Majorityrights News > Category: Islam & Islamification

Asselborn’s remarks dismissed by Hungary and Austria

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 07:25.

Visigrad Post, “Asselborn’s remarks dismissed by Hungary and Austria”, 15 September 2016:

Hungary – After Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Asselborn asked for Hungary’s expulsion of the European Union, the Hungarian Foreign Minister dismissed his remarks by saying that his counterpart Jean Asselborn is a “lightweight” politician “bent to destroy Europe’s security and culture”. And the Austrian Foreign Minister also reacted in favor of Hungary.

Asselborn told Germany’s Die Welt on Tuesday that the EU could not maintain its unity unless the community excluded Hungary, a country which seriously violated European values by “building a fence against refugees of war”. He also accused Hungary of curbing the freedom of the press and the independence of the judiciary, wrote Daily News Hungary.

But the Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó dismissed these remarks. “Patronizing and frustrated”, Asselborn had “long excluded himself from among politicians to be taken seriously”. He then added that on October 2, day of the referendum about the mandatory quotas in Hungary, Hungarians will give their opinion on “illegal migration, Brussels’ quota system, and on figures like Asselborn”.

The Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz disavowed his Luxembourgian counterpart remarks and said these comments are unacceptable. He explained that maybe some serious discussion might take place within the Union but messaging through the media does not contribute to the common work. He ended his comment by stating that respect is needed if we want to preserve the European peace.

Viktor Orbán: it is at the Bulgarian-Turkish border that the future of Europe will be decided

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 06:48.

Visigrad Post, “Viktor Orbán: it is at the Bulgarian-Turkish border that the future of Europe will be decided”, 14 September 2016:

Bulgaria, Lesovo – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán visited this Wednesday, 13 the Bulgarian-Turkish border, where he was awaited by his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov to join together the barbed wire fence that will soon cover the 259 kilometers of border with Turkey.

Bulgarian Prime Minister had asked the European Commission an emergency aid of EUR 160 M to protect the border. Boyko Borisov would welcome a positive response from the Commission by Friday 16, day of the summit of the 27 in Bratislava. Orbán added that if the European Union could find EUR 3 B to ensure the assistance of Turkey in managing the migration crisis, it could perhaps give some to Bulgaria…

About 13,000 migrants have been recorded in Bulgaria since the beginning of the year, 4,000 illegal migrants have been arrested, with a influx that has doubled in August. Regularly illegal migrants cross Bulgaria, without being arrested. The Hungarian Prime Minister recalled how “naive” the Brussels EU wants to welcome migrants.

Also, Borisov jousted that the fence is not a protection against Turkey, whose men are cooperative on the ground and face the same problems, but against illegal migrants, and no solution in the long term could be envisaged without the joint efforts of all EU members. Orbán assured: “Borissov can count on us in Bratislava. Europe’s future is not decided in Brussels but here.”

Every Major UK Religion Wants Invaders

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 05:47.

TNO, “Every Major UK Religion Wants Invaders”, 13 September 2016:

The leaders of every single major religion in Britain have called upon the U.K. Government to take in even more Third World invaders in an unprecedented joint “interfaith declaration.”

Signed by leaders from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Sikh, and Zoroastrian congregations, the declaration called for “safe and legal routes” in the UK for the invaders.


The “Interfaith Refugee Initiative” issued an open letter to the British government this week, signed by more than 200 of the country’s church leaders, bishops, rabbis, and other religious figures.

“As people of faith, we call on your Government urgently to revise its policy toward refugees,” the letter said.

The “immediate and viable steps” that the Government should take to “offer sanctuary to more refugees” include, the letter says, creating “safe, legal routes of travel,” and “adopting fair and humane family reunion policies for refugees.”

The religious leaders all ignore the reality that there is not a single legal refugee in Europe—because every single one even claiming to have fled Syria, only qualifies as a “refugee” in the first neighboring safe country.

Once a “refugee” crosses two safe countries—or, as in the UK’s case, ten safe countries, they are no longer “refugees” but simply illegal immigrants.

Nonetheless, the religious leaders claim that the UK must “take a fair and proportionate share of refugees, both those already within Europe and those still outside it.”

Furthermore, the declaration demands that the government must establish “safe and legal routes to the UK, as well as to the rest of Europe,” and that there should be “access to fair and thorough procedures to determine eligibility for international protection wherever it is sought.”

Among the 224 signatories are Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury; Harun Rashid Khan, Secretary-General, Muslim Council of Britain….


In addition, the bishops of almost every city in Britain from the Anglican and Catholic churches also signed the declaration, along with a multitude of rabbis and imams.

