Majorityrights News > Category: War of Discourse

Rand Paul recounts being surrounded by protesters as he left the RNC

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 29 August 2020 05:59.

Fox News 28 August 2020

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul opens up about being surrounded by protesters after leaving White House.

Another Police Shooting Sparks More Rioting: Violence & Disorder Metastasizing Across U.S.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 25 August 2020 07:02.

If We Had Our Own Country This Would Not Be Happening

Viral Video of Police Shooting Sparks More Violence

Wisconsin Lt. Gov Mandela Barnes: Taking the mask off of the systemic attack on Whites.

Black Lives Matter wants representation from the likes of Nelson Mandela, Angela Davis, Assata Shakur, i.e., calls for terrorism…

In line with the Democratic Convention’s attempt to reverse the case (i.e. Trump is incapacitated and not Biden; blacks are victims of White violence and not Whites victims of black violence), Pelosi alleges that the Trump White House is sponsoring domestic terrorism rather than those behind and participating in BLM.

On Reparations for Blacks - A Proposal from Beau Albrecht

Kellyanne Conway’s 15-YO “Leftist” Daughter Wants Emancipation

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 24 August 2020 05:02.


JF Gariepy provided a decent analysis of this situation, but the Youtube video was taken down. When and if I find it on Bitchute or elsewhere, I’ll put it up. In the meantime, there are several articles - click image for a Yahoo article introducing the story - about Claudia Conway’s puerile rebellion and wish to be emancipated from her parents. Now, regarding Gariepy’s account…

Though Gariepy claims to be thinking independently in his terminological deployment, the discourse parameters he follows are within the altercast box prescribed by Jewish interests and serving them; as ever, a caveat thus in regard to Gariepy’s use of the term “The Left” and its “characterizations;” while this usage and characterology is fairly true when looked upon as a Marxist Internationalist or Cultural Marxist Left, assailing White national, group and personal boundaries, absent the delimiting working hypotheses of the White Ethnonational Left, viz., unionization to structure accountability and gauge correctivity for Whites, Gariepy’s advice is more free floating (and, he admits, nihilistic) than it should be - providing feedback looking toward the more objective facts irrespective of our subjective and relative interests, but lacking the radical orientating context without the centering calibration of White Left Ethnonationalism’s relative, systemic interests.

Why Virtue-Signallers Are psychopaths and “Ethics” is Just Emotional Manipulation

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 23 August 2020 06:45.

Impressions of Dr. Edward Dutton following this video, “Why Virtue-Signallers Are psychopaths and “Ethics” is Just Emotional Manipulation”, 20 August 2020.

I haven’t liked much of Ed Dutton’s content, usually finding it scientistic, philosophically off the mark - worse, led by the discourse that Jewry is altercasting for White reactionaries (against “The Left!”, a whole (((marketed))) charcterology thereof) - and sometimes his opinions/judgments are in just plain bad taste; while he annoyingly seems to assume a quanta of objectivity, which should thus be everybody’s taste. He goes along with all the Jewish abuses of terms, concepts and misdirection, altercasting against “THE Left.” In fact, his take - along with Keith Woods and Richard Spencer - on “post modernity”, “hippies” and so on, was so annoying that it necessitated these posts, “Do Joel Davis and Richard Spencer Want to Suck Jewish Cock? (subtitle, “or would they prefer to take it up the ass?”). And White Post Modernity: corrects reactionary chase of (((red capes))) fucking up necessary pomo ideas

However, this piece, “Why Virtue-Signallers Are psychopaths and ‘Ethics’ is Just Emotional Manipulation” was decent; and his preceding video, on “Why All Non-Autistics Are Liars”, seems to be taking a corrective direction; though it still suffers a bit from scientistic rigidity and a disappointing ending - the honest autist goes transgender. Growing up in the 60s and 70s, transgenders didn’t exist as far as we knew, and so I still find it irritating to even talk about them - an obnoxiously freakish, rare phenomenon that has (((become))) part of mainstream discourse; even though Edward is not defending transgenderism, it is disappointing that that is where the hero of the honest autist story wound-up; and I still see the whole issue as a distraction, an issue so absurd that it is scarcely worth discussion.

