Majorityrights News > Category: European culture

American Ex-Patriot Abandons The Germany She Loved Due to its Obsequious Accommodation of Islam

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 05 October 2016 05:45.


Stefan Molyneux interviews an American EX-Pat, who lived in Germany, liked-it, wanted to stay, but returned to live in The U.S. after experiencing the deterioration of its way of life on behalf of obsequious accommodation of Islam.

Chinese investment in Canada impacting private and public resource

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 05 October 2016 03:13.

Macleans, “China is buying Canada: Inside the new real estate frenzy”

How China’s affection for Canada’s real estate is reshaping the nation’s housing market well beyond Vancouver

Paul Shen can tick off the reasons Mainland Chinese people buy property in Canada as surely as any fast-talking B.C. realtor. Some long to escape the fouled earth and soupy air of their country’s teeming cities, he explains, while others are following relatives to enclaves so well-populated by other Chinese expats they hardly feel like foreigners.

The richest, of course, regard homes in the West as stable vessels for disposable cash, but Shen lays no claim to such affluence. Last spring, the 39-year-old left behind his middle-management advertising job in Shanghai to seek the dream of home ownership he and his wife couldn’t afford in their home city. “We just followed our hearts to begin a totally different life,” he tells Maclean’s, adding: “We can make the house dream come true in Canada.”

The starting point was one-half of a modest duplex near downtown Victoria, close to the university where his wife is seeking a master’s degree, and priced about right for their limited means. Selling points ranged from the quiet of the street—perfect for their six-year-old son—to the stunning Vancouver Island vistas all around. High on his list, though, was Victoria’s comfortable distance from the bustling Chinese communities of B.C.’s Lower Mainland. As Shen—betraying his limited knowledge of pre-settlement Canadian history—puts it: “We wanted a place that would allow us to live with the natives.”

It’s hard not to smile at his idealism. Substitute any one of two dozen nationalities, after all, and you have a chapter in Canada’s cherished narrative of migration, settlement and shared prosperity.

But as a Chinese newcomer with a buy-at-all-costs resolve, Shen also personifies a phenomenon dividing those “natives” he’d like to call his neighbours. In the past five years, the flow of money from mainland China into Canadian real estate has reached what many consider dangerous levels, contributing to a gold-rush atmosphere in the nation’s leading cities, while stirring anger among young, middle-class Canadians who feel shut out of their hometown markets.

Its impact on Vancouver’s gravity-defying boom is the best known—and most hotly debated—example, as eye-popping price gains leave behind such quaint indicators as average household income, or regional economic activity. “We’re bringing in people who just want to park their money here,” says Justin Fung, a software engineer and second-generation Chinese-Canadian who counts himself among those frustrated by Vancouver’s surreal housing market. “They’re driving up housing prices and simply treat this city as a resort.”  Full story at Macleans

Related story:

BCBusiness, “China, Foreign Ownership & B.C. Resources”

B.C.’s natural resources are being gobbled up by foreign entities at a record pace. Increasingly, those entities are controlled by governments, such as China’s, that may have motives beyond mere profits. (Return to B.C.‘s Top 100 of 2011.)


It’s that potential for conflict of interest that has a few people worried. Jock Finlayson, executive vice-president of the Business Council of B.C., appreciates the “investment renaissance” that B.C. is now experiencing, but recommends a cautious approach.

“Canada needs to look at this,” he says. “I don’t know what the right answer is, but I do agree that the private-sector rules don’t apply to state-owned organizations, and it’s not just the Chinese. It requires an explicit look. Do we hold them to a higher test? They are going to have to do it sooner rather than later.”

John Bruk, who 27 years ago co-founded and headed the Asia Pacific Foundation, pulls no punches on this topic. He sees a need for some concerted action before too many horses have fled the barn. Bruk has prepared a comprehensive analysis of the track record of the foundation; he believes the government-funded organization needs to be re-energized in part because of China’s growing economic influence, and believes it needs to do much more to help Canada address an unsustainable trade deficit with China. (Disclosure: I provided editing services for Bruk on this paper.)

