Majorityrights News > Category: Liberalism

German Woman has Acid Thrown in Face by her X black “Lover”

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 09 March 2016 01:48.

Vanessa M. (27) gestern im Krankenhaus. Sie trägt ein T-Shirt mit der Aufschrift „We love Vanessa“, eine Aktion, mit der Freunde und Familie für sie Spenden sammeln.

Bild, “Säure-Opfer Vanessa | Ich werde mich nicht verstecken!” 8 March 2016:

Vanessa kurz vor der Tat
                                                                            Ex-Freund Daniel F. (32) sitzt in Haft

Old News Became News Again in a Different Way

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 March 2016 15:49.

This story, over a year old, became “news” in a different way.

I was talking on Skype with a friend and somehow it came-up that “Tina” was a popular name for non-White women trying to be treated more like natives among European peoples.

But for the name, that mention triggered an all but arbitrary association with a “Tina Stites” that I had awareness of as a person who lived not far from me when I was a child. That was enough to get me to Google her name to see what she might be up-to these days.

The first woman named “Stites” that came up in the search engine was a White woman who had been raped and murdered. Her black “lover” (and doesn’t that euphemism make you want to barf?) had gone to jail for having raped and murdered her. However, some cuckliberal Whites had joined forces with her black “lover’s” family in an appeal that he had not committed the crime at all - that it was in fact her White boyfriend who had murdered her.

The black, now an inmate, makes no attempt to deny the DNA evidence that he had sex with Stites, nor to contend that his DNA was planted on her body as grounds for his conviction. Rather, he says that it resulted from consensual sex two nights before the murder.

That the affair with the black was consensual and that the White was most probably the murderer is being attested by family members and acquaintances on both sides.

OK, even if the black did not murder her and some would consider it hard to call his White defenders cuckliberals, my point is that even upon the arbitrary entry of this name, “Stites”, the first thing that came through Google search was a story about a White woman who happened to be having an affair with a black.

There is the news: 50 years ago, you would almost never see a working class or middle class White woman, nor for that matter any White woman of any degree of normalcy, with a black.

Today, it is the first thing that came up in Google when I merely searched a White woman’s name.

Finally, having experienced these people, this dramatic change, and knowing the difference, I am not convinced that I should be devoting any part of the sympathy that I have to preserving his life.

DM, ‘Murder victim’s family in last-ditch effort to save man convicted of killing her from execution”,  18 Nov. 2014:

Rodney Reed is scheduled for execution on January 14, 2015 for the 1996 murder of 19-year-old Stacey Stites, who he was allegedly dating at the time.

Innocent? Rodney Reed (left) is scheduled to be executed on January 14, 2015, for the 1996 murder of 19-year-old Stacey Stites (right), a woman he was allegedly having an affair with at the time. Dozens of Stites’ family members are now coming forward to say they believe Reed is innocent


The Guardian newspaper is an archaic outfit whose propaganda operations will always be defeated.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Monday, 01 February 2016 17:00.

Public opinion about supposedly ‘vulnerable’ Islamist men on an international level has become so ‘toxic’ that the Guardian no longer wants to offer up its comments section as a vehicle through which people all around the world can say things that the Guardian editors and journalists don’t agree with.

See here:

Guardian, ‘The readers’ editor on… handling comments below the line’, Stephen Pritchard, 31 Jan 2016 (emphasis added):


Certain subjects – race, immigration and Islam in particular – attract an unacceptable level of toxic commentary, believes Mary Hamilton, our executive editor, audience. “The overwhelming majority of these comments tend towards racism, abuse of vulnerable subjects, author abuse and trolling, and the resulting conversations below the line bring very little value but cause consternation and concern among both our readers and our journalists,” she said last week.

As a result, it had been decided that comments would not be opened on pieces on those three topics unless the moderators knew they had the capacity to support the conversation and that they believed a positive debate was possible.

The policy would be worldwide, applying to our UK, US and Australia offices, as the issues were global. And, where they were open, it was likely that threads would close sooner than the typical three-day window.


