Majorityrights News > Category: Immigration

Finland: Three knife-wielding attackers shouting Allahu Akbar stab five women, a man, killing two

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 August 2017 16:20.

Native blood trashed amidst aliens: Tarku, Finland.

Daily Mirror, 18 Aug 2017:

“Finland ‘terror attack.’

‘Three’ knife-wielding attackers ‘shouting Allahu Akbar’ stab five women and man in sickening rampage leaving two dead.”

Police have confirmed “several people have been knifed” in the centre of Turku this afternoon - and there are reports ‘a woman and a baby’ was attacked.

Armed police have opened fire on knife-wielding attackers who witnesses claim were ‘screaming Allahu Akbar’ as they went on a rampage ‘randomly stabbing people’ in Finland.

Two people have died in what is suspected to be a terror-related incident - although police say it’s too early to be certain.

Police have confirmed “several people have been knifed” in the centre of Turku this afternoon - including ‘a woman and a baby’ in a pushchair, according to local media.

Early confused reports appear to suggest there may be as many as three attackers - and at least five women and one man stabbed, possibly more.

Other reports say there was just one “young male” assailant spotted covered in blood instead - who bystanders tried to fend off with a baseball bat while others rushed to help victims.

Video footage has emerged of police arresting a man on the ground near a pool of blood - and an assailant is being treated in hospital, police say.

One person is reported to have died at the scene - while another died in hospital.

“Defend Europe” Anti-Invasion Ship Celebrates 76% Drop in Invaders Since Mission Starts

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 14 August 2017 09:57.

New Observer, 14 Aug 2017:

“Defend Europe” Anti-Invasion Ship Celebrates 76% Drop in Invaders Since Mission Starts.”

The C-Star “Defend Europe” anti-invasion boat—funded by public subscription to the Generation Identity organization—has issued a statement celebrating a 76 percent drop in African invaders trying to land in Europe since their mission began at the beginning of August.

The drop is marked: from August 1 to August 10, 2016, some 6,554 invaders landed in Europe, while for the same period in 2017, “only” 1,572 invaders managed to make it ashore.

The C-Star statement—issued on Twitter—said that the “decrease in the number of illegal immigrants departures isn’t due to chance but the consequence of political decisions made by Italy and of its negotiations with Tripoli.

“However, the liberal government, based in Rome only reacted thanks to the growing media pressure during several weeks.

“The Defend Europe mission has played a crucial role in that sense, as you can simply check out on the recent media coverage.

“Our action shows that European citizens can coordinate at the [grass]root [level] in order to efficiently substitute [for the] state’s [in]action,” the C-Star statement continued.

At some point, the statement said, ten men on a ship, supported by millions of their peers on land, counted for more than all of the “charities” which are engaged in the illegal smuggling of invaders across the Mediterranean Sea.

This drastic fall in the number of crossing attempts “definitely proves” that the “charities” and their “uncontrolled operations are directly responsible for the massive arrival of illegal immigrants,” the statement added.


The figures about the decrease were released by Italian Interior Minister Marco Minniti late last week. Minniti—a member of the Italian Communist Party from 1980 to 1991—is most certainly not motivated by any desire to protect Europe, and is, as the Defend Europe statement alluded to, only reacting to public pressure on the matter.

According to a Politico report, the Italian government decided to finance the resurrection of the Libyan coast guard, just one of the organizations which collapsed when Minniti’s European Union (EU) and the Obama administration decided to destroy the Gadhafi government in Libya.

The collapse of the Gadhafi government served to open the door for the mass African invasion which only started in earnest after that event.


Response to Tara McCarthy’s adoption of the Alt-Right/Lite position against “The Left” & Islam

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 August 2017 18:10.

Tara McCarthy ♥️@TaraMcCarthy_14 Jul 22
Replying to @MajorityRights

Anyone who talks about the JQ gets shut down. I don’t have a choice.

daniel sienkiewicz‏ @MajorityRights Jul 22
Replying to @TaraMcCarthy_14

It’s not Not talking about the JQ that’s the big problem, it’s going along with their wish to make “The Left” the enemy that is the problem.

In ordinary language, “left” corresponds with unionization of people against elitist bullying and betrayal.

With J’s on top, they cooperate with right wing sellouts to argue that “The left” is the enemy as they don’t want us organizing against them.

What has been called “the Left” by the (((controlled media and academia))) is liberalism as it applies to Whites. It is not a White Left.