“Is trading our ownership and control of core assets for more consumer goods, resulting in unsustainable trade deficits, good for Canada?” Bruk asks in his report. “Are we jeopardizing prosperity for our children and grandchildren while putting at risk our economic independence? In my view, this is exactly what is happening.”


Prominent French patriot sentenced to 6 months in prison for defending himself after being attacked

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 04 October 2016 16:12.

DiversityMachtFrei,“Prominent French patriot sentenced to 6 months in prison for defending himself after being attacked by Muslims”, 4 Oct 2016:


Attacked in March 2014 in front of my wife and my sons - 7 months and 3 years at the time - by three armed (wheel brace, tyre iron) men with long criminal records objecting to my political engagement, I was today sentenced on the same basis as them for having defended myself.

I am being blamed for using a tear gas canister belonging to my wife to keep the attackers at bay while the police themselves were forced to use theirs to protect me later. How could I do otherwise? Let myself be lynched while my family looked on? In this incident I was the only one injured (an injury to the hand from a sharp tool) and to have a statutory period off work confirmed by a medical jurist.

Today, only one of my attackers was present in court. He had no choice because he is already in prison for another case! His record shows 12 convictions (thefts, violence). The two others, also with long criminal records, were not present. One of them has an electronic bracelet and just came out of prison.

I admit being stunned by this bizarre judgement which echoes the injustice experienced by so many victims. Of course I will appeal this decision!

Philippe Vardon was a prominent patriotic activist involved in the Bloc Identitaire movement. He now serves as a regional councillor for the Front National.

UPDATE: This news story in the newspaper Nice Matin (link) describes the attackers as “trois jeunes maghrébins” “three young North Africans”. This, of course, means they were MuslimsSkittles (see link).

Alt Righter 1: The Skypes and the Skittles are working together against us.

Alt Righter 2: Yeah. They always have been.

Alt Righter 3: The Googles are the worst.

Alt Righter 1: No.

Alt Righter 2: No way, dude.

Alt Righter 1: The Googles are strategically insignificant. Without the Skypes stirring them up and weaponising them, they wouldn’t be a problem.

Alt Righter 2: Same with the Yahoos.

Alt Righter 3: The Bings aren’t so bad.

Alt Righter 1: The Bings are fine as long as they stay in Bingland.

An Eyewitness View of The BBC’s historic role in transforming a once proud and sane Britain

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 03 October 2016 06:37.

Before I post Bill’s lovely, just one editorial note, and you can all guess what it’s going to be about. The (((YKW))) misrepresentation of the crucial notion of post modernity. I cannot blame him for reviling “post modern relativism” as it has been (((presented and distorted))).

Just one caveat on Bill’s comment thus regarding his indispensable experience of (((post modernity)))  - White post modernity is a difference that makes a difference in that it recognizes that we are relative to and different from other cultures. Therefore, it seeks to manage our ways given that awareness, as opposed to the oblivious, modernist, narcissistic unawareness of important differences in others - oblivious to that, it proceeds destructively in modernization, in “progress” toward “universal foundations”, a notion that underwrites the liberal upshot of its agenda, the boundless destruction, without a White post modern turn or recognition of the legitimacy and importance of reconstructing our inherent, relative forms.

Of course (((YKW))) are heavily influential in the BBC and take advantage by misusing what modicum of agency that relativism provides, to completely distort and abuse that and what might otherwise be benign and healthy notions of a diverse and multicultural world.

One other note: Auster should be written (((Auster))) to be clear, so that his motives come to attention.

On the BBC, “Posted by Bill on Sun, 02 Oct 2016 16:01

To chronical the role of television (MSM) in the modern age would take a tome.

So what do I mean when I say we’re all a BBC construct now?