A Walking Still: The Democratic National Convention

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 August 2020 05:00.

Is this a joke?

The senile Democratic Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden, who, while VP, lavished tactless praise on Jews for all the liberal “good” they’ve done America and Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris (who is married to a Zionist Jewish fella).

Can you imagine that they had Bill Clinton there to lecture us on morality?

They are running a senile/ready-to-die 78-year-old man for President, who will be controlled from behind. While Silcon Valley opens the Velcro chord for the provisional VP Candidate, the blatantly anti-White Kamala Harris - all full of talk about racist (White people) this and racist (White people) that - who waits in the wings.

There is no vaccine for racism. We’ve got to do the work. For George Floyd, for Breonna Taylor, for the lives of too many others to name. - Kamala Harris


Meanwhile, Michelle Obama, typically, expressed contempt and sense of superiority.

Michelle Obama said that the only thing that will save us is the cold hard truth, that Trump isn’t capable of doing the job (but Joe Alzheimer is, lol) and then proceeded to talk about the “endless” numbers of blacks who are being killed (impl. by Whites, esp. White policemen); adding that the phrase “black lives matter” is met with derision by the nation’s highest office (i.e., President Trump); stressing how important empathy is for Americans in the lower economic tiers, while advocating policies of racial conflict, i.e., that impose blacks upon and over Whites; while having indulged in extravagant expenditures at the tax-payer’s expense, lavished on her and her husband while he occupied the Presidency; while she charges exorbitant fees for her shitty talks; while she and her husband are set be the first to come out of the White House billionaires, with their retreats in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, etc.).

Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama spoke...

...again, both Hillary and Barack saying that Trump can’t do the job, but Joe Alzheimer can. These are the people of “integrity”, who had Gaddafi murdered, which unleashed the gate for a flood of African migration to Europe….walls between nations and people that Obama stressed, must be torn down.

Big Mulatto Bro’s audacity and ominous implication

“The greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another. The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants, Christians and Muslims and Jews, cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down!”  - Obama, Berlin 2008

It’s too bad that Tulsi Gabbard isn’t getting a chance. She’s about the best the Democrats have to offer. It’s also too bad that Trump is Israel’s boy while a functional civ-nat domestically, bad on environmental issues, etc.

Steven Stills serenaded us at the Convention. The protest song (For What it’s Worth) over the shut-down of the live music venue, Pandora’s Box, is an ill fit to BLM rioting; but in the best altercast, he might be suggesting to BLM that maybe the wisdom of violence, arson, general destruction and looting is something to stop and think about; but that’s a bit too kind; impulse control not being these people’s forte. Stills, who has slurred his words for years, given his own Bidenesque challenges, is not needed for political judgments anyway.

He’s a walking still - triple entendre: 1) He’s still walking. 2) He’s walking but not moving 3) He’s a walking alcohol distillery.

Winterland Lady of the Lake

When Boomer anthem meets millennial globohomo.…
3:14 PM Aug 18, 2020·Twitter Web App
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daniel sienkiewicz@MajorityRights
Level 1: Is that Stephen Stills playing guitar? His brain must be fried from all the drugs. Quote Tweet

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Winterland Lady of the Lake
Level 2: Yes, sadly it is him.

daniel sienkiewicz@MajorityRights
Replying to @Lady_Astor

Level 3: Music, like sports, is congratulated for being above differences between people… it’s practitioners, not usually the best educated, become popular evangelists nevertheless. Countering the results of this popular misdirection is a major project.
5:10 PM · Aug 18, 2020·Twitter Web App



Patriotic Alternative’s Celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day, 9 August 2020.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 05:17.

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August 9th is the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People – and as we are the indigenous people of these islands, we thought it would be a great time to celebrate!

On July 4th a group of 70 patriots went walking in the Peak District and displayed a 10-metre-long banner that simply read ‘WHITE LIVES MATTER’. You can read about the day.

Since that event, the pictures have gone viral and many liberals have had screaming tantrums and public meltdowns.

On August 9th we thought we would repeat the exercise on a much larger scale and use the publicity to get #WhiteLivesMatter trending on social networks.

The day was a roaring success! Hundreds of patriots gathered at various locations in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to carry out banner reveals, stick up posters and hand out leaflets.

