Majorityrights News > Category: Conservatism

“Islam, protector of female virtue” - Muslim convicted for seducing 11 year old

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 12 June 2016 20:54.

Dated story, but even so, couldn’t let it go when it came to my attention: 11 years old. Delete Islam.

DM, “Rapist who ‘took away childhood and innocence’ of girl, aged 11, is jailed for 15 years” 3 April 2016:

Mohammed Amin, 27, seduced his victim by throwing notes through her bedroom window, a court heard.
  Mohammed Amin cried when the judge sentenced him

A rapist who lied about his age and took away the “childhood and innocence” of his 11-year-old victim has been jailed for fifteen years.

Mohammed Amin, 27, seduced her by throwing notes through her bedroom window, the court heard.

He was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court on Friday after pleading guilty to raping the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

The court heard how Amin was jailed for six months last year for sexual activity with the same girl but this was on the basis he had kissed her and had inappropriately contacted her on Facebook , Wales Online reported .

The truth was he had coerced his victim, who was aged 11 and 12 at the time of abuse, into a sexual relationship which lasted around 18 months, the court heard.

The abuse came to light after the girl confided in a member of staff at her school.

Prosecutor Ieuan Bennett said the girl was interviewed by police and said she and Amin had become “boyfriend and girlfriend”.

He added: “It appears the defendant realised the relationship was inappropriate because he told her not to tell anybody else about the it as he might go to prison.

“She explained they would sometimes go in his car to Cardiff Bay for a day out and she would go to his flat almost every day.

“It seems the kissing started almost on the first day of them becoming friends.

“He wrote her notes and threw them up through her bedroom window. One said ‘Will you go out with me?’.”

Amin initially lied about his age, saying he was 22-years-old, but later admitted to being 26-years-old.

The girl told him she was 14 but she later admitted to being 11-years-old early on in the relationship.

She said Amin’s response was: “I don’t care”.

When asked by police why she didn’t tell them sooner about the more serious accusations, the girl said she didn’t want Amin to go to jail but over time she had come to realise the effect the relationship had had on her.

Trump Campaign (((Born))) in (((Response))) to Iran Deal. Denies Affinity w European Patriot Salvini

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 05 June 2016 02:21.

There are really two important stories for White Nationalists that TNO has exposed in an article regarding Trump’s campaign.

First, that Trump has denied affinity with Matteo Salvini, the head of Italy’s anti-immigration party, Lega Nord. This denial came after Trump had garnered Salvini’s support and publicly commended him.

Secondly, what was a (((dead ringer))) from the start about the (((out of no-where))) viability of Trump’s Presidential Campaign has been corroborated by his son - i.e., that Trump’s (((campaign)) gained (((support))) by his agreement to denounce and challenge the Iran deal.

TNO, “Trump Rudely Dumps Italy’s Salvini”, 4 June 2016:

Donald Trump has rudely dumped Italy’s Lega Nord leader Matteo Salvini, saying he “never wanted to meet him” and “didn’t even know him”—only a few weeks after meeting and posing with the European populist.

In April this year, Trump met up and posed for pictures with Salvini at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, northeastern Pennsylvania, and, according to the La Repubblica newspaper, expressed the hope that Salvini would become the prime minister of Italy.

Now, however, Trump has completely reversed his positon. In an interview with journalist Michael Wolff published in the Hollywood Reporter (“The Donald Trump Conversation: Politics’ ‘Dark Heart’ Is Having the Best Time Anyone’s Ever Had,” June 01, 2016), Trump has completely distanced himself from Salvini.

In the interview, when asked about Salvini, Trump declared: “I didn’t want to meet him. I didn’t even know him.”