(((They)))‘ve associated it with all manner of absurdity as they do not want Whites deploying the concept of unionization.

They do not want us to have the means of accountability and compassion for OUR marginals that would popularize our cause.

They want to say its all about “equality” but White Left ethno-nationalism doesn’t have to mean anything so absurd for us.

It doesn’t mean people can’t be wealthy; or that people who are not contributing as much to the social capital aren’t accountable as well.

It doesn’t deny the reality of race, genetics, science, differing human abilities and limitations..

But we do have some agency and choice, we can unionize as left ethnonationalists to protect ourselves in coordination with other (coalitions of) ethno-nationalists.

Alt Right/Lite is a (((paleocon))) scam to co-opt White reaction into the alienating, manipulable that’s just-the-way-it-isness of the right.

..“that’s just the way it is” - just so happens (((these people))) are on top, its “just nature”.  The problems are being caused by “THE Left” (now that its convenient for the YKW and right wing sellouts in cooperation to say-so).

Illustration: Is “The left” imposing Islam on Indonesia and Turkey? No. Left nationalism’s bitterly opposed to Islam &vis versa

daniel sienkiewicz‏ @MajorityRights Jul 22
Replying to @TaraMcCarthy_14

1 Dead, 4 Injured: Another Refugee-Terrorist Attack in Hamburg

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 30 July 2017 10:06.

The refugee-terrorist attacker lies prone after being arrested.

New Observer, “1 Dead, 4 Injured: Another Refugee-Terrorist Attack in Hamburg”, 28 July 2017:

Yet another nonwhite invader pretending to be a “refugee” in Germany—this time a United Arab Emirates national—today carried out a mass knife attack against white people in Hamburg, only blocks away from the “refugee home” where he had been living off the Germany taxpayers.

According to a report in the Bild newspaper, the nonwhite swindler, named Ahmad A, is 26 years old and first entered Germany as a “refugee” during the mass invasion of 2015.

The nonwhite launched his attack on local white people in a Hamburg supermarket in the Barmbek district of the north German city. He killed one man, aged 50, on the scene, and severely wounded another four.

The invader then headed towards a metro station in an attempt to continue his rampage.

He was however followed by eyewitnesses who tackled him to the ground. Police officers then him.

Two eyewitnesses to the attack said the man shouted “Allahu Akbar” while carrying out the attack.

According to the Tagesspiegel newspaper, the attacker was “already known to security services as an Islamist.”

That newspaper said that the invader had been wearing religious clothing during the attack, and claimed his family was originally of Palestinian origin.

The attack is not the first such incident to be carried out by members of the nonwhite invasion force invited into Europe by the race-denying liberal ruling elite. Knife attacks have been encouraged by ISIS and other Islamists as an easy way of killing white people, who are described as “citizens of Crusader states.”


Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 23 July 2017 18:15., “WHAT THE WEST CAN LEARN FROM THE MORIORI”, 6 Aug 2017:

by Daryl Withycombe

The history of the Moriori, little known outside of Oceania, might appear like a fable, a cautionary tale that people came up with to educate their children. As unnerving as the dark legend about this forgotten tribe might be, the entire story really happened. Hopefully it will serve as a warning, to all other people around the world who chose to rebel against the laws of nature and descend down the path of the Moriori.

The story of the Moriori begins more than five hundred years ago, when a group of Maori left New Zealand by boat, looking for new unpopulated land to settle. After a long journey they landed on a remote island group, now known to us as the Chatham islands. The environment they encountered here was different from the one they left. Temperatures were colder and the crops they were used to growing would not grow. They were forced to adapt to these new circumstances. Their diet changed to one largely composed of fish and plants native on the islands.

These isolated islands never sustained a lot of people, thus the Moriori society inevitably remained a tight-knitted community. After a violent tribal conflict between different groups, a 16th century chief known as Nunuku-whenua declared that from now on, all violence would be forbidden, because of its destructive impact on such a small community. Disputes from now on would be settled through consensus, or, in the worst case, through a duel that would stop as soon as first blood was drawn. Cannibalism was forbidden and passive resistance to oppression was endorsed. This became known as the Code of Nunuku.

Maori war canoe

Because overpopulation would lead to violence, the Moriori decided to implement cruel measures to artificially constrain their population. It was not uncommon for them to castrate some of their newborn boys. The birth rate would be constrained as a consequence and the boys would remain docile, growing up to be the hunter-gatherer equivalent of Antifa and social justice bloggers.

