Majorityrights News > Category: White Genocide: America

Thank You, Michelle Goldberg (For admitting that you really do want to replace us).

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 30 October 2018 07:24.

Thank You, Michelle Goldberg

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, October 30, 2018

For admitting that you really do want to replace us.

All white advocates should salute The New York Times. Week after week, one author after another openly declares his intention to replace us with non-white immigrants. It’s nice to know where we stand, and to know we were right all along.

A few weeks ago, it was Charles Blow.

Today, it was Michelle Goldberg, in an op-ed with the blunt title, “We Can Replace Them.”


Trump Predicts Many Black Presidents for USA

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 27 October 2018 19:17.

US President Donald Trump has predicted that America is going to have many black presidents in the future—a claim which is certain to come true as that country’s under 18 population becomes majority nonwhite in just two years’ time.

New Observer, “Trump Predicts Many Black Presidents for USA” 27 Oct 2018:

Speaking during the “2018 Young Black Leadership Summit” held at the White House on October 26 (note there is no “Young White Leadership Summit,” because that would be racist), Trump told several hundred black Republican supporters that it was “great, great honor” to host them in the White House.

“So you are really very special people. I wanted to say that before our little talk, and I appreciate the time you’ve given me, and boy, one—one day, one of you is going to be standing—it could be three or four of you, actually. But you’re going to be standing right here. You’re going to be standing right here.

“I have no doubt. I have no doubt. Who—who in this room, who in this room wants to be president some day? So it’s an ambitious group. It’s an ambitious group. That’s great.”

“Seeing all of you here today fills me with an extraordinary confidence in America’s future, and the great, great future of our country. Each of you is taking part in the Young Black Leadership Summit because you are true leaders on your campuses, in your churches and in your communities.

“You are leaders. Leaders of the future. You’re leaders of the present, also. Remember that. You’re leaders of youth. But it’s—it’s really something, to be your age and where are you standing? In the White House. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. And each of you is playing a historic role in making America great again for all Americans.”

According to US Census Bureau predictions from March 2018, the US is set to become majority nonwhite by 2045—or in just 27 years’ time.

During that year, the US Census Bureau said, “whites” will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial population.

Because nonwhites as a group are younger than whites, the minority white tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups. The census projections indicate that, for youth under 18–the post-millennial population–nonwhites will outnumber whites in 2020—just two years away.


For those age 18-29–members of the younger labor force and voting age populations–the tipping point will occur in 2027.

By 2060, the census projects whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under age 18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent.

This prediction uses the infamously inaccurate federal definition of “white,” so the actual number of whites is sure to be even less than the official statistics.

These figures show clearly that unless white Americans start congegrating in an area and actively prepare for a balkanization of that country, they face obliteration at the hands of the growing Third World population.

Why your internet bubble protects the lies and illusion of Hitler/Nazi redemption.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 23 October 2018 06:01.

Interesting that if one so much as intimates the slightest defense of Poland (e.g., against chauvinism and imperialism) that you will project your mindless German chauvinism (a troll commentor had said that I am a “mindless Polish chauvinist” and that is why MR is unpopular); with a reactionary part of a large demographic under more direct pressure of PC lies, thus going with the pretense that it cares for sheer truth by reaction - it is backed by Jewry as the third default position:

1) Sheer liberalism is their preferred position for Whites (direct betrayal of Whites and White atomization).

2) Christianity as it places Whites mindlessly under the yoke of Abrahamic law (the golden rule is mindless; the gentiles are not ethnicity organized as such).

3) Failing that, they will encourage Nazism - the clear chauvinism - as they know it will repulse most normal people and lead to antagonism among Whites where not otherwise sending us headlong into disaster. ..perhaps take care of some ‘traitorous’ Jews all too intermarried with Germans, Poles, other ‘goyim.’

4) Failing that they will encourage sundry and motley no-account, right wing reactions that help to atomize would-be White organization and coordination:

a) No account scientism and objectivism for the higher I.Q.

b) Conspiracy theories; and ideologies beyond reality and verification for the less intelligent;
or to cover that part of their intelligence that isn’t (lacks judgment).

I am not lonely, but your bubble that appears as camaraderie is based on illusion and lies; along with (((marketing))) of tropes and memes in YKW interest.

