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New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Urges Other Victims To Go Public

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 October 2016 02:16.

Breitbart, ” New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Urges Other Potential Victims To Go Public”, 20 Oct 2016:

Las Vegas — Speaking in a Breitbart News video exclusive interview, Leslie Millwee, the former local television news reporter from Arkansas who claims she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton in 1980, is urging other potential sexual assault victims of the former president to go public.

“I encourage anyone else that went through a similar situation that I did to come forward because these people need to be held accountable for their behavior,” Millwee stated.

Millwee was asked by this reporter whether she is afraid now that she has gone public.

She replied:

“I’m afraid because I know the moral compass and the lack of integrity that I feel the Clintons have. I think there’s been no accountability by the media for many of the illegal things that they have done. No one seems to hold them accountable for their behavior. And am I afraid they will try to do something to me? Of course I am. But I’m also willing at this point. This needs to be said…

“And Hillary is just as culpable as he is in the fact that she helped him cover this up for all those years and harass the women that were raped victims and victims of sexual harassment. So, am I afraid? A little bit. But I am more afraid not to tell the truth and not to bring this to light.”

Millwee told her story for the first time in a Breitbart News exclusive interview published on Wednesday. She claims she was assaulted by Clinton on three separate occasions in 1980.

Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her in a small, isolated television editing room while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax.

After these alleged sexual assaults, Millwee claims, Clinton showed up at her apartment and knocked on her door for several minutes while trying to talk his way inside.  She says that Clinton departed after she purportedly refused to respond.

Will Anyone Remember Jodie Wilkinson?

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 20 October 2016 05:33.

“I’ll remember Jodie Wilkinson Englishwoman slept on the streets as the government housed and fed hundreds of thousands of aliens.”

Morgoth’s, “Will Anyone Remember Jodie Wilkinson?”, 19 Oct 2016:

Some idle speculation on a recent murder in my home town…..

On Monday a murder took place here in the North East of England which has left many of the locals, myself included, somewhat baffled.

Newcastle and the North East are ‘rough’ and relatively poor but murder is exceptionally rare, and the manner of Jodie Wilkinson’s murder must qualify as unique, according to the BBC:

‘‘Jodie Wilkinson, 27, died in hospital after being attacked by a group of up to 11 men in the city’s Stanhope Street on Monday afternoon, police said.

A 25-year-old man who was with her at the time was also injured and needed hospital treatment.
Police said those arrested, a man aged 43, two aged 25, and three others aged 22, 20 and 18, were being questioned.’‘

So Jodie Wilkinson was walking through a busy street in broad daylight with a male friend when she was attacked by 11(!) men who stabbed her to death. And this is all the information the police and local media have thus far released. At least 6 men are still on the loose, but no descriptions have been given to the public.

Furthermore, the area where the murder took place is well known to be ‘troublesome’ and like so many other parts of England is lathered with CCTV cameras, yet no footage of the killers is available.

From the perspective of ‘normies’ in the North East this whole case is bizarre, nobody here has ever known of 11 men attacking and stabbing to death a woman in the middle of the day, a domestic fight can get out of hand, a couple of rival gangs can fight and somebody might get stabbed, but this is something else….something alien. And ‘why’ people are asking, why is the identity of the perpetrators not being released during a manhunt?

Needless to say, the area, Arthur’s Hill, which is Newcastle’s West End, has become rather more vibrant in recent years, the local newspaper reports…


Third Presidential Debate Between Donald and Hillary

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 20 October 2016 05:01.


“Asian Sex Gang” -  Can the Daily Mail say “Muslim” ?

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 18 October 2016 10:30.

Can the Daily Mail say “Muslim” ?

Is it so hard to say Islam? How about the fact that all of these rapists come from one notoriously Islamic area in Pakistan. Glossing over that fact by calling them “Asians” is an obvious obfuscation on the part of DM editors.

Mark Duell for MailOnline, 17 October 2016:

‘All white girls are good for is sex. They’re just sl*gs’: Eight members of ‘openly racist’ violent Asian sex gang raped and ‘sexually degraded’ three teenage girls in Rotherham.


The jury retired to consider verdicts on October 11 and today convicted all eight gang members on all counts after deliberating for almost 18 hours.

Ringleader Sageer Hussain, 30, of Clough Road, Rotherham, was convicted of four rapes and one indecent assault.

Mohammed Whied, 32, of Psalters Lane, Rotherham, was found guilty of one count of aiding and abetting rape.

Ishtiaq Khaliq, 33, of Cherry Brook, Rotherham, was found guilty of one rape and three indecent assaults.

