[Majorityrights News] KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 05 January 2025 00:35.
[Majorityrights News] Trump will ‘arm Ukraine to the teeth’ if Putin won’t negotiate ceasefire Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 12 November 2024 16:20.
[Majorityrights News] Alex Navalny, born 4th June, 1976; died at Yamalo-Nenets penitentiary 16th February, 2024 Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 16 February 2024 23:43.
Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 28 September 2016 05:09.
Huffington Post, “6 Women Disappeared In A Small Town, And After 2 Years The Mystery Only Deepens”, 2 May 2016:
”“I still feel everyone is on edge because there’s still someone or a few someone’s out there that did this to these poor girls.”
Missing Women’s Task Force
Investigators are still searching for clues in the cases of six women who disappeared or turned up dead in Chillicothe, Ohio. The women are: (top row, left to right) Tiffany Sayre, Charlotte Trego and Wanda Lemons and (bottom row, left to right) Tameka Lynch, Shasta Himelrick and Timberly Claytor.
It’s been nearly two years since the first of at least six women disappeared in Chillicothe, Ohio. The unimaginable tragedy forever changed the lives of the victims’ families and thrust the small city into the national spotlight.
The faces of the victims have been circulated by numerous media outlets and they have become the subject of several television programs. Despite the wide-spread attention, investigators are still searching for clues — still trying to determine what exactly happened in the small Southern Ohio city located roughly 50 miles south of Columbus.
Three of the six women were found dead in local waterways. One was found shot to death, the remaining two still missing.
Family members of the victims are still hurting, still desperate for answers.
“We want to know what happened and what motivated this murderer to kill these girls and take them away from their families,” Jessica Sayre, whose sister Tiffany Sayre was murdered, told The Huffington Post.
“My sister has a 3- and a 6-year-old who has to grow up without a mommy. There’s no one there to say this is what happened and this is what was done. The person responsible still gets to walk around out there and it’s not fair. We want answers.”
HuffPost Illustration
Tiffany Sayre was headed to the Chillicothe Inn at the time of her disappearance.
Twenty-six-year-old Tiffany Sayre was last seen alive in Chillicothe on May 11, 2015. She was headed to the Chillicothe Inn at the time of her disappearance, according to her friend Jessie Sanford.
“She was doing business at the Chillicothe Inn,” Sanford told HuffPost. “She left to run to her grandmother’s house and was going to go back to the hotel ... I don’t know what happened. I think somebody took her.”
It remains unclear if Sayre made it back to the hotel. The following month her body, wrapped in a sheet, was discovered near a culvert in neighboring Highland County. The coroner has ruled the manner and cause of death a homicide. Police are not sure where she was killed and have no witnesses. She had cocaine, amphetamine, morphine, Dilaudid and alcohol in her system at the time of death, according to the autopsy report.
Sayre is believed to have known the other victims. Many of them were suspected drug users. Some engaged in sex work to support their habit. Others spent time behind bars on various charges.
Grieving relatives don’t deny the victims were troubled, but say it’s important to remember they were also mothers, sisters and daughters.
Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 24 September 2016 08:39.
TNO, “Invader: ‘I Came to F**k the Women”, 22 September 2016:
A rejected “asylum seeker” from Algeria living in Austria, on trial for an attempted rape in Linz, has told the court that he only came to Europe to “f**k the women.”
It has not proven possible to deport the criminal because Algeria has no extradition agreement with Austria, and the invader is now being “tested for insanity,” the court was also told.
The Algerian invader sits in court in Linz. Austrian law forbids his identification prior to conviction.
According to the Nachtrichten news service, the attack took place in April this year, when the 35-year-old invader attacked a 41-year-old woman at a bus stop.
He then punched her several times in the face before running off. Timea suffered severe injuries, including a broken nose, and lost consciousness in the bushes where he had tried to carry out the attack.
Witnesses, alerted by the noise, observed the attacker running off half-naked, bleeding profusely.
Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 September 2016 19:40.
DM, “The British women ‘going to the jungle for sex with migrants’” 22 September 2016:
- whistleblower claims some aid workers have ‘multiple partners in a day’
Calais volunteers have been accused of having sex with camp migrants
Whistleblowers claim some are having several sexual partners in one day
It is alleged some volunteers are suing the camp as ‘a free for all festival’
Some aid workers said the allegations should have been kept private
Calais aid workers volunteering in the Jungle have been accused of having sex with migrants, some of whom are believed to be underage, according to a whistle blower.
The revelations have caused a furious row on Facebook, with some volunteers claiming the allegations should have remained secret and criticised the whistle blower for expressing his concerns.
