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Euro-DNA Nations - an introductory discussion [Part 2]

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 18 March 2019 05:00.

Audio/Visual Files Now Found on Bitchute!


Here is the Bitchute Version (Audio/Video Removed from Yoube).

Euro-DNA Nations - an introductory discussion [Part 2]

All Audio Visual Files of Theoria and Praxis of European/White Ethnonationalism 1 - 4b Complete.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 14 March 2019 07:32.

Bitchute File Part 1 Audio

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                      Part 2c Audio                                Part 2d Audio

      Part 3a Audio          Part 3b Audio        Part 4a Audio  Part 4b Audio

Guillaume Faye Remembered: November 7, 1949–March 7, 2019

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 09 March 2019 06:07.

Remembering Guillaume Faye: November 7, 1949–March 7, 2019

Article by Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents:

1,241 words

I was deeply saddened to learn today of the death of French New Right philosopher and polemicist Guillaume Faye after a battle with cancer. Faye had been sick for some time, but he was so focused on writing what will now be his last book that he postponed seeing a doctor until it was complete. When he finally sought medical attention, he was diagnosed with stage four cancer. There is no stage five. Guillaume Faye gave his life for his work, and his work for Europe.

Faye, like New Rightists and White Nationalists in European societies around the globe, was motivated by a sense of danger: the reigning system — liberal, democratic, capitalist, egalitarian, globalist — has set the white race in all of its homelands on the path to extinction through declining birthrates and race replacement through immigration and miscegenation. If we are to survive, we must understand this system, critique it, and frame an alternative that will secure the survival and flourishing of our race. Then we need to figure out how we can actually implement these ideas.

I like Faye’s approach for a number of reasons.

First, Faye thinks big. He wants to take all of Europe back for Europeans. I completely agree with this aim. Furthermore, to secure the existence of Europe against the other races and power blocs, Faye envisions the creation of a vast “Eurosiberian” Imperium, stretching from Iceland to the Pacific, with a federated system of government and an autarkic economy. He believes that only such an imperium will be equal to the challenges posed by the other races in a world of burgeoning populations and shrinking resources. As I argue in my essay “Grandiose Nationalism,” I think that such ideas are neither necessary nor practical and they entail dangers of their own. But nobody can fault them for visionary boldness.

Second, Faye thinks racially. His answer to the question “Who are we?” is ultimately racial, not cultural, religious, or subracial: white people are a vast, extended family descending from the original inhabitants of Europe after the last Ice Age. There are, of course, cultural and subracial identities that are also worth preserving within a federated imperium, but not at the expense of the greater racial whole.

Third, Faye is not a Luddite, primitivist, or Hobbit. He values our heritage, but he is attracted less to external social and cultural forms than to the vital drives that created them and express themselves in them. He also wishes to do justice to European man’s Faustian drive toward exploration, adventure, science, and technology. His “archeofuturism” seeks to fuse vital, archaic, biologically-based values with modern science and technology.

Fourth, Faye turns the idea of collapse into something more than a deus ex machina, a kind of Rapture for racists. We know a priori that an unsustainable system cannot be sustained forever and that some sort of collapse is inevitable. But Faye provides a detailed and systematic and crushingly convincing analysis of how the present system may well expire from a convergence of catastrophes. Of course, we need to be ready when the collapse comes. We need a clear metapolitical framework and an organized, racially conscious community to step into the breach, or when the present system collapses, it will simply be replaced with a rebranded form of the same ethnocidal regime.

Fifth, Faye is a strong critic of Christianity as the primary fount of the moral universalism, egalitarianism, and individualism that are at the root of our decline.

The only really fundamental disagreement I have with Faye was on the Jewish question. His views are closer to those of Jared Taylor, whereas mine are closer to those of Kevin MacDonald.

