Majorityrights News > Category: White Genocide: Europe

Czech President: “Refugee Quotas’ a ‘Violation of National Sovereignty”

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 19 June 2017 06:06.

“The 600 million crowns earmarked for the resettlement could have been used for many better purposes.” - Milos Zeman

New Observer, “Czech President, ‘Refugee Quotas’ a ‘Violation of National Sovereignty’, 18 June 2017:

The refugee quotas are a violation of the sovereignty of European Union member countries as each country should decide on its own whom to accept, Czech President Milos Zeman has announced.

Zeman said he is not going to yield to the pressure that the EU exerted. “We must beware of this, all disasters begin in an inconspicuous way. Once you bow your heads, you will start bowing to them again and again,” he said.

The EC has opened legal cases against the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland for refusing to take in invaders pretending to be asylum seekers from Italy and Greece within the quota plan.

Zeman said migrants are not interested in staying in the Czech Republic and they are heading for Germany and other West European countries because they can get higher welfare benefits there.

Zeman said 600 million crowns were earmarked for the resettlement. “This money could have been used for many better purposes,” he said.

The Czech Republic pledged to accept 2,600 refugees from the Middle East, but it has resettled only 12 so far.

If the country opened to a higher number of migrants, millions from Africa would start streaming to it.

‘The Old Continent: Your Eye on Europe’, a site helpful with facts, dubious in terms of patterns

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 June 2017 08:18.

A relatively new site called The Old Continent: Your Eye on Europe might be of some limited utility to ethnonationalism, but requires significant caveat.

Its four listed “authors”, Timon Dias, Vincent van den Born, Frank Kasteel and Benjamin de Wolf all seem to be coming from some sort of military / policing background - and thus given to a platform that aspires to an objective presentation of criminality and its sources antagonistic to, where not outrightly designated the enemy of European civic union.

The site is performing a service in reporting on migrant rape crimes, a type of crime very very important to us and under-reported by the media to date; however, their purported objectivity fails to conceal a pandering to a prejudicial social classification that nevertheless remains salient despite the objectivist prejudice against discriminatory social classification - i.e. the classification female remains, irrespective of the prejudice against social classifications - in fact, emerges to impose itself as a category undeniably. And through the disingenuous objectivist premise, males, any males who are most “objectively” manly, are suitable to look after the interests of European union females:

Case in point - of the posts that Timon Dias has recently put up at the time of this writing, two of them are lauding the virtue and strength of black boxing champions, here and here, one post is some voodoo about a cloud that formed in the sky “miraculously” in the shape of Great Britain - “forming a sign from God for Brexit,” and finally he put up a story about a police car having been burned in Amsterdam by migrants. So, we may guess that Dias is black, part black, perhaps otherwise colored, but at least “philo-black”, i.e., not having European people’s subjective and relative interests as empirically grounded systemic wholes, close to heart.

The other writers seem to be more coherently focused on reporting migrant crime in Europe, particularly as it comes by way of Islam. In pursuing these crime stories as an objective matter, emphasizing previously under-reported incidents of migrant rape, they can supply facts that counter the heretofore mainstream media’s liberal prejudices against ethno-nationalism. Though “Old Continent” is the same as the legacy media in that it purports to be objective, it differs in its undeclared bias in this way of having a prejudicial eye on immigrant crime and particularly Islamic sourcing of that criminal behavior. Whereas the heretofore mainstream media has had a prejudicial eye against conservative reaction to liberal causes, such as problems perpetrated through immigration and Muslim people. This liberal prejudice and de-emphasis on the crimes aided and abetted by liberalism has left us acutely susceptible.

Thus, the site can be helpful to us for this “objective” angle in a few different ways. Firstly by directly providing us with factual events to help supply and support our own arguments and secondly their “objectivity” can help us indirectly to put together our arguments for ethnonationalism as a means of systemic accountability and protection - indirectly, for example, through their “objective” reporting on sources of “anti-Semitism” they can inadvertently call attention to Jewish culpability as Muslim “anti-Semitism” is “objectively” aired. That helps us, of course, because Jewish prejudice and culpability has been something that you cannot talk about in mainstream media as it has been under their sway, but the facts get out through a back door of “objectivity”, despite that, albeit indirectly.

