Majorityrights News > Category: Demographics

Brussels: Immigration & Terrorism

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 March 2016 18:20.

TNO, Brussels: Immigration and Terrorism, 22 March 2016:

The promotion of legal and illegal nonwhite “immigration” into Europe is to blame for the latest terrorist bombings in Brussels, and such attacks will increase unless the Third World invasion is halted and reversed.

The controlled media’s coverage of the attacks will, as usual, focus on the minutiae of the events rather than their real cause—and will do anything to hide the fact that mass Third World immigration is the real culprit.

Above: A CCTV still of the suspected bombers. The two circles indicate the gloves worn to hide the suicide vest triggers. The nonwhite on the right apparently fled after his device failed to detonate.

The Brussels Metro blast scene.

The March 22 Brussels attacks—carried out by Muslims in revenge for the earlier arrest of “immigrant” terrorist Salah Abdeslam—have only been possible because race-denying liberals have allowed the Belgian capital—and many other cities in Europe—to be overrun with Third World immigrants over a period of decades.

In their mania to deny the reality of race and racial differences, the ruling liberal elite in Europe has claimed that nonwhites can come to Europe, and, once they learn the language and adopt Western-style clothing, will become “Europeans” in culture, intelligence, achievement, and social responsibility.

Of course, nothing of the sort happens. Because intelligence, social responsibility, achievement, psychology, and physical appearance are genetic in origin, all that actually happens is that the chaos which these Third Worlders have created in their own countries, merely gets transferred en masse to Europe.

Brussels is a case in point. Anyone who knows and understands the demographics of that city would have been able to predict the nature of that city’s inhabitants without ever having been there.

That city is now so overrun with nonwhites that Mohamed is the most common male name in the Brussels region—and has been for many years, as the Morocco World News service recently boasted.

READ Jews Object to “Xenophobic” Euro Parties; But Support Ultra-Xenophobic Israel

Although the [liberals] who run the Belgian government have made it illegal to record the race of the capital’s population, a 2012 report in the Brussel Niewus news service revealed that 62 percent of Brussels residents have a “foreign origin.”

While this unquestionably includes many Europeans—not only because the European Union is headquartered in that city—the reality is that a very large percentage of that number are nonwhite “immigrants,” both legal and illegal; “asylum seekers,” and “refugees.”

Furthermore, given that the “62 percent” figure is already nearly four years out of date—and the nonwhite invasion has increased dramatically over the last year alone—it is likely that the percentage of nonwhites in Brussels is far higher than what many might expect.

Thus the attacks in Brussels come as no surprise, just like the nonwhite terrorist attacks in Paris last year. Indeed, nonwhite immigration has been the cause of every single major terrorist incident in Europe for the last ten years at least—and possibly longer.

The reality is therefore clear: the acts of terrorism which are spreading across Europe are directly related to the increasing number of nonwhites living on that continent. Anyone who denies this is only deluding themselves.

From this fact it is equally clear that the only way in which terrorist attacks such as that in Brussels and Paris can be brought to a halt, is by the expulsion of all nonwhites from Europe. There is simply no other way to solve the problem.

The physical expulsion of the Third World population from Europe is something which is easy to physically implement. All that needs to be done is to gather the political willpower to do it—by empowering those parties and political movements which will carry out such a policy.

READ Eastern Europe “Defender of Civilization”

If this political will is not created, then Europe will be condemned to self-destruction, increasing terrorism, being overrun by the Third World—and, ultimately, physical extermination at the hands of the nonwhites.

Black & Hispanic Democrats vs White, Liberal Democrats - Potential White Left Recruiting Ground

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 22 March 2016 19:02.

                Lots of White faces at Bernie rally.

TOO, Sam Dickson, “Black and Hispanic Democrats versus White, Liberal Democrats,” 22 March 2016:  With all the attention on Donald Trump, there has been little discussion of the astonishing rift between Black and Hispanic Democrats on one hand and White liberal Democrats on the other.

