Majorityrights News > Category: Immigration and Politics

EU flag burned as tens of thousands join Warsaw nationalist demo

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 12 November 2015 06:50.

The Telegraph, ‘EU flag burned as tens of thousands join Warsaw nationalist demo’, 11 Nov 2015:

Demonstrators wave Polish flags during annual march commemorating Poland's Independence Day in Warsaw.
Demonstrators wave Polish flags during annual march commemorating Poland’s Independence Day in Warsaw. Photo: AFP

Organisers said that up to 50,000 were on the march which marked the anniversary of Poland’s independence after the Second World War.

Tens of thousands of protesters poured into Warsaw’s streets on Wednesday for a demonstration organised by the far right, marching under the slogan “Poland for the Polish” and burning an EU flag.

Demonstrators trampled and burned a European Union flag at one point, while a banner added to the anti-EU theme with the slogan “EU macht frei” (“Work makes you free” in German), a reference to the slogan over the gates at Auschwitz.

Police said 25,000 people joined the march, which marked the anniversary of Poland’s return to independence after the Second World War, while organisers put the numbers at 50,000.

“God, honour, homeland,” chanted the protesters as they marched under a sea of red-and-white Polish flags.

Demonstrators watch an European Union flag burning during the annual march commemorating Poland's National Independence Day
Demonstrators watch European Union flag burning during annual march commemorating Poland’s National Independence Day. Photo: AFP

“Yesterday it was Moscow, today it’s Brussels which takes away our freedom,” chanted one group of protesters.

Other banners read “Great Catholic Poland” and “Stop Islamisation”.

Polish nationalists (lit) flares in front of the National Stadium during the ‘March of Independence’ under the slogan ‘Poland for the Poles, the Poles for Poland’, which is part of Polish Independence Day celebrations in Warsaw.

Several thousand riot police officers were deployed for the protest, which was punctuated by numerous firecrackers and smoke bombs but otherwise went off peacefully.

The annual march, organised by Poland’s nationalist right, has seen clashes in previous years.

“I came here because I love Poland and want to show it,” said 27-year-old Piotr, who came with his fiancée. He added: “I came here for my grandfather, who fought in the Warsaw Uprising (against the Nazi occupation of the Polish capital), and for his father, who fought for independence”.

[...] thousands of Polish nationalists march(ed) on the Poniatowski bridge marking the Independence Day in Warsaw, Poland.

Poland is returning to conservative rule after eight years of centrist government, following the Law and Justice (PiS) party’s landslide election victory last month on a platform playing strongly on fears over the European migrant crisis.

Rubio Empowered to Put-Across, Increase H-1B prog at Silicon Valley’s Behest

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 01 November 2015 01:07.

Trump yanks the strings of Silicon Valley’s puppet, Marco Rubio.

Rubio has done nothing but increase H-1B Visas.

But will The Hirsuit Don name the who?

Breitbart,“EXCLUSIVE — Donald Trump Rights Ship on Immigration: Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by Cheap Foreign Labor, Calls Rubio ‘Silicon Valley’s Puppet”:

Last night during the CNBC primary debate, Donald Trump, who to this point in the campaign had been the Republican candidate most closely aligned with the conservative grassroots on immigration policy, seemed to have altered his message in several significant ways.

Breitbart News documented some of these changes here.

Trump, who leads many national 2016 polls, granted Breitbart News an interview on the subject. Full questions and responses below:

BNN: The media has been filled with stories about companies flying in low-wage H-1B workers to replace American workers in tech jobs. Adding insult to injury, these American workers have been forced to train their replacements. If you were President, would you put a stop to this practice?

DT: Day one. This is why I got into this race. Because the everyday working person in this country is getting screwed. Lobbyists write the rules to benefit the rich and powerful. They buy off Senators like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 79% to help them get rich at the expense of working Americans by using H-1B visas–so called “high tech” visas–to replace American workers in all sorts of solid middle class jobs. If I am President, I will not issue any H-1B visas to companies that replace American workers and my Department of Justice will pursue action against them.