Nevertheless, while the site is helpful to us in providing factual episodes to supply argument against liberal and Jewish media bias, it remains incumbent upon the wise, upon the ethnonationalist, to put together an assessment of patterns from these factual reports, to overcome the pseudo-objectivity that Jews, right-wingers and liberals have enforced upon us, and to warrant necessary prejudicial, discriminatory social classification, to marshal these patterns in our relative interests by contrast to show the way to our salvation - warrant that ethno-national activists can take up in the cause of its implementation.

Thus, where I have not published information from enemy sources or sites with platforms markedly different form ours for the fact that they didactically reveal their prejudices, then I have done so because they are presenting information that is basically factual enough such that much spin cannot be applied to mislead our audience. This would be the case, for example, when I publish material, e.g., from NPR, Haaretz, the Jerusalem Post   ..and where I reluctantly publish material from Russian Active Measures organs, RT and Sputnik.

Thus, I issue the caveat about this site, The Old Continent: Your Eye on Europe, that I cannot vouch that they are operating fundamentally in ethnonational interests, they seem rather to be operating as civic European unionists at best. At worst, and this is likely, they are of the counter-Jihadist mold. In fact, not only are they not likely to ask the “J.Q.”, their kosherness is evident in their focus on “extreme” Islam, their pro-Geert Wilders articles, e.g., here and here (as opposed to our stance on Wilders); the site’s apparent institutional sympathy, technical and informational backing, along with its verbal i.q. are still more kosher indication.

With that caveat, and given that Majority Rights will run information coming through sites with platforms a bit off, or even from opposing platforms, we might avail ourselves of facts that help our cause, where they supply them. Let’s try this story for starters…

...with one more preliminary remark: note the glib and inappropriate caption to the inappropriate image placed with the article - does that reflect subjective and heartfelt relative concern?

A picture of a blatantly unrelated Swedish police car. But man, aren’t they sweet

The Old Continent, Swedish migrant gang-rape: Court can’t establish which suspect did what. So they all walk free, avoiding deportation”, 15 June 2017:

On October 17, 2015, a woman in the Swedish town of Ludvika was raped outside of a restaurant in the center of town. The two men suspected of the crime were arrested on the 22nd of January 2016, followed a month later by a third man, suspected of aiding and abetting. All three of them were accused in court of rape. One of them confessed he was at the scene with the woman, but claimed that the other two were the ones to rape her.

They, in turn, said they were nowhere near the incident and didn’t even know anything had happened.

The Falu District Court, however, found the woman’s story to be very credible. Besides that, cigaret butts had been found on the site, which, according to the police, indicated hat the men had been present. The court, therefore, concluded that one of the men raped the woman, the other held her down and the third stood watch, or at the very least did nothing to prevent the crime. Consequently, all three of them would be sentenced for conspiring to jointly rape the woman. They received four years in prison, after which they were to be deported. They would also have to pay damages of 166.860 SEK (around €17.000) to the woman.

Prosecutor Sanna Gens chose to appeal the decision, seeking higher sentences. This backfired, when on appeal the defendants were acquitted entirely.

Although Court of Appeal agreed that the woman was forced into “sexual acts comparable to intercourse” and that the three men were on the scene with the woman, it did not follow District Court in concluding that this made them guilty of rape.

The case against the men was based heavily on the testimony of the victim. The Court of Appeal found that some elements of her story “appeared to be unclear and to some extent inconsistent with the other investigation.”

Because it is unclear exactly which suspect did what, reasoned the Court of Appeal, none of the men ought to have been convicted and all three of them “should therefore have been acquitted of all charges” as the Court deliberated. So out went the four-year prison sentences and the deportation order.

One of the men, a 25-year-old living in Ludvika, even received 140.000 SEK (around €14.000) compensation for time spent in prison, while another claimed compensation for his ‘suffering’ at the hands of the Attorney General, as well as loss of earnings to the amount of 37.600 SEK (slightly over €3850). This has been rejected, however, on the grounds that he was evidently present at the crime scene.

Blacks celebrate White genocide: Negress elected to Enoch Powell’s old seat

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 11 June 2017 06:21.

