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Letter from Zurich Airport

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 29 March 2019 10:06.

“I have been banned from Europe and will be deported tomorrow.” - Jared Taylor

Number 18, my room for the night.

American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, Zurich March 29, 2019:

Dear Friends in Stockholm, Turku, and around the world,

I am sorry to have to tell you that I cannot attend the Scandza Forum in Stockholm or the Awakening Conference in Turku, Finland, where I had been invited to give talks. Today, when I landed in Zurich for a connecting flight to Stockholm, Swiss border authorities told me I have been banned from Europe until 2021. I will spend the night at the airport, and tomorrow I will be deported.

The officer at passport control in Zurich airport had already stamped my passport and waved me through to my Stockholm flight when she called after me to come back. She stared at her computer screen and told me I had to wait. She didn’t say why. In a few minutes, a policeman arrived and told me there was an order from Poland that barred me from all 26 countries in the Schengen Zone.

He said the Poles did not give a reason for the ban, and he asked me what I had done. I said I give talks on immigration, and someone in Poland must not like them. “That makes me a political criminal,” I said.

The officer took me to an interrogation room and asked me about my travel plans. He went off to another room for a while and came back with a form for me to sign, saying that I understood I had been denied entry and was being sent back to the United States. After some more waiting, he fingerprinted me and took my photograph.

He then turned me over to a man in civilian clothes, who took me to a spare, dormitory-like accommodation where I will spend the night. It’s not a jail. People pay the equivalent of $40 to spend the night here if they miss a flight. I am free to walk around the terminal, I can make phone calls and use the internet, and I have a meal voucher that is supposed to last me for the next 12 hours. The officer kept my passport, though, and won’t give it back to me until I board the flight home.

Why did Poland ban me? Last September, I gave a few talks to nationalist groups in Warsaw. The talks went well, so when I was invited to Lithuania and Estonia in February to speak at conferences, I went back to Poland and spoke in Lublin and Warsaw. Attendance was by invitation only, but the Polish police learned about the meetings. They told the organizer that if I broke any Polish hate speech laws, he would be held responsible. They said I was “spreading a totalitarian ideology.”

In both cities, we switched venues for the talks rather than risk having the police show up. The talks were a success, and in Warsaw I also gave two television interviews. I left Poland by plane and assumed the matter was closed; clearly, it wasn’t. My Polish friends say they will try to find out the reason for the ban and try to appeal it.

But what are the Poles thinking? I’m not like Lenin and Trotsky meeting in Paris, plotting to uproot the entire West. I want to keep Poland as it is, the proud and eternal homeland of the Polish people. What I hope for Poland is what a huge majority of Polish people want, and is not much different from the policies of the regime. I am not a danger to Poland; I am its friend, its devoted admirer.

Three years ago, I got a letter from Theresa May, when she was still home secretary. She told me that my views are repugnant and that she had decided to keep me out of her country. Britain is the land of my ancestors, my language, my favorite authors—and now I was an exile. It was a bitter blow.

Just a few minutes ago, I used my meal voucher at the “Montreux Jazz Lounge” in Terminal E. I watched people eating and talking and laughing, and I envied them. They can come and go as they please. Terminal E is a modern, soulless place, but it is still Europe. It is part of that culture, heritage, and people that I love with a desperate, yearning love—to which I have devoted my life—and from which I am banned.

You and I, working together with our European brothers and sisters, we will save Europe. We will save it from every threat from every corner of the world. But our first and hardest task is to save it from itself.

Jared Taylor

Facebook Bans White Nationalism and White Separatism

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 28 March 2019 16:19.

Africa Rise!

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 22 March 2019 16:45.

Blackened School Bus, where 51 European children were bound-up in an attempt to burn them to death.

Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey have called attention to this story again, which has been under-emphasized, even by The Drudge Report:

An African immigrant to Italy, referred to as an “Italian” by mainstream media, apparently didn’t identify as “Italian” in his most radical concern. Actually, he was about to kill 51 indigenous Italian children in “protest” over Africans being turned away at sea rather than their being allowed to disembark into Europe. In a liberal world where people are supposed to be colorblind and value all lives the same, apparently this man was more concerned with fellow African lives, particularly those who died in the Mediterranean hazarding the voyage - and was quite willing to sacrifice European/Italian lives in priority of concern.

Amren Radio, “Africa Rise!”, 21 Mar 2019:

Paul Kersey:

This story was one that could have been a disaster of biblical proportions. Italy where at first, it didn’t seem real.

On the heels of what had just happened in New Zealand that something like this would happen…what nearly happened in Italy, is a reminder of the true evil of open borders.

What happened was a Senegalese - an African - bus driver, he abducted 51 Italian children and their chaperones, threatening them over a forty minute ordeal before setting the vehicle on fire. Now officers were able to break the glass windows into the bus…and were luckily, as the fire is beginning to rage, they were able to get all the passengers to safety.

This African did this because he was upset, he was protesting the migrant deaths in the Mediterranean.

And, Mr. Taylor, one of the most important aspects of this story, is that this whole story has kind of gone away. It was in the news for a cup of coffee. Matt Drudge, to his discredit, did not highlight this story, but here’s one of the major reasons why this took place, and if I may read from a Washington Times story, the black African:

sent a video to friends in Italy and Senegal indicating plans for a bold action, with the message, “Africa Rise Up!

Jared Taylor: Well yes, his bold action was going to be to burn to death 51 children if he could. That’s pretty bold, and here’s a guy who’s protesting the fact that these people from Africa and North Africa are trying to come across the Mediterranean to live in Europe and they’re not making it across. Well, now this will encourage people to let them across, won’t it? We want more of these guys!

Paul Kersey: This is one of the reasons why we talked about last week, Salvini’s (statement that) the Italian Navy is no longer going to be a taxi service. They basically shut down Mediterranean there’s no more illegal migrants coming from Africa. And yet this guy was ready to curate a terror attack to ensure that pipe-line stay open so that…we already know, we’ve seen that most important graphic from Steve Sailer that shows the projected growth rate for the African population:

It’s catastrophic.

He wants them to be able to come over, unmolested to this land of milk and honey that is Italy. This is a guy, again, this black gentleman from Senegal….

Jared Taylor: “Gentleman”, you…. Kersey: I do use that word, you said it was a fun week? Jared Taylor: No. Not a fun week Paul Kersey: No, you’re right, you’re right.

Paul Kersey: This was not a gentleman, this was an African terrorist ready to kill White Italians, let’s put it that way.

Jared Taylor: Yes. That’s better.

Paul Kersey: He took all their phones and he ordered the chaperones to bind the students hands with cable ties!

Jared Taylor: He had apparently a little supply of cable-ties, yes.

Paul Kersey: Threatening to spill gas and set the bus ablaze. Now luckily, it was reported, one of the chaperones was only loosely bound, he only loosely bound, he only loosely bound several students hands, so that enabled one of the students to escape…the bus was intercepted on the outskirts of the lawn.

Jared Taylor: No, what happened was that they managed to call the police.

Paul Kersey: Yes.

Jared Taylor: And the Police intercepted the bus.

Paul Kersey: The crisis that nearly happened on Monday, March 20th, is the reason why we are seeing [ethnonationalism win election after election, in places where we’d never seen ethnonationalism win elections before].

Jared Taylor: Well, exactly. This guy became an Italian citizen in 2004. Now, he hasn’t exactly been a model citizen. He’s been convicted in 2007 and 2011 of drunken driving. And, sexual molestation of a minor! What’s this guy doing driving a bus!

Paul Kersey: Yet, he’s been a bus driver for the company of fifteen years. So that means that he had both of those convictions for drunken driving while he was employed as a bus driver!

Jared Taylor: That’s right, that’s right, it makes no sense, does it.

I think more and more Italians are saying, “we don’t need guys like Ousseynou Sy” know, these things don’t get talked about very much in The United States, and they are probably somewhat downplayed in Italy, but this will remain in people’s minds:

Somebody who tried to burn children to death. He told them - “no one will survive today!”