As Wolff wrote:

I ask if he sees himself as having similarities with leaders of the growing anti-immigrant (some would say outright racist) European nativist movements, like Marine Le Pen in France and Matteo Salvini in Italy, whom the Wall Street Journal reported Trump had met with and endorsed in Philadelphia. (“Matteo, I wish you become the next Italian premier soon,” Trump was quoted as saying.) In fact, he insists he didn’t meet Salvini. “I didn’t want to meet him.” And, in sum, he doesn’t particularly see similarities — or at least isn’t interested in them — between those movements and the anti-immigrant nationalism he is promoting in this country.

Salvini responded:

When asked why Trump would distance himself in this way, Salvini told the La Repubblica that this “makes me laugh…that interview is unbelievable. I assure you, a dozen emails were exchanged in preparation for that meeting. I didn’t jump from an airplane with a hat and flag.”


Whatever the reason, the reality remains that Trump’s public repudiation of Salvini is a clear indication that the maverick businessman-turned politician is starting to be “brought into line” by the establishment.

Another disturbing recent revelation about Trump has come with the claim by his son Eric that the decision to run for president was driven primarily by the “deal” struck with Iran over that nation’s mythical “atom bomb” project.

Related Story. by Compulsory Diversity News - Dear WN, “before the cuck crows, three times Donald will three times deny ye.”

When asked about Salvini, Trump declared: “I didn’t want to meet him. I didn’t even know him.”

Trump Picks Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee As Finance Chairman

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 05 May 2016 23:26.

Steve Mnuchin, derived fortune at Goldman Sachs

Trump is looking less like the one who is freeing the White Republican base from its Neo Con backing than he is a somewhat lower grade interface - a bit more gritty and streetwise, perhaps, perfect to stay ahead of reactionary trends in the WN curve; having shared interest with the YKW to protect domestic real estate assets - he has neither extricated himself nor the implicit White Republican base from YKW entanglements.

Zero Hedge, “Trump Picks Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee As Finance Chairman”, 5 May 2016:

In an oddly ironic twist, today Donald Trump announced that he has picked as chairman of his newly launched fundraising operation none other than a former employee of the bank he has repeatedly criticized in the past, and which he used as a foil to criticize Ted Cruz: Goldman Sachs.

Trump announced that heading up his own personal fundraising operation as national finance chairman will be Steven Mnuchin, a long-time business associate, chairman and CEO of the hedge fund Dune Capital. More importantly, however, he spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs where he was most recently a Partner, having built a fortune of $46 million before launching his own hedge fund.

While employed at Goldman, he purchased the remains of IndyMac Bank (now known as OneWest Bank), the Pasadena, California-based mortgage lender that collapsed in 2008. “Notoriously press-shy, the executive endured 2011 protests on the lawn of his Bel Air mansion by foreclosed homeowners angered at his lender’s handling of soured mortgages.”

As Zero Hedge readers are familiar, Trump often critized his main competitor Ted Cruz for his links to the bank because of loans used to finance Cruz’s Senate campaign, and because Heidi Cruz was a one-time employee of Goldman. “I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over him. Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,” Trump said in one debate.

He had no qualms, however, in hiring one of the most prominent Goldman alums to raise money for him.

In addition to Goldman, Mnuchin also worked at Soros Fund Management, whose founder, George Soros, has funded many left-leaning causes. Where it gets even more bizarre is that Mnuchin has donated frequently to Democrats, including to Clinton and Barack Obama.

As a hedge fund manager, Mnuchin is part of a group of businesspeople Trump has excoriated. In August, Trump said hedge fund managers were “getting away with murder” as he touted his proposal to end the so-called carried interest loophole, which gives private equity and hedge fund managers preferential tax treatment.

“The hedge fund guys didn’t build this country,” Trump said at the time on CBS’ Face the Nation. “These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky,” he said. “They are energetic. They are very smart. But a lot of them—they are paper-pushers. They make a fortune. They pay no tax. It’s ridiculous.”

They apparently are also very good at raising money.

Some more on Mnuchin’s background: starting his career in the early 1980s as a trainee at Salomon Brothers before moving to Goldman Sachs in 1985, Mnuchin was front and center for the advent of instruments like collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps. He has called securitization “an extremely positive development in terms of being able to finance different parts of the economy and different businesses efficiently.” The pitfalls of the financing method came later, he’s said.

