Majorityrights News > Category: Popular Culture

Pope, in meeting with Jewish leaders, calls for integration of migrants

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 September 2016 08:52.

JTA, “Pope, in meeting with Jewish leaders, calls for integration of migrants”, 27 September 2016:

ROME (JTA) – Pope Francis told a World Jewish Congress delegation that migrants have enriched Europe and need to be integrated into society.

“Europe often forgets that it has been enriched by migrants,” the pope told the Jewish leaders at an audience Monday evening at the Vatican that was described as taking place in an atmosphere of “great cordiality and friendship.”


“Europe is closing itself up. Europe is lacking creativity. Europe has a falling birth rate and problems of high unemployment,” the pope said.

He added, according to an account of the meeting issued by the WJC: “We need to reflect on integration, which is important. The people who committed the terrorist attacks in Belgium were not properly integrated.”

Francis urged Christians and Jews to cooperate in battling hatred and brutality.

“We need more friendliness and kindness, and we should not be afraid to speak out against brutality,” he said, according to the WJC report. “We should go on a joint journey together to make the world more secure. We need to speak out for peace.”

        The appropriate response to the Pope and his cohorts:

        European Sovereignty or Death!

Charlotte: black cop kills black man, anti-White hatred erupts

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 24 September 2016 08:52.

TNO, “Charlotte: Anti-White Hatred Erupts”, 22 September 2016:

Simmering anti-white hatred—generated by decades of controlled media bias and establishment politics—has erupted in in Charlotte, North Carolina, with thousands of blacks roaming the streets attacking whites at random.

The excuse being used this time is bizarre: a black policeman, Brentley Vinson, shot an armed black thug, Keith Lamont Scott, who threatened police as they arrived to serve a warrant on another black man.

There is therefore no reason to attack whites in “retaliation” for the shooting—but this fact has not stopped anti-white hatred erupting across the city, as the “Black Lives Matter” narrative, pushed and endorsed by the media and corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton has created the completely mythical idea that white police officers randomly gun down blacks at will.

As a result of that relentless 24×7 hate propaganda, any shooting involving police in America is automatically presumed by the low IQ black masses to be another example of “white racism.”

For example, the brother Keith Lamont Scott, while being interviewed by local TV stations about his brother’s death, told the cameras, “I just know that all white people are f-cking devils,” and that “All white cops are f-cking devils, and white people.”

Crown Jewel of New National Museum of African American History & Culture: Emmett Till’s Casket

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 24 September 2016 07:04.

SBDL, “The Crown Jewel of the New National Museum of African American History and Culture in D.C.: Emmett Till’s Casket”, 22 September 2016:

There are currently three movies about the saintly Emmett Till in development in Hollywood.

Three movies…

None, of course, will mention the story of his abusive, misogynist father Louis Till, who a judge offered the choice of jail or enlisting in the U.S. Army many, many moons ago. While in Italy, he was suspected in the murder of an Italian woman and the raping of two others: for these crimes, he would be court-martialed, found guilty, and executed by hanging.

Three movies and all three will leave the final moments of Emmett’s father (and the reason for his execution, raping and killing white women in Italy) out of the script.

Minor, inconvenient details barely registering as a worth of a footnote in the hagiography surrounding Emmitt Till. After all, it’s his casket that will find a final resting place in the newly opened National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington D.C.

A building designed with solely one purpose - squeeze out every last drop of white guilt from any white visitor while simultaneously amping up black rage, hatred, and hostility to living and dead white people (standing as a “rebuke to the world of white marble monuments to dead white men”) is the only fitting structure in all of the United States to house such an important artifact as Emmett Till’s casket.

Right? [Emmett Till’s casket a ‘sacred object’ at the African American museum, Chicago Tribune, 8-19-16]:

The Casket of the anti-white Covenant

Among the most difficult decisions that Lonnie Bunch III had to make as he searched the world for objects to tell the story of African Americans was whether to include a casket that once held the mangled body of a murdered black boy.

  “I remember struggling with, ‘Should we collect that?’ ” said Bunch, the founding director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Even after he accepted Emmett Till’s casket, which Till’s family gave to the museum long after his remains had been exhumed and reinterred, Bunch grappled with the idea of including it in an exhibit. “Was that too ghoulish?” he wondered.

As leaders of the new museum, Bunch and his curators must strike a delicate balance.

