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Luke Ford’s Rebbe explains why “The Left” is the problem, not the Jews.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 10 March 2018 06:59.

...and not the right-wing, of course.

Luke Ford: “You agree that the left is bad, right?”

The Rebbe: “I actually think it’s worse than bad…it’s basically demonic.”

“The Rebbe” explains how “the left” was a Satanist plot devised by Jacob Frank to oppose the Talmud.

These Jews who left orthodoxy “weren’t really Jewish anymore” ..‘how would you define yourself?”...“so a lot if them took to ‘Frankism’....and Frankism tended to infiltrate” ..“so you wound up having it being the radical subversive left of Jewry was drawn to these Frankist ideas…so you tend to see a relationship between the leftists of 1850 and 1950 in Frank.


If you’re a fan of Marx you’ll say that Marx was a good guy, he just screwed up by not writing that final book explaining how communism would actually work. But my point of view is that’s not a bug, its a feature.

The reason that Marx didn’t like capitalism is because capitalism worked….that this is not necessarily a good person. His intentions were not necessarily good.

...same thing with a lot of these people like Freud or going to the Frankfurt school. Two of the Frankfurt School guys actually studied under Shabbat Hazivi [Shabbat Hasivi? - “Sabbatian” ...don’t know the exact terms he’s using]..

So did, uh, Israel Zangwill who is the main guy ...and that actually ties into the story - Zangwill is the main guy who came up with the idea of Islamic immigration to the West. He did the ‘melting pot.’

So, basically what I’m doing is a paradigm analysis of the left.

Where on earth do these crazy ideas come from - transexuals invading Marx’s ideas, Frued’s ideas… Horest Kahelen who is the guy who invented multiculturalism, he had a bizarre obsession with defiling the Sabbath ...they are rebel Jews.

So, the left came out of Frankism - you have these wild ideas of homosexuality…Muslims, the whole nine yards, and that’s how you get a movement that is so radical. You even had a Frankist on the Supreme Court with Frankfurter and Brandeis.


(As opposed to) “the underlying narrative driven by the Alt-Right’s (MacDonald), if you look at it from the narrative that The United States was driven left by Steven Samuel Wise and Reform Judaism, what it suggests is that demographic and the weight of that demographic, because Reform Jews don’t have babies, Orthodox Jews do have babies…its also getting a long time since Rabbi Steven Wise was around, he died in around 1947… it means that the prognosis is very positive.

The prognosis is very positive. It means that the Jews are going to swing right-wing instead of continuing this unrelenting war against gentile culture. And this shows up in the statistics.

When you look at the numbers of Jews, the breakdown of Jews under 30, they’re actually - this is pretty shocking - they’re more right-wing than, uhm, than Whites.

There are a lot of this stuff you know, on college campuses, the Jewish frats are just fully right-wing.

What happens, young Jewish men are swinging right-wing and part of this is intersectionality - the left is now so taken with this cause of bringing-in Muslims, Hispanics, that effectively they’ve made it hostile to Jews.


Luke Ford: “You agree that the left is bad, right?”

The Rebbe: “I actually think it’s worse than bad…it’s basically demonic.” give you a perfect example. I worked for a few years for these high-powered lawyers; and they would run these litigations where they would sue a given company ..and the litigation would be billions of dollars. ...and its just absurd that these trial lawyers, who were at the time the number one doners to the Democratic party, could run these rackets and make hundreds of millions of dollars in profit.

So the whole system is completely perverse with public sector unions - so that every goverment worker, who’s a member of a public sector union, kicks back money to the Democratic party. Then they volunteer for the Democratic party.”

“The big problem is with immigration and the problem with that” [is not that Jews and right wing sell-outs have brought a bunch of non-White scabs in] but that they have brought in voters to reconstruct the left, the democratic party.’  “The problem with naturalization law where if you can bring someone into the country and five years later, they’re a voter.”

“And basically what that does is create a massive incentive to bring in voters. So basically democracy has been hacked because you can just flood the country. And if the immigrants are stupid, if they’re not capable, then they go into social services - so now they’re feeding back more clients for social services, so kicking more back to goverment unions, they get locked into social services, they’re perpetual left wing voters.”

