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Full speech of V. Orbán: Will Europe belong to Europeans?

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 27 July 2017 11:26.

However much of a taboo one is breaking by saying it, there is no cultural identity in a population without a stable ethnic composition

Visigrad Post, “Full speech of V. Orbán : Will Europe belong to Europeans?” 24 July 2017:

Viktor Orbán’s speech at the 28th Bálványos Summer Open University and Student Camp, 22 July 2017, Tusnádfürdő (Băile Tuşnad, Romania)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: “First of all, I’d like to remind everyone that we started a process of collective thinking 27 years ago in Bálványosfürdő, a few kilometres from here. That is where we came to a realisation. Just think back: at that time, at the beginning of the nineties, most people – not only in Hungary, but also across the whole of Central Europe – thought that full assimilation into the Western world was just opening up to us again. The obvious approach was adjustment to that world: to in a way shed our skin and grow a new, fashionable Western skin. From this it followed that in our politics we would simply need to copy what they were doing in the West. Back then – 27 years, 28 years ago – we came together here, and we thought that we freedom fighters living on this side of the Iron Curtain could also have something valuable to say to a Europe which had by then been living in peace, freedom and prosperity for forty years. Back then we weren’t surrounded by television cameras, and our words commanded no attention whatsoever.

Now, however, they do. And if I were to name the most important event, the most important Hungarian and European event of the past year – the twelve months since our last meeting – I would say that it is the strengthening of the Visegrád Four. Although there was a presidential election in the United States, and not so long ago the French presidential and parliamentary elections swept away the entire French party system – which are both important things – I’m convinced that the most important development of the past year has been the Visegrád Four cooperation becoming closer than ever before. We can say that Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest are speaking with one voice. This is a great achievement, as these are countries which are very different in their characters. Here we have the enthusiastic Poles, the ever-cautious Czechs, the sober Slovaks and the romantic Hungarians; and yet we are able to speak the same language. We can be truly proud of this.

It is customary for the Open University presentations to seek to give an account of the extent of change over the past year, also in a broader civilisational context. Certainly not everyone remembers that in 2009, after his election, President Obama made his first important speech abroad in the city of Cairo. This year the newly-elected US president delivered his first important speech abroad in the city of Warsaw. To illustrate the extent of the changes, it’s enough to quote a few sentences from the speech made by the American president in Warsaw. I’ll quote from it now:

“We have to remember […] that the defence of the West ultimately rests not only on means, but also on the will of its people to prevail and be successful and get what you have to have. […] Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield. It begins with our minds, our wills and our souls. […] Our freedom, our civilization and our survival depend on these bonds of history, culture, and memory.”

He then went on to say: “So together let us all fight like the Poles: for family, for freedom, for country and for God.”

Ladies and Gentlemen,

These words would have been inconceivable anywhere in the Western world two years ago. This is the extent of the change that is taking place around us. This, perhaps, is the point at which I should greet Piotr Naimski and the Polish delegation led by him. He is the President of the Hungarian-Polish Parliamentary Group in Warsaw. Welcome, Dear Polish Friends.


What Saudi Arabia’s royal reshuffle means for the world

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 June 2017 06:21.

Trump the great deal -maker not.

It means that Trump has helped to make matters much worse by encouraging Saudi Arabia’s King Salman to elevate his 31-year-old son Mohammed bin Salman to first in line to the throne - in a “dramatic reordering of the kingdom’s line of succession that will have far-reaching consequences for the key US ally and the Middle East as a whole.”...

CNN, “What Saudi Arabia’s royal reshuffle means for the world”, 21 June 2017:

What does it mean for the US?

The key US priorities in the Middle East are stability and predictability, and the appointment of the relatively inexperienced Mohammed bin Salman is undoubtedly a shift away from that.

As defense minister, the prince has taken a hard line with Qatar, Iran and Yemen—and the US should expect to find itself increasingly caught up in the ebb and flow of the region’s ever-increasing political tensions.

The current diplomatic crisis between the Saudis and Qatar—Riyadh is trying to isolate Doha over claims that the latter supports terrorism—is a study in diplomatic tightrope-walking for the US.

Washington is publicly backing the Saudis over the spat—which has been led on the Saudi side by the new crown prince—while at the same time maintaining its large military base in Qatar.

Now, with a more gung-ho crown prince set to take charge, it is fair to assume that the Saudis will double down on its hardline positions on Qatar, Iran and the Yemen conflict.