We even had people take part in America, New Zealand, Austria and Denmark! Our activism was picked up by a number of local news outlets, bringing a spike of registrations to the Patriotic Alternative website.

Thank you to everybody who took part on the day.

It was a fantastic show of force and optimism.

Photographs from the day can be found below.

Common Questions and Objections

Who are the British?

To be British is to be one of the various ethnic groups of the United Kingdom, namely: the English, the Scottish, the Welsh, the Northern Irish, the Cornish and the Orcadians (the indigenous inhabitants of the Orkney Islands, Scotland).

What are the differences between the various British ethnicities?

Although the ethnic groups of Britain are overwhelmingly NW European, there are slight differences in the ancestry of each group. For example, the Scottish will have more Viking ancestry, while the English will have more Anglo Saxon ancestry, and the Welsh will have more Celtic ancestry. The important thing to remember is that all of these groups came from the same region, therefore, despite our differences, we are very similar to each other (especially when compared to a non-British ethnicity).

Objection: Only the Welsh, who are Celtic, are indigenous to Britain.

False. All the groups mentioned above are indigenous to Britain. The English, for example, are around 60% Celtic and 40% Anglo Saxon (two groups who originated from the same place). A common argument that you will hear is that, as the English have Anglo Saxon heritage as well as Celtic, they are not native. This is the equivalent of having some red paint on a paint palette, and then adding some more red paint and saying it has changed colour. Coincidentally, the Māori (who are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand) arrived in New Zealand around 700 years ago. The Anglo Saxons invaded Britain around 1500 years ago. Nobody ever argues that the Māori aren’t indigenous, but they will argue that the English aren’t.

Objection: Britain has always been a nation of immigrants.

False. There is a difference between settlers (those who arrived somewhere first and established their own nation), invaders (those who invade a nation by force) and immigrants (those who are welcomed to a nation by its government) – although we don’t mind if you want to compare modern-day immigration to an invasion. Britain has never experienced anything like the modern-day, mass immigration we experience today.

Mass immigration started to Britain in 1948, yet it was really amplified from 1997 onwards when Tony Blair became Prime Minister under a Labour government. Before 1948, Britain was overwhelmingly ethnically British. Sure, there were small amounts of immigrants here and there (you may read about the odd Black skeleton being dug up), but their numbers were insignificant when compared to Britain’s overall population size. It is also worth noting that any invasion that Britain previously faced was an invasion by other Europeans (I.E., people who were very similar to us).

Objection: The English are a mongrel race.

False. People will usually cite various waves of invasion to Britain in order to suggest that the English are a “mongrel race” made up of the Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Normans, etc. As discussed above, the English are a Celto-Germanic ethnic group. Not every invasion that Britain faced had an impact on our gene pool. The Romans for example, despite being in Britain for around 400 years, operated as a ruling class and had next-to-no impact on our genetics. As also discussed above, all of these groups are other Europeans anyway so it would hardly constitute a “mongrel race” even if it were true. For more information about our status as indigenous people, please find below a useful video by Survive the Jive.

The History of Britain and her People

Survive the Jive 5 Oct 2019

A talk I did in London on the subject of Britiain’s demographic history. I begin with the Ice age, cover the Neolithic revolution, the arrival of the Beaker folk, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, the blackamoors act of Elizabethan times and right up to present day HMS Windrush etc.

There was a fault with the editing so the image of the Homo Erectus appears 30 seconds later than it should, please ignore that. It appears as I am discussing Neanderthals, but don’t worry, I know the difference between erectus and neanderthal!


Growth of new Patriotic Alternative group suggests ‘shift towards more openly racial politics’

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 17 August 2020 18:15.

                        Mark Collett and Laura Towler

British far right ‘becoming more racist’ after Black Lives Matter protests, report finds

Independent 16 Aug 2020:

Exclusive: Growth of new Patriotic Alternative group suggests ‘shift towards more openly racial politics’

The British far right is becoming more openly racist in the wake of a backlash against international Black Lives Matter protests, experts have warned.

A report by Hope Not Hate, seen exclusively by The Independent before its release, said that years of dominance by Tommy Robinson and other figures focused on Muslims was giving way to rising white nationalism.