Muslim hordes take over Angel Stadium

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 15 September 2016 14:43.—31 years ago Billy Graham preached to 60,000 at Anaheim Stadium in Los Angeles, California.


Today Angel Stadium in Los Angeles was the site of thousands of Muslims who gathered to celebrate Eid al-Adha (the “Sacrifice Feast”) on Monday.

Such was unheard of a generation ago.

It’s an indication of the intentional destruction of Western culture. The globalist left is leveraging Islam to destabilize, displace, and then destroy Western civilization.

White people who oppose their own destruction are stigmatized with hateful labels such as ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobe.’

The Religion of Peace

Since 9-11-2001 there have been 29,222 documented terrorist attacks committed by Muslims; about three per day. Few of these attacks are reported by the mainstream national media

Leaked Report Links Turkey to ISIS And 25% “German” ISIS are Turks

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 18 August 2016 05:09.

TNO, “Leaked Report Links Turkey to ISIS”, 17 August 2016:

A top-secret German intelligence report, accidentally leaked to the public, has described Turkey as a “platform” for Islamists, and revealed that country’s official support for the ISIS-aligned Al Nusra Front in Syria.

In addition, the report said there was an “ideological affinity” between the Turkish government and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

The classified Bundesnachtrictendienst (BND) report was sent by accident to a lawmaker by a junior bureaucrat, and was then given to the public broadcaster ARD for dissemination.

The report noted that “the numerous statements of solidarity and action of support for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and groups of armed Islamist opposition in Syria, by the ruling party AKP and President [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan, underline their ideological affinity to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“As a result of a gradual Islamisation of domestic and foreign policy of Ankara since 2011, Turkey has developed into a central action platform for Islamist groups of the Near and Mid-East regions.”

Furthermore, the report revealed that the Turkish government has cooperated “for years with Islamist and terrorist organizations in the Middle East”—and that this policy is “actively supported by Erdogan.”

TNO, “25% “German” ISIS are Turks” 17 August 2016:

At least 25 percent of all legally-resident nonwhites living in Germany who volunteered for active service with ISIS are Turks, the government has admitted.

The statistics come just one day after a secret German government report was leaked revealing Turkey’s extensive ties to the Al-Nusra Islamist terrorists in Syria.

According to German media reports, a “significant portion” of the recruits from Germany who went to fight for the Islamic State (ISIS) “were of a Turkish background.”

The statistics emerged from an answer from a parliamentary question submitted to the Federal Government by the far-left Die Linke party in the Bundestag.

“According to the findings of the security agencies, about a quarter of the 760 German [sic] Islamists and Islamists from Germany who travelled to Syria / Iraq in 2015, were of Turkish citizenship or of Turkish origin,” the official Interior Ministry response said.

In absolute terms, this means that at least 190 ISIS fighters recruited from Germany were Turks.

Director of Social Media at Sweden’s Bonnier Publishing Says Sweden and Europe Is Too White

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 05:02.

Irena Pozar, the director of social media at Swedish Bonnier Magazines, has posted a ridiculous anti-White article complaining that there are too many White people in Europe, and Sweden in particular.

Red Ice and White Genocide Project: Irena Pozar, “Sweden and Europe are too White” -

Editor’s comment: The Bonnier family who dominate Swedish media, are Jewish. Would Irena Pozar ever call Israel too Jewish or ‘too White?’

In the article titled, “Our Whiteness – a democracy problem”, she says:

“I was in Gothenburg recently to attend Media Days 2016 [a media conference],” adding, “The whole day went well. I survived two air flights and being on stage.”

“But oh my God how it was White. EVERYWHERE. After a quick check in the seminar program it became clear: I could count the number of Swedes with foreign names on one hand (and then it became fingers over).”

“To the world, Europe and Sweden has trouble with this problem [of being too White], we know. The media industry has a problem with it, we know very well.”

“A completely white and the Western perspective is a sleeping pill.”

“The lack of diversity creates blind spots that in the long run can be dangerous.”

“In 2016 diversity is not only an opportunity but a necessity. Otherwise, all the fine words about freedom of speech and democracy are nothing.”

For about a year now, Sweden has legally denied that race exists. So how can it be “too White?”

Anti-Whites always do this. They say race doesn’t exist or that it doesn’t matter, then they complain about it being “too White” and in need of “diversity.”

If “diversity” is so great, surely Africa would be the first to place in need of “diversity”, and the last place would be White first world countries.

But you see, “diversity” is their excuse to eliminate White majorities. It’s a code word for White genocide.

        Carl-Johan Bonnier, Chairman of the Board.

