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My Religiously Polite Mom Always Buys Courtley Assistance to NegotiateGoodOrganized Union Coalition

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 June 2018 06:14.

Always quick to maintain the balance between our part as Whites, our fault as it were, in aiding or abetting the destruction of our borders and bounds, which I attribute to a general pattern of our penchant for anti-social, anti-relativist, right wing reaction to Jewish union and anti-White coalitions in hyperbolic abuse and misrepresentation of left concepts against us - i.e., which for us means hyperbolic liberalization of our social bounds - to which we react into kinds of objectivism and liberalism to seek “pure warrant” against this jaded sophist rhetoric against us ...and as I am always vigilant and diligent to maintain that heuristic as one of two poles to the blight against the human ecology of our ethnonational, White/European, group systemic homeo/stasis - the other pole being those most adept at taking advantage - of the attendant susceptibility, disingenuousness among those treacherous among our kind, who’d take the pay-off or seek to advance themselves under the airs of “objectivity’ and liberalism; “openness” to others (who somehow pay); or, those who naively see that “objectivism” as the voice of purity and the road to redemption for original sin or whatever kind of guilt they think they need to be freed-from that their relative interests might otherwise call to consciousness - including a consciousness of the threat to their interests by that group who’ve made a religion of placing the ethnocentric management of their group systemic homeostasis, placing it above all others on earth practiced are they that they would resort, and have, to all manner of war - as their Mossad says, by deception - Manichean trickery in order to thwart upstart adversarial groups; they have practiced these strategies for ages - the YKW being responsible for the Christianity that would disarm us as a group (all non-Jews, finally, into the “undifferentiated Gentile other” as GW observes), to have us not recognize ourselves a group, to have us believe that we all are the same in the eyes of the poor, sacrificed, literally Jewish god that we are supposed to worship; laying down our arms even against the Muslims, whose Abrahamic religion they’ve also spawned, setting it to war against us where we might not yield to Abrahamism; setting up its imams as compradors in Asia as well, where the Asians may also see through their monotheistic, Abrahamic hoax; and want instead a religion of their people, serving their relative ethnonational interests.

I’m talking of course about the YKW - and here I want to go beyond my normal hypothesis that they are one of two major poles to the plight against our social systemic group maintenance as White/European peoples…. I want to identify, albeit in abstract form, the nine power and influence niches that they’ve come to wield hegemony within, with particular culmination following the 2008 subprime crisis and bail-out - among the largest ever thefts known to man.

This was the grand sweep of the boom/bust cycle. That is when they made “the left” as the enemy into a constant in their media and controlled opposition; that is when they devised the concept and got behind a re-branded right wing coalition centered on (((paleoconservatism))) called the “Alt-Right” and Zionist Trump with their clean break agenda ...and they are trying assiduously to ingratiate themselves with the White right now - can you imagine that (((Frame Games))) is proposing to JF the “White pill” (silver lining) that White right wingers can join in with Jews to take advantage of the bust cycle and gentrify places like Detroit with them - we can live with blacks again! stir up their resentment, jealousy and hostility, put ourselves amidst their violence and sexual imposition on our treasure - What a White pill (for Jews like Frame Game, I guess)!

In this episode of JF Gariepy’s “Public Space”, called “What is to come”, Gariepy’s talk with (((Frame Games))) goes through a solemn tour of how White dispossession plays out in five examples, including, Detroit, Washington D.C., Rhodesia, Haiti and of course, Iran!

That’s right, not only does (((Frame Games))) propose that despite the catastrophic results in places of White dispossession such as Detroit, that there remains “a white pill” (cause for optimism), that is the possibility for Whites and Jews to take advantage of lowered property value to gentrify these places - of course, Whites and Jews can “gentrify” Iran too .... Donald Trump can put a Trump tower hotel there lol - The Trump Taj Mahal-Tehran!

He can have Madonna, (((Barbara Streisand))), Kanye West and (((Roseanne Barr))) as opening night entertainment….

As you should have heard me say many many times by now - but as the darlings of White advocacy continue to refuse to hear - the decades of anti White social coalition advocacy followed by the YKW cashing-in on the 2008 boom/bust, has created a situation with the YKW being on top of seven nine niches - whereof they want to cultivate an alliance with reactionary Whites into a rightist elitist alliance - paleocons permutated into an “alt right” to divert them into conceiving of the enemy as “the left” and its social unionization, its “social justice warriors” as the enemy, diverting attention to the stereotypes of the undergraduate students and teachers that they trained and backed in anti-White activism with misrepresentation of social philosophy through their long march through the academic institution to hegemony there.

