Majorityrights News > Category: White Genocide: Europe

Brussels: Patriots Disrupt “Peaceniks”

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 28 March 2016 16:17.

  That’s right - no peace for the enemies of Europe and its peoples

TNO, “Brussels: Patriots Disrupt Peaceniks” 27 March 2016:

Just over one thousand patriots put in a surprise appearance at a peacenik rally in central Brussels today, sparking off heated confrontations with a similar-sized crowd of reds and nonwhites who had come to proclaim “peace and love” after the Muslim terrorist attacks in the city.

Although the patriots did nothing but chant, the police attacked them with water cannon and batons, while at the same time, nine more nonwhite terrorist suspects were arrested in dawn raids across Belgium.

The 1,000 reds and nonwhites were first on the scene at the Place de la Bourse square in Brussels, where large numbers of flowers have been laid in commemoration of the attacks. There they mouthed the usual platitudes for “peace” and “tolerance” which characterize those who have no understanding of the racial demographic cause of the violence.

However, by 2 p.m., according to Belgian broadcaster RTBF, about 1,000 patriots had suddenly appeared, carrying banners and chanting slogans which identified them as belonging to a previously unknown organization called “the nation.”

Some of the banners appeared to be of English origin, with one in particular reading “Casuals against Terrorism.” The word “casuals” is in common use in Britain to describe football fan clubs.

Other slogans chanted by the patriots included “this is our home,” and “the state, Daesh accomplice,” (Daesh being the abbreviation for ISIL in Arabic), the latter slogan indicating their opinion that the Belgian state was responsible for the terrorist attacks by allowing the Muslim invasion in the first place.

Some of the nonwhites in the red crowd, clearly shocked at the size of the patriotic turnout, attempted to attack the patriots, but were restrained by other crowd members. As the tension increased, the Belgian police were deployed to form a line between the two groups, backing the patriots up to the stock exchange building.

By now, the controlled media, present to cover the “peace” rally, were busy sending news wire stories out saying that “neo-Nazis” had come to the rally and were making “Nazi salutes” (even though the photographic evidence shows nothing of the sort, with the only symbols being made of clenched fists and the well-known two-armed chant pose of the “casuals”).


Then the police were given the order to attack the patriots, and moved in with riot police, batons, and water cannon. A handful of the patriots fought back against this totally unwarranted and excessive police action, and about a dozen were arrested in the ensuing melee.

Most however dispersed as quickly as they had gathered, leaving the police to protect the reds, as they always do whenever there is a confrontation of that sort.

Then the police were given the order to attack the patriots, and moved in with riot police, batons, and water cannon. A handful of the patriots fought back against this totally unwarranted and excessive police action, and about a dozen were arrested in the ensuing melee.

Most however dispersed as quickly as they had gathered, leaving the police to protect the reds, as they always do whenever there is a confrontation of that sort


Nations can survive their fools, even their ambitious, but can’t survive treason

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 25 March 2016 23:12.

Bitter Northerners and The Traitor Within



Brussels: Immigration & Terrorism

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 March 2016 18:20.

TNO, Brussels: Immigration and Terrorism, 22 March 2016:

The promotion of legal and illegal nonwhite “immigration” into Europe is to blame for the latest terrorist bombings in Brussels, and such attacks will increase unless the Third World invasion is halted and reversed.

The controlled media’s coverage of the attacks will, as usual, focus on the minutiae of the events rather than their real cause—and will do anything to hide the fact that mass Third World immigration is the real culprit.

Above: A CCTV still of the suspected bombers. The two circles indicate the gloves worn to hide the suicide vest triggers. The nonwhite on the right apparently fled after his device failed to detonate.

The Brussels Metro blast scene.

The March 22 Brussels attacks—carried out by Muslims in revenge for the earlier arrest of “immigrant” terrorist Salah Abdeslam—have only been possible because race-denying liberals have allowed the Belgian capital—and many other cities in Europe—to be overrun with Third World immigrants over a period of decades.

