Majorityrights News > Category: War of Discourse

Edward Dutton: Why Is ‘Group Selection’ Taboo? Indisputable Proof of the Reality of Group Selection

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 15 September 2020 13:30.

Why Is ‘Group Selection’ Taboo? Indisputable Proof of the Reality of Group Selection

Another Good one from Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic, 15 Sept 2020.

“Protests” erupt in Lancaster, Pennsylvania after police shoot knife-wielding man who charged cop.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 15 September 2020 05:00.


“Whose Streets? Our Streets!”

(CNN 14 Sept 2020) Eight people were arrested during protests in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Monday, a day after a Lancaster police officer shot and killed a 27-year-old man while responding to a call.

Protesters in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, gather at the scene where a police officer shot and killed a 27-year-old man wielding a knife.

The Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office, which is investigating the police shooting, said that officers responded on Sunday to a “reported domestic disturbance involving a person with a knife.”

Lancaster Police said in a news release that a 911 caller had reported that her brother was becoming aggressive with his mother and attempting to break into her house.

Body camera footage shows a family member at the door when the first officer arrives at the scene. The woman soon steps outside and a man, identified by authorities as Ricardo Munoz, runs out of the home toward the officer. The footage shows Munoz wielding a knife above his head, “in clear view, in a threatening manner,” the district attorney’s office said in a release.
The police officer fired several shots, ultimately killing Munoz. No one else was hit by gunfire, according to the district attorney’s office.

CNN has reached out to the Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office for comment.

The investigation by the district attorney’s office is ongoing. The police department also said it was looking into whether officers followed all training guidelines and policies properly, according to their news release.

“This has been a heartbreaking day for our city,” Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace said in a statement on Sunday. “I grieve for the loss of life and know that there are more questions to be answered as the investigation continues.”
Protesters gather at the police station

Demonstrators in Lancaster took to the streets following the shooting, which comes amid months of widespread protests across the nation over police brutality and systemic racism.


The Dancing Israelis: FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 13 September 2020 05:21.

I don’t like to get into the 9-11 event and conspiracy theories surrounding it because it does not meet the first criteria for entertaining a conspiracy theory: Do You Need This?

And the answer is no, if you are looking for arguments that the backing of Israel creates major problems for The United States, particularly the wrath of Islam.

Nevertheless, Israeli foreknowledge of the 9-11 attacks is not as speculative as some theories, even while classic Israeli opportunism, the casuistry demonstrated by Netanyahu in its wake is meaningful enough: “This was good for Israel” - that is to say, it provided emotive material to get the American public behind Operation Clean Break to effect regime changes in the nations around Israel to make them Israel friendly. Even while attaching its first target of Operation Clean Break, Sadaam Hussein, to the 9-11 attacks was far fetched, with America’s mood stirred-up, Scooter Libby and Colin Powell made war with Iraq more palatable by serving up a desert of yellow cake, and they pushed through a war to finish off Saddam Hussein anyway.

While Osama Bin Laden and Saudi are evidently the main culprits in the 9-11 attacks, that doesn’t mean that Israel couldn’t have foreknowledge (indicating at least passive complicity) - Building 7 owner Larry Silverstein’s dealings prior to the event are interesting and there are several interesting concrete facts about “the dancing Israelis.”

Ryan Dawson claims that Whitney Webb basically relied on his research of the dancing Israelis. So, we’ll put this discussion of the event with Vincent James first…

And we’ll follow up with a Whitney Webb audio and article on the matter:

The Dancing Israelis: FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

As another 9/11 anniversary comes and goes, many questions surrounding the events remain unanswered. MintPress brings you a freshly updated article, originally published in May, 2019 that seeks answers to some of those questions.

by Whitney Webb

NEW YORK — For nearly two decades, one of the most overlooked and little known arrests made in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks was that of the so-called “High Fivers,” or the “Dancing Israelis.” However, new information released by the FBI on May 7 has brought fresh scrutiny to the possibility that the “Dancing Israelis,” at least two of whom were known Mossad operatives, had prior knowledge of the attacks on the World Trade Center.