Why, after all, would they want to encourage social group organization and unionization with an aim toward “social justice”, especially for people that they’ve screwed so horribly in order to get on top of these nine niches; and why would they want to call attention and have them raise consciousness of Jewish nepotism, exploitation, abuse and genocide even, from these perches in tandem with right wing/liberal traitors? They wouldn’t want-to; and now that the useful idiots of their “left coalitions” have hit upon the intersection where it calls attention to the nine power and influence niches wielded by Jewish interests to vast destruction of others, consciousness of which might threaten them with social unionization and coalition building, with social justice warriors indeed, arrayed against them to bring them down, to righteously secure reparation for some measure of compensation for their vast crime ...that is when they want to promote the right, anti-social, objective “facts” for their “merit’ in coming into these power and influence niches; but if selling the Whites on that materialistic objectivism doesn’t work, their paleoconservatism prescribes cultural fellowship with them through Abrahamic worship of the King of the Jews.

They need to maintain the falsehoods that they’ve promulgated, distortions and misrepresentations of post modernity, incommensurate cultures, social constructionism, left unionization, hermeneutics, diversity, multiculturalism, marginals etc., all represent “the left” - a cooler sounding “synonym” for “liberalism” as something to be against ....diverting from the fact that a White left would be a union, and thus by definition the antithesis of liberalism, i.e., NOT open to non-Whites and those who’d facilitate scabbing of them, that the concept is perfectly conducive to ethno-nationalism and the national scale; and with that, most of all, it is conducive to accountability to the full groups of White/ ethnonationals, including to disincentive those marginals who would be inclined to facilitate scabbery, incentivizing rather, their loyalty; but especially it is conducive to a vigilance on accountability of our elites, or, our would-be elites, those in position to do the most damage by betraying our group interests; also a vigilance on those elites of non-White groups who are most capable of preying upon susceptibilities of those among us who would betray us; further, a vigilance against those non-Whites with the biopower to impose scabbing on us, the “lowly” kind of non-White that we are not supposed to be concerned about compared to the real “problem” - “leftism”. But “the” left that they and their right wing lackeys dutifully talk about, nerd themselves away from, is a universalized coalition of any facile groups that will ultimately serve only one union, YKW against the goyim firstly, viz., ordinary White people and their would-be White left union(s).

No, no, this is anti-nature, they say. (((Hayek))) told Margarete Thatcher to say that there is “no such thing as society”.... and some boomers cleaned-up, made good money in the disarray. With confirmation bias, these boomer types are the types to go along with and train those in the millennial internet bubbles that “the left is the problem, that objectivism, scientism and Hitler are the answer.”

They didn’t tell Margaret that it is not only a problem that the unions have a propensity to be all too powerful, and they need accountability of themselves, at their parameters with the rest of society’s interests, but that the problem was that these unions were not a union of the people, the White people, but rather in protection of obsolete businesses and business practices.

It is not that unions are wrong, leftism is “anti-nature” and that pure objectivism (whether its naive White variant or is disingenuous YKW prescription) and the invisible hand is correct, but rather that social organization is something that needs to be conducted with the true sophistication, but not overly complicated understanding, of White post modern philosophy.

Toward a promotion of that sophistication and understanding of what we are up against, lets take a more specific, though still abstract enlisting of the power and influence niches that the YKW have hegemony in - from whence they lord themselves over and confuse the ordinary goyim; and wield as a power source to bribe the disingenuous un-conscientious White of middling intelligence, or to flatter others, a JF Gariepy, or what-have-you.

For the sake of White left activism and union organization for social justice warring against the nine niches of elite YKW hegemony; to hold accountable those right wingers complicit with them, taking the deracinating pay-off in whatever form, usually objectivism or Christianity, and for our coalition partners, certain non-White unions we may ally with, it would be helpful to have an acronym ready-to-hand for easy recall to guide attention to the power centers we need to position ourselves against and eventually maneuver against.

By analogy, there is an acrynomal sentence which allows one to easily remember the nine planets:

My (Mercury)
Very (Venus)
Elegant (Earth)
Mother (Mars)
Just (Jupiter)
Served (Saturn)
Us (Uranus)
Nine (Neptune)
Pizzas (Pluto)

Another acrynomal sentence might be proposed to facilitate quick recall of the seven nine choke points of YKW power:

My Religiously Polite Mother Always Buys Courtley Assistance to Negotiate Good Organized Union Coalitions


My (Media - which has extended from times of Judeo-Christian bible (as Bowery observed) to Internet choke points and advanced interactive and mobile technology - e.g., to be used in cyber warfare).


Religiously (Religion - The Abrahamic religions beginning with the monotheistic Judaism and “evangelizing” its monothestic, imperialistic Noahide law through Christianity and Islam).


Polite (Politics, usually backing both/all “legitimate”, “opposing sides” in a political system, so that they can play them off one another to their favor generally, but not lose in serving their interests, either way - irrespective of who wins an election, e.g., Trump or Clinton).