In their mania to deny the reality of race and racial differences, the ruling liberal elite in Europe has claimed that nonwhites can come to Europe, and, once they learn the language and adopt Western-style clothing, will become “Europeans” in culture, intelligence, achievement, and social responsibility.

Of course, nothing of the sort happens. Because intelligence, social responsibility, achievement, psychology, and physical appearance are genetic in origin, all that actually happens is that the chaos which these Third Worlders have created in their own countries, merely gets transferred en masse to Europe.

Brussels is a case in point. Anyone who knows and understands the demographics of that city would have been able to predict the nature of that city’s inhabitants without ever having been there.

That city is now so overrun with nonwhites that Mohamed is the most common male name in the Brussels region—and has been for many years, as the Morocco World News service recently boasted.

READ Jews Object to “Xenophobic” Euro Parties; But Support Ultra-Xenophobic Israel

Although the [liberals] who run the Belgian government have made it illegal to record the race of the capital’s population, a 2012 report in the Brussel Niewus news service revealed that 62 percent of Brussels residents have a “foreign origin.”

While this unquestionably includes many Europeans—not only because the European Union is headquartered in that city—the reality is that a very large percentage of that number are nonwhite “immigrants,” both legal and illegal; “asylum seekers,” and “refugees.”

Furthermore, given that the “62 percent” figure is already nearly four years out of date—and the nonwhite invasion has increased dramatically over the last year alone—it is likely that the percentage of nonwhites in Brussels is far higher than what many might expect.

Thus the attacks in Brussels come as no surprise, just like the nonwhite terrorist attacks in Paris last year. Indeed, nonwhite immigration has been the cause of every single major terrorist incident in Europe for the last ten years at least—and possibly longer.

The reality is therefore clear: the acts of terrorism which are spreading across Europe are directly related to the increasing number of nonwhites living on that continent. Anyone who denies this is only deluding themselves.

From this fact it is equally clear that the only way in which terrorist attacks such as that in Brussels and Paris can be brought to a halt, is by the expulsion of all nonwhites from Europe. There is simply no other way to solve the problem.

The physical expulsion of the Third World population from Europe is something which is easy to physically implement. All that needs to be done is to gather the political willpower to do it—by empowering those parties and political movements which will carry out such a policy.

READ Eastern Europe “Defender of Civilization”

If this political will is not created, then Europe will be condemned to self-destruction, increasing terrorism, being overrun by the Third World—and, ultimately, physical extermination at the hands of the nonwhites.

Turk Blackmail “Deal” with EU

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 21 March 2016 07:49.

TNO, Turk Blackmail “Deal” with EU, 19 March 2016:

The Turkish government has started to halt the flood of invaders sailing to the Greek islands in terms of its “deal” with the European Union—proving that they could have done it all along and merely used the nonwhite invasion to blackmail Europe.

On Friday, March 18, Turkish police intercepted 3,000 invaders attempting to cross on land and sea in a major operation involving coast guard and helicopters, as the “deal” was being struck in Brussels.

Even so, some 1,498 invaders were still able to land on the Greek islands from March 18 to March 19, Greek “crisis teams” on Lesbos reported. According to the Greek coast guard, the increase is likely related to the fact that Turkey has undertaken to crack down on the invaders.

In terms of the deal, after midnight on Saturday, March 19, any invader who lands on the islands will no longer be able to catch ferries to Athens, but will be immediately “interviewed” by asylum officials or judges at new detention camps.

Presumably these “interviews” will decide which of the invaders are “genuine” refugees or not—even though it is abundantly clear that none are genuine, as they are all leaving a safe third country—Turkey—and are thus not fleeing for their lives at all.

In fact, there are approximately three million “refugees” living peacefully in Turkey, a fact which completely undermines the claim that they are “fleeing to Europe in fear of their lives.”

