Majorityrights News > Category: Liberalism

South Africa: ANC Will Seize White Property in Cities, Not Just Farms, Says President Ramaphosa

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 28 February 2019 10:22.

New Observer,South Africa: ANC Will Seize White Property in Cities, Not Just Farms, Says President”, 28 Feb 2019:

White-owned property in South Africa’s cities and towns will be seized along with white farms in order to provide “high-density housing” for blacks, and whites are to blame for the country’s collapsing train services, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced.

Addressing a meeting of “traditional leaders” in the Cape Town City Hall on Wednesday this week, as part of the ANC’s election campaign, Ramaphosa also blamed Apartheid [read whites] for African backwardness and the fact that blacks are always poor.

“Land in cities and towns must be identified for seizure without compensation upon which high-density housing can be developed so that ordinary South Africans can live close to their places of work,”  Ramaphosa told the meeting. “Apartheid distributed people outside of the major cities. The poor lived outside the cities, and the rich inside them,” he continued. “Just like other world cities, South Africa had to develop high-density housing in the city and town centers, and the government was going to use the seizure of land without compensation program to identity suitable land within the urban areas.

“This is going to reduce the living costs of the poor who will then not have to travel so far to their places of work,” he said.

This is the first open confirmation that it is not just farms which are going to be seized under the “no compensation” rules scheduled to be introduced in March 2019, but also white properties in urban areas.

Ramaphosa went on to blame whites for the collapsing railway infrastructure in South Africa, even though the ANC has ruled the country for the last 25 years.

He acknowledged that the public transport infrastructure was very poor and that it cost the South African economy dearly. He undertook to “pull the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) right” after a new series of criminal corruption scandals recently shook the state-owned rail transportation system.

“Some train stations in the townships [the black suburbs] are closed. People do not use them anymore because of crime and the unreliability of the train system,” Ramaphosa told the meeting, adding that this too was due to the “heritage of apartheid [read whites] which left us with poor public transport systems.”

Crypsis deployed for Starbucks property vulture (((Harold Schultz))) in launch of political campaign

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 02 February 2019 15:44.

(((Schultz/Starbucks vulture capitalism - governmental collusion with NGO’s and tribal interests)))

I haven’t visited Morgoth’s for several months, and not for more than a moment in over a year… but having taken a peek today, a fine comment jumped out…

Augur Mayson rendered a fine comment in response to the question of why people hate journalists.

In regard to his example that the (((media))) conveniently promulgated Harold Schultz’ crypsis, referring to him as “a white man”, Augur might have added discussion of which (((Frame Games))) spilled the beans - it is still on line: [url=The Perplexing Case of Starbucks The Perplexing Case of Starbucks) about the scheme that Starbucks is involved in, making deals with black NGO leaders in order to buy-up inner city property on the cheap and then gentrifying it to turn huge profits in sales and rent. ...while these blacks were moved in as block busters to begin with by tribal elders who benefited by driving out Whites, taking advantage of driving down property values and welfare slum lording.

A Starbucks in your neighborhood means this racket is coming to your city.

One wonders, given Starbucks property vulturism, if Trump and his cronies don’t figure into the Schultz deal - as Kumiko surmised, they are mostly about a second tier of wealth, based on real estate investment, particularly U.S., and their concerns as such.

* I took the liberty to correct the malapopriative term, “left”, for him and replaced it with what it should be - “liberal”

Augur Mayson • 6 days ago

Because journalists enhance Jewish racial crypsis, is my current reason. They’re statists posing as rebels. The major media outlets either through commingling with the state or via self-interested owners of a certain ((( race ))) typically parrot whatever ridiculous claims are coming out of the government, either about domestic social issues or correctness of foreign policy. They are not some unelected but real check against government abuses. They are attack dogs. They are megaphones for the rich and the state. They are overwhelmingly leftists liberals* and disproportionately Jewish.

For example, in America now the presidential election in 2020 is shaping up as follows: Trump for the Republicans, because it’s unprecedented for a party to not run an incumbent, unknown candidate for the Democrats, maybe Mrs. Clinton, maybe Joe Biden, maybe someone else, they have a young gay guy they’re trying to talk up now. And the only big independent as yet talked about in the media is former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who’s a Jew, who has used Starbucks to push progressive social policies. For example a few Blacks got thrown out of a Starbucks for presumed loitering; media uproar ensued, Schultz declared to do the exact opposite in future, now they have beggars out front, heroin needles in one bathroom and people giving birth in the other.

So this article in the Judenpresse in America talks up Schultz and says point blank he’s a White man.

“And at 65, he’d have to do that as an older white man who’s never run for office before and has zero national name recognition.”

