[Majorityrights News] KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 05 January 2025 00:35.
[Majorityrights News] Trump will ‘arm Ukraine to the teeth’ if Putin won’t negotiate ceasefire Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 12 November 2024 16:20.
[Majorityrights News] Alex Navalny, born 4th June, 1976; died at Yamalo-Nenets penitentiary 16th February, 2024 Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 16 February 2024 23:43.
The outpouring of indignance of the vertically challenged, Zionist-lobby-funded Lutonian is in ignorance at what the ramifications are for the little girls who were the victims of the Muslim rape trial, which was still ongoing. The so called heroic act of Tommy Robinson has put the entire trial at risk of collapsing and the bastards walking free, laughing up their sleeves. Far from some heroic, brave act, persecuted by police, this is stupidity in the extreme, and this entire sorry saga has brought genuine nationalists into disrepute. If Robinson does not possess one lonely brain cell, to do what any other nationalist would do, i.e. when deciding to film the defendants arriving at court, first approach the court office to check whether the verdict was due Friday, or whether it was still ongoing, which would then make his live streaming a criminal offence, then don’t go sobbing that it’s all so unfair.
Reporting restrictions, especially live streaming in an ongoing trial, are not there for nothing. If some amateur with a camera films defendants arriving at court in an ongoing case, streams their faces live on social media before the day’s proceedings have even started, and then adds his own perception that they are all guilty before a verdict has been reached, along with his own opinions, this can sway public opinion, along with that of the jurors, should they see it. That means, even if it has no effect on the decision of the Jury, those on trial can call a mistrial based on the claim that the premature footage did, can, or will, bias the Jury. In other words, Tommy Robinson put the trial in danger of the defendants being able to claim a mistrial due to public opinion having been swayed, and get off scot free, even if they were as guilty as hell.
Tommy, Live at Leeds
For those girls and their families who have had their lives destroyed by these Muslim rape gangs, all they had left in the hope of closure was at least having the peace of mind that their rapists would see justice. The actions of Robinson, who didn’t have the brains just to check that Friday was the day the verdict was due, or whether the trial was still ongoing, could also have resulted in immeasurable hours of police manpower bringing this investigation to court being flushed down the toilet. If Robinson is so stupid that he hadn’t the nous just to check with the court and ask just one simple question, if it was the last day of the trial or whether it was ongoing, because he wants to look the hard man on social media, then his stupidity means that far from being the nationalist and champion of the victims of Muslim rape gangs that he portrays himself as, he is in fact bringing the entire nationalist movement into disrepute and damaging police investigations and closure for those little girls.
Not only did Robinson not bother to check with the court, his stupidity held no bounds in the fact that he was on a suspended prison sentence for doing the exact same thing, for committing contempt of court over a gang rape case heard in Canterbury last year. That was another trial he put in danger of collapsing and the rapists walking free. After he was handed down that suspended sentence, and his lawyer explaining to him the law regarding filming before verdicts are reached, he believed he was so bomb-proof that he could do it again. In each of those trials, he handed the defence the golden egg from the golden goose, for the guilty to claim a mistrial based on not getting a fair hearing. This has set back all the hard work that nationalists for years have been campaigning for. For those who really don’t get this, with their tears for poor old Tommy, this is the law:
“Statutory contempt law bans the media from publishing or broadcasting, including on the internet, any comments or information that might seriously prejudice active legal proceedings, in particular criminal proceedings heard before juries. The concern is that a juror might hear or see something outside of the courtroom that would sway him/her when he/she is deciding whether an accused person is innocent or guilty.”
In short, once legal proceedings become “active”, it is a criminal offence for media organisations to broadcast material which would create “a substantial risk of serious prejudice” to the proceedings. Criminal proceedings become “active” as soon as one of the following has occurred: a person is arrested, a warrant for arrest is issued, a summons has been issued, or a person has been charged, and they remain so until such time as the accused has been acquitted or convicted. Furthermore, liability for statutory contempt is ‘strict’, which means that the broadcaster’s and programme-maker’s knowledge or intention is irrelevant, as is the fact that no actual prejudice was caused in a particular case – the risk of prejudice is sufficient. If contempt is committed intentionally, however, it would be punished even more severely. Common law contempt consists of any other action which is intended to interfere with the administration of justice, for example a sustained campaign by the media to influence legal proceedings. Proceedings need not be active.
Sympathy for Robinson? He has now put two trials at risk of collapse, and destroyed the victims’ only hope of justice and closure. For what? If some clown cannot make a simple phone call to the Court, as a ‘journalist’, as he calls himself, to check that Friday was the last day of proceedings, or if it was still ongoing, to ensure he was not breaking the law in any shape or form, especially given he had already been convicted for the exact same thing and was on a suspended prison sentence that would immediately put him straight back in prison, then save your tears and save your outpouring, because we don’t want to hear it.