Enabling some stupid dude like yourself to absurdly accuse me of “mindless Polish chauvinism”, if I defend ethnonationalism.

Nor am I a chauvinist of any kind. I’m ethnonationalist, defending ethnonationalism of all kinds, but the European kind and its coordination to begin with.

Nazism is the clear imperialist supremacism, programmatic of disaster. And scientism - viz., scientistic reaction - is the mindlessness that lets it be guided headlong to disaster. Get with the reality of praxis instead, get with the ethnonational program.

J.F. Gariepy: “One of the major historians of World War II” Thomas Goodrich: “From what I’ve read..

..from what I’ve read it was a virtual massacre of German residents living in areas under Polish control.”

J.F. Gariepy: “Alright, so that would be quite shocking.”    Thomas Goodrich: “Or maybe”...

The real question is why recycled Nazi propaganda has any sort of currency today and why it should have any credibility beyond your typical Internet lunatic fringe.

For the answer, return to the top of the page and read again (further orienting clue, it’s part and parcel of the YKW’s interest in having Whites identify with right wing reaction).

US passes law forcing president to give Israel minimum $3.8 billion a year, no matter what it does.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 02 October 2018 06:43.

New Observer, “New US Law Obliges Americans to Pay Unlimited Billions to Israel”, 1 Oct 2018:

In what has been described as an “unprecedented gift of executive power to Israel,” the US Congress has passed for the very first time a law that forces the American president to give Israel a minimum of $3.8 billion per year—without limitation and no matter what Israel does.

Passed by the House of Representatives on September 12, 2018, the “United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018” rolls back any limitations that the US places on the amount of “aid” American taxpayers must hand over to Israel.

The bill states in “Sec. 102. Statement of Policy) that it “shall be the policy of the United States to provide assistance to the Government of Israel in order to support funding for cooperative programs to develop, produce, and procure missile, rocket, projectile, and other defense capabilities to help Israel meet its security needs and to help develop and enhance United States defense capabilities.”

According to a review of the law published by the If Americans Knew group, the AIPAC-lobbied law, introduced by Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Florida), whose maternal grandparents were Sephardic Jews, originally from the Ottoman Empire, who had been active in Cuba’s Jewish community, and Ted Deutch (D-Florida), whose grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Belarus, the bill is “even more generous to Israel than the Senate bill and the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding and “amounts to $7,230 per minute to Israel, or $120 per second.”

The If Americans Knew review adds that the bill “guarantees $38 billion to Israel over the next ten years” and “is a dramatic departure from the deal offered under President Obama’s 2016 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

“Most dramatically, this new act would eviscerate the ability of President Trump and his successors for the next ten years to withhold United States aid to Israel,” the review continued.

More at New Observer.

Sexists, racists, and other classes of classifiers: Form and function of “...Ist” accusations

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 01 October 2018 07:41.

W. Barnett Pearce

Sexists, racists, and other classes of classifiers: Form and function of “...Ist” accusations

by Julia T. Wood and W. Barnett Pearce

An “. . . ist” accusation indicts an individual as a racist, sexist, or other “. . . ist” whose thoughts and/or acts discriminate on the basis of class membership. The self‐reflexively paradoxical structure of “. . . ist” accusations precludes refutation, but response is possible. Pragmatic and moral implications of alternative responses to “. . . ist” accusations are evaluated.

Quarterly Journal of Speech, Volume 66, 1980 - Issue 3. Brief provided by Taylor & Francis Online

In late 1989, I wrote to W. Barnett Pearce to discuss his work and how it might resolve problems that I was struggling with. Noting my struggles with accusations of ‘racism’ and ‘sexism’ - and having compassion! - he sent me this article, so on target and deft in the manner which it handled my concerns, that it demonstrated unequivocally that his was a discipline that I needed to be apprised of. Indeed, this article provided two of the most important clues for my WN advocacy. The first being that ‘race’ is (in an important regard) a matter of classification - at very least being treated as such by people who mattered, particularly by our foes, but also by our people, where they know what is good and necessary for them. Secondly, as the blurb above hints at, our antagonists can always shift its paradoxical structure to their anti-White agenda:

Viz., if you say, “no, I don’t discriminate based on race, sex, etc. I judge everyone on their individual merit”, then they will charge you with being disingenuous, willfully ignoring “the long history of discrimination, oppression and exploitation of these groups.”

