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House Judiciary Committee Hearing on ‘Hate Crimes’ and the Rise of ‘White Nationalism’.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 05:00.

László Bogár reminds us that we are not alone.

Full House Judiciary Committee Hearing on ‘Hate Crimes’ and the Rise of ‘White Nationalism’

‘White Nationalism’ is placed in scare quotes as the enemies of White people take the liberty to render pejorative, defaming and indicting mis-definitions of White Nationalism, notably, as being synonymous with ‘supremacism’, despite the fact that White Nationalists just about always reject supremacism and define White Nationalism as we do here, as a designation for the Nationalist sovereignty of European nations and peoples; therefore, governed separatism, a means for peaceful co-existence, the multicultural diversity of human and pervasive ecology, not supremacism, imperialism, exploitation or violence.

House Judiciary Committee Hearings
Streamed live on Youtube, 9 April 2019:
Full Committee Hearing on Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism
Learn more:

Congressional Hearing on White Nationalism

MPAC, April 8, 2019:

“Many White Extremist Killers Were Inspired by Earlier Attacks” chart via New York Times

Here’s what you need to know

The attack in Christchurch, New Zealand did not happen in a vacuum. It was part of an overall increase in white nationalist violence that’s been legitimized through public officials’ extreme rhetoric in government, and effectively allowed to wreak havoc in society. In partnership with organizations such as Bend the Arc, we have been raising the red flag on the need to reject white nationalism for years. We’ve called on Congress to conduct a hearing on white nationalism. We’ve called on tech companies to do a better job of enforcing their hate speech policies online. We’ve also constantly called on the Trump administration and other elected officials to cease their extreme rhetoric as it continues to marginalize communities. Congress will be holding a hearing on Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism and we’ll be there, bringing you updates from the front lines.

Here are the details

It’s been over three weeks since a man opened fire in two mosques and killed 50 innocent Muslim worshippers. Since then, there’s been an increase in related hate violence, both here at home and abroad. In California, there was an attempted arson attack where graffiti referenced the New Zealand attack. In Britain, there has been a 600% increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes of almost 600%. The vast majority of those were incidents linked to the Christchurch attacks.

The increase in white nationalism has been legitimized in our government by President Trump. His long-standing affinity for white nationalist rhetoric, leaders and movements is well documented. Administration officials and members of Congress, often feign opposition of the President’s rhetoric. Yet, they continue to see through a policy agenda which is inspired by this ideology.  We’ve seen white nationalists organize on social media platforms. In 2017, The Guardian released a report detailing how Facebook’s community standards allow harmful content and white supremacist ideology a space to live and escalate.

Along with national civil rights groups, we pushed tech companies to change their community guidelines. We’ve been pushing them to enforce their hate speech policies more effectively. Facebook has announced that they will ban posts, photos and other content that references white nationalism and white separatism. Still, it should not take a massacre to force a simple conversation over how to deal with these issues.

When attacks similar to Christchurch, Pittsburgh or Oak Creek occur, our message has been clear. Any response to these incidences, and to the forces which led to them, must come as part of a reaffirmation that America aspires to be pluralistic and unified. To achieve, we have to ensure any legislative or political response does not deepen already existing divides.

Here’s what we’re doing

As the first step in moving a path forward, together we have called on Congress to conduct a hearing on white nationalism. We need to have an understanding of white nationalism and its impact on communities. We need Congress to call white nationalism what it is: a threat to our domestic and national security.

We thank Chairman Nadler of the House Judiciary Committee, for his bold leadership hosting today’s hearing. Follow us on social media and join the conversation as we cover this important hearing.

Red Ice’s commentary: House Judiciary committee Hearing on Criminalizing Nationalism for White People.

Salvini, Le Pen Meet, Propose Joint Rally to Announce Common Sense Revolution, Start of a New Europe

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 06 April 2019 09:19.

Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen had a cordial meeting earlier this week, in which they discussed their ‘common sense revolution’ to overtake the EU for native European nationalist purposes.