Mnuchin’s father, Robert Mnuchin, was a partner at Goldman Sachs in the 1960s. The second-youngest of five siblings, Steven attended the prestigious Riverdale Country School and then Yale University, where his roommate was Edward Lampert, who would go on to become a hedge-fund manager and owner of Sears.

More recently, in October 2014 Mnuchin became co-chairman of the board of the Hollywood studio Relativity Media due to Dune’s fascination with movies. Dune has provided financing for batches of winning movies, like the “X-Men” franchise and “Avatar,” Hollywood’s all-time box-office champion.

Relativity Media filed for bankruptcy last summer, just a few months after Mnuchin’s arrival. According to Variety, Dune was intimately involved in the studio’s failure.

The money-man and fellow investors in a Dune Capital fund are said to have lost as much as $80 million — equity that is almost certain to be lost for good, said two sources familiar with the situation. And disgruntled Relativity investors privately are questioning how a bank Mnuchin once headed – OneWest Bank of Pasadena – was allowed by Relativity to drain $50 million from the studio just weeks prior to the July 30 insolvency filing.

Mnuchin had left Relativity just days before the company reached an agreement with OneWest to extend the loan deadline and allow the bank to claim that money.

To be sure, Hillary Clinton, who in turn has been attacked for her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs, also has a high-ranking Goldman official in her ranks, former CFTC commissioner Gary Gensler, who is the former secretary of state’s chief financial officer and whom she is grooming for a potential Treasury Secretary. But for Trump, a self-professed “anti-establishment” candidate, who has repeatedly stated he will fund his own way and is not “for sale to special interest groups”, his sudden proximity to Wall Street comes as a big surprise and will leave many of his supporters demanding an explanation.

Trump: We Are Going to Love Eachother

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 04 May 2016 07:24.

The Atlantic, “How Donald Trump Speaks to—and About—Minorities” 3 May 2016:

Does the presumptive Republican nominee see African Americans and Hispanics as part of the American “we”?

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

Celebrating his big win in Indiana—and his elevation to presumptive nominee of the Republican Party—Tuesday night, Donald Trump spoke at Trump Tower in New York City, where he delivered a promise to heal the deep fractures in his party.

“We want to bring unity to the Republican Party,” he said. “We have to bring unity. It’s so much easier if we have it.”

Do Black Votes Matter to Donald Trump?

That will be a tall order. But as a general-election candidate, Trump will need to win over more than just Republicans. In his inimitable way, he pledged to bring together the rest of the nation as well.

“We’re going to bring back our jobs, and we’re going to save our jobs, and people are going to have great jobs again, and this country, which is very, very divided in so many different ways, is going to become one beautiful loving country, and we’re going to love each other, we’re going to cherish each other and take care of each other, and we’re going to have great economic development and we’re not going to let other countries take it away from us, because that’s what’s been happening for far too many years and we’re not going to do it anymore,” he said. (That’s a single sentence, if you’re keeping track at home.)

Trump faces significant obstacles to achieving that unity, particular with blocs that are not white men. Seven in 10 women view him unfavorably. It’s even worse with minorities. A recent Gallup poll found that 77 of Hispanics view Trump unfavorably. A Washington Post poll pegged that number at eight in 10, seven of them “very unfavorable.” An NBC News/Survey Monkey poll found an astonishing 86 percent of African Americans had a negative view of Trump.

One reason for those atrocious ratings is the way Trump speaks to and about minorities, which was on display during his victory speech Tuesday.

“We’re going to have great relationships with the Hispanics,” he said. “The Hispanics have been so incredible to me. They want jobs. Everybody wants jobs. The African Americans want jobs. If you look at what’s going on, they want jobs.”