I only met Faye once, at the 2006 American Renaissance conference, where we had a couple of enjoyable conversations. We corresponded occasionally before and after that meeting. One of my treasured possessions is a copy of Faye’s first book, Le Système à tuer les peuples (Copernic, 1981), which he had given to Savitri Devi. Unfortunately, he was never able to locate his brief correspondence with Savitri. Perhaps it will come to light in his papers, which should be carefully preserved. If European man has a future, it will be due in no small part to Faye’s works. He belongs to history now, and future European generations will look dimly upon us if we fail to conserve and carry on his legacy.

Counter-Currents will publish several memorial tributes to Faye in the coming days. In the meantime, I wish simply to draw your attention to many pieces by and about Faye at Counter-Currents.

By Guillaume Faye:

“Call to Young Europeans,” trans. Greg Johnson (Translations: Czech, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish)
“The Cause of the Peoples?,” trans. Michael O’Meara
“The Conquest of Europe Begins,” trans. Guillaume Durocher
“Cosmopolis: The West as Nowhere,” trans. Greg Johnson
“From Dusk to Dawn,” trans. Michael O’Meara
“The Essence of Archaism,” trans. Irmin Vinson
“The Geopolitics of Ethnopolitics: The Concept of Eurosiberia,” trans. Greg Johnson
“Guillaume Faye on Nietzsche,” trans. Greg Johnson (Czech translation here)
“The Intentional Genocide of European Peoples?,” trans. Greg Johnson (Spanish trans. here)
Interview on Dominique Venner, trans. Greg Johnson (Spanish trans.)
Interview with Guillaume Faye
“The Islamic Conquest of Europe,” trans. Irmin Vinson
“Islamism is Less Dangerous than Islam,” trans. Greg Johnson
“Jihadist Carnage in Paris,” Part 1 (Spanish trans.), Part 2, trans. Greg Johnson
“The Lesson of Carl Schmitt,” with Robert Steuckers, trans. Greg Johnson
“Macron: Artifact and Puppet,” trans. Guillaume Durocher
“Mars and Hephaestus: The Return of History,” trans. Greg Johnson (Russian translation here)
“The Migratory Invasion,” Part 1 (Spanish trans.), Part 2 (Spanish trans.), Part 3 (Spanish trans,), trans. Greg Johnson
“On the Essence of War,” trans. Greg Johnson
“On the Russian Annexation of Crimea,” trans. Greg Johnson (Czech trans.)
“People” (from Why We Fight)
“State and Society,” trans. Greg Johnson
“Ten Untimely Ideas,” trans. Michael O’Meara
“Traditionalism: This is the Enemy!,” trans. Greg Johnson
“Tribute to Dominique Venner,” trans. Greg Johnson (Translations Czech, Greek, Spanish)
“Trump: Revolution or Simulacrum?” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, trans. Guillaume Durocher
“Ukraine: Understanding the Russian Position,” trans. Greg Johnson
About Guillaume Faye:

Francis Alexander, “Toward Euro-Siberia” (Portuguese translation here)
F. Roger Devlin, “The Rectification of Names: Guillaume Faye’s Why We Fight”
F. Roger Devlin, “A Serious Case: Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism”
Jack Donovan, “‘Corporatism’ or Mercantilism?”
Ricardo Duchesne, “The European New Right and its Animus Against Western Civ”
Georges Feltin-Tracol, “Back to the Future: Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism”
Andrew Hamilton, “Pan-Nationalism”
Thomas Jackson, “Life After the Collapse: Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism”
Greg Johnson, “Grandiose Nationalism” (Translations: French, German, Russian, Spanish)
Greg Johnson, “Project Septentrion: The Last Line of Defense” (French originals here)
Greg Johnson, “Review of Michael O’Meara’s Guillaume Faye and the Battle of Europe” (Czech translation here)
Greg Johnson, “Theory and Practice” (Translations: French, Polish)
Julian Langness, “Desired Storms: Guillaume Faye’s The Colonisation of Europe”
Robert Lind, “A Field Day for the Titanic Pessimist: A Review of Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism 2.0”
Michael O’Meara, “Europe’s Enemy: Islam or America? Guillaume Faye’s Le coup d’Etat mondial”
Michael O’Meara, Foreword to Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism
Michael O’Meara, “Guillaume Faye and the Jews”
Michael O’Meara, “The New Jewish Question of Guillaume Faye”
Michael O’Meara, “Preparing for World War III: Guillaume Faye’s Avant-Guerre”
Michael O’Meara, “Sex and Derailment: Guillaume Faye’s Sexe et Devoiement”
Michael O’Meara, “The Transitional Program: Guillaume Faye’s Mon Programme”
Michael O’Meara, “The Widening Gyre: Guillaume Corvus’ La convergence des catastrophes”
Christopher Pankhurst, “Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism 2.0”
Christopher Pankhurst, “Guillaume Faye’s Sex and Deviance”
Michael Walker, “Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism”

