
​I will call it

Alex Delarge
​hey Norvin

Poor (((misguided))) Holly. Part of her personality is fixated at 14 - years of age, that is. She is an attorney, making a strong case for compartmentalized intelligence.

Holly R. (Lawyer, Jesus Freak, Puerile idiot):

Halsey News Network
​Like won

​@John Harris america was a refuge for ashkies for centuries

Halsey News Network
​Save our brains

Movement Critic (Rodney Martin) [Doesn’t like the fact that I see Christianity for what it is]
​This clown just lost all credibility, he is a Jim Goad

Halsey News Network
​This guy is as coherent as carrot top

Holly R.

Alex Delarge
​oh no

Luke Ford​

BatsintheBarbell​ (this guy might be White and sincere)
what did he mean by this

Movement Critic (Rodney Martin) [there’s a lot wrong with the golden rule, Rodney]
​There is nothing wrong with the Golden Rule

E. Vee​
oh its Holly

E. Vee
​hey Holly

Holly R.
​“Rejecting Christ to own the Jews.” So smart.

Halsey News Network
​Because gingers have no souls

Alex Delarge
​anti-Christian too…

Movement Critic (Rodney Martin)
​This guy is just a crybaby

Levi [No, they’ve deceived Whites into worshiping one though]
​jews worship a jew on a stick?

Holly R.
Hi @Luke

Movement Critic (Rodney Martin)
​Hi @Holly R.

John Harris
​Daniel is a former catholic?? Repent daniel!

Holly R.
​Hey @movementcritic

Halsey News Network
​I am really glad I am high IQ because this guy is making me dumber

Alex Delarge
​he’s as tedious as Kant

Norvin Hobbs
​@holly R lots of people are not into Christianity for a number of logical and metaphysical reasons

Movement Critic (Rodney Martin)
​@Holly R. bet this guy’s GF has air in her

Holly R.
​LOL @movementcritic

Brian Brennan
​what’s going through Luke’s head right now?

Holly R.
​Hi Norvin

Luke Ford​
guess Brian

Alex Delarge
​lol Luke

Jmriccitelli​Luke, u have the patience of a bobcat hunting, they can sit and wait for several hours

E. Vee​
hey Norvin

Halsey News Network
​Tell this guy I will throw a super chat if he takes an Adderall

Holly R.
​Hey EVee

Chris Alton​

@Halsey News Network lollllll

John Harris
​lets accept for the sake of argument that the JQ isnt real, now what luke?

Movement Critic [Nice Nazi sentiments, Rodney]
​@Halsey News Network I’ll give $100 if he snorts Zyklon B

Holly R.
​@movementcritic I’ve been spending time at Orthodox Christian churches. Pretty amazing.

Halsey News Network
​That would make him slower movement crotic

Luke Ford
​John, we could talk NFL

Halsey News Network
​If he gets any slower he will be fully regarded

Movement Critic
​@Holly R. very majestic

Halsey News Network

Holly R.

Halsey News Network
​Usually it is regular autism, this is autism on Valium after catching chlamydia

Holly R. [she knows nothing about what I know about Christianity, but talks anyway]
​Christianity is way more mystical & amazing than what you see with these tv preachers. I think this guy is just reacting to cartoonish Christianity.

Halsey News Network
​This guy knows as much about Jews as Rodney knows about non alcoholic drinks

Holly R.
​@halsey he doesn’t know Christianity either

Halsey News Network
​This guy knows as much about Jews as norvin does about holding a job

Halsey News Network
​Doovid he wants to debate you on violence

Halsey News Network
​He is warming up, he will be ready in 2036

El Jim [This is probably ecce lux, a sincerely concerned White activist, who probably doesn’t “get me” yet.]
​@doooovid I suspect he’s a russian bot with pre-recorded responses

Isaiah Sellassie
​Wrong! it was not the captives who returned to Jerusalem—it was the collaborators of Israel who had joined Babylon in the war against Judah

David Hival​ (Doovid) I have zero idea what this guy’s position is, after all this talking

Holly R.
​Abraham wasn’t “a Jew.” Fight me.

Halsey News Network
​I am not fighting you holly

Holly R.
​LOL @Halsey

El Jim
​I would love to see this guy and David Duke have a monologue with each other

Halsey News Network
​This guy is a human tranquilizer, I would lose to Enoch even right now.

Norvin Hobbs​@Holly R he was a levtine person, so an early jew

Isaiah Sellassie
​there is chronic misunderstanding of the Israel-Judah civil war—- it is the main problem I see in exegesis

Halsey News Network
​This guy is making me so slow David duke would be able to beat me with nothing but the power of steroids and Botox

Active Monad​Well, this is exciting!!

Halsey News Network
​No you don’t dooovid.

Halsey News Network
​He is speaking downs syndrome

El Jim
​Well, at least he’s not setting his cubicle on fire.

Halsey News Network
​Duke is a human manaquin.

John Harris
​frame goy

Halsey News Network
​The man is more plastic than death vader

Norvin Hobbs​
@Holly R are you CI?

Halsey News Network

Josh Randall
​@Halsey News Network he can’t even smile without dislocating his ears..

Halsey News Network

Holly R.
​no @norvin I’m a Lutheran but moving toward Orthodox Christianity

Halsey News Network
​The last time he ate something hot he popped a lip.

Halsey News Network
​This guy isn’t speaking English. He is speaking cerebral palsy.

Movement Critic
​@Halsey News Network This guy must be a 1-900 Gay phone sex operator, keep talking & saying nothing so the Schmuk keeps paying in hopes he says something “interesting”

E. Vee​
Striker is a good man

E. Vee​
of course you dont, you dont like Jesus either

Halsey News Network
​I want to debate Rachel Maddow on Who has a bigger dick, her or Richard spencer

Halsey News Network
​Luke wants to respond but he has no clue what the guy is saying


Movement Critic
​@Halsey News Network Rachel, hands down


Halsey News Network
​Actually yes on January 14

Movement Critic [I said that my DNA tests say that I have 3% trace Jewish from my Italian side]
​@Halsey News Network This guy is Jewish, he has said so

Halsey News Network
​Communism vs nationalism

Holly R.
​I’m so busy cleaning my own side of the street right now I can’t be bothered with this guy & his problems.

Brian Brennan
​70 verbal IQ

David Hival
​yes, systemic homeostasis for whites. exactly what I’ve been saying

E. Vee
​ehh Brian, i wouldnt judge him that harshly. nerves play a role. he is probably better if he’s at ease

Brian Brennan
​I’m just being mean, he could be smart I don’t know his work

Halsey News Network
​You think is Luke just snapped his fingers this guy would fall asleep?
BatsintheBarbell​This guy just says what he wants WHEN he wants

Church of Entropy
​the virgin cares what people think the chad bores the audience to death

E. Vee
​lol Bats, interesting take

Halsey News Network
​This guy been hittin the purple drank

Holly R.
​What if God DID entrust the Jews with his revealed truth as a priest class? What are you going to do then, if that really happened ?

Halsey News Network [because he knows his game is exposed]
​This is straight painful



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Existential Issues

DNA Nations



Each author's name links to a list of all articles posted by the writer.


Endorsement not implied.


Islamist Threat

Anti-white Media Networks






Historical Re-Evaluation

Controlled Opposition

Nationalist Political Parties


Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:25. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sun, 16 Feb 2025 13:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 13:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 21:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:27. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 20:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 22:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 18:25. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:59. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:05. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:58. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 19:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:46. (View)

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