Shortly after 8:46 a.m. on the day of the attacks, just minutes after the first plane struck the World Trade Center, five men — later revealed to be Israeli nationals — had positioned themselves in the parking lot of the Doric Apartment Complex in Union City, New Jersey, where they were seen taking pictures and filming the attacks while also celebrating the destruction of the towers and “high fiving” each other. At least one eyewitness interviewed by the FBI had seen the Israelis’ van in the parking lot as early as 8:00 a.m. that day, more than 40 minutes prior to the attack. The story received coverage in U.S. mainstream media at the time but has since been largely forgotten.

The men — Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Yaron Shimuel and Omar Marmari — were subsequently apprehended by law enforcement and claimed to be Israeli tourists on a “working holiday” in the United States where they were employed by a moving company, Urban Moving Systems. Upon his arrest, Sivan Kurzberg told the arresting officer, “We are Israeli; we are not your problem. Your problems are our problems, The Palestinians are the problem.”

For years, the official story has been that these individuals, while they had engaged in “immature” behavior by celebrating and being “visibly happy” in their documenting of the attacks, had no prior knowledge of the attack. However, newly released FBI copies of the photos taken by the five Israelis strongly suggest that these individuals had prior knowledge of the attacks on the World Trade Center. The copies of the photos were obtained via a FOIA request made by a private citizen.

According to a former high-ranking American intelligence official who spoke to the Jewish Daily Forward in 2002, the FBI concluded in its investigation that the five Israelis arrested “were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, NJ, served as a front.” At least two of the men arrested were determined to have direct links to the Mossad after their names appeared in a CIA-FBI database of foreign intelligence operatives. According to one of their lawyers, one of the men, Paul Kurzberg, had previously worked for the Mossad in another country prior to arriving in the United States. Another of those arrested, Oded Ellner, subsequently stated on Israeli TV that the five Israelis had been in New York at the time “to document the event,” meaning the attack on the World Trade Center.


Kevin DeAnna (Gregory Hood) found reason to hope Thiel would be White EthnoNationalism’s benefactor.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 12 September 2020 05:27.

Thiel Met With The Racist Fringe As He Went All In On Trump

Buzzfeed, 11 Sept 2020, Rosie Gray and Ryan Mac:

The venture capitalist and Facebook board member staked his reputation on a Trump presidency. Now what does he have to show for it?

Four years ago, billionaire venture capitalist and Facebook board member Peter Thiel made one of his biggest bets: He went all in on Donald Trump. The normally tight-lipped and enigmatic Thiel gave a very public imprimatur as a prominent speaker at the Republican convention, tying his reputation as one of the most successful figures in modern tech to a presidential candidate despised throughout Silicon Valley.

“Tonight,” he said in a nationally televised address at the convention, “I urge all of my fellow Americans to stand up and vote for Donald Trump.” He made history as the convention’s first speaker to declare himself “proud to be gay” and he extolled Trump not as “a return to the past” but rather a return to “that bright future.”

Thiel was used to making risky bets. He was a startup veteran, a PayPal cofounder who wrote Facebook a check for $500,000 months after it launched. But Trump was different. Few in Silicon Valley wanted in on that round. Still, just a week after the Access Hollywood tape leaked of Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women — a clip that sent other prominent Republicans fleeing — Thiel ponied up $1.25 million.

The donation was well known. But what has not been previously reported is just how much Thiel was willing to gamble on Trump’s MAGA movement during the 2016 election. His bet went far beyond money, speeches, or even mainstream Republican politics. Even as Thiel staked his reputation on the candidate in public, he met in private with the racist fringe that felt emboldened by Trump’s rise to power.