Symbolically enough, assumes Enoch Powell’s Wolverhampton seat.

Diversity Macht Frei, “Blacks celebrate white genocide: Negress elected to Enoch Powell’s old seat.”

10 June 2017:

LONGSTANDING LABOUR activist Eleanor Smith has made history by becoming the West Midlands’ first African Caribbean MP – but she’s also won a seat which is of enormous historic importance to the black community.

The swing seat of Wolverhampton South West was once the constituency of controversial Tory MP Enoch Powell, the politician behind the notorious Rivers of Blood speech which he gave 49 years ago warning of the consequences of unchecked immigration.

Smith, a hospital theatre nurse, who became the first-ever black woman president of Unison in 2011/2012 took the marginal seat by storm, scooping 49 per cent of the vote and beating Tory hopeful Paul Uppal by more than 2,000 votes.

In victory, after just two hours’ sleep, she was quick to pay tribute to the local people who voted for her, saying: “Our team was built from the community and the trade union movement – Unison – helped me greatly. The trade union movement put me where I am today, along with the community who came out and helped me win this seat.

“Through The Voice I’d like to personally thank everyone who voted for me in what turned out to be the highest ever turnout of 71 percent. We did it together as a community from the grassroots upwards and I certainly won’t let you down.

“We have a wonderfully diverse community here in Wolverhampton, which is a microcosm of the UK and rich in so many different faith groups.

“As a health professional, I am standing up to defend the NHS. From my own experience of being a nurse on the the front line – I was working until only recently doing 12-hour shifts – we can see what’s happening and we don’t like it. I have got to defend this.”

Her other pledge is to move from her home in Northfield, Birmingham, near to where she worked at Birmingham’s Women’s Hospital, to live in the constituency she will serve.

She told The Voice: “You cannot support your constituency if you don’t know what is going on there. I intend to have my finger on the pulse in my own patch.”

Smith also pledged to tackle homelessness in Wolverhampton and youth unemployment which currently stands at 27%.

On the issue of taking over Enoch Powell’s old seat, she told The Voice: “I feel it closes that chapter now for good.”



Powell’s full “Rivers of Blood” speech, not read by Powell himself, however.


They ‘gave you’ Brexit then dissolved into Labour to take away May’s power to do anything about it.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 09 June 2017 06:03.

Backed by “Indian givers”, playing both sides and shifting the focus..

One take on the British election results -

UKIP / the banker class…

“Gave you Brexit” then dissolved themselves into Labour to take away Theresa May’s power to do anything about it..

..the objectivists told you that their invisible hand would work with you, naturally, to take care of Merkel’s migration assault on native Europeans… then their invisible hand played the other side of populism to leverage withdrawal of motions to exit from the common EU economic market - and with it, to withdraw an effective Brexit - by having voters distracted with a focus on Labour as the “savior of social services” if Theresa May was going to take that away. seems that similar as with Trump and the Republicans in the US, that elite cadres are infusing whichever moribund party with angles of populist narratives that they can play in order to manipulate the electorate.

Bowery/MacDonald: Whites need formal declaration of war for group action over individual inertia

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 07 June 2017 13:36.

                                Kevin MacDonald               and                 James Bowery

Robert Walker Whitaker, March 31st, 1941 – June 3rd, 2017

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 06 June 2017 18:39.

Whitaker Online, ” 6 June 2017:

Posted by Laura in About Bob, Bob, General on 06/06/2017


It’s with great sadness that I report Coach passed away in his bed, Saturday afternoon June 3rd, 2017.

His passing is going to leave a hole in so many people’s life. But he has given the world the tools we need to expose this anti-White system and it’s program of white genocide. We will keep on using what he has taught us.

“He left a huge legacy of words and audio, an entire world view way more in line with reality than the official world view.

That legacy lives on. I know he had a lifetime of frustration with people refusing to use the talking points and political strategies he came up with, no matter how devastating they were to the leftist establishment, but he lived long enough to see his methods start to work. His stuff is EVERYWHERE.

I hope he took comfort in that.

He taught us what to do. It’s just a matter of doing it and teaching others. He’s the exception to his own rule that no hero ever made a difference in a war.

This prophecy WILL come true.

We all know what Bob would want us to do.”

