Majorityrights News > Category: Political Philosophy

Trump Acceptance Speech: Already Talking About Binding The Races Together As One

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 09 November 2016 10:00.


Duda and Orbán against Brussels’ sovietisation

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 27 October 2016 08:31.

While Duda and Orbán’s invocation of the centrality of Christianity to the nationalist cause will be disconcerting to many of us more wise to the fact that it is a Jewish Trojan horse, we should be charitable enough to understand that it has been, and remains still, a culturally habituated way of saying “not Jewish.”

It is up to us to support native European nationalist efforts by pointing-out that this is a provisional distinction at best, albeit a 2,000 year old provision, which has had a way of binding nationalist masses and yoking their identity with Noahide laws (as Kumiko astutely observes) - thus, ultimately, to Jewish control if we do not successfully liberate ourselves from the false identity that is the “Gentile” (as GW astutely observes) - an “identity” which knows no distinction other than “the undifferentiated other” to Jews and its beholdenness to its Jewish forebears for its messiah and its law.

Enough sour grapes for now. There is certainly hope in Duda’s concordance with Orbán in furtherance of the Intermarium project on display at the commemoration of the 1955 Hungarian Uprising -

Visigrad Post, “Duda and Orbán against Brussels’ sovietisation”,  24 Oct 2016:


Hungary, Budapest – On Sunday, October 23, Hungary celebrated the start of the ’56 uprising. In front of the Hungarian parliament, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Polish President Andrzej Duda gave a strong speech against the current policy of the European Union, about Christianity and about the deep friendship between Poland and Hungary.

Polish President Duda greeting the crowd. MTI Fotó: Szigetváry Zsolt

In front of thousands of people gathered on the place Kossuth, in the center of Budapest, Hungarian PM Orbán and Polish President Duda made a speech welcomed by Hungarian and Polish citizens. President Duda first talked in front of the crowd. The Polish President started his speech by saying few words in Hungarian. Hungarians “have always been friends” and they can always rely on Poland, “even in difficult moments of the future,” said Andrzej Duda.

Poland is “proud and grateful” that it was able to provide aid to the Hungarian revolution, Duda said, and noted that his people had sent 44 tonnes of medicine and medical equipment as well as 800 litres of blood to Hungary shortly after the uprising broke out. “Poles are proud that the grandchildren of 1956 heroes have, symbolically, Polish blood in their veins”, the president said. In Hungary’s freedom fight “thousands died, but after some decades, finally, you recovered your freedom through much suffering and sacrifice,” Duda said. He also voiced his conviction that “through hard work both Poles and Hungarians will achieve the living standards of western societies”, reports Hungary Today.

Concerning the traditional friendship between the two countries, Duda said that they together “carry on the thousand-year-old Christian tradition in Europe”, and insisted that those traditions were just as important as freedom. “God bless Poland and Hungary, glory to the heroes of the Hungarian revolution,” Duda said concluding his address.

Viktor Orbán during his speech on Sunday, October 23

“Protect Brussels against Sovietisation”

Then, Prime Minister Orbán gave his speech. The European Union must not be turned into a “modern-age empire”; the community must not be replaced by a “United States of Europe”, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Sunday. Viktor Orbán said that “freedom-loving peoples of Europe must save Brussels from Sovietisation”.

“We, Hungarians, want to remain a European nation, rather than become an ethnic minority in Europe,” Orbán insisted. “It is only our national independence that can save us from being devoured by an empire,” Orbán said, and argued that it was that very “national idea” that had saved Hungary from being integrated into the Soviet Union. As descendants of 1956, Hungarians “cannot let Europe cut the roots that had once made it great and also helped us survive communist oppression,” Orbán said. He added that Europe could not be “free, strong, and respectable without the revitalising power of nations and two thousand years of Christian wisdom”. The prime minister insisted that Hungary had chosen “the hard way” when it “preferred children of its own to immigrants, work to speculation, earning a living to becoming a slave of indebtedness, and protecting borders to surrendering”.