Get it? The problem is “the left” not what kind (i.e., what demographic) of left that social unionization and responsibility is acting upon. Then he adds, after playing the card that ‘the left is the problem’...“the actual non-White immigrants vote at about 82% + Democrat, Muslims vote at about 93% Democrat; so, that’s the simple narrative to explain why the West is being flooded with all these people - because the Democrats, The Left, needs voters”

Not so much that ‘exaggerated’ Kevin MacDonald ‘Jews as a group evolutionary strategy stuff.’

The Rebbe suggests that the problem with immigration is basically the democratic party seeking voters (not that the Republicans seek cheap scab labor as well)...and not so much Jews generally being indifferent where not antagonistic to White organization/unionization ...

Where immigration policy was advanced by Jews, it would be “the bad Jews” ...“the Leftists” ..but like all “bad things”, homosexuality, abortion, “the left wing Jews only advanced these agendas by about ten years.”

“The Jews actually preserved 1950s culture in an America, at the time, too war-weary to fight a cultural war.”

Voices from the Warski Ghetto in response to banishment from (((Youtube))) and other (((platforms)))

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 March 2018 20:04.

(((Harvard Elite))) Insider Spills Beans: Turning Europe Nations Multi-Ethnic An Imposed Experiment

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 25 February 2018 06:25.

BBC deems exponent of kosher “hu-White”, Jared Taylor, a “White Nationalist” as he sues Twitter

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 06:02.

Taylor does some good work - bringing this lawsuit against Twitter is commendable - Twitter’s prohibition of free speech is a travesty given that it is functioning as a public utility; its having gotten its corporate start with US government help; its remaining dependent upon the US Government created and sponsored internet network; and public telecommunications lines. Taylor also handles with aplomb stigmatic issues of blacks and their hyper-assertive biopower, as he did in his debate with black nationalist Tariq Nasheed. Nevertheless, he yields to Jewish crypsis, infamously having said, “they look huWhite to me” ...and now that Jewish interests seek fusion with the White right, their media refers to Taylor as a “White Nationalist.”

BBC, “White nationalist Jared Taylor sues Twitter over ban”, 22 Feb 2018:

White nationalist Jared Taylor is suing Twitter after the social network banned his account as part of a crackdown on abusive content.

Mr Taylor’s lawyer says the suspension of his account is a form of censorship, accusing Twitter of discrimination.

Twitter declined to comment on the case but has previously said that its tools are “apolitical.”

Mr Taylor is head of American Renaissance, a website that champions “racial difference”.

He had his account suspended in December, with Twitter explaining that it prohibited accounts affiliated with the promotion of violence, something Mr Taylor denies applied to him.

Mr Taylor has filed his case in California, in the state Superior Court in San Francisco. He argued that Twitter violated Californian law protecting free speech in public spaces - a law that has not previously been applied to the internet.

His lawyer Noah Peters wrote online that everyone should be “terrified” about what he called Twitter censorship. “Our lawsuit is not about whether Taylor is right or wrong. It’s about whether Twitter and other technology companies have the right to ban individuals from using their services based on their perceived viewpoints and affiliations.

“Allowing Twitter to censor content is extremely troublesome given Twitter’s self-proclaimed mission to ‘give everyone the power to create and share ideas instantly, without barriers’.”

Infamous ISIL Murderer was “Child Refugee” in UK

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 12 February 2018 07:07.

While growing up a child refugee in Britain he acquired the accent that would have him nicknamed among the infam four, ‘the Beatles’, heard promoting the mania of their terror campaign…

The Infam Four: El Shafee Elsheikh ( far right), one of the four infamous ISIS murderers, identified as a “child refugee” accepted into Britain. The other three were also admitted into Britain through legal immigration channels.

TNO, One of the four ISIS murderers infamous for appearing in the “Jihadi John” decapitation videos has been revealed as a former “child refugee” granted “asylum” in Britain through that country’s open doors “asylum” policy.

The former “child refugee” has been named as El Shafee Elsheikh, whose family managed to swindle their way into Britain—and UK citizenship—by claiming to be “refugees” from the Sudan in the 1990s.

Elsheikh was one of four nonwhite invaders in Britain who went off to join ISIS in Syria when that “caliphate” was at its height.

The group to which Elsheikh belonged (named as Alexandar Kotey, Aine Davis, and Mohammed Emwazi) was nicknamed the “Beatles” by the media because of their British accents.

Emwazi was born Muhammad Jassim Abdulkarim Olayan al-Dhafiri in Kuwait, and moved to Britain as a six-year-old with his family in 1994. He was dubbed “jihad John” and was the most famous of the group, doing the speaking on the numerous decapitation videos they produced.

