Majorityrights News > Category: Islam & Islamification

Mark Collett on the Jewish role in the refugee crisis.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 21 August 2017 06:34.

  Mark Collett on the Jewish role in the refugee crisis.

  Related Story - J CORE: It’s All Worse, More Organized & More Them Than Even You Think.

Related article: A Bridge Too Near

Finland: Three knife-wielding attackers shouting Allahu Akbar stab five women, a man, killing two

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 August 2017 16:20.

Native blood trashed amidst aliens: Tarku, Finland.

Daily Mirror, 18 Aug 2017:

“Finland ‘terror attack.’

‘Three’ knife-wielding attackers ‘shouting Allahu Akbar’ stab five women and man in sickening rampage leaving two dead.”

Police have confirmed “several people have been knifed” in the centre of Turku this afternoon - and there are reports ‘a woman and a baby’ was attacked.

Armed police have opened fire on knife-wielding attackers who witnesses claim were ‘screaming Allahu Akbar’ as they went on a rampage ‘randomly stabbing people’ in Finland.

Two people have died in what is suspected to be a terror-related incident - although police say it’s too early to be certain.

Police have confirmed “several people have been knifed” in the centre of Turku this afternoon - including ‘a woman and a baby’ in a pushchair, according to local media.

Early confused reports appear to suggest there may be as many as three attackers - and at least five women and one man stabbed, possibly more.

Other reports say there was just one “young male” assailant spotted covered in blood instead - who bystanders tried to fend off with a baseball bat while others rushed to help victims.

Video footage has emerged of police arresting a man on the ground near a pool of blood - and an assailant is being treated in hospital, police say.

One person is reported to have died at the scene - while another died in hospital.

Asylum Seeker with HIV had Sex with Two Dozen Icelandic Women

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 12 August 2017 19:41.

Diversity Macht Frei, “Asylum Seeker with HIV had Sex with Two Dozen Icelandic Women”, 9 Aug 2017:

The man arrested on the suspicion of having infected numerous young women with the HIV virus claims that he did not know that he was HIV positive. The man is an asylum seeker in Iceland.

This has been confirmed by his lawyer Guðmundína Ragnarsdóttir who is appealing a verdict of a four-week long custody.

Ragnarsdóttir cannot confirm at this time whether or not the man underwent the neccessary medical examinations required by asylum seekers. Another lawyer is processing his asylum application.

Two women have been confirmed to have been infected with the virus and nearly twenty more are awaiting test results.

According to Kristín Völundardóttir at the Directorate of Immigration, an asylum seeker has between 1 to 5 days after he has sought asylum in Iceland until he is summoned for a medical examination.

The man has later been released from custody.

“The suspect, believed to be an asylum seeker of Nigerian nationality, was arrested last month. Police have grounds to believe that the man knew that he was HIV+.

He was released from custody yesterday and served with a four-month travel ban.

According to Inspector Friðrik Smári Björg­vins­son­, Head of the Reykjavik Metropolitan Police Criminal Investigation Department, there is no reason to keep the suspect in custody any longer.

The case is currently being investigated by the police and the Icelandic Directorate of Health and is said to be proceeding well. As at 24 July, two women had been confirmed HIV+ and 10-20 more had been tested.”

For more on the topic of Iceland opening its doors to “refugees” and the spread of muslims and non-whites in this formerly homogeneous country check this video and the articles below.


10,000 Icelanders offer to house Syrian refugees after author’s call

Bryndis Bjorgvinsdottir urged her fellow Icelanders to speak out on Facebook if they wanted Iceland to take in more Syrian refugees Photo: Óli Gneisti / Creative Commons

Ten thousand Icelanders have offered to welcome Syrian refugees into their homes, as part of a Facebook campaign launched by a prominent author after the government said it would take in only a handful.

After the Icelandic government announced last month that it would only accept 50 humanitarian refugees from Syria, Bryndis Bjorgvinsdottir encouraged fellow citizens to speak out in favour of those in need of asylum. In the space of 24 hours, 10,000 Icelanders – in a country of 300,000 – took to Facebook to offer up their homes and urge their government to do more.