This was not a retreat from commenting as a whole, she said; it was an acknowledgement, however, that some conversations had become toxic at an international level – “a change in mainstream public opinion and language that we do not wish to see reflected or supported on the site”.


You can only choose one narrative.
Totally exploitable.

This is almost like a return to the 1970s, except with a massively expanded infrastructure for communication, which results in black propaganda and grey propaganda being pushed by all sides of the political spectrum until one side finally cries out in pain and shuts everything down.

The difference now is that if the Guardian staff refuse to facilitate these conversations because they find it to be too painful, it won’t make them go away, it just means that these conversations will be shifted to other locations which are not under the watch of people in their political camp.

One thing that social democrats have never been able to understand is how to win at Information Operations (IO). They had forgotten that some audiences are more sophisticated than others, and that in a completely globalised communication environment in which the internet ‘remembers everything’, their attempts to fabricate a false reality to support their political positions in different temporal and geographical contexts will always be exposed. There will always be some commenter who will ask “Why did they say this thing here, but then this other thing over here? It’s contradictory! It makes no sense at all!”

For example, if a news organisation, such as perhaps the Guardian, or the Huffington Post, writes articles in its North America edition that try to induce feelings of guilt and paralysis among the Americans of European descent by taking the position that the Pilgrims who landed in North America on the Mayflower were actually a collection of religious fundamentalists who ended up carrying out genocide and were subsequently hated and reviled by the Amerindians, then that is an anti-Pilgrim line they can take. It’s based on reality so a person could indeed say it. But they would have to be consistent about it.

A problem emerges for that newspaper if it should happen to mysteriously become pro-Pilgrim in a Middle East and North African context, where the Islamist reactionary ‘refugees’ who are fleeing from the Middle East and North Africa to find ‘a new life’ in Europe, are presented as being beyond reproach because of their similarity to the American Pilgrims. American Pilgrims who are suddenly recast as noble heroes fleeing from a supposedly repressive Europe to find ‘a new life’ in the Americas. ‘Pilgrims fleeing repression’ is also a narrative based on reality. But its moral content and implied policy prescriptions are 180 degrees opposite to that of the aforementioned anti-Pilgrim narrative.

It’s 2016, social democrats. If you constantly contradict yourselves like that, then it becomes possible to find the key which is held in common between the different kinds of propaganda you are creating, by simply comparing them to each other. That’s something which is pretty trivial to do in the era of digital media. So that happened, and will continue to happen.

I would say to everyone who has been struggling against social democrats, that this latest move to restrict speech which is being carried out by the Guardian should be regarded as a victory of sorts over the Guardian. They are in fact conceding that the people in the various ethno-nationalist camps—globally—have a level of influence over mainstream public opinion which has been able to move the mainstream out of lockstep with social democrats.

Counterpropaganda involves shining a light in the darkness, and the Guardian’s desire to retreat into the darkness when hit with that light only further reveals the perniciousness of their propaganda campaign, and also its fundamental weakness.

Donald Trump stares into the abyss in Iowa as it stares into him. And also you.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Monday, 01 February 2016 03:12.

Of course.
It’s true. I think you know where this article is going to go.

One of the most notable features of the Donald Trump phenomenon which is being feted by just about every ethno-nationalist website—except Majorityrights, thank goodness—is the remarkable opportunism and irresponsibility which seems to appear at every turn.

The Donald Trump phenomenon is a presidential candidacy phenomenon which was initiated by the actions of one man, Donald Trump himself, who is trying to subsist off of the pre-existing electoral lobbies inside the Republican party. It is not a movement. It’s Donald Trump saying things that he thinks will convince the various contradictory segments of the Republican party voting base to imagine that he empathises with them while you wait with bated breath to see what he’ll say next, so that you can write yet another breathless article on how the Trump train ‘cannot be stopped’.

Excited People

Just because Donald Trump has managed to weaponise the slack-jawed voters of Iowa against their former owners—for now—does not mean that some great revolution has arrived or that there is a ‘train’ that is going somewhere. Donald Trump has merely succeeded in getting people who identify as Republican to become excited about voting for the Republican party.

