Majorityrights News > Category: War of Discourse

The 22 victims of Manchester terror attack named and identified

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 June 2017 08:12.

Express, “All 22 victims of Manchester terror attack named and identified”, 25 May 2017:

The full list of the victims:

  Saffie Rose Roussos, 8
  Nell Jones, 14
  Sorrell Leczkowski, 14
  Eilidh MacLeod, 14
  Olivia Campbell, 15
  Megan Hurley, 15
  Chloe Rutherford, 17
  Georgina Callander, 18
  Courtney Boyle, 19
  Liam Curry, 19
  John Atkinson, 28
  Martyn Hett, 29
  Kelly Brewster, 32
  Philip Tron, 32
  Angelika Klis, 40
  Marcin Kils, 42
  Elaine McIver 43
  Alison Howe, 45
  Michelle Kiss, 45
  Lisa Lees, 47
  Wendy Fawell, 50
  Jane Tweddle-Taylor, 51


Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 30 May 2017 09:16.

Alt-Right story with afew editorial remarks [in italics]...


Jihad without nibbles.

After several weeks of cautious advancing, the US-backed, largely Kurdish-manned Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) [editorial note: Kurdish-manned, Syrian Force - ideally, those are ingredients we want on our side] have now begun their assault on the ISIS capital of Raqqah.

In a clear insult to Muslims around the world, the assault has been timed to coincide with period of Ramadan [Since we’re not being gingerly about their traditions, how about making their religion and its practices illegal in our nations?], a month of fasting in the Islamic lunar calendar. During Ramadan strict Muslims, like the members of ISIS, will abstain from nutrition during hours of daylight. As SDF forces are largely secular of Marxist in their ideology [Apparently at the behest of right wing superiors, the author of the article appears to be dog whistling the Marxist, “Left” thing in order to encourage the Alt-Right audience into thinking that the left nationalists who form a natural opposition to Isil, Islam and other right wing ideologies, are the bad guys], this will ensure that ISIS forces will be physically weakened in the street battles ahead.

Already SDF forces have reached the edge of the city. While ISIS forces are clearly intending to fight to the death, it is believed that the Islamist group has already its their capital to Deir ez-Zur, a town 90 miles down the Euphrates river.

Meanwhile, taking advantage of the hot weather and the weakened conditions of the opponents, SDF forces have started making rapid advances to the south of the city in a clear effort to cut it off.

Meanwhile ISIS forces in Raqqah have two main priorities. One is to prevent civilians from leaving the city, so as to keep as many “human shields” as possible and limit the amount of US-led coalition bombing.  In order to prevent people fleeing the battle, roadblocks have been set up.

The other priority is to ensure that people are observing Ramadan fasting rules. Already there have been reports of ISIS arresting an old man for not fasting and whipping other civilians for the same offence. It’s going to be a long, tough Ramadan [One hopes that this is pure sarcasm, but has to wonder whether there is a tinge of sympathy here for a religion that means us no good].

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 27 May 2017 11:08.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose “great chess game” thinking was behind some of the better geo-strategy that Obama and other Presidents are given credit for, has died. Unfortunately, it is a wisdom and judgment not in evidence in Trump - at all - whatever check and balance to Israeli influence that Obama had put in place through Brzezinski’s coaching has been purged.

Obama was frequently given credit for resisting Israeli wishes - notably to go against the Iran Deal. But it would have been under the literal advice of Zbigniew Brzezinski to get behind the Iran Deal. The deal was perfect for the power of business interests to exercise its liberalizing effect not only for Iran, but against an eminently dangerous US comlicitness with Israeli-Russian Federation hegemony; along with complicitness to Islamic compradors and abetment of terror.

Say what you want about a cold war mindset, it taught western strategists to look at the Russian Federation and to not be naive about it.

The Russian Federation is not an ethno-state, and like the US, where it is not entirely mixed-up with Jewish interests, it is subject to right wing reactionary and imperialist politics.

The Alt-Right belatedly, grudgingly, acknowledges Jewish power and influence interwoven with not only Trump, but the Kremlin and Putin - it has even been forced to see the quid pro quo that Kumiko diagnosed - “support Israel and your Alt-Right can have backing - its a deal” - however, like David Duke, it will do anything but lay blame on its part for making these deals - what it will not see is the right wing shabbos goyim aspect of right wingers doing what right wingers do - blinding (themselves or others, depending) to their people’s broad interests and selling them out for their narrow interests - including selling out in deals with Jews. Clearly the right does not have Israeli interests under control. It does not have and will not allow the concept that would do it. That would mean having to acknowledge what fuck-ups they are, how inane their concept, how typical that they would put Trump in power, blinding to the obvious, deal making, shaking hands with their fellow enemies of ethnonationalism.