According to the whistle blower, some volunteers avail of the service of the Jungle camp prostitutes, while others have multiple partners in one day.
Aid workers volunteering at the Jungle camp in Calais, pictured, have been accused of sexually exploiting refugees living in the squalid conditions according to a whistleblower
One whistleblower revealed the extent of sexual abuse of vulnerable refugees at the Jungle camp at the hands of unscrupulous aid workers, some of whom use the women as prostitutes.
Aid workers have been arguing online over whether details of the sexual exploitation of refugees should have been made public as it might impact the level of donations to the camp
Other aid workers have complained that unscrupulous volunteers are treating the camp like a ‘free for all festival’ and ‘find it difficult to keep it in their pants’.
The original allegations were aired on a Facebook thread concerning the People to People Solidarity group, which has since been deleted.
It was claimed that female volunteers were more likely to have sex with male migrants than any other combination.
One volunteer was described as having ‘a bad reputation’ for sleeping with male refugees and was asked to leave the camp.
One male volunteer had to be ‘persuaded by other male volunteers’ against returning due to his ‘inappropriate behaviour with female refugees’.
Some volunteers have claimed critics are more interested in maintaining their reputation than preventing further incidents of sexual abuse in a similar manner to the Catholic Church
The whistleblower has prompted a furious row on a volunteering Facebook page
One commentator described relationships between volunteers and migrants as ‘inappropriate’
Another criticised volunteers who did not want to address the exploitation issue publicly
According to the original post, the whistle blower claimed: ‘I have heard of boys, believed to be under the age of consent, having sex with volunteers.
‘I have heard stories of men using the prostitutes in the Jungle too. I have heard of volunteers having sex with multiple partners in one day, only to carry on in the same vein the following day.
‘And I also know, that I’m only hearing a small part of a wider scale of abuse.’
Several volunteers severely criticised the whistleblower for discussing the abuse allegations in an open forum.
However, one volunteer defended him claiming: ‘It always really worries me that we’re more concerned with the press/our reputation than we are with the sexual abuse itself.’
According to the Independent, some volunteers believe sexual relationships between aid workers and refugees is ‘natural’ while others believe it breaks the ‘usual codes of conduct’.
The UNHCR said it has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy concerning the sexual exploitation of refugees in such camps.
However, some of the volunteer groups in the camp do not have clearly defined ‘codes of conduct’, while others complain about so-called ‘independent volunteers’ who are not attached to any particular group.
Clare Mosely, founder of Care4Calais told the Independent: ‘At the end of the day it isn’t recognised as an official refugee camp, it’s an illegal settlement. So we’ve got no way of forcing anyone to leave. That is the difficulty.’
Care4Calais has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy concerning sexual relations between volunteers and camp inhabitants.
Another volunteer wrote: ‘In my view, most defo beyond inappropriate - breaches all sorts of codes, highlights massive deficit of integrity, blurs reciprocal boundaries beyond measure.
‘Pretty much no different to sex tourism. This is the sort of stuff that makes others with better resolve, cringe - need to have a rocksolid mindset that separates the camp environment from that of a freeforall “festival” - if you’re incapable of “keeping it in your pants” then consider whether you ought to be there.’
Another contributor added: ‘So the concerns around exploitation of vulnerable people should be ‘kept private’ should they? ‘kept within the group’ .
‘Whatever your feelings on sex between volunteers and refugees it is clear that it is a very important subject to discuss OPENLY.
‘The press is a perfectly valid place to analyse and protect vulnerable people.
‘It is exactly this notion of protecting people that ensured children were abused for years within childrens homes and the Catholic Church.’
Biologically, the disappearance of a people, an ethnicity, or a race is achieved principally through others intermixing with its women, that is, with their wombs. The union of a woman of race X with a male of race Y is much more dangerous for race X than for race Y. For women are the biological and sexual reservoir of a race, a people, a genetic patrimony — not men.
Indeed, a woman can only bear a limited number of children in her life, while man can generate a multitude with any number of fertile women. Demographers only define fertility and population renewal in terms of the number of children per woman, by maternity and not by paternity.
This is why today we must as an even more serious problem to that of uncontrolled immigration of third world populations (which have a higher fertility rate) into the countries of Europe, namely the problem of the interbreeding of White women with men of colour, which, in France especially, is reaching noticeable proportions. Not only does the White race thus face competition within its own territory, not only does it fail to renew itself across generations with its weak rate of fertility (that is, everywhere under two children per woman), but a fraction of its reproducing women are subtracted from the number which will reproduce their own kind and opt instead to give birth to mixed-race persons. So, besides the growth of a foreign population pouring across our borders and reproducing itself via its practice of endogamy, fertile White women are having fewer children and, on top of this, a portion of them are offering themselves to foreigners.