Genuine nationalism is about staying within the law and checking up on the law before you undertake any activism, i.e. checking that the area you are protesting in is a public space that will give you the legal right to peaceful protest by law. This is because a nationalist in prison is a totally useless nationalist. I for one will not be banded in the same section of society that is the fame seeking world of Tommy Robinson. He is now in prison because of his own stupidity and desire for fame. Tommy Robinson has damaged nationalism and his stupidity is in part responsible for the new laws being passed through Parliament to restrict nationalist movement. Save your tears, money, and join a real nationalist party, one that has conducted itself in a manner that has avoided prison sentences for its leaders for 51 years.
Finally, don’t even think about classifying the case of Robinson with those of political prisoners, such as Jeremy Bedford-Turner, whose was the result of pressure on the CPS, after it had ruled that he had committed no crime and that there was no case to answer. Robinson’s actions have jeopardised any appeal by genuine victims of the state like Bedford-Turner. Robinson, like Anne Marie Waters, does not care about real nationalists, the victims or those who send him their hard-earned cash, but is interested in self-promotion and fame.
Tommy can you hear me?
Robinson has made a laughing stock of all of you who have bought into him, and if you can’t find some champion of the people who has the nous to check with the court first by means of a simple enquiry on the phone or research reporting restrictions beforehand, then there’s no hope for you. Robinson now being in prison is not the fault of the courts, the police, the CPS, the Commie establishment, or the old woman who lives down the lane. He is there through his own stupidity, arrogance and quest for fame.
While followers of Robinson continue to believe he simply got it wrong and being thrown back in prison, is no more than persecution of the police and state, there are those, furious that his actions, could see a mistrial resulting in the victims never seeing justice, immeasurable police hours, wasted, and the accused escape prosecution on a technicality, leaving them free to rape more children, handed to them on a silver platter, by the very person who claims he is fighting for them.
Rudd has chosen to resign because she felt she could not defend herself against the charge that she took her eye off the immigration ball.
Her excuse, to herself, was that her priority - for obvious reasons - was combating terrorism and improving domestic security.
But of course all ministers are supposed to multi-task, and she knew that excuse would not fly in public.
So she decided to stand down this afternoon, even before the Guardian published a leaked letter from her to the PM from January 2017 - which seemingly showed that far from being unaware there are targets for the expulsion of illegal immigrants, she actually set such a target.
Letters exchanged between Amber Rudd and Theresa May
Amber Rudd’s resignation letter to Theresa May
Amber Rudd signs off her letter say she will continue to work for her constituents of Hastings and Rye.
Theresa May’s response to Amber Rudd’s resignation
Theresa May told Amber Rudd she should be proud of the way she led the Home Office.
My sources tell me that there were other such official papers about targets knocking around. And therefore she decided to quit - because she felt that MPs would simply never give her the benefit of the doubt.
Potential replacements: Hunt, Gove & Javid.
In a way she has been hung out to dry by her own department.
It is extraordinary that her officials told her, before that fateful select committee hearing last week, that there were no targets for the removal of illegal immigrants.
And perhaps less extraordinary is that other officials leaked and briefed against her - since much of Whitehall is detached from ministers.
For the avoidance of doubt, she jumped: “I am told there was no pressure from the PM.”
The point is that Rudd’s exit is arguably the most serious resignation May has suffered in her almost two years as PM. For one thing the Home Secretary is one of the great offices of state.
More damagingly for May, the policy which underlay Rudd’s doom - the hostile environment for immigration which has caused so much unpleasantness for the Windrush migrants - was May’s not Rudd’s.
In other words, Rudd’s departure strips May of her human shield.
With cheerful taken-for-grantedness of the ‘unassailable’ virtue of their motives, this panel at CFR discusses the prospect of “democratization” of “illiberal democracies” by having them accept non-White migrants and integration; i.e., cheerful acceptance of the destruction of our European genome. Primarily with the targeted “problem” of Eastern European countries Not accepting immigrants.
Published on Apr 23, 2018 by Council on Foreign Relations -
Speakers discuss the growing trend toward populism around the world and the current global state of democracy.
