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Obama reminds East Asians not to do what America did, non-ironically.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 20 November 2015 11:00.

This is just a hit-and-run news article, I found it absolutely hilarious and perhaps you the readers might as well:

Washington Times, ‘Obama warns Asian leaders to avoid ‘pitfalls’ of America’, 20 Nov 2015: (emphasis added)


At the town-hall event, Mr. Obama also warned young Asians to guard against racial divisions in politics, saying in the U.S., “it’s still an issue that comes up.”

“I really hope that all of you are fighting against the kinds of attitudes where you organize political parties or you organize interest groups just around ethnic or racial or tribal lines,” Mr. Obama said. “Because when you start doing that, it’s very easy for people to start thinking that whoever is not part of my group is somehow less than me. And once that mindset comes in, that’s how violence happens. That’s how discrimination happens. And societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term.”

He said in the U.S., “we’ve struggled with this for over 200 years, but it’s still an issue that comes up.”

“And so I would guard against that here in your home countries,” the president added.


We hear you, Obama. And do you know what the best way to guard against that problem is? Don’t import tens of millions of people into a continent who don’t belong there and are hostile to its people, social mores, and value systems.

Because societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term.

European governments increasingly losing touch with reality as they defy security services.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 30 October 2015 23:23.

An interesting observation coming from the people at White Genocide Project:

Steve Goode / White Genocide Project, ‘Belgians are more dangerous than ISIS, thinks Belgian government’, 29 Oct 2015 (emphasis added):


While British and German intelligence agencies are worrying about ISIS and Al Qaeda coming over with the illegal immigrants, the Belgian government is frightened of the Belgians taking a stand against the tsunamigration.

The areas surrounding all illegal immigrant camps in Belgium have now been elevated from level 1 “no threat” to level 2 “average”.

Police will now be required to patrol these areas every few hours, despite Belgian intelligence agencies saying they have not detected any plans to attack illegal immigrant camps.

The Socialist mayor of Vilvoorde, thinks the threat level should be elevated even higher, because in his area apparently there are “houses with swastikas and far-right slogans.”

If you know their game-plan, it’s no surprise that the Belgian government considers their own people more of a threat than Islamists masquerading as illegal immigrants.

Like most European governments, the Belgian government wants their country to be a “diverse melting pot” where no group is the majority. And by carrying out this agenda – by deliberately trying to make White people a minority – they are committing an act of White Genocide.

This is key to understanding the nature of this crisis, and it is an issue that I have discussed here at Majorityrights before. There is a severe problem, one in which the governments of some countries are doing the precise opposite of what their own security services are telling them to do. There is a deepening division between the defence and security communities on one hand, and the governments in Europe on the other hand.

It’s apparently reached the point where in order to set the stage for accomplishing anything productive, it may have been that certain people in the intelligence services have had almost no choice but to keep leaking documents to the media—it is difficult to imagine any other reason for why there are about two stories per week leaking out—so that the media can keep applying pressure to the European governments by reporting on them, since that is fuelling the process of turning voter sentiments against the enormous dereliction of those governments.

Many of the present governments are really not fit to be in office because they are failing at the most basic of basic tasks. The task of defending the borders from illegal crossings, and the task of protecting people as they go about their daily business in the post-9/11, post-Madrid, post-7/7, post-Rotherham world. In actuality, these are ongoing security concerns. Security comes first, because without security you have nothing else. Any politicians who don’t understand this fact simply should not have been elected to office in the first place.

There is a convention in European politics where security, intelligence, and military figures refrain from directly and openly challenging the government. This is because it is usually seen as inappropriate by the European public. However, politicians who no longer inhabit reality should not be allowed to jeopardise the future of Europe, and it’s necessary to get the European peoples to show—perhaps through more organised street demonstrations like the ones going on in Germany—that the people largely believe the same.

The time is long overdue for the European peoples to come out of the liberal-humanitarian wardrobe of politeness and start supporting policy preferences for the real world, rather than policy preferences for Narnia. Some reality-based governments need to take hold in Europe, rather than governments adhering to the policy preferences of Barbara Lerner Spectre.