“Salvini, Le Pen considering joint rally”, ANSA, 5 Apr 2019:

The leaders are thinking about holding a joint rally to close the campaign for the European elections and “announce the start of a new Europe”, according to the sources


Geographical Distribution of The World’s 50 Top Billionaires

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 01 April 2019 05:32.

The Geography Of The World’s 50 Top Billionaires

Zero Hedge, 1 April 2019:

The business world has undergone considerable change in the last two decades.

While some fortunes are always reliably passed on to their respective heirs and heiresses, Visual Capitalist’s Jeff Desjardins notes that there are also entirely new industries that rise out of nowhere to shape the landscape of global wealth.

As the wealth landscape shifts, so does its geographical distribution.

The 2019 List of Billionaires

Today’s chart uses data from the most recent edition of the Forbes Billionaires List to map the distribution of the world’s richest people, and then compare that to data from 20 years prior.

We’ll start here by looking at the most recent data from 2019:

The most recent billionaires list features Jeff Bezos at the top with $131 billion, although it’s likely his recent divorce announcement will provide an upcoming shakeup to the Bezos Empire.

Bezos is just one of 21 Americans that find themselves in the top 50 list, which means that 42% of the world’s top billionaires hail from the United States.

Billionaire Geography Over Time

If we compare the top 50 list to that from 1999, it’s interesting to see what has changed over time in terms of geographical distribution. Here’s the distribution of top countries on both lists, compared:

In the last 20 years, Russia and China have stockpiled the most top billionaires, adding five and four to the top 50 list respectively. The United States added three, going from 18 to 21 billionaires over the timeframe. On the other end of the spectrum, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland have lost the most billionaires from the top 50 ranking.

Invasive Species “Metaphor”: Hybrid African/European Honeybee Forms Parasitic, Invasive Killer Bee

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 31 March 2019 07:00.


Salvini: “My only purpose is to save Europe”

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 30 March 2019 09:28.

“My only purpose is to save Europe”

Voice of Europe, 29 Mar 2019:

When Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini spoke at a press conference at Lega’s historic headquarters at Via Bellerio 41 in Milan he was radiant with joy. His party tripled its number of votes in the regional elections in Basilicata (in just one year, it grew from 6.2% to 19%).

In a short interview Sputnik News asked Salvini about his predictions for the elections to the European Parliament, about how he and Lega see the fate of Europe, given that, according to the recently presented Confcommercio Report, Italy is the most “Eurosceptical” country, along with the Czech Republic, and is seemingly ready for an “Italexit”.

“Neither I, nor our government, has any plans to leave the European Union, but there is a conviction that it is necessary to change its laws and regulations in order to remain a member of the European community with a sense of self-respect and dignity”, Salvini said.

“Obviously, the reality is stronger than propaganda. You can hang EU flags on the balconies, but what kind of Europe is that?”

“One that with the Bolkestein directive (the Internal Market Directive 2006/123/EC on the laws of the single market) jeopardises 300,000 jobs, and with the European standards for agriculture and fishery – millions of jobs?”

“One that is imposed on us by the Fornero law (2011 pension law, extremely unpopular in Italy), one that tells us that Italy cannot reduce taxes, one that did nothing to help us with the migration issue?”, he continued.

“I recall that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has asked for a review of the existing norms established in the Dublin Regulation on the distribution of migrants since June last year – and nothing…”

“Therefore, Italians, as the EU continues hitting them on the head, are asking themselves: “Why do we have to keep on paying for all this?””

“My main goal is to save Europe, a renewed Europe, and Lega will do that.”

“We are being called Eurosceptics, sovereigntists, populists, Nazis, fascists, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, and so on and so forth.”

“But it is we who will pour healthy blood into Europe’s arteries again.”

“Today, I have scheduled the first week of April for the first public conference to discuss what our idea of Europe is for the next 40 years. We will discuss these ideas with those of our allies with whom we plan to meet in Parliament in Brussels in July”, he concluded.