Mother (Money: finance, perhaps the mother of all capacity to buy people off in a desperate, neo-liberal, no account anti-ethnonationalist union system - whether buying off right wingers and having them oppose White unions and other anti-Jewish supremacist unions in coalitions, or funding anti-White coalitions straight out; financing unprofitable but psychologically destructive anti-racist/race mixing media; or to fund law careers and coerce political careers to change the laws, as in the case of “disparate impact”) ...etc. anywhere where there are poor, desperate people, perhaps threatened with loss of livelihood, property, freedom and life, they might easily be bought off as opposed to taking the side of their own whose patterned merits are jaded, dubious - made basely selfish and unsympathetic for the decades, and centuries even, of liberal and right wing destruction, for absence a true moral order in service of their homeostatic systemic interests, their accountable, participatory place therein).


In finance, the boom-bust cycle they’ve marshaled with “democratic socialist outreach” - like Fannie Mae (low interest, risky loans required to be given to blacks; while investment mediums of “guaranteed insurance of these loans” were sold on top of them!)/ followed by “objectivist austerity” through Reagan, Thatcher and following through the 2008 bail-out (the biggest theft in history), getting behind coalitions with right wing, recently “alt-right” propaganda against “the left” - which might otherwise ensconce consciousness to see them in their power niches, and provide for activism against them, to marshal social organizational power to do something about their niche occupation and its abuse.

Related Story: Orthodox Jewish boys go secular, reap compound fortune in another Jewish tradition - loan sharking.


Always (Academics: as (((Frame Games))) has acknowledged and my experience bears-out, the YKW are always determined to have hegemony in academics, since that’s where top-down power and influence is established; as demonstrated through their nepotistic, unmerited hegemony at Harvard and other Ivy league colleges. The Ivy league colleges are the gate way to the professions, political and public influence. The big academic business of selling talk to undergraduates is a way to connect empathically with youthful anxieties and aspirations, to direct them by selling them on talk that serves YKW interests, creating phony “movements” and ‘rebellions”, “social justice activism” (if only against Whites) that they can be a part of…


Buys (Business, international and domestic - in this part of the cycle, securing US real estate with Russian (((mafia))) money bailing out Trump’s domestic assets and helping him to advance to the presidency. US domestic (((business))) has emerged as a “concern” to bolster (((conservative))) backing of Trump in order to garner bible belt, evangelical sympathy for the Zionist agenda and its operation clean break implementation in Iran) ... Plenty of other shady (((business))), ranging from H1b Visas, cheap business loans for Indians to buy-up convenience stores and motels, in order to gain Indian connection and cooperation ...then there is the off-shore money laundering schemes through shell companies revealed in the Panama Papers, etc.

Related Story: The Sackler Family, Pushers of Opioids, profiteers on created addiction in vulnerable peoples.

Related story: 3 of Them Defraud London Olympics Investors of £80 million.

Law & Courts

Courtly Assistance (Courts and Attorneys - to influence law and its implementation, as in the example of “Brown vs.Board of Education”, “Disparate Impact”, the “Civil Rights Act”, the “Rumford Fair Housing Act”). Even Trump had his kosher legal mentorship and advocacy against “the” left, in the person of attorney Roy Cohn.

So where do NGO’s - like The Jewish Community Relationship Council - and Unions (including make shift “unions”/ and coalitions thereof) - fit in? hmmm ...we’re going to have to add that in; should have long ago:

Coalitions anti-White: King and Levison, N.A.A.C.P.

Negotiate Good Organized (NG0’s)

Union Coalitions (Social group organizations - literal or make shift unions and coalitions thereof - liberal social groups, liberal in the sense of denying and scabbing White social unionization. These are social communitarian groups primarily devised by Jewish interests in coalition building of anti-White organization).

Unions, especially of the internationalist labor kind

YKW positioned Trump take-over of GOP through useful idiocy of Alt-Right vs ‘the Left’

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 April 2018 18:16.

Trump took over Republican party on behalf of the Jewish Right in tandem with disingenuous, deracinating, oligarchic, objectivist, propositional Right…through its kosher, paleocon safety net/valve, false opposition, (((the Alt-Right))).

After Trump committed what was to Republican insiders the great sin of saying “there were good and bad on all sides” at the Unite the Right rally…

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “He has to fight back. So when you accuse him of being a racist he doesn’t want to back up, he wants to double down to prove to you that that’s not true, and that’s what the President is.”

Trump: “What about the ‘Alt-Left?” Not to be confused with what we define as White Left, nor the Jewy, fraud “Alt-Left” that also goes by that name; Trump was certainly not addressing that anyway, but rather a trendy way of addressing the motley “left” as it is commonly known - the pivotal move - to redirect attention and blame to “the Left”  - in orchestration of the White Right through the “Unite the Right” rally.