Immigration issue in the region 1/2

Immigration issue in the region 2/2

Once the trend that is reflected in those graphs is exhibited openly and clearly through demonstrations by people on the street, it may become the case that rather than seeing a trickle of anonymously- and semi-anonymously-sourced news stories in the media, the European people might get to see senior figures challenging governments openly and directly. At that stage, the push-back against the migration onslaught might begin to gather the new energy that it absolutely needs.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.

German conservatives seek minimum wage exceptions for refugees

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 13:24.

Hands up, those who saw this coming?

Reuters, ‘German conservatives seek minimum wage exceptions for refugees’, 29 Sep 2015:

Senior conservatives are urging a flexible application of Germany’s new minimum wage in relation to refugees, arguing that those with minimal qualifications could struggle to find jobs at the 8.50 euro ($9.60) hourly rate.

Deputy finance minister Jens Spahn, a senior figure in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), and Reiner Haseloff, conservative premier of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, both called for exceptions to the minimum wage in comments to German daily Die Welt.

For the Social Democrats (SPD), the introduction of a minimum wage was a condition for entering a coalition with Merkel’s conservatives and they are likely to resist any changes to the law, which took effect at the start of this year.

“For entry level or training positions the minimum wage should not apply,” Haseloff told the newspaper.

Spahn said hundreds of thousands of refugees were likely to land on the jobs market and exceptions were necessary to ensure they found jobs, particularly in the services sector.

“Industry must offer internships, training and entry level positions to the many young people who, as refugees, have the right to stay,” Spahn said.

Stay tuned for revelations from Austria next.

A Bridge too Near

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Monday, 28 September 2015 17:03.

When jokes threaten to become reality

A long time ago at the beginning of this ‘refugee crisis’, people used to make a joke and say, “If this keeps up, liberals might start asking for a bridge to be built so that no one would need to smuggle humans across water any more”. Who could have known that this joke would become a jinx?

Watch this:

Youtube: The Bridge (28 Sep 2013)

Austria’s refugee coordinator Christian Konrad has called for the construction of a 200km long bridge from Al Huwariyah in Tunisia to Agrigento in Sicily. This is after Konrad had previously called for housing solutions to be constructed in Austria as hundreds of asylum seekers currently staying at the Traiskirchen reception centre in Lower Austria are sleeping in tents due to overcrowding there.

Education Minister Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek is tasked with devising proposals on how to integrate refugee into Austrian schools. This integration will likely be of the sort that parents of non-Muslim children will have no ability to veto. Integration of school systems never seems to come ‘organically’.

Social Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer will be looking for ways to ease the strictures of employment laws, so as to make it easier for big businesses to employ refugees, and for the purpose of lowering the standards that govern social bargaining at the enterprise and state level, the standards which Austria actually would have had to agree to have upheld upon joining the ERM back in March 1979. So now they have come full circle, and have ended up considering imposing a very ‘American’ form of social bargaining and employment laws, even though the European approach was supposed to have some significant differences.

Under the so-called emergency, the crisis that ‘demands’ compromise, one of the supposed prized qualities of the European labour market, will be dismantled for the benefit of a certain cross section of large companies which see it as being in their interest to use these migrants as a battering ram against any attempts to have any kind of organised labour movement in the continent. It is against this backdrop of the tendencies within the Austrian ruling class, that this bridge proposal is set.

Construction companies

The construction company STRABAG AG would get the contract for the bridge. STRABAG AG is a company that was created through the merger of ILBAU and STRABAG in the 1930s, both being founded by Anton Lerchbaumer. It acquired Deutsche Asphalt Group in 2002, Waltr Bau Group in 2005, it took on a majority stake in Ed Züblin in 2005, Adanti SpA, KIRCHNER Holding GmbH, F. Kirchhoff AG and Deutsche Telekom Immobilien und Service GmbH in 2008.