Living in isolation, the Moriori could sustain their way of life for over 300 years. But then, in the 19th century, the vacuum they had created was suddenly punctured. British people began to land, bringing with them ex-convicts and Maori sailors. The formerly culturally homogeneous Moriori now had to learn to adapt to the presence of different cultures, but greater problems were still ahead of them.

The growth of the British population on New Zealand’s Northern island had displaced two Maori tribes, the Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Mutunga. In 1835 these tribes, numbering about 500 people in total, captured a British ship and its crew and forced it to set sail for the Chatham islands. Some sources seem to claim that the Maori tribes traveled to the Chatham Islands, precisely because they knew how passive the Moriori were.

Tattooed warrior

When the Maori landed, the Moriori, who numbered around 2000 people, decided to take care of them. After they figured out that the Maori were not temporary visitors but planned on staying on the islands, the Moriori decided to withdraw to their sacred place. Here the Moriori debated with each other how they should deal with the newcomers. They decided to implement a policy of non-aggression, reportedly against the insistence of the young. The code of Nunuku had to be followed under all circumstances.

The Maori then began to lay claim to the land, wandering through it carrying weapons, without greeting the natives. If the Moriori inquired, they were told that they were now their vassals. Although most narratives don’t lay out a precise time-line, it is clear that the first boatload of Maori killed a twelve year old Moriori girl and hung her flesh from posts. A second ship arrived a few weeks after this event, carrying another 400 Maori.

Hundreds of Moriori were murdered and cannibalized, the rest were enslaved. Instead of fighting back, the Moriori hid in holes beneath the ground. Moriori were forbidden from marrying each other by their Maori overlords and the Moriori women married Maori men. The Maori prohibited the Moriori language, and forced them to desecrate their sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them. Only 101 Moriori out of a population of about 2,000 were left alive by 1862. The last Moriori of unmixed ancestry, Tommy Solomon, died in 1933.

Maori warriors in the 19th century.

Lessons to Learn

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what the Moriori did wrong. Had the Moriori been ruthless, they could have sunk the first ship before it landed. Had the Moriori been more balanced, they could have risen up when a 12-year-old girl was murdered and hung from a pole. At the time, they were still dealing with a mere 500 invaders, among whom were women and children. Sadly, the Moriori submitted. By the time the second boat arrived, the outcome had been determined.

It’s interesting that children in school are never taught about the Moriori. Instead, they are taught about the sacred trinity of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Gandhi. We teach our children that they should submit when wronged and these children then grow up to be adults who will only submit when wronged.

We could consider it the outgrowth of Christianity, but it seems that Jesus’s teachings never quite became dominant until the 20th century. Had these teachings become dominant earlier, Christianity would never have grown to be successful. Medieval knights were slapped in the face when knighted, told that these would be the last slaps they could ever accept without having to retaliate.

Europeans are modern day Moriori. When their continent is invaded by men in boats, they worry about the boats that sink, offer Turkey billions of dollars and decide to take in more invaders through an “air-bridge.” When their children are raped in swimming pools and their women harassed, they do not see an invading force that’s testing the waters, they see people who need to be educated about how to treat women. I’m sure the Moriori assumed the invading tribes could be taught to adapt their pacifist ethos too.


EUrAfrica: Whatever it is, it is worse than you might think.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 22 July 2017 12:43.


Nonwhites Majority of UK School Population within 20 Years

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 17 July 2017 17:08.

New Observer, “Nonwhites Majority of UK School Population within 20 Years”, 15 July 2017:

Nonwhites will make up the majority population in British schools within the next twenty years, the direct result of decades of mass Third World immigration and their natural reproduction rates, an analysis of new data issued by the UK’s Department of Education has revealed.

        School class in Newham, London.

According to the report, titled “Schools, pupils and their characteristics: January 2017” and issued at the beginning of July 2017, nonwhites already make up over 25 percent of all school pupils in primary and secondary schools combined, and have increased their numbers by more than 10 percent in the last ten years.

According to the report, there are a total of 8.67 million pupils in all schools in England—which means that there are already in excess of 2.167 million nonwhite pupils.

The total number of pupils has grown every year since 2009 and there are now 577,000 more pupils The report reveals that the proportion of pupils from “minority ethnic origins,” has “been rising steadily since 2006. In primary schools, 32.1% of pupils of compulsory school age are of minority ethnic origins, an increase from 31.4% in January 2016.