Iceland importing race replacement

Another related story: rapey Roosh in Iceland -

  Roosh rape targets

In Daryush Valizadeh´s own words, his descriptions of how he raped two passed-out drunk girls in Iceland (from the guide Roosh V – Bang Iceland):

I went so fast in her bedroom. Clothes ripped off. Jam the dick inside. Barely any kissing. she was too drunk to produce much in the way of lubrication, so after five minutes we stopped having sex, if that’s what you want to call it. She fell asleep and started snoring. Then I got dressed and left while she slept.

Roosh explains how he gets always unprotected raw sex, no matter if the girl insisted for condom.


Eighteen Convicted in Mostly Muslim Rape Gang, Police Paid Child Rapist Informant £10k

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 10 August 2017 05:06.

Breitbart, “Eighteen Convicted in Mostly Muslim Rape Gang, Police Paid Child Rapist Informant £10k”, 9 Aug 2017:

Seventeen South Asian men and one Caucasian woman have been convicted of involvement in a mostly Muslim sex grooming gang operating in Newcastle, in the largest case of its kind since Rotherham and Rochdale.

The gang was found guilty of nearly 100 offences, including the rape and human trafficking of vulnerable women and girls. They preyed upon teenage girls with drugs and alcohol at sex parties known as “sessions”, Chronicle Live reports.

The police have come under strong criticism for paying almost £10,000 to a convicted child rapist to work as an informant in the case.

“We’re appalled to learn that police paid a child rapist and planted him in the midst of vulnerable young girls”, - Jon Brown, NSPCC

The victims were aged between 14 and 22 years old. They were passed around by their abusers and were sometimes said to be too intoxicated to even know what was happening to them.

One victim said she had been to 60 such “sessions”, the BBC reports. She spoke of seeing two older men at one of them with a woman who seemed “frightened and scared, like a slave”.


Trump deal imposes Muslim compradors over Indonesian ethnonationalists and what is sacred to them

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 August 2017 18:16.

At a press conference at Trump Tower in New York to declare his loyalty to the Republican Party, Donald Trump was flanked by guests from Indonesia, and made a big show of announcing one very special guest, Setya Novanto.

“He wants it big, and overlooking the sacred Tanah-Lot.”

Trump deal in Indonesia imposes Islamic compradors over ethno-nationalism and his hotel and business upon what is sacred to Indonesian ethno-nationalists.

FOUR CORNERS, 3 July 2017:

While running for President, Trump was courting the Indonesians over lucrative resort deals in Bali and Java; and lobbying Indonesian MP’s to expedite a toll road that would benefit his development.

The secretive dealings raise new questions about Trump’s corporate interests abroad and about the unholy business and political alliances he’s forged.

While at home, Trump rails against Muslim extremists, in the world’s largest Muslim country, his allies are cozying-up to Islamists who are posing a direct threat the country’s ethno-nationalism.

Donald Trump has entered into two huge deals in Indonesia, and the first of them will land here, on the southern edge of Bali almost on top of one of the Island’s most sacred religious sites, Tanah Lot - an hour or two away from the main tourist areas, the Balanese have fought for decades to protect this temple and its surrounds.

“Not much is known of Trump’s plans but what is known that he wants it big, the biggest in Bali he says,  he wants a tower on an island that bans them, and he wants it over looking the sacred Tahan Lot.”

“It’s one of the island-wide temples that are sacred to the Balanese, its the land, pana, and lot, which means ocean.”

Donald Trump makes deal with Islamic compradors in Indonesia, imposing them against the native stasis of Left ethno-nationalism, and his hotel and business upon what is sacred to native ethno-nationalists.

80,000 Indonesians were killed by Suharto on that beach in 1965, the victims were accused of being Leftists….

When President Suharto exited power in 1998, he took three decades of loot with him, estimated at 30 billion dollars.

Trump’s business partner in the deal, Harry Tanno, was a close friend of Suharto.

Tanno welcomes Trump and Sharia

Hizb-ut-Tahrir’s man is on screen talking after 37 minute mark - his appearance was the biggest thing in the whole video:

“Is it your ambition to impose Sharia Law in Indonesia?” “It is not our ambition, but our duty.”

An abstract kind of wild quid pro quo white America has going on there.

All imagery and story, THE COMPANY HE KEEPS: FOUR CORNERS, 3 July 2017.


Response to Tara McCarthy’s adoption of the Alt-Right/Lite position against “The Left” & Islam

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 August 2017 18:10.