Hillary Clinton has shut Bernie Sanders out of the Black and Brown voters. She is their candidate. She is catering to them to an astonishing degree. She has endorsed all the fantasies and lies about White cops killing Black males. She has hauled the mother of Travon Martin around, putting her on the stage to endorse her candidacy, and talking about how Lil’ Travon was murdered by George Zimmerman but there was no justice. She has extolled the Gentle Giant.

She made statements about a breaking story about three Black coeds who claimed they were attacked by Whites on a bus who called them “nigger.” When a surveillance video from the bus revealed that the whole story was concocted, Hillary refused to retract her statements or to apologize for joining in false accusations against innocent people.

There is no limit in race-betrayal that Clinton will not go to.

Clinton is now virtually the captive of the Blacks and Browns. They cast about half the votes in the Democratic Party. They are the ones who have given her the nomination.

The White Democrats — even the wimmin — have deserted her and flocked to Sanders in droves.

Sanders has gotten nowhere in his efforts to chip non-White voters away from Clinton.

He is the candidate of the White wing of the Democratic Party.

What does this mean for White Nationalists like us who are thinking in long range terms (like Jews) instead of next weeks primary vote?

A lot.

For many years I have predicted that there would come a point at which White liberals would realize that their Black and Brown friends don’t have the slightest interest in issues that excite White liberals: gay rights, environmentalism, funding for the arts, conservation, public parks.

No. The Blacks and the Browns are only interested in “The Gimme.”

And increasingly Blacks and Browns will control and dominate the Democratic Party. Already, they are sending the White liberal Democrats to the back of the bus.

The alliance between White liberals and the racist minorities is breaking up. They are splitting.

Add in the fact that there are a lot of White liberals at the local level who have caught on that the Jews are running their own racist ethnostate and that their posturings about fighting racism and their deep, deep concern about the plight of Blacks and the need for open borders are utterly insincere.

At some point our White liberal racial brothers and sisters are going to be up for grabs.

The shizoid nature of Democratic voter behavior along racial lines shows that this is coming.

How can we reach out to them and help raise the consciousness?

White American Advocacy of Trump: The Arguments

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 March 2016 10:23.

Republican leaders talk about how to deal with Trump (apparently, these are not actors):

First of all, my (DanielS) concerns are primarily metapolitical in nature, where political at all. I have never had faith in the dog and pony show of politics to look after our E.G.I.

Nevertheless, there are people who care about European/White E.G.I. who think it is important for strategic reasons to get White people en mass behind Trump.

Again, it won’t be this White man who cares, I have never liked Trump and don’t trust his values. A businessman is, by training, Manichean: truth and justice is not his objective, defeating others is; and in that game that he plays, changing the rules, if necessary to win, is what he will do.

Cyberneticists have famously observed that the engineer and the scientist by contrast, is focused on Augustinian devils - natural devils.

Perhaps that focus makes a scientist such as MacDonald gullible to the tactics and naive to the motives of a businessman like Trump.

However, in service of squaring things-off, so that we can have an accurate dialectic going on here, in order to arrive at what is more the case, rather than arguing against cardboard figures, lets try to render some of MacDonald’s best arguments as to why Trump is someone for Whites to get behind.

MacDonald’s arguments as I understand them:

1) Because he is independently wealthy, he can flout the PC norms that have hog-tied Whites and address the true and important concerns of what has been the implicit base in support of the Republican Party - White people.

- That candor to move the Overton window is opposed to the concerns of people in the clip; and the Jews who have policed White ethnocentric dissent with iron PC rule.

2) He will either a) take that implicit White base, tarry with its interests at least to some extent, gain its support; thus owe some genuine regard for its concerns for a change through its Republican auspices. Or b) Destroy the GOP (which the men in the video would hate).

Plan b is not a bad option according to MacDonald and to most White people in the know - the Republican Party has looked like us but has shown White people no loyalty. Quite the opposite, it has been every bit as complicit in our demise as the Democrats.

Bring on the grassroots of ethnocentric Whites to form a third party; and if he will, let Trump set it in motion, MacDonald says.

That is what Whites have always needed, an independently wealthy White man who will actually put his money behind Whites the way Jews put their wealth behind their interests.

