Majorityrights News > Category: White Genocide: Europe

Church of Entropy op to divert WN concern for consistent genetic legacy into arbitrary reincarnation

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 22 April 2019 10:34.

Jen Scharf is an egomaniac promoting an attempted diversion of White interests that she calls “The Church of Entropy.”

She balks at our natural and active WN concern for a consistent genetic legacy of our kind, and proffers that White men will be made “happy” by passively accepting her hokus pokus wizardry about being reincarnated into ...well, whatever, a Mulatto, a rabbit, who knows what she has in mind. She claims to be a reincarnated Indian (that’s what whack job that she is) come to enlighten White people.

Here are my exchanges with her as I exposed her as an agent of misdirection. As a result, she does not want anything to do with me - not “in any way, shape or form” - to which, of course, I say LOL! it is quite fine with me.

Here is the article that I am referring to in response to Jen Scharf calling me a “drama queen”:

Rapper films girlfriend crying-out for parents hours before overdose death, 400 meters from hospital

Daily Mail, “Rapper boyfriend of Holby City star’s daughter ‘filmed her dying and called her a drama queen after he gave her psychedelic drug at Bestival - but didn’t call 999 in case he was arrested”, 5 Feb 2019.

And I commented on a remark of hers to Clair Khaw, that I was using these “wizard terms, like ‘modernity.”

Finns Party joins Salvini and Germans in Ethnonational Left European alliance

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 14 April 2019 23:02.

The new group plans to secure Europe’s external borders, culture and history from globalisation, and especially Islam.

News of Finland, 8 April 2019

The Finns Party’s Olli Kotro (L) with other ethnonationalist politicians in Milan, 8th April 2019 / Credit: Olli Kotro Twitter

The Finns Party has signed up to form a pan-European alliance with other political parties, ahead of May’s European elections. The other members are Italy’s League, Denmark’s People’s Party and Germany’s opposition party AfD.

The Finns Party’s Olli Kotro joining with Salvini

The Finns Party’s Olli Kotro, a candidate in the European Parliament elections, attended Monday afternoon’s announcement in Milan.

“Constructing a better and safer Europe with patriots!” Kotro tweeted.

Their aims are to preserve Europe’s borders, culture and history according to Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini.

The four parties plan to form a distinct group within the European Parliament to challenge the power of centrist parties.

“Together we will fight for a safer Europe with well-protected external borders, less immigration and a stronger cooperation to tackle terrorism and islamisation (sic)” Danish MEP Anders Vistinen wrote on Twitter.

The group needs at least 25 MEPs from seven different EU countries to be formally recognised as an official group in the European Parliament, where they’ll be known as the European Alliance for People and Nations.

At present Europe’s ethno-nationalist political parties are members of different European Parliament groupings, but the new alliance is the first step in Salvini’s attempts to bring them all together under one umbrella.

House Judiciary Committee Hearing on ‘Hate Crimes’ and the Rise of ‘White Nationalism’.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 05:00.

László Bogár reminds us that we are not alone.

Full House Judiciary Committee Hearing on ‘Hate Crimes’ and the Rise of ‘White Nationalism’

‘White Nationalism’ is placed in scare quotes as the enemies of White people take the liberty to render pejorative, defaming and indicting mis-definitions of White Nationalism, notably, as being synonymous with ‘supremacism’, despite the fact that White Nationalists just about always reject supremacism and define White Nationalism as we do here, as a designation for the Nationalist sovereignty of European nations and peoples; therefore, governed separatism, a means for peaceful co-existence, the multicultural diversity of human and pervasive ecology, not supremacism, imperialism, exploitation or violence.

House Judiciary Committee Hearings
Streamed live on Youtube, 9 April 2019:
Full Committee Hearing on Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism
Learn more:

Congressional Hearing on White Nationalism

MPAC, April 8, 2019:

“Many White Extremist Killers Were Inspired by Earlier Attacks” chart via New York Times

Here’s what you need to know

The attack in Christchurch, New Zealand did not happen in a vacuum. It was part of an overall increase in white nationalist violence that’s been legitimized through public officials’ extreme rhetoric in government, and effectively allowed to wreak havoc in society. In partnership with organizations such as Bend the Arc, we have been raising the red flag on the need to reject white nationalism for years. We’ve called on Congress to conduct a hearing on white nationalism. We’ve called on tech companies to do a better job of enforcing their hate speech policies online. We’ve also constantly called on the Trump administration and other elected officials to cease their extreme rhetoric as it continues to marginalize communities. Congress will be holding a hearing on Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism and we’ll be there, bringing you updates from the front lines.