Although there is reason to believe that the Bugsers are (((compromised))), and Bob’s mantra and related memes such as “anti-White” were being misused as such, Bob was clearly well meaning - even if a tad naive; nevertheless, it was not only that his heart was in the right place, he actually did have some incisive ideas - e.g., “the greatest generation’ having been beaten into passivity with their ‘you can’t fight city hall’ WWII army training;” and in recognition of the destruction of that passivity, Bob sought to make up for that generation’s passivity by becoming a trainer/memer of a new generation of activists instead - an activism that for his part, was radical enough for him see through the Trump facade after having gone for it initially - that Trump is not in control of his Presidency, but is in fact controlled - while so many “pro-Whites” remain snookered by Trumpism.

5 Reasons why British Jews still favor Red Leftist Jeremy Corbyn, despite charges of anti-Semitism

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 05 June 2017 05:40.

“Labour Party” in line with Jewish interests.

Jerusalem Post, “5 reasons why some UK Jews support Labour, despite antisemitism charges”, 4 June 2017:

Relations between British Jewry and the country’s Labour Party, which used to be their political home, appear to be at a historic lowpoint.

Ahead of the June 8 general elections in the United Kingdom, a Jewish Chronicle poll from last week put support for the center-left party — which has seen repeated scandals involving antisemitic rhetoric in recent months — at 13 percent, compared to 77 percent support for the Conservative Party.

Relations between British Jewry and the country’s Labour Party, which used to be their political home, appear to be at a historic lowpoint.

Ahead of the June 8 general elections in the United Kingdom, a Jewish Chronicle poll from last week put support for the center-left party — which has seen repeated scandals involving antisemitic rhetoric in recent months — at 13 percent, compared to 77 percent support for the Conservative Party.

Despite the dismal results for Labour among the British Jewish community, that’s up from 8.5 percent in a similar poll from last month.

By comparison, 35 percent of the general population supports Labour and 44 percent of Britons said they would vote Conservative in a June 1 poll commissioned by The Independent.

The Jewish vote is of little consequence in electoral terms — Jews are a minority of 300,000 people in Great Britain — but it is widely seen as proof of the change that has gripped Labour since Jeremy Corbyn won the party’s 2015 leadership election. Corbyn is a far-left politician with pro-Palestinian sympathies who, critics say, has failed to address hate speech against Jews by his supporters.

Yet some prominent Jews, including Labour lawmakers Ruth Smeeth and Luciana Berger, remain loyal to the party under Corbyn — who was accused of being soft on antisemitism last year by an inter-parliamentary committee of inquiry on the problem.

For example, Corbyn did not kick out former London Mayor Ken Linvingstone, who was merely suspended for repeatedly suggesting that Adolf Hitler was in cahoots with Zionists. And then there was the suspension, readmission and re-suspension of Labour activist Jackie Walker, who said Jews led the slave trade and, later, said that there was no reason to offer special protection to Jewish schools. (Corbyn has refused to kick her out of the party as well, and she remains a member.)

Throughout these and other scandals, some Jews have remained loyal to Labour. Here are five reasons why.

1. Singled out for criticism?

Some of Corbyn’s supporters, including Jewish ones, believe Labour is being singled out for criticism on antisemitism, which they say occurs on the fringes of all political parties — including the ruling Conservative Party.

A case in point is Michael Segalov, the News Editor at Huck Magazine, a publication about art and politics.

“Since Corbyn’s election as Labour leader, unsupportive MPs, campaigning groups and journalists have been desperate to paint him and the movement who support him as antisemitic fanatics, despite knowing it’s really not the case,” Segalov, who is Jewish, wrote in September in a column published by The Independent.

Labour is certainly not the only British party with senior members who employ vitriol against Jews and Israel.

David Ward, a lawmaker for the Liberal Democrats party, was sacked last month for expressing a desire to see rockets hitting Tel Aviv and accusing “the Jews” of “inflicting atrocities on Palestinians”.

But the Liberal Democrats have taken “strong and decisive action” against such politicians, Leslie Bergman, the London-based former president of the European Union for Progressive Judaism, told JTA.

“It is irrefutable that Corbyn has not taken the decisive action that a party in a Democratic Western country would take when there is manifest antisemitism in its ranks,” he added.