In 2013 the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic stated that it believed that one of the companies of the STRABAG Group participated in bid rigging cartel of construction companies in that country. Amongst the companies involved in that cartel, was a company called Doprastav a.s., which is part of Doprastav Group. The illegal conduct centred around the D1 Highway which was constructed from 2004 and continued to have work done on it and its surroundings up to at least 2010.

STRABAG is managed by CEO Thomas Birtel. The Chairman of the supervisory board at STRABAG is Alfred Gusenbauer. Alfred Gusenbauer is an Austrian politician who until 2008 had spent his entire professional life as an employee of the Social Democratic Party of Austria or as a parliamentary representative. He headed the Social Democratic Party of Austria from 2000 to 2008, and served as Chancellor of Austria from January 2007 to December 2008. Since then he has positioned himself as a consultant and lecturer, and as a member of supervisory boards of Austrian companies, STRABAG being one of these.

Gusenbauer is known for having exploited the occurrence of the BAWAG Scandal, in which BAWAG—the bank of the Austrian Trade Union Federation—engaged in failed bets using risky undocumented derivative instruments held off-balance-sheet. After the losses became unmanageable, Fritz Verzetnitsch resigned from the Austrian Trade Union Federation in disgrace, and Gusenbauer used this opportunity to exclude all of the Trade Union leaders from the ballot lists of the Social Democratic Party, an action which moved the party to the right structurally.

STRABAG’s Gusenbauer and Austria’s refugee coordinator Christian Konrad obviously are not strangers to each other, seeing as they come from the same party and travel in the same social circles. In the world of business and politics, it’s quite often about who you know and who you’ve worked with. Aside from the fact that STRABAG is one of the largest construction companies in Austria, there is also the political connection that would exist between persons within the state and within that company’s structure.

Russian-Jewish Mafia involvement

A notable stakeholder in STRABAG is Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska, a extremely wealthy Russian oligarch, who—when he is not exploiting the mineral and energy resources of impoverished Asians in Siberia—also has for some reason cultivated over the years a very amicable relationship with people who may or may not be associated with former Russian soldiers who had been veterans in Afghanistan who may be part of the presently existing heroin smuggling operations which have been occurring at an ever-heightening rate since the year 2005.

Additionally, Deripaska has a good relationship with the Russian-Israeli Mafia, which helped him with the purchase of Sayansk aluminium plant in Siberia when he was first starting up as a businessperson in the 1990s. He has a especially tight relationship with the Israeli business and crime figure known as Michael Cherney, who personally assessed Deripaska and pulled the necessary strings on his behalf. Deripaska has since operated in the debt of Cherney and the Russian-Israeli Mafia. Cherney also operates security think tank groups, which may or may not be actually just front groups which allow him and his criminal networks to plug into the stream of intelligence exchanges that go on in the War on Terror, so that he can smuggle contraband through conflict zones with less risk of detection. Cherney also publishes anti-fascist publications through the Michael Cherney Foundation which is registered as a ‘charitable foundation’.

Interfacing with activist groups

The proposal for this Africa-to-Europe 200km long bridge, whose construction contract sits at the centre of all of these groups and individuals, also is associated with a local Austrian ‘anti-racist’ activist group. That group is named Zentrum für Politische Schönheit, which in English is ‘Centre for Political Beauty’.

The Centre for Political Beauty refers to itself as a group that “makes art” for the purpose of encouraging the European peoples to adopt a more liberal-humanitarian outlook on the world. Much of what they do is done for the sake of “not rendering void of the legacy of the Holocaust”. One of their members, Massimo Sestini, is perhaps known to Majorityrights readers because he is one of the persons who has consistently been providing ‘humanistic’ photography of the migrants to various media outlets including the British Newspaper, the Guardian, since at least mid-2014. The power of images cannot be underestimated.

The Centre for Political Beauty takes its activism beyond simply creating static pieces of art, and in fact, merges art with political action while invoking shadows of past events which they believe hold immense sway over the European psyche.