Tara McCarthy ♥️@TaraMcCarthy_14 Jul 22
Replying to @MajorityRights

Anyone who talks about the JQ gets shut down. I don’t have a choice.

daniel sienkiewicz‏ @MajorityRights Jul 22
Replying to @TaraMcCarthy_14

It’s not Not talking about the JQ that’s the big problem, it’s going along with their wish to make “The Left” the enemy that is the problem.

In ordinary language, “left” corresponds with unionization of people against elitist bullying and betrayal.

With J’s on top, they cooperate with right wing sellouts to argue that “The left” is the enemy as they don’t want us organizing against them.

What has been called “the Left” by the (((controlled media and academia))) is liberalism as it applies to Whites. It is not a White Left.

(((They)))‘ve associated it with all manner of absurdity as they do not want Whites deploying the concept of unionization.

They do not want us to have the means of accountability and compassion for OUR marginals that would popularize our cause.

They want to say its all about “equality” but White Left ethno-nationalism doesn’t have to mean anything so absurd for us.

It doesn’t mean people can’t be wealthy; or that people who are not contributing as much to the social capital aren’t accountable as well.

It doesn’t deny the reality of race, genetics, science, differing human abilities and limitations..

But we do have some agency and choice, we can unionize as left ethnonationalists to protect ourselves in coordination with other (coalitions of) ethno-nationalists.

Alt Right/Lite is a (((paleocon))) scam to co-opt White reaction into the alienating, manipulable that’s just-the-way-it-isness of the right.

..“that’s just the way it is” - just so happens (((these people))) are on top, its “just nature”.  The problems are being caused by “THE Left” (now that its convenient for the YKW and right wing sellouts in cooperation to say-so).

Illustration: Is “The left” imposing Islam on Indonesia and Turkey? No. Left nationalism’s bitterly opposed to Islam &vis versa

daniel sienkiewicz‏ @MajorityRights Jul 22
Replying to @TaraMcCarthy_14

New arrest in the case of Charlene Downes

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:09.

Charlene Downes

On Tuesday, Lancashire Police announced that a 51 year old man has been arrested in connection with the murder of Charlene Downes:

Man arrested in Charlene murder investigation

A man has this morning (Tuesday, August 1st) been arrested on suspicion of the murder of Blackpool teenager Charlene Downes.

The man, aged 51, who lived in Blackpool at the time of Charlene’s disappearance, is currently in custody.

Charlene (pictured) was just 14 years old when she was last seen in Blackpool on Saturday November 1st 2003.

A £100,000 reward remains on offer for information leading to the conviction of her killer or killers.

The investigation is one of the largest and longest running in the history of Lancashire Constabulary.

The arrest is reported, with some of the history of the case, in both the Sun and in the Daily Mail.  That in itself is a great advance on the media’s initial handling of the case, which bore all the usual editorial hallmarks of cowardice and inverted racism.

A 51-year-old man was today arrested over the murder of a 14-year-old girl feared to have been chopped up for kebab meat in 2003.

Schoolgirl Charlene Downes was last seen 14 years ago after disappearing from her home in Blackpool, Lancashire.

No trace of her has ever been found but claims have been made that her body was chopped up and went ‘into kebabs’ at a takeaway in the seaside resort.

Last month her parents, Karen and Robert, vowed to sue Lancashire Police after learning crucial CCTV footage of her last movements was sat in archives for 12 years.

But yesterday the force finally announced a major breakout in the case - one of their longest investigations - after arresting a man on suspicion of her murder.

… Charlene’s murder investigation has been dogged by problems ever since in launched.

A 2007 murder trial collapsed because of police errors and the IPCC watchdog ruled the force’s blunders mean the killer may never be found.

Last year a cold case team revisited the investigation and discovered CCTV footage of Charlene walking with her sister Rebecca on the day she vanished.

It was finally released on the 13th anniversary of her disappearance in November and again for a fresh appeal on the BBC’s Crimewatch Live Roadshow.

A few weeks ago, her mother said if it had been shown closer to the time she vanished it could have led to vital evidence from witnesses.

… On November 1, 2003 at around 3.35pm Charlene was seen on CCTV crossing the road in the town centre.

