Majorityrights Central > Category: British Politics

A Labour of ... well, not hate exactly, but certainly scorn

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 11 October 2014 23:26.

Two views of the “modern” British Labour Party in all its current fear and confusion, the first from an email sent to me by Graham Lister:

Labour is killing itself - its root in working class solidarity is now just a tiny echo in its ideology/brand. This is the problem with Labourism in the UK in general. The original trade union movement and its nascent party was hijacked by socially left-leaning ‘progressive’ liberals which turned into a flood following the historic death of the old Liberals. Think the whole Fabian tradition. Liberal reformers that wish to ‘reform’ society for ‘the better’’ by the top-down efforts of ‘experts’ on behalf (and in the best interests naturally) of we plebs that sell our labour to make ends meet.

Of course, the genuine working class involvement kept the liberals semi ‘honest’ but the two sociological groups always had an uneasy relationship. The socially conservative but economically radical workers (think Red Clydeside, Durham miners etc) and the economically insipid but socially radical liberals/Fabians was always the mix of Labour.  But now that organic link to the working class is dead (and has been for some time), thus Labour has hollowed itself out to - at best - the Fabian liberals ‘managing’ technocratic reform for the ‘betterment’ of the ignorant masses. Thus, Labour membership is little more than social liberals, worried public sector workers/professionals, upper class careerists/professional politicos (Balls, Miliband et al - mostly privately educated, PPE Oxford graduates and ‘special advisors’) and ethnics on the make.  Interestingly the vast majority of Labour activists are based in London and the SE and from a middle class/upper middle-class background. Look at someone like Bob Crow and the tube workers - they walked away from Labour a number of years ago as they correctly noted it was a waste of their time and effort.

Labour doesn’t believe in very much at the top level other than staying on the gravy train - see here - and what it does believe is little more than the naive proposition that racism is the worse evil in human history and one ‘solves’ it by mixing all people into a grand ‘melting pot’. 1960’s crap. Plus identity politics for ‘worthy victims’ of liberal sympathies - ethnic minorities, gays and other sexual deviants (just google the topic of Harriet Harman’s pedo sympathies let alone Margaret Hodge’s outrageous conduct in charge of Islington council - all tip of the iceberg stuff as Rotherham suggests). Nothing much to do with any serious form of class politics. i.e. basically decent wages for workers.

Clearly for the cause of Scottish nationalism, Labour in Scotland must be politically destroyed - and it’s happening. They don’t like to give the figures for membership of the Labour party in Scotland but, at best, it’s around the 7,000-8,000 mark. The SNP is now approaching 80,000 members. Clearly the Union is a zombie - it’s dead or in its death throws yet still lives on for now.  Obviously, Labour are now becoming toxic in places like Glasgow and Dundee.  Equally obviously, a Scottish MP from a Scottish Westminster seat will increasingly be seen as a liability/unacceptable to English voters in any of the big Westminster cabinet positions (or as a UK wide leader of the Westminster ‘main’ parties). If one was a young and cynical but ambitious, would-be Scottish politician - with the sense to play the ‘long game’ - well such a person could only join the SNP.  The idea of a Labour party dominated and led by Scots (Smith, Blair - technically Scottish by birth and his father’s blood - Brown, Darling et al) and ruling the UK, will be a thing of the past. I cannot see English public opinion tolerating such a state of affairs again.

In England the situation is more complex - ALL three of the smug Westminster parties need, in effect, to be destroyed by an anti-establishment insurgency. Obviously, the liberal elites have all the serious money behind them, the propaganda of the mass media, etc.  But what can be taken away from them is their democratic legitimacy. Now in their hearts, no one at Westminster gives a damn about democracy or the plebs.  But by the rules of the game and ‘in public’ that (and what we think) matters enormously.  UKIP is indeed a crude mechanism but let’s hope for a pincer movement from both UKIP and the SNP in an anti-Westminster uprising.

It’s taken me a long time but I now hate the Labour party even more than I hate the Tory party.  And that’s a lot of hate.

The second offering is mine, and takes the form of a rather sympathetic (well, sort of sympathetic) piece of advice to party members and readers of LabourList, the party’s “biggest independent grassroots e-network”.  So called.  It was posted in the aftermath of the pretty disastrous by-election in Heywood & Middleton, which Labour held on a recount from a fearfully healthy and strong-looking UKIP.


Jewish Control of the British Empire, Divide and Conquer, Comandeering European War efforts

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 24 September 2014 09:01.

Germans in Slavic Lands, Poles and Other Eastern Europeans in Western Europe

Nathan Mayer Rothschild

When grappling with the extent and length of entanglement of Jewish interests in European affairs, perhaps one can come to appreciate GW’s fastidious concern to separate what is authentic native/nationalist European - and what is not - through his ontology project.