That doesn’t make them suddenly not a bunch of disorganised idiots who believe idiotic things. It means that they are now merely an excited bunch of disorganised idiots who believe idiotic things excitedly.

Economic Power Precedes Political Power

Now, some of you are reading this and thinking to yourselves, “Why have these people at Majorityrights always got to ruin everyone’s fun?”

Your fun has to be ruined, because it is harmful. Attaching yourself to a political candidate like Donald Trump, and running articles that praise him for an entire electoral season, even though you know that you have no means through which you can control him during his hypothetical presidency because you have no lobby, is a pretty bad idea.

It is said that economic power precedes political power. Where does economic power come from? Not strictly from an abundance of wealth, but rather, from controlled scarcity. For example, if I had control of all water in a country, my power over its governance would be unrivalled. But if everyone could create disparate water-fountains everywhere without my permission, then my power would vanish almost immediately. The same logic applies to political movements, if they are to have any power in the material world at all, then they have to be able to make credible bargains.

In the context of American ethno-nationalist movement figures who claim to appreciate the merits of National Socialism or some variant of it, which kind of economic power should they be aiming to control? They should be aiming to control the one thing which is in abundance everywhere. The people’s labour power. Most people in the United States have only their labour power that they can either choose to give to an employer or withhold from an employer, and any movement that were to gain the ability to switch labour on or off at will and at mass, would be one of the most powerful lobbies in the United States. Given that labour union density in the United States hovers around a pathetic figure like 10%, it is not like there is much competition in that realm from the liberals or anyone else.

Despite this, year after year Americans do nothing other than wait for the next white saviour to descend and save them, while paradoxically festooning their websites with the symbols of a labour movement that actually emerged as a ‘workers party’ from the ground up and not from the top down.

Celebrating for no reason

I’ve been looking at the on-the-ground reporting that Matt Forney has been doing, as he’s been chronicling his adventures in Iowa and a lot of what he’s written I’ve found to be extremely well done and I have no intention of deriding his efforts in that regard.

However, I want to quote something from an article he recently wrote because I think that he has in fact highlighted a large part of the problem without having been aware that it is a problem:

Return of Kings, ‘Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign Is The Biggest Political Uprising In Decades’, Matt Forney, 27 Jan 2016 (emphasis added):


Finally, Trump has expanded the conservative base to a degree that no other politician in the U.S. has done in eons. During the introductory speeches, one of Trump’s campaign co-chairs asked how many people in the audience had never voted in the caucuses before. Close to half the crowd’s hands went up. Trump has done the seemingly impossible: get people who are tuned out of the political process involved again, and supporting conservative principles at that.

It’s clear that Donald Trump’s combination of nationalist, conservative policy proposals, his personal charisma and his willingness to speak the truth will carry him through the presidential primaries. But the real question is whether he can win Iowa, the only one of the early contests where he’s lagged behind: he’s been trailing Ted Cruz in the polls for the past month, though he’s been posting solid leads in the past week.


This is precisely the danger. Life has been returned to a party which ought to actually have died. Furthermore, what has been occurring are not ‘policy proposals’, more so than a disparate collection of forcefully repeated statements and semi-comical tweets, which no ethno-nationalist group has any power to hold him to after he is elected.

In Iowa, who was he actually making deals with? Christian Zionists and Evangelicals. Many of them are highly motivated and are unfortunately not actually stupid at all. Christian leaders do not see Trump as their first choice for president, in fact only 2% of them view him in that way. However, they are nothing if not pragmatic. They realise that they have the ability to command large numbers of people who sit in pews and are receptive to messages that come across the pulpit about who to vote for. They also have an economic bazooka which stems from that organisational power, which enables them to sit down at the table with the highly cynical Donald Trump, and make actual deals with him.

Trump has been calling out to those people as though to bring them to the table from since the very beginning of his campaign. The message that “If I’m president, you’re going to see ‘Merry Christmas’ in department stores, believe me.”, which was a probing attempt to see what the reaction would be, was his first outreach. Getting a response that looked like it was backed by a voting block with solid fundraising power (albeit funds that he may not necessarily need but would be helpful to him nonetheless) then led to him increasing the appeal to a new level with his statement on how he intends to “protect Christianity”. Next he went on to say that he believes that “Christianity is under siege” and that Christians “don’t exert the power” that he thinks they ought to have.