Every year, millions of tourists come to Washington to seek inspiration — in marble monuments to the nation’s heroes and leaders, in temples of democracy and civic power. Now, for the first time, Americans will have a museum on the Mall celebrating black pioneers and highlighting the success stories of African Americans.

Excitement surrounding the historic institution propelled its boosters through 11 years of collecting artifacts and fundraising to the tune of $315 million. It will open Sept. 24 with a dedication attended by President Barack Obama and with an invitation-only Kennedy Center gala.

But for such a museum to claim scholarly integrity, uplift is not enough. In the years preceding next month’s celebration, Bunch has had to consider how much of the dark corners of American history to expose. He and the museum’s curators say they are ready to tell what African American historian John Hope Franklin called the “unvarnished truth” of the nation’s racial past. The question is: Are visitors ready to hear it? As painful as it may be, Bunch said, it’s essential that his institution delve into stories such as that of Till, the Chicago teenager who was murdered for whistling at a white woman during a visit to Mississippi — an event that galvanized the civil rights movement.

“You couldn’t tell the story of the African American experience without wrestling with difficult issues, without creating those moments where people have to ponder the pain of slavery, segregation or racial violence,” Bunch said.

But he said he also knew “that this was not a museum of crime or guilt or holocaust.”

No, it’s just a museum built as a “rebuke to the world of white marble monuments to dead white men.”

What’s funny is when you consider the famed, oft-quoted line from Raiders of the Lost Ark, when the Ark of Covenant is described thusly: “The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste in entire regions. An Army that carries the Ark before it… is invincible.”

Emmett Till’s casket is nothing more than a box (whose sterling, seemingly impeachable reputation is built entirely upon a hoax and the coverup of his father’s execution for raping and murdering white women in Italy) that helped galvanize a movement ultimately laying waste to entire regions across the United States: St. Louis, Rochester, Baltimore, Birmingham, Memphis, Camden, Savannah, Montgomery, Atlanta, Newark, Richmond, Indianapolis, Chicago, and Charlotte.

The only item worth canonizing and displaying in a museum associated with Louis or Emmett Till would be the rope used to have hanged the former, if it still exists.

His mother had wanted an open casket to show what they did ..... a Negro boy in 1955 whose father had been convicted of raping and murdering an Italian woman, who carried the same sexual predatory tendencies - dry humping and otherwise harassing a White woman in the Southern U.S. of 1955.

Guillaume Faye, “The Race-Mixing Imperative”

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 20 September 2016 12:09.

Guillaume Faye, “The Race-Mixing Imperative”, 20 September 2016:

Right On, Body & Mind

Biologically, the disappearance of a people, an ethnicity, or a race is achieved principally through others intermixing with its women, that is, with their wombs. The union of a woman of race X with a male of race Y is much more dangerous for race X than for race Y. For women are the biological and sexual reservoir of a race, a people, a genetic patrimony — not men.

Indeed, a woman can only bear a limited number of children in her life, while man can generate a multitude with any number of fertile women. Demographers only define fertility and population renewal in terms of the number of children per woman, by maternity and not by paternity.

This is why today we must as an even more serious problem to that of uncontrolled immigration of third world populations (which have a higher fertility rate) into the countries of Europe, namely the problem of the interbreeding of White women with men of colour, which, in France especially, is reaching noticeable proportions. Not only does the White race thus face competition within its own territory, not only does it fail to renew itself across generations with its weak rate of fertility (that is, everywhere under two children per woman), but a fraction of its reproducing women are subtracted from the number which will reproduce their own kind and opt instead to give birth to mixed-race persons. So, besides the growth of a foreign population pouring across our borders and reproducing itself via its practice of endogamy, fertile White women are having fewer children and, on top of this, a portion of them are offering themselves to foreigners.

Whites, with a few exceptions, are the only people who are not concerned about their collective future, who do not possess a racial consciousness, so guilty and complex-ridden have they become. One of the causes, in addition to their universalist christianoform mentality, is perhaps to be sought in the consequences of Nazism, which have provoked a mental paralysis and collective bad conscience.

In the end, this very serious situation will result, if it continues, in a gradual silent genocide of Whites in Europe — their own cradle (soon to be composed mostly of foreigners, mixed-race persons, and an ever-diminishing proportion of Whites) — as the historian Pierre Chaunu and the journalist Georges Suffert suggested in their book, The White Plague, published at a time when the phenomenon had barely begun. This is the fate which lies in wait for France, and which the vision of the streets at the end of the school day confirms ever more disquietingly year after year.