They’re ok with blaming Jews - and if Kumiko is able to force them to admit to a deal having been offered to them, they might even acknowledge it, almost acknowledge that they took the deal - so long as their masters allow them to lay blame on the “bad” Jews (not the “good ones” du jour); but they will not lay blame on the inherent defect of their right wing platform (heck, their Jewish masters wouldn’t allow it), let alone specify the fact that for its inherent instability its adherents are bound to do it again; let alone will they call attention to the fact that they are using and being used for the supremacist, imperialist interests of Israel, its diaspora, its cohorts, the US, the Russian Federation ...add Turkey, Saudi and others to that equation.

If Jews say Asians and Asian ethnonationalism are the enemy, and a Judeo-Christian West is the answer to ‘radical’ Islam, black and mestizo population imposition, it’s a deal for them. Our Asian friends are on notice, we true ethno-nationalists, including White Left nationalism, stand apart from the perfidy and the complicitness of the Alt-Right.

‘Western man, stand up for your wives, daughters’, Kate Hopkins tweet investigated as inciting hate

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 05:09.

Diversity Macht Frei, 23 May 2017, Request complied-with by police to investigate Katie Hopkins for inciting racial hatred over tweet:

Hugh Muir thinks she is a peddler of hate and should be subject to laws against it -

Jewish JCC Threat-Maker Charged with Kiddie Porn, Weapons, Assault, and Over 2,000 Threat Offenses

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 20 May 2017 21:25.

New Observer, “Jewish JCC Threat-Maker Charged with Kiddie Porn, Weapons, Assault, and Over 2,000 Threat Offenses”, 18 May 2017:

Michael Kadar, the 18-year-old Jew arrested for making over 2,000 bomb threats against Jewish institutions around the globe from his home in Israel, will face trial on seven charges, including pedophilia, drugs, weapons, assault—in addition to making threatening calls.

All of these threats were blamed on “anti-Semites” and this “upsurge in anti-Semitism” was used as a reason to pressure Amazon to censor books it sold.

Details of the charge sheet have been released following the earlier announcement that Kadar would not be extradited to stand trial in America, even though his arrest was the result of work by U.S. agencies and took place at the request of American authorities.

The indictment reveals that Kadar “instigated panic in 2,000 institutions around the world,” and “caused the evacuation of hundreds of airports, schools, and Jewish institutions.”

He also caused flights to be canceled, made threats to airports, airlines, schools, Jewish institutions, and U.S. police stations.

He has also been charged with offenses related to the carrying of a weapon, assaulting a policeman, mediating drug trafficking, providing means to commit a crime, and the publishing and holding of pedophile material.

The indictment, filed by Adv. Yoni Hadad of the cyber division, said that the defendant committed a series of threatening and intimidating actions by using sophisticated computer means to contact various entities around the world, including airlines, airports, schools, kindergartens, shopping malls, police stations, an American senator, the Israeli embassy in the U.S., various public institutions, and more. ....  [...]

Univ. New Hampshire hit by affirmative action demands after claims of racism

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 08:32.

While a bit cold, New Hampshire is a beautiful state and the University of New Hampshire, Durham, is an exquisite setting - all worth fighting for against anti-racist demands.

Ledger Inquirer, “University of New Hampshire hit by racism claims”, 12 May 2017:

By MICHAEL CASEY Associated Press


Some University of New Hampshire students say the school has failed to address currents of racism on campus and are demanding that it double the number of students and faculty of color, offer diversity training for all staff and amend the student conduct code to expel students who post “racially insensitive” content.

The actions were called for Thursday night as several hundred students met with the administration in a tense and often heated gathering over what they said has been its failure to address long-running concerns about racial insensitivity on campus.

Sparked by what some saw as offensive actions by white students wearing ponchos and sombreros during a Cinco de Mayo party last week, the mostly minority students told UNH President Mark Huddleston and his administration about racist incidents they had experienced and how they felt authorities had ignored their concerns.

Several black students talked about friends being spat upon and called racial epithets or, in one case watching someone drive past campus with a Confederate flag flying from their vehicle and call their friend a racial epithet. Others recalled a growing intolerance from fellow students following the election of President Donald Trump.

