Majorityrights Central > Category: Books

The Camp of the Saints

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 20 February 2011 02:00.

My thanks to MR guest blogger Last Celt for the link to a PDF version of Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints, and also to the English transcript of a video interview with Raspail, posted a few days ago at GalliaWatch.

It opens with this:

In truth The Camp of the Saints is a parable, written in 1972, published in 1973 about a million people from the Third World. They’re weak, they’re unarmed, women and children, they’re poor, and they come in search of paradise. But, there’s a million of them, they land on the Riviera, and behind them there are other flotillas with more millions ready to land according to whether or not France’s response is positive or negative. The problem of The Camp of the Saints is very simple - there is unity of time, place, and action. Everything happens in twenty-four hours. What happens is they have a shipwreck, a million of them, unarmed, weak, they inspire sympathy, pity. But a million… and if the response is positive, there are a million more waiting. What do we do? That’s the question posed by The Camp of the Saints.

... and is worth reading in full.

Review call, Alain de Benoist’s “The Problem of Democracy”

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 27 January 2011 15:34.

I have been asked whether we would be interested in producing a review of the recently translated The Problem of Democracy by Alain de Benoist.  The hardback edition is to be released in a few days.

The book discusses how the very concept of democracy has moved away from the original Greek idea of a folk ruling itself through responsible citizens participating directly in the governing of the state, towards a soft-totalitarian, multicultural catch-phrase.  If, as an MR regular, you would like to review it please let me know and I will arrange for a copy to be despatched to you.

Postmortem Report: a collection of essays by Tomislav Sunic

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 24 March 2010 01:20.

You may already know that Tom Sunic’s new book Postmortem Report: cultural examinations from postmodernity has been published.  Tom is a fine essayist - among the best we have - and Postmortem Report brings together the best of his work in this format.  He asked me to produce some blurb to announce the book here, but I thought a few short passages might be more to your taste.  These are what he selected.

From the (suitably straightening) foreword by Kevin MacDonald:

Europeans who have any allegiance to their people and culture cannot stand by and accept this state of affairs. We are approaching an endgame situation in the West. In the United States, people of non-European descent will be the majority in just a few short decades, and the same will happen throughout Europe and other societies established by Europeans since the dawn of the Age of Discovery. At that point, the centuries-old hostilities and resent-ments of non-White peoples toward Whites that Sunic discusses will come to the fore, and the culture and Europe will be irretrievably lost.

We must confront this impending disaster with a sense of psychological intensity and desperation. Reading Tom Sunic’s essays will certainly provide the background for understanding how we got here and perhaps also for finding our way toward the future.

And from the text, a subject which just occasionally gets an airing here:

In conclusion, one could say that, in the very beginning of its development, Judeo-Christian monotheism set out to demystify and desacralize the pagan world by slowly supplanting ancient pagan beliefs with the reign of the Judaic Law. During this century-long process, Christianity gradually removed all pagan vestiges that coexisted with it. The ongoing process of desacralization and the “Entzauberung” of life and politics appear to have resulted not from Europeans’ chance departure from Christianity, but rather from the gradual disappearance of the pagan notion of the sacred that coexisted for a long time with Christianity. The paradox of our century is that the Western world is saturated with Judeo-Christian mentality at the moment when churches and synagogues are virtually empty.

And more:

And yet, we should not forget that the Western world did not begin with the birth of Christ. Neither did the religions of ancient Europeans see the first light of the day with Moses—in the desert. Nor did our much-vaunted democracy begin with the period of Enlightenment or with the proclamation of American independence. Democracy and independence—all of this existed in ancient Greece, albeit in its own unique social and religious context. Our Greco-Roman ancestors, our predecessors who roamed the woods of central and northern Europe, also believed in honor, justice, and virtue, although they attached to these notions a radically different meaning.


The old life is dead ... L’ancienne vie est mort

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 09 July 2008 13:32.

The cover of Xenia’s new volume of poetry in English and in French

... which poetry lovers, students of modernity and prometheans alike can purchase here.

