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British women ‘going to the Calais jungle for sex with migrants’

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 September 2016 19:40.

DM, “The British women ‘going to the jungle for sex with migrants’” 22 September 2016:

- whistleblower claims some aid workers have ‘multiple partners in a day’

Calais volunteers have been accused of having sex with camp migrants

Whistleblowers claim some are having several sexual partners in one day

It is alleged some volunteers are suing the camp as ‘a free for all festival’

Some aid workers said the allegations should have been kept private

Calais aid workers volunteering in the Jungle have been accused of having sex with migrants, some of whom are believed to be underage, according to a whistle blower.

The revelations have caused a furious row on Facebook, with some volunteers claiming the allegations should have remained secret and criticised the whistle blower for expressing his concerns.

According to the whistle blower, some volunteers avail of the service of the Jungle camp prostitutes, while others have multiple partners in one day.

Aid workers volunteering at the Jungle camp in Calais, pictured, have been accused of sexually exploiting refugees living in the squalid conditions according to a whistleblower

One whistleblower revealed the extent of sexual abuse of vulnerable refugees at the Jungle camp at the hands of unscrupulous aid workers, some of whom use the women as prostitutes.

Aid workers have been arguing online over whether details of the sexual exploitation of refugees should have been made public as it might impact the level of donations to the camp

Other aid workers have complained that unscrupulous volunteers are treating the camp like a ‘free for all festival’ and ‘find it difficult to keep it in their pants’.

The original allegations were aired on a Facebook thread concerning the People to People Solidarity group, which has since been deleted. 

It was claimed that female volunteers were more likely to have sex with male migrants than any other combination.

One volunteer was described as having ‘a bad reputation’ for sleeping with male refugees and was asked to leave the camp.

One male volunteer had to be ‘persuaded by other male volunteers’ against returning due to his ‘inappropriate behaviour with female refugees’.

Some volunteers have claimed critics are more interested in maintaining their reputation than preventing further incidents of sexual abuse in a similar manner to the Catholic Church

The whistleblower has prompted a furious row on a volunteering Facebook page

One commentator described relationships between volunteers and migrants as ‘inappropriate’

Another criticised volunteers who did not want to address the exploitation issue publicly

According to the original post, the whistle blower claimed: ‘I have heard of boys, believed to be under the age of consent, having sex with volunteers.

‘I have heard stories of men using the prostitutes in the Jungle too. I have heard of volunteers having sex with multiple partners in one day, only to carry on in the same vein the following day.

‘And I also know, that I’m only hearing a small part of a wider scale of abuse.’

Several volunteers severely criticised the whistleblower for discussing the abuse allegations in an open forum.

However, one volunteer defended him claiming: ‘It always really worries me that we’re more concerned with the press/our reputation than we are with the sexual abuse itself.’

According to the Independent, some volunteers believe sexual relationships between aid workers and refugees is ‘natural’ while others believe it breaks the ‘usual codes of conduct’.

The UNHCR said it has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy concerning the sexual exploitation of refugees in such camps.

However, some of the volunteer groups in the camp do not have clearly defined ‘codes of conduct’, while others complain about so-called ‘independent volunteers’ who are not attached to any particular group. 

Clare Mosely, founder of Care4Calais told the Independent: ‘At the end of the day it isn’t recognised as an official refugee camp, it’s an illegal settlement. So we’ve got no way of forcing anyone to leave. That is the difficulty.’

Care4Calais has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy concerning sexual relations between volunteers and camp inhabitants.

Another volunteer wrote: ‘In my view, most defo beyond inappropriate -  breaches all sorts of codes, highlights massive deficit of integrity, blurs reciprocal boundaries beyond measure.

‘Pretty much no different to sex tourism. This is the sort of stuff that makes others with better resolve, cringe - need to have a rocksolid mindset that separates the camp environment from that of a freeforall “festival” - if you’re incapable of “keeping it in your pants” then consider whether you ought to be there.’

Another contributor added: ‘So the concerns around exploitation of vulnerable people should be ‘kept private’ should they? ‘kept within the group’ .

‘Whatever your feelings on sex between volunteers and refugees it is clear that it is a very important subject to discuss OPENLY.

‘The press is a perfectly valid place to analyse and protect vulnerable people.

‘It is exactly this notion of protecting people that ensured children were abused for years within childrens homes and the Catholic Church.’



Croatia: No More Invaders Allowed

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 15:02.

TNO, “Croatia: No More Invaders Allowed”, 21 September 2016:

No more Third World invaders will be allowed to pass through the territory of Croatia, its president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has announced.