Here are the details

It’s been over three weeks since a man opened fire in two mosques and killed 50 innocent Muslim worshippers. Since then, there’s been an increase in related hate violence, both here at home and abroad. In California, there was an attempted arson attack where graffiti referenced the New Zealand attack. In Britain, there has been a 600% increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes of almost 600%. The vast majority of those were incidents linked to the Christchurch attacks.

The increase in white nationalism has been legitimized in our government by President Trump. His long-standing affinity for white nationalist rhetoric, leaders and movements is well documented. Administration officials and members of Congress, often feign opposition of the President’s rhetoric. Yet, they continue to see through a policy agenda which is inspired by this ideology.  We’ve seen white nationalists organize on social media platforms. In 2017, The Guardian released a report detailing how Facebook’s community standards allow harmful content and white supremacist ideology a space to live and escalate.

Along with national civil rights groups, we pushed tech companies to change their community guidelines. We’ve been pushing them to enforce their hate speech policies more effectively. Facebook has announced that they will ban posts, photos and other content that references white nationalism and white separatism. Still, it should not take a massacre to force a simple conversation over how to deal with these issues.

When attacks similar to Christchurch, Pittsburgh or Oak Creek occur, our message has been clear. Any response to these incidences, and to the forces which led to them, must come as part of a reaffirmation that America aspires to be pluralistic and unified. To achieve, we have to ensure any legislative or political response does not deepen already existing divides.

Here’s what we’re doing

As the first step in moving a path forward, together we have called on Congress to conduct a hearing on white nationalism. We need to have an understanding of white nationalism and its impact on communities. We need Congress to call white nationalism what it is: a threat to our domestic and national security.

We thank Chairman Nadler of the House Judiciary Committee, for his bold leadership hosting today’s hearing. Follow us on social media and join the conversation as we cover this important hearing.

Red Ice’s commentary: House Judiciary committee Hearing on Criminalizing Nationalism for White People.

Father flees to Poland with daughters after Sweden was set to give them to a Muslim foster family.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 05 April 2019 06:03.

White children and nothing but in a (still) White city, Warsaw, Poland. 3 April 2019.

Father who escaped Sweden with daughters allowed to stay in Poland

A Russian father escaped Sweden and traveled to Poland with his three children after they were given away to a Muslim foster family. A Warsaw court has given the family the right to stay in Poland until they have been granted refugee status.

Remix, 4 April 2019:
Via IAR/PAP/Polsat News

The drama of 41-year-old Denis Lisov and his three daughters started in Sweden when his wife fell ill and had to be taken into hospital. The Swedish social services took the Russian man’s daughters away and gave them to an Arabic foster family.

Lisov could only visit his daughters once a week and only for a few hours, despite having full parental rights. All three of his children have Russian citizenship.


The Swedish social services took the Russian man’s daughters away and gave them to an Arabic foster family

Swedish authorities refused to give Lisov his children back and he decided to return to Russia with his family despite the ban. The girls were inserted into the Schengen Information System (SIS) as missing persons, which is why the Polish border guard had to detain the family when they arrived at Warsaw Chopin airport.


The Polish Ministry of Justice and the Polish proponent of children’s rights were informed of the issue. The representatives of the Swedish social services, the Arabic foster family and the Russian consul arrived at the airport.

Thanks to the help of the proponent, the Russian father agreed to apply for asylum for himself and his children in Poland. Owing to this decision, the family could not be given back to the Swedes.

“The court cannot send the minors to Sweden which they entered under their father’s care,” decided judge of the regional court in Warsaw on Wednesday afternoon. “Following the father’s hearing and due to the lack of proof confirming restriction of parental rights, as well as having in mind the minor’s well-being, the court has decided that they should remain in their father’s care.”

The notion of rules about foster families not respected

The Ministry of Justice also reminded that due to the efforts of Polish authorities, in December 2018, the Council of the European Union for Justice and Home Affairs passed the notion which foresees a uniform rule of respecting the cultural, religious and lingual identity of a child when it is given to a foster family.

The Ministry informed that so far, the law has not been respected and there have been situations in which children were given away to families of vastly different beliefs or from different cultures, as had happened in the case of Denis Lisov.

Internet censorship is about to get so much worse

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 01 April 2019 05:45.

(((Luke Ford))) favors eugenics to the point of sterilization of people with I.Q.s under 100.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 31 March 2019 20:13.

Let the record show - 1:38:19 - (((Luke Ford))) favors eugenics to the point of sterilization of people with I.Q.s under 100.

Given that all European countries have I.Q.‘s around 100, a few barely over 100, if at all, and most a little below 100, he is talking about sterilizing at least half the native European population. Apparently, your daughter with an I.Q. of 99 should have her tubes tied….