“Xenia has the uncanny ability to commit to paper the triumphs and tragedies of the natural world with its wonderfully emotive imagery of love, nostalgia and rebirth”
Troy Southgate (author, Tradition & Revolution)

“Xenia Sunic, whose first name in Classical Greek means “foreign lady,” is a foreign spirit indeed to this most shallow age of Western decline. Her poetry is deep, it is mystical, it is achingly aesthetic —and like all great art requires the reader to co-work, to participate, to ascend to an image-realm, to vault to a rarified, stark, new-old, sun-shadow world.”
John de Nugent

“In the nature poetry of Xenia Sunic there is an element of rapture and an aura of mystery in the poet’s exquisite responsiveness to and almost mystical expression of the change of seasons and a profound delight in the sheer loveliness of nature in its more solemn as well as in its more ecstatic moments.”
Joseph Pryce

“For me, Xenia’s poetic muse reminds constantly of just what the expansive heart’s creative beauty is capable of and what one day may be possible for all of us.”
Mervyn Soskolne

“Xenia Sunic is a marvelously sensitive wordsmith and the fact that she is a multilingual poetess renders her poetic accomplishments even more impressive. One can only hope that more of her poems will follow the publication of this work.”
Dr Paul E. Gottfried

The poetry of JD Pryce

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 05 June 2008 15:54.

Tom Sunic circulated an alert today to the appearance of a fresh volume of some 89 poems by Joe Pryce, titled The Mansions of Irkalla.  Pryce, a New Yorker, is a poet of the Promethean spirit, that long reclusive self of the mythic European past.


Tom wrote:-

In this important book of poems, Joe D. Pryce revives the traditions of 19th century verse of Edgar Allan Poe and Charles Baudelaire. Very much in the footsteps of the French symbolists, he depicts the horrors of the modern liberal system, thus adding his own poetic flavor to the cultural-political arsenal of modern conservative-revolutionary thought. His poems are an attempt to resuscitate American poetry and to realign it with a Euro-American giant, Ezra Pound. His unsurpassed sense of the English language, teeming with surreal metaphors and strange antediluvian imagery, guides the reader to that primordial quest for the meaning of time and being. Pryce’s poems are an invaluable contribution to the heritage of European Prometheism, which has lain dormant since World War II.

I thought I should reproduce a couple of Pryce poems.  They predate the new collection, but illustrate well what Tom is getting at.

Maidens & Guardians
We sing our lays
Of distant days
Of honeyed springtimes
In an Age of Gold.

But we the warriors work on in shadowy remoteness
Recollecting tragedy whilst forging treasures of the spirit
In a pensive pondering, anigh the maidens caroling
Through noontide’s mellow and yet vibrant gleaming
For an awesome advent is approaching
Gathering its might upon the heavy wings of autumn.

Still this dithyrambic choir of maidens,
Is rehearsing, warbling, for its festival.

An elaborately interwoven and precisely draughted world
Of slow and sweet decline
Its palette slightly muted as to color
Seems in our eyes slowly now to dim
And languish, as if knowing that
These sweet chansons accompany
Their dark avengers
As we forge our racks
And craft our fearsome Iron Maidens.

Sad, yet richly apprehensive
Of the wondrous wizardry of the declining,
Meltingly alluring world advancing ineluctably upon us.

More than merely Autumn slithers up the steep declivity, and so,
We now go off to deal out savage preludes
To unspeakable massacres beyond which we must
Deal out condign pain to many more who sha’n't tell aught of it.
For now is the bright hour of our returning come among us:
And we all are ready.


Sunic’s Homo americanus and the American psychological commonweal

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 01 August 2007 23:00.

Heritage and Destiny is a quarterly magazine printed in England and promulgated by the rockface scalers of the England First Party and the British People’s Party.  It produces some good work, and an example was sent me today by Tom Sunic: a review of his Homo americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age by Peter Rushmore.

In the course of the review Rushmore observes Sunic’s treatment of Christian Zionism:-

Dr Sunic does not present Christian Zionism as some crude conspiracy of venal pastors and crypto-Jews. Nor does he view the U.S.-Zionist embrace (as more shallow analyses by more orthodox political commentators have tended to) as merely contingent on the ‘neoconservative’ reaction (developing out of early American Trotskyism) against Stalinist anti-Semitism.

His approach is to set Christian Zionism in the context of America’s broader political culture. Dr Sunic maintains that a fundamental deceit is at the core of the American system, just as it was behind the Iron Curtain. But most victims of Soviet tyranny had seen through the official lies decades before the system’s final collapse and had been only maintaining a polite fiction of believing in communist ideology.