BNN: Hundreds of workers at Disney were forced to train their foreign replacements. But while Florida Senator Nelson rallied to their cause, Senator Rubio did not. While Nelson has called for an investigation, Rubio has not. While Nelson has called to reduce H-1Bs, Rubio has demanded more. Senator Rubio has been the top promoter in Congress for expanding the H-1B program even though millions American tech workers are out of jobs. Rubio’s new bill triples H-1Bs and has zero protections for American workers. Advocates for tech workers said Rubio’s bill would “destroy” the U.S. tech workforce. Rubio’s bill is even endorsed by the CEO of Disney. What do you think of Rubio’s bill?

DT: It’s a disaster. It would allow any company in America to replace any worker with cheaper foreign labor. It legalizes job theft. It gives companies the legal right to pass over Americans, displace Americans, or directly replace Americans for good-paying middle class jobs. More than 80 percent of these H-1Bs are paid less than the average wage. Senator Rubio works for the lobbyists, not for Americans. That is why he is receiving more money from Silicon Valley than any other candidate in this race. He is their puppet.

BNN: During the debate, Senator Rubio listed several protections he thought American workers should receive. But the New York Times said Rubio’s bill would does the opposite of what he said, and does not contain a single one of the protections he mentioned. Instead, his bill simply triples the number of H-1B visas given as low-wage substitutes to corporations. Does Rubio have a problem with the truth?

DT: Yes, Senator Rubio is incapable of telling the truth. He should be disqualified for dishonesty alone.

BNN: Do you think agree with Senator Rubio that there is a shortage of talented Americans?

DT: Rubio is dead wrong. America produces the best and brightest in the world. It’s time to stand up for own students–many of whom are racked with terrible, terrible debt and facing a disastrous job market. We are graduating two times more students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) than find jobs in those fields every year. We have a surplus of talented Americans and we need them to get jobs first.

BNN: What should happen with the Florida workers who have been replaced?

DT: I am calling TODAY on Disney to hire back every one of the workers they replaced, and I am calling on Rubio to immediately rescind his sponsorship of the I-Squared bill and apologize to every Floridian for endorsing it. I am further calling on Rubio to return the money he has received from Silicon Valley CEOs and to donate the money to a charity helping unemployed Americans whose jobs Rubio has helped to destroy.

Andrew Anglin’s comment: “The Overton Window ‘hath’ been shifted rightward.”

We might ask, how is protecting natives and native worker’s interests “shifting rightward”? The answer is that it is not.

And will “The Donald” (ug) expose the who too?
Or will he keep the sludge-barge afloat that much longer? that you can breed more White cows for the brown hordes to feed on?


European governments increasingly losing touch with reality as they defy security services.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 30 October 2015 23:23.

An interesting observation coming from the people at White Genocide Project:

Steve Goode / White Genocide Project, ‘Belgians are more dangerous than ISIS, thinks Belgian government’, 29 Oct 2015 (emphasis added):


While British and German intelligence agencies are worrying about ISIS and Al Qaeda coming over with the illegal immigrants, the Belgian government is frightened of the Belgians taking a stand against the tsunamigration.

The areas surrounding all illegal immigrant camps in Belgium have now been elevated from level 1 “no threat” to level 2 “average”.

Police will now be required to patrol these areas every few hours, despite Belgian intelligence agencies saying they have not detected any plans to attack illegal immigrant camps.

The Socialist mayor of Vilvoorde, thinks the threat level should be elevated even higher, because in his area apparently there are “houses with swastikas and far-right slogans.”

If you know their game-plan, it’s no surprise that the Belgian government considers their own people more of a threat than Islamists masquerading as illegal immigrants.

Like most European governments, the Belgian government wants their country to be a “diverse melting pot” where no group is the majority. And by carrying out this agenda – by deliberately trying to make White people a minority – they are committing an act of White Genocide.

This is key to understanding the nature of this crisis, and it is an issue that I have discussed here at Majorityrights before. There is a severe problem, one in which the governments of some countries are doing the precise opposite of what their own security services are telling them to do. There is a deepening division between the defence and security communities on one hand, and the governments in Europe on the other hand.

