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Ghana’s “Right of Abode”: Roadmap to Racial Peace?

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 11 July 2016 07:40.

TNO, “Ghana’s “Right of Abode”: Roadmap to Racial Peace?” 10 July 2016:

The African state of Ghana’s “right of abode” law—which grants residence and citizenship to any person of black racial descent—is one of the clearest roadmaps to achieving world racial peace, the Project Nova Europa website has said.

The basis of Ghana’s law—that of encouraging races to congregate in areas where they will not be ruled over or interfered with by other races—remains the best solution to racial conflict ever devised.

According to an article on that website, which is devoted to generating support for a European ethnostate, Ghana became the first country in Africa to grant automatic right of abode to any African in what it calls the “diaspora” in 2001, but the law has not achieved much media coverage, despite already having attracting more than 3,000 blacks from the US.

An article in the Atlanta Black Star from June 2015, revealed that the “right to abode” clause is part of the Ghanaian Immigration Act of 2000, which states that the “concept of right of abode is that person having the right of abode ‘shall be free to live and to come and go into and from the country without let or hindrance.’”

The Ghanaian residency program does have some stipulations. Black people looking to resettle in Ghana must be at least 18-years-old, of good character, financially independent, and not been convicted of a criminal offense and sentenced to imprisonment of 12 months or more.

These stipulations would exclude a large percentage of blacks, including those that they would be most happy to dump on us:

A person of African descent in the Diaspora

A person of African descent in the Diaspora to be considered for the status of right of abode if he satisfies the Minister that he

A.) Is of good character as attested to by two Ghanaian who are notaries public, lawyers, senior public officers or other class of person approved of by the Ministers.

  B) Has not been convicted of any criminal offence and been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of twelve (12) months or more
  C) Is of independent means
  D) Is in the opinion of the Minister capable of making a substantial contribution to the development of Ghana and
  E) Has attained the age of eighteen (18) years.

However, in pointing out the racial basis of the Ghanan law and the Israeli law, TNO and Nova Europa does well to illustrate an argumentative basis for ethnonationalists:

The existence of Ghana’s right of abode law—which is overtly racial in nature—is of course modelled after Israel’s “right of return” law, which also grants residence and citizenship to anybody who can prove themselves to be racially descended from Jews, no matter where they find themselves in the world.

The racial basis of these laws attracts little controlled media attention because they are implemented by blacks and Jews respectively, but this alone is not a reason to reject them. In fact, a European state—or states—which adopted such a law might very well do so by pointing to the fact that Israel and Ghana already have such laws.

Us and Them: British patriotism from a “stay” & pro European perspective - by Bill Baillie

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 01 June 2016 12:29.

Editor’s note: Bill’s viewpoint is his own and represents an alternative perspective for your consideration.

European Outlook # 30, June 2016:

Us and Them - by Bill Baillie

After the Second World War the class system in the UK began to break down. In 1970 Edward Heath, the son of a builder and a pupil of the local grammar school, became prime minister. He was followed by a succession of middle class people who made it to the top; Harold Wilson, Margaret Thatcher, and John Major. It seemed that things were changing for the better but now, under Dave Cameron, we have gone back to being ruled by upper class millionaires who know nothing about ordinary people.

        Oswald Mosley

Some aristocrats had a social conscience. Oswald Mosley was tipped to be prime minister but he resigned from the Labour Government in 1931 when it refused to adopt his proposals to cure unemployment. Harold Macmillan, like Mosley, had fought in the trenches of the First World War and understood working people. But Dave Cameron and his chums have no such affinity. They’ve been forced to drop changes to tax credits, disability benefits, and academy schools because of their ignorance of public opinion. They tried to go too far too soon.

The class system was eroded by generations of social engineering but the aristocracy survived taxation and death duties and has now been reinforced with pop stars, footballers, pornographers, drug dealers, financiers and property speculators.

In days of old our lords and masters were expected to raise regiments and lead us into battle but the present lot are under no such obligation. They still have their private armies but nowadays the pikes and muskets of their hired thugs have been replaced with the smartphones and tablets of their sharp-suited accountants and lawyers.

The recent Panama disclosures confirm that we are not “all in this together”. Working people have to pay their taxes but the rich hide their money in overseas accounts. Our society is profoundly unequal and getting worse.

        Major Tim Peake
        Photo European Space Agency

Helen Sharman became the first British astronaut when she served aboard the Soviet Mir Space Station in 1991. NASA astronaut Michael Foale was born in Britain, but Major Tim Peake is the first Briton to serve on the International Space Station as a European Space Agency astronaut. He is due to return to Earth on June 18.