What does it mean for Qatar?

In the short term, it’s hard to tell. The message to Qatar is clear: Expect more of the same. Mohammed bin Salman’s appointment means that the hard line taken by the Saudis is here to stay—and that no older, wiser voices are going to swoop in and moderate the stance any time soon.

What does it mean for Iran?

The move will further destabilize an already dangerously unstable situation.

Earlier in June, the Iranians pointed the finger at Saudi for a terror attack in their capital, Tehran. They then used this as a reason to fire missiles into Syria—a shot across the proverbial Saudi bow.

Tension between the two has been slowly building recently, and Mohammed bin Salman has taken a hard line against Iran. “We are a primary target for the Iranian regime,” he said in one recent interview. “We won’t wait for the battle to be in Saudi Arabia. Instead, we’ll work so that the battle is for them in Iran.”

Again, without more experienced voices around him, the new crown prince will feel emboldened to pursue his vision of a larger Sunni alliance, in which Saudi Arabia is the unchallenged leading power in the Middle East. This could lead to a dangerous miscalculation.

What does it mean for the Yemen conflict?

This is a conflict that Mohammed bin Salman has played a large part in—assisting the Yemeni forces in fighting off Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. In some respects, it is his war and he has to see it through.

But this is more than about saving face; Saudi stability is linked to Yemeni stability and, for that reason, the kingdom needs to continue supporting Yemen.

The brutal reality is that the conflict in Yemen is an Iran-Saudi proxy war, and the new crown prince one of its architects. It is not going to be solved through diplomacy any time soon.


Will the new crown prince loosen up Saudi’s conservative culture?

Forget about the monarchy lifting the ban on women driving any time soon. That will happen on the Saudis’ time frame—regardless of international pressure to change the law—and whatever they say, it is not a priority. One day it will arrive, but it’s not coming fast.

The Flame. Here is the sexy fascist torch bearer.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 June 2017 19:56.

The Flame. Here is the sexy fascist torch bearer.

Fiamma Negrini is her name, appropriately enough - in addition to being fairly hot for an aspiring politician, “fiamma” meaning “flame”,  could be said to be taking the torch from formerly hot fascist torch bearer, Alessandra Mussolini (now 54). Fiamma’s full name has the unfortunate metaphorical capacity to be stretched further - Fiamma Negrini could read like “put a fire under Negro butts and get them running back to Africa.”

Emergency parliamentary inquiries have been announced for the affair of the 20-year-old Fiamma having been elected to the City Council in Sermide-Fellonica, in Mantua, Italy. She gained standing there by 10.42 percent of the vote through her Italian Workers’ Party (Fasci) platform.

The Red Left is asking for explanations. That is echoed by the explicitly Jewish Communities Union, which expressed concern for Flame’s emergence. In recent days, Claudio Negrini, the father of the young Flame, had even thought of withdrawing from public listings in order to avoid social insults. This has not happened and his daughter continues to have the Facebook profile as “Boia chi molla”.  Source.

A Crime That Liberals Won’t Care About.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 June 2017 05:19.

IncogMan ”..Rape and Murder Super Cute White SA Girl”, 31 May 2017:

Last Friday night in South Africa, Cheslin Marsh and Hannah Cornelius were sitting in a car when 4 black males carjacked and beat them with bricks. They threw him into the car trunk and her into the backseat. After getting beaten to a pulp, suffering a broken arm and concussion, he managed to escape. The beautiful young girl was found dead the next morning several miles away - gang-raped, strangled, stabbed to death. Hannah was a 21 years-old student at the University of Stellenbosch.

The 22 victims of Manchester terror attack named and identified

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 June 2017 08:12.

Express, “All 22 victims of Manchester terror attack named and identified”, 25 May 2017:

The full list of the victims:

  Saffie Rose Roussos, 8
  Nell Jones, 14
  Sorrell Leczkowski, 14
  Eilidh MacLeod, 14
  Olivia Campbell, 15
  Megan Hurley, 15
  Chloe Rutherford, 17
  Georgina Callander, 18
  Courtney Boyle, 19
  Liam Curry, 19
  John Atkinson, 28
  Martyn Hett, 29
  Kelly Brewster, 32
  Philip Tron, 32
  Angelika Klis, 40
  Marcin Kils, 42
  Elaine McIver 43
  Alison Howe, 45
  Michelle Kiss, 45
  Lisa Lees, 47
  Wendy Fawell, 50
  Jane Tweddle-Taylor, 51

‘Western man, stand up for your wives, daughters’, Kate Hopkins tweet investigated as inciting hate

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 05:09.