3) If it were not for Trump, issues of the American border and immigration would not even have been mentioned by the Republican Presidential Candidates. Trump forced that issue upon Cruz, Rubio et al.

Trump brought that critical issue into White American consciousness and legitimized it despite the masters of discourse having de-legitimized discourse of its concern since 1965.

That is also crucial, according to MacDonald, since it will force people to pay more attention to who is behind mass non-White migration to America. KM adds, there is no question that it was Jewish interests that have done this; and once Whites begin to understand that, they will see that Jewish interests have had nefarious aims - that the results for White E.G.I have been and will be deadly.

4) Though KM and Duke do not emphasize the corporate complicity, they do acknowledge that it is working Whites who suffer the most from these immigration policies, from unskilled labor to H1B migrants.

- Trump has not only explicitly called for deportation and the building of a fence to keep out unskilled migrants

- He has also cited Rubio for calling not for reduction but the increase of H1B Visas.

5) Trump’s destruction of Jeb Bush, Rubio and Cruz means the destruction not only of politics as usual for the Republican Party, as these are the people that they wanted to nominate - but also of the Neo-Con agenda which lies deeper behind them.

In fact, William Crystal threatened to start a third party if Trump got the nomination.

MacDonald adds that the Neo-Con agenda is strictly Jewish. It has nothing to do with White interests and has been a disaster or White interests.

Therefore, MacDonald says, “so be it.” Let the White outrage begin if their votes are treated as if they don’t matter; let it be known who runs the Republican Party - Jewish Neo Cons and Corporate interests - let it be destroyed and a new third party that takes the side of Whites be born instead.

6) Trump is the best option also because he has the best chance for White interests against Hillary Clinton - if she wins that is a disaster because she is the quintessential neo-liberal, neo-con dream all in one: completely beholden to the worst domestically and foreign - of right wing economic and military objectives and PC cultural agendas.

7) It is important to get behind Trump now because if it takes another 8 - 12 years for someone like him to come along it might be too late for Whites to wield voting power enough to sway the political direction to their interests.

The Nightmare & The Tragedy of Rotterdam has Spread to Antwerp

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 07 March 2016 19:55.

TNO, “Nonwhite Majority in Antwerp Schools” 5 March 2016:

An absolute majority of elementary school pupils in the Belgian city of Antwerp are nonwhite, according to figures released by the Belgian Minister of Education, Claude Marinowe.

Antwerp Central Station.

Although it is illegal in Belgium to collect data based on race, the figures (as reported in the Gazet van Antwerpen newspaper), can be taken to mean that 52.4 percent of all elementary school pupils are of Arabic, north African, or Middle Eastern origin.

In contrast, only 18.7% of the children are Catholic, and some 26.4 percent Protestant, and thus more likely to be white.

According to the Gazet van Antwerpen, in the suburb of Kiel, just south of the city center, 83 percent of children are Muslims. In Antwerp-North, the figure is 64 percent, and in the suburb of Borgerhout, it stands at 63 percent.

The lowest numbers are in the northern suburb of Ekeren—where De Winter lives—where 14 percent of the school children are Muslim, and in Berendrecht, Zandvliet, and Lillo district (the three towns along the seaport docks north of the old city of Antwerp), where 15 percent of the school population are Muslim.

The Flora school in Bergerhout, Antwerp. Pictures from the school website.

The elementary school with the largest percentage of Muslim children is the Flora in Borgerhout, which has a 94% Muslim enrollment—and going by the pictures on its website, what appears to be close to a 100% nonwhite school body.

The Gazet van Antwerpen added that Muslims make up more than half of the student bodies in thirty-three of the fifty-eight urban elementary schools in the city. Each year this figure increases by 2 percent on average.

Given these statistics, it is inevitable that Antwerp will be a majority nonwhite city within the next ten years at most, unless all Third World immigration is halted and reversed.

Street scene in Borgerhout, Antwerp.

The influx of nonwhites into Belgium has been growing for a number of years through legal immigration channels, promoted and encouraged by successive conservative and socialist party governments.