Whites, with a few exceptions, are the only people who are not concerned about their collective future, who do not possess a racial consciousness, so guilty and complex-ridden have they become. One of the causes, in addition to their universalist christianoform mentality, is perhaps to be sought in the consequences of Nazism, which have provoked a mental paralysis and collective bad conscience.
In the end, this very serious situation will result, if it continues, in a gradual silent genocide of Whites in Europe — their own cradle (soon to be composed mostly of foreigners, mixed-race persons, and an ever-diminishing proportion of Whites) — as the historian Pierre Chaunu and the journalist Georges Suffert suggested in their book, The White Plague, published at a time when the phenomenon had barely begun. This is the fate which lies in wait for France, and which the vision of the streets at the end of the school day confirms ever more disquietingly year after year.
When a people transforms its genetic patrimony and biological composition to this extent, it clearly ceases to be itself. If nothing changes, the inhabitants of Europe at the end of the twenty-first century will no longer be persons of European origin, and thus European Civilisation will no longer exist. Europe itself will no longer exist as a demographic, but merely as a geographical expression. It will simply be an appendix of Africa, entirely devoid of an ethnic consciousness (contrary to most of the other peoples of the world), though the Europeans of the West consider this cataclysm with the indifference of the living dead. The demographic indicators are certainly indicative of this future, and are truly terrifying.
At this point Faye starts to introduce arguments that White women are merely sold on blacks and Arabs by sheer marketing. It is not quite that easy a problem nor is there something necessarily deficient about White men.
However, besides this dubious inference of sheer mythologization of coloreds, Faye continues to make important points closer to the numerical implications - which should be confronted fearlessly.
An Imam has told his congregation in Wales that war is approaching and Islam allows them to take women as slaves and rape them.
Ali Hammuda is an Imam at Cardiff’s Al-Manar Mosque, where three Islamic State (IS) fighters worshipped before travelling to Syria. They were known as the “Cardiff jihadis” before one was killed in an RAF drone strike as he was thought to be plotting attacks in the UK.
Before the strike, Reyaad Khan and Nasser Muthana, then both 20, appeared in an IS recruiting video in 2014 where they bragged about executing prisoners. Muthana’s younger brother Aseel, then aged 17, joined them in Syria.
Rizwan Syed, an undercover reporter working for the Daily Mail, made the recordings. He recalled his time in the radical Cardiff mosque:
“I saw books preaching brutal violence, sexism, homophobia, aggressive physical jihad, dismemberment and capital punishment implemented by the state.
“It reinforces the idea that what these militant groups are doing, what IS is doing, is legitimised by history.”
In the audio, Imam Hammuda is heard telling a group of young men: “One of the interpretations as to what this means is that towards the end of time there will be many wars like what we are seeing today, and because of these wars women will be taken as captives, as slaves, yeah, women will be taken as slaves.
“And then, her master has relations with her because this is permissible in Islam, it’s permissible to have relations with a woman who is your slave or your wife.”
He also stated that another interpretation of the Hadith is that children will come to treat their mothers like slaves.
He said: “The one I think is strongest is that towards the end of time you will see a lot of Muslims disobeying their mothers and fathers… you see children speaking to their mothers and fathers as if they are your slave.”
More than 5,000 non-Muslim Yazidi women and girls were abducted by Islamic State in 2014. Many have been trafficked and traded on slave markets.
Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 04 August 2016 13:01.
Mika Brzezinski: Don Black says that she looks like “a bird”
A thought occurs to me in contrast to my long standing position in deference to “the wisdom of the body for its tens of thousands of years of evolution by contrast to social judgment.”
I usually like to take the side of the “abnormal” because, like everybody, I have witnessed ignorant bullying of certain nonstandard types by crassly subjective people - those oblivious to the fact that others may object to the complete dismissal of what really are other valid values (perhaps even necessary from an ecological standpoint) and aesthetics - a recent example: Don Black saying Mika Brzezinski “looks like a bird.” That’s his stupid opinion. I admit that his wife, Chloe, is hot - still, it is a bit weird that she was Duke’s wife first. And I must object as Mike Brezinski is a pretty lady too.
Chloe Hardin-Duke-Black (whatever), here with Duke. She’s definitely cute, too.