Hungarians will always fight for freedom and will achieve it “even in the most hopeless of situations,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the state commemoration marking the 60th anniversary of Hungary’s anti-Soviet uprising of 1956. “We, Hungarians, have a talent for freedom, we have always known how to use it. He warned that freedom is “not a final state but a way of existence; just like swimming: you stop doing it and you will sink”. The question is always this simple: whether we decide on our own fate or other people,” he added. October 23 is a day on which Hungarians should be proud, the prime minister said.

History puts Hungary in the mainstream of disputes on the future of Europe every 30 years, the prime minister said. He argued that in 1956 Hungary attempted to “shift the Iron Curtain east of our borders”, then in 1989 the country opened its western borders “so that Germans could find a way to Germans”. And most recently, Hungary “had to close its borders to stop the influx of migrants from the south”, he said. Hungary will not falter “even if those whom we are trying to protect attack us from behind”; we have “the courage to face injustice… and Europe can always rely on us,” Orbán said.

Orbán plans to double the Hungarian army and rise patriotism among children

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 06:42.

Visgrad Post, “Orbán plans to double the Hungarian army and rise patriotism among children”, 19 Oct 2016:

Hungary – Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said he had taken the necessary steps in order to double the Hungarian army’s personnel from 2017. Orbán also wishes the military instruction of children to develop, especially using sport. The Hungarian PM wants it to serve as a counter-culture to reinforce social cohesion, patriotism and the spirit of sacrifice.

The Hungarian army is modernizing since 2010 and the return to power of Viktor Orbán, but it is unsatisfactory for the strongman of Budapest, in a context which sees, he said, “the neighbors rearming themselves.” Viktor Orbán said in an interview given to the Catholic radio Katolikus Rádió he will almost double the size of the Hungarian Army from 2017. The Magyar Honvédség, the Hungarian army, has in its ranks 30,000 soldiers, of which 23,000 are active military and which has approximately 4-5,000 operational troops. Orbán wants to recruit 20,000 reservists.

Hungary is a member of NATO and is theoretically obliged to spend 2% of its annual GDP on defense. So far, the defense budget in Hungary stagnated just below 1%. The government of Viktor Orbán plans to launch a gradual growth until 2022 regarding the budget allocated to the army by increasing it of 0.1% of GDP each year. This recruitment campaign echoes the recent police recruitment campaign in order to protect the southern border from the migration wave.

Viktor Orbán wants to use the army as a tool of counter-culture

Beyond this strengthening of the Hungarian Army, Orbán also wants the army to be present in schools, especially in the area of sport. The Minister of Defense stated that the project is to strengthen “patriotic commitment and spirit of sacrifice” among youngsters. This will be realized also by “proposing more and more to young people, in the light of the national interest, to be volunteering in the reserve,” added the Minister. A new sport institution of the army will be created for the purpose, aiming to reach schoolchildren from the age of 7. This plan is to be part of his plan for a “cultural counter-revolution”.

The Defense Minister has since January already mentioned some parts of these projects. He has talked about the government’s commitment to strengthen the “military school program”, so that children would learn in school the basic military knowledge. The Minister explained that this is in order to introduce a kind of counter-culture to give the children a morality and a way of thinking based on patriotism. According to Mr Simicskó, Defense Minister since November 2015, sporty and patriotic life style are out of fashion because “young people are at their computer, so the social and sens of civic responsibility are minimal”

        It is a particularly good and important idea to instill patriotism in children.

Trump’s “anti-global elite”, pro-American proposition nation speech - sandwiching belabored beef

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 14 October 2016 09:44.

Trump’s “anti-global elite speech”

He sandwiches a claim to be challenging the corrupt global elite on behalf of the (propositional) American people around a belabored defense against charges of sexual impropriety.

Besides going on a bit too long in defense against those claims, it is a skillful speech. He does much better than in the first two debates.