Part of Trump’s rhetorical power is his supercharged used of “we,” a method that persuades people across the country that they are part of a larger movement, and somehow share with Trump his aura of wealthy and luxury. (It’s the same technique he’s used to sell real estate for years.) In the midst of his spiel about all the ways “we” would make America great again, Trump tossed in this passage about minorities.

His phrasing is telling. First, it suggests that for Trump, blacks and Hispanics aren’t part of “we”—“they” constitute separate groups. Perhaps that’s an accidental, unthinking division, but subconscious racial division is no less dangerous. Second, it shows him assuming that minority concerns can be reduced to economics. That view is perhaps unsurprising for a man who has spent his career trying to accumulate wealth, but it is a two-dimensional view of black and Hispanic Americans.

The fact that his policies simply don’t line up with what most African Americans want in a president is one reason his numbers with black voters are so bad. Another factor is a presidential campaign driven in large parts by divisive appeals to racism and bigotry against Hispanics, Muslims, and other groups. Trump also has a long history of racially charged incidents, from alleged tenant discrimination to his strident reaction to the Central Park Five.

The entertainer has long spoken about minority groups with the outdated formulation involving a definite article: “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks,” he said in 2011, using language that undermined his claim. He’s said similar things about “the Hispanics.”

Changing the way Trump speaks about African Americans and Hispanics won’t solve his problems with those groups, but if he wishes to unify the country, beginning to speak about them as though they are part of the American populace would be a good place to start.

Way to go right-wingers. As usual, the real Republican men are too rational to see race…these men are color blind, love everybody.

This loving domestic unity is going to be good for European EGI, going to be good for the economy - Asia is going to buy its products.

Poland’s PiS Party Endorses Draconian Anti-Abortion Law

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 09 April 2016 09:21.

Pardon the source, but this article not only well explains the draconian anti-abortion law that Poland’s PiS party is set to pass, but also prompts the question as to what other insane laws the new Polish government will institute.

An additional danger for White Nationalists is to be anticipated by Jewish commandeering of the inevitable popular backlash.

Daily Beast, “Poland’s Coat Hanger Rebellion Against a New Anti-Abortion Law” 6 April 2016:

Poland’s Catholic Church and conservative government may have figured a draconian new “pro-life” law would have general acceptance. They were wrong.

When Catholic priests issued decrees during morning mass last Sunday calling for the country to institute a complete ban on abortions, Poland erupted in protests. The initiative was not unexpected, but the surge of opposition caught many by surprise as men and women took to the streets waving wire coat hangers, symbols of the deadly “back room” abortions that take place when all legal means to terminate a pregnancy are exhausted.

The purpose of the priests’ coordinated speeches was to launch a petition and gather churchgoers’ signatures that could then be used to begin a legislative campaign in the country’s parliament, the Sejm. A “pro-life” organization called Fundacja Pro quickly gathered the required 1,000 signatures. But when the group made its intentions known during the course of the previous week, many Poles started organizing opposition on Facebook.

In just two days, they drew together over 65,000 concerned activists and laid the groundwork for Sunday’s protests, but stopping the momentum of the draconian legislation is going to be a long, tough fight.

Current law in Poland allows abortions only in three drastic situations: when the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest; when the life of the pregnant woman is in danger; or when the fetus is severely damaged. This is already one of the most restrictive abortion laws in all of Europe, forcing many women to seek out underground abortions or travel outside of Poland to countries like Slovakia. But in the eyes of Poland’s Catholic Church, this policy is too lackadaisical.

The draft of the new legislation was written by an organization called Ordo Iuris (Rule of Law), whose stated aim is to “promote a legal culture based on respect for human dignity and rights.” The draft was promptly endorsed by the Polish Episcopal Conference, which acts as the central organ of the Catholic Church in Poland. The conference’s widely disseminated notice on the new law explained that it supports it because the 5th Commandment specifically states “Thou shalt not kill,” and thus life must be protected from beginning—from the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg—to its natural end.

The wording of the law itself is simple but the implications are sweeping: “Every human being has the inherent right to life from the moment of conception,” reads its article I. “The life and health of the child from conception remain under protection of the law.”