Race and faith – part 1

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 22 September 2014 23:01.

by Neil Vodavzny

Scotland is the home of the Scottish Enlightenment, which is known as the home of humanism. But that was then. Today, humanism is synonymous with destruction of tradition and anything and everything that belongs to a distinct, self-confident people. So, for example, the latest pronouncement of AC Grayling of the New College of the Humanities . Whether or not you’re a believer, there is something appealing in collective worship - as opposed to individual brainwashing. But not for Grayling, who has suggested RE in schools be replaced by philosophy lessons (run by him).

This same manipulative focus on impressionable youth was taken up by the Scottish Nationalists in their referendum campaign (even if the final results were not quite as expected). Salmond’s shallow mockery of the established way of doing thing, albeit probably a permanent aspect of his twinkly personality, was yet more evidence of humanist thinking. Salmond may be smarter than most, but it was easy to second-guess his intention of adding “a few more percentage points” to finally emerge a with a mandate for a free, independent Scottish State (with hints of Shylock to boot).

Nowhere is naturalism to be seen, and yet this is the real glory of Scotland. Man must mingle with nature, and nowhere is this more evident than in that most Scottish of creations, Royal & Ancient:


Salter: Accept that the State is no longer ours and rebuild radically of our people

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 21 September 2014 12:11.

Frank Salter: Accept that the State is no longer ours, that we may rebuild radically anew, embedding our national interests of our people.

In the West people are not mobilized in their own defense and why is that? Our Majorities are faced with a fundamental structural problem.

That is historically based….. when the nation states of Europe were formed (such as) England initially, there were a dozen Kingdoms….the consolidation of those small principalities came about through an implicit promise ..the promise was that the new centralized government would adopt the functions of the small tribal governments: so it would defend the people, on the same principle, it would defend externally and maintain internal peace.. it would not betray the basic interests of the society….there was an implicit understanding or assumption that the elite is invested emotionally in the people, that it is tied to the people, that it comes from the people….the people expected their elites to not be alien, not to hate them, not be hostile towards them, but to be drawn from them, and to actually feel one with them…so there was an assumption of identity defense…of concern about continuity and so on…

That is all broken down now. The elite do not identify with the people anymore - those normal aspirations for identity continuity. The fact is that the nation/state model (two separate terms there) - Nation, the bond of the heart, and State, the apparatus of government - have become separated; they don’t have the same relationship one to the other that they did even a hundred years ago. But still the assumption is there, that those functions are being performed; when the opposite functions are being performed! These States are actually overseeing replacement, a demographic revolution that’s taking place.

So, I argue that in this light what needs to happen is that the Majorities actually, in a way, need to accept their defeat. Sort of a radical thing, some people object to this. But I think we need to accept, acknowledge the profundity of our defeat and accept that the government is no longer ours. The State no longer belongs to the people. Once one has faced that harsh truth, then one can start thinking what we can do to survive in the future as a people.

We need to starve these governments of resources; and rather we must build-up alternate national organizations that are well embedded in the people.

We are on a healthy trajectory right now with some fight-back in Europe. But for me the real sign of health will be when Tony Blair finds himself in court charged with treason. That would be a clear sign that something healthy is happening.

You know that the Blair government deliberately set-about to flood Britain with third-world immigrants as a way of breaking the spirit of conservatives…so that they would give up the fight to try to retain their country. I view that as least arguably criminal and if laws don’t exist - and I suspect laws don’t exist for prosecuting people like Blair - the law should be created.



It’s no.  It’s Devo-Max.  Plus a sop to the English?

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 19 September 2014 04:04.

So Glasgow is in.  It’s a good win for Yes.  But the tide for No running across the rest of the country is unstoppable.  The British political Establishment has won, and Scottish independence is off the agenda - if the “vow” to devolve maximum powers to Holyrood can be sneaked through the Westminster Parliament.

There are signs already of a substantial rebellion among MPs - perhaps over 100 Tories.  But that won’t be enough to stop it.  The question is: will it be enough to force a resolution to the constitutional element of the English Question - England, vastly the most populous, wealthy, and economically powerful part of the Union has no voice of its own.  Not only that, Scottish MPs vote on English matters at Westminster while English MPs have no say over Scottish matters decided at Holyrood.  Ditto Welsh matters decided in Cardiff.

Granting the Scots Devo-Max, allied to the preservation of the Barnett Formula (a subsidy from England to the Scottish taxpayer), will probably necessitate the minimum offer to the English of restricting voting on English matters to MPs representing English constituencies.  That will have dire consequences for a future Labour government which, if it could not command a majority in such a congregation, could not put through any legislative programme disagreeable to the Tories.

Regardless, an English congregation at Westminster is not at all the same constitutional animal as an English parliament, which is the only truly equitable arrangement, and the only one likely to satisfy the English electorate.  Of course, the Westminster parties cannot countenance a (likely hostile) English assembly.  Yesterday’s vote in Scotland has opened the proverbial can of constitutional worms.  There are still opportunities here for those of us interested in expanding the self-awareness and self-assertion of the English people - not on the scale of those that would have followed from a vote for Scottish independence, and the break-up of the Union, but a scrap of stale constitutional bread is a hearty meal to a starving man.