Keep talking Luke, lets have more light to the goyim from your shining hill.

Salvini: “My only purpose is to save Europe”

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 30 March 2019 09:28.

“My only purpose is to save Europe”

Voice of Europe, 29 Mar 2019:

When Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini spoke at a press conference at Lega’s historic headquarters at Via Bellerio 41 in Milan he was radiant with joy. His party tripled its number of votes in the regional elections in Basilicata (in just one year, it grew from 6.2% to 19%).

In a short interview Sputnik News asked Salvini about his predictions for the elections to the European Parliament, about how he and Lega see the fate of Europe, given that, according to the recently presented Confcommercio Report, Italy is the most “Eurosceptical” country, along with the Czech Republic, and is seemingly ready for an “Italexit”.

“Neither I, nor our government, has any plans to leave the European Union, but there is a conviction that it is necessary to change its laws and regulations in order to remain a member of the European community with a sense of self-respect and dignity”, Salvini said.

“Obviously, the reality is stronger than propaganda. You can hang EU flags on the balconies, but what kind of Europe is that?”

“One that with the Bolkestein directive (the Internal Market Directive 2006/123/EC on the laws of the single market) jeopardises 300,000 jobs, and with the European standards for agriculture and fishery – millions of jobs?”

“One that is imposed on us by the Fornero law (2011 pension law, extremely unpopular in Italy), one that tells us that Italy cannot reduce taxes, one that did nothing to help us with the migration issue?”, he continued.

“I recall that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has asked for a review of the existing norms established in the Dublin Regulation on the distribution of migrants since June last year – and nothing…”

“Therefore, Italians, as the EU continues hitting them on the head, are asking themselves: “Why do we have to keep on paying for all this?””

“My main goal is to save Europe, a renewed Europe, and Lega will do that.”

“We are being called Eurosceptics, sovereigntists, populists, Nazis, fascists, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, and so on and so forth.”

“But it is we who will pour healthy blood into Europe’s arteries again.”

“Today, I have scheduled the first week of April for the first public conference to discuss what our idea of Europe is for the next 40 years. We will discuss these ideas with those of our allies with whom we plan to meet in Parliament in Brussels in July”, he concluded.

Jon Snow reports on pro-Brexit rally, saying: “I’ve never seen so many White people in one place.”

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 29 March 2019 13:26. —Seriously? Is Jon Snow unaware that Britain was totally white for millennia? That homogeneity was the norm until our generation?

The Channel4 news anchor went on a rant during a Brexit rally on the day that the United Kingsom was scheduled to leave the European Union. Britons voted in 2016 to part ways with the globalist union, but politicians have refused to honor the very democratic government that placed them in office.

From ▼

Jon Snow:  “I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.” Screenshot Channel 4 News

Jon Snow sparked fury online after saying of tonight’s pro-Brexit rally: “I’ve never seen so many white people in one place”.

Sun, 29 Mar 2019:

The Channel 4 News broadcaster, 71, made the comment after seeing images of Brexiteers demonstrating outside Downing Street.

Jon Snow made the controversial observation during live coverage of the pro-Brexit protest in Westminster this evening.

Protesters outside the gates of Downing Street this evening - after Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson spoke to the crowds earlier in the day
Thousands of people turned out to march on Westminster this afternoon on the day that the UK was supposed to leave the EU.

So far, five arrests have been made around Whitehall where marchers have been singing Land of Hope and Glory and waving Union Jacks throughout the day.

But as Snow spoke over images of the protesters near No 10, he made a comment about the race of protesters.

Speaking live from Parliament Square, he said: “We’ve just got these pictures in which were taken nearby.

“Police are now wearing riot gear. Police dogs are patrolling. The mood has changed.

“We cannot confirm whether any arrests have been made.

“It has been the most extraordinary day. A day which has seen… I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.

“It’s an extraordinary story — there are people everywhere, there are crowds everywhere.”


Clips of Snow’s comment were shared online triggering a backlash from social media users.

One said: “What a stupid comment.

“You’re literally looking to vilify anyone that you don’t agree with and make out this is about or race or something.

“Poor journalism, very poor.”

Diana Harding added: “I cannot believe I have just heard this! Channel 4 News and Jon Snow sink to a new low!”

And another tweeted: “Has he never watched an FA cup final at Wembley, or gone to Glastonbury? Seeing as he lives in a country which is majority white people, seems like something he would [have] seen in his decades of life.”

@jonsnowC4 closing remarks on @Channel4News tonight, as mob assembles outside @10DowningStreet, “I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.” #c4news #BrexitShambles

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