That was his warning, that was his intention.

“Africa Rise-Up!”

Boy oh, boy, if that’s the way Africa rises up, no thanks!

Paul Kersey: Africa, comma, “Rise-up!”

Jared Taylor: Yes, he’s addressing Africa.

Now it wasn’t just these Senegalese man who wanted to barbecue 51 Italian children. We had another deadly terror attack in Utrecht, in The Netherlands…this was just on Monday....a 37 year old of Turkish descent was under investigation for rape…


Guillaume Faye Remembered: November 7, 1949–March 7, 2019

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 09 March 2019 06:07.

Remembering Guillaume Faye: November 7, 1949–March 7, 2019

Article by Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents:

1,241 words

I was deeply saddened to learn today of the death of French New Right philosopher and polemicist Guillaume Faye after a battle with cancer. Faye had been sick for some time, but he was so focused on writing what will now be his last book that he postponed seeing a doctor until it was complete. When he finally sought medical attention, he was diagnosed with stage four cancer. There is no stage five. Guillaume Faye gave his life for his work, and his work for Europe.

Faye, like New Rightists and White Nationalists in European societies around the globe, was motivated by a sense of danger: the reigning system — liberal, democratic, capitalist, egalitarian, globalist — has set the white race in all of its homelands on the path to extinction through declining birthrates and race replacement through immigration and miscegenation. If we are to survive, we must understand this system, critique it, and frame an alternative that will secure the survival and flourishing of our race. Then we need to figure out how we can actually implement these ideas.

I like Faye’s approach for a number of reasons.

First, Faye thinks big. He wants to take all of Europe back for Europeans. I completely agree with this aim. Furthermore, to secure the existence of Europe against the other races and power blocs, Faye envisions the creation of a vast “Eurosiberian” Imperium, stretching from Iceland to the Pacific, with a federated system of government and an autarkic economy. He believes that only such an imperium will be equal to the challenges posed by the other races in a world of burgeoning populations and shrinking resources. As I argue in my essay “Grandiose Nationalism,” I think that such ideas are neither necessary nor practical and they entail dangers of their own. But nobody can fault them for visionary boldness.

Second, Faye thinks racially. His answer to the question “Who are we?” is ultimately racial, not cultural, religious, or subracial: white people are a vast, extended family descending from the original inhabitants of Europe after the last Ice Age. There are, of course, cultural and subracial identities that are also worth preserving within a federated imperium, but not at the expense of the greater racial whole.

Third, Faye is not a Luddite, primitivist, or Hobbit. He values our heritage, but he is attracted less to external social and cultural forms than to the vital drives that created them and express themselves in them. He also wishes to do justice to European man’s Faustian drive toward exploration, adventure, science, and technology. His “archeofuturism” seeks to fuse vital, archaic, biologically-based values with modern science and technology.

Fourth, Faye turns the idea of collapse into something more than a deus ex machina, a kind of Rapture for racists. We know a priori that an unsustainable system cannot be sustained forever and that some sort of collapse is inevitable. But Faye provides a detailed and systematic and crushingly convincing analysis of how the present system may well expire from a convergence of catastrophes. Of course, we need to be ready when the collapse comes. We need a clear metapolitical framework and an organized, racially conscious community to step into the breach, or when the present system collapses, it will simply be replaced with a rebranded form of the same ethnocidal regime.

Fifth, Faye is a strong critic of Christianity as the primary fount of the moral universalism, egalitarianism, and individualism that are at the root of our decline.

The only really fundamental disagreement I have with Faye was on the Jewish question. His views are closer to those of Jared Taylor, whereas mine are closer to those of Kevin MacDonald.