On April 4, the Polish television network TVN reported that the law would lead to prison terms of up to three years for causing the death of a child once conceived. The same would apply to anyone who assists with or encourages the termination.

Critics looking at the possible legal ramifications were appalled. Pawel Kalisz of the Polish website Natemat wrote that the wording of the law could include as accomplices the woman or girl’s doctor; the friend driving her to the clinic; the dad who wrote her the sick note for the day off from school; the friend who brought her medication from abroad. Everyone.

Others noted that, in theory at least, rape survivors and children will be forced to give birth; women who might die due to their pregnancy will have no way to terminate it legally; a miscarriage might be punished with a sentence, as fetal murder will enter the criminal code;

Also, the state will have the right to bypass a person’s constitutional rights in order to protect unborn children; since prenatal testing is connected to a very small risk of miscarriage, it will be banned and doctors performing it might face criminal charges; and the morning-after pill will be categorized as an early abortion tool and thus completely banned (as will IUDs).

As one protester pointed out as well, women who discovered early on that their fetus had zero chance of surviving the pregnancy would be forced to live with the misery of carrying the baby for months and months until the inevitable conclusion.

The punishment would escalate to up to eight years of jail time for abortions undertaken without the consent of the woman. Furthermore, prison sentences of up to 10 years would be on the table for abortions undertaken while the fetus has the capacity for life outside the womb.

There are some loopholes, but they are narrow and unreliable. The draft law would not make it a crime for a doctor to end the life of a conceived child during the course of a procedure essential to saving the life of the mother. Furthermore, in exceptional cases the court would be able to reduce the jail sentence of a mother who had deliberately caused the death of a conceived child, or waive it altogether.

Although Polish values generally are Catholic and conservative, many Poles marched out of mass on Sunday in disgust when priests read the decree. A video of a woman openly admonishing her pastor went viral across the country. In it, the priest interrupts the woman’s tirade to ask if she has finished with her “political statement.” The irony of this remark was not lost on social media users, with one woman commenting, “Well, yes, because in church, political statements can only be made from the priest’s pulpit.”

The country’s right-wing media, meanwhile, called these protests a provocation against the state.

Although, formally, nothing has yet been codified, the wheels of change have been put into motion says Polish journalist Michał Szułdrzyński. “Now that Fundacja Pro have done their initial signature gathering, they will take it to the Sejm, which will verify the 1,000 signatures and then give the group three months to collect another 100,000 signatures. If successful, this next step would force the Sejm into taking a serious look.”

That’s not nearly as difficult as it sounds.

In 2011, a civic initiative to ban abortion gathered nearly 500,000 signatures and was introduced into the Sejm. At that time however, the lower house was run by the more left-leaning Civic Platform, which rejected the idea. When it was put to a vote, the more liberal Civic Platform party held 208 seats while Law and Justice (known by its Polish acronym PiS) controlled 157. The result of the vote was 178 for and 206 against.

Now, however, the PiS controls 235 seats against the Civic Platform party’s 157, and has embarked on a systematic campaign to stifle and marginalize opposition. PiS could pass the bill on its own, and it’s also got a parliamentary ally, with the third biggest party Kukiz’15, run by musician turned right-wing populist Pawel Kukiz. The Kukiz party holds 40 seats in Sejm, and its leader has also been an outspoken opponent of abortion in the past. With these numbers, the bill will almost assuredly pass.

All of this poses a very real and terrifying prospect for women across the country who fear that the coat hangers they’ve been holding as symbols of resistance might soon become their only recourse against unwanted and unsafe births.

When asked why he believes this is happening again, Szułdrzyński says it’s quite simple. “In the opinion of the Catholic Church abortion is wrong in every circumstance and they feel that as a Catholic country, Poland should pass a law to reflect the church’s position.”