We have long been at the forefront of scientific achievement but we can’t afford an independent space program and it’s vital that we contribute to the ESA and pan-European projects such as Airbus and Eurofighter - all of which would be threatened by our withdrawal from Europe.

A long list of British inventions have been sold to America for want of development capital. We pioneered television, radar, the jet engine, vertical take-off aircraft and many other scientific achievements only to see them sent abroad. We spent so much money on the Blue Streak rocket program that we were forced to abandon it and buy American missiles; first Skybolt, then Polaris and now Trident.

The Tory Party has sold its soul to McDonnell Douglas, the makers of Trident, but thousands of British jobs depend on our participation in joint European aerospace projects. Mjr. Peake’s brave contribution to scientific research is the living proof of our commitment to Europe.

Spies and Traitors

Patriotic parties have always been infiltrated with spies and traitors. The pre-war movements collaborated with the State until it turned on them in 1940. They have been more careful since the war but according to Joe Owens the police have informers in all of them.

Bernard O’Mahoney states in his book Hateland that anti-fascist groups have no trouble recruiting discontented nationalists. So it’s likely that the police and the anti-fascists have got every group covered.

A meeting of the Communist Party in America during the fifties was famously abandoned when it was realized that everybody there was a government agent. And a recent case against the NDP in Germany was thrown out when those accused of promoting racial hatred were unmasked as security policeman.

Ray Hill was an active nationalist who split British Movement in 1982. He stood as the BNP candidate for Leicester in the 1983 general election where he got 469 votes. But in his 1988 book The Other Face of Terror he boasted of his career as an agent provocateur and general nuisance.


British nationalist leaders are routinely accused of being enemy agents, especially when their parties collapse following disappointing election results. Some of them might be guilty but we should remember that Adolf Hitler was assigned to military intelligence when he joined the German Workers’ Party - the rest, as they say, is history.

What Can We Do?

British nationalist candidates did badly at local elections throughout the country. They didn’t beat the record set by Commander Bill Boaks who got 5 votes standing as an Air, Road, Public Safety, White Resident in the March 1982 Glasgow Hillhead by-election; but they came close and they will now have to reconsider their tactics and policies.

Mosley’s Union Movement in the fifties and sixties and the National Front in the seventies were forced to use marches and demonstrations because they were refused access to meeting halls and denied press coverage. But street politics has had its day and modern methods of communication are called for.

                        Union Movement marching along Dalston High Street in 1952


Thanks Right-Wing!

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 10:41.

I have learned a trick for a very likely way to find an image of a beautiful woman in an Internet image search: search the name “Dagmara.”

Chances are that you’ll come up with a beauty.

But this time the story came up first, i.e., of a beautiful Dagmara having committed suicide for having been bullied, probably by jealous girls of other ethnicities and races. The price of gratuitous jealousy is a terrible one; and females can be particularly vicious.

You might ask me, “what was Dagmara doing in Cornwall?” and I would answer that Dagmaras should not be in The U.K. in any great number. That if her kind were there in smaller numbers that the genetic threat may not have risen to such hostility.

I would add, sarcastically with regard to liberalism, that “racial classifications are not working hypotheses that allow the security of accountability to a just and historically coherent human ecology, agency and warrant, no.” I would add just as sarcastically in the other direction, the conventional racialist direction, “no, they are a fact of natural struggle, survival of the fittest” ...

That does bring to mind another right-wing whipping boy - their crusade against anti-bullying. Yes, isn’t bullying a wonderful thing, we all need that school of hard knocks ad nauseam - survival of the jealous and ugly, er, “the fittest.” ... “those ‘leftist’ social justice warriors just don’t appreciate realty.”

That right wing “naturalness” compounds the dilemma that defending Dagmara places before those of us who might care; a dilemma placed before us by right-wing perfidy:

We can subject her to performance requirements of liberal Darwinism and YKW - “see how terrible ‘racism’ (accountability to human ecology) is? We need to mix people even more because its just, you know, best for everyone; whatever.” And there is the other option for a Polish girl such as Dagmara, of course - she can find security and fellowship with those who embrace the ideology of Adolf Hitler.

Thanks Right Wing!

DT, “Polish girl, 16, found dead at school after complaints of racist bullying after moving to Cornwall”, 18 May 2016:

A Polish teenager who was found dead at her school had complained about racist bullying on a website linked to young suicides after moving to Cornwall with her family.

Dagmara Przybysz, 16, originally from Poland, had complained about suffering from racism at school on the site two years ago.

Police and paramedics were called to Pool Academy in Pool, Redruth, Cornwall, on Tuesday at 2.15pm where the student was pronounced dead at the scene.

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