“Wise men see outlines and therefore they draw them”

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 02 September 2014 03:19.

                “Wise men see outlines and therefore they draw them”

  D: Don’t be silly. I can’t draw a conversation. I mean things.

  F: Yes—I was trying to find out just what you meant. Do you mean “Why do we give things outlines when we draw them?” or do you mean that the things have out-lines whether we draw them or not?

  D: I don’t know, Daddy. You tell me. Which do I mean?

  F: I don’t know, my dear. There was a very angry artist once who scribbled all sorts of things down, and after he was dead they looked in his books and in one place they found he’d written “Wise men see outlines and therefore they draw them” but in another place he’d written “Mad men see outlines and therefore they draw them.”

  D: But which does he mean? I don’t understand.

  F: Well, William Blake—that was his name—was a great artist and a very angry man. And sometimes he rolled up his ideas into little spitballs so that he could throw them at people.

  D: But what was he mad about, Daddy?

  F: But what was he mad about? Oh, I see—you mean “angry.” We have to keep those two meanings of “mad” clear if we are going to talk about Blake. Because a lot of people thought he was mad—really mad—crazy. And that was one of the things he was mad-angry about. And then he was mad-angry, too, about some artists who painted pictures as though things didn’t have out-lines. He called them “the slobbering school.”

  D: He wasn’t very tolerant, was he, Daddy?

  F: Tolerant? Oh, God. Yes, I know—that’s what they drum into you at school. No, Blake was not very tolerant. He didn’t even think tolerance was a good thing. It was just more slobbering. He thought it blurred all the outlines and muddled everything—that it made all cats gray. So that nobody would be able to see anything clearly and sharply.

  D: Yes, Daddy.

  F: No, that’s not the answer. I mean “Yes, Daddy” is not the answer. All that says is that you don’t know what your opinion is—and you don’t give a damn what I say or what Blake says and that the school has so befuddled you with talk about tolerance that you can-not tell the difference between anything and anything else.



Sir Gerald Howarth stands by letter: Time for England to fight back

Posted by Guest Blogger on Sunday, 31 August 2014 04:51.

Veteran Conservative MP has claimed that Enoch Powell was right to warn against immigration in his controversial ‘rivers of blood’ speech.

“It is time for England to ‘fight back’ against political correctness’ and he added:
‘If you don’t like it, go live somewhere else.’


Sir Gerald Howarth said that he stood by the letter and said his views had been reinforced by the child sex abuse scandal in Rotherham, where gangs of Asian men groomed and abused children.

‘For 40 years we have been subjected to a left wing political correctness which has stopped the British people from expressing perfectly legitimate and reasonable views. More than 1,400 children in Rochdale have paid the price for decades of political correctness, now people are speaking up.’

He said that it is time for England to ‘fight back’ against political correctness, adding:
‘If you don’t like it, go live somewhere else.’

Mr Powell delivered his ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech in Birmingham in April 1968, calling for the “repatriation” of non-white immigrants and claiming that the increased diversity would lead to riots…


Britain’s Camp of The Saints

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 29 August 2014 04:16.

                                                    - By Bill Giles

I think there is every indication that Britain has reached its Camp of the Saints moment, where millions of immigrants from every corner of the globe are now making their presence felt in so many negative ways, housing, jobs, overburdened institutions, social cohesion, lost of identity, crime, and not least, a national void and sense of foreboding.


Our elites are showing no sign of let up, the rip tide of humanity landing on our shores (and through our airports) is applauded by the liberal establishment, and yet still the majority of natives cannot understand the logic of it all. The tipping point looms nearer by each single day.

In Raspail’s story the liberal elites cave at every turn, until only Switzerland remains as an armed nation of resistance, only for them to crumble in the final hour in the full glare of liberal guilt, France is lost, western civilisation is lost.


There is no indication in Raspail’s thinking that the white race is under threat of existence from a deliberate attack by unknown dark forces or who would undertake such a dastardly plan.

Raspail’s tale tells us western civilisation had lost confidence in itself and in some way had no right to determine its tribe’s own future, like rabbits in the headlamp’s glare, whites are paralysed to act in their own defence.

Perhaps Britain is at this stage in the cycle of mass immigration, for there is no real sign of resistance from the mass of the people, still less as to what will galvanise them into any future kind of action.


Further, Raspail’s unfolding imagination does not extend to a narrative where Britain and America are engaged in fermenting a World war in which to bring about their New World Order, all of which throws Rumsfeld unknown-unknowns into immigration chaos.

As I have commented before, it seems when the elites have accomplished their goal, there is no plan B as to what will replace it.

How and when will we know when all is won or lost? 



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