The Vlaams Belang party is the only group which has consistently opposed mass Third World immigration. It was previously known as the Vlaams Blok, but had to reform into the Vlaams Belang in 2004 after the government had it banned for breaching “anti-racism” laws.

Dmitri (((Medvedev))) says that you shouldn’t worry about the migrants he is sending to you.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 13 February 2016 19:10.

YLE, ‘Russian border guard to STT: Russian security service behind northeast asylum traffic’, 24 Jan 2016 (emphasis added):

Afghan nationals Nazirulhag (left) and Rahmatullah wait at a boom station three kilometers east of Alakurtti, Russia on January 23, 2016 for permission from the Russian Border Guard  to continue on with their trip to Finland's Salla border crossing.
Afghan nationals Nazirulhag (left) and Rahmatullah wait at a boom station three kilometers east of Alakurtti, Russia on January 23, 2016 for permission from the Russian Border Guard to continue on with their trip to Finland’s Salla border crossing. | Image: Jussi Nukari / Lehtikuva

Finnish news agency STT reports a Russian border guard’s confession that the transport of asylum seekers to Finland’s two northeast border crossings is being orchestrated by the Russian Federation’s Federal Security Service, the FSB. Families with children are given priority, the source said. Finnish authorities have suspected for some time that the transfer of asylum seekers from Russia to Finland has been part of a carefully organised operation.

The Tampere-based newspaper Aamulehti reported on Saturday that a Russian border guard told the Finnish news agency STT that the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) has arranged asylum seeker access to the Finnish border. The FSB organises the traffic in concert with the Kandalaksha district administration of Russia’s Murmansk region and the Russian Border Guard.

The board guard source says the FSB decides which car moves at what time and how it can proceed to the border. The state-sponsored organisation gives priority to families with small children, the source reveals.

An STT photographer who visited the Russian side of the Salla border crossing told the Finnish tabloid Ilta-Sanomat that he had seen asylum seekers waiting in their cars in the Russian city of Alakurtti, located about 70 kilometres from the border. The photographer said there were dozens of cars with asylum seekers waiting there, cut off by a boom that allowed other cars to pass.

The Finnish commercial television station MTV says the photographer later picked up a Border Guard employee whose car had stalled in the cold. During their journey together, the Russian guard told the Finn about the Russian asylum seeker operation.

Finns suspected organised activity

Several Finnish authorities have gone public recently with their suspicion that the transfer of asylum seekers from Russia to Finland is an organised effort. On Yle’s morning programme Saturday, MEPs Jussi Halla-aho and Petri Sarvamaa said they believe Russia is using the migrant crisis to gain foreign policy leverage.

Foreign Minister Timo Soini met with officials at the Lapland border stations early Saturday morning and said the visit confirmed his suspicion that the asylum seeker traffic there is arranged by Russian enablers.

“The impression that someone is organising and regulating things on the Russian side is probably true. Border guard employees don’t play politics, they jointly take care of cross-border traffic. It is quite obvious that activity like this is a managed effort,” he said.

Reality is an interesting thing, isn’t it?

But if a person has been reading most European ethno-nationalist news sites a person would surely have been led to believe that Russia is a ‘friend’ of Europe, and that the Russian Federation is the last hope for Europe, and that they alone will defend Europe. Or something like that.

Do not be deceived, Russia wants to see the European Union collapse and is more than happy to assist in that process, while simultaneously pretending that they are not involved in it.

See here:

YLE, ‘Medvedev: Russia won’t send “excessive numbers” of asylum seekers to Finland’, 12 Feb 2016 (emphasis added):

President Sauli Niinistö and Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev Image: Antti Aimo-Koivisto / Lehtikuva ja Yekaterina Shtukina / AFP
President Sauli Niinistö and Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev | Image: Antti Aimo-Koivisto / Lehtikuva ja Yekaterina Shtukina / AFP

Ahead of a Friday evening meeting with Finnish President Niinistö, the Russian PM is quoted as saying that Moscow cannot stop asylum seekers from crossing into Finland.