Earlier in the week, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo was asked on public radio what she thought about this issue, and she said that as a Catholic she supports the proposal. Her remarks sparked outrage and she has now backtracked a bit to say that she was merely giving her opinion as a private person and not making a statement as prime minister.

Her flip-flop sparked ridicule online, with many women questioning why the PM was so personally interested in the wombs of Polish women. Several went on Szydlo’s Facebook page. One, Malina Prześluga-Delimata, decided to notify her, sarcastically, that she wasn’t pregnant:  “Madam Beato, I write to inform you that my cycle runs fine. I received my period on time (the cycle lasts 31 days).” She went on to thank the PM for being so interested in her and in her reproductive potential. “It is fantastic to know that for the moment I will be able to shift responsibility for my breeding to someone else. I will keep you up to date.”

The greatest display of anger, however, was on Poland’s streets, in what might be called the coat hanger rebellion.

Szułdrzyński believes that the ruling PiS party was caught off guard by the backlash. “This has driven great controversy because if you look at recent polls, although most people are against abortion, the overwhelming majority supports the three exceptions as they stand now,” he said.

Here is the organization behind this. Aren’t Abrahamic religions so nice? If some Arab or African converts to Catholicism, he can rape your daughter, be forgiven in confessional, while she is forced to bear the beast soon to be baptized into your biological people’s replacement.

Israel’s Hypocrisy: strict determination to maintain its EGI while opposing that of others

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 07 April 2016 08:37.

TNO, “Israel Segregates Maternity Wards,” 6 April 2016:

It has emerged that Israel racially segregates its maternity wards by race, with one Israeli Member of Parliament saying that this is done because “Arabs are my enemies and that’s why I don’t enjoy being next to them.”

Like many other racial segregation measures in Israel, the Jewish state has kept news of the segregated hospital wards secret until now—an incredible feat given that most Jews in that state will have had contact with the hospital system for decades.

According to a report in the Times of Israel, the revelations started with a report on Israeli Radio saying that hospitals have been separating Arab and Jewish mothers in maternity wards “when the mothers request it.”

Then, a Knesset member, Bezalel Smotrich, took to Twitter to support the racial segregation measure.

“My wife is truly no racist, but after giving birth she wants to rest rather than have a hafla”—a mass feast often accompanied by music and dancing—“like the Arabs have after their births,” the Knesset member tweeted.

After his tweet received negative replies, Smotrich went a step further, writing: “It’s natural that my wife wouldn’t want to lie down [in a bed] next to a woman who just gave birth to a baby who might want to murder her baby twenty years from now.”

He then added that “Arabs are my enemies and that’s why I don’t enjoy being next to them.”

His wife, Revital, later told Israel’s Channel 10 that she had “kicked an Arab obstetrician out of the [delivery] room. I want Jewish hands to touch my baby, and I wasn’t comfortable lying in the same room with an Arab woman.”

“I refuse to have an Arab midwife, because for me giving birth is a Jewish and pure moment,” she said.

Smotrich in the Knesset.

The resultant publicity has forced the Israeli Health Ministry to quickly back down from its segregation policy, and issue a statement saying that such a practice was “not allowed.”

Despite the official condemnation, the reality remains that there has been—and most likely still is—such segregation “upon request.”

The real issue is, once again, not if Jews in Israel want to be segregated from Palestinians or not. From their point of view, there are possibly good reasons for doing so in order to preserve their identity and culture.

However, it is when Jewish activists in Israel and other nations start agitating against any Europeans who dare to suggest that they also have a right to protect their identity, that the problem comes in.

For, if Europeans dare to suggest that they should have a right to a European state—in the same way that Jews have the right to a Jewish state—then these same Jews are the first to attack them as being “Nazis” and “haters.”

Proof of this can be seen in the complete silence by the Anti-Defamation League and other Jewish organizations about Smotrich and his wife’s public comments. Any European politician who had dared say anything similar—about non-Europeans or Jews, for example—would immediately have been condemned by the ADL and lambasted in the Jewish-dominated media in the West.