In addition to Mnuchin using “Unite The Right” to offend Gary Cohn through it and Trump’s neutral response, to get Cohn out of the way, there were key Republican insiders that needed ingratiation for the Jewish Right to be able to take-over and join forces with the (deracinating) American right through front man Trump.

Following Trump’s first political victory on their behalf, the passing of the tax-cut bill:

Paul Ryan heaps saccharine, about face praise of Trump for making the rich, richer…

As Mitch McConnell has been kissing black ass since the days of “civil rights” when he marched with M.L. King, Trump had to be sure to burnish his pro-black credentials for him (note Uncle Tom/ Satchmo Step n’ Fetch-it type to Trump’s right).

Mitch McConnell: “You’ve made the case for the tax-bill (so that the rich could get richer and the poor, poorer - typical Repugs). We’ve cemented the Supreme Court to the right of center for a generation (pro-black women having babies). You’ve ended the over regulation of the American economy (pro-pollution). Thank you Mr. President, for all you’re doing.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “In essence this became Trump’s Republican party.

The testimony that people gave there is hard to take back”

- Oren Hatch, for example: “You’re one heck of a leader…and we’re going to make this the greatest Presidency that we’ve seen, not only in generations, but maybe ever.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “What the Republican establishment now know, is that Donald Trump is unequivocally the leader of the Republican party” (The Jewish Right-wing has taken over from Jewish liberals).

“He’ is the one who sets the tone of what takes place in Washington. He is the leader of our country - both politically and from a legislative side of things. I think they’ve learned that over the last year.”

Related Story: Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

YKW want right to blame Poles/Poland for holocaust. US should suspend relations if Poles don’t agree

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 06:36.

Jews want to be able to blame Poles/Poland for the holocaust, and if Poles/Poland won’t go along with it, the USA should suspend relations with Poland. LOL.



































You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are, Boys: Back in The U.S.S.R.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 11 March 2018 06:04.

BMan: We know he isn’t on “our” side because if he isn’t outright jewish, he serves them. Putin is the foil in the Kabuki. One side says he never stops his evil attacks on American values, while the other side worships him as if he is George Washington. Syria is just the latest act. Ukraine was first when the “other side” was represented by a Mulatto.

“You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are, Boys

Ayrian Skynet, 8 March 2018:

For most of a century, the partisans of the Soviet Union would make great bales of propaganda hay out of the treatment of blacks in the USA and other capitalist countries. Communism, contrarily, favored the black man’s liberation from his white colonialist oppressors – or so the story went. Many blacks around the world would find themselves seduced by various Marxist philosophies. W.E.B. DuBois, while wary of perceived racism within the Communist Party USA, looked to Russia as “the most promising modern country”1. Paul Robeson, too, professed “warm feelings of friendship for the peoples of that land”2. The Soviet Union provided military aid to multiple African nationalist movements during the Cold War, seeming to bolster its image as the ideological alternative to American racism – but had prejudice really been eradicated from the heart of the New Soviet Man of the Bright, Shining Socialist Future? Andrew Young, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under President Carter, averred, “The worst racists in the world are the Russians.”3 Soviet support of black nationalists fighting the Apartheid government of South Africa, for example, would seem to support the sincerity of the Communist Party’s public abhorrence for racism – but how did the Russians react when Africans were actually in their midst?

In 1959, at the urging of DuBois, Khrushchev established the Soviet Union’s Africa Institute to promote academic fellowship, and during the 1960s the number of Africans studying in the U.S.S.R. would swell. “As these institutional initiatives were being finalized African students began to trickle into the U.S.S.R.,” writes Maxim Matusevich:

As of January 1, 1959, there were only seven students from sub-Saharan Africa officially enrolled in Soviet institutions of higher learning. However, between 1960 and 61 the number of African students in the USSR increased almost ten-fold, from 72 to over 500, eventually reaching some 5,000 by the end of the decade. […]

Despite the prevailing climate of complacency and the general timidity of their Soviet peers, Africans protested vociferously against poor living conditions, racist incidents, restrictions on travel within the U.S.S.R., restrictions on dating Russian girls, and restrictions on forming national and ethnic student associations. As early as March 1960, African students in Moscow petitioned the Soviet government to curb the expressions of crude racism by Soviet citizens. On another occasion, two African students refused to be part of a long established Soviet practice – an annual dispatch of thousands of Soviet students to work in the countryside during the harvest. The objectors from Chad and Morocco argued (unconvincingly and probably mockingly) that in their cultures men under 25 years old were not allowed to work in the fields but rather had a special obligation “to engage in leisure activities.”  At about the same time four African students […] were expelled from Moscow State University for defying an administrative ban on the Black African Students’ Union. Their expulsion and subsequent departure from the country received wide coverage in the Western press. The students publicly accused university officials of suppressing the union as well as of imposing severe restrictions on the circulation of “books and jazz records.” […]

        Darned if the Russian in the lower right corner doesn’t look like a young Putin.