I only met Faye once, at the 2006 American Renaissance conference, where we had a couple of enjoyable conversations. We corresponded occasionally before and after that meeting. One of my treasured possessions is a copy of Faye’s first book, Le Système à tuer les peuples (Copernic, 1981), which he had given to Savitri Devi. Unfortunately, he was never able to locate his brief correspondence with Savitri. Perhaps it will come to light in his papers, which should be carefully preserved. If European man has a future, it will be due in no small part to Faye’s works. He belongs to history now, and future European generations will look dimly upon us if we fail to conserve and carry on his legacy.

Counter-Currents will publish several memorial tributes to Faye in the coming days. In the meantime, I wish simply to draw your attention to many pieces by and about Faye at Counter-Currents.

By Guillaume Faye:

“Call to Young Europeans,” trans. Greg Johnson (Translations: Czech, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish)
“The Cause of the Peoples?,” trans. Michael O’Meara
“The Conquest of Europe Begins,” trans. Guillaume Durocher
“Cosmopolis: The West as Nowhere,” trans. Greg Johnson
“From Dusk to Dawn,” trans. Michael O’Meara
“The Essence of Archaism,” trans. Irmin Vinson
“The Geopolitics of Ethnopolitics: The Concept of Eurosiberia,” trans. Greg Johnson
“Guillaume Faye on Nietzsche,” trans. Greg Johnson (Czech translation here)
“The Intentional Genocide of European Peoples?,” trans. Greg Johnson (Spanish trans. here)
Interview on Dominique Venner, trans. Greg Johnson (Spanish trans.)
Interview with Guillaume Faye
“The Islamic Conquest of Europe,” trans. Irmin Vinson
“Islamism is Less Dangerous than Islam,” trans. Greg Johnson
“Jihadist Carnage in Paris,” Part 1 (Spanish trans.), Part 2, trans. Greg Johnson
“The Lesson of Carl Schmitt,” with Robert Steuckers, trans. Greg Johnson
“Macron: Artifact and Puppet,” trans. Guillaume Durocher
“Mars and Hephaestus: The Return of History,” trans. Greg Johnson (Russian translation here)
“The Migratory Invasion,” Part 1 (Spanish trans.), Part 2 (Spanish trans.), Part 3 (Spanish trans,), trans. Greg Johnson
“On the Essence of War,” trans. Greg Johnson
“On the Russian Annexation of Crimea,” trans. Greg Johnson (Czech trans.)
“People” (from Why We Fight)
“State and Society,” trans. Greg Johnson
“Ten Untimely Ideas,” trans. Michael O’Meara
“Traditionalism: This is the Enemy!,” trans. Greg Johnson
“Tribute to Dominique Venner,” trans. Greg Johnson (Translations Czech, Greek, Spanish)
“Trump: Revolution or Simulacrum?” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, trans. Guillaume Durocher
“Ukraine: Understanding the Russian Position,” trans. Greg Johnson
About Guillaume Faye:

Francis Alexander, “Toward Euro-Siberia” (Portuguese translation here)
F. Roger Devlin, “The Rectification of Names: Guillaume Faye’s Why We Fight”
F. Roger Devlin, “A Serious Case: Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism”
Jack Donovan, “‘Corporatism’ or Mercantilism?”
Ricardo Duchesne, “The European New Right and its Animus Against Western Civ”
Georges Feltin-Tracol, “Back to the Future: Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism”
Andrew Hamilton, “Pan-Nationalism”
Thomas Jackson, “Life After the Collapse: Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism”
Greg Johnson, “Grandiose Nationalism” (Translations: French, German, Russian, Spanish)
Greg Johnson, “Project Septentrion: The Last Line of Defense” (French originals here)
Greg Johnson, “Review of Michael O’Meara’s Guillaume Faye and the Battle of Europe” (Czech translation here)
Greg Johnson, “Theory and Practice” (Translations: French, Polish)
Julian Langness, “Desired Storms: Guillaume Faye’s The Colonisation of Europe”
Robert Lind, “A Field Day for the Titanic Pessimist: A Review of Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism 2.0”
Michael O’Meara, “Europe’s Enemy: Islam or America? Guillaume Faye’s Le coup d’Etat mondial”
Michael O’Meara, Foreword to Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism
Michael O’Meara, “Guillaume Faye and the Jews”
Michael O’Meara, “The New Jewish Question of Guillaume Faye”
Michael O’Meara, “Preparing for World War III: Guillaume Faye’s Avant-Guerre”
Michael O’Meara, “Sex and Derailment: Guillaume Faye’s Sexe et Devoiement”
Michael O’Meara, “The Transitional Program: Guillaume Faye’s Mon Programme”
Michael O’Meara, “The Widening Gyre: Guillaume Corvus’ La convergence des catastrophes”
Christopher Pankhurst, “Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism 2.0”
Christopher Pankhurst, “Guillaume Faye’s Sex and Deviance”
Michael Walker, “Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism”

