Majorityrights News > Category: Infiltration

Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell’s world: worse than you had thought.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 10 November 2019 06:53.

Corruption of Italy’s populist 5 Star “anti-corruption” party shows inadequacy of populism.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 08 November 2019 05:15.

Putin, KGB, Chabad & Mossad

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 14 October 2019 14:05.

Here is the video that was taken down from Youtube, on Bitchute:

How to misunderstand Islam - by Irish Savant

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 13 October 2019 06:13.

Another Misunderstander Of Islam strikes

4 Oct., by Irish Savant

Where’s Inspector Clouseau when you need him? Because the famous bumbling French detective could hardly do worse than the Paris police investigating the recent mass killing at their HQ. They’re totally baffled as to the killer’s motive.

INVESTIGATORS ARE COMBING an IT staffer’s computer today for clues as to why he stabbed four colleagues to death at police headquarters in Paris. The 45-year-old man killed three men and a woman in a frenzied 30-minute attack that ended when he was shot in the head. A search of the couple’s house found no evidence that the man, who converted to Islam about 18 months ago, had been driven to his criminal deed by radical religious ideology. Shortly after the killings, Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz said anti-terror investigators were not involved in the murder probe. All possible motives were being examined, sources have said, including the scenario of a personal conflict at work.

Which probably means that the sleuths failed to find a statement from the killer (a black immigrant from Martinique) explicitly stating ‘in the Name of the all-merciful Allah I will go in to work in the morning and and stab everyone I can find’. Therefore nothing to do with the Religion Of Peace. Just another Misunderstander Of Islam. He must have thought that when the Koran enjoined him to ‘Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them’ (Qur’an 2:191) the ‘sacred’ text meant, well, kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. And like most misunderstanders he seemed, apart from the mass murdering bit, to have been a swell guy. According to a fellow worshipper “he was a very quiet person. I used to see him going to the mosque but he practised (his religion) in a normal way” . Well he sure did, didn’t he? And remember Jihadi John, the notorious ‘English’ head-chopper for ISIS? He’d been described by his imam as ‘a gentle, spiritual boy’. Indeed.

So what’s to be done? Well I believe I have a solution. Reinterpret the sacred texts in the light of latest thinking and research. You know the way Pope Francis reinterpreted the Bible to mean that homosexuality and all kinds of degeneracy are fully in accord with that book’s teachings. I’ve been working hard and this is the result to date. I seriously believe that when complete it has the potential to eliminate mass murders stemming from misunderstanding the Religion Of Peace.

My initial attempt.

Quotation: “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Qur’an 9:123

Scholastic reinterpretation: “Make friends with your infidel neighbours”.

Quotation: “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Qur’an 5:33

Scholastic reinterpretation: “All discussion on religion should be open and tolerant.”

Quotation: “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water;melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an22:19

Scholastic reinterpretation: We’re working on that one. But meanwhile lads lay off the hooks and rods and melting bellies and all that stuff.

So gentle reader, do you think it’ll work?

The Disaster of Negative Interest Rates

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 26 September 2019 06:43.

Chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell. (Patrick Semansky / AP)

The Disaster of Negative Interest Rates

By Ellen Brown for, 25 Sept 2019:

The dollar strengthened against the euro in August, merely in anticipation of the European Central Bank slashing its key interest rate further into negative territory. Investors were fleeing into the dollar, prompting President Trump to tweet on Aug. 30:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The Euro is dropping against the Dollar “like crazy,” giving them a big export and manufacturing advantage…and the Fed does NOTHING! Our Dollar is now the strongest in history. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Except to those (manufacturers) that make product for sale outside the U.S.

3:55 PM - Aug 30, 2019
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When the ECB cut its key rate as anticipated, from a negative 0.4% to a negative 0.5%, the president tweeted on Sept. 11:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The Federal Reserve should get our interest rates down to ZERO, or less, and we should then start to refinance our debt. INTEREST COST COULD BE BROUGHT WAY DOWN, while at the same time substantially lengthening the term. We have the great currency, power, and balance sheet…..

12:42 PM - Sep 11, 2019
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And on Sept. 12 he tweeted:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

European Central Bank, acting quickly, Cuts Rates 10 Basis Points. They are trying, and succeeding, in depreciating the Euro against the VERY strong Dollar, hurting U.S. exports…. And the Fed sits, and sits, and sits. They get paid to borrow money, while we are paying interest!

2:13 PM - Sep 12, 2019
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However, negative interest rates have not been shown to stimulate the economies that have tried them, and they would wreak havoc on the U.S. economy, for reasons unique to the U.S. dollar. The ECB has not gone to negative interest rates to gain an export advantage. It is to keep the European Union from falling apart, something that could happen if the United Kingdom does indeed pull out and Italy follows suit, as it has threatened to do. If what Trump wants is cheap borrowing rates for the U.S. federal government, there is a safer and easier way to get them.

The Real Reason the ECB Has Gone to Negative Interest Rates

Why the ECB has gone negative was nailed by Wolf Richter in a Sept. 18 article on After noting that negative interest rates have not proved to be beneficial for any economy in which they are currently in operation and have had seriously destructive side effects for the people and the banks, he said:

“However, negative interest rates as follow-up and addition to massive QE were effective in keeping the Eurozone glued together because they allowed countries to stay afloat that cannot, but would need to, print their own money to stay afloat. They did so by making funding plentiful and nearly free, or free, or more than free.