The death of a Ghanaian student in Moscow, in December 1963, which his friends suspected to have been a homicide, occasioned an exceptionally angry reaction among African students in the U.S.S.R. They staged a protest march on the Kremlin [and appear to have set fire to at least one car in the process, judging by Associated Press archival footage] demanding a Bill of Rights for African students in the country […] More trouble brewed in 1964 and 1965, with African students in the U.S.S.R. frequently reporting racist attacks, fights with Soviet youngsters, and even feeling compelled to carry knives for protection. Komsomol officials at Moscow State University (MGU) grudgingly acknowledged several instances of scandalous behavior exhibited by Soviet students but also argued that Africans and other foreigners at MGU had a limited understanding of the selfless and romantic nature of Soviet young men, many of whom preferred the hardship of toil in remote Siberia to the pleasures of Moscow high life. One wonders if it was the “romantic nature of Soviet young men” that fueled the passions of one youthful geography major who threatened to “lynch” an African student married to his Russian fellow student. Or was it a disagreement over their respective work ethics that led another MGU freshman to call upon his African roommate to “pack up his stuff and go back to Mali”?

In May 1965, the Soviet authorities tacitly linked the African student community in the country with the idea of political subversion when they expelled a black American diplomat, Norris Garnett, for “conducting anti-Soviet work among students from African countries.” Garnett’s departure from the scene hardly had the desired long-term effect. Just a few years later, 800 African students went on a week-long strike, this time – in Kiev, in protest against the expulsion of a 23-year-old Czechoslovakian woman for marrying a Nigerian fellow-student. That same year a Nigerian student sleeping in his dorm room in the city of Lvov (L’viv) was attacked by “a drunken Russian with a chisel.” The attacker was reportedly incensed by the Nigerian’s successes with Russian and Ukrainian girls. The incident quickly turned into a major fight involving other Nigerian students who had come to the rescue of their compatriot, and as a result three of them were expelled “for attacking and beating up a Soviet citizen.” Discrimination or alleged discrimination aside, the students’ resentment, it was noted, stemmed from “the sole fact of their living in a communist country.” Once in the Soviet Union, Africans, “even self-proclaimed leftists,” had to reconcile “the obvious discrepancies between what is said and what actually exists.” And what “actually existed” in the Moscow of 1960s and 70s were “the crowded living conditions, lack of privacy, monotonous diet, inadequate sanitary facilities, and the overall drabness of life.” A former African student at Moscow State University, writing about his experiences there, maintained that of all foreign students in the Soviet Union, Africans were most upset by Russia’s depressed style of living […]

There was “no splash of color to relieve Moscow’s damp gray”4, and the Russian cultural diet of the time was famously lacking in the urban flava to which blacks are known to be partial. Kidding aside, Soviets’ blacks appear to have quickly fallen into a pattern of obnoxious behavior that will be immediately familiar to American readers: lazing, complaining, chasing white girls, getting into fights – constituting a demographic liability and a constant threat to public order – all while blaming crazed, irrationally hateful whites for their problems.

This story, which appeared in The Milwaukee Sentinel on Feb 19 1963, indicates that anti-black sentiment in the communist bloc was not limited to Russia.

“What I learned in six months in the Soviet Union is what some Africans will never learn,” Kenyan bellyacher Nicholas Nyangira moaned in an article syndicated by the Associated Press in 1965. “They are taken to Russia’s showplaces and never experience the race hatred that I experienced at the University of Baku.” Nyangira claims, furthermore, to have always gone in fear for his life. “We were referred to scathingly as ‘the blacks’,” he continues, his tears positively seeping through the newsprint. “Many local people had never seen an African before and because we were black they hated us.”

Several Kenya students got beaten up. Usually it would begin with abuse, then lead to violence. It was advisable to walk in pairs because if there was trouble you could expect no help from police. I don’t remember a week that went by without an African student being robbed or attacked.5

DinduNuffin? Check. Racist police? Check. Chimpout? Check. Sympathetic US press coverage? Check. Tracking the entitled black through the ages, can any of the preceding – or any of the following – possibly come as any surprise? Matusevich picks up with Russian attitudes toward Africans at the close of the Soviet era:

Glasnost lifted the floodgates to prejudice and crude racism and let loose the virtual anti-black hysteria. And many Africans blamed Gorbachev’s “revolution” for not feeling safe in the streets and public places of the Soviet cities. A Nigerian journalism student at Kazan University wrote to a Moscow newspaper: “One day I decided to have my lunch in nearby café. As soon as I opened the door, I was met with jeers and cat-calls by young girls sitting around a table, laughing and cracking unfriendly jokes about me…” The enterprising Nigerians soon learned to play curious mind games to save their skin during the growing number of unfriendly encounters. One of them, for example, when approached by a group of hoodlums, pretended to be an American black. The trick worked as the toughs abandoned their original belligerent intentions and “immediately simulated keen interest and began to ask questions about Steve Wonder, Michael Jackson, etc.” The ploy, however, was not 100% fail proof and between May and August of 1990 at least four Nigerian students were severely beaten up and one allegedly killed in Moscow on grounds raging from “being a monkey” to dating Russian girls. Considering the growing public paranoia about HIV-AIDS, for any African to approach a Russian girl was increasingly becoming a risky proposition. […]

        USSR April 6 1990: the Deep State calls in its premier spook for a briefing.