Of course he also skillfully bypasses the fact that he is in bed with the YKW and their global plans. While not necessarily a plant, Trump was obviously offered a chance at the presidency if he would take on the Iran deal. Upon his acceptance of that task, they opportunistically put him in front of trends that they can play to their advantage - not dog whistles, but biscuits and bones with even a bit of meat to throw at America’s proposition nation: “anti-globalism and internationalism”.. “the alternative right”..and “exposure of corrupt government” .. now that the Internet has made hiding these issues less possible… with panmixia already well under way anyway, suddenly WN are no longer encouraged to abide their long standing perspective of wryly looking upon the Republicans/Democrats as two sides of the same coin….The YKW have done well to corral WN into a voting block pro-American, anti PC with the “counter” of being anti-discriminatory co-opt White nationalism and defuse it into propositionalism. Some Whites will continue to get richer there - the kind who do not care very much about race and the deteriorating prospects for ethnonationalism - prospects which will deteriorate further with a Trump presidency (no endorsement of Hillary implied).

Michaloliakos to Italian TV: Golden Dawn will sturdily fight those who aspire to sell our Homeland!

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:24.

GoldenDawn, “N. G. Michaloliakos at RAI 1: Golden Dawn will fight sturdily against those who aspire to sell off our Homeland! VIDEO”, 11 Oct 2016:


At the beginning of August, the Italian journalist Franco di Mare made an all-inclusive interview with the Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn, N. G. Michaloliakos.

The interview was filmed in the headquarters at Mesogeion avenue and was broadcasted as a part of the television program “Frontiere”, on the 27th of August.

The Leader of Golden Dawn answered questions about the identity of the Popular Nationalistic Movement, clarifying that Golden Dawn fights against all those who aspire to sell off the Homelands.

At the same time, he responded in regard to reports on his political part, the symbols that are used by Golden Dawn along with the other nationalistic movements in Europe;.

He specified that Golden Dawn constitutes in fact the opposition in Greece, since SYRIZA and New Democracy vote in common line with all the EU memoranda legislation. The most crucial problem for Europe and for Greece is demographic crisis, as the massive illegal immigration threatens the permanent radical alteration of the country’s population

Finally, he made it clear that Golden Dawn strongly resists against the international loan sharks and the attempted islamization of our Homeland.

Black violence is the norm rather than the exception

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 09 August 2016 14:59.—Contrary to the theory of cultural relevance — the false notion that all cultures are innately the same — violence is a universal reality in black population centers.

Black violence is the norm rather than the exception.

Due to the advent of the Internet, ‘citizen journalists’ often capture a tiny insight of the violence on their video devices, then upload them to the Internet for all to see.

Why do we publish this rubbish?

Simple: To expose minds to reality.

Reality is the antidote that destroys the cultural Marxism virus. Our minds are infected with cultural Marxism bacterial virus when we expose ourselves to cinematic productions and view television. Those images are produced in Hollywood sound stages with the intent of infecting our minds with a false reality.

By exposing our minds to genuine reality, the truth becomes the antibiotic vaccine that kills the cultural Marxism bacteria.

Here’s dose of reality





The Visegrád Four unite on forest management and ecology

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 05 August 2016 09:09.

Visigard Post, “The Visegrád Four unite on forest management and ecology,” 3 August 2016:

Slovakia – The Visegrád Group’s countries signed a memorandum of collaboration for forest management.

The ministers and secretaries of state responsible for Agriculture and Forestry met in Slovakia on July 8 to sign a memorandum of collaboration across the Visegrád Group (V4). The document led to lay the foundations of cooperation between Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary for forest management covering several countries, the permanent exchange of information on the forestry sector, knowledge exchange industry experts and professionals, supranational cooperation in joint programs and especially the establishment of a common forest policy for the V4.

All parties have agreed to support the efforts which they have undertaken on their own, and have created a working group to follow up their work. Departmental officials will meet once a year and specific working groups will be created as needed. For now on, at a regional scale and inside the EU, the Visegrád Group will speak with one voice on the issues of forest management and ecology.


“Attack result of mental health issues, victims selected at random”: location’s significance ignored

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 04 August 2016 16:26.

“It was the result of ‘mental health issues’, and a spontaneous attack, victims selected at random - no indication of radicalization or terrorist motivation” racial motives. The significance of the incident’s location was ignored.