Trump was calling for Evangelicals to make a deal with him. He may get it, but it will be a two-way street, he will have to give them something in order for them to give him something. They see it as a case not where Trump will somehow grant them cultural leadership again, but rather, a case where Donald Trump can be induced to create the environment in which they would be more free to operate. They enter into alliance with him cautiously and with actual representatives on the ground who know what disgusting things they want and how to get those disgusting things.

Platform melted

That ability to go out and make deals and threats, is an ability that American ethno-nationalists do not have, because American ethno-nationalists haven’t put anything onto the table that they could threaten to remove from the table. Instead, it was as though Donald Trump approached the American ethno-nationalists and they said about it, “It was love at first sight, we looked at Trump and our platform melted away.”

Finding people who are willing to shill for you 24/7 can often be difficult. Generating a good SEO plan with the kind of agility required by a political candidate whose positions change depending on who they are artfully making deals with on any given day, would be gruelling work with an exorbitant cost. Mercifully for Donald Trump, he has almost the entire Alt-Right’s followers who reside in the nexus where Twitter, 4chan, Youtube, Facebook, and Reddit meet, who will do all of that work for him for free, and he can ultimately treat them in any way he likes because he is in no way structurally beholden to them. Trump can get amazing results on the internet for $0.

Donald Trump’s social media accounts could generate interest all day long, simply by entertaining ‘controversial’ ideas and statements. Those accounts could then do even better by mocking the responses of ‘outraged’ social-democratic news sites afterwards. Donald Trump’s Twitter and Facebook could become home to 4chan Pepe the Frog memes, which are often witty and which save the campaign staff the effort of having to invent their own memes. That actually happened. Why then should they do any work at all?

‘Everything is totally fine and stuff’

Another example of a great misunderstanding, comes from the Daily Stormer, which carried a triumphalist article after Donald Trump initially received a boost in Iowa. The boost was attributable to the Sarah Palin endorsement, and the mathematics of Evangelicals realising that Trump may be the person they would need to make a deal with.

Somehow the Daily Stormer interpreted it like this:

Daily Stormer, ‘Trump Jumps 11 Points in Iowa, Dominating All’, Andrew Anglin, 24 Jan 2016 (emphasis added):


It is looking like Trump is actually going to be the next President, short of some insane and unpredictable event.

I’m deeply surprised Jews haven’t already launched some serious tricks.


Is this actually real life?

The Daily Stormer people seem to be unaware that the Jews already launched a collection of serious tricks. Those tricks are known in aggregate as ‘the Donald Trump campaign’.

Police investigate whether 14-year-old was drugged and sexually assaulted

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 16 January 2016 17:15.

Westfalen Blatt, ‘Police investigate whether 14-year-old was drugged and sexually assaulted’, 15 Jan 2016:

Map of attacks
Assaults are taking place across Western Europe.

Bielefeld (WB). Bielefeld police do not want to say much about an investigation because it is just underway—it is alleged that a 14-year-old had been kept in a Bielefeld basement, drugged and sexually assaulted by several young men.

According to unconfirmed information from the community of the alleged victim, the events could have played-out in this manner: On 04 January 2016, the girl and young men sat together outdoors in a deprived neighbourhood in Bielefeld. A representative said that several of these young men were 18-year-old-plus Iraqis who came and offered drinks, possibly alcoholic, to the 14-year-old girl. At 18:00, she then followed two or three of the men to a basement room where a mattress had been placed.

Afterward she spent four days in the hospital

A friend is said to have found the 14-year-old later unconscious in the room. The friend alerted the emergency services, who attended to the girl at the scene and brought her to the hospital. The 14-year-old was admitted to the hospital. Indications of sexual assault were assessed. She spent four days in the children’s hospital.