When a people transforms its genetic patrimony and biological composition to this extent, it clearly ceases to be itself. If nothing changes, the inhabitants of Europe at the end of the twenty-first century will no longer be persons of European origin, and thus European Civilisation will no longer exist. Europe itself will no longer exist as a demographic, but merely as a geographical expression. It will simply be an appendix of Africa, entirely devoid of an ethnic consciousness (contrary to most of the other peoples of the world), though the Europeans of the West consider this cataclysm with the indifference of the living dead. The demographic indicators are certainly indicative of this future, and are truly terrifying.

At this point Faye starts to introduce arguments that White women are merely sold on blacks and Arabs by sheer marketing. It is not quite that easy a problem nor is there something necessarily deficient about White men.

However, besides this dubious inference of sheer mythologization of coloreds, Faye continues to make important points closer to the numerical implications - which should be confronted fearlessly.

Full article at Right On

The above text is an excerpt from Guillaume Faye’s Sex and Deviance (Arktos, 2014). If you liked this selection, be sure to check out the whole book.

Jewish community of Britain organizing sponsorship of child immigrants from Calais refu-camp

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 17 September 2016 08:08.

Related story: The Guardian Newspaper is an archaic outfit whose propaganda operations will always be defeated.

TNO, [Jewish people and “communities”] in Britain who claim to be refugees from Nazi Germany are actively involved in bringing nonwhite invaders in the Calais Jungle over to the U.K., controlled media reports have revealed.

According to the [Red] Left Guardian newspaper, Jews who came over to Britain during the so-called Kinder-transport program are “raising funds” to help the “unaccompanied refugee children” in Calais enter the U.K.

The Guardian report said that “Britain’s Jewish community is raising funding to evacuate at least 120 child refugees identified as having the legal right to be reunited with their families in the U.K. but who remain trapped in northern France.”

According to the report, “Campaigners said their predecessors had relied on Britain’s generosity to flee the Nazis and that a sense of gratitude had motivated them to help vulnerable unaccompanied child refugees, many of whom are fleeing persecution.”

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, whose parents claimed to have fled Nazi-occupied Europe and who has been instrumental in galvanizing support for modern “child refugees,” was quoted as saying, “Both my parents were refugees at the age of 16: both fled Germany.”

His 93-year-old mother, Isca Salzberger-Wittenberg, who arrived in the UK months before the Second World War began, said: “I owe my survival to the generosity of those who gave the financial guarantees for me and my family to escape to Britain. I feel deeply concerned about refugees now, especially the children and young people.”

Within the Jungle camp in Calais, around 220 invaders pretending to be “unaccompanied children” have been identified as having the “legal right” to be reunited with families in the U.K.

Britain’s Jewish community now hopes to raise enough to “rescue” them all, and bring them to the U.K., the newspaper said.

Their campaign, launched last Sunday on Facebook, has raised more than £50,000, with £15,000 more pledged. The overall cost per invader for the “legal process, transport and support requirements” is £2,000.

Director of Social Media at Sweden’s Bonnier Publishing Says Sweden and Europe Is Too White

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 05:02.

Irena Pozar, the director of social media at Swedish Bonnier Magazines, has posted a ridiculous anti-White article complaining that there are too many White people in Europe, and Sweden in particular.

Red Ice and White Genocide Project: Irena Pozar, “Sweden and Europe are too White” -

Editor’s comment: The Bonnier family who dominate Swedish media, are Jewish. Would Irena Pozar ever call Israel too Jewish or ‘too White?’

In the article titled, “Our Whiteness – a democracy problem”, she says:

“I was in Gothenburg recently to attend Media Days 2016 [a media conference],” adding, “The whole day went well. I survived two air flights and being on stage.”

“But oh my God how it was White. EVERYWHERE. After a quick check in the seminar program it became clear: I could count the number of Swedes with foreign names on one hand (and then it became fingers over).”

“To the world, Europe and Sweden has trouble with this problem [of being too White], we know. The media industry has a problem with it, we know very well.”

“A completely white and the Western perspective is a sleeping pill.”

“The lack of diversity creates blind spots that in the long run can be dangerous.”

“In 2016 diversity is not only an opportunity but a necessity. Otherwise, all the fine words about freedom of speech and democracy are nothing.”

For about a year now, Sweden has legally denied that race exists. So how can it be “too White?”

Anti-Whites always do this. They say race doesn’t exist or that it doesn’t matter, then they complain about it being “too White” and in need of “diversity.”