Related at Majorityrights:

Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance

Review call: Guillaume’s Faye’s Why We Fight

Why we fight

South Africa: ANC Will Seize White Property in Cities, Not Just Farms, Says President Ramaphosa

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 28 February 2019 10:22.

New Observer,South Africa: ANC Will Seize White Property in Cities, Not Just Farms, Says President”, 28 Feb 2019:

White-owned property in South Africa’s cities and towns will be seized along with white farms in order to provide “high-density housing” for blacks, and whites are to blame for the country’s collapsing train services, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced.

Addressing a meeting of “traditional leaders” in the Cape Town City Hall on Wednesday this week, as part of the ANC’s election campaign, Ramaphosa also blamed Apartheid [read whites] for African backwardness and the fact that blacks are always poor.

“Land in cities and towns must be identified for seizure without compensation upon which high-density housing can be developed so that ordinary South Africans can live close to their places of work,”  Ramaphosa told the meeting. “Apartheid distributed people outside of the major cities. The poor lived outside the cities, and the rich inside them,” he continued. “Just like other world cities, South Africa had to develop high-density housing in the city and town centers, and the government was going to use the seizure of land without compensation program to identity suitable land within the urban areas.

“This is going to reduce the living costs of the poor who will then not have to travel so far to their places of work,” he said.

This is the first open confirmation that it is not just farms which are going to be seized under the “no compensation” rules scheduled to be introduced in March 2019, but also white properties in urban areas.

Ramaphosa went on to blame whites for the collapsing railway infrastructure in South Africa, even though the ANC has ruled the country for the last 25 years.

He acknowledged that the public transport infrastructure was very poor and that it cost the South African economy dearly. He undertook to “pull the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) right” after a new series of criminal corruption scandals recently shook the state-owned rail transportation system.

“Some train stations in the townships [the black suburbs] are closed. People do not use them anymore because of crime and the unreliability of the train system,” Ramaphosa told the meeting, adding that this too was due to the “heritage of apartheid [read whites] which left us with poor public transport systems.”

In context of Trump’s Wall failure, amnesty, Ecce Lux, Dale talk demographic destruction

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 19 February 2019 06:25.

Los Angeles, which way have you gone, Western man?

Well, Trump certainly did deliver on his promise - to Israel, to undo the Iran Deal.

But with Trump’s failure to deliver on his promise for an effective Mexican border wall, in fact, delivering more amnesty, Ecce Lux and Dennis Dale have an interesting but alarming discussion about the change in America’s demographics, from the transformation of Los Angeles into Tijuana north, to the transformation of a segment of young Whites into irredeemable anti-White, “anti-fa.”

Dennis Dale, Ecce Lux and a guest discuss this collapse of America’s demographic balance and ways of life - the implications: with Ecce Lux having witnessed the transformation to what is now an advanced stage in Los Angeles, he warns that “most Americans don’t realize how F-d they are.”

In truth, I was seeing an advanced stage of demographic horror and destruction in Newark, New Jersey back in the 1960s. It was just as much of a nightmare that White people could “rationalize” their way around it and go into denial about the clear, catastrophic implications. I could not understand how Whites could not see the clear augury of how F-d they were going to be…

Ecce Lux renders intelligent description of the change and his visceral response, but he doesn’t get some basic matters yet. That probably results from his having only come to the struggle recently. We need to talk to him here. I tried with Dennis Dale and am still open to him but maybe you can’t teach an older dog new tricks.