It was also observed under hospital care that the girl’s mental state had a striking parallel to a case incident in Wuppertal on Tuesday. There, at 18:30, a pedestrian discovered a 16-year-old girl unconscious on a playground and alerted an ambulance. According to police, the Wuppertal student was raped and seriously injured. She stated that she had been drugged.

Three male suspects

A spokeswoman for the Bielefeld police said yesterday, one indictment was made among the three male suspects in the case of the 14-year-old girl. His identity has not yet been completely revealed. Whether the charge under laws regarding sexual assault were to be rape or not, the spokeswoman would not confirm. She said, “it is also about protecting victims.”

In the context of the alleged crime yesterday, the perpetrator has been described as Iraqi, in Germany illegally, who had been asked to leave a long time ago. He eluded authorities despite even having-been provided with a ticket to fly back to Iraq.

An actual real rape culture has made itself manifest, and suddenly liberals are nowhere to be found.

It’s almost as though all the liberals who professed their adherence to feminism were only doing so for as long as it was chastising European males. Now that Arab males have appeared and are at least a thousand times more prolific in their offensiveness than European men ever have been, suddenly feminism has been discarded because it clashes with the true agenda of liberals. Liberals are on an agenda which has relatively little to do with advocating justice for women and girls, and in fact everything to do with a demented opposition to ethno-nationalism and ethno-regionalism.

Schoolgirls report abuse by young asylum seekers

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 16 January 2016 15:49.

The Local, ‘Schoolgirls report abuse by young asylum seekers’, 15 Jan 2016:

Austrian officials are investigating allegations that four under-age asylum seekers sexually harassed and assaulted three schoolgirls for months, without anybody taking action.

The four boys attended the Schlossstrasse middle school in Salzburg. It was only in the wake of the widely reported New Year sexual assaults in Cologne that one of the victims, aged 14, made a complaint to police.

That resulted in the four youngsters, aged 14, 15 and 16, being suspended. Only one of them had a residence permit.

According to a report in the Kronen Zeitung newspaper, three female students say they were assaulted and groped by the boys for months.

Last Wednesday an attack on one girl was reportedly so severe that it came to the attention of the school headmistress Eva Szalony, who made a complaint to police. 

She said the allegations were “a complete shock” and that the school is now investigating why the girls had suffered for so long without reporting the abuse.

She said that the male pupils had all come to Austria as unaccompanied minors from Syria and Afghanistan and she believed them to be happy and grateful for being allowed to live in Austria and attend school, adding that “they were integrating themselves very well”.

Police have now confirmed they are investigating allegations of sexual assault, grievous bodily harm and threats.

The allegations go back to last November, and involve verbal abuse and suggestive comments as well as physical violence in which the girls say they were groped and fondled.

The attacks got more serious as time went by. The 14-year-old said that she was often hit by a 15-year-old from Afghanistan, including an incident where she was hit so badly from behind that she smashed her head onto the desk.

She was attacked again on Wednesday by the same boy, who smashed her against a locker so hard that the police were called. They took the victim and the accused to the station. After hearing of her ordeal, police then expanded the investigation.

Local education officials in Salzburg have said the incidents are being dealt with very seriously and that it will appoint a coordinator to oversee all school-age asylum seekers and their teachers.

Psychologists are now speaking to affected pupils in the school as well as their classmates, and parents have been informed about the situation.

Story courtesy of Central European News

These are the things that liberals don’t think about before they start getting excited about ‘welcoming refugees’. No one should have been surprised by any of this.

Swedish Newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, Confronted With Cover-up of Issues Relevant to Crime

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 11 January 2016 21:22.

Dagens Nyheter is forced to open the blinds to immigrant abuse, 11 Jan 2016:

New Years sexual assaults
The coordinated attacks were not limited to Cologne.

Immigrant men being over-represented in governmental gender policy-making and holding racist views of Swedish women is well-known to DN and other media. But to report on the abuses causes a collision with the newspaper’s political values. After the mass atrocities against German women in Cologne a broad awakening is occurring to the wave of scandals across Europe and in several cases cover-ups have come to the surface.