Emwazi was killed in an air strike in November 2015.

Davis—the mixed race grandson of Jamaican trombonist in the 1980s UK “Ska” band, The Specials—was arrested in Turkey while planning a new attack and sentenced to seven-and-a-half years’ jail for membership of terrorist organization in May 2017.

In 2014 Davis’s wife, Amal El-Wahabi, 27, became the first woman in the UK to be jailed for terrorism offences connected to Syria after she was caught paying a smuggler to take €20,000 in cash to Turkey for her husband.

Kotey is also of mixed-race origin—Ghanaian and Greek-Cypriot—and he, along with Elsheikh, were arrested by Kurdish fighters in the east of Syria at the beginning of 2018.

The two were identified and handed over to American Special Operations forces, who confirmed their identities using fingerprints and other biometric measurements.

Together, the four nonwhites—all of who were initially based in London—beheaded atr least 27 hostages and tortured many more.

It is still not clear what is going to Kotey and Elsheikh. They could be put on trial in the US for killing American hostages, or they could be returned to the UK for trial.

Some reports have said that the two have had their UK citizenship stripped—something that is only possible if they have been naturalized as British nationals, and have citizenship of another nation.

No matter what their eventual fate, one thing is clear: the open borders “asylum” policy and the promotion of mass Third World immigration by successive UK governments has proven to be a disaster, and may yet destroy Britain forever.

UN: ISIL holds several thousand blank passports, continues to pose evolving threat around the world

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 11 February 2018 06:12.

Beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya by ISIL functionaries.

“UN: ISIL holds several thousand blank passports”

NKWorld, 9 Feb 2018:

The United Nations has warned that fighters belonging to the Islamic State militant group may be using blank Syrian passports to cross borders.

The UN Security Council on Thursday released a report prepared by experts on the militant group and other terrorist organizations. It is based on information collected from local UN staff and governments of member states.

The report says the group has collected travel and identification documents from fighters coming from outside Syria and Iraq for potential use in travel. It also says the group has thousands of blank Syrian passports. It adds that they may be used by fighters seeking to return home or relocate.

The report also says the group continues to try to maintain and expand its influence despite recent setbacks in Iraq and Syria. It says the group is sending fighters and weapons to Libya and Somalia.

It also notes that the group obtains funds through systematic human trafficking.

The report says the group commands between 1,000 and 4,000 fighters in Afghanistan, including Afghan defectors from the Taliban as well as militant Islamist groups in Pakistan and Uzbekistan.

It warns that the Islamic State group continues to pose a significant and evolving threat around the world.

Arrow points to Millenial Filipino ISIL recruit

8,606 Fake Refugees Invade Europe in first 37 Days of 2018

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 08 February 2018 06:25.

New Observer, “8,606 Fake Refugees Invade Europe in first 37 Days of 2018”:

At least 8,606 nonwhites pretending to be “refugees” invaded Europe in the first 37 days of 2018, meaning that 232 invaders landed every day, according to new figures released by the United Nations’ International Organization of Migration (IOM).


The IOM figures show that 7,795 of the nonwhites invaded Europe by sea, and 811 by land as of 7 Feb 2018.

At least 186,768 nonwhites invaded Europe this way in 2017, and 392,879 in 2016, the IOM added.

The main nationalities of the invaders are, in descendant order, as follows:

To Italy: Nigeria, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Bangladesh, Mali, and Eritrea;

To Greece: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, and Algeria;

To Spain: Morocco, Algeria, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, and Syria;

To Bulgaria: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, and Pakistan.

In the period from 1 February 1 to 7, 11 nonwhites invaders landed in Cyprus, and in the same period, 10 nonwhites demanded “refuge” in Hungary.

At the same time, 29 nonwhites demanded “refuge” in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

In 2017, at least 92 percent of the invaders landed by sea (172,362) to Italy, Greece, Spain and Cyprus. The remaining 14,406 invaded Europe by using land routes to the Spanish enclaves Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa (6,293) and from Turkey to Greece (5,551) and Bulgaria (2,562).

The IOM also revealed in its “Flows Compilation Report” for Decemebr 2017 that under the “EU Relocation Scheme”—through which that organization moves nonwhites from the countries of landing to other EU nations, another 106,000 nonwhites were moved from their landing points in Greece and Italy to elsewhere in Europe.