“If you keep poking at a balloon, it’s going to explode,” said Jubilee Byfield, a 21-year-old black sophomore, recounting how black friends were turned away from a fraternity party. “Do you want to be a school that didn’t say anything about it?”


World Jewish Congress Pres: “Antisemitism/anti-Zionism same thing. Trump a great friend of Israel.”

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 06:51.

JPost, “Lauder: Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are one in the same”, May 2017:

World Jewish Congress president outlines three-pronged approach for tackling Jew hatred.

Ronald S. Lauder at the 2017 JPost Annual Conference .. (photo credit:NOA GRAYEVSKY)

In a powerful speech at The Jerusalem Post annual conference in New York on Sunday, World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder presented a clear message to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions activists and Israel haters everywhere: anti-Zionism and antisemitism are one in the same.

“Being anti-Israel is being antisemitic, plain and simple,” Lauder said, pointing to the latest UNESCO vote that denied Jewish ties to the Temple Mount, and to rising levels of antisemitism on college campuses.

Lauder argued that anti-Zionism is antisemitism in a new form, one that has emerged in recent years.

“There’s also something new, antisemitism that tries to hide itself and anti-Zionism. People who want to destroy the world’s only Jewish state – having failed to destroy Israel militarily and economically – are now trying to destroy Israel politically and morally,” he said.

To combat these threats, Lauder laid out his organization’s three-pronged plan to combat these issues.

“The World Jewish Congress has a plan to meet these challenges. We at the WJC created three new divisions that are hard at work to defeat this new form of antisemitism. These efforts will form an ‘iron dome’ to defend Israel against anti-Semitism,” he asserted.

To that end, the WJC has launched a communications department to enable Jews in being “proactive and aggressive” against “enemies who define us.”

The organization has also assembled a team of top-tier lawyers to actively promote legislation against BDS, an initiative that has already seen some progress, with 19 states in the US passing anti- BDS laws.

As the third part of its plan, the organization is working to increase its presence on college campuses, where young Jews are most likely to encounter anti-Israel vitriol.

The speech came a day after the New York Times reported that Lauder was pushing US President Donald Trump to broker a deal with the Palestinians.

Lauder praised Trump in his remarks. “We have a new pro-Israel American President, Donald Trump,” he said.

“A man I’ve known almost 50 years. Let me tell you, Israel has a great and true friend.”

Party of French President Macron Boots Anti-Israel Candidate Over Anti-Semitic Tweets

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 06:10.

“France has already condemned boycotting Israel, and I have no intention of changing this position.” - Emmanuel Macron

TheTower, “Party of French President Macron Boots Anti-Israel Candidate Over Anti-Semitic Tweets”, 15 May 2017:

The party of newly installed French President Emmanuel Macron expelled a candidate for a parliamentary seat on Friday over anti-Semitic comments he made on social media, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported.

En Marche removed Christian Gerin, a journalist, from its ticket for next month’s legislative elections after tweets he made were publicized by LICRA, a watchdog that exposes anti-Semitism and racism.

The tweets in question were posted between 2013 and last year. One tweet by Gerin asked, “When will there be a separation between CRIF and state?” CRIF is an umbrella organization representing the Jews of France. Its opponents say that CRIF wields too much influence in France.

Gerin characterized former Prime Minister Manuel Valls as “virulently Zionist, racist and an Islamophobe.” He also advocated for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.

LICRA, which is one of the oldest civil rights organizations in France, characterized Gerins’ tweets as having “clear anti-Semitic connotations.”

A spokesman for En Marche, Laurence Haim, confirmed that Gerin was suspended over the tweets.

As interior minster and later prime minister in the previous Socialist government, Valls was vocal in expressing his opposition to anti-Semitism. In 2014, he said, “Criticism of Israel that is based on anti-Zionism — that’s anti-Semitism today, this is the refuge of those who do not accept the State of Israel.”

A year later he said in a Paris synagogue that the fight against anti-Semitism in France “must be renewed.”

Macron also denounced boycotts of Israel during his campaign, deeming them anti-Semitic, The Jerusalem Post reported.

“The role of France is to conduct an independent and balanced policy that would guarantee a dialogue by all sides and the construction of peace,” Macron said as he visited Lebanon in January. “France has already condemned boycotting Israel, and I have no intention of changing this position.”

The Court of Cassation, France’s highest court, ruled in October 2015 that the BDS campaign is a form of hate speech.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 02 Jun 2024 11:54. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 30 May 2024 04:30. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 30 May 2024 04:04. (View)

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