False, as a CEO of a major corporation he had major exposure and name recognition only second to say Hollywood stars and politicians and media. So the journalist paints Schultz as an unknown (read: underdog, as in, a fetching backstory) and says he’s White when he’s really a Jew.

This is why I hate journalists. Plus if you have a Jewish war you’d like to wage in the desert for no good reason you can always count on the likes of CNN or the BBC to carry the load of b.s. you’re pushing.

NEW YORK: Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz, credited with taking the company from small beginnings to an international behemoth, is stepping down as CEO to focus on new high-end coffee shops, handing the reins to Chief Operating Officer Kevin Johnson.

Schultz, 63, will continue to serve as chairman of the Board and will be appointed executive chairman effective April next year. He handpicked 56-year-old Johnson, the company’s president, chief operating officer and a 7-year member of the Starbucks Board of Directors, to serve as the new CEO.

The Seattle-based company said in his new role, Schultz will focus on the “next wave of retail innovation”, design and development of Starbucks Reserve Roasteries around the world, expansion of the Starbucks Reserve retail store format and the company’s social impact initiatives.

“I will remain Starbucks executive chairman, focusing full-time on the incredible growth opportunities we have in expanding Roasteries and building out our portfolio of Reserve stores and on Starbucks social impact agenda which will be a significant part of the focus going forward,” Schultz said in an investor and media conference call yesterday.

Schultz, who was named by Fortune magazine this month in its list of Businessperson of Year is credited with doubling the company’s revenues since he returned for his second stint in 2008, surpassing USD 20 billion for the first time over the past 12 months

Read more at:

Related at Majorityrights:

(((Frame Games))) Hardens-Up and Greg Johnson Presents His Right-Wing Rear For Entryism (as does JF)

(((Frame Games))) on ethnic component of 2008 crisis & why you need to care about identity politics

Test Your Capacity To See Through Jewish Crypsis: Which ones are Jewish?


The Perplexing Case of Starbucks: Frame Games discusses Starbucks with Gariepy

UK: More than Half under 18s in Jail Nonwhite, Quarter are Muslim

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 February 2019 12:56.

UK: More than Half under 18s in Jail Nonwhite, Quarter are Muslim

New Observer, 29 Jan 2019:

A photograph taken inside the prison at HMP Feltham “Young Offenders Institute,” during an abortive attempt to teach the inmates “entrepeneurship” skills.

More than half of all the under 18s currently in jail in Britain are nonwhite, and a quarter are Muslim, despite nonwhites allegedly only making up 13 percent of the population, new official figures from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons has revealed.

According to the report titled “Children in Custody 2017–18 An analysis of 12–18-year-olds’ perceptions of their experiences in secure training centres and young offender institutions,” more than half the under-18s held in young offender institutions in 2017–18 were from a “black or minority ethnic background” (BME).

This figure is a three percent increase on the previous year, when it stood at 48 percent. The figure has been growing steadily ever since the HM Inspectorate of Prisons began carrying out the analysis in 2001—a figure which is perfectly explicable by the growth in the nonwhite population.


The report’s key findings include:

In relation to [secure training centers] STCs, our survey findings during 2017–18 show that:

– 42% of all children in STCs identified as being from a black or other minority ethnic background;

– 8% of children identified as female;

– one in eight (13%) children identified as Muslim;

– the proportion who said they were from a Gypsy, Romany or Traveller background was 11%, which compares with estimates of 0.01% in the population as a whole;

In relation to [young offender institutions] YOIs, our survey findings during 2017–18 show that:

– over half (51%) of boys identified as being from a black or minority ethnic background, the highest rate recorded through our surveys in the secure estate;

– the proportion of boys who had experienced local authority care was 39%;

– nearly a quarter (23%) of boys identified as Muslim;

– almost one-fifth (19%) of boys reported having a disability;

– fewer than one boy in 10 (6%) identified themselves as being from a Gypsy, Romany or Traveller background.

In addition, half of the “children” (50%) “reported that they had been physically restrained in their establishment”—in other words, were so violent that they could not be left unshackled.

It took no time at all for whites to be blamed—as usual—for the nonwhite crime statistics. A report in the Daily Mail quoted black Member of Parliament David Lammy as saying that “We are not only failing to make progress to address these racial inequalities; things are getting significantly worse. From childhood right through to courts and adult prisons, our justice system entrenches and exacerbates the divides in our society.”

In other words, it is not the nonwhites’ fault that they commit more crime, but rather it is the “fault” of white society in general. This is the standard excuse use whenever statistics show that nonwhites commit more crime than whites: it is never their fault that they get arrested more, it is always “racist police,”; and it is never their fault that they get sent to prison in larger numbers, it is always the “racist judicial system.”