I suppose what I’m saying in a roundabout way is the BBC is the most powerful institution in the land, far outweighing the influence of our elected governments.  Nobody votes for the BBC, few know their names and yet they have this immense cultural vice like grip on a whole population.

Fortunately for me, my lifespan has almost mirrored exactly that of the British Broadcasting Corporation.  Born in 1938 you might say I’ve grown up with the BBC, especially with regard to the development of Television.  By the onset of 1950’s I was old enough to appreciate this marvel of the modern age.  Back in those days I cannot claim to know how television would progress and what role it would play in the future of my country.  However, I can say for certain one cannot today measure the distance in years the gulf of character of 1950’s to what television has become today.  In a way, myself and those of my generation have had a ringside seat in witnessing the progress and development of post war television from Muffin the Mule to Star Trek?

With hindsight, the 1950’s to me represented the pinnacle of old Britishness.  I could give an account of how it was for me, but suffice to say, by the onset of the 1960’s the Britishness I loved so much - had gone.  Mostly, I don’t have the time to narrate how this sea change came about, but I did witness first-hand what a vital part BBC television has played in Britain’s downfall.  I also heavily note (by passive viewing) the era of the 1950’s is unfailingly depicted by the BBC as oppressively deferential, wishing good riddance and a kick up the backside to the decade.  I can only ask did the producers and script writers experience living during the 1950’s?  As an aside, television has been given a new task – the rewriting of history.  This sinister trait is in conjunction with the complete destruction of white identity.  I note postmodern relativism rearing its head here.  One man’s meat is another man’s poison!  Hmm!  Don’t let’s go down that road. 

As I commented above, the role of the BBC’s remit from the beginning was to sway the whole of the British public into accepting whatever the BBC were peddling.  I used the term normalising the status quo.  In a nutshell, the BBC (media) have, over many decades, inculcated into the British viewer’s psyche the acceptance of mass immigration into their living space.  With undreamed of success.

Fast forward to the present narrative which is dominating certain sections of the Internet and one can see how successful the media have been.  All those here know perfectly well the tactics employed with such professional dedication, I don’t think I need to expand.  It has never ceased to amaze me over the years how little comment from bloggers has been on the subject of the role of the media’s devastating contribution to Britain’s demise.

I’ve lost count of the number of my comments saying without the input of British media influence, the elite’s agenda could not have succeeded to the absolute degree it has.  The hubris of the media and its hanger’s on knows no constraint, to them they are cock-a-hoop basking in success beyond all expectation.  Who can argue with that?

The BBC’s talking heads jubilantly polish their halos and declare Multicultural Britain is a fact and resounding success.  Does this mean the media will relax its grip on poor battered Britain?  Is it all over?  To quote those immortal words of Kenneth Wolstenholme – It is now!

I asked here some time ago.  Before Facebook and Twitter had grown to what it is today, what were the chances of a ‘revealing mail’ going viral thereby highlighting the parlous plight of whites.  I’m surprised the media has not been forced to enter this conversation, surely the centre cannot hold – something’s got to give.

I can’t wait for that moment.

As I write this, the political western world (as Blair once opined) is in flux.  The kaleidoscope has been shaken - the pieces are still falling.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 28 Sep 2016 10:07:

We’re all a BBC construct now.

Question to the BBC …. Who do you think you’re talking to?

I don’t watch television save the BBC news mostly at lunchtime.

From my lofty perch at my computer I note how normal everything seems.  Neighbours chatting going about their chores, children ready for school, the postman on his round.  This is how it’s always been for all of my life.  Neat houses - manicured lawns.  Most folk at work, leaving a peaceful dormer suburb to welcome them home at the end of a day’s work.  From my window I reflect on the just seen news and ask myself how can this be?  This state of affairs is cognisant dissonance on a pandemic scale

More likely than not I’m looking and listening on screen at a non-white face confidently reading from the autocue informing me my nation’s current events and history. Be it political, economic, whatever, maybe even the burning question of reintroduction of Grammar schools or whatever else- to distract the viewer to look the other way.