It’s apparently reached the point where in order to set the stage for accomplishing anything productive, it may have been that certain people in the intelligence services have had almost no choice but to keep leaking documents to the media—it is difficult to imagine any other reason for why there are about two stories per week leaking out—so that the media can keep applying pressure to the European governments by reporting on them, since that is fuelling the process of turning voter sentiments against the enormous dereliction of those governments.

Many of the present governments are really not fit to be in office because they are failing at the most basic of basic tasks. The task of defending the borders from illegal crossings, and the task of protecting people as they go about their daily business in the post-9/11, post-Madrid, post-7/7, post-Rotherham world. In actuality, these are ongoing security concerns. Security comes first, because without security you have nothing else. Any politicians who don’t understand this fact simply should not have been elected to office in the first place.

There is a convention in European politics where security, intelligence, and military figures refrain from directly and openly challenging the government. This is because it is usually seen as inappropriate by the European public. However, politicians who no longer inhabit reality should not be allowed to jeopardise the future of Europe, and it’s necessary to get the European peoples to show—perhaps through more organised street demonstrations like the ones going on in Germany—that the people largely believe the same.

The time is long overdue for the European peoples to come out of the liberal-humanitarian wardrobe of politeness and start supporting policy preferences for the real world, rather than policy preferences for Narnia. Some reality-based governments need to take hold in Europe, rather than governments adhering to the policy preferences of Barbara Lerner Spectre.

Immigration issue in the region 1/2

Immigration issue in the region 2/2

Once the trend that is reflected in those graphs is exhibited openly and clearly through demonstrations by people on the street, it may become the case that rather than seeing a trickle of anonymously- and semi-anonymously-sourced news stories in the media, the European people might get to see senior figures challenging governments openly and directly. At that stage, the push-back against the migration onslaught might begin to gather the new energy that it absolutely needs.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.

Netanyahu Plays Divide & Conquer - throws a conciliatory bone to those who would absolve Hitler

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 October 2015 17:00.

What is behind Netanyahu’s “gesture” presented last Wednesday to German Chancellor Merkel?

In an ostensible gesture, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, proposed to relieve Nazi Germany ergo present day Germany of complete guilt for the holocaust.

Netanyahu suggested that at the point when Hitler met with the Palestinian Mufti in November 1941, that he did not intend to exterminate the Jews but had a sincere plan to merely expel them to Palestine.

Netanyahu continued, that when the Mufti refused to agree, Hitler asked what then should be done with the Jews? The Mufti responded, “burn them.” Netanyahu then claimed with that, that “the Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and a partner and adviser to Eichmann and Hitler for the execution of this plan.”


Most people would be satisfied with putting Netanyahu’s rendition aside for the obvious absurdities that arise to its credibility from the outset. Why would Hitler seriously expect the Palestinians to agree to allow Jews, or any non-Palestinians (but especially Jews), to immigrate to his country? That is, how could it have been a serious proposal by Hitler? The answer is that it could not have been, and it wasn’t. It was a bluff, a typical ploy of Hitler’s: “well, we tried.”

To a lesser extent it was also an occasion to discuss with the Palestinians how they might cooperate with Nazi Germany. However, the idea that Hitler seriously sought council from the Mufti and followed his lead in regard to how to deal with Jews is risible.

There is all kinds of evidence that Nazi Germany, in accordance with Hitler’s designs, had already commenced with killing Jews as a solution the Jewish problem as they saw it; and had no problem with killing, exterminating Jews; there is even evidence of an emergent plan that regarding the Jews that he did allow to escape to Palestine, that they were facilitated in going there upon the agreement with Muslims that they would be taken care of there, in subsequent cooperation between Nazi Germany and Muslims to make sure that they could never become ensconced in the area.


No serious ethno-nationalist is accepting Netanyahu’s dealing of the card of Hitler’s absolution at anywhere near face value.