Speaking during a press conference in New York, President Grabar-Kitarovic said that if a “new migrant wave” reaches Croatia, they would not be allowed to pass through.

“Croatia will not let migrants pass through its territory, because the borders of neighboring countries are closed and Croatia needs to protect its territory,” she said.

The president, who is in New York for a United Nations mini summit on the invasion, said that last year, Croatia let the invaders pass to other countries because there were no fences at the borders with Slovenia and Hungary.

Now, however, there are fences and the borders are closed.

Furthermore, she said, it “turned out that over 85 percent of them were economic migrants and not genuine refugees.”

Former Australian prime minister Abbott: Europe is Being Invaded

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 02:32.

TNO, “Abbott: Europe is Being Invaded”, 20 September 2016:

Former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott has warned that Europe is being “invaded,” that white nations are “losing their character” through mass Third World immigration, and that the invasion needs to be turned back at the borders.

In addition, he said, Turkey’s leaders have urged Muslims to take back parts of Europe and among the invaders are “soldiers of the caliphate bent on mayhem.”

Making the direct comments during a speech to the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists—a group of conservative European parties—at their major annual meeting in Prague, Abbott asked, “why shouldn’t each country keep the final say over who can enter?”

“After all,” he said, “a country or a continent that can’t control who enters its territory will eventually lose control of its future.”

Facebook used to recruit illegal migrant workers in New Zealand

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 20 September 2016 02:00.

RadioNZ, “Facebook used to recruit illegal migrant workers”, 16 September 2016:

A human trafficking scam that’s carried on undetected for years is claimed to be using Facebook to lure migrants into jobs paying less than $10 an hour on New Zealand orchards.

A man from Vanuatu works in a Hawke’s Bay orchard under the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme.

First Union says underpaying workers is systematic across some North Island orchards. Photo: RNZI / Johnny Blades

Investigations have been launched after a Filipino man, who paid his first month’s wages as commission to an offshore organiser, raised the alert.

First Union organiser Dennis Maga, who knows the Filipino orchard worker who has since returned home, said he was looking into the case with assistance from the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

“This is some sort of human trafficking because the orchard managers are consciously targeting those vulnerable migrants, luring them to work in that industry, knowing that they are quite desperate.

“Based on the information we found out from a friend of ours, who actually worked in one orchard company in Waikato, we realised that this is quite systematic because it’s also actually happening in other orchard companies in the North Island.”

Details Emerge of ISIS Attacks in The U.S.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 19 September 2016 16:53.

TNO, “Details Emerge of ISIS Attacks”, 19 September 2016:

The controlled media has now been forced to admit that the series of attacks over the past weekend in America were part of a coordinated ISIS-inspired terrorist spree—despite their initial attempts to deny otherwise. The FBI have announced that they are looking for an Afghan with “U.S. citizenship,” more evidence that the acts are the direct result of the promotion of mass Third World immigration into the United States.

According to the FBI wanted poster, Ahmad Khan Rahmani was born in Afghanistan. He is about 5ft 6 tall and weighs approximately 200 pounds. It says he “should be considered armed and dangerous”. Rahmani is wanted specifically in connection with Saturday’s explosion, which injured 29 people.

Another five explosive devices were found in New Jersey overnight. The devices, hidden in a package at a train station in Elizabeth, New Jersey, near to Newark Liberty International Airport, were spotted after two men tried to steal the package, thinking it was “of some value,” Elizabeth mayor Chris Bollwage told local media.

One of the two thieves spotted wires and other indications that their loot consisted of bombs, so they notified the police.

A robot was deployed to examine the package, and one of the devices exploded while the investigation was underway.

The three pipe bombs found in New Jersey along the route of a US marine charity run and the two bombs in New York City were all constructed with cell phone initiation devices, indicative of a common terrorist cell operating in the area.

In my old haunts of Seaside Heights, they placed a bomb in a garbage can before a marine charity race.

Meanwhile, police in Minnesota identified the Somali Muslim who carried out the “Allah Akbar” knife attack in a St. Cloud mall on Saturday as Dahir Adan.

Adan had moved to America 15 years ago with his family as part of the U.S. Government’s plan to help “refugees” from Somali “flee war and poverty” in Africa.

The Amaq news agency—the official ISIS news service—issued a statement yesterday claiming responsibility for the rampage, which left nine people injured.

Adan was described by ISIS as the “executor of the stabbing attacks in Minnesota” and as a “soldier of the Islamic State” who carried out the “operation in response to calls to target the citizens of countries belonging to the crusader coalition.”

Ghent: Turks Attack European Protestors

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 19 September 2016 05:08.