BuzzFeed News can reveal that in at least one instance during the summer of 2016, Thiel hosted a dinner with one of the most influential and vocal white nationalists in modern-day America — a man who has called for the creation of a white ethnostate and played a key role in an effort to mainstream white nationalism as the “alt-right.” And then Thiel emailed the next day to say how much he’d enjoyed his company.

Among those on the racist right, Thiel’s outreach raised hopes that his financial bet on Trump would extend into the ascendant alt-right movement, which despite its prominence was a collection of small and often cash-strapped organizations. One avowed white nationalist privately speculated that Thiel’s money and influence could have made him “our George Soros.”


The Full List – Here Are The 269 Companies Who Are Supporting BLM & Antifa

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 10 September 2020 09:13.

TeamCandaceOwens 6 Sept 2020

The full list is below and it includes at least one statement per company:




Abbey Road Studios:

The Academy (the Oscars):

Activision Blizzard:



Alaska Airlines:



American Airlines:

American Express:

American Apparel:

Apple Music:



Astro Gaming:


Atlantic Records:



Barclays Bank:

Barnes & Noble:


Bank of America:


Bergdorf Goodman:


Ben & Jerry’s:





Is it really too much to ask of Collett and Enoch to plainly reject Hitler? Forward all Europeans.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 September 2020 08:31.

The epistemic grounds to reject Hitler should be clear enough to anyone proposing that they are qualified for a leadership role in WN. But these two are apparently carrying-on as if they are pragmatists. How do they propose that their explicitly unapologetic Hitler/Nazi coddling will be anything but terribly divisive of White Nationalism in addition to being epistemologically unnecessary?

If one is to exercise 20/20 hindsight, why not wish that Hitler didn’t attack other European nations; putting efforts instead toward cooperative deportation of non-Europeans?

This is not so much addressed to Enoch-Peinovich, as he has already been quarantined from this platform as an eminently dubious actor. However, Collett…

I won’t elaborate on this much here, as I have an article coming up regarding apparent triangulation against WN in the appeal to Hitler/Nazism, but to address a few absurdities by Collett in this podcast…

First of all, Collett invoked this rule that WN bandies about, which does not make perfect sense: i.e, “never apologize.”


Well, what if you’re terribly wrong? I remember people from the White Voice (guest Heimbach high-fiving host Adams for) refusing to apologize when they mistook Elin Krantz with the actor who posed mounted on top of a black in the mock Swedish National Anthem commercial: therefore “she got what she deserved”. Why not apologize for Elin’s sake?


But this is different. Not asking for an apology from Collett but rather for signs of intelligence enough (or honesty enough) that he can see things better now.

Carolyn Yeager once described this image (of a Polish woman killed by a Luftwaffe strafing) as “a wounded Polish woman.”

Collett invokes the long ago BBC ambush report which finds him now confirming that he’d still rather his daughter be born in 1930s Germany than some parts of England because she would be “more safe.”

And would his daughter be more safe still, in 1940s Germany, once the Nazi regime got through with murdering millions of people, including millions of civilian women and children, thus provoking revenge and violent retribution upon her?

Would it not be a better idea to find a way to move to a safer part of England while fairly assured that your parenting would give your daughter a better chance to not be groomed, and that you’d have some time for community activism, the kind you engage now, to root-out the problem?

Adding to the foible that he’d rather his daughter be born in 1930’s Germany, while that remark was initiated a long time ago, this one wasn’t: Listing his three favorite books - firstly Mein Kampf. Was that long ago Mark? Sure as reliable Mike Enoch set in motion the whole stiff arm thing that made Richard Spencer Fuhrer for a day… you’ve got Enoch (who thinks he’s proved that he deserves to participate in European advocacy - he thinks so), running interference for you. He says that he’s not going to apologize for his admiration for certain figures of the Nazi era, “they’re going to call everyone Nazis anyway.”....