2. This goes a long way back

The Jewish Labour Movement, a group within the party, was registered officially in 1920 — 20 years after the party’s establishment. It was the first non-Christian minority group within Labour, according to Christine Collette and Stephen Bird, the authors of the 2000 book “Jews, Labour and the Left, 1918–48.”

Once the party of choice for Jews, including impoverished immigrants from Eastern Europe, it lost some ground to the Conservative Party as Labour adopted an increasingly critical attitude towards Israel — part of a larger shift in the West of sympathy toward Israel from the center-left parties to ones on the right.

But in 2010, when the party was headed by Ed Miliband, who is Jewish, Labour was still slightly ahead of the Conservative Party among Jewish voters (31 percent to 30 percent), according to a poll.

3. Jewish values

Even Labour’s Jewish critics concede its mission aligns better with Jewish values than the policies favored by the Conservative Party, with its repeated cuts to welfare budgets and free-market economics.

Bergman, who does not support Labour under Corbyn because he believes Corbyn has failed to address hate speech in the party’s ranks, said he “can understand” Jews who vote for the party despite its problems. They “view Labour as more conscious of social issues, the need to support the less privileged in society. And that is a Jewish value,” Bergman said.

This is also one of the main reasons that Berger, a 36-year-old Labour lawmaker from Liverpool, who has come under pressure from the Jewish community to leave the party, has decided to stay, she told The Jewish Chronicle last week.

“On every level the Conservatives have failed because of the savage cuts they have dished out,” said Berger, an advocate of mental health issues who has cut short her maternity leave to campaign for Labour ahead of the election.

4. Not big on Israel? Not a problem!

Though they generally support Israel’s right to exist, British Jews are growing uneasy over its settlement policy and perceived occupation of Palestinian land – issues that are also key to criticism of Israel within Labour.

In a 2015 poll conducted among 1,131 Jewish respondents by the dovish Jewish Yachad group, 47 percent of respondents said the Israeli government was “constantly creating obstacles to avoid engaging in the peace process.” Three quarters of participants in that poll agreed that “the expansion of settlements on the West Bank is a major obstacle to peace,” and two thirds reported having a “sense of despair” whenever new expansion is approved.

Indeed, a Jewish anti-Israel lawmaker, the late Gerald Kaufman, who died in February, was among the Labour politicians accused of promoting antisemitic rhetoric. In 2015 he was recorded saying that the British government had become more pro-Israel in recent years due to “Jewish money, Jewish donations to the Conservative Party.”

5. It’s a local thing

In the United Kingdom, which is a parliamentary democracy, voters elect a local representative from their constituency to represent them in parliament.

Some Jewish voters who may be uneasy about Corbyn are happy to vote for another Labour Party member whom they do trust.

This certainly applies to Linda Grant, a Jewish Labour volunteer from London who said that, while she believes Corbyn is not the right man to lead Labour, she nonetheless plans to vote for a party candidate who she says has an impeccable record on fighting antisemitism.

“If I was a few streets away, in Islington North, Corbyn’s constituency, I can’t say how I would vote. Probably not Labour,” Grant wrote in a column that appeared last week in the Chronicle. “But I will have no difficulty voting for Catherine West and delivering even more leaflets on her behalf.”

The 22 victims of Manchester terror attack named and identified

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 June 2017 08:12.

Express, “All 22 victims of Manchester terror attack named and identified”, 25 May 2017:

The full list of the victims:

  Saffie Rose Roussos, 8
  Nell Jones, 14
  Sorrell Leczkowski, 14
  Eilidh MacLeod, 14
  Olivia Campbell, 15
  Megan Hurley, 15
  Chloe Rutherford, 17
  Georgina Callander, 18
  Courtney Boyle, 19
  Liam Curry, 19
  John Atkinson, 28
  Martyn Hett, 29
  Kelly Brewster, 32
  Philip Tron, 32
  Angelika Klis, 40
  Marcin Kils, 42
  Elaine McIver 43
  Alison Howe, 45
  Michelle Kiss, 45
  Lisa Lees, 47
  Wendy Fawell, 50
  Jane Tweddle-Taylor, 51

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