Related at Majorityrights:

Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance

Review call: Guillaume’s Faye’s Why We Fight

Why we fight

Rapper films girlfriend crying-out for parents hours before overdose death, 400 meters from hospital

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 07 February 2019 06:09.

A court today heard Louella’s boyfriend, Ceon Broughton, pictured with Louella above,  gave her a ‘bumped up’ dose of the class A substance and ‘failed to act’ for six hours. Court shown harrowing footage of Louella as she overdosed. Rapper sent texts to friends as girlfriend died.

Daily Mail, “Rapper boyfriend of Holby City star’s daughter ‘filmed her dying and called her a drama queen after he gave her psychedelic drug at Bestival - but didn’t call 999 in case he was arrested”, 5 Feb 2019:

- Ceon Broughton, 29, denies the manslaughter of Louella Fletcher-Michie, 25

- He ‘filmed Louella during and after she died but said she was a drama queen’

- She was found unresponsive on edge of festival site, at Lulworth Castle, Dorset

- Her father John Michie raced to camp after hearing her ‘screeching’ on phone

The daughter of Holby City actor John Michie was left to die from a drugs overdose by her rapper boyfriend who didn’t seek help ‘because he didn’t want to be arrested’, a court heard today.

Former Coronation Street star Michie, 62, and his wife Carol Fletcher made a 130-mile dash to musical festival Bestival as their daughter Louella Fletcher-Michie was dying after taking party drug 2C-P.

A court today heard Louella’s ex-boyfriend, Ceon Broughton, gave her a ‘bumped up’ dose of the class A substance and ‘failed to act’ for six hours despite her needing urgent medical care.

Instead Broughton, 29, stayed in a secluded wooded area with Louella as her condition severely worsened and made a series of video recordings of her on his mobile phone. 

Louella and Ceon (bottom right together) at a family dinner with, clockwise from left: Her actor father John, his wife Carol, brother Sam, sister Daisy and her boyfriend Jamie Jamieson.

Her brother, Sam, contacted Broughton urging him to seek medical help. But Broughton sent Sam a message which said ‘call back in an hour’ and referred to Louella as a ‘drama queen’, the court heard.

Broughton, who has recorded with top rap artists Skepta and Wiley, even filmed Louella after she died - an hour before her 25th birthday.

Jurors were today shown 15 minutes of the shocking footage, in a series of clips. At one point he recorded non-stop for 51 minutes of the evening. Louella could be seen shouting loudly, repeating incoherent sentences and even hitting herself.

The hospital area of Bestival in Lulworth Castle, Dorset, was just 400 metres from the wooded spot where Louella died.

Prosecutor William Mousley QC said Broughton had been given a suspended sentence a month before the incident on September 10, 2017, and didn’t seek help as he ‘didn’t want to be arrested’.

Mr Mousley QC said Broughton ‘put his own liberty before her life’ and said his ‘failure to get her treatment was borne out of selfishness and self-preservation’. He also revealed medical experts believe Louella would have had a 90 per cent chance of survival if she had been given treatment.