This includes Italian government debt, which has a negative yield through three-year maturities. … The ECB’s latest rate cut, minuscule and controversial as it was, was designed to help out Italy further so it wouldn’t have to abandon the euro and break out of the Eurozone.

The U.S. doesn’t need negative interest rates to stay glued together. It can print its own money.”

EU member governments have lost the sovereign power to issue their own money or borrow money issued by their own central banks. The EU experiment was a failed monetarist attempt to maintain a fixed money supply, as if the euro were a commodity in limited supply like gold. The central banks of member countries do not have the power to bail out their governments or failing local banks as the Fed did for US banks with massive quantitative easing after the 2008 financial crisis. Before the Eurozone debt crisis of 2011-12, even the European Central Bank was forbidden to buy sovereign debt.


Edward Snowden Speaks Out: ‘I Haven’t And I Won’t’ Cooperate With Russia

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 20 September 2019 05:09.

Reflecting on his decision to go public with classified information, Snowden says, “The likeliest outcome for me, hands down, was that I’d spend the rest of my life in an orange jumpsuit, but that was a risk that I had to take.” Courtesy of Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden Speaks Out: ‘I Haven’t And I Won’t’ Cooperate With Russia

19 Sept 2019, Dave Davies interviews Edward Snowden for Fresh Air (Audio)

In 2013, Snowden was an IT systems expert working under contract for the National Security Agency when he traveled to Hong Kong to provide three journalists with thousands of top-secret documents about U.S. intelligence agencies’ surveillance of American citizens.

To Snowden, the classified information he shared with the journalists exposed privacy abuses by government intelligence agencies. He saw himself as a whistleblower. But the U.S. government considered him a traitor in violation of the Espionage Act.

After meeting with the journalists, Snowden intended to leave Hong Kong and travel — via Russia — to Ecuador, where he would seek asylum. But when his plane landed at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport, things didn’t go according to plan.

“What I wasn’t expecting was that the United States government itself ... would cancel my passport,” he says.

Archived Author Interview

Edward Snowden Tells NPR: The Executive Branch ‘Sort Of Hacked The Constitution

Snowden was directed to a room where Russian intelligence agents offered to assist him — in return for access to any secrets he harbored. Snowden says he refused.

“I didn’t cooperate with the Russian intelligence services. I haven’t and I won’t,” he says. “I destroyed my access to the archive. I had no material with me before I left Hong Kong, because I knew I was going to have to go through this complex multi-jurisdictional route.”

Snowden spent 40 days in the Moscow airport, trying to negotiate asylum in various countries. After being denied asylum by 27 nations, he settled in Russia, where he remains today.

“People look at me now and they think I’m this crazy guy, I’m this extremist or whatever. Some people have a misconception that I set out to burn down the NSA,” he says. “But that’s not what this was about. In many ways, 2013 wasn’t about surveillance at all. What it was about was a violation of the Constitution.”


Justice Department Sues Edward Snowden, Seeking Profits From His Book

Snowden’s 2013 revelations led to changes in the laws and standards governing American intelligence agencies and the practices of U.S. technology companies, which now encrypt much of their Web traffic for security. He reflects on his life and his experience in the intelligence community in the memoir Permanent Record.

On Sept. 17, the U.S. Justice Department filed suit to recover all proceeds from the book, alleging that Snowden violated nondisclosure agreements by not letting the government review the manuscript before publication; Snowden’s attorney, Ben Wizner, said in a statement that the book contains no government secrets that have not been previously published by respected news organizations, and that the government’s prepublication review system is under court challenge.

Interview Highlights

On how researching China’s surveillance capabilities for a CIA presentation got him thinking about the potential for domestic surveillance within the U.S.

I’m invited to give a presentation about how China is hacking the United States intelligence services, defense contractors, anything that we have available in the network, which I know a little bit about but not that much about, because they have the person who is supposed to be giving the presentation drop out. So I go looking ... seeing what exactly is it that China is doing? What are their capabilities? Are they hacking? Are they doing domestic surveillance? Are they doing international surveillance? What is occurring?

And I’m just shocked by the extent of their capabilities. I’m appalled by the aggression with which they use them. But also, in a strange way, surprised by the openness with which they use them. They’re not hiding it. They’re just open and out there, saying, “Yeah, we’re doing this. Yeah, we’re hacking you. What are you going to do about it?”

And I think this is a distinction: I think, yes, the NSA is spying — of course they’re spying — but we’re only spying overseas, we’re not spying on our guys at home. We wouldn’t do that. We have firewalls, we have trip wires for people to hit. But surely these are only affecting terrorists, because we’re not like China. But this plants the first seeds of doubt where I see if the capability is there.

Related at Majorityrights:

Trump and his cyber ‘czar’ Giuliani want to outsource US cybersecurity. Can you guess where-to?


The History of Political Correctness, also known as Cultural Marxism.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 September 2019 14:35.

This History of “Political Correctness” remains the most incisive and accurate explanation of Political Correctness - also accurately described as “Cultural Marxism”.

Related at Majorityrights:

‘Give-em-Hell Trump’ re-normalizing social classification & discrimination - very good, but..

PewDiePie Trolls the ADL, Pulls Donation to Censorship Organization

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 13 September 2019 05:25.

Related at Majorityrights:

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man reviewed by Alexander Baron

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

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