It found that the growth of the new Patriotic Alternative group, which openly calls for non-whites to be ejected from the UK, suggests a “shift towards more openly racial politics”.

Author Simon Murdoch said far-right activists were becoming “much more extreme ideologically”.

He said the increase in migrant boat crossings over the English Channel and anger over so-called “cancel culture” had an impact.

“The biggest backlash has been to the Black Lives Matter movement,” the researcher added. “There is more willingness to discuss race generally across the far right now.”

Large protests following the police killing of George Floyd in the US city of Minneapolis in May sparked a deluge of racism and anger on far-right social media networks.

Claims that demonstrators were to target the statue of Winston Churchill and other monuments in London, after a slave trader’s figure was torn down in Bristol, culminated in a violent protest by groups claiming to “defend” them.

Police and journalists were attacked and some protesters appeared to perform Nazi salutes, following smaller clashes elsewhere in the UK where demonstrators were filmed making “white power” gestures and shouting: “Why don’t you go back to Africa?”

Mr Murdoch said that dominant groups and activists in the British far right, such as Robinson, have focused on Islam in recent years and left overt racism to the “extreme fascists” like banned terrorist group National Action.

But the rise of the Europe-wide Identitarian movement and spread of a conspiracy theory claiming that white people are being “replaced” by non-whites has influenced extremists in the UK.

“There’s this move from people previously focused on other topics like Islam, and alongside that is a contingent of the young British far right who have been embracing more extreme and traditionally fascist, white nationalist and antisemitic ideas,” Mr Murdoch said.

He warned that the younger group are active in online networks that have greater reach than the “old guard” of National Front and British National Party (BNP) supporters.

Patriotic Alternative was formed last year by the BNP’s former director of publicity, Mark Collett, and has been attracting activists from across the far-right spectrum.

Its growth has sparked concerns it may unite competing factions from the fractured extreme right-wing scene in Britain.

Last weekend, it held publicity stunts displaying “white lives matter” banners across the UK to to tie in with the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, and leaders are planning a third national conference in September.

On its website, Patriotic Alternative claims that “native British” people are being eradicated and proposes extreme measures to protect “the indigenous peoples of the United Kingdom”.

It says it would call a “complete halt” to immigration and pay people “of immigrant descent … to return to their ancestral homelands”.

Patriotic Alternative claims that children are being exposed to pro-LGBT and anti-white “propaganda” and advocates home-schooling using its own package of hateful material on “history and culture”.

Patriotic Alternative’s website calls for non-whites to ‘return to their ancestral homelands’

Mr Murdoch said the group had attracted support from figures previously active in neo-Nazi groups, but also those with backgrounds in “more moderate” movements.

He warned that Patriotic Alternative was “trying to give the friendliest possible face to extremely fascist ideas” by using veiled terminology.

But Hope Not Hate’s report found that private online chats between members were “awash with extreme racism, Holocaust denial and open veneration of fascism”.

It said Patriotic Alternative had “antisemitism at its core” and played into conspiracy theories claiming Jews are orchestrating the “replacement” of white Britons.

One post by a supporter seen by The Independent reads: “British people are white. They aren’t brown, black, Asian or Jew.”

Hope Not Hate also found Patriotic Alternative had links with the UK-based Hundred Handers group, which incites people to spread racist stickers around the world with slogans including “Western civilisation is white civilisation” and “Stop immigration, start repatriation”.

Mr Murdoch said it appeared to be capitalising on a “sense of rootlessness” in the British far right during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Black Lives Matter, the anti-government elements of coronavirus and the economic downturn are grist to the mill for them but they’ve lacked a sense of direction,” he added.

“Despite grossly exaggerating their size and influence, Patriotic Alternative could be the group that unites the fractured, ageing UK far right, injecting it with young activists.

“They could present a real threat given their extreme views.”

BLM activists gather in intimidation at house of Bob Kroll, President of Minneapolis Police Union.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 17 August 2020 05:26.

Unicorn Riot, 15 Aug 2020:
76.2K subscribers

Hundreds have driven to Hugo, MN to protest outside the home of Minneapolis Police union leader Bob Kroll and his wife Liz Collin, who is a news anchor on WCCO. More background on recent protests against Bob Kroll:

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