But, as usual, that media remains silent on outbursts by Jews and racial segregation measures in Israel.

There always seems to be one rule for Jews, and another rule for Europeans.

Israel ban’s interracial marriage book:

New Observer, ‘Israel Bans Interracial Marriage Book’, 3 Jan 2016:

Israel’s Education Ministry has formally banned a book about an interracial affair between a Jew and a Gentile because, the Jewish state’s government says, the book “threatens Jewish identity” and does not deal with the “significance of miscegenation” between “Jews and non-Jews.”

Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett, and the book banned for promoting “miscegenation” in Israel.

At the same time, the organized Jewish lobby in America and Europe —which fanatically supports Israel—demands of Europeans that they accept miscegenation and mixed marriages in order not to be “racist.”

According to an article in the Israeli Haaretz newspaper, titled “Israel Bans Novel on Arab-Jewish Romance From Schools for ‘Threatening Jewish Identity‘” (December 31, 2015), Israel’s Education Ministry has “disqualified a novel (called “Gader Haya,” or “Borderlife”) that describes a love story between an Israeli woman and a Palestinian man from use by high schools around the country.”

An official statement released by the ministry said that the book had been banned from schools because of the “need to maintain the identity and the heritage of students in every sector,” and that “intimate relations between Jews and non-Jews threatens our separate identity.”

The Education Ministry added that “young people of adolescent age don’t have the systemic view that includes considerations involving maintaining the national-ethnic identity of the people and the significance of miscegenation.”

The book tells the story of Liat, an Israeli translator, and Hilmi, a Palestinian artist, who meet and fall in love in New York, until they part ways for her to return to Tel Aviv and he to the West Bank city of Ramallah, where Israel’s racial segregation laws force them apart.

The decision to ban the book was endorsed by Education Minister Naftali Bennett’s office, which issued a statement saying “The minister backs the decision made by the professionals.”

In a separate article, Haaretz columnist Alon Idan frankly admitted that the reason why the book was banned was so that Israel could “maintain purity of blood.”

Alon said that the decision meant simply that “Jews and Arabs are forbidden to have sex with one another; Jews and Arabs are forbidden to love one another; Jews and Arabs are forbidden to marry one another; Jews and Arabs are forbidden to have families with one another; Jews and Arabs are forbidden to live together.”

No one with any clear-thinking mind would dispute the right of Jews to maintain their identity in their own country.

However, the organized Jewish lobby in America and Europe—which is one of Israel’s strongest supporters—demands of Europeans that they adopt exactly the opposite policy to that which they support in the Jewish state.

The ADL, for example, which describes itself as “the world’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice, and bigotry,” has an entire section of its website devoted to boasting about the Jewish role in dismantling anti-miscegenation and anti-mixed marriage laws in America.

For example, an ADL press release from March 2015, dealing with the promotion of homosexual marriage (something else which is illegal in Israel), titled “ADL Urges Supreme Court to Overturn State Marriage Bans” quotes Christopher Wolf, ADL Civil Rights Chair, as saying that “Marriage bans unconstitutionally enshrine one particular religious view of marriage into law.”

The ADL goes on to quote Deborah M. Lauter, ADL Civil Rights Director, as saying that “Discriminatory laws targeting disadvantaged groups have long been justified by religious and moral disapproval, but time and time again, the Supreme Court has rejected these arguments. The Court needs only to look at its decisions ending slavery, segregation, interracial-marriage bans, and laws restricting women’s roles in public life to reach the right conclusion.”

The ADL was joined in this demand by The American Jewish Committee; Bend the Arc — A Jewish Partnership for Justice; The Central Conference of American Rabbis and the Women of Reform Judaism; Global Justice Institute; Hadassah — The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc.; Jewish Social Policy Action Network (JSPAN); Keshet; The National Council of Jewish Women; Nehirim; Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and Jewish Reconstructionist Communities; Society for Humanistic Judaism; T’ruah: Rabbis for Human Rights-North America; and Women’s League for Conservative Judaism.