This is the same sort of logic that claims that nonwhites do poorly academically because of “racist teachers”—and similar excuses heard ad infinitum all over Europe, America, and Australia.

This endless “blame whitey” is, of course, founded on the essential problem of race-denial by the liberal establishment. Until that issue is resolved, and race is acknowledged as a biological reality and is taken into account in the structuring of states, the current situation will continue.

Skirting U.S. sanctions, Britain, France and Germany launch trade mechanism for Iran

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 31 January 2019 15:24.

Donald Trump is President of The United States because he vowed to overturn the Iran Deal for Israel. Overturning the deal was not in the interest of most of the world, except for Israel, Saudi Arabia and The Russian Federation. By contrast, the rest of the world was served by the deal in its business resource interests and more - while the focus on commerce and modernization served not only practical and humanitarian ends but also contributed to a gradual process of liberalizing Iran away from Islam.

Britain, France and Germany are taking steps in their rational interests to skirt the sanctions:

Skirting U.S. sanctions, Europeans launch trade mechanism for Iran

PARIS/BERLIN (Reuters), 31 Jan 2019: France, Germany and Britain have set up a mechanism for non-dollar trade with Iran to avert U.S. sanctions, although diplomats acknowledge it is unlikely to free up the big transactions that Tehran says it needs to keep a nuclear deal afloat.

Related at Majorityrights: Iran protest, organic grievances real, but tactless Trump endorsement abets reactionary entrenchment

Tom Brokaw isn’t racist, he’s wrong.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 29 January 2019 06:04.

Tom Brokaw, former anchor, NBC Nightly News.

CNN, 29 Jan 2019:

It’s not that Tom Brokaw is racist. It’s that he’s wrong

Indeed, the last thing that ethnonationalsts should advocate is assimilation, whether under the rubric of English, Americananism or Christianity.

Why would Kevin Michael Grace and Luke Ford defend Tom Brokaw in his comments and criticize those who’ve reprimanded him?

Why would Pat Buchanan rail against the “sewer of multiculturalism” and by default thus, in favor of integration?

The answer is that because they are advocating foolery - they cannot get out of their modernist way of thinking and adjust to the obvious requirement of (White) post modernity; that is, if one is to advocate a competent way of looking after our human ecology.


Tom Brokaw, the famed NBC News journalist, is very likely not a racist, as many have accused after comments he made on national television about Hispanic-Americans. I suspect the same is true of Duke University professor Megan Neely. Still, each of them recently proved they are blinded by tradition bias and a belief that being white is the default right, true and wise way to live in America.

During a discussion about immigration on “Meet the Press,” Brokaw said this:

“I also happen to believe that the Hispanics should work harder at assimilation. That’s one of the things I’ve been saying for a long time. You know, they ought not to be just codified in their communities but make sure that all their kids are learning to speak English, and that they feel comfortable in the communities. And that’s going to take outreach on both sides, frankly.”

Neely, who was serving as the school’s director of graduate studies in the biostatistics department before resigning on Saturday, used Brokaw’s logic to tell Chinese students to not speak their native tongue. “I have no idea how hard it has been and still is for you to come to the US and have to learn in a non-native language,” she wrote to the students after a couple of her colleagues were disturbed hearing Chinese being spoken in a common area. “As such, I have the upmost (sic) respect for what you are doing. That being said, I encourage you to commit to using English 100% of the time when you are in Hock or any other professional setting.”

There are legitimate reasons to believe Brokaw and Neely intended their words as guidance more than racist putdown. In the United States, the ability to speak and write clear English is an asset and a near-requirement for anyone aiming for the upper rungs in most high-profile industries, including journalism, academia, business and politics. Can you name a single leader in any of those industries in this country who doesn’t have a solid handle of the English language? Immigrants have long known this, which is why they have always been doing what Brokaw suggested they weren’t—adapting to and embracing some of the cultural norms of their adopted country, including the predominant language.

May loses Brexit vote - what happens next?

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 16 January 2019 09:13.

May loses Brexit vote - what happens next?


“A central tenet of the Dissident Right is its absolute rejection of human equality.” Inspired Yet?

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 11 January 2019 06:00.

Arno Breker, Die Partei: “Hunky” image from “the Reich.” Thimple but it thayth it.

Counter-Currents, Published by Greg Johnson.

Might is Right: Inequality & the Natural Order

Chad Crowley, 10 Jan 2019:

1,138 words

A central tenet of the Dissident Right is its absolute rejection of human equality.