There are a few relevant exceptions, and it is for their compliant reaction to divide and conquer that Netanyahu plays this card.

1. The philo-semitic counter-jihadists who might be looking to see Israeli actions against Palestinians as more valid than previously understood. They are already in the tank for Israel and Jews, as completely innocent victims and scapegoats. They seek to gain Israel and whatever part of liberal Europe that they can against Islam alone, in perhaps a desperate hope by their non-Jewish component, that Israel will care enough to sincerely help. That is a joke and the plainest level of divide and conquer, which the Gates of Vienna and the Geert Wilders ilk has already bought into.

2. Some foolish Naziphile’s who are unfortunately associated with White Nationalism will take the bait in seeking to absolve Hitler from any responsibility for the holocaust; what is more bizarre is that some of these types tend to hope that Russia will be the great White hope of WN. The Russian/Jewish coalition will exploit this delusional hope that it might cooperate with White Nationalism, while doing all it can to prohibit racial nationalism; let alone allowing for the embrace of those who would resurrect Hitler, the arch enemy of its “Great War” - a war which its entire nation knows expended 25 million and which, to this day, would view such resurgence of German Nazism as its greatest threat, were it not so overly prepared for that contingency: hence, why it probably is that they allow Netanyahu some freeplay with that card - in order to keep Russian and Eastern European people under threat.

3. Merkel and liberals of her ilk whose career, power and license have underpinnings in German guilt are the third category who might respond at face value to Netanyahu’s ploy. Hence, her characteristic response being the opposite - that “no, no, Germany was fully responsible for the holocaust.”  

Getting these three groups to react in an overcompensating manner will invoke responses from other national players that can put Netanyahu’s divide strategy into fuller effect.The overcompensating response invoked in these groups would tend to highlight and align some of the normal German ethno-nationalist positions with a more Naziphilic position, which will undermine and destabilize Merkel’s base by forcing her to distance herself further into her overcompensatingly liberal position in order to maintain her liberal support base. That will then cause few more of the normal ethno-nationalists to display, in frustration, a more forthrightly Nazistic position - nowadays a weak position, as it is limited of itself; divisive not only against German liberals; but normal German ethno-nationalists, who are the authentic opposition to both Merkel and Netanyahu.

While Merkel looks like a deer caught in the headlights, Netanyahu does not look the least bit concerned, does he? He looks upon Merkel with dismissive contempt, as if to say, “do you seriously think you can do anything about it, piss-ant?”

Netanyahu knew that Merkel would never respond in an ethnonationalist way, in anything but an obsequious, liberal way.

Merkel has already obliged by missing what would be an opportunity for a normal ethno-nationalists to say, “thank you for at least conceding that Germany, especially present day Germany, is not fully responsible for what happened in WW2 and was not, even then, some sort of ex-nihilo source of evil, but had an existential conflict with Jews; that was confirmed by the fact that other peoples had highly analogous difficulties with Jews, which even Nazi Germany was willing to discuss and negotiate to some extent. Not only is it clear that Nazi Germany viewed Jewry as a mortal enemy for plain reasons; it is time for Israel and Jewry to stop pretending to be the sheerly innocent victims and light of the world; the time has long since past when subsequent generations of Germans, let alone the rest of Europe as well, should be subject to the blackmail, extortion and bribes of Israel for a war that took the form of a will to kill those who were seen as the enemy, a mortal threat of a people; in the same kind of war that had been conducted by Israel/Jews themselves, so many times, ranging from those chronicled in the Old Testament - e.g., in The Book of Esther that you quoted before U.S. Congress - to the genocidal crimes of Soviet Jewry just prior to World War II - mass exterminations by Jews which Hitler saw as part and parcel of the existential threat he sought to protect Germans from.”

Netanyahu knows her and he knows she won’t say that. She would be taken out of power in the moment she spoke that way. While there may be an aspect of restraint in Merkel’s response, in that she cares that Germans not overcompensate to theirs and other Europeans’ detriment (including for the fact that Jews might just do some nasty things against the German people if she were too flagrant), given that she, herself, has already colluded by setting the worst in motion, that mitigation of potential recrimination is clearly a subservient motivation - she is obviously not overly concerned with the E.G.I. of Germans and other Europeans.