Abuse of Swedish girls from men of immigrant background - often so-called “refugees” - should have been reported on, inter alia, as having occurred at ‘The We Are Stockholm Festival’ in Stockholm last summer. It was something that DN was tipped-off about, but somehow reporting never happened. Blame the missed responsibility and the “aggravating circumstances” for enabling the abuse.

DN receives daily tips on crimes and abuses in which Swedish women are victims and perpetrators immigrant. Often there are racist motives behind the atrocities. To report on abuses should not involve any consideration for an objective newspaper in the public service. To mention the perpetrators’ ethnicity in similar cases is also relevant because it almost exclusively concerns race and racism in this type of crime.

The result will often instead be a total loss of reporting because one cannot mention the crime and its possible nature without it somehow becoming too obvious and too hard to avoid referring to the offenders’ ethnicity. In several cases, reporters have chosen to call the perpetrators “Swedes”, even in cases where they lacked Swedish citizenship. But as this kind of obscuring or intentional misrepresentation becomes increasingly obvious they often prefer not to report on the events at all.

To dampen the growing confident indignation of Dagens Nyheter, other media outlets now go about trying to minimize the damage by blaming the police for not reporting properly on last summer’s attacks on the We Are Stockholm Festival.

A police chief in Stockholm was forced to recognize how it happened:

- This is a sore point, we sometimes dare not say what it is because we think it plays into the hands of The Swedish Democrats. We must take this under consideration as police said the police chief, Peter Agren.

The politicized news and obscuring of the impact of immigration policy is often described as one of the main causes of the crisis of confidence in old newspaper readership.

                              - Markus Andersson


A new Jihadi John: a short circuited expression of anti-liberalism in Abraham’s race-mixing agenda

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 05 January 2016 08:52.

A new Jihadi John has appeared. This time it’s a British Asian convert who apparently wants to die.

Siddhartha Dhar - bidding to be the new Jihadi John

He is of Indian Hindu background but has gained celebrity by converting to Islam and, with that, bidding to become the next Jihadi John.

Celebrity ambiguity

The first hypotheses of his celebrity and phenomenon are that they are likely to derive of neo-liberal motives to break up anything like coherent unionization of people; and Jewish motives to keep everything mixed-up while their culture remains stable and under control - they want to keep everyone else mixed and perpetually off balance while they increasingly rule the roost as the only coherent and sufficiently intelligent people to rule.

His celebrity, then, appears on the BBC to denounce his family who reject and oppose Islam. While groups in coherent White interests can work with Indian Hindus as staunch anti-Islamicists for one major point, he apparently began drifting away from his Hindu upbringing through Arab associations early in his life and fell into the YKW/Abrahamic/neo-liberal race-mix-it-up agenda: spawning a mixed child which abetted his commitment to antagonize genetically coherent, non-Abrahamic identities. He taunts British security as “not that great.”

Mixed in the sandbox - Jihadi Junior

Hence, he has emerged a veritable role model - a Jewish/neo-liberal celebrity. He is the face, the didactic face, of anti-liberalism. However, this “interesting” neo-liberal and Jewish turmoil over mixed relations and motives has a clarifying effect. The agency of simplification derives of overly complex interfacing - where lines between people and ways of life are overwrought with ambivalence.

Toward that end he wants to make life simple by making clear the fact that not only people like him, but Islam itself, like all Abrahamic religions, has no place in Europe. Islam should be illegal and mosques should be converted for other use and enjoyment - centers for European people to practice devotion and sacrament of their relationships and environment would be a nice alternative. In fact, institutionalized, though optional, non-Abrahamic alternatives to liberalism for Europeans would do well to occupy these places instead.

Failing this optional recourse to liberalism, Jihad, by contrast, is a short circuited expression of anti-liberalism in Abraham’s race-mixing agenda. When you mix circuits what happens? They short-out.

Jihadi Johns - Abrahamic servants - a short circuited expression of race-mixing and anti-liberalism.

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Of Note


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Manc commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 05 May 2024 10:30. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 05 May 2024 10:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 15:37. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 04:26. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:24. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 01 May 2024 11:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 30 Apr 2024 23:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 23:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 17:05. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 11:07. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 27 Apr 2024 10:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 23:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:03. (View)

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