Finnish President Sauli Niinistö meets with Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev on Friday evening on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. The two are likely to discuss the migrant situation along the countries’ mutual border, where the number of arriving asylum seekers has been surging in recent weeks.

Medvedev was earlier in the day quoted as saying that Russia does not intend to prevent asylum seekers’ movement toward the Finnish border.

The quote was posted on the Russian government website as part of its version of the premier’s interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt – although the business daily’s published interview does not include any mention of Finland. In the official transcript, Medvedev says that Russia cannot stop asylum seekers from crossing into Finland.

“No legal grounds” to stop migrants

He is also quoted as saying that Niinistö and Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä are very concerned about the situation, but that Russia does not have any legal grounds to stop those heading west into Finland. Medvedev met with Sipilä in St Petersburg in late January.

Medvedev notes that Russia is a party to the European Convention on Human Rights. He insisted that Russia has no bad intentions and does not plan to send excessive numbers of asylum seekers into Finland.

Finland’s 1340-kilometre border with Russia is the EU’s longest.

See, the Russian-Jew Prime Minister Dmitry (((Medvedev))) says that there are ‘no bad intentions’! He can totally be trusted, right? Every European ethno-nationalist site can now return to posting stupid memes about how ‘cool’ Russia’s government is, while the Russian FSB are continuing to ferry migrants across Russia’s largest border with the EU.

Other sites may have ideological, religious, or even monetary reasons to slavishly support Russia, but thankfully we at Majorityrights have no such entanglements.

Because of our ideological, religious, and monetary independence, Majorityrights can and will continue to call a spade a spade.

Bill Gates & UK Government Pledge 3 Billion to Compound Cataclysmic African Population Explosion

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 25 January 2016 23:49.

Reuters, ‘Britain and Bill Gates pledge 3 billion pounds to fight malaria’ 25 Jan 2016:

Britain will spend 500 million pounds ($700 million) per year for the next five years to try and end deaths caused by malaria, the government said on Monday, announcing a partnership with Microsoft founder Bill Gates worth a total of 3 billion pounds.

Finance minister George Osborne announced the spending, to be funded from the country’s overseas aid budget, at an event with billionaire Gates, whose Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will also contribute around $200 million per year to the package.

“Across the globe over a billion people are infected with malaria and it’s a cause of both untold misery and lost economic potential,” Osborne said in a statement.

“That’s why, working with Bill Gates, I’m determined that Britain leads the world in the fight against this disease.”

In December, the World Health Organization’s annual malaria report showed deaths falling to 438,000 in 2015 - down dramatically from 839,000 in 2000 - and found a significant increase in the number of countries moving towards the elimination of malaria.

The U.N. now wants to cut new cases and deaths from malaria, a parasitic mosquito-borne infection, by 90% before 2030.

Osborne said some of the money would be spent in Britain to advance the science being used to combat the disease. The Gates Foundation first annual contribution will support research, development and regional efforts to eliminate the disease.

The Gates Foundation was launched in 2000 by Gates and wife Melinda to fight disease and poverty around the world.

Are you stupid or just evil, Bill? Just where we need big money directed - to compound Africa’s exploding population…


Another instalment of ‘Things Putin actually said’. “Let them come here”, said Putin about Jews.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thursday, 21 January 2016 01:33.

It’s time for another instalment of ‘things Putin actually said’. Imagine that Europe became a really hazardous place to live one day, so hazardous that the Jews started looking for places to run to in order to escape from the backlash stemming from their own handiwork.

Would Putin facilitate them in their escape?

Let’s find out. See here:

Euronews, ‘Jews welcome in Russia, Putin tells Europe’s Jewish leaders’, 19 Jan 2016 (emphasis added):

Putin talks with Kantor
Putin meets with Kantor.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has met with European Jewish leaders to discuss their concerns over rising anti-Semitism on the continent.

During the meeting, Putin pointed out that many Jews emigrated from Moscow when it was part of the former Soviet Union. He said now they can come back.

The president of the European Jewish Congress, Moshe Kantor said the number of Jews fleeing Europe is also on the rise.