I still maintain the wisdom of the body as a correct bias and a correct basis for social critique - especially with regard to bodily shapes, forms, functions that really cannot be helped. And I am on the record as saying that women with big noses and flat chests can be beautiful as well - even though these things can be “helped.” I had a girlfriend who was flat chested and she was quite fine to me. Neither she nor other flat chested women should have breast implants, nor should most women who have bigger noses have nose jobs - there is a such thing as ugly big, but more often such a thing as elegant, impressive, big noses. I hate it when people take the position that “a woman cannot look that way” (when in fact, they can sometimes look better than women with big boobs and small noses). But a contrasting position occurs to me with regard to fat - and the “fat shaming” which I suspect that the YKW are lobbying against.
It is valid too, to an extent, to object to getting heavy handed with fat shaming, along with other arguments against the tyrannical regularity of certain types presented as normal and beautiful - viz., in respect to the fact that it is truly a bit harder for some people, especially as they get older, to stay thin. Another side to it has unfolded before me - though not really a side which in this case that I had been fully against anyway and which would have been discovered if anyone had questioned me.
I just completed an 8 day fast. No food. Plenty of water. Coffee (sorry, I know the pro’s and cons, not going to stop it); vitamins and minerals: vitamin D, Zinc, Omega 3 with B6, Magnesium, Vitamin C pellets); and my one caloric indulgence - over the course of the 8 days, I had a total of 5 small cups of tomato juice.
I did some exercise also - went pretty easy, only pushing myself in a few moments, overall doing slower, steadier activity - like walking. I like doing exercise that gets me somewhere or something done - shoveling a ditch that I need fits the bill - so I did some of that too.
Kardashian - somehow not hard to resist
It wasn’t a really big surprise but it was a little surprised to find myself fatter than I thought that I would still be after this. I don’t look very fat, but I do look like the guy who is perhaps confident, if not a bit too comfortable with himself - more comfortable than I really am in that regard. However, I will not be fat, even if my body does not sense that yet. This is where I am getting to a semi-interesting realization that I had today. Even after having finally eaten 3 ounces of steak, 4 ounces of chicken (with pieces of garlic in it), a cup of blackberries, a half kilo of cherries, an apricot, an avocado, beansprouts, a red and a yellow bell pepper, a small red hot chili pepper, a small amount of coleslaw, a small amount of beet salad, and a half a head of broccoli…
I am not really surprised to find my mind more fixated on food and my brain signaling, “tasty food,” “eat” - even more than when I was in the midst of the 8 day fast - because that is what happened last time that I fasted. My body is saying, “boy, wasn’t that steak tasty” mmm and “that avocado, yum.”
However, I am not starving. My gut is not issuing hunger pains. I believe that these are secondary signals long evolved from the time when food might not be available in days to come, so my body encourages me (and I will now say) a bit stupidly, and not wisely, to eat more and even get fat for the possibility that I may not have access to food in the near future. In these episodes, my body and its biology are “stupider” than my conscious mind and society.
My conscious mind does know that I will be eating again before long - I will fast again tomorrow but then have a modest meal on Saturday and then eat on alternating days until I get to the weight I want, at which point I will figure out a maintenance diet and regime.
But especially when you are NOT starving, not nutrient deprived, will not be, then you know that your body’s sending faint warning signals against these things - necessary and wise though these signals are to have in place - can and should at this time be overridden by conscious intelligence; an intelligence which connects with the social patterns which keep telling me: “hey, you don’t look so bad - but your stomach is sticking out.”
I also have observed that the first thing women instinctively look at is the top of my stomach - (not that I am necessarily trying to pick them up, but I don’t like having social engagement cut off as abruptly as that, either) that seems to be a place by which they can intuitively gauge your age: too old if the top part of your stomach is protruding—probably because its harder for older people to stay thin and that’s a typical indicator.
Jennifer Lopez - a Whitish looking face and a ghetto booty: I can live without it.
Anyway, so while the “fat shaming” can be overdone, it can be underdone as well - and that is a case where conscious and social wisdom can, at times, be wiser than the “wisdom of the body.”
But that’s the thing - people on the right don’t realize that the YKW (as usual) are exaggerating good social positions and critiques beyond all reason in order to make them didactic.
Quoting myself: one evening in McSorley’s Old Ale House, a TV talk show crew came in with a lesbian couple (black and White woman) who were asking men’s opinion as to whether the White girl should get breast implants since she thought that would please her black girlfriend. I was asked my opinion by the production crew. I answered that in particular, “I rather like flat chested women, so my opinion is particularly biased against breast implants for that reason for starters; but there were more reasons to be against it than that; including as part of a more general stance against bodily alteration - I believe that given that our bodies have evolved over tens of thousands of years, that they are bound to be wiser, smarter if you will, than our conscious decision making and should be given the benefit of the doubt against our anxieties and against popular consensus; rather, we should try to learn what our bodies have to teach us about our interface with the social ecology and bring our corporeality to bear in social critique if necessary, rather than the other way around - bending to what may well be a popular fad against the better wisdom of our evolution.” I was told by the couple that my answer was good and they asked me to sign a release; but the bartender, yes that one, asked, “what was that ‘stuff’ you were saying? I don’t think that was what the TV producers were looking for.” I suppose that he was right and that my opinion was not aired.