          Very Inspiring.

          Aren’t you so eager to join this movement?


Fields jury renders verdict of guilty on all charges, including first degree, pre-meditated murder.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 08 December 2018 06:19.

In a case that a normal and just society would probably find for manslaughter, James A. Fields is convicted of first degree murder among nine other charges.

Commentators for Fields defense spoke of the case: That he was apparently attacked by anti-fa all day; having had urine thrown on him amidst a melee where heavy objects were thrown; some others identifying with the right wingers had their eyes maced as police stood down and directed them through a gauntlet of anti-fa; ensuing that, Fields was allegedly attacked in a parking garage as he attempted to flee; culminating in an anti-fa (a teacher who bragged about) pointing a gun at him in a readiness position; after which Fields finally got into his car and drove it onto the one way street; checking his GPS at one point (indicating that he wanted to know the way out, in accordance with other plans he had for coming days, not how to plan a murder); finally, anti-fa smashed Fields car at least twice with heavy sticks, with loud noises that could have sounded like gun shot, causing a temporary “me or them” panic. He then accelerated (although perhaps not to as high a speed as it may appear) toward the jay-walking crowd, perhaps hoping they might scurry as they otherwise blocked his only legal car passage through the street.

The defense goes something like that.

At some points there and undoubtedly along the way, Fields used very bad judgment.

A key bad move was in joining a right-wing rally - “Unite The Right” - which, deliberate or not, was perfect to bring those reacting to liberalism’s destructiveness into a trap.

If “the Alt-Right” had anything particularly right in its overall conception, it was that it was Not so united as to be easily pinned-down and targeted. Then they went and betrayed that one thing they had most correct, with a damn fool thing like uniting under one banner. Typical right-wing perfidy.

Fields did not help his case as he bought-into the right wing prescriptions, professing admiration for Hitler since his school days, while also displaying a volatile emotional state that may have included threats and battery against his mother.

The jury was told about this and shown internet postings by Fields to depict a state of preparedness for such an event such that they might render a verdict of first degree, pre-mediated murder.

Details: Fields’ sentencing hearing will follow on Monday where he could face life in prison. Prosecutors said Fields was enraged when he drove through the crowd, and revealed an Instagram post saying “You have a right to protest, but I’m late for work” that he shared three months before the crash.

The more likely scenario would seem to be “manslaughter” with extenuating circumstances: perhaps diminished personal emotional/intellectual capacity, with impaired judgment as a result. A pervasive social environment of the nation where the genetic interests of Whites are under continual attack - verbally and logistically; while defense of one’s EGI is stigmatized where not outright prohibited; while in the prospect of self defense as a White, especially physically defending against assault from non-Whites, one has to be aware that doing so runs the risk of being charged with a hate crime and minimum of ten years in jail (you can even see postings on public buses: “hate crimes carry mandatory ten year jail sentences”).

Do I believe that Fields is guilty of first degree murder? No. Vehicular manslaughter probably yes. From what I can tell of that situation, even if you have to drive the wrong way down a one way street, you do that in order to escape, but you don’t drive into a crowd.

Those injured didn’t deserve it. Heather Heyer certainly didn’t deserve to die; those right wingers who mock her in death are disgraceful.

This incident is part and parcel of a right wing mindset that seeks to short cut social accountability.

It forms an example of why we should cultivate prescription of left ethnonationalism in defense of European peoples, such that the compassion of social accountability is built in conceptually from the start. Marginals such as Fields and Heyer might be directed back to their authentic, healthy organic patterns; while other marginals, those who think they’re objectively above it all in their right wing reactions, such that they might simply mock Fields and Heyer, might be encouraged to act like normal human beings with a sense of accountability, responsibility, compassion and social justice.

Condolences for Heather Heyer. And for those observing Fields example, don’t double down in unanimity with the right as the marginal Richard Spencer prescribes. On the contrary, get out of the right!


Related at Majorityrights: Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

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Thorn commented in entry 'What can the Ukrainian ammo storage hits achieve?' on Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:09. (View)

Phil commented in entry 'Reich and Rangel reveal the new anti-white, anti-middle-class agenda' on Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 22 Sep 2024 13:26. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 19 Sep 2024 04:09. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Mon, 16 Sep 2024 11:37. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 13 Sep 2024 16:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:10. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Wed, 11 Sep 2024 23:39. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Wed, 11 Sep 2024 01:13. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sun, 01 Sep 2024 16:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 31 Aug 2024 20:36. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Thu, 29 Aug 2024 16:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sun, 25 Aug 2024 10:21. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sun, 25 Aug 2024 01:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 06:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:25. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:15. (View)

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