Waleed Ali, 34, of Canklow Road, Rotherham, was found guilty of one rape and one indecent assault.

Asif Ali, 30, of Clough Road, Rotherham, was convicted on one rape.

Masoued Malik, 32, of Bridgewater Way, Rotherham, was found guilty of one rape, one count of conspiracy to commit indecent assault and one of false imprisonment.

Basharat Hussain, 40, from Goole, was convicted of one indecent assault.

And Naeem Rafiq, 33, of Clarendon Road, Rotherham, was convicted of one count of conspiracy to commit indecent assault and one of false imprisonment.

They were remanded in custody for sentencing on November 4.

Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton Did Laugh After Successfully Defending a Child Rapist

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 11 October 2016 19:07.

Breitbart, “Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton Did Laugh After Successfully Defending a Child Rapist”, 9 Oct. 2016:

During the second presidential debate, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said, “Hillary Clinton attacked them viciously,” referring to former president Bill Clinton’s female victims and a child rape victim whose attacker Clinton defended.

“One of them is a wonderful woman, [who] at 12 years old was raped. At twelve. Her client — she represented — got him off, laughing on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl that was raped. Kathy Shelton, that young woman, is here with us tonight. So, don’t tell me about words,” Trump said. 

Fact-Check: TRUE

In the mid-1980s, journalist Roy Reed interviewed Hillary Clinton, and a tape of that interview has been uploaded to YouTube and is available in the Special Collections Department of the University of Arkansas libraries. 

“He took a lie detector test! I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” Clinton said about her client Thomas Alfred Taylor, who raped Shelton in 1975, laughing.

Clinton also laughed in the video about saving the child rapist from a “miscarriage of justice.” He served one year in county jail, with two months shaved off his sentence for the time he already served. Shelton’s injuries were so traumatic, she could never have children.


Clinton also argued in court that the 12-year-old rape victim sought out older men.

Shelton came forward after 40 years of silence, as reported by the Daily Mail:

  A child rape victim says she cannot forgive Hillary Clinton for defending her rapist in court 40 years ago, saying the Democratic presidential candidate attacked her credibility despite knowing that her assailant was guilty – and later laughed about it in a taped interview.

  Kathy Shelton was just 12 years old when a 41-year-old drifter raped her on the side of a desolate Arkansas road in 1975.

  Now, four decades later, she has agreed to be named and pictured for the first time in this Daily Mail Online exclusive because she is furious that her rapist’s defense attorney – Hillary Clinton – has been portraying herself as a lifelong advocate of women and girls on the campaign trail.

  ‘It’s put a lot of anger back in me,’ said Shelton, now 54, in an exclusive interview at her Springdale, Arkansas, home in August. ‘Every time I see [Clinton] on TV I just want to reach in there and grab her, but I can’t do that.’

  In 1975, Clinton served as the defense lawyer for Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old factory worker accused of raping Shelton after luring her to his car.

  Taylor pleaded down to ‘unlawful fondling of a minor’ and served less than a year in prison after Clinton was able to block the admission of forensic evidence that linked her client to the crime.

Shelton also tweeted about her suffering at Hillary’s hands.

Kathy Shelton @KathyShelton_

I don’t care if Trump said gross things. I care that Hillary Clinton lied, terrorized, & mocked me, defending my rapist.
1:20 AM - 10 Oct 2016

Kathy Shelton @KathyShelton_

Hillary Clinton an advocate for women & children? Not even close..

She terrorized me during my rape case & later laughed about it. #facts
1:25 AM - 10 Oct 2016

Kathy Shelton @KathyShelton_

If I’d had justice vs my rapist, maybe I could have healed. But Hillary Clinton made sure I suffered loss of justice, then laughed it off.
1:29 AM - 10 Oct 2016

Kathy Shelton @KathyShelton_

Hillary Clinton is a cold-hearted liar. The lies she told about me, 12 yr old rape victim, traumatized me nearly as much as the rape itself.
1:37 AM - 10 Oct 2016

Kathy Shelton @KathyShelton_

No little girl should suffer violent rape like I did…

But no grown woman should attack that little girl like @HillaryClinton did. #debate
2:47 AM - 10 Oct 2016

Kathy Shelton @KathyShelton_

At 12 I was one of the first women Hillary Clinton destroyed, but I wasn’t the last. Please put an end to this woman’s career of abusing us.
2:54 AM - 10 Oct 2016

Second Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 10 October 2016 07:23.