“As a result of a deliberate racist campaign, we are now being called SPID (SPID is a Russian abbreviation for AIDS) on the streets by Soviet youngsters.” Soviet street folklore, with its characteristic sexual undertone, tied together the much professed (and mocked) “love” of the Soviet officialdom for the developing world and the appearance of the disease in Russia. A popular joke provided “alternative” transliterations for the original Russian SPID (AIDS) wherein the term was variously interpreted either as Sotsialnoe Posledstvie Internatsionalnoj Druzby (Social Consequence of International Friendship) or Spetsialny Podarok Inostrannyh Druzej (Special Gift from Foreign Friends). Africans residing in the Soviet Union were far from amused though; the joke encapsulated growing popular dissatisfaction with the regime, which “wasted precious resources” on people who (in the words of one populist politician) “have just descended from the palm tree.”


While the Soviet-style paternalism, that permeated the pre-perestroika publications on Africa, was being gradually toned down, so was the concern for the continent. Africans residing in Russia on the eve of the Soviet collapse noted on many occasions that coverage of Africa was reduced to simplistic and highly stereotypical catalogues of its bane and woes. In the media, the very word “Africa” was often supplanted by cherny kontinent (black continent), the place of danger and wasted opportunities, and a proverbial black hole devouring scant Soviet resources. The stage was being set for the Soviet Union’s withdrawal from Africa as it was for the debilitating wave of racism and xenophobia soon to sweep across the post-Soviet spaces.6

But, seriously, Russia – why import blacks in the first place? Everybody knows the Russians invented breakdancing:

Not sure that these dancers doing an early form of break-dancing, viz., “the labor wave”, are exactly Russian and can therefore be attributed as the inventors; however, it is Soviet era and they are wearing Russian style hats.


Carew, Joy Gleason. Blacks, Reds, and Russians: Sojourners in Search of the Soviet Promise. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2010, p. 52.

Robeson, Paul. Here I Stand. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1988, p. 38.

Mitchell, Nancy. Jimmy Carter in Africa: Race and the Cold War. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2016, p. 243.

Matusevich, Maxim. “Probing the Limits of Internationalism: African Students Confront Soviet Ritual”. Anthropology of East Europe Review (Fall 2009), pp. 21-24.

Nyangira, Nicholas. “Student: Russians Hate Negroes”. Sumter Daily Item (April 16, 1965), p. 3.

Matusevich, Maxim. “Probing the Limits of Internationalism: African Students Confront Soviet Ritual”. Anthropology of East Europe Review (Fall 2009), pp. 30-31.


icareviews, March 8, 2018:

I’ve read that Russia hosts a lot of North Korean guest workers, as well.

I’ve also heard before that Russian nationalists anti-immigration activists hate Putin. Who is the alternative in Russia for voters of populist-nativist inclination? The Communist Party? One sometimes hears of stirring “red-brown” tendencies in Russian politics – commies allying with hardline nationalists – and I think that was a particular fear of the internationalists during Yeltsin’s early years in office – but they just don’t seem to have any opposition parties with sufficient support to dislodge the Putin machine. For decades now, their most famous nationalist politician has been a Jewish clown named Vladimir Zhirinovsky. His whole shtick seems to be to make nationalism into an Archie Bunker type side show.

bob saffron, March 8, 2018:
Artemov maintains Lebed’s death was more than just misadventure.

bob saffron, March 8, 2018:

Putin I view positively only in comparison to the giddy imperialism of Washington. Taken with the obligatory grain of salt that comes with partial sources:

Eric Striker’s Message Of Love & Inclusion

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 March 2018 06:03.

Striker is off the mark in a few key meta-philosphical respects.* However, as Luke Ford proposes sundry weasel-ways-out for YKW misdeeds, and indeed proposes arguments of their being outstanding contributors to Western society, Striker manages every time to keep YKW culpability zeroed into the cross hairs, holding them concretely to account with each of Ford’s arguments.

Where Ford proposes that they are tax contributors, Striker (he says the correct spelling is Stricker) counters that their Orthodox community is a welfare burden; and that affluent Jews make use of tax loopholes and write-offs.

Ford puts forth the low Jewish crime rate, Sticker of course notes their white collar crime.