Letter from Zurich Airport

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 29 March 2019 10:06.

“I have been banned from Europe and will be deported tomorrow.” - Jared Taylor

Number 18, my room for the night.

American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, Zurich March 29, 2019:

Dear Friends in Stockholm, Turku, and around the world,

I am sorry to have to tell you that I cannot attend the Scandza Forum in Stockholm or the Awakening Conference in Turku, Finland, where I had been invited to give talks. Today, when I landed in Zurich for a connecting flight to Stockholm, Swiss border authorities told me I have been banned from Europe until 2021. I will spend the night at the airport, and tomorrow I will be deported.

The officer at passport control in Zurich airport had already stamped my passport and waved me through to my Stockholm flight when she called after me to come back. She stared at her computer screen and told me I had to wait. She didn’t say why. In a few minutes, a policeman arrived and told me there was an order from Poland that barred me from all 26 countries in the Schengen Zone.

He said the Poles did not give a reason for the ban, and he asked me what I had done. I said I give talks on immigration, and someone in Poland must not like them. “That makes me a political criminal,” I said.

The officer took me to an interrogation room and asked me about my travel plans. He went off to another room for a while and came back with a form for me to sign, saying that I understood I had been denied entry and was being sent back to the United States. After some more waiting, he fingerprinted me and took my photograph.

He then turned me over to a man in civilian clothes, who took me to a spare, dormitory-like accommodation where I will spend the night. It’s not a jail. People pay the equivalent of $40 to spend the night here if they miss a flight. I am free to walk around the terminal, I can make phone calls and use the internet, and I have a meal voucher that is supposed to last me for the next 12 hours. The officer kept my passport, though, and won’t give it back to me until I board the flight home.

Why did Poland ban me? Last September, I gave a few talks to nationalist groups in Warsaw. The talks went well, so when I was invited to Lithuania and Estonia in February to speak at conferences, I went back to Poland and spoke in Lublin and Warsaw. Attendance was by invitation only, but the Polish police learned about the meetings. They told the organizer that if I broke any Polish hate speech laws, he would be held responsible. They said I was “spreading a totalitarian ideology.”

In both cities, we switched venues for the talks rather than risk having the police show up. The talks were a success, and in Warsaw I also gave two television interviews. I left Poland by plane and assumed the matter was closed; clearly, it wasn’t. My Polish friends say they will try to find out the reason for the ban and try to appeal it.

But what are the Poles thinking? I’m not like Lenin and Trotsky meeting in Paris, plotting to uproot the entire West. I want to keep Poland as it is, the proud and eternal homeland of the Polish people. What I hope for Poland is what a huge majority of Polish people want, and is not much different from the policies of the regime. I am not a danger to Poland; I am its friend, its devoted admirer.

Three years ago, I got a letter from Theresa May, when she was still home secretary. She told me that my views are repugnant and that she had decided to keep me out of her country. Britain is the land of my ancestors, my language, my favorite authors—and now I was an exile. It was a bitter blow.

Just a few minutes ago, I used my meal voucher at the “Montreux Jazz Lounge” in Terminal E. I watched people eating and talking and laughing, and I envied them. They can come and go as they please. Terminal E is a modern, soulless place, but it is still Europe. It is part of that culture, heritage, and people that I love with a desperate, yearning love—to which I have devoted my life—and from which I am banned.

You and I, working together with our European brothers and sisters, we will save Europe. We will save it from every threat from every corner of the world. But our first and hardest task is to save it from itself.

Jared Taylor

DanielS talks with Norvin

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 29 March 2019 06:00.

Salvini Sets Sights on Taking over EU after his Alliance Wins Big in Italian Province

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 15:47.

Italy: Salvini Sets Sights on Taking over EU after his Alliance Wins Big in Italian Province

TNO STAFF — MARCH 25, 2019:

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has announced his intention to launch a major attempt to wrest control of the European Parliament away from the pro-Third World invasion bloc at that institution’s May elections—after his populist collation seized yet another Italian province from the internationalists.