....“and look at the gun shows”, how the Nazi memorabilia is snapped up (therefore, it’s really ok to see Hitler’s as just another voice in our round table.) He challenges any of us “optics cucks” (the marketing campaign that Enoch is part of calls for him to suggest that there is no profound reason to reject Hitler, that the argument boils down to how Nazi imagery will look to the “brainwashed” normies), he believes that he can out-verbalize any of us in terms of winning over the “normies.” ...confident in his kosher verbal skills, he is.

“...but in terms of who is going to be a part of this movement, it’s got to be White people and really, Jews should be excluded; and, and if you’re going to let in a mixed Jewish person then they really have to have done something to earn that - you know, and I think that in my case, I did.” - Michael ‘Enoch’ Peinovich

Trump calls for ban on tax-funding fed agencies training “critical race theory,” “white privilege”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 06 September 2020 05:18.

White House memo calls for ban on federal agencies conducting training on “critical race theory,” “white privilege” with taxpayer dollars.

CBS News 4 Sept 2020:

President Trump is ordering federal agencies to stop funding training on topics including “critical race theory” and “white privilege” with taxpayer dollars, according to a memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought that was released on Friday.

“It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date ‘training’ government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote in a letter to the heads of executive departments and agencies.

Citing press reports that agencies have conducted training where employees are told that “virtually all white people contribute to racism” or that racism is “embedded in the belief that America is the land of opportunity,” Vought said trainings of that nature “run counter to the fundamental beliefs for which our nation has stood since its inception.”

In the letter, Vought told the agency heads to identify contracts or other spending related to training on “critical race theory,” “white privilege,” “or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.”

He further instructed the leaders to find ways to cancel the contracts and move federal dollars away from “these un-American propaganda training sessions.”

Over 600 Jewish groups express solidarity with “Black Lives Matter” in full page NY Times ad.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 September 2020 06:55.

‘Black Lives Matter,’ declare groups representing majority of US Jews in NYT ad.

Over 600 Jewish organizations sign letter, published on anniversary of March on Washington, backing ‘current day Civil Rights Movement’.

Times of Israel 29 Aug 2020

An ad taken out in the New York Times by over 600 Jewish organizations in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. (Courtesy)

NEW YORK — Over 600 Jewish organizations, representing the majority of American Jews, signed a letter in support of the Black Lives Matter movement that was published in a full-page New York Times ad on Friday.

“We support the Black-led movement in this country that is calling for accountability and transparency from the government and law enforcement. We know that freedom and safety for any of us depends on the freedom and safety of all of us,” reads the letter, which was published on page A17 of the print edition of The New York Times.

“As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us. When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews,” the letter says.

The 627 groups that signed the letter included the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist denominational movements, which make up 35 percent, 18% and 1% of American Jewry, respectively, according to a 2013 Pew Research Center study.

The list also includes several Orthodox groups such as the Uri L’Tzedek social justice organization and Yaffed, an advocacy group that seeks to improve secular education in Hasidic schools.

The letter’s signatories include ardently Zionist, mainstream organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League and Jewish Federations of North America local chapters, along with several groups that support the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, including Jewish Voice for Peace and Anti-Zionist Shabbat.

A group of Jewish activists penned the letter and first posted it on the publishing platform Medium on June 25, against the backdrop of nationwide protests that erupted following the police killing of George Floyd in late May.

It garnered the backing of over 400 organizations within its first 48 hours, according to Audrey Sasson, the executive director of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice.

“We were starting to see the far-right concoct conspiracy theories that Black Lives Matter was being manipulated by Globalists and Marxists in an anti-Semitic attempt to undermine the Black-led movement,” Sasson said. “This brought an opportunity to unequivocally state as a large swath of Jewish community organizations that we stand behind Black Lives Matter and that any attempt to divide that movement will not land.”

A decision was made to re-publish the missive as a New York Times ad on Friday to mark the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington, the 1963 mass-rally for the civil and economic rights of Black Americans.


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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

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