Here are four relevant examples of them merging art with political action:

  • They have removed sections of the Berlin Wall monument, the sections that contain Christian cross logos with names on them. They have removed some of these because they have transferred those crosses to the outer border fences of the European Union, and affixed them there. In some images African migrants are posing with the crosses for photographs. This is a kind of art creation that is apparently supposed to symbolise the idea that the internal wall between the West Germany and East Germany that was removed after the fall of the Berlin Wall, is ontologically the same as the border between Europe and Africa which they believe would be removed after the fall of racially cohesive European identity.

  • They plan to actually cut holes into some segments of the EU border fences on 09 November 2015, during the commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall. This would allow migrants to break through the fences at the precise timing of the celebrations, so that they can link the celebration of one thing, with the celebration of another thing that they plan to superimpose onto it.

  • Since the idea for the creation of a bridge between Africa and Europe is a project that would take them until the year 2030 to complete if it gets started on time and isn’t thwarted in some way, they want to call on Austria to supply state funding for 1,000 rescue platforms to be permanently installed into international waters between North Africa and Italy. The first one of these platforms will be unveiled in the water on 01 October 2015, in Licata Harbour. The press will be invited at 0630 on that day.

  • Dead African and Middle Eastern bodies will be exhumed and transported from the sea and into the capital city of Germany. The bodies will be displayed and placed into open shallow graves in plain view, so that persons running the media operation can then talk about the ongoing crisis in terms that have allusions to the narratives of the Jewish Holocaust.

They are absolutely serious. It would not be hyperbolic to say that the intention behind these actors who have come together to make these things happen, is that they would like to inflict extreme demographic damage onto the European Union.

The resources being allocated to these plans, and all such operations, stand in stark contrast to the fact that countries in the South of Europe have been placed under austerity policies so harsh that civil society in countries like Greece are breaking down, and money allocated to even basic state functions like national defence have been so low that the topic of whether enough counties are meeting the basic NATO obligations is often raised.

Yet, mysteriously, certain richer state governments of north-western and south-central Europe seem to be very capable of sourcing funds for extravagant migrant rescue operations and even funds for building a 200km long bridge. Where is it coming from? It’s coming from your bank account via taxation.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.

National Review gets punched on both sides of its face again.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sunday, 27 September 2015 12:53.

Vietnamese Socialists
Why not? Seriously, why not? It’s all the same to the conservatives at the National Review, right? That’s what they themselves are saying! So let’s do this.

After being heckled on Twitter for being an apparent ‘cuckservative’ or something to that effect, National Review contributor David French decided to take to the safe space that is whatever CMS the National Review uses, to write out a long and rambling article where he claims that the ‘far-right’ and the ‘far-left’ are the same thing because they both disagree with him on the racialised-classised nature of reality itself, and they both disagree with him on the exact same issue for the exact same reason.

It has not crossed David French’s mind yet that the reason that both the ‘far-right’ and the ‘far-left’ disagree with the National Review, is because the National Review is denying biological realities while clinging desperately to a portrait of Jesus of Nazareth.

It’s almost like no one at the National Review has even the slightest sense of self-awareness.

Not even a little bit.

See here:

The National Review / David French, ’‘Cuckservative’ Has Got to Go’, 18 Sep 2015 (emphasis added):


Conservatives should reject those on both extremes of the spectrum. We defend a culture, not a race. The foundation of that culture is a faith that makes no distinction among races but rather declares, unequivocally, “All are one, in Christ Jesus.” Shunning the slur disempowers the trolls and forces the radical Left to confront the race hatred that fuels its own rage.

The last time conservatives tried that one, they got punched in the head from both sides. That’s what happens when their argument is trash.