... the Holocaust:-

Dr Sunic quotes Jean Baudrillard, the postmodernist critic of America, who has died since this book went to press, to support his argument that the “constant verbal and visual featuring of Jewish Holocaust symbolism” creates a “saturation process among the audience as was once the case with former Holocaust symbolism”. Relentless exterminationist propaganda, not to mention the vicious persecution of those who dissent from the dominant ideology, becomes self defeating.

In Baudrillard’s words even the image of Auschwitz itself - the holy of holies - becomes hyperreality: “not a site of annihilation but a medium of dissuasion”. In other words the exterminationists themselves eventually transform Auschwitz in the public mind from a “historical fact” to a propaganda or marketing tool.

... and, quoting from the text of Homo americanus itself, American anti-semitism:-

Yet Dr Sunic goes on, in a section which should be compulsory reading for many in the movement, especially the many varieties of Christian “anti-Semite”, to reject the most obvious forms of Jewish conspiracy theory.

“Blaming American Jews for extraterrestrial powers and their purported conspiracy to subvert Gentile culture borders on delusion and only reflects the absence of dialogue. American anti-Semitic delusions only provide legitimacy to American Jews in their constant search for a real or surreal anti-Semitic boogieman around the corner. Without the spectre of anti-Semitism, Jews would likely assimilate quickly and hence disappear. Thus, anti-Semitism provides Jews with alibis to project themselves as victims of Gentile prejudice. Consequently, it assigns them a cherished role of posing as the sole educational super-ego for Americans and by proxy the entire world.”

But many who read Sunic’s quite compact book will find not his stance on Jewry in America to be the most interesting thing about it but the deconstructionism that he commends for the postmodern American personality itself.  Rushmore merely notes:-


Prindle’s America: An Appreciation, Part 2

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 30 July 2007 23:45.

Part Two: The Second Front

Prindle believes that all religions are projections of the mind or minds that imagine them. “As projections they comment on the cleanliness or foulness of the projectors.”

The notion of God to the western mind means the Yahweh of the Old Testament. The Jews fantasy is that God chose a particular people to be the bearers and disseminators of his word to all the peoples of the world. The English came to believe the scepter had been passed to them while the East Anglians who eventually formed the Liberal religion believe the scepter has passed to them.

The history of the Jews since their defeat and scattering by the Romans has been a succession of failed messiahs - more than sixty since they rejected Jesus. Failure has modified, but not eliminated this messianic obsession.

Prindle believes that stirrings of European Enlightenment in the seventeenth century were a significant factor in persuading the rabbis to stop recognizing Messianic claimants. “Science points out the absurdity of religious projections.  Thus all religions were shown to be based on false premises.”

Prindle points out that Christianity, Islam and Judaism were all faced with the challenge of scientific thinking. They all have a vested interest in the old way of perceiving the world.

The Jews had always been able to hold their own theologically vis-a-vis the Roman Catholics and the Protestants, but they had no chance against Science which granted none of their claims. Their only alternative was to corrupt Science and destroy it from within.


Prindle’s America: An Appreciation, Part 1

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 30 July 2007 00:45.

This is the second of my essays on the little known but altogether exceptional work of R. E. Prindle, following my appreciation of his insights into Freud and the death of the West.  This essay will focus on Prindle’s The Deconstruction of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ America.

I hope these essays will encourage others to read deeply in the Corpus Prindeliana.

Part One: The First Front

“The key problem for American history is why the Civil War was fought.

Propaganda teaches American schoolchildren the war was about Black slavery. But Prindle points out that none of the cultures involved had ever been opposed to slavery historically.

Prindle asserts the cultural roots of the conflict began with the conquest of Anglo-Saxon England by William the Conqueror in 1066.

The conflict began when the conquering Normans enslaved the Anglo-Saxons, especially those of East Anglia.  The issue then is that like the biblical Hebrews the Anglo-Saxons objected to their own ill-treatment only.  Neither culture objected to slavery in itself.

The East Anglian Puritans who seized power in England under Cromwell expatriated tens of thousands of Irish to the Caribbean islands as slaves to work cheek by jowl with the Negro slaves - no distinctions between the two.”  In addition, the importation of African slaves was largely run by the Puritan merchants from New England; the South played almost no role in the procurement of slaves from overseas. “Thus both the Puritans of New England and the Cavaliers of Virginia had no particular aversion to slavery.  The true issue was not whether but who.”


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Al Ross commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Mon, 14 Oct 2024 05:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Mon, 14 Oct 2024 00:28. (View)

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