TNO, “Ghent: Turks Attack Europeans”, 18 September 2016:

Hundreds of Turks attacked police and white Belgians in Ghent over the past weekend as members of the pro-European Voorpost organization held a “no Turkey in the European Union” rally in the city.

After being given several warnings by the police to stop their violence, the nonwhites were dispersed by police water cannon and at least one was arrested.

The Voorpost organization said in its report on the Saturday, September 17 rally, that the slogan used by its members “No Turkey in Europe” was meant to demonstrate their opposition to the possible accession of Turkey to the European Union, Islamization in general, and against the foreign policy of Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

“However, a large group of Turks objected to this typically European right to freedom of expression, and attacked the peaceful protest,” the Voorpost report continued.

After police moved in to protect the whites, the Turkish thugs then attacked the authorities, forcing them to eventually disperse the nonwhites with water cannon and baton charges.

Despite the attacks, Voorpost was able to continue with its rally, and, thanks to its stewards, was able to complete the protest march.

“The Voorpost demonstration showed that the Turkish issue is already very important,” their report continued.

Berlin elections: Angela Merkel faces new gains by anti-migrant AfD party

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 18 September 2016 15:06.

Frauke Petry, chairwoman of the anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD) Credit: Stefanie Loos/Reuters

Telegraph, “Berlin elections: Angela Merkel faces new gains by anti-migrant AfD party” 18 September 2016:

The far-Right could return as a force to be reckoned with in Berlin politics for the first time since the Second World War.

The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is set to inflict serious losses on Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in regional elections in Berlin state on Sunday, according to opinion polls.

If the predictions are right, the party could win as much as 15 per cent of the vote campaigning on an openly anti-Muslim platform.

“With a swing to right, life will change in Berlin. I’m convinced of that.“Michael Müller

That would be the far-Right’s best performance in the German capital since 1945, and secure it its first seats in the Berlin state parliament since the 1990 reunification of Germany.

“Berlin cannot be allowed to become the capital of the far-Right,” Michael Müller, the city’s mayor, pleaded in a message on Facebook this week.

“It would be seen around the world as a return of the far-Right and the Nazis to Germany.”

Migrants Granted Refugee Status Are Holidaying In Countries They ‘Fled’, At Taxpayers’ Expense

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 18 September 2016 11:35.

Breitbart, “Migrants Granted Refugee Status Are Holidaying In Countries They ‘Fled’, At Taxpayers’ Expense” 12 September 2016:

Migrants with recognised refugee status are holidaying in the countries they supposedly “fled”, with their vacations funded by German taxpayers, a newspaper has found.

Newspaper Welt am Sonntag learnt that migrants are returning to countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, and Lebanon for holiday purposes, then travelling back to Germany where they continue to receive comfortable welfare payments.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has been aware for some time that some recognised refugees are taking leisure trips to the very spots they claim their lives are in danger.

The government body sent a written request to Berlin’s employment agencies in June, asking that they report the travel arrangements of migrants granted asylum holidaying in their countries of origin.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Employment Agency confirmed that “there are such cases” but reports that there is “no analysis or statistics on this subject and therefore we do not have information”.

The lack of information is down to data protection laws. But people who are familiar with the processes report that it is also happening in other regions of Germany.

Hartz IV, the welfare system migrants granted asylum receive, allows 21 days per year “local absence” where recipients collect full welfare payments while away from their usual area.

Receivers of Hartz IV must “notify the local absence, the expected duration, but not exactly where they go to,” the federal agency said, adding that “there is also no legal basis to demand this information.”

Welt am Sonntag reported that even if the migrant told welfare centre staff he was taking a trip to Syria, data protection laws would prevent this information being passed on to the federal agency.

Germany’s Interior Ministry indicates that European Union rules state that travel to so-called countries of persecution can lead to individual cases being looked at and, ultimately, asylum being withdrawn.

A spokesman from the ministry said there may be reasonable grounds for such trips, such as a family member’s serious illness.

“In the case, however, to travel for leisure purposes, this may be an indication that for the refugee no fear of persecution exists,” the spokesman added.

Armin Schuster, chairman of Chancellor Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party, said it “leaves one almost speechless” that migrants are holidaying in the countries they supposedly fled qualify for asylum.

Mr. Schuster said he could imagine only a few cases where a brief return would be acceptable, but commented that it’s “imperative that we continue to permit the refugees to apply for such a trip, and to be approved by BAMF.”

Despite the narrative which portrays migrants arriving in Europe as having fled for their lives, researchers have found increasing numbers are wanting to return to their home countries, dissatisfied with the standard of accommodation and welfare they are given on the continent.

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