Last summer, the Migrant Crisis in Europe brought about unexpected change for many native Europeans. Many accepted refugees from Syria with open arms at first, but were dismayed to find in many cases, this altruism was not returned. Reports of rape, violence, theft, and other heinous acts involving these migrants, who are mostly military age males, have made their way across the globe. While many of us are aware of the situation in Europe, there is little we can do to help the native Europeans who now have their towns and cities occupied by people who possess a completely different view of the world, of life itself. In addition to this, the migrants were thought to be refugees from the war in Syria, but as soon as the gates were open- thousands upon thousands of migrants from across North Africa fled into Europe. Before Modernity and the advent of man’s transformation from Homo Sapien to Homo Economicus, civilization was based upon two factors: language and religion. The incompatibility of these factors will lead to cultural clashes, regardless of the “keep calm and carry on” rhetoric of our cosmopolitan elites. Working Europeans who cannot afford to jump on a jet to their summer home in Dubai need a way out. They didn’t ask to be replaced - their governments have done this to them. Let’s take in the refugees of the refugees.
Recently, someone asked me what I thought of Roosh V. Well, I personally think it is an excellent name for a vacuum; has ten times the sucking power of other bagless floor cleaners.
To be honest, I haven’t thought about him since the Alt-Fags tussled over him in February of this year. It was one of the reasons I grew so disgusted with the Alt-Right and their ever widening circus tent of internet clowns. They lauded his hatred of White women and his rapey philosophy right up to the point he crawled out his mother’s basement and onto the pages of the Daily Mail. Then, suddenly, most of them realized he was a mud, figured the rape allegations might be true, and distanced themselves from him.
Roosh has an amazing amount in common with Alt-Right internet personalities. He plays on the paranoia, helplessness, and angst of a bunch of failures and channels it into modest financial gains that keep him from having to get a real job. It’s pretty much the business model of the Cult-Right. The Cult-Right are filled with fanboy’s eager to proclaim the genius of their own personal Jebus, and that is, I think, why there is so much overlap between the Alex Jones / Stephen Molyneaux / Roosh acolytes, the Alt-Right Richard Spennttthhher fanboys, and the troll Army of the Quadroon Streicher. Their followers are professional cult members who are used to receiving their validation impersonally from a minor internet celebrity.
3. Boi-nie Endorses Shillary
He waited as long as he could hoping for the FBI indictment, but once there was no chance of that, he finally compromised his principles as we all knew he would.
2. GRAPHIC PHOTOS: On Black Death Porn
If you were a visitor to Der Daily Interracial Cuckold Porn Stormer, I am sure you would not be reading this line right now. Instead, you would have broken your finger eagerly clicking on the link because it contained the words “black” and “porn”. But, since you are still with us, I can let you know that this article makes a valid point that the ‘Kwa is strangely comfortable with images of dead and dying black men in the Mass Media.
1. Rape-ity, Rape-ity, Raper Roosh
But perhaps things changed in the intervening months? Perhaps I needed to reevaluate my impression? To find out, I scanned through Roosh’s Twitter feed, checked out some of the articles he linked, and then captured screenshots of the one’s that made me laugh the most. Conclusion: He is just as laughable a figure now as then. Why? Well, let’s start out with this…
I’ll take things a rapist might say for $400. I cannot take credit for that joke, though I wish I could. It was from an episode of Cinematic Titanic.
Because those are basically the only options the West has left, right Roosh? You’re sure you aren’t an EBT-card-carrying member of the Alt-Right?
You tell us, because previously you decried the Alt-Right as a bunch of racist betas.
Because you look like one of the muds arrested in Rotherham scandal? And while we are on the subject ...
This one is funny to me, because it is so poorly thought out. You see, the problem is: What morality do men possess, if women evolved the way they did because men were a bunch of murdering rapists? But I am sure there are White disciples of this mud who so hate White women that they would defend this defamation, because remember - the Rotherham girls loved their rapists!
So that’s what I think about Roosh, and by extension his whole alpha-male of yo’ mama’s basement philosophy. The fact that this mud is funded by White fanboys so he can wander around in White countries like some typical Middle Eastern child sex predator doesn’t prove how alpha he is, but how beta his followers are.