If “diversity” is so great, surely Africa would be the first to place in need of “diversity”, and the last place would be White first world countries.

But you see, “diversity” is their excuse to eliminate White majorities. It’s a code word for White genocide.

        Carl-Johan Bonnier, Chairman of the Board.

Having already planned to reinforce some information on the Bonnier family’s control of media in Scandinavia and Sweden in particular, I belatedly happened upon the somewhat more recent story (3 May 2016) above by White Genocide Project and Red Ice, discussing chutzpah on the part of the Bonnier family’s director of social media, Irena Pozar. With that, I thought it might be good to introduce the issue through that story before giving some of the historical background of the Bonnier media empire as provided by yet other sites.

With the profusion of information that the Internet facilitates it becomes less the task to continually find new information than to feature, focus, cull and coordinate available research so that ethno-nationalists are sensitized to patterns and some concrete facts that they can operate on and follow as their practical concerns allow.

That is the case with Jewish media influence in Sweden and other parts of Scandinavia by way of the so called “Bonnier” family and other Jewish media owners. This information is dated in part and is not presented as if a neutral disposition toward Jewish media ownership in Scandanavia, but is rather meant to lend support for those concerned to defend native European nationals against the well established liberal motivations of Jewish politics as it is laced in their media. It is the kind of feedback that has to circulate within our hermeneutic circle - viz., in our carousel and archives:


Leaked! Soros funded group that spied on anti-Muslim activists

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 August 2016 16:32.

A major source of liberalism, but at 86, you have to wonder if the YKW aren’t willing to throw him under the bus and if he, in turn, wouldn’t be willing to take a fall.—2,500 files stolen from Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

One revealing document was published online this week.

Entitled “Extreme Polarization and Breakdown in Civil Discourse,” the document names renowned critics of Islam. Among those are stellar anti-Muslim crusader Pamela Geller. Frank Gaffney and Robert Spencer were also targets of the group, reports say.

According to The Daily Caller:

In the memo, Open Society Foundations (OSF) executives lamented that progressive groups and members of the Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian-American (AMEMSA) community lacked “high quality opposition research” to combat “anti-Muslim xenophobia and to promote tolerance.”

Some warn of an impending global government. It appears that government already exists and George Soros is its head of state, providing the government’s funding from his personal holdings.

Soros’ global government includes a CIA-like spy network, it appears.

I call it ‘Sorocracy;’ rule by George Soros. And this, my friends, is why globalism wants to control the Internet.

Soros is 86-years-old.

Blacks riot in Milwaukee, loot, burn businesses, hunt Whites, pull from cars, “get the White bitch”

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 15 August 2016 15:22.

        He pointed a gun at a policeman and was shot..

A policeman stopped a black motorist, who then got out of his car, ran, drew a weapon and pointed it at the policeman: at which point he was shot by the policeman.

DM, Black riots ensued: Loot, burn businesses, hunt Whites, pull them from cars, beat any Whites they could get their hands on, shouts heard, “black power”, “black power”, “fuck that White bitch up!” “They beat up every White person, they made the squad cars leave!” A policeman hospitalized after having been hit by a brick.

Journal Sentinel: 6 businesses were set on fire, with 3 of them destroyed and three suffering heavy damage during Saturday night’s violence, Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn said at a news conference Sunday afternoon.

The BP gas station and O’Reilly Auto Parts store, along with a liquor store at N. 22nd St. and W. Fond du Lac Ave., were destroyed, Flynn said. Jet Beauty Supply was destroyed, a BMO Harris Bank branch and a liquor store at 21st and Hopkins were damaged, he said.

Blacks are not the entirely easy problem that the right wing portrays them as being - evolved over a longer period of time than the more delicate White differentiation, they have a certain stable confidence, hard programmed self and ethnocentric regard, and they can cut a dashing figure of alpha male rebellion backed by a quanta of bio-power that can be compelling to disillusioned youth, particularly when they experience what is to them tedious, nerdish obstruction of people they believe to be inferior - (((Madison Avenue))) knows this; and will pander to this image of the rebellious hero.

Black women spend a lot of money at shops like this to make their hair straight; to paint their nails purple and so on.

Apparently they didn’t like the fact that this business was Asian owned - and therefore targeted it with especial venom, not just looting it, but burning it afterward.

        Colin Flaherty’s favorite moments      Jared Taylor on the Milwaukee riots




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