Diversity Success Story: Chinese Angry at Negro Rapper

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 05 October 2016 06:45.

Modern Heretic, “Diversity Success Story: Chinese Angry at Negro Rapper”, 4 Oct 2016:

For all its faults, the Chinese Ant Farm has more sense than Western Europe when confronted with a negro. For reasons that remain inscrutable the reaction of many Whites to what is clearly a missing link between modern man and our ape-like forebears is to immediately assert the equality and special humanity of these monsters. This is clearly just a sun-tanned White with a receding forehead, a brow ridge, a muzzle, burry hair, low intelligence, lack of self-control, magical thinking and all the other evidence that points to a failed branch of humanity that remains permanently stuck in the Stone Age all against all.

The Chinese reaction to the living fossil is to call them “ghost slaves,” and to mercilessly strip their failed African nations of natural resources. This has not gone unnoticed by the negro and when these two groups find themselves living together in the reeking privy that is today’s U.S.S.A. it’s not surprising that there’s a certain amount of conflict. Consider today’s story, where “get dat yella” refers to the actual yellow man and not mulattoes, for once.

A two-year-old hip-hop music video that depicts a home burglary in a “Chinese neighborhood,” as the lyrics go, is angering some Chinese-Americans.

The impressive cultural and spiritual contributions that the vibrant morlock makes to the American salad dish. We bee rawbin da aunt fam an sheeet.

The song is called “Meet the Flockers” and is performed by Compton hip-hop artist YG. In the video, two men with bandanas around their faces set out to burglarize a house

Write what you know, as the English professors like to say.

“First, you find a house and scope it out, you find a Chinese neighborhood, ‘cause they don’t believe in bank accounts…”.

LOL. Get dat Chinee ‘hood mudda fudda. It’s almost as if forcing wildly divergent people groups together and expecting them to get along is the height of folly, but that can’t be true because a jew said it was a good idea.

Once the actors playing the burglars enter a house, the camera shows a photo of an Asian family.

This is also noteworthy because it’s the first time non-Whites were depicted as burglars on the talmudvision in several decades.

Here’s a video of what happens when the negro tries to attack The Colony in real life:

The video went on YouTube in ‘14, but lately it’s been making rounds on WeChat, a Chinese social media app. San Gabriel attorney Qiang Bjornbak is among those in California and China who are angered by the lyrics, which they find offensive.

The last horse crosses the finish line. You’ve got quite the backlog of negro pathology to get through until you’re back in Current Year, Middle Kingdom.

“The song seems to hit the racial stereotypes, and encourages possible crimes targeted at a specific Chinese group,” Bjornbak said. “That is the problem.”

Here’s why it’s a problem, declares the invisible model minority. More lyrics: Meet the motherfucking flockers/Make some noise if you’ve ever stole something in your life/Don’t be ashamed, it’s okay, baby/Make some noise if you’ve ever stole a dollar out your mama’s purse/When she wasn’t lookin while y’all was in Church

Totally compatible with classical liberal tradition of White civilization and the “every insect does its job” of the Jade Throne.

Police in Alhambra and San Marino, two communities with large numbers of Asian residents, said they’ve seen an uptick in burglaries. But Sgt. Jerry Johnson with the Alhambra police department is skeptical that a music video would cause burglaries to increase.

If you want a successful career as a civil servant basic pattern recognition is a skill you’ll want to lose right away.

“I can’t imagine it would,” Johnson said. “To try to blame burglary statistics on a song is frankly just a little bit ridiculous.”

It’s not like a 70 I.Q. mind with no future time orientation is easily influenced, right?

There’s historic tension between some Asian-Americans and African-Americans, and the controversy over the song feeds into that, said Shana Redmond, an associate professor of musicology and African-American studies at UCLA. But the song itself should not be taken seriously, she said.

“Educated” sinecure negro to the rescue. Sure, we hate each other and here’s a song that glorifies home invasion, but you should probably just ignore it and go back to sleep. Say, isn’t there Africa Ball on the talmudvision this weekend?

“They take socks, coins, and DVDs — none of which hold true value. This isn’t a heist; it’s playtime.”

It’s just negro playtime, learn to have a sense of humor about it you stiff and uptight people without color.

        Playtime is over

American Ex-Patriot Abandons The Germany She Loved Due to its Obsequious Accommodation of Islam

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 05 October 2016 05:45.


Stefan Molyneux interviews an American EX-Pat, who lived in Germany, liked-it, wanted to stay, but returned to live in The U.S. after experiencing the deterioration of its way of life on behalf of obsequious accommodation of Islam.

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