Do the native Brits watch the news with their eyes wide shut, can’t they see what’s coming down the pike?  Perhaps more importantly - do they care?

Recently we had the Olympic Games from Brazil, for which the whole of the BBC’s output for the duration was the glorification of the nation state of these isles.  The BBC are very picky as to how they portray the nation to the nation’s viewers, whether to glorify or denigrate.  Praise the natives for their tolerance, or amp up the megaphone of racism for such as Brexit.  It’s all according in what context our nation is being judged by the media.  The BBC basks in the reflected glory of supremacism of team Britain and yet in reality, in the eyes of the BBC we’re all equal, and yet in other quarters, they denigrate our browbeaten population into abject submission.

Our country is on the cusp, it’s reached its tipping point.  Old Britain is slowly receding to the water’s edge.  Britain already is no more.  Alien people in their millions from every quarter of the globe setting sights on reaching Britain, the indigenous Brits, balefully gazing, have no answers.

All of which, leads me to ask again of the BBC, to whom are you addressing?  Is it Somali’s, Bangladeshi’s, Syrians, Filipinos, Iranians, Indians or a myriad of other communities from around the Globe?  Perhaps, just perhaps, it is the native people of this land but I doubt it, for long ago they have been abandoned to a fate we know not which.

I suspect the BBC will respond by jubilantly declaring that Britain is now a multi-cultural, multi-racial society - we are as one.  Get over it!

When young Turks straight from uni gather in the newsroom to compile the latest news, how do they decide which community to address?

I watched a piece recently about the centenary of the Battle of Jutland, I couldn’t help but notice how incongruous it all seemed.  A non-white face telling a white nation of its history.  Do the BBC do it deliberately?

All of this leads a once homogenous people to disorientation and chaos,  without bearing,  how can the BBC talk to a whole nation with any degree of consensus?  I despair how the British people have allowed this state of affairs to come to pass.  To me it defies gravity.

It is manifestly clear the BBC (MSM) have been charged with normalising the situation for the past 60 years.  People can’t say they were never warned.

Auster was right, the English have done it to themselves.  They didn’t resist - and are still not resisting.

Bulldog Spirit!  You must be joking!

Berlin elections: Angela Merkel faces new gains by anti-migrant AfD party

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 18 September 2016 15:06.

Frauke Petry, chairwoman of the anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD) Credit: Stefanie Loos/Reuters

Telegraph, “Berlin elections: Angela Merkel faces new gains by anti-migrant AfD party” 18 September 2016:

The far-Right could return as a force to be reckoned with in Berlin politics for the first time since the Second World War.

The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is set to inflict serious losses on Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in regional elections in Berlin state on Sunday, according to opinion polls.

If the predictions are right, the party could win as much as 15 per cent of the vote campaigning on an openly anti-Muslim platform.

“With a swing to right, life will change in Berlin. I’m convinced of that.“Michael Müller

That would be the far-Right’s best performance in the German capital since 1945, and secure it its first seats in the Berlin state parliament since the 1990 reunification of Germany.

“Berlin cannot be allowed to become the capital of the far-Right,” Michael Müller, the city’s mayor, pleaded in a message on Facebook this week.

“It would be seen around the world as a return of the far-Right and the Nazis to Germany.”

Auckland too much like China says Chinese immigrant and real estate agent

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 18 September 2016 09:48.

Auckland Chinese Lantern Festival: Lighting up the controversy over boundaries and limits in living space.

There needs to be more thought and discussion given to fair quotas in living space and enclaves between Asians and Europeans. It’s piquing as an issue in New Zealand.,  “Auckland too much like China says Chinese immigrant and real estate agent,  14 August 2017:

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters last week talked about an email he had received from a Chinese real estate agent in Auckland about immigration and the housing market. Peters said the agent backed up his claim that speculation was rife. The agent has worked in the industry for three years. He expands on his views here.