Louella Fletcher-Michie was found dead after taking party drug 2CP at the Bestival siteLouella’s boyfriend, Ceon Broughton, gave her a ‘bumped up’ dose of the class A substance and ‘failed to act’ for six hours despite her needing urgent medical care, the court heard.

Louella could be seen shouting loudly, repeating incoherent sentences and even hitting herself in a series of clips

Jurors were shown videos of dancer Louella visibly distressed from the effects of 2C-P and heard Broughton had texted a friend saying ‘I can’t get bagged’ in reference to being arrested.

He also ignored messages from Mr Michie and Louella’s brother urging him to get help after he had spoken to Mrs Fletcher-Michie on the phone and she realised her daughter was unwell.


New cases of child rape revealed in Finland – President says asylum seekers brought evil with them

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 17:08.

Voice of Europe, Jan 2019:

New cases of child rape revealed in Finland – President says asylum seekers brought evil with them

A number of cases of rape and abuse of children, with foreign perpetrators, have been revealed in Oulu in the northern parts of Finland since last autumn, Fria Tider reports.

The police are investigating another four cases with girls under the age of 15, where three perpetrators of foreign background have been arrested suspected of rape and serious sexual abuse of children.

In all cases, the suspects have background as refugees or asylum seekers.

And now the police in Helsinki have arrested several migrants suspected of serious rape and serious sexual abuse of children. The crimes have been committed in the last two months.

No direct link with the cases in Oulu is currently known.

Finland’s Prime Minister Juha Sipilä wrote on Twitter: “As a result of the inhuman and reprehensible events in Oulu and Helsinki, the Government will meet next week in negotiations both on Tuesday and Friday.”

“It is unbearable that people who have asked for and even received asylum from us have brought such evil and caused unsafety here“, the country’s President Sauli Niinistö said in a statement.

Helsinki police point out the importance of parents informing their children to be cautious on social media, where the foreign rapists find their victims.

New Years Eve 2018/19 on Poznan’s Old Market Square

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 01 January 2019 18:12.

Minutes into the new year, 2019 on Poznan’s Old Market Square

The minutes leading up to and moment of the change to the New Year in Poznan’s Old Market…

I don’t know why I stopped the video there (Part1), shouldn’t have ...but I did resume a second part a minute or two later…

Poznan’s Old Market Square is the best place for New Years that I’ve ever been. It’s actually not “the place to go” for New Years and consequently, it turns out to be optimal: not too crowded and yet more than festive enough to enjoy locals on an interpersonal scale, in their merriment:

Tour of Poznan, Poland’s Central Market Square on 100th Anniversary of the Wielkapolska Uprising

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 02 December 2018 05:01.

Begins in Poznan’s central market square with imagery commemorating The Polish Uprising of 1918/19; then goes up the adjacent hill to the castle where the first nobility of Poland lived; then shows Club Dragon; past Sienkiewicz museum (right foreground at 9:25, though I neglect to mention it in video), back into the market square to the Ratusz, into it’s renaissance salon; then into the Fara church; a peek into the archaeological museum; and into the market square again; finally, back to display of Pilsudski’s uprising where the tour began.


Hitler was Not WN Part 5: Indignant Response to the Greater Poland Uprising

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 06:00.

Innocent until proven guilty we are.

Nobody alive should be presumed guilty and made to suffer and pay with their lives and ethnonationhood, even if it is true that forebears may have over corrected, even vastly. Where people manifest traits of prior generations so as to act criminally, as homicidal imperial supremacists, that’s another matter.

Until then, it is a general UN agreement that collective punishment is not valid….let alone for the historical misdeeds of regimes from prior generations.

Nevertheless, the vast wounds, the gaping chasms of genetic capital that many may vaguely perceive as family and loved ones lost, yearn over, if not feel acutely - these losses in our genetic capital will likely well up through our unconscious and conscious systemically and must be recognized.

That caveat having been issued, having absolved present generations, we will move on to correct the record of imperialist misdeeds of prior generations and attempted cover-ups by a more recent generation.