But then, on the other hand, if you take the measure of saying, “ok, lets take that into account and use, say, affirmative action to help these groups into positions in which they are under-represented”, then you are classifying and a racist by definition.

Along with that article, Pearce sent me another one regarding The Problematic Practices of Feminism: An Interpretive Critical Analysis, Communications Quarterly, 1984, with Sharon M. Rossi

- which I found ironic, that being the exact name (same year as well) of the girlfriend of mine who drove me to psychic melt-down.

Anyway, the (very helpful) gist of that article, which I’ve noted several times before, is that within the context of liberal feminism, even a well intentioned man can always be put into the wrong:

You can always be treated as either a wimp or a pig, no matter what you do as a man.

If you try to treat her with deference, gentleness, help and respect, then you can be looked upon as a wimp and a condescending patriarch who does not respect her strength, agency and autonomy.

On the other hand, if you treat her as one of the boys, respecting her toughness and autonomy, then you can be looked upon as a pig, a male chauvinist pig, not respecting the special quality of her gender, but rather a male chauvinist pig, projecting the hegemony of your patriarchical world view over all and everyone.

Now Biggest Donor in all of US Politics, Sheldon Adelson Brings an Israel First Agenda to Washington

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 29 September 2018 18:36.

MPN News, 28 Sept 2018:

Meet your new overlord.

Now Biggest Donor in all of US Politics, Sheldon Adelson Brings an Israel First Agenda to Washington

Adelson’s massive expenditures in federal elections this cycle are being made because he believes that Republican control of the House and the Senate is vital to maintaining right-wing and pro-Zionist policies and his influence in Washington and at the White House.

by Whitney Webb

WASHINGTON – According to publicly available campaign finance data, Sheldon Adelson – the conservative, Zionist, casino billionaire –is now the biggest spender on federal elections in all of American politics. Adelson, who was the top donor to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Republican Party in 2016, has cemented his role as the top political donor in the country after giving $55 million in recent months to Republicans in an effort to help the party keep its majority in both houses of Congress.

Adelson’s willingness to help the GOP stay in power is likely born out of his desire to protect the massive investment he placed in the party last election cycle. In 2016, the Republican mega-donor gave heavily to the Trump campaign and Republicans, donating $35 million to the former and $55 million to the top two Republican Super PACs — the Congressional Leadership Fund and the Senate Leadership Fund — during that election cycle.

Adelson’s decision to again donate tens of millions of dollars to Republican efforts to stay in power is a direct consequence of how successfully he has been able to influence US policy since Trump and the GOP rode to victory in the last election cycle.

A New York Times article on Adelson, titled “Sheldon Adelson Sees a Lot to Like in Trump’s Washington,” notes that Adelson “enjoys a direct line to the president.” Furthermore, Adelson and Trump regularly meet once a month “in private in-person meetings and phone conversations” that Adelson has used to push major changes to U.S. policy that Trump has made reality — such as moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and cutting aid to Palestinian refugees, among others.

Adelson’s new title as the top spender in all U.S. elections shows that he, along with his wife, is willing to spend big to keep that direct line open in the months and years ahead. Citing sources close to the Adelsons, the Times writes that the Adelsons’ massive expenditures in federal elections this cycle are being made because he and his wife believe that “Republican control of the House and the Senate is so vital to maintaining these [right-wing and pro-Zionist] policies” and their influence in Washington and at the White House.

Sheldon Adelson arrives prior to US President Donald Trump’s speech at the Israel museum in Jerusalem, May 23, 2017. Sebastian Scheiner | AP

“Pleased as punch”

The fact that Adelson is “pleased-as-punch” with Trump’s performance as president should hardly come as a surprise, given that the president has fulfilled his campaign promises that were of prime importance to Adelson, while many of his other campaign promises – namely those that were populist or anti-war in nature – have rung hollow.

These Adelson-promoted policies include the moving of the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which Adelson had aggressively promoted and even helped to finance, as well as removing the U.S. from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as the Iran nuclear deal. Another recent policy move bearing Adelson’s fingerprints is the U.S. decision to withdraw its funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), as Adelson once infamously stated that “there’s no such thing as a Palestinian.”