Michael Abramowitz
President, Freedom House; Former White House Correspondent, Washington Post
Nicole M. Bibbins Sedaca
Chair, Global Politics and Security Concentration and Professor in the Practice of International Affairs, Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown U; Former Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, US Department of State
Timothy Snyder
Richard C. Levin Professor of History, Yale University; Author, The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America
Kati I. Marton
Author and Human Rights Activist
Kati I. Marton (15:56): We haven’t yet mentioned one of the most powerful motives for the rise of populism, which is the fear of refugees - migrants. Most graphically on display in Hungary where you can’t go a block without seeing a billboard showing George Soros’s smiling face, and the headline over that face is, ‘don’t let him have the last laugh.’
Six months ago George Soros was known to a very small handful of Budapest literati. Now he is probably the second best known person in Hungary after Victor Orban. And this manipulation of the fear of migrants, of which by the way, there are virtually none in Hungary and very few in Poland, as opposed to over a million in Germany, where this problem doesn’t exist…is something that uh, that we haven’t really dealt with sufficiently.
We seem to step-by-step, accept that his is the way of the world now. I frequently ask myself what didn’t my Hungarian grandparents, whose lives didn’t end well, what didn’t they do in the 30’s? that we should be doing today? Rather than sleepwalking thought this rather dangerous passage.
So, the migration problem and how it relates to the rise of populism - AdF (eg) is entirely about fear of outsiders.
When an audience member suggest the problem of Eastern European countries having a bad track record with regard to democracy, Snyder draws comparisons -
Snyder: (36:00): When the Supreme Court decides in 2013 that racism is no longer a problem, twenty two states then pass voter suppression laws - that’s not democratization, whatever you think of the legality of it.
...its been very hard for the West European countries to extend democracy over second class citizens (empire/subject relation)...asking about the things that make democracy possible….which for me precisely have to do with integration - the European Union, whatever its chances are, is the hope for democracy.
Kati I. Marton (38:00) ...these countries are not destined to be undemocratic, there are a whole bunch of other factors and one of them, frankly, is the luck of leaders (Merkel!)
Forza Nuova USA, “‘EU laws forced Italy to pick up migrants and forbade them to send them back”, 20 Mar 2018:
French writer and political journalist, Eric Zemmour, talks about Europe’s East-West divide and the effects of World War II in an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro.
Later in the interview Zemmour explains how the European Union has prevented Italy from defending itself during the migrant crisis. According to him Italy (its natives and their land) wasn’t abandoned (by Italian coast guard), but European jurisprudence forced the country to take migrants and forbade them to send them back:
Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 22 March 2018 07:10.
In his defense of group evolutionary strategy, KM has done better in articulating the biological aspect of out-marriage as part of the group systemic strategy - both in infiltrating and weakening other group’s cohesion. Jewish group evolutionary strategy uses both top down directives and (prescriptive) rule structures, and bottom up biological patterns and (descriptive) rule structures.
The Jewish group evolutionary system/strategy is characteristically that Cohen’s give Zionist and/or ultra loyalist directives and Ashkenazi (especially Ashkenazi) are more free and prone to out-breed, infiltrate, liberalize, weaken opposing groups in their evangelizing as “light unto the gentiles.”
According to Jewish convert, Luke Ford, Cofnas has presented the first serious challenge against Kevin MacDonald’s work, “so effective as to call its validity into question entirely.”
One does not have to have but a passing acquaintance with MacDonald’s work and his concern to know that to call its validity into question entirely or even in large part, simply is not possible. Nor do they have to look beyond the absurdity of Ford’s claim that Cofnas does such “irreparable damage” to MacDonald’s efforts to see immediately that Ford’s pro-Jewish bias is over-the-top; and examples cited of Nathan Cofnas’s supposedly detached analysis, indicate rather clearly a heavy pro-Jewish bias, motivated and prone to crude straw manning of MacDonald’s work.
Anyway, this is the first public defense by MacDonald of this “first serious academic critique of ‘The Culture of Critique.”
Professor Kevin MacDonald joins the show to discuss Nathan Cofnas’s recent paper, ‘Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy: A Critical Analysis of Kevin MacDonald’s Theory’, which is the first ever academic attempt to refute Professor MacDonald’s theory as presented in his 1998 book, The Culture of Critique. The first 45 minutes are in English; after the music break we wrap it up in Swedish.
BBC, “White working class girls traded for sex, says MP”, 13 Mar 2018:
Vulnerable white working class girls are being traded for sex in a “routine way”, an MP has told ministers.
Conservative politician Lucy Allan addressed fellow politicians in the wake of reports claiming up to 1,000 children could have been targeted in her Telford constituency.
Ms Allan said the cases would not have happened had the victims been from different backgrounds.
Calls are growing for a fresh inquiry into sex abuse in the Shropshire town.
BBC knew about Telford 8 years before it was reported.