Ford maintains that Jews are often professionals, and thereby held to professional-society standards, Stricker maintains that these professional societies can rather function as networks for the YKW to cover for one another - the Sackler family’s coercion of the professional journals and FDA approval allowed them a boon in the promotion of opiate addiction.

Ford suggests that these are individual cases, and Stricker counters that in fact, it is Jewish networking that allows individual Jews to get away with these kinds of offenses.

The ADL is well funded by Jewish donations and it has been funded heavily with big Jewish-Las Vegas-Mafia money.

In a sexually degenerate society, Ford points to Orthodox Jews as paragons of virtue, normally virgins upon marriage, maintained even amidst the most licentious inner city cultures. Stricker observes that the Orthodox are a small minority of Jews, looked upon rather like retarded siblings by the more jaded broad pattern of Jews (including liberal Hollywood mavens).

Ford suggests that Italian mafia had about equally significant a role in the pornography business, Stricker corners the YKW’s disproportionate role in porno by calling attention to the corollary between porno production locations and Jewish communities/demographics.

Interesting trivia fact - the infamous quote from Jewish pornographer Al Goldstein, “we (Jews) are in the porn business because we think Jesus sucks” came from an interview conducted by Ford himself, back near the turn of the century.

* Notably, Stricker is off the mark in saying that socialism + nationalism is the “German way” , i.e. represented by so-called “National Socialism.” In fact, Nazi Germany was ultimately not national socialist, but imperial supremacist.

Fury in Israel as Poland proposes ban on referring to Nazi death camps as ‘Polish’

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 28 January 2018 11:42.

The Telegraph is running a free article on the Israeli reaction to Poland’s government seeking to ban the reference to the wartime concentration camps on its soil as “Polish”.

Israel has also summoned its Polish envoy to show its displeasure with the proposals, which could see those who blame Poles for Nazi war crimes fined or even jailed.

The bill, which still still needs approval from Poland’s Senate and president, has sparked outrage in Israel, which declared independence in the wake of the Holocaust and is home to the world’s largest community of Holocaust survivors.

Israel’s foreign ministry has also expressed concern over the timing of the bill, which was passed on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and said it expects the draft to be amended before final approval.

“The legislation will not help continue exposing the historical truth and can impede the freedom of research,” a spokesman said.

For decades, Polish society avoided discussing the killing of Jews by civilians or denied that anti-Semitism motivated the slayings, blaming all atrocities on the Germans.

A turning point was the publication in 2000 of a book, “Neighbors,” by Polish-American sociologist Jan Tomasz Gross, which explored the murder of Jews by their Polish neighbors in the village of Jedwabne. The book resulted in widespread soul-searching and official state apologies.

But since the conservative and nationalistic Law and Justice party consolidated power in 2015, it has sought to stamp out discussions and research on the topic. It demonized Gross and investigated whether he had slandered Poland by asserting that Poles killed more Jews than they killed Germans during the war.

I wrote about the Jedwabne narrative back in 2009. Readers may also find this article on Naliboki of interest.  It is also from 2009.

Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer of Jewish Descent on Both Sides of His Family, His Mom Says

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 04 January 2018 14:31.

JTA, “Neo-Nazi who co-runs Daily Stormer has Jewish relatives on both sides of family”, 3 Jan 2018:

Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer

(JTA) — The mother of a neo-Nazi who co-runs the white supremacist website Daily Stormer and said Jewish children “deserve to die” has Jewish relatives on both sides of his family.

Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer’s mother, Alyse, confirmed to Newsweek magazine in an article published Wednesday that her son comes from a “large, mixed race family” with Native American heritage, and that he has Jewish lineage “on both sides of his family.” His Jewish heritage was first reported by Gawker in 2012 when he volunteered the information to a reporter, but this is the first time a family member has confirmed his background.

Auernheimer, who runs the technical side of the Daily Stormer, with its more well-known editor Andrew Anglin, is believed to be in Ukraine, where he has lived since serving jail time in the United States on a computer hacking charge. He has been estranged from his mother for over a decade, she told Newsweek.

“Weev” Auernheimer works for both Daily Stormer and TRS.

Auernheimer, 32, on the podcast Radical Agenda last month said Jews were to blame for the Daily Stormer website losing its dot-com status, causing it to jump from domain to domain in recent months.

“If you don’t let us dissent peacefully, then our only option is to murder you. To kill your children. To kill your whole families,” he said in an interview. “There is only one thing absent free speech that we can do to express our dissent and that’s to slaughter you like dogs, and you’re gonna have it coming and your children will deserve to die.”

While normal WN have been intent on denying a supremacist message in favor of a separatist message, Weev sent this missive everywhere from China to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Podcast host Christopher Cantwell, who is under house arrest in Virginia on two felony charges for allegedly using tear gas and pepper spray at the Charlottesville rally in August, tried to walk back the statements, saying that killing Jews “is certainly an undesirable option I’ll state for the FBI agents and prosecutors who are listening to this show.”