Diversity Macht Frei, 23 May 2017, Request complied-with by police to investigate Katie Hopkins for inciting racial hatred over tweet:

Hugh Muir thinks she is a peddler of hate and should be subject to laws against it -

‘What happened to the girls in Rochdale is never far from my mind’

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 22 May 2017 06:33.

While stories like this have been pushed under the rug, for that we have to thank those who’ve pushed and those who have accepted a definition of the “left” as liberal internationalism opposed to unionized defense of natives - especially of the working class. The Sikh community warned would-be coalitions about Muslim grooming but there was no White Left to hear them and take them up in coalition-building. However, now that the Jewish controlled Right points out these stories in compassion to Whites, it’s ok to pay attention to them.

The actress stars in a gripping new drama about the Rochdale abuse scandal Credit:  Jeff Gilbert

DT, “Lesley Sharp: ‘What happened to the girls in Rochdale is never far from my mind”, 15 May 2017:

Lesley Sharp still remembers how she felt when she read about the widespread scandal of teenage girls being sexually abused in Rochdale. “I felt desperately sad, because it’s a real shock in the 21st century, where we’re fortunate to live in amazing country like the UK, that there are areas where young women feel so desperate about what their future should be,” says the 57-year-old actress quietly.

47 children are thought to have been groomed and sexually exploited by men in Rochdale between 2005 to 2008 and ignored by authorities. “I remember finding that shocking,” says Sharp. “I was just perplexed and horrified by the idea that these girls had initially been treated as somehow deserving of what had been meted out to them. I don’t think just because this case came to the fore that this situation has gone away. I think it’s still out there.”

Sharp’s passion about ending child sexual exploitation in the UK is ongoing - she has been a Barnados ambassador for several years - but it is also reflected in her latest role. Anonymising the victims, BBC One’s drama, Three Girls, depicts the real-life abuse of teenage girls in Rochdale. Sharp plays Detective Constable Margaret Oliver, the police officer who was so appalled by the way the force handled the girls’ cases that she eventually resigned.

Liberal coalition implodes, giving way to Austrian elections in October, opportunity for FPÖ

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 18 May 2017 07:08.

The poster’s punchline reads “FPÖ—otherwise nothing will ever change.” The FPÖ will also produce material mapping out the numerous false promises made by the SPÖ and ÖVP, and will concentrate on mapping its own major policies which include “zero tolerance of Islamism,” the protection of women’s rights, fighting welfare abuse, protectionism for Austrian workers, and the immediate “deportation of asylum seekers and criminal immigrants.”

New Observer, “October Elections in Austria as Coalition Implodes”, 17 May 2017:

The collapse of the ruling conservative-socialist Austrian coalition government has meant that Austria will have a snap general election on October 15—possibly opening the door to power for the anti-invasion Freedom Party (FPÖ).

The ruling coalition, made up of Chancellor Christian Kern’s Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) and the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) was supposed to govern until its term ran out in 2018.

However, the growth of the FPÖ—and the collapse of the SPÖ and ÖVP votes in last year’s presidential elections, combined with internal fighting over leadership and policy toward the mass nonwhite fake refugee invasion, has finally caused the coalition to break apart.

The sudden resignation of ÖVP leader—and deputy chancellor—Reinhold Mitterlehner, from all his posts, brought the crisis to a head.

Mitterlehner complained that he was unable to continue because of infighting within his party, and therefore had no choice but to lay down his leadership and his deputy chancellorship.

The ÖVP moved quickly to replace him with the current foreign minister, the 30-year-old Sebastian Kurz, widely punted by the controlled media as a “dynamic” leader who could restore that party’s fortunes.

Rather than try and carry on with the increasingly impossible coalition, Kurz however immediately called time on the coalition and announced that he would be withdrawing his party’s support from the government.

The FPÖ is currently the single largest party with over 30 percent of the vote, but the presidential elections of last year saw its vote climb to 49 percent.

The chances are therefore extremely good that the FPÖ will emerge as the single largest party—and given recent developments, it may well consider a coalition government with the ÖVP.


The FPÖ campaign will start in Vienna on May 18, by which time 500,000 copies of the initial material will have been printed.

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