We will be addressing the notion that Hitler and the Nazis were acting in sheer defense and that they were making bonafide peace offerings, that the Allies were the true aggressors.

To get a more accurate and fair understanding of the sources of the conflict, we need to be fairly comprehensive about the history - will begin with the more recent history and work back into historical origins… reversing the usual Nazi sympathetic order of historical survey, from Versailles to the present, as if history started there.

We will indeed begin with that fairly recent history of the conflict of imperialism and nationalism, The Treaty of Versaille’s division of national boundaries…and then we’ll work back into the relevant histories from there. Most Westerners don’t really know that in addition to the Treaty of Saint Germain’s retention of the Sudetanland for Czech, that there were only a handful relevant cities that Versailles designated for Poland and one neutral - Danzig - that Hitler was disputing or claiming as eminently warranted to recapture.

In addition to that area of Czech and those few cities of Poland, there were only villages and areas occupied by Germans within what would be a necessary corridor to the Polish nation for strategic and economic access to the sea; but there was the additional factor to their having historical claim and value to national morale, issues which we will address as well.

The common idea spread among White Nationalists that the Versailles borders were thoughtlessly drawn, arbitrarily taking land from Germany that Hitler merely and justifiably wanted back for Germany is far from beyond question; nor is it accurate to say that his designs stopped there.

        Frederick “The Great"s imperialist and supremacist stance with regard to Poland.

Regarding territory granted to Poland, we are are talking about a handful of cities of appreciable size - Bromberg, Thorn, Posen, Gaudzen, Kulm, Gessen and a smaller one, Lisa, along with one being made into a free city, Danzig, that the Nazis and their sympathizers would dispute as rallying propaganda, as “rightfully German.”. ..and “places where the Poles demonstrated their pugnaciousness against Germans.” We’ve touched upon Danzig, setting it out as a central issue for elaboration later…

Daily Telegraph, “Can German and Polish claims to Danzig be reconciled?” - May 5, 1939

Are we to realise soon the significance of Frederick the Great’s words, “Who rules over the mouth of the Vistula, rules over Poland better than the King of Poland himself”? Herr Hitler received a birthday gift of the freedom of Danzig. It remains to be seen whether this will involve Danzig’s receiving the “freedom” of Herr Hitler.

The answer, of course, was no, Hitler would not grant Danzig its freedom and he thought of it much the same as did Frederick the Great. We’ll talk about the history of Polish Gdansk and the conflict between Germans and Polish in history which seem largely to have been sparked over Danzig to begin with.

Poznan, where the first Polish kings are buried.

Suffice it to say, Roman Dmowski, called the father of Polish nationalism and a representative of Poland at Versailles, thought Danzig should be Polish, as it was in 1793 when Frederick the Great took it away for Prussia.

Having set the issue of Danzig out, lets set forth disputes which should have been more clear to the Polish side - Poznan and Gniezno.


Poznan is the original founding city of Polish nationhood - in fact, the first Polish kings are buried there; nearby Gniezno represented its consecration into Christendom, which at the time was corollary to the birth of nationhood.


Fort VII, Poznan, where the Nazis exacted revenge against intelligentsia of the Greater Polish Uprising and experimented with their first gas chambers.

Leszno, another smallish Polish city near Poznan, took in some Czech refugees from the German slaughter of Czechs in the Thirty Years War - which we will discuss as a likely historical factor in the Treaty of Saint Germain’s figuring, logistical and historical calculation that the Sudetenland should remain part of Bohemia. But for now, we just need to mention that these three cities, Poznan, Gniezno and Leszno would be among those audaciously retaken by Pilsudski and the Poles in the Greater Poland Uprising of 1918-19….. and confirmed though correctly by Versailles as Polish, would cause great consternation and will to revenge on the part of Hitler and the Nazis.

In fact, those who were partisans or military intelligentsia in this uprising were targeted by the Nazis two decades later, killed in places like Poznan’s Fort VII.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:27. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:00. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:58. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 19:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:46. (View)

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