“The situation with the Jews in Europe is the worst it has been since the end of the Second World War,” said Kantor. “The Jews are again in fear and a Jewish exodus from Europe is quite real. There are more Jews fleeing France, which is considered very secure, than from civil-war-torn Ukraine.”

“Let them come here,” said Putin. “They emigrated from here under Soviet Union, but now they can come back.”

Of course. He’ll probably invite them to settle in the ‘Far East’, land which the Russians have no warrant to put themselves in, much less their Jewish friends.

RFE/RL, ‘Russia’s Jewish Autonomous Region In Siberia ‘Ready’ To House European Jews’, 20 Jan 2016 (emphasis added):

Far East Jewish Autonomous Region
Far East Jewish Autonomous Region.

The governor of Russia’s Far East Jewish Autonomous Region says the area is “ready” to house Jews from Europe who are facing anti-Semitism.

Aleksandr Levintal said his region “will welcome Jews from European countries, where they may face attacks by anti-Semitic elements.”

Levintal also called his region “the first officially established Jewish statehood.”

Levintal’s remarks come a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin called on Jews to return to Russia.

In Moscow on January 19, Putin told the head of the European Jewish Congress, Moshe Kantor, that he had seen reports saying European Jews were scared to wear a yarmulke, the traditional Jewish skull cap, in public.

Putin told Kantor, “They can come to us. They left the Soviet Union. Let them return.”

The Jewish Autonomous Region was established by the Soviet government in 1934 in a part of southeastern Siberia that borders China.

In 1948, the Jewish population there peaked at 30,000—a quarter of the region’s total population.

By 2010, out of 180,000 residents in the region, only about 1,600 were of Jewish ancestry.

The Russians want to use their federal structure as a tool to vector more Jews into Siberia. How long is humanity going to have to endure the existence of a structure like the Russian federal state? Who will rid the world of that gigantic bloated cancer?

Schoolgirls report abuse by young asylum seekers

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 16 January 2016 15:49.

The Local, ‘Schoolgirls report abuse by young asylum seekers’, 15 Jan 2016:

Austrian officials are investigating allegations that four under-age asylum seekers sexually harassed and assaulted three schoolgirls for months, without anybody taking action.

The four boys attended the Schlossstrasse middle school in Salzburg. It was only in the wake of the widely reported New Year sexual assaults in Cologne that one of the victims, aged 14, made a complaint to police.

That resulted in the four youngsters, aged 14, 15 and 16, being suspended. Only one of them had a residence permit.

According to a report in the Kronen Zeitung newspaper, three female students say they were assaulted and groped by the boys for months.

Last Wednesday an attack on one girl was reportedly so severe that it came to the attention of the school headmistress Eva Szalony, who made a complaint to police. 

She said the allegations were “a complete shock” and that the school is now investigating why the girls had suffered for so long without reporting the abuse.

She said that the male pupils had all come to Austria as unaccompanied minors from Syria and Afghanistan and she believed them to be happy and grateful for being allowed to live in Austria and attend school, adding that “they were integrating themselves very well”.

Police have now confirmed they are investigating allegations of sexual assault, grievous bodily harm and threats.

The allegations go back to last November, and involve verbal abuse and suggestive comments as well as physical violence in which the girls say they were groped and fondled.

The attacks got more serious as time went by. The 14-year-old said that she was often hit by a 15-year-old from Afghanistan, including an incident where she was hit so badly from behind that she smashed her head onto the desk.

She was attacked again on Wednesday by the same boy, who smashed her against a locker so hard that the police were called. They took the victim and the accused to the station. After hearing of her ordeal, police then expanded the investigation.

Local education officials in Salzburg have said the incidents are being dealt with very seriously and that it will appoint a coordinator to oversee all school-age asylum seekers and their teachers.

Psychologists are now speaking to affected pupils in the school as well as their classmates, and parents have been informed about the situation.

Story courtesy of Central European News

These are the things that liberals don’t think about before they start getting excited about ‘welcoming refugees’. No one should have been surprised by any of this.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 18 May 2024 14:37. (View)

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James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 16 May 2024 19:55. (View)

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