I am a Chinese property agent working in Auckland. Recently I emailed the New Zealand First leader Winston Peters expressing opinions on the housing crisis and immigration policy.

I thought as I am an immigrant, who happens to have been sitting in the box seat of Auckland’s real estate scene, the rest of the country might find relevancy in what I have to say.

My family moved to central Auckland in 2001 from mainland China. We came here with the hope of embracing a new lifestyle as well as for the younger generation to receive a superior education.

We remember Auckland as being a city with a unique blend of European and native cultures that is termed “Kiwi”, while the influx of migrants from different ethnicities steadily added vibrancy, colour and prosperity to the city.

Years went by and something curious happened.

Instead of seeing a balanced ethnic mix, Auckland started to acquire an unwholesomely Chinese flavour.

These are the supplement shops, internet cafes, restaurants plus a few seemingly dodgy places that are catering exclusively to Chinese customers.

Most of them have part time Chinese students as sole employees.

A recent encounter with two young Japanese professionals in Tokyo amused me.

“Going to Auckland is like going to China” they said.

“You don’t hear English, you don’t see Kiwis, there is just Chinese, Chinese and Chinese.”

They felt disillusioned and bewildered. Similar voices are heard among local international students, “Are we here to study English or Chinese?”

The same relates to the real estate scene.

While the statistics show there has been 3-5 per cent foreign buyers in the market, is it what we have been seeing across the auction rooms or at open homes for the past half decade?

I remember seeing young couples with their hands clenched and eyes glued to the auction screen, only to find their first dream house outbid by someone screaming in mandarin.

I shudder to imagine their feeling when they see the very house they missed out back on the market within months, this time, with 200k added on top; meanwhile, a champagne is uncorked at another New Zealand property expo in China.

During a recent interview with Newshub, I was asked whether I was worried about Chinese domination. No, it is not, and never has been about any race dominating another. Otherwise it would be blunt racism.

It is about how do you want your Auckland and your New Zealand to be? Do we want trained, skilled professionals to bring our economy to the next level or all we want to see is another Chinese restaurant around the corner, or foreign visitors mistaking Auckland for China?

When New Zealand First’s Winston Peters said many immigrants choose New Zealand when they have failed entering Canada, US, UK and Australia he is right.

At least it is a well perceived notion among my fellow Chinese that only the “less fortunate” choose New Zealand.

As a consequence, we have been absorbing lower quality immigrants who neither have the intention to assimilate to our culture nor the intention to set up all inclusive businesses that provide jobs for Kiwis.

In the event of any of the above-mentioned countries loosening their immigration policies, brace yourself for a downward ride: far fewer people will be willing to pay the same for your home or to lease your shop.

This is because while the property market has been reflecting an exhilarating population growth it is also fuelled by the widespread assumption that “the Chinese pay the most.” It is irrational exuberance at its worst.

It is time for us New Zealanders to rethink.

- NZ Herald

World’s Oldest Snowshoe Found

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 17 September 2016 07:57.

TNO, “World’s Oldest Snowshoe Found”, 16 September 2016:

The world’s oldest snowshoe, made in the late Neolithic age, over 5,800 years old— made of birch wood and twine, has been discovered at an altitude of 3,134 meters (10,280ft) on the Gurgler Eisjoch glacier, close to Italy’s border with Austria.

“It is the oldest snowshoe in the world so far discovered, dating to around 5,800 years ago,” scientists said in a statement.


According to a report on the Archaeology News Network, the ice and freezing temperatures of the glacier had provided “ideal conditions for the preservation of organic material.”

The shoe, which consists of an oval-shaped frame with strands of twine tied across it, was found by Simone Bartolini, a cartographer from Italy’s Military Geographical Institute, who was mapping the border with Austria.

He came across it in 2003 but for the next 12 years kept it in his office in Florence as a curiosity.