“Minority ethnic pupils made up 66.3% of the increase in pupil numbers in primary schools between 2016 and 2017.

“In secondary schools, 29.1% of pupils are of minority ethnic origins, an increase from 27.9% in 2016.”

The Department of Education’s figures however, include white children of “non-British origin”—in other words, those of Polish or Eastern European origin.

The report goes on to a specific breakdown of pupils by ethnic origin in State funded schools in England;

State-funded primary schools

White British 67.2

White Non-British 7.5

Asian 10.7

Black 5.6

Mixed 5.9

Chinese 0.4

Any other 1.9

Unclassified 0.7

State-funded secondary schools

White British 69.5

White Non-British 5.7

Asian 10.7

Black 5.6

Mixed 5.0

Chinese 0.4

Any other 1.7

Unclassified 1.5


UN admits 70% of Nonwhite Invaders ‘Not fleeing War’ - most are economic migrants from Africa

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 07 July 2017 15:17.

In addition to Nigerians, now the most dominant nationality in terms of arrivals, Guineans (13,345), Ivoirians (12,396), Gambians (11,929), Malians (10,010) and Senegalese (10,327) were all amongst the top 10 countries of origin of arrivals in Italy in 2016.  Furthermore, “most refugees and migrants in Libya are young single men,” ...and significantly, “many engage in circular or repetitive migrations”—in other words, go around and around, collecting money and welfare handouts from liberal Europeans along the way.

New Observer, “70% of Nonwhite Invaders ‘Not fleeing War,’ UN Admits” 4 July 2017:

At least 70 percent of the nonwhite flood currently invading Europe are not fleeing conflict at all—and those claiming to be Syrians are a tiny minority of the remaining 30 percent, a new report from the United Nations has admitted.

Titled “Mixed Migration Trends in Libya: Changing Dynamics and Protection Challenges,” the new report was prepared by Altai Consulting in partnership with IMPACT Initiatives (IMPACT), for the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Libya.

According to the politically correct report, “30 percent [of] migrants are fleeing conflict or persecution,  [while] 70 percent of those arriving in Italy are economic migrants with little chance of receiving asylum.”

Most of the invaders massing in Libya come from West African states like Nigeria, Gambia and Guinea.  According the study, the vast majority of invaders are young, single men with little or no education.  About 14 percent are unaccompanied minors, mainly from Eritrea, Gambia and Nigeria.

Based on interviews on the ground, the study found that about half of the invaders had moved to Libya to seek work, but then “decided to move on to Europe.”

Almost all the invaders were suing the “rapidly expanding criminal trafficking networks, both to enter Libya through the porous southern desert border and onward by boat to Europe.”

“The smuggling industry has grown increasingly professional and transnational smuggling organizations further developed,” the report said. “Armed groups play an increasingly dominant role in the smuggling industry.”

The report went on to reveal that many of the invaders “report travelling to Libya for economic reasons,” and, significantly , “many engage in circular or repetitive migrations”—in other words, go around and around, collecting money and welfare handouts from liberal Europeans along the way.

“Nationals of West and Central Africa countries: mainly from Nigeria, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, Mali and Cameroon, these people report having left largely for economic reasons,” the report continued.

“Nationals of Eastern Africa countries: from Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan. They reported making the journey for a range of reasons including political persecution, conflict, and economic distress in their countries of origin.

“Individuals from other regions: Syrians, Palestinians, Iraqis, Moroccans, Bangladeshis and others. Syrians, Palestinians and Iraqis flee conflict and violence while others are looking for livelihood opportunities.”

Another significant change is the increase in West and Central Africans, who now represent well over half of all arrivals to Europe, the report added.

In addition to Nigerians, now the most dominant nationality in terms of arrivals, Guineans (13,345), Ivoirians (12,396), Gambians (11,929), Malians (10,010) and Senegalese (10,327) were all amongst the top 10 countries of origin of arrivals in Italy in 2016.

Furthermore, “most refugees and migrants in Libya are young single men,” and “families travelling as a unit are rare, except among Syrians and Palestinians.”

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Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sun, 25 Aug 2024 10:21. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:25. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 23:16. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 01:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 23:22. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 04:31. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 23:08. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 20:27. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:19. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:26. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 08:50. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 04:44. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Slaying The Dragon' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 04:31. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 07 Aug 2024 11:35. (View)

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