Having already planned to reinforce some information on the Bonnier family’s control of media in Scandinavia and Sweden in particular, I belatedly happened upon the somewhat more recent story (3 May 2016) above by White Genocide Project and Red Ice, discussing chutzpah on the part of the Bonnier family’s director of social media, Irena Pozar. With that, I thought it might be good to introduce the issue through that story before giving some of the historical background of the Bonnier media empire as provided by yet other sites.

With the profusion of information that the Internet facilitates it becomes less the task to continually find new information than to feature, focus, cull and coordinate available research so that ethno-nationalists are sensitized to patterns and some concrete facts that they can operate on and follow as their practical concerns allow.

That is the case with Jewish media influence in Sweden and other parts of Scandinavia by way of the so called “Bonnier” family and other Jewish media owners. This information is dated in part and is not presented as if a neutral disposition toward Jewish media ownership in Scandanavia, but is rather meant to lend support for those concerned to defend native European nationals against the well established liberal motivations of Jewish politics as it is laced in their media. It is the kind of feedback that has to circulate within our hermeneutic circle - viz., in our carousel and archives:


Leaked! Soros funded group that spied on anti-Muslim activists

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 August 2016 16:32.

A major source of liberalism, but at 86, you have to wonder if the YKW aren’t willing to throw him under the bus and if he, in turn, wouldn’t be willing to take a fall.—2,500 files stolen from Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

One revealing document was published online this week.

Entitled “Extreme Polarization and Breakdown in Civil Discourse,” the document names renowned critics of Islam. Among those are stellar anti-Muslim crusader Pamela Geller. Frank Gaffney and Robert Spencer were also targets of the group, reports say.

According to The Daily Caller:

In the memo, Open Society Foundations (OSF) executives lamented that progressive groups and members of the Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian-American (AMEMSA) community lacked “high quality opposition research” to combat “anti-Muslim xenophobia and to promote tolerance.”

Some warn of an impending global government. It appears that government already exists and George Soros is its head of state, providing the government’s funding from his personal holdings.

Soros’ global government includes a CIA-like spy network, it appears.

I call it ‘Sorocracy;’ rule by George Soros. And this, my friends, is why globalism wants to control the Internet.

Soros is 86-years-old.

Vetted moderate Muslim preacher in Wales: “Take White British women as sex slaves”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 14 August 2016 21:11.

                        Ali Hammuda is an Imam at Cardiff’s Al-Manar Mosque—Ali Hammuda says a war is coming and Muslims may take white women as slaves to be raped.

Watch video below

Hillary Clinton pretends to be an advocate of women’s rights even as she embraces Islam; the most misogynist movement on earth.

From Breitbart:

An Imam has told his congregation in Wales that war is approaching and Islam allows them to take women as slaves and rape them.

Ali Hammuda is an Imam at Cardiff’s Al-Manar Mosque, where three Islamic State (IS) fighters worshipped before travelling to Syria. They were known as the “Cardiff jihadis” before one was killed in an RAF drone strike as he was thought to be plotting attacks in the UK.

Before the strike, Reyaad Khan and Nasser Muthana, then both 20, appeared in an IS recruiting video in 2014 where they bragged about executing prisoners. Muthana’s younger brother Aseel, then aged 17, joined them in Syria.

Rizwan Syed, an undercover reporter working for the Daily Mail, made the recordings. He recalled his time in the radical Cardiff mosque:

“I saw books preaching brutal violence, sexism, homophobia, aggressive physical jihad, dismemberment and capital punishment implemented by the state.

“It reinforces the idea that what these militant groups are doing, what IS is doing, is legitimised by history.”

In the audio, Imam Hammuda is heard telling a group of young men: “One of the interpretations as to what this means is that towards the end of time there will be many wars like what we are seeing today, and because of these wars women will be taken as captives, as slaves, yeah, women will be taken as slaves.

“And then, her master has relations with her because this is permissible in Islam, it’s permissible to have relations with a woman who is your slave or your wife.”

He also stated that another interpretation of the Hadith is that children will come to treat their mothers like slaves.

He said: “The one I think is strongest is that towards the end of time you will see a lot of Muslims disobeying their mothers and fathers… you see children speaking to their mothers and fathers as if they are your slave.”

More than 5,000 non-Muslim Yazidi women and girls were abducted by Islamic State in 2014. Many have been trafficked and traded on slave markets.

Video: Why vetting Muslims doesn’t work


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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 02 Jun 2024 11:55. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 30 May 2024 04:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 28 May 2024 11:22. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 18 May 2024 14:37. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 18 May 2024 10:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 17 May 2024 22:07. (View)

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