But since ‘far-right’ and ‘far-left’ are all the same to David French now, I might as well quote Leon Trotsky being correct about a thing which is obvious, since it doesn’t really matter which side of the spectrum I choose to source this argument from:

Leon Trotsky, ‘Their Morals and Ours’, 01 Jun 1938 (emphasis added):

And who are all these democratic moralists? Ideologists of intermediary layers who have fallen, or are in fear of falling between the two fires. The chief traits of the prophets of this type are alienism to great historical movements, a hardened conservative mentality, smug narrowness, and a most primitive political cowardice. More than anything moralists wish that history should leave them in peace with their petty books, little magazines, subscribers, common sense, and moral copy books. But history does not leave them in peace. It cuffs them now from the left, now from the right. ‘Clearly’ – revolution and reaction, Czarism and Bolshevism, communism and fascism, Stalinism and Trotskyism – are all ‘twins’. Whoever doubts this may feel the symmetrical skull bumps upon both the right and left sides of these very moralists.


Moralists of the Anglo-Saxon type, in so far as they do not confine themselves to rationalist utilitarianism, the ethics of bourgeois bookkeeping, appear conscious or unconscious students of Viscount Shaftesbury, who at the beginning of the 18th century deduced moral judgments from a special “moral sense” supposedly once and for all given to man. Supra-class morality inevitably leads to the acknowledgment of a special substance, of a ’’moral sense’’, ’’conscience’’, some kind of absolute which is nothing more than the philosophic-cowardly pseudonym for god. Independent of “ends”, that is, of society, morality, whether we deduce it from eternal truths or from the “nature of man”, proves in the end to be a form of “natural theology”. Heaven remains the only fortified position for military operations against dialectic materialism.


Classical philosophic idealism in so far as it aimed in its time to secularize morality, that is, to free it from religious sanction, represented a tremendous step forward (Hegel). But having torn from heaven, moral philosophy had to find earthly roots. To discover these roots was one of the tasks of materialism. After Shaftesbury came Darwin, after Hegel—Marx. To appeal now to “eternal moral truths” signifies attempting to turn the wheels backward.

That’s completely applicable as a description of what the National Review is doing.

Of course, Leon Trotsky is not the only person who has said this. Much like how Leon Trotsky is not the only person who has announced that fire is hot.

Since conservatives, or ‘cuckservatives’ if you like, refuse to learn the basic building blocks of reality and apply them, I anticipate that we will all meet David French once again somewhere out there, and David French will once again find himself being punched on both sides of his face, from both the left and the right.

Hungary seizes migrant train from Croatia, disarms Croatian police, arrests migrants

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sunday, 20 September 2015 09:09.

All of the Croats have been arrested, and the migrant trains have been stopped., ‘Hungary seizes migrant train from Croatia, disarms 40 Croatian police and arrests train driver’, 18 Sep 2015:

Hungarian authorities seized a train bringing migrants into the country from Croatia, disarmed 40 police on board and detained the driver after over 4,000 migrants arrived across their border, the head of the Hungarian disaster unit said.

Gyorgy Bakondi told reporters the Croatian train that shipped the refugees and migrants to Magyarboly came without any prior notice, like the rest of the new arrivals coming on other trains and on buses.

Hungary registered and disarmed the 40 police who escorted the train, he said according to a video posted on M1 state television’s website.


The row between the two countries and their respective handling of the migration crisis has deepened as Hungary’s foreign minister on Friday accused Croatia of pushing migrants to break the law by “illegally” breaching Hungarian borders.

“Rather than respecting the laws in place in the EU, they (Croatia), are encouraging the masses to break the law, because illegally crossing a border is breaking the law,” said Peter Szijjarto, speaking in Belgrade following talks with his Serbian counterpart. [...]

It seems to be a matter of incentives here. The Croats are trying to avoid having to deal with the problem by sending the migrants deeper into the European Union, because they don’t want to have to keep and process the migrants that have already entered Croatia. Hungary’s way of dealing with the migrants is to block entry with a ‘fast solution fence’ along all the areas that are not separated from other countries by a river.

If Hungary continues to maintain its position, they may create a domino effect of incentives whereby all other countries will have to erect fences that face outward, and move migrants outward after processing and declining their refugee applications, rather than just passing the buck ever deeper into the continent.

Providing that this continues, Hungary may be seen as having done a lot to save Europe from disaster.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.

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