Auernheimer also said that the retaliation against the Jews should focus on the “top” Jews, “the most Jewish Jews.”

Related, Weev added in that show that he just wants Jews to convert to Christianity. He has in mind a special new denomination of Christianity which would conform to “natural order.”

The Paleoconservative deal…

Mancinblack remarked, “Oy vey Maria. Weev should go poke a polar bear with a crucifix. I’d pay good money for the film rights.”

Related, “Weev: Master Tactician, Semi-Tactful Infiltrator or Tactless Fool?”

Hermeneutic construction of Putin and Trump’s character, positions and relation:

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 28 December 2017 05:38.

Correction: I spoke too soon about Timothy Snyder being an anti-nationalist, and I did that in light of his estimation that Britain and France were not really nations while they were empires, that their “nationhoods” were creations of post hoc political convenience. Nevertheless, to say that he is against nationalism would not be correct, since in fact he sees the weak state and the destruction of the state as that which abets genocide.

Snyder’s characterology of how Putin’s and Trump’s positions have emerged in fairly conjoint construction is uncanny…

As such he does make of himself a useful idiot in that he exposes one side of the YKW equation - the specific origin and characters of their right wing cohorts, Putin and Trump.

Youtube, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It: Masha Gessen Talks Autocracy with Timothy Snyder”, 12 July 2017:
As his fellow Trump/Putin critic, (((Masha Gessen))) would suggest, we would miss the truth of these characters, more like mafia dons than statesmen, if we were to maintain a policy of sheer fact checking. Because essentially, they don’t care. They both have a cynical world view and it is about power - logical consistency is for the naive. By contrast to that, one must have the courage and confidence to tell the true story -

Youtube, “Chatham House Primer: Modern Authoritarianism”, 30 Oct 2017:

This guy, (Ivan) Ilyin, I think was a very interesting philosopher; he is kind of the grandfather of the current Russian “fascism.”  Current Russian “fascists” like Alexander Dugin are a little jealous of him and say that he just serves a technical function in the Kremlin and he’s not that interesting. I think he’s interesting. One of his ideas is that for Russia to have a leader, that person has to be free of history, which is a high demand.

He (Ilyin) was a right-wing Hegelian ...his whole idea was that god created the world and that was a mistake. It’s an interesting view, those of you who know anything about Orthodox theology know that there are references… god created the world, it was a mistake, the factuality of the world is itself sinful, history is itself sinful, contingency, to use the technical term, contingency is sinful, all these facts and passions we have, they’re inherently sinful.

So, in order for Russia to be rescued it has to be rescued by someone who is somehow clean of history.

It has to be a redeemer who comes from beyond history.

What I find so interesting is that this actually happened in a way.

The place that is not history is fiction.

When Mr. Putin came to power, Surkov and the others in the Kremlin literally had a kind of game and then a public opinion poll where they tried to figure out which Russian fictional character would be most attractive to Russians. They came up with this character (Max Otto von) Stierlitz, who was a double agent and a person in a novel, and in a film, in the 70’s, who was a Russian spy who spoke German. That’s why they chose Mr. Putin. So, he literally .. this true people! This is the world we live in. So he literally came from fiction.

Then you connect Mr. Putin to Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump is Not a successful real estate developer! That never happened. Mr. Trump bankrupted six companies. He owed billions of dollars to, I think, seventy banks. Until, low and behold, some nice Russians came and said, ‘hey, why don’t you just put your name on some buildings and we’ll give you money for that, and we will build the buildings - which then became his business plan. Which is a great (((business plan))) if you can get it.

Rob Goldstone relaxing, chatting with Trump

The Miss Universe pageant. How did he run (((the Miss Universe pageant)))? The Russians gave him twenty million dollars and he showed up. Which is a great business plan if you can do it.

So, a fictional Russian character comes to power and then creates a fictional American character called Mr. Trump. This happened!

Once the Russians had bailed him out, he then appeared on American television, on celebrity apprentice, playing a successful real estate developer - which he never was.

But as a character, he was great, he could say, “you’re fired!” in a really convincing way.

So, one fictional character then creates another fictional character. And that fictional character also comes to power. ..with the help of all kinds of fictional devices, mostly delivered through the internet.  So there really is an interesting problem of (((genre))) going on in our life.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:04. (View)

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ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 21:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Thu, 06 Feb 2025 22:44. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:40. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 14:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 14:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Tue, 28 Jan 2025 14:28. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 12:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 02:07. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 18:23. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 16:02. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 14:43. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 18:52. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 15:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 01:06. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 10:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:22. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:26. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 10:33. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:30. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Charles crowned king of anywhere' on Thu, 09 Jan 2025 20:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 15:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 23:12. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 21:54. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 18:35. (View)

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