  The attack occurred in the late Joe Cox’s district

Courtesy Jez Turner: Breaking! Somali stabbed people at the site of the makeshift memorial to Jo Cox!

Placards, cards, flowers and messages to Jo Cox adorned the railings at this (south-east) corner of Russell Square.  I walked past on Saturday night and counted about 20 or so items tied to the railings by the entrance to the gardens here with one big one saying ‘‘Jo Cox not forgotten’‘, and even late at night tourists would stop and read them. Look at the map of the incident on this BBC article!
- Jez Turner


LONDON (AP) — A Norwegian-Somali teenager went on a knife rampage through London’s Russell Square, a hub for students and tourists, fatally stabbing an American woman and injuring five other people.

Police said Thursday that it wasn’t terrorism — but in a city on edge after a summer of attacks elsewhere in Europe, both authorities and London residents initially responded as if it were. Police flooded the streets with extra officers and mobilized counterterror detectives before saying the shocking burst of violence appeared to have been “triggered by mental-health issues.”

Police officers used a stun gun to subdue the 19-year-old suspect at the scene of the stabbings late Wednesday, among busy streets lined with hotels close to the British Museum.

“Terror in London” ran the headline in the Mail Online, one of several media outlets to speculate that the attack was an act of terrorism. Police initially said terrorism was “one line of inquiry being explored.”

But hours later Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said “we have found no evidence of radicalization or anything that would suggest the man in our custody was in any way motivated by terrorism.”

He said detectives from the force’s murder and terrorism squads had interviewed the suspect, his family and witnesses and searched properties.

“We believe this was a spontaneous attack and the victims were selected at random,” Rowley said.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan said “there is no evidence at all that this man was motivated by Daesh” — another name for the Islamic State group — or similar organizations.

Rowley said the suspect, whose name hasn’t been released, is a Norwegian of Somali ancestry — though police don’t consider that “relevant to the motivation for his actions.” Norway’s National Criminal Investigation Service said he had left the Scandinavian country in 2002, when he was a small child.

The name of the dead woman, thought to be in her 60s, hasn’t been released. U.S. Ambassador Matthew Barzun confirmed she was American, tweeting: “Heartbreaking news that a U.S. citizen was killed in #RussellSquare attack. My prayers are with all the victims and their loved ones.”

Two Australians, an Israeli, an American and a British citizen were wounded, none with life-threatening injuries.

While knife crime is a regular occurrence in London — there have been two other blade killings this week — the scale and randomness of the rampage rattled nerves. It came just days after authorities warned the British public to be vigilant in light of attacks inspired by the Islamic State group elsewhere in Europe.

Student Megan Sharrock, 18, looked out her window and saw someone lying on the sidewalk under a blanket.

“There was like two rivers of blood running away from the person so we thought, yeah, someone has been killed,” she said.

“It’s really shocking, (a) scary world we live in to think that could happen,” she said. “That could happen to anyone, just walking down the street.”

Helen Edwards, 33, who lives in the area, came out for a walk and found it thronging with armed police near. In a city with vivid memories of the deadly July 7, 2005, bomb attacks on public transport — two of which struck near Russell Square — she immediately suspected that an attack had occurred.

“There is always that thing in the back of your mind,” she said. “You live with that threat of terrorism or other crimes in the back of your mind. It wasn’t a huge shock I guess.”

The response to the attack is complicated by the frequent overlap between terrorism and mental illness. Many “lone wolf” attackers have a history of mental-health problems, including a Syrian who blew himself up in the German town of Ansbach last month and a Somali man who was sentenced to life this week for trying to behead a London Underground passenger.

Emily Corner, a researcher at University College London who studies the links between mental illness and terrorism, said every incident of major violence now sparks the same debate: “Are they a terrorist or are they mentally ill?” In some cases, the answer is both, though Corner stresses that most terrorist attackers are not mentally ill, and most people with mental illness are not violent.

The Russell Square attack came within hours of an announcement by London police that they were putting more armed officers on the streets to bolster public confidence in the wake of recent attacks in Europe.

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