From April 4, deportations to Turkey are set to begin with EU officials expressing the hope that the process will take no more than a few days to complete.

Those who appeal against their deportations will be brought before Greek judges in “instant court” sessions in a €20 million per month project involving 4,000 staff—funded by the EU.

The EU-Turkey “deal” will mean that Turkey gets a €6 billion bribe to stop the invasion, while at the same time the EU has agreed to directly transfer some 72,000 “Syrian” invaders directly to the European mainland from Turkey. This exchange will only be stopped if the numbers of invaders deported to Turkey exceed that figure.

In return, Turkey’s 75-million strong population will be granted visa-free access to Europe from June 2015, as long as that country introduces “forgery-proof passports” in time.

In addition, the “deal” provides for the speeding up of negotiations to let Turkey join the EU so that they aim to be finalized before the end of June. Cyprus—still in a dispute with Turkey over the occupation of the northern part of that country—will be denied the right to veto Turkish EU membership.

Meanwhile, the Bulgarian army has been stationed along that country’s border with Macedonia in an attempt to halt the infiltration of the thousands of nonwhites trapped in Greece after most of the Balkan nations unilaterally closed their borders to all but those who could “prove” that they were “Syrians” (fake passports notwithstanding).

There are an estimated 46,000 such invaders waiting on the Greek–Macedonian border, and about 12,000 piled up at the border village of Idomeni.

Africans posing as refugees at Idomeni

Black Africans pretending to be refugees wait at the border between Macedonia and Greece, looking for an opportunity to break through the fence and join the parasitic hordes already living off the white taxpayers of western Europe.


This “Norwegian” minister decided it would be destroyed

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 19 March 2016 09:52.

This “Norwegian” minister decided it would be bulldozed to make way for more housing..

Click on top image for video

Merkel defies EU states, wrecks immigration reform

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 12 March 2016 09:52.

Poland’s ruling party, PIS, attempts to increase autonomy

Euractive, ‘Merkel defies EU states, wrecks immigration reform’, 8 March 2016:

The EU summit which ended this morning (8 March) failed to reach a deal with Turkey to stem the unprecedented migrant crisis, as many heads of state and gov. opposed German Chancellor Merkel’s attempt to impose her own deal with Ankara.

        There has been discussion of some “Polish” heritage.

        Photo run by EU Observer to depict pathos and dependence.

EU Observer, ‘Poland’s PIS attempts to increase autonomy’, 11 March 2016:

The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party in Poland suffered two major setbacks this week.

On Wednesday (9 March), the nation’s Constitutional Tribunal declared a sweeping amendment limiting the tribunal’s powers to be unconstitutional.

On Friday, the Venice Commission, an advisory body to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, issued a powerful concurrence. Like the Polish court, it did not find a single major provision of the amendment, passed by PiS last December, consistent with European principles of democracy and the rule of law.

The twin decisions bring about a moment of truth for PiS. The party can either retreat from its overreach and try to implement its reform agenda within the current constitutional framework or set Poland on the path to authoritarianism.


The Nightmare & The Tragedy of Rotterdam has Spread to Antwerp

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 07 March 2016 19:55.

TNO, “Nonwhite Majority in Antwerp Schools” 5 March 2016:

An absolute majority of elementary school pupils in the Belgian city of Antwerp are nonwhite, according to figures released by the Belgian Minister of Education, Claude Marinowe.

Antwerp Central Station.

Although it is illegal in Belgium to collect data based on race, the figures (as reported in the Gazet van Antwerpen newspaper), can be taken to mean that 52.4 percent of all elementary school pupils are of Arabic, north African, or Middle Eastern origin.

In contrast, only 18.7% of the children are Catholic, and some 26.4 percent Protestant, and thus more likely to be white.

According to the Gazet van Antwerpen, in the suburb of Kiel, just south of the city center, 83 percent of children are Muslims. In Antwerp-North, the figure is 64 percent, and in the suburb of Borgerhout, it stands at 63 percent.