To date, 25 countries have committed to make places available under the scheme, namely Austria (50) Belgium (1,530), Bulgaria (1,070), Croatia (316), Cyprus (205), Czech Republic (50), Estonia (396), Finland (2,128), France (6,940), Germany (13,250), Ireland (1,152), Latvia (627), Liechtenstein (10), Lithuania (1,160), Luxembourg (545), Malta (205), the Netherlands (2,825), Norway (1,500), Poland (100), Portugal (3,218), Romania (2,182), Slovakia (60), Slovenia (579), Spain (2,500), Sweden (3,777) and Switzerland (1,530) with an overall number of 47,905 places.

An additional 54,000 nonwhites claiming to be Syrians were flown out of Turkey for “resettlement” in Europe.

Cheddar Man’s dark skin an example of how mere facticity can be misleading or used to mislead

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 07 February 2018 06:26.

Scientists have produced a full facial reconstruction of the Cheddar Man; the researchers say that the young man would have had dark complexion along with blue eyes and dark, curly hair (Image: PA)
The recent scientific declaration of the Cheddar Man’s dark skin provides an example of how mere facticity can be misleading, or used to mislead - in this case, taking the contingent particularity of the Cheddar man’s dark skin to distract from the aggregate difference that makes a difference in the broader pattern comprising mutation distinguishing native British.

Mirror, “Face of ‘The First Brit’ known as the Cheddar Man revealed – and he had dark skin

A groundbreaking study reveals the remains found a century ago in Gough’s Cave in Somerset did not belong to a pale-skinned person, as previously thought”, 7 Feb 2018:

This is the face of one of modern Britain’s earliest men – and he had dark skin.

Britain’s oldest complete skeleton, known as Cheddar Man, was unearthed more than a century ago in Gough’s Cave in Somerset.

But an unprecedented examination of his DNA, along with a facial reconstruction of the fossil, shows he would have had a darker complexion than previously thought, along with blue eyes and dark, curly hair.

Previous reconstructions of Cheddar Man, which were not based on DNA data, depicted him with a lighter skin tone. But research by evolution and DNA specialists at the Natural History Museum and University College London suggests the skin colour associated with northern European ancestry is a more recent development.

The research and remodelling process was documented for Channel 4 show The First Brit: Secrets of the 10,000 Year Old Man.

Professor Ian Barnes, research leader at the Natural History Museum, said: “For me, it’s not just the skin colour that’s interesting, it’s that combination of features that make him look not like anyone that you’d see today.

“Not just dark skin and blue eyes, because you can get that combination, but also the face shape.

“So all of this combines together and makes him just not the same as people you see around today.”

Researchers Professor Barnes and Dr Selina Brace extracted DNA data from bone powder by drilling a 2mm hole through the skull’s inner ear bone.

They scanned the skull and a 3D model was produced by “paleo artists” Alfons and Adrie Kennis, who make life-like reconstructions of extinct mammals and early humans.

The twins, who have created reconstructions for museums around the world and usually create models of Neanderthals, spent three months creating Cheddar Man.

“It’s really nice to make a more graceful man, not a heavy-browed Neanderthal. So we were very excited that it was a guy from after the Ice Age. We were very interested in what kind of human he was,” said Alfons.

“With the new DNA information it was really revolutionary. And it allowed us to look more at race, this revealed stuff that we’d never had known before.”

Cheddar Man, thought to have died in his twenties and to have had a relatively good diet, lived in Britain when it was almost completely empty.

Although previous populations had settled in Britain long before his arrival, they were wiped out before him and he marked the start of continuous habitation on the island.

Genetically, he belonged to a group of people known as the “Western Hunter-Gatherers” - Mesolithic-era individuals from Spain, Hungary and Luxembourg.

His ancestors migrated to Europe from the Middle East after the Ice Age and today, 10% of White British people are descended from the group.

Alfons said: “People define themselves by which country they’re from, and they assume their ancestors were just like them. “And then suddenly new research shows that we used to be a totally different people with a different genetic makeup.

“People will be surprised, and maybe it will make immigrants feel a bit more involved in the story. And maybe it gets rid of the idea that you have to look a certain way to be from somewhere. We are all immigrants.”

The First Brit: Secrets of the 10,000 Year Old Man airs on Channel 4 on Sunday February 18.

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