At 7.15pm, her mother gave Charlene a kiss after bumping into her and her daughter said she was going to the arcade but would not be late. She met her friend and they walked towards the Carousel bar on North Pier.

At 9.03pm Charlene is allegedly spotted on CCTV outside a Blackpool bar with a woman wearing a black coat.

On November 2, Charlene’s family reported her as missing when she failed to come home.

But it was not until 2006 that police advised Charlene’s family that she was murdered and that the case was no longer a missing person enquiry.

In 2007, Funny Boyz kebab worker Ilyad Albattikhi was acquitted of Charlene’s murder and his co-defendant Mohammed Reveshi was acquitted of helping dispose of her body.

But a planned retrial in 2008 was dropped due to lack of evidence and the forensic blunders. The two men were paid almost £250,000 each in compensation.

Covert recordings in which someone was apparently heard to say Charlene’s body had ‘gone into kebabs’ were later found to be flawed due to their handling.

The quality of the covert recordings was criticised during the trial by defence barristers as ‘poor’ with confidence ‘low’ in the accuracy of the transcriptions.

A review by the IPCC concluded the investigating team were guilty of a strategic and tactical failure in the management of the material. 

Two officers later faced disciplinary proceedings over the case, but they sued the force claiming they were scapegoated for their bosses’ failings.

In 2011, officers investigating Charlene’s appearance discover at least 60 schoolgirls were groomed for sex at takeaways in Blackpool.

Like the infamous Rochdale child abuse scandal, it is feared they were groomed in exchange for food, alcohol and cigarettes. They believe Charlene was involved.

In 2014, a Crimewatch appeal was issued and cops revealed a £100,000 reward for information.

On June 27 last year, Lancashire Police investigating Charlene’s murder arrested two men on suspicion of historic sex offences - although not specifically against Charlene.

Officers from Lancashire Police have taken more than 4,800 witness statements and followed 10,500 lines of inquiry but the case remains unsolved.

Charlene remains the most high profile of all the victims of what has become known euphemistically as “Asian grooming”.  Her case became a significant cause for the BNP, and for nationalists generally.  As yet neither the BNP website nor Nick Griffin’s British Unity site, nor even Britain First has covered the arrest, but if charges are laid they surely will.

The age of the arrested man tells us that he is neither of the two original suspects.  One hopes that, at last, Lancashire Police can redeem themselves and bring closure for Charlene’s family.

1 Dead, 4 Injured: Another Refugee-Terrorist Attack in Hamburg

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 30 July 2017 10:06.

The refugee-terrorist attacker lies prone after being arrested.

New Observer, “1 Dead, 4 Injured: Another Refugee-Terrorist Attack in Hamburg”, 28 July 2017:

Yet another nonwhite invader pretending to be a “refugee” in Germany—this time a United Arab Emirates national—today carried out a mass knife attack against white people in Hamburg, only blocks away from the “refugee home” where he had been living off the Germany taxpayers.

According to a report in the Bild newspaper, the nonwhite swindler, named Ahmad A, is 26 years old and first entered Germany as a “refugee” during the mass invasion of 2015.

The nonwhite launched his attack on local white people in a Hamburg supermarket in the Barmbek district of the north German city. He killed one man, aged 50, on the scene, and severely wounded another four.

The invader then headed towards a metro station in an attempt to continue his rampage.

He was however followed by eyewitnesses who tackled him to the ground. Police officers then him.

Two eyewitnesses to the attack said the man shouted “Allahu Akbar” while carrying out the attack.

According to the Tagesspiegel newspaper, the attacker was “already known to security services as an Islamist.”

That newspaper said that the invader had been wearing religious clothing during the attack, and claimed his family was originally of Palestinian origin.

The attack is not the first such incident to be carried out by members of the nonwhite invasion force invited into Europe by the race-denying liberal ruling elite. Knife attacks have been encouraged by ISIS and other Islamists as an easy way of killing white people, who are described as “citizens of Crusader states.”

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Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:09. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 22 Sep 2024 13:26. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Mon, 16 Sep 2024 11:37. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 13 Sep 2024 16:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:10. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sun, 01 Sep 2024 16:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 31 Aug 2024 20:36. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Thu, 29 Aug 2024 16:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sun, 25 Aug 2024 10:21. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sun, 25 Aug 2024 01:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 06:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:25. (View)

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