Her concern must be some combination of maintaining her power and some ideals which she holds to be more important than German and other European people. For her ideals, Netanyahu views her with the contempt of a pissant. By pushing her into an ever more compromised liberal position he furthers his interest directly by the dissolution of the German people and any threat of their organized response to what is being done to them by Israel and by Jews more broadly.

By highlighting neo-Nazi efforts to legitimize Hitler, he puts both her and German ethnonationalism in a weak position - forcing her to retrench in her liberal position domestically, less able to compromise against infighting with emergent nationalism, especially displays of ‘Nazism”; while there is only so-far that Hitler advocacy can go abroad. If it does gain any momentum, it will lead into conflict with other European nations - especially Eastern European - and fully act-into the divide and conquer scenario which will already be taking form psychologically as a part of Eastern European and Russian reaction.

Still, Netanyahu does not view Putin with quite the same level of disregard. And it is not likely that Putin and Russia, at this point, are going to be highly threatened by the prospects of Nazi Germany soon re-emerging. Nevertheless, Russia’s people can be provoked and kept at bay, just as Jews are provoked by their own and kept at bay through fear of resurgent Nazism… It will be used to strengthen propaganda to alienate their people from European ethno-nationalists and from supporting their aims: These people are “Nazis”, “fascists”, “racists” and “already 25 million were lost in order to defeat them in ‘The Great War’ - we can never trust them….we must support their liberalization instead.”

As Eastern European nations, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and more, are inclined to look incredulously upon that Russian “innocence” and resist being subsumed into Russia’s sphere of interest, Russia will be more inclined to allow those who go the way of Europe to be divided, fragmented against others, weakened to powerlessness by the immigration invasion. Russia will cynically allow for divide and conquer and they will try to expand their interests .. in all likelihood, developing closer ties with Israel and Jewish diaspora. That will put a significant damper on hopes of those in German, European and other White ethnonationalists who wish to treat Russia as the great White hope.

Yes, Netanyahu is hoping to divide Europe from Russia. But does the Russian leadership care? Probably not much. They probably have an understanding with Netanhayu. And the real divide and conquer is likely to be in regard to Eastern Europe: still predominantly White and with ethno-nationalistic motivation - with enough experience of Jews to be anti-Semitic, enough experience of Russian/Jewish imperialism to be resistant to its aggrandizement, and, of course, potentially provoked by the resurrections of Hitler so as not to be able to fully cooperate with those who would lord Hitler as the paragon of virtue - hence, Netanyahu’s reason to resurrect Hitler’s legitimacy, to get people talking in the provocative way of Hitler apologists so as to antagonize any cooperation with Russia, but even more-so, any cooperation with Eastern Europe.

In this way, Netanhayhu can attempt to broker a situation where the Jewish/Russian East and the Jewish/corporate West can divide-up Eastern Europe and put at bay the remaining, homogeneous White ethno-national nations and their cooperation to European resistance. Fortunately, it is not necessary for Eastern European ethno-nationalists to act-into Netanyahu’s divide and conquer.

The realistic potential for ethno-nationalist coalitions and regional coalitions are emerging to where the would-be Jewish/Russian brokers will be looked upon not as protectors against Nazism, not even as middle men, not even marginalized in their opinions, but those who will be subject to our will.

Endless revisions of the number of migrants entering #ProjectGermany: Now get ready for 7.36 million

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 17 October 2015 06:50.

The people who are still somehow running the German government with no trouble at all, would probably like to thank the German people for having been ‘so understanding and kind’ as to have accepted a mere 300,000 migrants from the Middle East and North Africa. They mean actually 600,000. No, wait, they mean 800,000. No, hold on, 920,000. Oh, not quite, more like 1.5 million. No, just kidding, they’d like to thank the German people for accepting 7.36 million migrants.