Celebrating the victory on Twitter, Salvini said that the result in the southern province of Basilicata, Salvini boasted that his Lega party had tripled its vote in the election which had seen the province wing away from the internationalists for the first time since 1945.

“So it is goodbye to the internationalists, now we change Europe,” Salvini said.

The regional election in Basilicata, traditionally known as the “Red Region of the South” because of the previously strong Communist/Internationalist party vote, saw the election alliance between the Lega, the Sons of Italy (which runs in a direct line to the now-disbanded MSI party, which in turn was the direct successor to Mussolini), and the Forza Italia party of former premier Silvio Berlusconi, draw 42 percent of the vote. The Internationalist Democratic Party drew 16.4 percent, while the Five Star Movement, Salvini’s eclectic coalition partner in the central government, polled 20.3 percent, a drop of more than half from the previous election.

The election means that since 2017, seven provinces in Italy have swung from the internationalists to center right control, including Sicily, Molise, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige , Abruzzo and Sardinia.

The real meaning of the Basilicata election is however that Salvini’s alliance is set to be the biggest winners in the upcoming European Parliament elections, scheduled for May this year. Italy currently has 72 seats in the parliament, the third largest bloc after France (72) and Germany (99).*

Salvini is forging an electoral alliance across Europe. Partners include the PIS party in Poland—set to win a majority of the 50 seats that nation holds in the EU parliament; the Fidesz party of Viktor Orban in Hungary, set to take a majority of the 22 seats that state holds; the National Rally party (formerly the Front National) in France, which currently holds 15 of France’s 72 seats, but is likely to increase its holding; the AfD in Germany, which currently holds 1 EU seat but is likely to dramatically increase its member share.

In addition, Salvini is likely to cobble together EU parliament votes from the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) which currently holds 4 seats, and the new Dutch Forum for Democracy (FvD) which holds no seats (not having contested the EU elections before) but which, based on the recent Dutch local elections, is set to take the majority of that county’s seats in the EU parliament.

Firm Salvini alliance partner the Freedon Party of Austria (FPÖ) currently has 4 seats in EU parliament, and is likely to increase its share, while the Belgian Vlaams Belang has 1 seat, with New Flemish Alliance, a “softer” party, another 4 seats.

In Denmark, Salvini can likely count on votes from the Danish People’s Party, which has 3 seats in the EU parliament, while the Finns party (formerly known in English as the True Finns) in Finland have 2 seats, and are likely to increase their share of the vote as well. Sweden’s Swedish Democrats are also likely to be sympathetic to a populist bloc in the EU parliament.

When assorted smaller parties—such as Germany’s National Democratic Party (1 seat) and Greece’s Golden Dawn (2 seats), and nationalists/populists from Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czechia, Estonia, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia are added in, a potentially significant voting bloc is well within sight.

Only the internationalist parties of France and Germany have, together with the internationalists from Spain, Portugal, and the internationalists from other states, have any real chance of stopping this new populist bloc from emerging and taking over the EU.

The upcoming elections are therefore going to be one of the most significant European Parliament elections ever held, and if Salvini’s plan comes to fruition, could see the pro-Third World invasion policies which the internationalists have pursued for so long, turned on their head.

* European Parliament elections are scheduled for 23-26 May. The UK is not scheduled to take part as it is on course to leave the EU on 29 March 2019. The UK also had 72 seats in the parliament, but after Brexit they will obviously have none. Half of the UK seats will be held in reserve, and the other half will be distributed out to other member states.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sun, 25 Aug 2024 01:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 06:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:25. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 23:16. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 06:02. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 01:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 23:22. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 04:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Mon, 19 Aug 2024 12:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 23:08. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 12:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 16 Aug 2024 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 15 Aug 2024 23:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 15 Aug 2024 12:06. (View)

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