New FBI Crime Statistics: List Hispanic, North African and ‘Middle Eastern’ Criminals as White.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 27 September 2018 16:29.

“New FBI Crime Statistics: Whites Blamed for Hispanic, North African and ‘Middle Eastern’ Crime”

New Observer, 27 Sept 2018:

The newly-released FBI “Crime in the U.S.” Report for 2017 has once again deliberately added all Hispanic (including all gangs such as “MS-13”), North African, and “Middle Eastern” crimes to the “White” category as part of the federal government’s ongoing efforts to disguise the fact that the vast majority of crime in the US is committed by nonwhites.

The latest FBI crime statistics, released this week, cover the year 2017. According to that report, nationwide, “law enforcement made an estimated 10,554,985 arrests in 2017. Of these arrests, 518,617 were for violent crimes, and 1,249,757 were for property crimes.”

Then the FBI figures go on to claim that “In 2017, 68.9 percent of all persons arrested were White, 27.2 percent were Black or African American, and the remaining 3.9 percent were of other races.”

A study of the “Arrests by Race and Ethnicity, 2017” table—which is supposedly the major such statistical review on race and crime in the report—shows that their racial classifications are as follows:

1. “White”
2. “Black or African American”
3. “American Indian or Alaska Native”
4. “Asian”
5. “Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.”

From this it is obvious to see that all crime which is not black, American Indian, “Asian,” or “Pacific Islander” has been included under the “White” category.

This includes all Hispanic crime—which is vast, and includes drug gangs such as the murderous MS-13 and many others—along with all crimes committed by North African, Arab, and all “Middle Eastern” criminals.

The FBI’s own definition of race defines “White” as follows:

“White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.”

This devious definition allows the FBI—and the federal government—to classify all Hispanics as “white” because their alleged Spanish ancestry. In reality, as everyone knows, although there are whites in South and Central America, the vast majority of the population are a mixed race made up of a tiny number of Spanish settlers, and vast numbers of Indian tribes and black slaves, the latter who were imported during early colonial times.

To make the deliberate deception even more evil, the FBI statistics do not give any indication of the Hispanic crime rate—even though a look at their own “Most Wanted” list shows that they do keep records of “Hispanic” arrests, even though they still officially classify them as “White.”


How A Rising Star Of White Nationalism, Derek Black, ‘Broke Free’ From The Movement

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 24 September 2018 14:30.

It was only after he began attending New College of Florida that Black began to question his own point of view. Previously, he had been home-schooled, but suddenly he was was exposed to people who didn’t share his views, including a few Jewish students who became friends. Black’s new friends invited him over for Shabbat dinner week after week. Gradually, he began to rethink his views.

NPR, “How A Rising Star Of White Nationalism Broke Free From The Movement”, 24 Sept 2018:

Derek Black was following in his father’s footsteps in the world of white nationalism until he had a change of heart.

As the son of a grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Derek Black was once the heir apparent of the white nationalist movement.

Growing up, he made speeches, hosted a radio show and started the website KidsStormfront — which acted as a companion to Stormfront, the white nationalist website his father, Don Black, created.

“The fundamental belief that drove my dad, drove my parents and my family, over decades, was that race was the defining feature of humanity ... and that people were only happy if they could live in a society that was only this one biologically defined racial group,” Black says.

It was only after he began attending New College of Florida that Black began to question his own point of view. Previously, he had been home-schooled, but suddenly he was exposed to people who didn’t share his views, including a few Jewish students who became friends.

Black’s new friends invited him over for Shabbat dinner week after week. Gradually, he began to rethink his views. After much soul-searching, a 22-year-old Black wrote an article, published by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2013, renouncing white nationalism.

Derek Black’s “awakening” is the subject of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Eli Saslow’s new book, Rising Out Of Hatred. Saslow also interviewed Black’s father and other leaders in the white nationalist movement.

Interview Highlights

On the “rebranding” of white supremacy, led in part by Derek’s father, Don Black

Derek Black: My dad popularized the term “white nationalism” ... when he founded Stormfront and called it a white nationalist community, and he saw the distinction between white nationalism and white supremacy as being one that he didn’t want anything bad for anyone else — he just wanted everybody to be forcibly put in different spaces, and that that was not about superiority, it was just about the well-being of everybody. ... Looking back on it, that is totally irrational. How exactly do you think you’re going to forcibly separate everybody and that that’s not supremacy?