Ecce Lux seems open to the DNA Nations. As soon as I finally have time (should be this week) to finish a summary audio on the philosophy being espoused here (by me, anyway), I will begin working on implementation.

No Apologies interview of Colin Flaherty

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 11 February 2019 05:03.

Rapper films girlfriend crying-out for parents hours before overdose death, 400 meters from hospital

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 07 February 2019 06:09.

A court today heard Louella’s boyfriend, Ceon Broughton, pictured with Louella above,  gave her a ‘bumped up’ dose of the class A substance and ‘failed to act’ for six hours. Court shown harrowing footage of Louella as she overdosed. Rapper sent texts to friends as girlfriend died.

Daily Mail, “Rapper boyfriend of Holby City star’s daughter ‘filmed her dying and called her a drama queen after he gave her psychedelic drug at Bestival - but didn’t call 999 in case he was arrested”, 5 Feb 2019:

- Ceon Broughton, 29, denies the manslaughter of Louella Fletcher-Michie, 25

- He ‘filmed Louella during and after she died but said she was a drama queen’

- She was found unresponsive on edge of festival site, at Lulworth Castle, Dorset

- Her father John Michie raced to camp after hearing her ‘screeching’ on phone

The daughter of Holby City actor John Michie was left to die from a drugs overdose by her rapper boyfriend who didn’t seek help ‘because he didn’t want to be arrested’, a court heard today.

Former Coronation Street star Michie, 62, and his wife Carol Fletcher made a 130-mile dash to musical festival Bestival as their daughter Louella Fletcher-Michie was dying after taking party drug 2C-P.

A court today heard Louella’s ex-boyfriend, Ceon Broughton, gave her a ‘bumped up’ dose of the class A substance and ‘failed to act’ for six hours despite her needing urgent medical care.

Instead Broughton, 29, stayed in a secluded wooded area with Louella as her condition severely worsened and made a series of video recordings of her on his mobile phone. 

Louella and Ceon (bottom right together) at a family dinner with, clockwise from left: Her actor father John, his wife Carol, brother Sam, sister Daisy and her boyfriend Jamie Jamieson.

Her brother, Sam, contacted Broughton urging him to seek medical help. But Broughton sent Sam a message which said ‘call back in an hour’ and referred to Louella as a ‘drama queen’, the court heard.

Broughton, who has recorded with top rap artists Skepta and Wiley, even filmed Louella after she died - an hour before her 25th birthday.

Jurors were today shown 15 minutes of the shocking footage, in a series of clips. At one point he recorded non-stop for 51 minutes of the evening. Louella could be seen shouting loudly, repeating incoherent sentences and even hitting herself.

The hospital area of Bestival in Lulworth Castle, Dorset, was just 400 metres from the wooded spot where Louella died.

Prosecutor William Mousley QC said Broughton had been given a suspended sentence a month before the incident on September 10, 2017, and didn’t seek help as he ‘didn’t want to be arrested’.

Mr Mousley QC said Broughton ‘put his own liberty before her life’ and said his ‘failure to get her treatment was borne out of selfishness and self-preservation’. He also revealed medical experts believe Louella would have had a 90 per cent chance of survival if she had been given treatment.

Louella Fletcher-Michie was found dead after taking party drug 2CP at the Bestival siteLouella’s boyfriend, Ceon Broughton, gave her a ‘bumped up’ dose of the class A substance and ‘failed to act’ for six hours despite her needing urgent medical care, the court heard.

Louella could be seen shouting loudly, repeating incoherent sentences and even hitting herself in a series of clips

Jurors were shown videos of dancer Louella visibly distressed from the effects of 2C-P and heard Broughton had texted a friend saying ‘I can’t get bagged’ in reference to being arrested.

He also ignored messages from Mr Michie and Louella’s brother urging him to get help after he had spoken to Mrs Fletcher-Michie on the phone and she realised her daughter was unwell.


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