The Australian, ‘Angela Merkel hit by leaked forecast of 1.5 million migrants’, 07 Oct 2015 (emphasis added):

Chancellor Angela Mer­kel is facing open dissent from members of her coalition government amid predictions that the number of migrants arriving in Germany this year could reach 1.5 million.

The figure — almost double the official forecasts — added to the impression Ms Merkel had lost control of the issue amid polls showing her popularity ratings, which had defied gravity for so long, were beginning to plummet.

Ms Merkel has refused to talk about limits to the number of refugees Germany can accommodate but Sigmar Gabriel, her deputy and the leader of the Social Democratic party, has declared that the time has come to reduce arrivals.

The new estimate of 1.5 million came in a confidential government paper leaked to the newspaper Bild. It is widely believed the source of the leak was the interior ministry.

The secret document said each refugee had a “family factor” of four to eight people, meaning they could be expected to arrange for up to eight relatives to join them once settled in Germany, as they were entitled to do if granted refugee status. As Bild pointed out, this could mean that 7.36 million eventually arrived as a result of this year’s influx. Germany’s population is now 80 million.

“We believe that in the fourth quarter of the year there will be between 7000 and 10,000 illegal border crossings every day,” the document stated.

“These high figures for asylum-seekers threaten to put extreme pressure on the (German) states and communities.”

The document put a figure on potential arrivals from October to December of 920,000, Bild said. In contrast to some expert views, it did not foresee a reduction during the winter months despite the harsher weather and more difficult travelling conditions.

Fewer asylum-seekers were expected from the Balkan states after Germany’s information campaign to deter people from that region but an increase was foreseen from conflict zones, especially Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere called last week for annual limits on refugees and proposed that any arrivals above the quota should be sent to somewhere safe in their region.

He added these were his personal views and not those of the government.

He is seen as one of Ms Merkel’s closest advisers and she later praised his work while refusing to place a limit on migrant numbers. Now she also faces open dissent from Mr Gabriel.

“We must urgently achieve a clear reduction in the number of refugees in the coming year in Germany,” the deputy chancellor told Suddeutsche Zeitung.

He added: “We must also think about the cohesion of German ­society.”

Ms Merkel’s stance towards asylum-seekers is said to have made her a contender for this year’s Nobel peace prize, which will be announced on Friday, but it has also led to the shine coming off her popular support.

A poll last week showed that her personal support rating had fallen to 54 per cent, down nine points in a month.

Thousands took to the streets of the eastern city of Dresden yesterday, accusing Ms Merkel of “crimes against the German ­people” and “treason”.

“It won’t stop with 1.5 or two million,” said Lutz Bachmann, the co-founder of the anti-Islam ­PEGIDA movement, which organised the march. “They will have their wives come, and one, two, three children. It is an impossible task to integrate these people.”

Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the EU to consider a no-fly zone and safe haven area in Syria during talks to address Europe’s migrant crisis.

Speaking after discussions in Brussels, Mr Erdogan said Turkey was bearing the brunt of the crisis and pressed the bloc to act against “state-sponsored terrorism” in Syria as President Bashar al-Assad’s regime battles rebels and militants.

The EU said Turkey must do more to stop the flow of refugees who have landed on its shores. “It is indisputable that Europe has to manage its borders better. We expect Turkey to do the same,” the EU president, Donald Tusk, said.

The “root cause” of the refugee crisis was the “state-sponsored terrorism actually carried out by Assad himself,” Mr Erdogan said, saying three things needed to be done to end the crisis.

“One is to focus on training and equipment, the second is to declare a safe zone that would be protected from terrorism and the third is a no-fly zone,” Mr Erdogan said.

Western officials had previously cast doubt on the Turkish proposals for a no-fly “safe zone” in northern Syria where refugees could take shelter from the bloody conflict.

Brussels and Ankara also reportedly discussed a European Commission plan that would see Turkey join Greek coastguard pat­rols in the eastern Aegean, co-­ordinated by EU border agency Frontex. Any migrants picked up would be taken back to Turkey where six new camps for up to two million people would be built, co-financed by the EU.