In addition, the ADL was joined by a host of Christian, Asian, and Sikh organizations—but none of them were being hypocritical about their public stance, unlike the Israel-supporting Jewish groups.

The ADL has a special section of its website devoted to explaining to its supporters how to defend Israel. Titled “Israel: A Guide for Activists,” the ADL page provides detailed instructions on every aspect of the Jewish state, and how to answer accusations made against it.

In addition, the ADL—and all the other organized Jewish organizations—set up formal visits to Israel, engage in lobbying on behalf of the Jewish state, and ensure that their controlled media never reports negatively on Jewish political manipulations or their control of Western governments.

It is clear that the Jews know and understand perfectly the principles of race and the need to preserve racial homogeneity in order to maintain Jewish cultural identity.

In Israel, this understanding takes practical effect through the banning of mixed marriages, the outlawing of non-Jewish immigration, racial segregation in schools and living areas, and their ultimate goal—a separate Jews-only state.

Yet, in America, Europe, and anywhere else where there are large numbers of Europeans, the Israel-supporting Jewish lobby actively promotes policies which are the diametric opposite to the policies which their state enforces.

The facts are inescapable:  the Jewish lobby knows perfectly well that miscegenation and mixed marriages will lead to the destruction of Jewish identity and the Jewish nation-state.

They therefore also know that promoting miscegenation and mixed marriages among non-Jews will lead to the destruction of European identity, and the destruction of European nation-states.

This “hypocrisy” is too obvious to be an accident: it can only be the result of a conscious, deliberate decision, aimed at bringing about the destruction of non-Jews.

Survivor located of a branch not seen in 30 years among one of the most endangered species

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 03 April 2016 23:22.

Nya Dagbladet, Sumatran Rhino encountered in Indonesian Borneo, 3 April 2016:

Sumatran Rhino encountered in Indonesian Borneo (Photo: Angelskiss31 / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

A very small number Sumatran Rhinos are remaining in the world.

The Sumatran Rhino is one of the world’s most endangered mammals, with possibly fewer than 100 left in the wild. Now, however, a little hope is kindled by a species branch member found in Kalimantan, Borneo for the first time in 30 years.

WWF reports that a female 4-5 years old was captured in a specially designed trap and that this came as a big surprise as most believed that the species is extinct in the Indonesian part of Borneo.

- This is a unique find, something I never thought we would be a part of. Now we have a great opportunity to save an almost extinct species, says Olle Forshed, rainforest expert at WWF.

Already in 2013 footprints were identified in the region and it is estimated that there are at least three families of about 15 rhinos in Kalimantan. In order to secure the survival of the species WWF experts need also to advocate policies for rainforest preservation so that the large animals can live and breed in peace. The female who was discovered and captured will now be moved to a safer rainforest, where her habitat is not threatened by destruction.

Felling of forests for coal mine in Central Kalimantan.

(Photo: Andrew Taylor / WDM / CC BY 2.0)

Poaching, oil palm cultivation and mining are deemed to be the greatest threats to Sumatran Rhino today. On the Malaysian part of Borneo it was declared the species extinct last year.

Carl Svensson

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Centerville, U.S.A. - Churches and Liquor Stores

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 14:10.

Living the nightmare of “Centerville U.S.A.” - a nightmarish trip from which a large part of Americans will not wake.

Speaking of discursive structures directing the sheeple to be herded into Abrahamic mind-control centers, there is a church on every corner in the towns of Indiana, U.S.A.

Reality is not lived there, it is a lived nightmare.


So TT informs us, to his utter disgust.

If only the majority of American White men would wake up. But no, the nightmare known is preferred.

They’d prefer to live “The Book of Revelation, Beast from the Abyss, Seven Deadly Plagues”, etc. LOL.

“Can’t save the sheeple, they will just have to be culled.” - TT


Living the nightmare trip as it were….

            “churches and liquor stores ” - Centerville, U.S.A.


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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 01:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

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