“At first I thought it was maybe 100 years old and was a snowshoe that belonged to a farmer who lost it while driving cattle. I kept it in my office as a keepsake,” Dr. Bartolini said at a press conference this week in Bolzano, the capital of the autonomous, Germany-speaking province of South Tyrol.

It was only last year that it dawned on him that it could be much older and more significant. He gave it to archaeologists to study.

The discovery was made close to where the frozen, mummified remains of a Neolithic hunter, nicknamed “Otzi,” were found by two German hikers 25 years ago.

That mummified corpse has revealed a wealth of information on what people of the period wore and ate, how they hunted and armed themselves and how they traveled.

Scientists at the press conference said the discovery of the snowshoe was “exceptional.”

“The shoe is evidence that people in the Neolithic period were living in the Alps area and had equipped themselves accordingly,” said Dr. Catrin Marzoli, the director of the province’s cultural heritage department.

It was unclear why people were traveling through such an inhospitable region, she said.  They may have been hunting animals, fleeing enemies from a rival tribe, or visiting ancient pre-Christian sites of worship.

“The Baltic Way”

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 07:41.

Visigrad Post, “The Baltic Way”

By Dace Kalniņa.

Every year in August, the Baltic people are remembering the so called “Baltic way”. Almost every family has some memories of this moving event, which took place on 23rd of August 1989. This year on a 23rd of August in Rīga the Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian flags and maidens stood together with Ukrainian and Polish representatives in front of monument of Freedom in Rīga, thus commemorating the Baltic way and showing the unity in spirit for the Intermarium region today and in the future.


On 23rd of August 1989 more than two millions of Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians (or approximately 1/3 of entire Baltic population) made alive chain from Tompea castle in Tallinn, crossing Rīga, till Gediminas tower in Vilnius through all three countries to demand Independence for their countries. This is one of the biggest and most impressive political manifestations, which has ever occurred in the world, and can be perceived as culmination of “Awakening process” in Baltic states, which already began few years earlier and resulted in the collapse of USSR. Baltic way action was organized by the Estonian Rahvarinne, the Popular front of Latvia and the Lithuanian Sajūdis.


The date – 23rd August – was a symbolic one, it was chosen to remind the whole world, that illegal occupation of the Baltic countries was a result of so called Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact of 23rd of August, 1939, when USSR and Nazi Germany secretly divided influence spheres, leaving Baltic countries in the hands of Stalin. As it is widely known, after World War II the Soviets denied the existence of this Pact and according to the official propaganda, all three Baltic States had joined USSR voluntarily. Already in 1987 and 1988 the 23rd of August was a day, which made headache for KGB officials. One of the first mass demonstrations in 1987 has been brutally repressed by the Soviets. They took place in all three capitals, and mass protests took place in 1988, as well. The very beginning of these protests has been inspired by the former political prisoners of Latvia and their first open political group Helsinki-86.


The participants of the Baltic way carried a votive candles tied around with a black ribbon and held posters reminding the criminal agreement of 1939, showing that 50 years of brainwashing and propaganda has not deleted memories and knowledge of once independent countries and the fact of violent occupation. The participants demanded freedom for the Baltic countries as well as to stop the communist genocide against Baltic people. The action caught quite a wide attention also in Western media. Amongst others, newspapers as “The Times”, “Daily Express”, “Daily Mail”, “Independent” reflected the events of that day on their front pages. The spirit of that day is fully expressed in a great trilingual song “The Baltics Are Waking Up!” :

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sun, 22 Dec 2024 01:03. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:14. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 22:01. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:52. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 18:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 14:23. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 08 Dec 2024 14:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 06 Dec 2024 20:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 06 Dec 2024 01:08. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Wed, 04 Dec 2024 19:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 02 Dec 2024 23:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The journey to The Hague revisited, part 1' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 21:20. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The journey to The Hague revisited, part 1' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 17:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 13:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 29 Nov 2024 01:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 23:49. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 01:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:02. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 17:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:53. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch wins Tory leadership election' on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 04:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Tue, 26 Nov 2024 02:10. (View)

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