The Times, AFP

But actually, are they ready for the next iteration, which is 9.6 million if the upper bound estimate for this year is hit? Or perhaps next year, when the number might push toward 18 million potentially showing up? Because no one has been talking about next year yet.

With numbers like this, it really could become possible that 20% of Germany’s population will be Middle Eastern and North African, which is an incredibly rapid change.

#ProjectGermany is not a nation-state. It’s an idea, it’s a proposition nation based on the idea of unlimited Christian charity, and absolutely stupid amounts of naive liberalism. Also, lots of guilt.

#ProjectGermany is not a place where Germans live, it’s an idea.

Netherlands: Jews love mass migration, so long as it is to your neighbourhood and not to theirs.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 17 October 2015 02:27.

I literally could not make this up:

NL Times, ‘Jewish leaders say “no” to Syrian refugees on anti-semitism concern’, 13 Oct 2015:

The Jewish community of Amsterdam-Zuid are concerned about the arrival of a refugee center in Amstelveen-Noord, which local residents were informed about on Monday night. The proposed shelter will house 400 refugees, mostly from Syria and Iraq.

This weekend it was announced that the municipality of Amstelveen intends to shelter refugees in the office building on Laan van Kronenberg – less than a kilometer away from Buitenveldert, home to the largest Jewish community in the Netherlands.

The Central Jewish Board is concerned that there will be incidents. “Let there be no doubt that the Jewish community is overwhelmingly for the reception of war refugees. But we have major concerns”, chairman Ron van der Wieken said to NU on Monday. “These people come from countries such as Syria and Iraq, who traditionally take an extremely harsh tone against Jews. These people are largely brainwashed to hate Jews. You should not underestimate it.”

Ron Eisenmann, president of the Center for Information and Documentation Israel and faction leader of VVD Amsterdam-Zuid, also raised his concerns on Twitter. “Not a good plan, Syrian refugees in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood.”, he tweeted. This tweet was met with opposition from, among others, GroenLinks alderwoman in Waterland Laura Bromet. “Maybe you can point out a Syrian neighborhood where they can go”, she replied to his tweet.

VVD Amsterdam Zuid also released a statement on their website saying that they are concerned about support among residents of Buitenveldert. “Given the disquiet among residents in the area and the importance of social security, the VVD insists that adequate security and surveillance will be present in the district.” The party also wants the emergency shelter to only accommodate families.

Oh, okay. They are now concerned, they say. There might be incidents, they say.

Simply breathtaking.

Swedish Royal Couple among audience lectured as to their fellow immigrant status in Sweden

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 16:55.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has launched a new assault on native Swedes in the form of a project called “Sweden together.”
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven with Culture Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke. Photo: TT
The Prime Minister began its latest manifestation, an October 12 conference, where the royal couple was sitting in the audience. Sponsored by “Swedish” newspaper “judisk krönika” (Jewish Chronicle), the conference featured Jewish studies lecturer, Ingrid Lomfors.


Ms. Lomfors informed the audience that in effect that they do not exist as an entity…

..there exists no Swedish culture, we are all immigrants and that therefore we must accept immigration - that is our duty.


Some background on “Sweden Together”

The Local, “Stefan Löfven has called for Sweden’s entire public sector to unite to ensure the swift resettlement of the latest influx of refugees”, Sept. 10, 2015:

The Social Democrat Prime Minister announced an initiative called ‘Sweden Together’ (‘Sverige tillsammans’) on Thursday morning.

He said that municipalities, religious groups, sports associations, unions and public sector employers would all be invited to a major conference in October to discuss how to help refugees better integrate into Swedish communities.

The Prime Minister told Swedish public broadcaster Sveriges Radio that he wanted a more even distribution of refugees across all 290 municipalities in Sweden, a policy that has been pushed by Sweden’s integration minister Ylva Johansson in recent months.

At a press conference in Stockholm at midday, ahead of cross-party talks on the refugee crisis, Löfven said there would be a large focus on getting refugees into schooling and the work force.