Eli Saslow: They believed America was founded as a white supremacist country. ... Their job was just to give people a space to say racist ideas in a more explicit, proud, confident way. ...

White nationalism, I think, effectively identifies a movement of people who are actively pursuing an end cause of separating races into different homelands. White supremacy, unfortunately, is something that’s much more endemic, and much more structured into what the country is.

On Black’s usage of white nationalist talking points in a campaign for the West Palm Beach County Republican Committee

Black: I knew from the time that I was a child that white nationalism, as long as it was not necessarily calling itself white nationalism, could win campaigns. So I did things like run little Republican county elections [to] demonstrate that I could win with the majority of the vote [using] white nationalist talking points in a very normal South Florida neighborhood.

I ran training sessions on how people could hone their message to try to get that audience, not freak people out and just tap into things like, “Don’t you think all these Spanish signs on the highway are making everything worse? And don’t you think political correctness is just not letting you talk about things that are real?” And getting people to agree on that would be the way forward.

On how President Obama’s election motivated white nationalists

Saslow: I think a lot of white nationalists saw President Obama’s election as a huge opportunity for their movement. Because what white nationalists have done, with dangerous effect, is play to this factually incorrect sense of grievance that exists, unfortunately, in large parts of white America.

Polls consistently show that 30 to 40 percent of white Americans believe that they experience more discrimination and more prejudice than people of color or than Jews, which is factually incorrect by every measure that we have, but by feeding that sense of grievance and by playing to these ideas of your country is being taken away, things are changing, this is turning into a place that you don’t recognize. We don’t need this kind of immigration. We don’t want these signs in Spanish — that has a huge effect with a lot of voters, and it’s what got Derek elected [he was unable to serve in office], and it’s what has gotten other politicians elected in our country as well.

On the responsibility Black feels for racially motivated violence that was inspired by the white nationalist beliefs he once espoused

I said things that tried to energize racist ideas and get people to be more explicit about it. And then people who listened to that and who believed it, some of them committed horrible, violent acts.

                ...That is a moral weight that is very difficult to reconcile.

Derek Black

Black: I spent so many years rationalizing that that was not us. We were not responsible for that. We were not advocating violence, so therefore when people committed violent acts who had all the same beliefs as us, that that was not us. That was the media portraying us in a way that attracted psychopaths, and that we were somehow not responsible for that because it was not clear how to tangibly connect what I was saying and what I was promoting to the actions that those people took.

And now I look back on it and I said things that tried to energize racist ideas and get people to be more explicit about it. And then people who listened to that and who believed it, some of them committed horrible, violent acts. And what is my culpability and responsibility for how these things went out into the world and they continue to bounce around in the world, and I can’t take them back? That is a moral weight that is very difficult to reconcile.

On how the actions of various students Black met at college helped him move away from his white nationalist beliefs

Saslow: In addition to being the story of Derek’s transformation, the book is also the story of the real courage shown by a lot of students on this campus who invested themselves in trying to affect profound change. And they did that in a lot of different ways. There was civil resistance on campus by a group of students who organized the school shutdown, and shut down the school, and sort of cast Derek out, and made it clear to him how awful, and how hateful, and how hurtful this ideology was.

And it was also students like Allison, eventually his girlfriend, who won his trust, built a relationship, but [who] also armored herself with the facts, and sort of like point by point went through and showed how this ideology is built on total misinformation.

And then there were also [Jewish] students like Matthew [Stevenson] and Moshe [Ash] who, in a remarkable act, invited Derek over week after week after week, not to build the case against him but to build their relationship, hoping that just by spending more and more time with them he would be able to begin seeing past the stereotypes to the people and to the humanity. I think it’s important to note that that did not happen quickly, and that they knew the full horror of a lot of the beliefs of this ideology and things that Derek had said.

Heidi Saman and Mooj Zadie produced and edited the audio of this interview. Bridget Bentz, Molly Seavy-Nesper and Meghan Sullivan adapted it for the Web.

Related Story at Majorityrights:

The Dark Side of Self Actualization: Derek Black’s Reflexive Reversal on WN

... illustrating the inherent instability of the right.

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Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Fri, 11 Oct 2024 09:41. (View)

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