The lowest numbers are in the northern suburb of Ekeren—where De Winter lives—where 14 percent of the school children are Muslim, and in Berendrecht, Zandvliet, and Lillo district (the three towns along the seaport docks north of the old city of Antwerp), where 15 percent of the school population are Muslim.

The Flora school in Bergerhout, Antwerp. Pictures from the school website.

The elementary school with the largest percentage of Muslim children is the Flora in Borgerhout, which has a 94% Muslim enrollment—and going by the pictures on its website, what appears to be close to a 100% nonwhite school body.

The Gazet van Antwerpen added that Muslims make up more than half of the student bodies in thirty-three of the fifty-eight urban elementary schools in the city. Each year this figure increases by 2 percent on average.

Given these statistics, it is inevitable that Antwerp will be a majority nonwhite city within the next ten years at most, unless all Third World immigration is halted and reversed.

Street scene in Borgerhout, Antwerp.

The influx of nonwhites into Belgium has been growing for a number of years through legal immigration channels, promoted and encouraged by successive conservative and socialist party governments.

The Vlaams Belang party is the only group which has consistently opposed mass Third World immigration. It was previously known as the Vlaams Blok, but had to reform into the Vlaams Belang in 2004 after the government had it banned for breaching “anti-racism” laws.

German Government Promotes Interracial Sex

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 07 March 2016 12:26.

TNO, “German Govt. Promotes Interracial Sex”, 6 March 2016:

The German government has set up an explicitly-illustrated website dedicated exclusively to promoting interracial sex between the nonwhite “refugees” and Europeans.

The new website, called “Zanzu—My body in words and images”—was set up by the Ministry of Health’s Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (“Federal Center for Health Education,” BZgA) in cooperation with a Belgian-government funded “Expertise Center for Sexual Health” called Sensoa.

In its introductory video, the website specifically says that its purpose is to give “advice on sex and sexuality for migrants who have not been living long in Germany.”


Divided into six “themes,” the website uses sexually explicit drawings designed to portray interracial sex as often as possible.

In addition, the website also promotes homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, and “transgenderism.”

The website has been prepared in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, and nine European languages, but the contents of the site and the subjects discussed makes it clear that it is aimed at nonwhites from the Third World.

For example, under the heading “Relationships and feelings,” the website explains in detail what “honor violence” is, and why it is unacceptable in Europe:

Honor means that you are valuable to yourself and society. Some people can choose for themselves how to live in an honorable way. For other people, it is decided by their family or society. In this case, you represent your family. Your behavior affects all your family members. Honor-based violence is forbidden by law.

“Honor violence” is of course an almost exclusively Muslim phenomenon, most often directed against females who in way or another disobey the males in their family with regard to relationships, dress, or behavior.

Another part of the site, titled “Rights and law,” even attempts to explain to the nonwhite invaders that they should not engage in sexual violence against women.

As if anyone, from anywhere, actually needed to be told this, under the heading “What is sexual violence?”

In another section titled “Female genital mutilation,” the invaders are advised that “Female genital mutilation is also called female circumcision,” and that even though it is “done for cultural reasons,” it is “illegal in Europe” and “forbidden by law.”

It is however under the sections dealing with “Kinds of Sex” that the true intent of the website becomes clear: nearly every illustration used depicts interracial couples


As the website is specifically aimed at “migrants” and not Germans, the meaning cannot be mistaken: that the nonwhites are being told in no uncertain terms that they are to regard sex with white Germans as the norm.

The implications of this state-funded promotion of interracial sex are astonishing given the background of the nonwhite invader mass sex attacks over New Year’s Eve in cities around Europe, and the ongoing never-ending reports of rapes and sexual assaults which are still occurring on a daily basis.

Even more revealing, however, is the fact that this official government website reveals the true purpose behind the promotion of “multiculturalism” and mass immigration: the physical destruction of the white race through miscegenation.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

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