“This is about them having a speedy entrance into our society and getting a job, education, and housing,” Löfven told reporters.

“For us to be able to get through this demographic challenge, we need to get more working. This means we need to quickly get those who have newly arrived into the work force. This is what our investments are aiming for.”

One concrete change that was announced at the press conference was an increase in the compensation for municipalities per refugee, which will be raised from 83,100 kronor ($9,867) to 125,000 kronor ($14,873).

The government said it would earmark 1.8 billion kronor for the entire package to be spent over the next year. 870 million kronor of this will go into helping refugees find work quicker, offering speedier translation and validation of foreign education

The leaders of Sweden’s centre-right Alliance parties which made up former Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt’s previous government are set to attend discussions with Löfven later in the day, along with the leaders of the government’s coalition partners the Greens and the Left Party. The nationalist anti-immigration Sweden Democrat party has not been invited.

“We must have a political gathering, both about what we’re doing here at home in Sweden, but also what Sweden stands for in the EU,” said Löfven, adding that it was currently “unhelpful” that Sweden and Germany were currently sharing the bulk of responsibility for new arrivals.

Sweden’s Prime Minister met Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin earlier this week. Both leaders told a press conference that they backed the introduction of new quotas to force other European countries to take in more refugees, as is being proposed by the European Commission.

The Nordic nation currently takes in more refugees per capita than any other EU member state.

Sweden’s Migration Board (Migrationsverket) received a total of 11,743 applications for asylum last month, up from 6,619 in June and 8,066 in July, as an increasing number of refugees headed for Scandinavia over the summer.


Claim: ‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped by Migrants, Pressured into Silence to not ‘Damage Cause’

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 07 October 2015 12:04.

European women giving a sympathetic tour of refugee camp in Calais

Breitbart, ‘CLAIM: ‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’’, 06 Oct 2015:

Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world.

The ‘No Borders’ activist had dedicated a month of her life to helping migrants. Her group was stationed between Italy and France in Ponte San Ludovico in Ventimiglia when the atrocity occurred, according to reports from local papers La Stampa and Il Secolo XIX, and now reported in the major Italian national Corriere Della Serra.

One Saturday night, as loud music played at a nearby party, the woman was reportedly trapped in a shower block set up near the camp in a pine forest know as Red Leap.

A gang of African migrants allegedly raped her there, and her cries for help are said to have gone unheard because of the music.

La Stampa reports that the woman, around 30 years of age, would have reported the horrific crime were if not for her fellow left-wing activists, who convinced her that if the truth got out it could damage their utopian dream of a world without borders.

But Corriere Della Serra also reports that some of her fellow activists are now accusing the woman of reporting the rape out of “spite,” because her group was withdrawn from the camp following a separate controversy.

The town of Ventimiglia, where the alleged crime occurred, has been a flashpoint in the ongoing migrant crisis.

On the 30th September around 50 migrants and 20 activists were cleared from an illegal camp there. The activists organised a protest, whereby 250 migrants conducted a “sit in” on the shoreline.

Yesterday, Osman Suliman, 20, a Sudanese asylum seeker who had been in the UK for just five months, appeared in court.

He was charged with the rape of a Nottingham woman last weekend, the 26th of September, The Nottingham Post reports.


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Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Thu, 19 Oct 2023 23:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 18 Oct 2023 23:19. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Tue, 17 Oct 2023 09:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 11:23. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 04:53. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 03:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Tue, 10 Oct 2023 23:13. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Tue, 10 Oct 2023 08:03. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Tue, 10 Oct 2023 07:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Tue, 10 Oct 2023 07:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Mon, 09 Oct 2023 14:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sun, 08 Oct 2023 23:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sun, 08 Oct 2023 18:46. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sun, 08 Oct 2023 12:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sat, 07 Oct 2023 23:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sat, 07 Oct 2023 00:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 20:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 19:42. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 14:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 10:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 10:29. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 07:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:58. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:46. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:31. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:01. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 03:57. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 03:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 02:54. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 02:46. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 13:44. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 13:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 11:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 11:14. (View)

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